Whitby Chronicle, 25 Aug 1870, p. 3

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Iwo mgo, a& W'îgaa l wu*ss ee lbc u cMCIyOf BRage s."vaopoken, an ISîh is,, aut Weil. VOLUMU Zm og 7»us P-Y lainai Cu4iiadl " Ieu Mv Tati o da7 foirom 10>01, tic PapMAl r.,. TEt.aca p e '6.-Tuasl'66 paI Sablée basbeau repalred santm 069" ame Dow :fredtraustted tire auna itAssoa.-Tie schooner1 41110a Mleasing ialet, wi a1 <ob Isirfor lvsland, 5proUD5à sWduato neasbote, do« coesls 0(Dsnon, ouusdbyC.Joiusos, von ehauscoi sîmmce(rom Caves 'te T qui$ di. Gwendolla. imoudI aMd ýGàWîrsif# bird. T ,a u mor -la u ahlgton lur tte s gliai Mission, la that es-.sn Wada bau but teadered lie position Sssre tarofbe Interlor, an t at Sec ta«7Gaz ViL b. sent as MInuter Of Et lied. PaIN 1ysmeCr -Time, 2 30 p. -Uscetet Socibroker, B, jore.1t Otber Dlstas. Esy 1 bat?1 Excited Stoeibroker. Rotscbild's 'go Cliente (cr.10oCity, tbondirori Gos. I Raîbsabild 1 I-bat- EzlelidOstockbroker. Yes.n.(lu [Hit,-Pnneb. mes. Fer.c land. Stb#r T'or-- tbe 3 of Wao. one, 1te À DtpiruL Dàuauîmzs.-Tb falierci Mis. Siddoas b.d abways forbiddcu ber tu »m usolorand of course osicchoae. scochber t tic oltI geatbsman's coupa, vbom osscftlyviddsd. Wtt. Bogor ZiÏnbbo ,bbard of Isi. héasufadions "HfavaI ua 1 -00 hbuxlaimed, O"forbade 701 to mar" a ploysr 71" Tic lady ieplied, witi dowpeut cjus, t ta habd ot dia. ebaycd. o"Wiat, madami h a. en Dot allhdyoarslf ta mar, about tic vorst peroÏicrîn wcompany 2» "Eza"tby sa' msimprmcd -tb'tiaild bride:-. "nobody cau sa u 1*3a cr.', Tva ltbs girla vote huard diseussing tic var ifa Europe. Ticy usie divided inl "opiionasm to-resaiMac oatending tbat Pr1usiaould viip, andthet .otbsr assrtag Witl eqaul confidence tuat Francs, voeul bu the Victai. At lut the echaion of PW1a ssttled the question b, an su. affeabb argument. - "I ksav,"oald sic, Otbas the Dteimen 1111 uhip. My, p. la ae Fnrehuan sd or gmea. Pauçtta. Tffigtit .ery nigit, an...d -maa iays The. Commiossonsrs spp(4owe for lb# cor O trastion ai' 1h. luteréoholnll v7, &eve Ob PUBLIC NOTICE, tbat tbey are prepmr#ati rucelve TENDEREStor ht'illîrus rui ning Section&a ot the LUne, *1ilnluthbisProvtint SNew Brnuti*vik. Sectionî No. 21 wlllb begIn mIte t e rbyen u ofkluction No. 20, ans andI threaqaartur miles East af thu Rivar Mirsnibubjand i lll-extecd tô station No. lm. Ibiruce bonaud faclWesterby fromuthie River KÇouchlbonguimi, a distance 01 Sabout 25 aDil". it Section No. 22 yl uxtand iioni lb.e sterly sud ci Section R0o. 21, to station No. 1180 at lbe orosiag of thebislverBuctouciss, a distmns ai about 28umiles. SerM4on No, 28, vibl extsnd fronitbhe aiterly eud ai' Section No. 22, to the Rurupsa andi NorthbAnioricau L'slvswy, at Mouctcn Station, a distance ofsiiout 22U< mile». The Conimission crs ia ia Publie Notioe, * Ilit tbey are igtspured te recelvu Tenders lor re luttit Section No. 10, the utnreaI-for whvich bas beuni annailud, section No, 10,J0404 tb. province a ov oW Brunîswick, and extenda fram 1the contre ai the chipln l laud Ileat, neur the court lions, id, Nuvaitle. tovards Bthurêt itne0 W mies lu letigtb aditace Tenders f'or Section No, 10 vi b b mado upon thbs ssoftlisqunîbdsepeobtEdtathé origtnal Dbli cof Works for Ibis Section ; adta drawlng tbe New Contruot, Ibîcre vîli bu de- dncsd ram the amanunto! lb.acceptait Ten- dur, a pumntage smnieqalvalent ta lime per- cent î.f lb. uholu wo"ç uih l teibisCfE. gbneoiababî rupo'tobafé beau exectited by tihe lirat Contracoti. p ThesContracta ta bu couputaly fluishc.1 by t bs lirmI day ai July, 1872, lamitaandI Profils. witb Spuelffoatbonm aud Ternie af Cortract, witi bu uxhit)ited aItlime Ofilces ai' tto Cani.niolmîrs luOttawa, 'ru- raila, Queha, imouski, Dalbhous. Neu- oMaih lalifax sud Si. Jofin, ou snd alter the Sî5h lPTiCMBERt, NIIXT, sud Sealued Ten- durs addrensed ta tiseCortionio.»onroî lb In- tèreolona ailavy, ant Inaked "Tusdurm,"' viii bu reeblved ab Ibsir Office, ln Ottawa, np ta six o'olock, p.n., on Wdenday, lb.- Otb day oi Octotier, ietx. Simieties for th. complution of tIhs Canîruct ywil ho requlred ta mIgu the TenîderTii. Damnes lnta ril occupation and druoete snurety asùouid a]ma bu gbvea.adimniuc A. WALsII, ED. B. CIIANDLER, C. J. BYDGES, A. W. MoLELAN, Comissioners O.t.wa, lth Augnst, 1670. 84 «YO uNG L ADIU~ JOUIINAL, r nat#s' auni a TWO f«r th* ]-agsrea e asaarara of - -- ON£ UNEDDLAS for o lIte cprpeOs,seahW1 or the *appeisu- Sion Sud unvieti o<f Iths Plyn or pormons vho s.ueupted toat iratego bi very Stables sad presm. shtstd lu t4~ nid toua ot WhlbYo 00Ib@I lght of Weân4ay, thec lyth Nov 1de horobY, lu uomplans lP a ru- soluton peu.d by the Tova <ga of ef 0arpfation of'tli,Tovn of Wbbtbfear- ward of the fuither San TWO 1HUNDILE»D oLl4Eg on bebal ai lbnid Cor oian, fa'\tbe op- piubonosoa aud uoisrluUou of ths, muils'party als Cinunder mvioïndjaettî nid T-owa of bibyth biorBd- day 0Ags, YI9FRMATION -W AXTED 1 informuou vsnled of Willgam lEowe sud Tbomassm'tbS, or sithur aofIlium uba formarly. lived au the fa-m of mm n apbill, 7Us cou. Whitbr, by thuir nDel. aro.rigAtburluy. JW' Iltormadnmu bu lait at the offic etc Auguat 24, 1870. 84 L NTE ECOLONIÂL 4pgat 51h,157. 0A&va Ot. MAPOP THE Seat, of War, We bav s udexoeulnt MApO te U-c ic ioarla Europe, àithlt ow price -of Mr. Aln'. Book tore - Mi. Buongl,',t -Bak Store; Mi. Yule's légrapb aud Ex- lb. "i heMilliner, Sitore or Mms.Kl- d tuait;s; d anthe icCmmotsO *Avgat, 17, 1870. XoMOLVZNT ACT 0F 18.49, Û Caada lulb.Conuty04 P'rovince of O#atarIe,. Couuîy aoft.'utarbo: oftbe CountyeQfôrutalo -gi lb. malter af WILLIAM E. M&TIIEW- SOAU Iu.lvout. tme enttIhe our of ton ' oc¶oek ln théi forunoon, the underslgued vibI îpply ta tbis Judgc of tihe oa92 Court for a ditchargu undur tuie nid Aot. WILLIAM E; MATRE'WO, Whltby, August 16th, 1870. 88-Din -RAUWA1T m MaAYO.-At Piceing,ou tb. l9th lait., tic vif. of T. C. MeAvoyBesq, cf àasono, DI RD. SHIELD.-At Toronto, an tic I5ti luit-, lis. James Si1.ld, native af Cosuty Wleiîou. Ireband, agud 60 ysri. oaa- i ath peraî.ly, and muit undurskood, thst I9 cloumandth Ie expen- le cegiqa <etLorrains 11,1. ind.ratndlag ipean Ctomplication. a pissa the Englisi lertanding to Maine wer. Tber, aie ru- rbg (ennins of-the ilizalbon of a Rns- n franîlurs.Every- depndo upan rssull Iri trake out la a me-i ; ilors 1 won làba aund n hue or action oeu St esslstanceof aLle eam ý bs eploed viuhout mpumly, 4. Wici icaldihy ani iecue vouel )mc mimeaar or of Feleis' Cosi ospitites îs bbood bastS andI puiied, ucilg à saund le; 6 for 87 00. àby P. candiS h& Whitby Markets. 2aaawrcis Yricî, Avens. 24, 1870. laihoat.. ...........$1.05 0s$115 R§pibng, Wbuat ........... 1.00 (g $1 05 ..le ............... . .50 007 . ....70@ 10 .-......60 ( out ...................... 4<10c Yark per couI............ 1$ Baler .................L. 15e.,01133. .- 0 c .28<180 Dr iefs uk Ivr uaeu twn, Thot pvep esaiet, mors eti huaMrn Aflicteil usb ce a uuivorbai The pam ide tlmaa wuîei Oumie, Tàicute sur eVa. w oi hr me(hu vd v TIey haie Ztst su'd re Chu CaM ma, Tho eu.rwss imaro epardthiieed Theii. pu ...mad mi... met i irews %Vllfi eus ofirmle &hey blIe, Jsaman uhumde the Curative. Ailign sru<areure oo n wosby, Wbhl in bau,,.on o, or eye, Lut esvuiy sairli kowsseusy, ln Unum' Modemn Curative, YmOD viliil aby Sd lsieshnve raais!Remedraet ail tse country, snd yeu vili ala iSd iirsçgii AILb»miwi tiie gmaemu rmedy oitheags l(or Ie speedy cure cf Calie-rh, luamiime eursigla, sud Ml mihmena s-iumrg a pssii or ludsemmibu. Drs. J. Bs-me.&kCo..Pro- MOM0«,No t8Bîceduaî,ICY., susil o. 0 NEW ADVERTisEENTS. GR~TLEN.8FALLS UITOS. FIRIT ARRIVAIS. J.Frgus'on htaieleved a large stock of Engliah and Qanadian Tweeds (CR010 2 4TEB.i8) Sultable fer Fal vomi, vhiuh hlIsprupr ta maku up lts ibis latent style ai faâmblu, ant, t thes lus-est rates, -Dundas treet, . Whîtby. 4ugnaI 2 4, 1810. fin-" Waut.d lmmedlateby, for eatli sip.. ment ta au Enstera blalalsi, C>-509000 BUSHELS-cg PRIME HARLEY, 1 Fou nîcs PEICIE PA. '.B-O ALE.-11, OsaPutru Fm %ANIL L MELRS NIAGAZINE, FOR SEPTEMBER. ondon P or ta bl1e Troàdie, RIAND SEWIKG MACHINES. Agente vanta la cavais lime Couaty. From 5 te 10 tente, ssci, -GEOUGE BENGOUGH. usî 24, i870. FAARX FOR 8SALZ I1 That splendid Fara, ON THE TOWN-LINE. Betng cOmposed ai thé South 150 aces a Lat No. 1, lu 1he Zuci oancesalan o! P'iokertng, on th.ebigston rotI, 1 Mlle West fre-M the TeWa"OfWnitthu ln dtiîin te tbe prammual bnildirgi, thuru la ln course oaiéection, a asplendid Pseding flouse, nuder &tory mil stane. The alidvu Frm ate td su ans ot hlIe boa farin ahe-couaty. Possession ies linrediatulvu sua'the avuer in reinrbnp fioni farmbng. Apply lte e aur, an the promises. WM. GLENNET. Wbltby, Ang. Io, 1870. 8 Dissolution of ]Partnorsihip! Tra Pn, lnp ir sw exilating be.. chant. and Tradeirs,unader the style mnd liras ai'Mscax u Moue.., la tItis Iay dissolvait by muinai cosent. Ail uccanuta due iaid tei aretab psid ta W. D. Mîcîuîx, uhe wili mSa40seutle l i ems aginst lu. W. D. MICHAEL, EDWA1LD B, MORGAN. Wllneu-& X. oG&. Osawaa, Anguat li, 150. Wlîh nefoencota Ibis aboie, voudlaS... mate IthsI iii bu aI ny Office forlte rouepî Of aceuntoe th Ie laI flirt ptathelit i e Ootobur nsxtsudat IbaWu cama Ihenu patd willl bu p1odlathe - yAti for colleellen.myAtr. SOsuaaa. Autgi ît, 1870. W. D. MICHAEL,' 38-Bm I N5OLVRNT ACT F F 869 ~*lu-lb. maler a1 ilOHN TYE, an Insohveut. y HP, Insolvent buns mailu an ussîgumseut ob 'fhim estatu la nie, snd thu cieditors iare notîffed to mieu taIO'Neib'l# botal usai Grand y Trunis Station, bu thre Town aif1.hitbl (ad et jolng thIlat place ai' baugimof thu 'rîssol- t Ilunt, saitI placé bubîîgramcnt,) an MtINDAY, thes Tveatriday ai' AnguistIinstant, at rTvao ooc , p. ni.,. ta recive sttmel ail affaira andt a appoint an ashignas. EDWAII» MAJOR, Interini Assigne. Dated nt Borella, ta the Cnly ai Ontario, thua 151h day fAinat, 1870. U IPPRE ÇCANADA ÇOLLE îTHVUDAY, September lot, -AT MINE O'CLOCK, A. il. WWun il Pupi, réidtent aud nors-realidut ais parttcuianiy requenterI tabu p roent. The Iesons for thé talboviag dey wil h. gireil ont hy lbe varions masters. New pnpthm vii bc ear'sllu uet 10 o'lock. ad tho.. i'mrpils whcs falied la pas. lte md-snumei oxinatioa viii bu re uxamlned aI i0r80io1lock. By lhe receal appintinent ofairuaAitliaulen Muters dditiona l litilaiare nov ofroied ta thcee Pupisiuho do pot desire a îlicims »ical traainig oaisthe Eniai and Mtodernn1Dis- prietél hch tlîey are tliorongmly po pareil for Mercantile pr.rmute, imd fui Ihe Civil and Miitary gervicies. A upecial clusm vili aIia bu oumed, adaptad ta the requiiomnimoi'junior boys frami 9 years cf âge andI upwards. A large addition ta lte Coilege Baerding Hanuse li; nov mml bhein 'completed, andI the Dow Bowling AIleYm sud Bll Court, tagether vi lIthe calargod Gyniumilun and uxtensivs PIuy Ground, piovMdAmple misans of sumuse- ment ou tIre promnises, and precinde tise nuce.- obty aif trequent visita ta Ibis City. Th aySprintendent aI the Boardis g iosil nelly attend Co the boulueoss- forte ofthe Pu viswite ftle Uieims iteaudnt'* ubicle timu and> etergicm výilzh devotud tathie minute supervision af the cou- duot andI studios of tise pupilx, lie belng aided la Ihia by the ledideut Aminasi lant str. aEverJ boaide leroqured ta bitoiqwitb hlm or tutor undur wui lie bas been pievioumiy edneatsd. The U. C. Collezo Exhibitions or Scolar- shIlps are lu future tenablae itiier ln the Coi- loe aran uaiof1h. Gramumi Sciiolpofai te Provinces. Tise neit eu'mbaation fer theo .Exhibitions takai laslu nJane. Thse mnh- 3001.. vitl bu isened iu Septeniise. Tsstion fèe, $10, $9 and $8 paer terni ; tuitian and board, fiacindiag wnohing, senaiilu Chnrch, andI ordtaary niedical ttundance, $45. Theucommnormenl oi Chu uext sctîsion, an guptembor let, la tih bet lima ta entai Col- luge. TO ~ ~ ~ ~ l lIKýhqCA is- e r npal,ýt!. va ~uzwonsîu CLAS5-Wuarcevp ep-dtrom - mr.ms hcl.e. mh..m~e.Î. t un -d .L g w= tossa. * MISS D ONALDBON O, L A SS ES (D. Y.) ou NOUDAY, SEPT. 5, 1870. nR FOR SALE. Be iw artofLot Na. 12, ou thb. Gb concai- sien bfkc, onu Mlle Southi af Manchester, usai lt. -gravol road, coutainiag 5o enai. Upon Ibis loI lbcru la erected % Frame Bouse, Frams fautStable, msuayanp Orcliard, q~Theprapsrty yl bu molI y ivate conîret. Terni a-mnent1oosulte b. pisiler; no mener reqged doua. Par furmier prlniro Mimueste, Au. 4,570"82 Unes, whicl Sboli, A urge -stock of HIoue Building Matevial: now ou liand;-î "Star" Window GlassPuttyý I'aint ,i )audgnun 9 ao ols d -un flAK I-ITHS' cOT Fi Bar Iron, Steel, Springs, AIes. Horse Nails, Rasps, Files, 1 ldo, and a good stock of Fnrnishings nhuatteý o Cheap House. o na h Nt Imoreý f ngiHÂTCH & BROn ý"THEa nRd. Imotra870.ib eram AeianHrw WhbAuguit 24t JU EsT1 1870. 1E CEI VE 1 e, hot B< 4 spléiidid a'iJ suEr, ,ain duce wanted, ar takea Whitby, July 13, 1870 No. k, ~n the Corner I HA1IILTON,:,& CO'S A FINE ASSOMTMENT 0F NEW CANADIAN TWEEDIc SUITBLEFORMaLL AN ODen teRte Sty les.gMd t re 0 b ae ALSO A LARGE ASSOMTMENT 0.F CANAIIIAN FLANNELS. Whitby, August 24, 1870.3 Rceady-MNade CIothing, stock is now complete in ail theo hues of Ready-MadE Cloîhing, -coznprisin g Mens and Boys Our PANTS, VESTIS, PEA JACKETS, AND OVERCOATS.' We. ask au inspection of our Cl-othing with perfect confidence, as 1 o' BEST CUIT CLOTIIING. IN THE DO311NtON, in ail the Newest Styles and Qualiti.es.of CLOTH. Whitby, August 24, 1870. O0'DONOVYA N 'S1 cARRIA IACTO Rf, (BROOK STREET, WHITBY,) Will. be found ,alarge Stock o0fCarniages, Buggies, &C-1 of the newest styles and best finish.- Best work-- men employed, and al the materials used of thÏe best quality. IJ~ Particular attention given torea -r.1 Wliitby, &pril 11, ,21870. M. QDONOVAN. a ÀT -NO. ON THE COIR t nge for orne Tothe Readers of the I-RIitb!, DICUTLEa O -ACTNTHSAE0F DRY Ckronick. aiso le JOHN SKINNEWS~ i~iiinrr.-rn, ,i~ £ ?,?I~T 'AJL>5.~J2. ...rs.n.n.i's m L.&UIIM4 UIt. f - COT ýPN BAGS. COTTON BAGS, COTTON YAIIN. JUST RECEIITEO t,000 Cotton Bags, best miko. 1,000 1bs. Cot'on Yarn, do.'- 5,000 Ibo. Preserving Sugars4- 50 Packages Aldwell's Aie. -i-- Wbich vu affer for essh-cheaper Ihan-- auy oLIfer Iouas lu tbe County. T. H. 190MAS & CO. Wbitby, August 9, 1870. . 82 ELF-IIAKING REAPE-R, MANUFAOTURED BY IROWN #cPATTERSO N, S x e n y r pr a ca ezperie uce ln the Mnu fcture f s e pe raand Mowers, atis- fla u ha b Johnstad Self-R akng IR ep e" in very far hi a y ane of any eth r Machine made st the present day. We bavre just introduced it in to Canad a d man- ufactured a IimlL.d oumber thepastsion, âauaayel are thé ony anfacurfa This season Our Machines il embrace sucb samuimprovmetuaayear'a exprieu in tbe manufacture bas auggested. $Lsrongiyand dursbly bul,b @ u best mateial used in -ilstlsLrc .Its mi- cinery tîe mos.compact and durable. Te leastt able -to at u&'üt of order, The combination of wood ad iron ia the finger bar, makes it the, mhotprfot of finger bars The set of the 4,1e,,ocatd ota;ide of the driving-wbeel, o balances and. relluvea the linger-bar, tbatit-w ees hable La sag or breakthan that ofany-otber machine. Our Sef-Rake la h. most perfet ever invented.1 ad coniWattf1e Rakea revolving around an axis close ta te diing.wbel, 8a placd ai ta be entirey under the contri of the driver witbont stopping the team - It uti »und delivers tangled, crinkled, or lodged grain rpidly and inu good hpe. Cti a six fe swat, itb ai litte draft ai a light ýfoujr fnet mwr, and no ide draft wbatuver. IL cutsei slY, With a common tani, troin fiften btw euly acres per day, and bai cut one bundred sud foitY acresinuseven days. IL la manufacured tor Ruping ony, beaujsu ilbai been demontrated that' a seps- rate geaper andI ower-wili lat ta cul n'ore grass and grain, tan two Coubiud Ma- chines, andI coti mucb legs in the aggregate. Besides, a sepaatuL Machine la legs-cor: plicatud tbau a combined one,; leuihable to gel out aI ordur, and fa alWia s4ay for work without tbe trouble andI delay of cbanglng from one to the othur.' This ecper bai becu lu uccesful operaton only luve yeas, h . t*omay uprior points of eceilunebave won for fa during Iat*timu a muititui4e 0f frié deud adspo- sition ne er b fore attained by ny bare ter in g 0 sbort a-tim e Fr I? i Ja vo o L reu yeal1 ilwas cmparalvely #tle k o v ; but during the paît wê& isaos it vis widely ntoucedthro gh ut tbe Principal wb tgro ing ecdong ai te landa d- ained a popul rityuinproeented in the biatory orf itaping MaechineS. udr ssc ireumrtacou 1 Titt h e 'J o gutnSl.Rkc va c nstu ob "b e be t a me tic es îiy ir ib t hes il , conclnuiv, pro f lAt I ii fea, a aný mere nqMd a eapesacr tn - hogi o! he i M WblbVNy ,M oi B O a condition brokei2 sudI uber 'b. (M- fcrwarded là as goad _as AU Pr" iîfnginMachi. 0 1. iio GE0. . R5TOCKý, iaghw, ont. Sel-. Agent for the Dominlion Bîougbam, iMareh 18, 187e, TES§TIMONIAL. TaJOUE Hzr-MoeuVox, Oshiava, Apnil 4, 1670, booDzaiSnM.....W0 bave biu s au urcug o t, îê épaemt four Monthi, andcsma hu be,-iturl, 2 titt it nbtheble 01ailw. a, seî nsed.I-Lis; .00o cbenp, andIlatslngr hn uyotiîcr6*il. Wc bave ru onr 1g 2 ui rou îrLdncr, 7d svitb onu oiiag.I l kenut itl l, dean aud bit, a W -. t dotin botteras a labriuater. ntuitÂyhn 1 am, yourgltuly, y- F.W. GLEN, Presideut. bo-o- GO:GOODA VIRTA- BEST O Or KKAMNBHIF, Try tbe5tore0of IKÂTTEEW COLLIn S. G ad esGnt'sand Chlldr'cootïl andlhauig gruaI varlsu md very istyle.'- Jd 20. 1870. 29 BAiSPATMN OUTTfING OFF, NI&CHIE! INVENTION OP TUE DAY:1 Cuba WîaagbîIon a eB 4 Tubi.g. &", smoatb and polsed wthom.tîefnrtrg tc: !orge, chiul or luth., and viii doaimuclu wrel, insau honi andd bahfam onhadoue is a <1ev hy the oaid Di(ivea. No Poundry, Iran IWorL;.s Whilby, May 10,1870., WESTERN ASSURANCE CO., AndI vilI bu ulad ta effact Insursucea for tisi bmving prapusrty ta mhip front titis part. * C. DRAPERI. Whuîby, April 5, 1870, 14 -MONEY TO ML)AN, Ou Faim Prapurtilyiy I. J. MACDOXELL ÇERTAIN PREBE1IVATION-op vin 93 H. GRRIEm DUg.t-& Daudua-gu., Wiby., Sols Agent far lbtue oo ui CELEIATEDFuBI oe. à' p E - - Thse LENBES ai vhich-are grouud liynUà, froni maienil mannfaetured aispet-irîliy for OpLic purpose. Uin lanr, Ilardsus>Brilliant,- andI as ae.Achroumttas naisbu 2ps-oisced. The peonular Ifaim sud manstifle ecorrery at- lainai iîy lb. aid ai uomplioaltnd eastly asitnsrywarrants m ns bu rtisix thon ta biclb moî erfctSpectaicles ever manutî-- tured, Ibisy auithle Sigli mU £ilsrty Confer Ende sundt.anforlaon tb. Weairer, caue - a continuons andI aviding iffpEovEF.NT 1ýrOF THE ETES, vithont reqiiug te huo bags<LSae tey ara lb. Cliepem, su ela lise hut. LAZARUS, MORRIS8 & Coa., <295 Notre Dame Street, ;-P Blairas). W g WB EJfPLOY iNO PIDLEJZS. ..ý: p APER flANGINGS Tkeunderslgned flte10Inform tise publie Ibishe lbus on baud lb. targeutan d lieul stock ai Piper ifauplga 4 la taun, ailof lb. whieh ho ofers for nie, rary lav,for cas. 4mý - 1 - . 1 1 Lui . 1 3 e M Lb r[ý . i 1 . i 1 Il d 1 Rýl-&VJLJUUZ TAILEN IN EXog,&NGE. ry 1 - ý SeJli Gr OffrigSe a t J Sknner's., John Skinner la determine¶ to turu bis Sumnmer Stock into liard euhb, and bai f0 aunounce that ho bai re-marked every article nt an averagre reductiolu ot TWENTY PER CENT. The stock fi large, traried and wl asorted, quit. ai varied asin a city store; and those wbo bave been lu.th. habit of vitiing Taronto for Dry Goods, 'wil l id thavthey can bu butter *uitud, and buy the same goods decidedly chuaper at JOHâN SICINNER'S. As there lim been. no liesitation to mark the Goods DOWN ['O COST. Buyers of large parceha eau save mauey by-]pircbniing at ..Thoe Fawiles tudying ecoomy hod.buy te ir g osat LOWES '&. PO WELL 1

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