and, oeil sy su.-à au» e~ Iu 5-i-.w 94effrt soslosd be mode i. contine teu eaploratloui. Preema.ou. baves a - -Mot diret lulerestinluthb..rsulî, J, tberofmr, Itle My brotbern, the Grand "iofthersGrmadLodgcsof the Unitd UeaIV0e, l tale .uek Action as cl soupply vilb mterl aid ibis. explorera, suoes the cref &will b. oredg by etidsuoe lb.. ruped from ib.deslroylng po*er of lIMe, eonfirmatory of asy -Our asoeiie lea.blsup. Mlgb It nstb. Weil for tbeo. Pai gras Maters wbo laie an lulereulik, 1 iibls subjeel. i. nulle lu seccung mesu to eta eIibis mst d"srâbe objesi! The. mysboogy cf UIsonry l a mois inteneu- Ieg study. TiieIrati uwbieh ame biddep ender iii... symbolt May yet Ieeaefle se- lite ln a risnrrchon whicb vonld * onulrm tii. fih hof the fialarnity. 1 woold eardsstly invite for Ibis Sajeci ithe gsrly sud practical couisideration oftheIi distiiguiisbcd breibarn o te cm Inec .p- pstl for effort sto Ibis cund. Ttho Convention et-lb, Grand Chaptar1 etfloypl &rcbhusons o! Canada met ilu Québeclaitekp Mr-. Hariuglou Pre- sluig. Ail lb. Cbspters la botpro. vins.. versereproeaoed. Tii. graund Vieut Principal l-larlagton delivereti an adiesu, reporting on thce ste of Ibis brancb etf.nuonry in- Canada, sud an. sonuclug bis intention 10 retire frein tis préenct bigh posiion. Ibo tehctlon of -eflicers of lime Grand Obaptar o! Royal /troet Msons et Canada isvshait lest evrenimg sud resalîtd se folou ,-T. D. Haringion, Firi Piincipal ; B. J. Pratien, Second Principal ; L. H: Heu.ý derson, Belleills, Tbird Principal j, T. B. Harris, Houorariy Scribe ; D. Sprye,' Toronto$ Scribe ; D. MceIjlian, Toronto, Principal Sojourtuer John V. Noil, of Kingston, Tresoern;, C. Cban wîl, Otsîoad, Ilegietrar; W. A. Sommars, Hamilton, janitor. Tii. following vend eiected district sopeinteudents -T. Y. MeMnlen ;- Huron, G. H. Pafîcruon Hamilton, E. Goodiman ; Toronto, 'lc Swiyard 1 Prince Edward, H: W. D.Y, Ber. C. Foreat ;T. M. Sovden r Q , be T. D. Dunbar; NewBrunswiec, 1). 11 Monroe$ Granby. Tii. Ciapter decittes *0 mel next yaar ati Hanuilton. How mclistion was Deteuteti. A correspondant etfithe New York i bdne telegnraptu f rom Paris on Tbnrsdasy lâa s < oyaws: i'Scrsps of neya about receni defeats a rpmaltedt lehb.pinl-ed. At Jicisiofen (s village about iv. miles West of WS-erhb) the soldiers bad no cartiges. The, loft of thc lina, iavlng beeir wiîbont any for an' heur, inada repeateti bayenet obsîges. 'The Prussians mowu'dtem donlunmasses. Ammunition W"s on the Wy, bnt the waggoas transmitteti by mail vans aîopped ant the station nearcut ithe batîho fildlti y an explosion of bombs frein tb Pruins, six Prussian spies tsîing signalleti le hair fientis. Soldiars sud officans are ai fan rilons ai tb. vaut ef erganizatien on thea dt mît. NO coffea W"vustiboitdin lima norniug. Until 6 attrigtî ttc7 fought futing. Afirtae batie temvassno dis tibution e! foi for four day.. They tati nio-ratinas, sud livedl upois poîtas galber ed <om tha neigtbouring fields,le AMAîDN'S8 "POuà î, oy Lin."-Tell cin in lu iajingle te maniiaga ià au empty dreas," for the girl is deati thatio single, sud hingi arcnuotictat fhîeysiean. Lf, lu real, lifa la camaIst, single blesueti. neu a 6h; cîMan thon art, t10mnu e- iunueul," lias been spoisc of!tha r. Nol enjoymeul andti unt s50mev Jiour destineti feut or way, but to asethuat ecd to monnew finta s ntsteraririage-dsy, Lir, iî lohig. aud yutt is leefiug, mcd eur bearîs thongb light and gay, fifill uic ,pleasant drumis ara -bcsaing sîetdingý marchies ail tha cay. In theo vonht'a broat i feldi of batte,, lu tb. bivouac of lite, tua not lusa damî diven ctle-be a beroio-a vite. Trust ne futur. bove'cn plesauln, Ici tia dssd pust bnry lute t I Acf-aet te tis living present I irarf ilbin sud tope abcad. -,IAses cf mannieti fos#nsauiud ns ce can live cur lites as vell, uid depsani- iog, leava bebinti ns snob exampias aushahei "il.'Sucb ezamples-liai suott, culiag limelit ie spont, a fotoru, nîs- marrieti broîber, secîlis5, ehail lake heurt ansd court. Let ci>, hem, te op audtioiig, witt a teint ou triumph set-; ieuh d omtiv. ing, still pansuing, and- eaetora a basbaut gît. - - - ' 5 ei s-.- Oes uma,, us, FiSTATH.ISHET) 1833.1 I The undersigned in rtri~tthauks for the liberal patronage hiihhirle extendedt te oe tsstibiishmeui fer neariv s perioti o!fenbty years, deuires tO siy-tliAite tash«nov est baud a large asortnent o! the. mosi mode u d elegaut, And trusts by proper attentiÃ"n aüd moderateZprices to secure 'a conlinuano efpabutc patronage. Pract"PIbmaUPISOlstcring. Funture re-etuffet anti coereet. Undertakig nd Funerals -Fully Suppied as heretofore. IE'eSome splendid spécimens of Picture Ffrmes, sud'Gilding4 Remember te Old Stand.- Wlitby, Mi'rch 9, 1868. NAtJZL. î±AA.uA~.. OOTSNtSHE lWIIOLESALE & -RETAILf Keep- c'onstai t1y on band, and ini course of manu- Stoc's éeIébrâtea ýmaséhine and other OiI& Last -Not Least-The pe mon wbo borrowed our hand 'Shiers,' la kindly requested to retunwthem withont further no tice. r H.L & B., are agents for Wanzer aud Raymnond7s,,celehrated' Sewing Machines,, lesse caU sand examine our Engliali Gooda. HÂTCH & BROTHER, Wbity, ane28,Importe& of Englisb, German, and Ameriean Hardware. GENTLEMENATTENTION! GENTLE 'ANIS CLOTHING MADE ,TO ORDER,' 4 THIE 'FINEST CA1ADA N-T WEEDS Can!be selected fromn, suitable f«r tie Season. 1 i ddaof Gentlemen's .'urnishing (Jods kept constantly' on hand. A L E X PRINGCL E. lVbitbye April i3, 1870. ---l.ot- Engliah Plated Brooches, Colored Setts, very haudmome. facture, th1e largest stock ofY Spectacles, &ce, & Londios' Cents' and Misses JAM1ES JOHNSTONt 33C >g ecfc s mC>lmM Examnine for your.3elveu-: the excellent inaterial and fine work- - March 23, 1870. lnaî"-I'ij,' 15A' vil 1" ~ 'W31. UItNS, Brock st.1 M1ANUFACTURERS 0F RE A Wabcbmakcr & Jeweller, BrockaI st hitby.1 IN.SUR.ANCE 1 Theudeigd continues to represent the following reliable INSURANCE COMPANLES:- 'I'IIE ROYAL. - Capiftal, $2,000,000.1 fIEAU OFFICE, - TOIIONT0. 1FRANCIS HEWARD,ES- AL-E MNGR PALE ALE AND PORTER. Don. Brewery, Toronto, Ont, As the proprietor attends personally to the Brcwing, a regular stock of Aies and l'orter eau al wayslbc depended uîîou. Parties desirous eofiiasing Aies of superior quaiity and Porter equai te, any imported, arce î'eapcctfuily solicited te tend tlicir endors for a quantity large or small, and try for theniscîves. Witiî the nid of our increased facilities, wo are enabicd to produce an arti- cle (ail the ycar round) second te none ini the Dominion. N. B3 -Orders ieft îvitlî Mr. JAS. H1. SAMO, at the Furniture Warerooms, llnock Street, Whitby wiil recoive poinpt attention. Dcc. 1, 1869. 48 g> -E o o o The oubei of tha yellowfvfer antiihe- Qeatautine Sfation, tv-lov Piladelphie, bau ne Dt bain tolowet by the establishment cOf tte diseusa in Ibâ istiy. Despite thme unsuttonized entrîncai t tepracincts otour mnnicipali!y of! mse!flime in- 0 r. ficteti crec, snd tieir subsequani dest tiers, ail trace of tha dnstie malsdy lu > - our midts baia pensteti witub tim. Ai tb. Quarsutins Station, cticb is, unlertu- 0 nstoly, subjecîrd te naasions influence, th. efforts te avent tha diuausa havae sîî been emtirehy succesufal ; but evin ibenre its progresbus tees arreîîed, andtiuo ieilan-appnebeuuions peai now Lam feît ofe! useension, lu Ptilstialphia, tli(hm&% te tlmeiy efforts et tha -Board of Ileilîl, Fr F -sud ttc exemptien oeth! ibtyci:frotninLe malarions influenees rofcrred te, csîsznssmm and mtangera are tea We tram tatie et yellawfverau 8in poy sesporni the G i s. corld, 1IfOcarret reports îaLre eoStrecî, veal dangers mut b.ensounteresi y wc i lsil New Yerk, but tey à * ion, r 'iE uerî exisi ber..-' P)eil-rlpia ïFituqulref l§naiui - prauiptly modt !U'h. olhewing 9notice appearet on ttc « voit end o!faà sonury smeeting :bous. ;- f"AnYbodY #llking billsginsittb!a obursiOu gond tarot' ill b. prcue.alcd sserdlng ta lac, aornegociation ti - "nYotuuias. téiproinipla maWho ceab lomto Jil'a" sostram a lldO&I rtlaeit lDo barm ;0 "ulela mardi."e M Atso, L *D'aet.ed lu lb. Peit ferry,. o Çn ~ic s-a o ci CC o Po ICIÂL -ASSUCNEE0 IRAL'AGENCY OFFICE1I gned lsarino reccivesl thte appoirîtrucoit of Officiai Assignee for North P"Etpui'ared togSie pro mpt 'tention tr all nattera lu i nratyo ~rProiuissory -Notea anti Accon:itF specduIy collccte.l sud rimittaucea ecuitv It-8 pýî' o't ntecst. S iiattenfToo wili be given to the ý014 !.is pplicCV' a toi;aend id et5e.sLr im- sunds, bot, i ,i -i ii- îi spoelcsastl1le. Insuranoes Outario Faroîcna;I uturîl Insà unSca to:nszn> B. MAJOR OfficIi) u.ig]*unS, '1uà " r WlOwla Block, nut idS o tb lb.oyol Causdan bank. ý in PE RIAL5 Joux AGNEW, AG.E-NT, WtT'BY. Capital, 62,0019,000. HIEAD OFFICE, a MONTREAL. RNTO;UL BROTH'S, MANAGErtS. JOHN AGNEW, 1 ~ AGENT, WUrnuyl. NORII BRITIS! 1, Capital, 82,000,000,j HERAD OFFICE, MoDOUEGALL a& DAVIDSON, 1 ~MANA.GERS. 1 JOIIN AGNEW. AGEN,.T, VrnTB-; 11031 E,9 - Capital, $1,500,000 - IEAD OFFICE, NEWIIAVEN, CON. JOIN AGNEW, AGENT, WI1ITBY. PRIOVINCIAL, - lIRA» OFFICE, JAS. SIDNEY CIIOCRER, M1ANAGE. SCOTTISI-IPROVINCIAL,* (LIFE,,) lIEAD OFFICE, A. DAYIDSON PARKERI, MÂ,NÂGBIZ. 1 Money,,at.reasenable rates. Whitby, Jauuary 4, 1870. LII E oe w c Eire Proof Ohimusy% Spring -B 2-WbitbyJ as. 12) 1870. CapiWa, $ 400,000. TORONTÃ".1 JORN AGNEW, AGENXT, WIîITBY. -Capital, $1,000,000. - nONVTREAL. JOHN AGNEWV AG3ENT, UIBT Securities Company, for the Lean of JORN AGNEW - Agent, Vhitby anam s 4-t ;is. i-c o' 1- 0 o m z -l- 8d' Thie aboy wi-lI-known tbotal bus beau tbo-- roisgh1Y TIIuovAtte4 ard uawly furished 1er Oie' fproenat propriator. Tii, SfLIMliiz &C., bave licou put Inun ueflicient stala Ufr opair, sîd rDo-' f Iing lias becii ieft unioio.tomerttlîiercqiirs- monts f<1 gnt»s. ýTii, Talela is uygiliad with averytlîing of the tet ln saison, and iifîCbut the btest brsiia' of Wiî:cs, Liqaors sud Cignas kcpt nt the Blir. Bi. sxOW. FIRE ÀSRANECoq EIALBLISI1BD .IN 1782é"" GILLE817iE, MOFFATT &Co., Agents for -Cansda. JAMES DAVIbi' manluager. [NSRAbCE gaistLOSS by PIRE arc .1. aceed on the nîotfevorble terngis sd LOS8itS PAID withont refceuce to the,Ëiosrd lu LjOudCDn. 1 Apnil Brd,1366. Agentf, whitiy: TJ'HE LIV'ERP'OOL & LOINDON & GLO)BE .1 IISURANCE <10MYANY la Qua of the Most propporoas iol uguaI nsurance Cou. Its INVE-STED FUNDS Are ..#17,00b,036 Its DAILY INCUBE exzes. ... *20,00 ils LIFE rOLICIES are s Sure P>rotection for the future. iLs PIRE 1'OLICIES, ', iaued nt CuInfIiET R&TEO, aliord ameîplpofection, tc thea Merchwuf andi lionsct'ldcr. Al fuir daims Puooeîtv laru, aud the ut- mout iiberality sliown lu the, sdjuâtmcttol llead Office, Canada Brncl, Moutreal. G. Y. C. SIiTH, Clîlof Agent for Domihiior* L. FAIRBA K i. oai, ýît ¶1itby, Oui, Wtitby, Juiy 2Sîli, 1S69. 30. MANUFACTUlIFO AT THE, Agricultural Worke. LEFFEL98 CELEBRATE!) Double TURBINE WVATER WIIEEL TEUE£NMOT EOOIUO1OL WUYEL 1(0W IN VIE T I EE hseve Care nov manuifecfuning -Lcheaper tîsan assy otîin slîop lus the coti-i f, and WC yl gira a guanaafce srlth catm Wicel warralitiuîg thiiemu bu>Ie ai; Wel -mnasde, andt s gîive a% good tifactiôn as asîy masia- ractmîrad iilIethemuimxiioi. l'art icsdes.iritig furthier information eau ab>- tain if by adtiresaiuig PAXTt>N, TATE & CO., I'cnîy -St., Porf Penny, Oist. Mardi Zli-I, 18 8 9 . 1 li A~SURN9 COMPANY. Capitsl, 400,000o. preurt b lsur popetyagalusi L0S8BY 1, FAIRBANKS, Jr.,- 2-iSin - - &gen4, Wiitby. WH IT33 Y. R. P. CLARIK, - Proprietor. lest âv. cf tiie Loveabia Points, thua effecb- "a"" iog a savig finît v bii ta once apparent te ail. gave mouey then udn use the , ovauiuc Points. A j9" Townsbip Ritltçior sale. ElOBlia &TityNJm. 1'mopiietors. Apply 0ho-11 Whitby. sud JAS. TENNUM, FAR - Oshaau. Wtutby, Jan. 5. 1870. P HOTOGRLAPUS CE DOMINION GÂLLELiY. 'trd -o- &dedue For rictuesu qot Toue, fulnllus of oreulc Decla nd msSexqniodte FJoihh,,- flou t4 Ca unol lia frpassed,! iiýts 'Flavine msaegroat i>provemeutn ilu-tisa ork iigliting e! fuis gallery, iie la nov fsak*hg pic- 9 turcs botter tlîau ever. Thue nes 'tembrundt" Talien pictore taken aL Willsou's:. alao the l"Tinfeti V guelte, s ew udnû ey euitsîstyla. Whltl: Axîyttug ieicw li lotogrispty. tlîst le vworthl iiavsng, can lia liad ut Willsoîîs ilcalry. Cabinîetiii fnaîucaïi, very low., <ti IldPrtraits 'A N nuatir coloied. Portrailsscuiiîrged hýolilfe size, auJ tolcîred l inl.wshcr coiorit or >induiuk.nI Mn. -Willsen *la vcny occebaful la fkitig clx îldrcn'us 1 iltTh. R., 1 Apnif 12, 1870. 15 - m R. JAMES WIVALEII, cf Aaisbnu, Ont Lti tete of fLice Twiýn'Plough, AND ALSOT]19 DOMI NION ILOIGI utandâs maruitmuniig u asumlergicLubi Ful saudatiWiuter, lis TWIN & DOMINION PLOUCHS! W-' They wili bc guaýrantiet.-'ei mnatie, suit dis wcrksug part grount. j9r Parties vouiti do wll t cidin ~ti hcir ondins withoiit tieiîy. - Couty Iziglifs for "lec. Ashbun, Novamtben 10, 1869. 45-fb Li V E RY T nE UNDE1ISiGIED DESIIIES TO MN T tirin Ii r'eid inýpatrons, telho WHITBY ]IVERY STABLES W' lnving aucreaised-the tii, îîber sud qualify olflice atîîd, sud alisa addte a tud iii' proved the coiavec>s:iccs smi vclîiclca on tha p'cmiseg, lie houes y; -beiuluti a positio-n t0 nc'et tIhe weutA 0f custonsris to- menrt a slîare of public pâtroiuige. gaFCHARGES MODERATE. jM N. B.--Covcred conivoyasces fur fasmuhes 5:1(1 ladiesq. Promîpt sttaudsiice, aft IserctQtore,ý Io ail entiers N. RAY. rroprîetor. Wiîitby, Apnîl 8, 1869. 14 To Mesurs. CIIAXIEIMLÂN SILLS, rou- Wig P. O., G'ouuif g e Lennez, Ont., Canada. Maupoo. Couuty of flastinge, IProvine of Ontarîo, Feb. Dili, 1869. T ~HIS la to ccnlify, that duinincthtiewintcr of lII wus talçciiwith- a weakucss or the ankicaq, wsue, grtiually duritig flic Spning of 1867, extouded f0 niy lnees, andi on up to niy Iipsc, ai:ti Ibecanie tio wcak that [ coulti nuL woillt, but vas couîîîned to iuy chair. For about two y-hein, wvlec Lis y en rnes s. B"couiinc ou nia, snid fturwsýrâè, 1[souit meiil 'actrice, empioyîinr, nt diffi-reîîl timn, tlîrea doclors. 1.1 dmediciisee of differeîît klitîds, p-escrubed by fietîds. buto0fno avail. .1eontinuelîf0uet w'îrsc sud sworo, ulitil te Sommfer- of 1848, aieu Iwas lîîditccdiotiythefrreat Stosison- ces inedy iîy nedin'r'. ure car<fortuei,' iI a pamphilet. 'At tfuI; finie 1 hati beran to fbel thc wcsknep% in soy bands; lu tact 1 vas gatiraimost helpicas. 1 i hva takan two otesoftheii.41sloshonesex Redy aséd tvo boxeâ of f lle uIsandti I1un tincly reeforeti to haalth. I nevar exectedti 10gai baffer, but Simpiy trie theis medicina as5 lasort ,3rtloru> hope. TIis casa of laine ax m lot £ pnimata one. but kuovu f0 a-Il my uaî'h bo nsd friends; andto W ay oes ffliloed as a wu, have uly tO aa tri tii, SbostoumeUmedy; 1 bel~' i wîUcnr It d COLORIO EkNN] lie bs'gs tsi ay tauît lu, ie ail ordergu du iiiWh disespe, asu itifl sitterfo. sud ho ona )eoilomarslu <lie qii uIip ant inmuteriai. r,-Cali aud se the ne unexcbsnige, end Cî J»I Iy, Apnil 27, 1869. A~ M - s,. cuscue v o rprd aLa n sMuit 01 fiMoueY, (Privie fontis) enugoot lu guma b mult bornraém st-ery 1r7I rd im,=eretnepayabie su onescso, on ',jesiy 1 ais- "o;rtenst trep, offtha iargest Mouiary Iîutitutiouiiil'icheDominion, viehl. eud mirucyon the oioifssivautugeonâfenins. A LARGE NUMBER OF IWEL-L CUL77FATED FARMS, Andis quamtity orf Tus Landi, ton sale beop. For panticulans aîîpiy W JAMES IUOLDEN4 4Olltciai Aisiguee, IMoney Bnskr.&.- OFFICE.-. seconid Iloer Mcllillan'sBicck. Brook .Street, Whithy. W idtby, sJctobcr 41 , 1849, .N. B-i ani îepumed tfa iuvst l il I ktis Of i iceitures, Bortiags's, naid otiiereciritiea Gýrceniackssund Silven 'baunt t Suc solti. bmoi*E iulîg tM-dIss ('lsnc, beg thans- nu1, ou he leLadies of Wii 'ilut sd v icuiily, tiîat timsy laveopellfuici uaimmen luCoiborine St., (lîcat tour eust of the, Grammînr Schrsol) viiere thler viiilic epropaned lu neceiva ud caecale al ordens for Inisa mamkimn, sit mur.- fies in a sopenior icanmer anumutitr thc-lstst facllons. Alil end&ra ateted d ôwitlc pane- tuality sud flic stnictest cîteuuîoms. MISS CLARK, W'lif-hy, Nov 17, W89. 46 TEETI! EXTRACTED gà r WITHOUT P Afl%,1p BY TILE USE 0P NITROUS -OXID LALJGHIlAS, OR TIE NEWO LoOALANiESTHETICm AT DENTAL ROOKS!, DUJNDAS STREET- U~HITBI, C. W. - Rt<)MS.-Over M. Il. Coecranc's Store. G EORGE GtTRLEY, MERGUANT TAILOII ibLOTJIER AND DRAPER, GENTLEIIEWS GAIIMfrS Umaeu fta" hcmt-sfyie mîilatet fasstoa. A fine a4tscic cf Clotis ma renwticb to ake a ae'ectiou lfor Geteiea smmer smilla. Ochava, Mny 12,1889. -1 Hair Dressing &nd Shavinig IOCK ST., WM1TY. Vs litby, Jlau. 22, '68. -JOHN QART v, ICIENSED AUCTIONEEL. ONTARIO, YORKC & -PFFL. W' i~SIDE L'E-o ' av81hCou. ..autoru E. F. xx x i -A c014't umrc Uxinti PJaja 308. T ow oit