Whitby Chronicle, 1 Sep 1870, p. 3

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............ 4 4 rglving iior rold Cow..»#4 old Heifers.4 l! «old BUIl . ANsI Cai.-..... .........4 CxfMlull Cow, givlag milk or lancCali..> .....4 Thres yearad o . ,rwo year aid fce.. yýeuuHotsr;1..'...4 àm .... 4 149,ýierd±toolu4.Bu. - ùud st fiat 4tti0le. Bc# Bull-an>' cgeor breed 4 lat CO or S e r , .....4 NatC wor Bteer. 4 TIoits working Oxen.... 4 01IIIM. -Sheep. a. 2 3 2 3'2 3,.2 3,- 2 3 2 82- a2 32 32 3- Z a32 3 2 Bbltn.......... . .* .Bamk Lamb.......a. 32 Two Ewe& ............... 8 2 ~fwo Bbecling vs . TireEweLame.....3 2 #pua s......... 3 - hesring Ram., ......... 3 Raàm Ln......3 Trwo Shecning Ee . TroBvZe Lma.5'..3 -Shecrliag Ram......... Rami> amb..à... àa.......a Tiro Ewesi. sa. ..........3 -Two Shettrhiag Ewe .... 3 Jam....Lmb.......... amn Lamb.............3 0 aEw4ab . 8138"m-À"rY BRERD. txýrQFat 9Eres......a3 Cl1m8 IV.-Swine. '111 be rcquir.d for ail ...4....2 or evicionce ibon losî 4 9 2 ontiro Colt, 4 3 2,- Filly .. ....4 8 2 mtîre Colt.. 4 9 2 ily........ 4 82 dire Colt.... 4 3 2 lIy...4 3 2 ........... 4832 or ovidance nai bas been ... ......4 32 sire Colt.. 4 3 2 iily ... 4 2 ltire Colt. .., 4 3 2 'il»y. .ààs4 8 2 tire Colt.. 4 3 2 II . 4 3 2 har0....... 432 o or evd'.c hnte Col.4 2 *lï....... 4 32 ill b........ 4 3 2 itire Colt. 4 3 2 l' . 4 a3a2 fly~ 4 8 2- tir 3ot. 2 iiy.Hs-'s 4 8 2- 82 25 il aEKrllLI meAND»-je ME. Bor i .170...... ...sé3 21 3 2 1 "-S>'w'Pgf80 ;. 8 2 il Boar...e f80.............. 3 2' i orPig of 1870......3 2 1 YAT tMIYîNi Fat Hog...................2 1 - Clans V.-Graiu and Beeds. - 6 bushels Faîl Wuent ......$4 $3 $2 ô bushels Spng Wheat .... 4 3 2 6 buehela Barley, (2 noir... 4 3 2 6 bushele Banc>', (6 roir)... 4. 3 2 6 busiiels PeSa, large......4 3 2 6 buahîcla Peao, pmal......4 3 2 -8 buehela Oats, bak 4 3 2 6 buabels 0&4e White,...4 3 2 2'btishcts Corn, (8 rowel) ... 2 1 ýýbisiîqte Corni, <12 rowed>. 2 1 *bushelsTimotiuy See-t.... 2 1 %bushels Claver Seed ...2 i 9: bushîcha AlsacCoer .... 2 1 10 ibs Swedish Tunip Seeti 2 1 Buasi lof PharSeest..... 2 I à Ibo Jarrot Seed. :....... 2 1 à lb Mangôld7 Wturtzel Soeeti2-1i 1 bumbol Beano.« .......... 2 1 1 bushel Tares ............ 2 1 2,bueluels Ryti Spring ...... 2 1 2 bushels Bye, Fit 2 i Clans VI.-Root.' 11 buabele Potatoeecly $1.50 $1 50o 1l bui;helaPotatecalate. 1.50 16_0c 12 rects Turnips......1.50 1 50c 12 rocts Mnagold Wurt zet, long red ..... 1,50 1 50c 12 Foots long yeillcvdo 1.50 1 50o 12 roota Maagotd, yeî. loir Globe-......... 1.50 1 60e 12 roate Cari'ts, long re-t............ ... 1.50,1i50o 12 recta Carnets, iwhite-.. 1.60 1 50o 22 do do Orange 1.50 i1.600 Clama VI.-Dairy Produce. BemI 10 Ibe Butter, George P- obson' ria ée.$10,OS -' 'na......... 400 ira.......... ...300 4th.............100 ïoth...... 100 , '10 beChoeehome madie a eeepetake, given b>' thel'res. Mn. Dryden... 10 0 0d. .............. 4 00 Srd...................3a 00 4th.................... 2 00 Sth.............1 00 Beet Faaer> Cheese, fDot bas thon a30 l......4 001 2nd...........300 3rd a....... .......... 2 001 P Boit sample 13tilten Cheese.... 2 Do -2nd ................. 1001 Beut FinJdh cf natleespthon 40 I bo butter ln ehipping'or. don'............ 4 00 ud............3 00 3............. 2 00 KDeritliug,whic....i 1600 ~tdo'oloe........i1 600 C< ochin China........* 1 50e 4. p i0. 00 "ey othr aaýj .....i1500 "'Tîtritoyasoed....i 1600 " do iwhite.........1 600 W ild Turiteys....i 00 gsowibng Dlecii....é ....6 a Wa1g4a, (tWo..borss team) 4 2 aw-ore pring, 10arket....é ..4 2 Two Hru Carriage,.... 4 2'3 One Heorse do ......... 4 2 OuT are o' -.4 2 Irea Porud.. ......... 4 32 Plongh, any ather ia- 4 $ 2 Doubla nuoud ourd PIOtg 4 3 - 2 TnripPnii........41- 32 Set cf Harrows, wood..4:"$-.2 do do lon.. 82 'rWoborse Culivaor. é'. 4- 3 2 -Twa hars olier . -. -3- Qang Pleugh . .........ý.~ 4 3 2 -Grain Drul... .......;) 4 32 Straw Cutter, for ho-r'7 ,- pawer......4- 3 2 CornghueiIer . >..t S -8 Ons.harse ,Cnltivatr ........ Su4,K Cutterg, workcd by ,-, baud .... ...3 2i Pua H arve-ter.......$2 1 Set Po, Draining TO'els. é>....3,4 -- Cider- Mill aud Proe ... 3 j - Chasse Prees.-;...$2 $1 6 00 Washing Machine.2I(50e Chuti..........2 1- eOcî Grain Cruaheèr..........2 : 9 Haîf-dazen Ray .Fork.... 2 1 i~Oc Haîf-dazen manure Forka 2 1- 60e HaIf-dozenast.eel lices ... 2 i 60o Unlt dozen Scythea.. 2 1 *Pe Pairfine Bos - 2 1 coaruefloote . 2 i Aaseoitmcnt boots a*nd sb Shoemualer's warlc. * 2 1 Set of'farm Raàrnea, ...$3 2 1 'a4 carniage I........3 2 1 84 single 66.0........3 2 l Saddle..sj..........3 2 1 Sfda Saddle ............ .. 3 2 i Pair heavy hars Collara. 3 -2 1 Clama 1X.-Horticultural De& partment. 12 Table Applea, sammer, $ unmed...............$1 9 12 Cookiîuq-Apples, summer, Si '............ 1 500 12 table Apples, fall, named 1 60e 12 cookiag . I 1 500 12 table " winter a' :50c 12 cookiag 49' £5 1 bOc 12 varietiea cf Applos, nain. --ed, 6 of cach .......... 1 50e Beat diapla>' of Applea, .ï owth cf exhibitor, istinot from the aboye $3 -Z2 12 table 'e-ara, faîl, nauned. 1i600 12 table l'or, winter, Dam. - 12Pluima, dcsert .. .... '5 0e 12 kotion of Iliums .7650e 12 a Quqes......-. 5'0 12 CrabýApplos. large...-t75o 50e 12 do maIl,. . . 15c 50o 12 Tomctocg......... 75ec60o Fig Tomatoes.0à......s.....764 00 12 roatu 3eets.,.......0 0 2 - justera.Grgpeo, iwhite- grown tinaer glaus... a 1 60e 2 eluetena Grapea, black,-- grownunader ga~...'6 0 2 - clusters Grapea, white,- grownn la open air ... 756. 60 2 c luaters - Grapes, black, gro"in iopen. air..... 75o 50a Watcr Melon.... . .....75e 60e ilusk M'ýton, grecn ficah.... 75o 50o do acanlaît fletih.... 75o 50o Cirn ...........0à... 750 500 3 Hentis Caulifiever....75o 50o 3 Il Cabbago, summe-r 75o 50o 3 dé - winter. 75o 50o 3 ESRed Cabbage...75o 50e 2 Sqaha......750 60e 2 Pumpkins .. .. 75e 60e 12 table Carnets.ý'........... 75a 50e 12 table Turnipa ..... .. ..76c60e tMpeciiiien et DnicalFruit.... 750 60e Caaned Fruit andi Vegreta- bles- cuapea3t,atuf hast nmode of proserving ad kcepiag Mr. Paxtoa'a prize c.... ..$3 $2 Spécimen cf Fruit prcservcd la! ga.......76e 50o without augar.. .75o 60o Jehly ...... ,............. 750 500 Jar cf Pickles ..............7650eO 6 Cucumbers..... ........ 75o 50e 12 Paruruips ............. ..75e 60e 6 Henda Celéry ........... 75a 50o I'ock white Oieona ... 750 0e Il red do.....75o 50o Piekling do.....75e 60e Potato -do.....75ae50o 5 lb,. ef flops .............. 75a 5Oc Ciiker>'..........75c 50o Beat andicgreatest variet>' cf Garden Ve.getables.-... $2 $1 Catsup ... @.... ."....... Grape Wiae...... ...... An>' other varie-t> cf Wine. 75c- 500c 75a à0dc '750 600e Clasa XI.-bomestic Nanti- facturera. 10 'yards Pull Clotb, home-- made, spun andi vovo -b>' baud ........ é... 1.50 41 10 yards Pull Clotb, hbctry made ... à..........81.60 1 10 ytis Satinet, home made -- apun anti iove by hbanti1.60i 10 yards Satiunet factory mado ............... 1.50 i 10 yards Flanaci, home- made, lipun anti wcve by band, ant irol. . 1. 10 yards home imade b>'-y band cotton warp.,..1.50 i 10 yards- Fianet, fictory - madie, -ail irol.. ....1.50i 10 yards Flannel, fUiito> matie, cotton -warp.1.50 i 10 yarde plaid Flonnet...160 1, 10 yards woolen Garpet.1.60 i 10Oyards Rag Carpt.. .6L0 1 Pain Woolon Blane, home md.....1.60 1 Pair Woolen Blanketslac.. tory mode.............1.50 i Pair Horne Blanketa......1.50 i Cavenlet, hear>'.......1.60 1 do tight..o.......1.60 >i Shapherd's 'ii.....1.60 i Pain Woaîen steckgm.... 76o 50o "_ 66 Stocks,.. 4.. 75e 500 - Cetton Stoekitng....'75oe-50e . « 8ecka. - 75o 50e SWcolen Mita 7650 0 Mlain Wcolee ar. 75a 60o Embhroidery ilk 1..i50 I -Eibroideryon Wrted.1: 0: i C1rotobet Work,... ...... 50i Flat Belin Work.......i0Z 15ermu.n RaraedWr .i0- Guipuré ok..... f5 Cheinils ok....i6eZ Specimeà of rdl . 6i Spemen ai Quiltîag.i 6 -0i Spimen of B-ad- Work,.. 1 60,,l Paeer Flowers....,.1 Mi, i Pané oyBcsiet....... i6.4 Rag Jbg .......10 Greelan Lm......I6'~ Faney Leathor Wr . 5-.I flat, Cautadian straw...iA 50 1 Feather Flowera..00... ...el 50 'I ZephyrFlowero .......... . -su I flain 1eel y......i 0I WacrLhie........i1 50--,,l Wnx MS...l.............i1 50 1 r4armeraW 1eth....i60- i Woolen Rng........i50 1 Embroidery on Cotton i..1650" 1 -Specimea of Lace Work i 160 i Tufutt ..................i1 60 I -RuaticW 1.......0suil -Clan XMI-Fine Arts. Oit cnig..... Watcr Color Painting. Photograph Portrait, finish. cdiiiOu..... do finiahcd ia water colour ................ Velvet 1-aitipg ..........$ Pencil Drawutug............i1 Crayon Drawing ..........i1 Coloreid Crayon Drawiag... 1 I'earl 1itn...... Ornameatal 1>camatslip.... 1 Mappiag......... C ollection of Amnbnetypes & Photographa ........I Collection of Stuffed- Birde. 1 Modelling in Phaster ..i Ornatuental Turning . Specimen of Dentisîry ...i Orientai Painting,........i1 3 2 -3 2 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 i 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 Clama XIV.-Xiscsilaneous. ,Cal$net Wok......3 002 Seulptiure In'M4rble. 3 0....à - Spetimen of Draiaing Tila. 3 00 10 Ibo fioue> in Con...... 1 50 1 Becs'Wa.........i1 60 1 10 ibs Hoacy attauacd. i . 160 1 iflla.Mnle uger - i041A Tic loaves of IBread .i... 1 o Collection of Coniectionary. 1 50 1 I3equet cf Floivere, table... 1 50 1 dg a ý,hand..1 50 1 Specinen Hanse Shoee wlth -> ,,!calks ..... a0... .....150. I Speeimea Horse Shoea with. out calks., ..* ....1'50 1 Specicten of Pumpinaken's work .................. 150 1 Collection cf Edgo Tool. .. i 50 1 Two Ax1.......i50 1 Pael Doon ............... 1 50 1 Witndow 1 h......i50 1 Window Blinda ........ ..i1 50 1 Graiaing in 1oo . i 50 1 Work liox............ 1 50 1 Bee 1 a.......i50 1 Lutter lPress Pinting ... 1 50 1 Travelling Truak ........i1 50 1 Sida Sole Lenther,. i.. 150 i Bide Upper Lenther Cow- bide...............i1 50 1 Caîf Lentiier,..... .. Side anneas Leatiler*. Farîn Gt...... Tire roda board fenciag, e- cted on the fairgnoînti Tailor'sWrk. ... Upholastercr's Work. a.. Harrel of Fleur.,.......... cf Oatmeal ..... o f Coin MeaI...... Specimen ofTiasxnitb'a îork Bcrit collection et Cooper.' work....... Spianing Wteel,,.......... 1 50 I i 50 1 Music.-Tluere will be a band cf Music engagod during the exhibition, by the committee hnving the arrange. menuts of that department in charge; - Mutcal l iiqnsecCMpaaly have aigrecýd taO gire a reverd of thé$anai or TWO 1111SDUED DOLLARS, for the approheasian and conviction Of tIi.% persan or p rsOn. wlîo, it is believrd, nralicl. onsi s.et Ire te tIhe baral end promises afi Mi. Nathanilltsy, littuaed an Lot Ne. 2o, la the eid cou. of tie Towcship mii Wiitby, ons tile evsîýîing ai Sataday, te bOt dy of Augueit, Ble.Ad wheress, ti. Raid etthanîel iBey boa sgreod ta gir. a roward af for the. ike purpose, ansaiea for~ the apprehen- cioan md eunvwaio af the persan or-,Je*an vho ettempted ta net lie ta himLi.ver, Strebos and prenmmiseaitoated in the sadtown et Wlîitby, o the nlght af Weûnesetoy, 'the. 1M' bagt. No" i do herebY, I cn 0pllenca i' ih e r.- -abntioa possed by the Town Conil 0or tha corporation of the Town af Whltby, aoi e- e y ard af the fantreinosm af TWO HilUNDlïED DOLLARS, ,on bebaif af Lb. .,ldCorportion, for theoap- 'P.-1.--..-. an1victIon of th& guilty Party orpaiscotg Ut UPOn the Paymeut Of thî amountlI the oty.honrewardse bove offereti. G Ue ndar aMy bud,et tae Raid - 'Town cf Whltlby,'titis bird - day cf Aingit, 1870. --JAMESIL.GEIMR4 Âv A FINE ASSORTMFNT 0op - NWCANADI 'TWEEDSý - -SUIT-ABLE -FOR FAIL A ,INIER WEAR.- GZ' lothing Made t4er1iitelts Styles.- ?e ALSO A LARGE A XTENý, 0F CANADIAN ANiY. Whitby, Augnst 14, 1870.14 *FARM FOp SAL Thst splendid PFtin, ON THE TOWN-LINqE. 13-inz cnmpooedl of the Sout-h 1,50 acrcs L.ýt No. ,l'-inthe 2bd o oiiei4iofl of l'ick iriiig, on the, Kinigeton rbad,e .1 1 Mile West (rom the Town of Watby,, in addliti on ta tîhe prec-ent bilildirgazi, thora la in courtq of election, a splendid Yeeding loneao, ander stol7 al atone, The sheve Farni ta nnted os ôo ofaithe boat fa-erminlat1a aouoty. Possepsiongivau lmmediotely, 8as the owner la rctiring (rom faroeng. Apply te li-sowner, ois the prewilaca. WM, ULENNEYi Whltby, Ang. 10,1[970. 8 Wantcd lmtmedlstely-,fo carly sip- mont ta an En.4ern Malter, PIRME -BARLEY, vitn waci Tito HIGIIEST 'ICE WILL XE rAIl>. C. DRAÂPER A Co. Whitby, Atigust 20, 1870. si N. 11.FOR SALE-S It, Coal, I'laotcrrnd Weter Limec, nt reduced ratc-s. G ENTLEmEýN'8 F ALL SUITS. FIUtST AIIRIVALO. J. Fergus on lias ja,,t roccîved a lorge stock of English and Canadian Tweeds (CIJOICE PA TTERXS.) suitable for Ful ea or,1 Whlah ha la propuredl te mako up lit i ltest style ut falan, and nt the ] >Wst r1ot A cooe lot of fancy Shirt., ail vool, 0 cap# DondaaiStreet* & Wbltby. Augnat 24, 1870. 4in-34 J NTERCOLOIIIAL RAILWÂT. Tise CinlIoncrs eipp-Iatod for the con- elissetiols ofthtie latores-laîsial i .7s, gi.0 PUBIC NiOTIfJE, tlîst tliey are prepared ta reoeivoa-TENDERS for the tisuce rLtisainlagz tloctios it4Uicth Lino, ail ln tise Province of New Brunsisck. SectisonsNo. 21, will begina eth ih toriyentl nfgtteno. 2a.,ton, an îd thre q'uau-r mils Euat af tise River Mirouichi ansd will eîtetd ta Station No. 1640, thrce 'honEand (cet Westerly fram the River Koncitibaaguecia, a distance ai #bout 25 a-lIra, Section No. 22 wi l extand frani the Eeeterly end ot section iR., 21, te. station No. 1180 et tise craii ai tisfte Riverlluetonebe, a distante o! about 2b tIla>. _'_ ..-, - Section Na, 23, viii ( xtead fron the Enslerîy end ai Section No. 22, ta tte Enrcoen assd North ut nelteuitway, At mollcton statian, a distance of about 22j4 maleos. - The Commiaaloncroi also glus, Public Notice, thet they eue propaneS te recalve Tenders tor ne iettilig section No. 10, tise coutraot fan vliich buie sen annsîîled. section lIa, 10, la fa ch. Province af New Brunswick, and oxtenda fs om the centre cf tise Chaploin Ilaind Miod, near the Court Ilanse ett Iecssale, toardslBathsst, e distance a1 20 mites-la length. Tesidurs-for Section No. 10 wiii ho mode -apon thehosies of the quaiiee 'peid tItise origlî i firiafrtbSoctiais ; ansd ili dra wine tise New Coîtraet, tiiere wili b, de. uuctad from tise mont aois oacceptaS Tan. der, e percesstaea sum eqaivalent ta the par- cent sf tue wle îo wrk wlîieiî tisa ChieI En. zirseir oshal report ta have bean exicntad by tise tiret Uontractar&, Tutoe Contracta tg b.campetoly ilulsbed b>' rtise fluet dal ai Jisiy, 1872, Plans nd Proilvsit Spociflaationc anal Termescf Cortret,viî hbe ezibited at lte Villas cf duo dmmslonien aOttawa, Tu- ranta, Quebec, iRimouski, Dalhousie. Nov- coatieIl il ndSt. John, an anS sibor the lit SPTtMBElNEXT, andSid Ton. dore addreaicd ta theitiarnsionorc of tbeIn-ha -tarcolaniel Eeiîvoy, anal markod "'Fondert," wifibh eïcîvedet tuelr Ogice, lu Ottawa,é ta Sixo'ouock-pmw., on Wednasday, the'Dtu day ai Occober. noît. Sureties for te completion- of the Cautrmct viii bo roquirod toasigu thte Tender. Tut. naas l inflloccupation anal addrcic 'cf cacit sunoty aîîonid aiea tue girca.- -A-. WALSHt,,, RD. B.-CIIANDLER, -O.J. BRYDGES Ottave, I5th ut gual, 1870.,-34 AU1 Cenuns bui tbe au,@ piO y"5¶e Bârt!en PE ropr oDeySt.. ., hitJ Lead. Bar Iron, Btee1 ,Springs, Axies, Hoýre Nail<aps FleB lows, and. a ýgooc1 stock of Furnishings on h ndat »el"Noted7" Cheap Hue HA1 Ît IITER, IMportera cf EuglilbGer î, dAmericah Hardware., Whiby, August,24, 1870. Our stock is now comnplete -in ail theoun.es cf, Reidy-Made Clothing,-comprising Mens aùdBoys PANTS, COATS, PEA JACKETS, AND OVERCOATS. We ask an inspection cf our CilotIhing with perfect confideùice, as we daim to have -the oer BEST CUT CLOTHING IN TRE DO1II1ON, 0(WN C F 1869. In ail the Newest Styles and -Qualitiés oôfj - CLOTIf. a t4 atter ai JOUS TYE, on Insolvent. 44iaavent Ibu modeoan a.io'ammnt af estato ta ie;au, sd thoediltent are ta uneet t tJ'0 o,, hatel, neer grand Station, i n tF e 'Pava af Wlsitby, (ad ' j tmýL;t lac ofbssiaes ai tîse lasol. Wic bin vaan.)onMONDÂY, c uf ~iit&duy of' Aigt nastat, A mw 'î~,p i. ta recele a'matemnent cf bit adoaaa ppont an iseesgaae. - EDWAIID MAJOR, Iaterim Assigne.. Dàad et lone11o, In the Couacy af ýOataria titis litit day ai Anguat, 1870. DiEsolIýtion of Paxtnership I ertutshi beetofreaxisting bc- T"tEecithenudrsinedne enerai Mer- chsatunalTradorn,unader tise etyl and firsa of Miea. &iNnGuamr. 4 ls saday dinhol yod "'Y Iissaîssi vannent. Ail eccountm duesaeid ir". ire utsi i>id ta W. 1)D, tos, who Wilil U0isa ttIe ail cdaims agoinst It. W. D. MIC>HAEL, EDWAltD B. MORIGAN. Osisa aAugnat lot, 1870. WitIs rsfeonce ta tise alsivo, f wasuîd inti- lit-, rht ii ho uietsasofic cu fr tise receipt or soco(l.ue tise lIss itrni p tatise lit ai Octol)eracxt. assd tiist ail c'ieiisa thaiîs nsid wiii be ,Ioeed l eintesâaof ty Attaruey fur callçttion, Oaa&AUgt. lt, 1870. W. ID. MICHAEL. WILL RIlsuER lnon Cl A SS E S, (D. V.) oiî ..l.es. " e.ew ~sad alalir Pc .aafci5s,,.1-9l cm <ee c.h?.a.~L~aiecUeaîoomydco OUN G LA&Du JOIiNAL. Aent$ownPotbiote Tradie, -rix àaut usIocentse 5Ci, -Ià1 - IOËGXE BI(GOUGI Augnet 24,1870. - Whitby, August 24, 1810. LOWES&PWEL 04 COTTON I:B4S. COTTON BAGS. COTTON TARNL COTTON YARX!t JUS t EEE 1,000 Cotton Baga, boat make. 1,000 Ibo. -Cotton Yarn, dos *5,000 lbo. Preservlng Sugarg. 50 Packages Aidwell's Aie.. --Whiéh w e frfor esper than any otiier Hanse la the CanL>. T. R. KcmIIAX & CO. Wiiby, August 0, 1810. 92, MANUJFACTOTRFD, Bt, BROWN & PATTIERSON, 8l±ten yets prctic lance in the Manufacturé bfRe Utiii Mye, aLs fiez in that the "1ntnScf kn Bae"f cr e u«îtaèc nyo ter Machine made at thepresent dy elar.utitoduce it, atCana&4,and mani. ufactuted a limiteal n umber the put s eas naale. yet are tije ,og1y, manufacturera. ibis csanaOur 3Mgahies VII mbrage auch mli % roeelt Aý7grçsepre ln the mainufacture sageted. Strongly anud durabbit Tinbest materlal useS uin>ta constru:ction.lts ma-, cblnery the maiL caMPact andl durable. The. lesat lable to geL out'.of order, The, combinatian ai waod antd iran ln-the finger bar, maltes it the moat Perfect of finger bar. The aet'of th«driver locateal outside cf the drhving-ývbeel..se balances an-l relieias the fingerb, thatit1à;lamlfi able ta sag or break than that cf any .pther machine. Oui Selfftokeis tbe Monat Perfect cicr lnventcd, and cansiatsaof tiveýREkes.revolying aronnd an axis close ta the di iring-wheel, sa ploccd as ta e c ntiroly under the contraI of the driver wîthatt ppingl the Leam.. It cuts snd doiîvers t.ngle ,crinkled, or Iadged'grain rapidly and' langQod hape. CuLa a six feet awath, with a little. draft as -a igitt four feat MoW0ÏiÇ ,and na aide draft whatever It cuts easily, vitb a camman toma rn mfitteen ta twenty acres per day, and bas Cnt anc bundrea nd forty-acres la seven days. It la mannfacturcd for Reaping anly, becauqo it bas been demanatra*teal that a sepa- rate Reaper andl Mover vll iastta cuL mare grass and grain, tban tÏa Combined Ma- chines, andl cots inuch leMs Inthde aggregalte. BeSides, a soparate Macie ltlae coin-, plîcateal than a combineS ane;- les hable ,to' et 1at et air, s-lani'àalvq rady :for- wark witbout the trouble> andl deli4.'of cbançufng fromn one ta Lb. 'other. This Beaper bas been la succesul a peratuan anly foeve rs but t a many maperlor points af excellence hsire won for it dnning tbat.tuas a muuiltitude af friands, and a pa- sitian neYr 0 o4tIç~ yayhretrlas hr iu FrL~~la v r % THE HARVEST 0F 1869.-OUR RECORD.- FOr ten yeans tbcru bas nat been a sessan vien grain has1.eenIan se bad a ondition for barvcsting as the Pust 'one.., The strav bau been exceedlngy bieay, brekea. andl badlr-lodgead, thereby sèerely teatng the- ability of the ahanent macines te.- wos* on- Ijlspcl , STOCK DOF ou - RIIES,AND lu ,Novr redqoed tc aboi -gaod-will aibasine Y«e. Stock aven -t the lîtht iliata, àà Tenders foi sema1 lot aI deptember.1 th ise tand lu toi ablo tenms for atari Atugnet I th, 1870. ýrinoipal, 9. asvTy $1C r wi th F- la ahIl b. neelup »tathe lTe pramies. viticiare ru, uMay ho leaon an tor- t of eears. GIl31O, IOBB & CO. - Oshtawa, Ont. I ENIATION WARTED!1 Informatioa wanted af William Itowe an& Thomtas Smith, or citber af thon, who farmerly lived ou -the-o aimof Hram Oampbell, Tth con. Whbitty, by.theîr neice. lierrows BridgcAtberley. In lformation con ho loftet t oflce af tiâ piper. Anguat 24, 1870. 84 BOC ' - Ir TOUI TAg? A -GOOD FIT, AND T-a VOE IP0FWORMÂNSEIPI ris: te' store ocf -- JATTEW COmma, W Ladie', Geat's anald Chldren'a Boots euSý Shase la gratv riety, aiS eve«ry stylo. )TS AND -SIIOES,! July 20. 1870. 29 ONYTO LOAZ4 on Fenaro .oerty only. MAY si, 1870. 22 c ERTAIN PREBERLVATION 0FrTME J. _X. GERRIE, Druggist, &. Dundas St.9 Whtby., sole Agent for tîhe sale of oti JE 9 TATEÈPEBLCE 8 n ItaENgSSoaiwhich arecronné.! by uV4, fromnoateritmannfiectmrdeuIp l l o an o seor Achromatto escmlaboproduccd. TIi.peelier faim and cettieaeye- toinad by the aid of complcaiad -anfd cootly mîaseiiery, warrants nsain nasmertinif thoin ta be thë mont Perfect spevIicles ever ,aranfàc. tlzrei. they erisiat te Sglit mnoit B rilliintly, confor Base and i>aunfort oiftho Wcîerer, caoe 1 thauvre alrtnjg ta b% cb ii!geil _&. h 1ar tesot. LAZABUS, MORRIS & Co., g5 W EMPLOY NO FEDLARS. .-M - 25 M ÂP OF TEEg Se at of Wa r, Wve bave a su entcxc.ellent Maps or the seat of ver la Europe, et tite low prIceof FIVE CENTS 1 FOR BALIE AT UT. Alun'. Book Stars-'Mr. Beagonsrh'n Book Store.; Mr. Yole'& Ielegraph and Ex. o=f0ce; the Mllliaery Store af Mis. Kel.. r er ll i stuart f sud At the- CUnsXOLSî j&uguat, 17, 1870. JEsOLVENT ACT 0F 1869.- Ma>' 5, i870j

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