Whitby Chronicle, 1 Sep 1870, p. 4

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S 0 007, ena I on signa,9bi5 in11> 105 irdI tier *0 dryAc. Tbf. boy leTvry nf f- èreut &bot efrnna.. nov. He "ao b bolieres ho doua' eaesforithon as moeb ne ho saed 10. A RoYÀà RuenaxCa 19Ii Tasau.- Thie lÀmoreh correspondent of tbeCork .Ex- aminer soa; -1-1 bite. benuiaforme.d, on wbat 1 eeaider trnatwoisbl autborlsy, îs w. are st ieugtb te bave a royal realdence la Irelandi sud &bat tee la Humser. Mfitebolto.n COue, tba tst cf the Bari cf Kingston, le lioly to iW.the. electedl locale, on acceonut of IL@ is to, slze of edibee, aud the greal adrautages - offered for sport, faeleding Ihing lu the fatnous IBfaebwaser, Nsgouiatlons, 1 bave beau lnroramed, have beansun oont<e y Govrr. ment te brlng aboutit la prc"~." ~-~---------- «Me set afd in*o dIiawyer, givlug advlce ta lit a on, whc w%5- joat Stiteriflg upon the precti ce cf bis fotber's profes- sion, lit yon bave a case where Lbe law la ecarly on your aids, butjustice -eeemo to be agalnst you, urge upon -the jury the neceasity oLostainlnig the las'. If, on- the other band, you are lu doubt about the Iaw, but yoîîr cient's case fa cieaAy fotuqded -upon ju.îtice, insiat upon theAe cessit>' of dol ug justice, even tbougitr 8h. heavens *ehottIil i b' 'it.' askee- the son, 'bos' shall I manage in a case wbcre botb las' audjuistice are deati agaiuqt tme 'In tint case nMy, son,' repliedthe olti stager, 'tajk round 1iLi. I A captIous indîvidual ln Wheoling. W. VI',, actuully flairîdeIlnt with the sebool olcers ofltiiot place for grantfnga lirst- class tescher's certificate ta a mon who 6flelg .irto with an #s; converts another 0i l omlana narne into a e/at-line; dis' f ieg a *yette as lao Fate 4 pelîs Jontgomery witlî JJt., veinte witb an a; ends etornaM witb an ii-, ondiCakes other libertiom with corninon Englisb words whosQ history aercs that Da nser was an aId Rornii poct, andi thit the Atîsenians were the fint mharitimue nation ; andi whose chcîniâtry andi astronon)y are eq; ally or- Iginal oand praisewoetlîy. Ii osexatnîi- uation"sio two successive answers wsre in ail respects correct," andi yet bis cî'rtilicate was fur the lîlghest grade. If Lis la the customu with Wbetling exiininers, their town woli soon be oferrun by dubiously educatoti aspirants to the chair petiagogie. A Missouri l'gratis ýidow" recently inarrieti ou condition that ber new sjîouse would resigu fis position in casie lier for- mer lîusband slîould re appeor. A lady from the country, who lias lately becomse a reidLit.ol the ciLy,. was very niuch troubleti at ber soi' proîongcd abh- nef ghbor cal]ling, suggested that tbe boy hatigene t4oscettie elepliant. 'lAb " saiti the tiotiierwitb a igts ol relief, "wliy didu't lie tell nie? I. bave nuojectint Isis oscelng the elephaxit, anti didut een know It wes ;ln t4bwn." minuucoîa's lat.tt stensation la a white jury vitîb a eolored forejuan. A gay PhiladalpibayethVus tifaeil flied $8 for &an asanit vith 'latent 10 An enterprisfug-Wesîerner la training an .1k, whicb lie proposeis ta enter in the bora. races at the Kansas Ssate fair, À Tennessee editorsannoutices bimself "'peroonally, morally, pecuniari> and physi caliy, reapunasible" foi ail tue _yontenti Of bit palier. MPRA T TO1PARTIES UiING JJ. s TOOJX<OS EXTRA MÛRIINE CIlL. Tlim Oit excel, uuiI etiier Oit, ooth uaniruiel And "teet le. uu' m aret peopneil tri slow tie mil lierlority nf tiole(i>1I teoi udther.lt stliotoes thue testAt no-ceu.ery te proîcure oatlrst-cbýitee or ticie, It lmadaulitcitn situer liglit <r iiu'uivy inn- cel ticry, fumne'e o swuwnoeiueto tle lictvest of' meitiuts. The îoluwuuig- ore tic ' iiOuts li wliîle oIt e tiuu ol-r (ils o î' 'ILI.liIT GUM, locuce m-îeiîinery clna be Icqot cîcuin witiitoit il, Cie troîublie, cil le mil eleusu niegiiiuery tlout lestici,. ilrcioi]yiummed 1oy otiier 0(hie, le sili aoetengeaitor til.iieen l thei colélest t !wcitlier. T'Violie le a qiuu et tue lilltetlionportiouuce, fioui tuie tuctoi 0uI net iiiviuog tufs qou ,it>' wili liott lnlrieiite a ecolui eiift, sell ie su1,fi ia>le spjîhiel ine lîcoited Ostate, bouttiLue nOttiit ILt teiles4oacolti siart iLta4 ceiouecaieil uîti willl suit lîirio'oto uliu- tl til. - ,ooroiui hv flctico, uoqoiree i iîîuu teinip.r- attire oeesrton reiuce îl e)toa liqli smtote li twcliiurluîiit eLiher teunipereouîre loy fictiîon,. ti,, 1.uui eotîoooo(id s il hue boîx lels11joru.l. t la os le i-cslulete-o1u4e co h tiiut miichili on o eelii jje;itwlitt Vili e rocoil, fus it le te minî- gloe 011 wltiu wiiuur. J. 0. Stock'. (011itwi lie- hîrcot tu enulct iiue t h lamonent It I lmalliesl. '11%0i s lI b uioweeI oluner ts'e Iiuuidrjl estloliineits, utend le civcigtiileut et' si-tielioeîi<oi. tend ol iýlo litiiviiig il-t-y railir It te refnieîi lportn or punre M'ive,. I 1, Rcruouui l ie nI.Jcctiîois urgcd a uint Il olluer «ils, ce t-chocsut otoriu or fruee.' Notes as thie poublie aoc es'sre Cint nouuooy wor:luies tillagie are jiolr.oelebutanturiuety, lu rer to proveoChiot Ciix 14 ISllînluuliug, tandite secire orsC e fl ialt thé <ueritln ent .8 un.erul~u htouue olI egoei. (Iuiouu' orilt' oni mei inties ai n 1dm off Clii *neiun offaefla ii tlur tic roine 14isutÎcalmvlustoek't.extra inctiffoe ()JI,.s'WCprtroe.se. te Clonse wiu'a ti-e lntare.ted inu ilue Iruolli et' thoose gulteliuuits. te seusil te elili,, cou upplicaiutlo, lty uuoi or otlucrs'ite ru., oil Charge litu ci.' sy, Ji s.tvooile ofehie our iîrt it nrois> îeok loi ii..Anol s'lil" ol' 00 1otl willîIt a fis' siinfoie tasts, as efllietive as thînse tets b hi>'wlliu l l eIRuiuowi frorum the Iniser giotalq, aItiwsielu wil attable partit.s or- derlur o litisemre tluanuseilvee aguonst llulosi- toul, hi- eioalllruotloem blta oriumae est eoea wlotlîîr thue 011 lerwortled la as gooc ait Ail partie* deanliI Maceiut 0114 wihi udo WeilIte eotnumnuiilito s'itlî CR0. 1B. STOCK, lirougonui-, OuC. Sole Agent for tClDi Dnion Brohigiam, Marei 15, 1870. i T L S T IMONTA l. Tues .ostalSr Lh XS CHIMoNuaiVomx, Oshuss's, Ari ,80 G. Bl. 5ocs, EUQ., Bacreilm, DVÂs Sm,-We liave be nsuyonr Lubreeti)g OUi for ie paume four mondes, sud ion se y s'tliont lietriion, tihat liil the Let 01ceilalonsevirrusai..It le 0100' Chei, apsd leistst longer hsn #Dy alter oil. W. bava mn eamr larire 14 fst Iromu phier, 1 dits wltb oe e eliig. It keam tlue toolg il Ienmd blgi>t. Wî dont a tliïq bitter ase a lnbrleator. ntVu ujho I1arn, yeurs trel>', 7- F W. tflEN, Pralànt ýM As INEBA & . Tue uuu4rlgted lias obieptici the marine Agacy eftbe An ilvli bce giad te eff~ etIsurauies for &Hi iiavlug proptirri>'te slip froui bisport. 1 Q DRAPEM. Asplendid ai ini Claret, good i né AT NO. Il ON-TH-E Butter, Eggsi, and ail kindsof Farmers' pro- duce wanted, ard takena in exchangeê for goods. R. FRANCIS' Whitby, July 13e - 1870 No ,on the Corner GENTIERIN TTNIN QENTLEMANOS.'$ CTHJNQ GMADE, TOORDER, T-I FINEMST' CANADI.AN T-WEEDS, Can b. e .Ieçted from, mitable for tii. Season. SAll kin-de of Gentlemen's .Furnishiîîg Goods kept constantly on hand. Wlîitbyq April 13, 1870. ALEX. PRINGLE.1 THE OLD STANI, The undersigned in retnrning thanks for the libgral patronage hitherto exteutied to the ýld estabishment,-for ueariy a period of fdrtY years, desires Le se>' that be bas now on baud a large assortuteut of the inoat modern and elegant styles of ]P-Y lu X% V1 LJzU..M And trusts by proper.,Attention and moderate prices to secure a cantinuance cf public patronage. I>rctcal upholatea-ing. Furuituro rc-satufied anti ccvered. Undertaking and Funerais Full, Suplled as heretofore, gW1Some oplendid -specîmens of, Picture rirames, and Gildingà 1?emember the OU ,Stand. Whitby, Marcb 9, 1868. BOOTS ANO SIIOES, WIIOLESALE ilw-.w & RETAIL. ~rniws *-Keeps constantly on liand, and in ,course of manu- facture, the Iargest stock of Ladies'.Cents' and* Misses' 33C C m ece s3LC>l e Examine for yourselves the excel1euý material and fine work- manship. 15.April 13, 1870. WM. BURNS, Brook et. THOMAS DA LES & SONS, MANUTFACTURERS 0F xx X, CREAM Aý PALE -ALE LE AND PORTER. Don'Brewery,Toro-nto, Ont As the proprietor atte nds personally to the Brewing, a regular sftock of Aies and Porter eau always bc depended upon. Part1es desiroujof iaaviug Aies of superior qualîty and Porter equal to any imported, arc rei5pctfully solicited to, send tiîir orders for a quantity large or siunill, and try fur tdîemselves.' With the nid of cor increased facil!ies,-we arce abi' ed to produce an arti- cle (ail the yçar round) second te nouo iu the Dominion. N. Il,-Ordera ieft with Mr. JAS. U. SAMO, at the Furniture M'arerooms, Brook Street, WV1itby will receive pcnipt attention., EOFFI-CIAIL A_88IC-NEýE. GE-,-rNERAL. AGENCY, OFFICE-,'! THEo"drged bavlng reMcrd tb:e appointmentof QiEca1,Aueeefor North: Insolvncy Prom aeoy Notetand Acmants speedily' coîîected audrreoiLwces On goodfarum seeurlty st 8 per~ cent interest. Special 'attention wfil b. g iven te the negocistlon'ai Loans, and'borrowrers eut roi> inha'i 1 oIrplcfon~tpe tp promipti>-, and nt amal expense. ff-AIse, Lande, botb Improved sud uafetproved contaatly for sale, Tnsu>'#lce# efte-ted in t'ho Outarie Parmers utnai Insnrnce Comspany, Port 48 --j '"luv n ymIcUnIn a,.>'C ity-So e aa womWo nave ien lîn tbe habit of visiting Toront.o for Dry Goods, wiii lInd that they can be better miuted,.and buy the same,-Zo,sdecideduy ohesper nt - - -JOIIN SKINNER'S. As there bag been no hositation to' mark the Goods DO WN TO COSTI i3uyerts of large.pareelae au savo money by purebhaeiug at, JOHN 3lpýNE'-9 SThomic Familles stud sgeonm1hould boy their goods at PRODÈUOE TAKEN IN CAG. yKBKNEB ocD WiII bc found Buggies, &c., of the 'n men emp1cuyed, and ail Wýhitby, April2Z7, 1870. Gemn Rings, Ear Drops,- Spe0-ta& scarcu zui,-I5Tu. The OVAN'S ýEET, WHITBY,) îflge Stocki of Carringes, les and best finish. Best work- ~1 Y s used of the best quality. i 1entlon -given to repairs, v M. DOV TAN Englis3h Plated Brooches, ý oorcd etta, very handeome. bmaker & Jeweller,-Brock st. Whliby R. BNOW, - -Proprietor. Tbe a'bove wejl1-kuzôwn hotel lias toeen, tho- rongil>' rcnovote aaDduewly furuisîiqd b>'tlle, bon eetn ieffct kidutoe îîre qnirndn- mentsae-ai ineta. Tite Table hn supphied with everytuing of the beot là eionan hne bul'thte beet brandi; of Wliuea, Liquoirs und Cigors kept ut the Baur. 17 - B. SNOW. XFilE ASSURANCE C0,4 LO)MBARD STREET & ClIÂxtuçaG CR058, Z ION-10ODRI £SYLLILçllp IN 1782j GXLI.ESÉIE, MOFFATT & Ce., Agents for Canada. JAMES DAVISî,N, Manager. ISUItANCE ngaist LOSS hy FIItE arc I clffectcd on the niostfaorabîc terme alld YEOMAN GILION A p ril dÀ8 5 g en t , 1v î it b y T ILILVi<Rl'OOL & LO)NDON »& GLOhE lN~tANixCE ("otMt'ANY is cleocf lia Most presperous e1 Engîlsi lnouraneCos. Ita INVESTED FUNDS are.8l-7,00, 036 Its DAILY INCOME excoe. . . - 20,800 Its LIFE POLIClEt are a SurePoeto f o r t e f u t u r e .r e P o c t n Ità FIllE POIIES, Imounot CunUiaax P.uera eford nU)plo pîotcctioa* tc thte Merclîoînt anti loueohlder. Ahl fair cdaims Paoxpvxy P.AÏu, and the ut- mhot liberlity sîowu a 'the aijuztmnt ef ilead Ofllce,Caaada nreucî, DKoutreal. 0. F. C. SMITHI, Ciief Agent <or Dominion- L. FAIRBÂNKsJa., AGENTo, at %Wlihy, Ont, Whitby, Jul>' 2Selo 18e9. 0 MANUFACTURED AT TUIE Agricultural Works.- Double TUREINE WATER WIIEEL,. TUE MOnT EcONOMICÀL WHIEL 0<W oUN ras 1 undersigned Conti lues to represent the following reliable INSU 1NCE COMPANLES: TIE ROYAL 0 HEAD O;tFICE, FRANCIS HIEWARD, Euotj IM3PERtAL, RENTOUL i3ROTH'S, HJUAD OFFICE, MoDOUGALL & DAVi1f4x PiROVINCIAL,, - 11MAI) 0111ICE, JAS. SIDNEY CROCKEý, SCOTTISH PROVINCIAL,(LE) A. 1)AVIDSON PARK11, I='AlSO the C.'o1oàial Securities Money, at reasonable rates . Wbitby, Jannary 4, 1870. Agent, Whitby w cru w- CO -Capital, $2,000,000. -TORONTO. jJOHN AGE Wumy Cap ital, 62,001,000.' -MONTREAL. JOHN AGNEW, NORTH BRÎISJ!, Capital, $2,00000,ý & 1 T EA . -1- --7---1 JOHN AGNEW, 11031E, - -~. Capital, $1,50,000 HEBAD OFFICJI, NEWHIAVEN, CON. CaORlONT0O00 JOHNTO.r4I JINAGN, nTY - Capital, $1,0o00000. JOHN AGNEW, AGENT, WRICBY. Company, for the Loan of JORN AGNEW fISEwioeelà WC ore now nnfaetnritng ..eiueprer thon ny otier shop lu the L'oln- try andi we wili i ve e guorentea witli ceci, 'ree warraeiîtîinztluer tn ha os Weilfmade, andi to givo os gond ,,tictiou s oy atin- facoeriiu the Dominion. lorties4 desiring further information carn oh- tain it y ddresminx PAXTON', TATE & CO., Jerty-St., Port Prry, Ont. 3 r c Se M t, 1869 . 1 BRITISH, AIERICAN ASSUR1ANCE COMPANY Capital, $400,000. vIueÈaredta murel r:peet' a-tsL% 0 'ppI>'e L. FA 1IRBANKS, J. 2-121n. Agent, Whiiby.' ,D ont 5 neicare w;iiuUUt o 1wear eut at leuftfine of the Môveeble Polnts, tliuï efrect- luj a savlug tint wl bcLeut onci appýarent te Save moe>' thenn m musehe Môveable Pointe., IW TowushlpRIiahte for sale. R OlV5 & TBFNlNUU, u . . 30311 . A T DOMINION__ GAIERY. For ricioness of Tone, faglineis 0cf Deteil, and exqnisite Finish, cannoz lie eurpassedi !lavinpr made great imrrovements in, ls. ielîti1g oftlîis gallery, lie lsaeiow takng «Ce- tures botter thon ever. The new "Remiroudt" p ietnre taken At Willgon's :aaosethe '"liîîted Vgnettc, -a new and very beautiful Etyle. Anythtng iiin Photograpiîy. tlint le wérth Jiaving, cn 'elie hd et Willlsoîr', «Gallery'. Cunliluet,l fenevery low. O1u11l'artrhIto neatly copied. t'oitrait3efflarged to lfe size, and eclorcul ln oil-woîer colon; or india ink. bir. Willson ib very euccceful in tokilig chlen2,18tar. M R. JAMES WA LICR, ofA&sburn Ont. Puteuec of the Tw in- Ploug, AND ALSO THE' DOMINION PLOIJGII, utend, :macufoteturiag ou a large seole t1ii -Foîil ana2ti ntr, 1i1s TWIN& OINO týî TJuey wilbe g-anraýntecd. Well matie, and isu working part gronn'd. W retia elti do wèelte seud lu tiair ordere wieloou: uele>'. Conut>' Riglits for sale, Aslliurii, Noveinber Io, 1leu. 4-t LI1V ER Y T qFE UNDEIGNED DESIEFS TO IN1- tirm lis I ricouîland patrons, tint ie- luais uriuures-nmej buusuucs et the old- WHITBY LIVERY STABLES W- honing oescrenielth le oinhmer sud quiiîity et thue stuud, nouti oleootitietiteoand li- provceth le eooîveyacesandi velucie on thei p-eustes, lie luepes b lc in a epostieon Ce Oee the %o'ens t uet otuuers te merle a-§haero of pooliie patronaige. - g~CHARGES MODERÂTE. , N. B.--Com'ercd eeoivc3-eioees for <omilies 10 nl orders. - N. RAY9 Proprietor. Wiby, April 8, 1868., 14 'o Mesnrs. CHAMBRiLAINc & SILLS, Clon- eoazy P. 0., CorÙntfy of Lennox, Ont., Canada. - r T in tu c cerlht b Cat diirin t t ii w int r ci oîuklcs, s'hiclu grotdeall>'duriug Cihe Sring of 1867, extenedtiCcMy kace, aud no p'ta iy lipe, ati I beconie se s'eak Chat t 1otiul muet wolk, hot s'as couulied toM>' chair. For about ts'o yeurs, wlidectfuis s'eluness s'ascommue ou me, ad ettcrs'srdoi, I oourlut medical edviea, on loying, t diIl'rct ime, tbree dctors. sud -inedieiuoee cf ditfereiit leintis, peoi b>' friiods.. but of noovel!. IuooludC î 'oîrse and w'or>e, outilthCie Sommer of 1868, s'hdu I s'as fiiduued lte r7 tie- great Sîestiie-, ces Iledti>b>'readiniz tlii cure# osrorniac, la a poimplulet. At CiSIi.timui I bai began te fiel the weoknis la my hande; la fwti 1s'as giattieg alinoat huelphess. I bave tgoen t*o hottles ai the Sfienhucia IhiMecly -ani ts'o boxes oe tipilhs end I1oam entirel>' reEtoreul to lteîîltlî. 1 neyer *expected te gît betteri butI simphy tu4ed the medca eeacI> oi bope. Thius case of mine s'as uoot a privatc erie, but- knoisn -teaIl my ieil'er a frinde; sud to env one afilîcted as a was,I -huivo ouI>' Ct> s'tr; the slzosbooees -IteMeti';- îbeliev it s'il i cure voit. r, oreMARY ANN DOVQHTY. IiW# t?à W 4 dy cf Fohruat7, 189, -0 - A.'. Weeu,, J.?., &., -1 hîerîby .etr tl ta1bav n lcn' rs. -Mary.,Aun Dongîuty forthe hast ffteon vears; îLe tea iWjnnii, or D' nihte ..e.tS.....-- CELEBIRATED GHtJRf1, Nocteti as ena ýf the beat ariticles of th6i.nd Îcuenufacure.j in'ti-c Couetry, and bis !irpre* ecl ST1tÂW CUTTe.It8. , e osaS'werken 00osuperlor ini eve'y respect. keda, Re-ving froeereti on,' cf luKiCESotq'sii.' bratid COLORI ENlINES ent hi% uiannfae- tory, ha bega ùiMyt, oyCnt lie is new euabled te e-xecute al erders ,wieJî whieci lie May b. <mv.' orel oeiaper, aSud witLh iaý epdt tlîau hitierto. and to Leunte efo mxadistei Clu toeuontomnreIn thea qnoity of.thework. monittip end materiol. Nr.cli antiSo fe fneOsCalorie Ejigimeasi work 1 CORDW4,OD & LJIE Teken lu exebange, andi Cesh Puceallowed.- JAMES CLAYTON. Wiithy, April 27, 1869. AN'y A MOUNT OF MONEY T0 LO-AK Tu Snt.bscriler lenew'prepeiretito Losu au>' auiunt 0f MonJe>, (Prlzite funids) on good FAIllitPII.O.ER'rj- In sume te suit herrowt.r, at ver>' loe " . r I oLqe reurepeet threcof the largext Mouetmr7 Iiuititnt 'ioas iiuthe Dominion, whieleb-]end o.necîYOn the Mostadvaitongem LARGE NUMBER OF IYELL OULTIF-ATED FARM8S, Andi a quiontit>' cf wiitiLandi, er sale ceep. For particoolorsa aply to -j-Am ES IIOLDEI<, 9llIciel Alsaignee, Moue>' Broker. &e. OFFICE.,. fecond i- ic MeMfl1a'Bzck Pr6tck $trcee. Wlyiitby. - wlîletb, O cctober 4t hl 1869. N.Roarn reaîed ta inveet inuanl inda of 1(li<eurPI,, Morrgnu,ý ites jrdoîhceiri ireon'baeks tond ffliver bonkh~t ati, sold. D ES 6 MA&K 1N G br Knns'ing and idi,, Clark, 1eg te ajj_ lOiece te etue LocIieu ef Whitby and v- uinity, titot tl<-Y lbave opened lluneineus u In ohborne ,st., (next et-or ca,tof the GramiiiohcioQ, wluerc Cluey will heoiîrepared to reeeive and execute al1 orîler, for-rirse mahuinz and man- ti-Ics là o sperior nianner nîî.l tofter the latest teluinuiaAil ordérs otendged to with pane- tneality anthe tri tuetattention. bigl. KNOWLIKG, MISS CLARK, 1 W h it y . No n 1 7 , 1 8 9 . 4 6 TEETI! EXTRIACTED 'BY TUE USE-OF OR TRE 1iEWf, AT - lpw. âmeL DENTAL ROOMS, ]DUNDAS STR-EETd' WITBY, C. W.,- ROOÀNL83eova,.-M.Il. Cochraei'aStore. WieeyJau,î 26, 1867, 29 GORGE GURLEY, MERELIANT -T AIL OJ R CLOTIIER AND DRAPERt, -GENTLEIIENB GARMENT'L umd. uplu Che beet style susi latesiot oin. A fine tooekof clotlîsfroon wheh ta- oma"e a sîuecîicn for Gentleeucn'xarommer malts. Oehas', Mea 12, 189. -19 J OBS EOfINeONIge Hair Dressing and Shaving- SALOO ----- - BOOK ST., WIIITBY* Wlltbyý, Jai. 22, '8. - ,JOCHN- CA RT ER, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. TevOR OiOirTis5O ONTARIO, YORK &PPEL. W~- REeI Eptcn...Lot, 8o Mc . Nlarklian,.-poi; OfIRe4>.î.i,;i. SALES atteudeti on Cl0 sborteat-n &niea On riscunable terns.Termese au l = madmua hilîs prlnted at tbe Cb ronaae'ecilcefor Ur Ganter.- ' AUCIfON BIJSINM8 1 r69. -'1$0. 7fr. Proof Chimneys , Shades, Spi Bg rjsokets, i J-AM] 2-Whbitbyl Jan. 12, 1870, 24-tf. ~200 The uni Lbnues te RAo -Appi>' - [EST AB LIS IlED INS UIRANCE Caital AGE$ AGEN,0W00.1 - vE <b o r m >1 'C> m z à.4 w N OTIE la O TE ZL 1 E B E S T P E V E fpý if. 5 F 1 ( B. Il WILLSON. 15 :ý 1 March 28,.1810. 10-ly

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