Whitby Chronicle, 8 Sep 1870, p. 2

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Town k he lu Général Serr4nrantea. nouas ofc ourtc Asu.of nago lâtessî mawuss-Guo, Degongli. antboriloed te colleac ut a fo tis Oscé, sd girl recepts; sud al8100ans or lisrsov.y 0 acOntsplaced lnhisi h" difor coflectlon. l'h. prn"s ,m,ansVitoions on every aide -ilarrender of lte Empror-Cat',tuo )cienati JcUahoa9xarmy-The- braye warrdr saud ta. b. mortaliy wonnded-A Iiepublc procltme- The Prince ImperialinL London-Thhe Empres. on ber way ta jota it- floubttal prospecte ai Petee-o6Var ta thse <nilIe9'proclaîmned ey té eur Aepublic-TJie Crowa& Prince on to Paria. Bclefly, anl whthont puzzing Our rend- ors vlîh a maissof contcadictory t@e- graphie reports receivcd <rom day to day, thes flloiug là a summsry cf the .v nevwsnd',mois tiporîtant leiS- MiMsbon'g gripy, lbas ýon defeated by ovefr-whimlug nuierï, snd the brave çbieftain itaseif-wunded-morîally, l isa sald-after oeeof the mcml herneoand terrlble stroggles ou record. With M. Malien'.army Lb. Empaer o assurrender. ed,-to the Migof Prussin-av.ing, sa l. said, Do comaend la the army, aud living pisod sWu snboriy le tb. Regency si Paris, A Republilobbaien prcclaimed in France, and tbe- new geverameut bus bien buliledl ib acclamations of rejoelolg. by tb. fickle peeple cf Paris. The Prince Impoial bus arrived lu Lcuden, and is sait! to b. snffring severely rom 111leu. .The Impresas lu nBslglm, on ber way tejoin tb. Prince. The new goverument pro. aloies "wac l e e kuife" as long as a .<orsigu soIdier trends tii. sacred soit nt France. Meantime the Crowu Priauce i *maklug forced marches te Paris, attd ls sud tc be wiîblu four dayg' maceh cf th'e 'eity. Bazaine, aI Metz, lfi d le b.hou th.eove cf oapitulating. Fraunce, aiîhcugh dfealed sud bs.ffied, fer the preseut, infer freta being cenqnered. lier arme have beau always succmsful coder a Republie, aud sbe may be ibis te susentlber supre- m.cy and ilegrity nne s bs did lu 1799', ru suyrulon-er ruber wbatever tbe futunre ef eveuls may biug fcrîb, th. ecuditicu of the falsuen mperor sud the ne. scallered Imperial family lu lborougbty pitiable. Better lie Lad faced ait tLe consequeuces sud "died lu tLe lasI ditcb" thau Lave surreudercd is sword. Tho hercie MeMahen enjoys the iost bearifeit sympaîby on eoery sida.i lie vas4lbheDue bright, pacîlcular, sud relieming star cf îLe disastrous war, whicb. lu al probabilily, bas lerminated the Third Empire. The Townr Taxes. In tLe exhibit cf h. condition of eue, Tcw.fiuances dlîcioscd by tLe report of tLe Finance Committcc, adopted at the lest meeting cf the Tcwu Conuil, the render wil l lud, at a ganuco, tLe wby sud lb. wbrefcre tLe rý of taxes Ibis year run up' tc Ive uda.quarter cents je tLe dollar. Drieflyi îLe items thal go te&Weili ont îLe *15,214, which the conucil lu obliged 10 caiso Ibis year, lu order le Meet the Corporation obligations are- Ccunîy Tax, $894.30 ; Debeutuces sud lutereat, $5,568,32 ; To-vu Sehoois, $3- 475,21 ;Gec,ýa1 parpeses cf lbe Corpor. pisîres-îhe Baden Priscuers taken at Md.rbronuu*,Siarbruck ; sud @soe e. criUs fer tbm Scuth German Army ; A Pmnssan Onposî; French Soldiars bath- iug.aî Naney. It bus, besides, fine por- traits of Mademoiselle Seul sud Gec. W. ChilIs cf lb. PhlUadeia Ledger; a beutifel art 'pieluce, Mcruing lu tLe Desert ; sud tLe. admirable summer pictncssiîrm.A Pienauiti the. Wccdo, hy Heppin ; Suq"'mier D, b y W. J. lien. »eMI t'asd ODn>Ib D3saet aULng Brandi, -Cy . G. Bnmb. Its Llîetsry contents comiprise ahl. sud very iulscestiug Edit.orialm on The !3alance of Power, Au Empire%. Bill Rac, On the Unceriuîny cf Thlngs,À Duirable Cal- sily, *e. h bas a fulil snmmary cf Hoenad F'oceiaNew@, twe additioual ehipters cf &The Mystery of Edwin' Drood," aà sketch' cf UGoW. Chulds by, lameigs Prîon, sud ollier freis sud rend. able articles. Aitpgether, 'il lu a remans- ,abi. nomber of Ibis first.clss fauI tu, iiii daty uo thrsua noue w Aul worss stHhi , *wmbt.baie biatI slrlisut vs *.we vote loilthAý,ai-' theui ui. Isgqnsq pif$113,00,1lucams sud bonds, bal beau receilyl b. hecou- tmmer,Doct moteo bssm,ý0000voi c veSlia" beau certiiel, by th. engineer of thh C Ibi, £o beeu'do» n toheb "SdZue d~jte é tuitriul loeg tbi track. And, W-o vers furibën inform- ad, Ibat, fr oseinlb m nue rb lieh lthe couirset lmasbée u'drava i' , the'Copy cesrtuily atbou thté lut va e ela. Mn. Dumble Loirs ufgirpal 1c* wse vse bu obtaînal tusaocalraci, ve eongrateiated ai1linterasts lad lu. *o potron, ofhefb RuSilvay, thtthaerS va ntise bauds cf a gentleman of is capeaIme"ansd character. hedeed ve vers -assuraI ai' lb. tinttisai soampls ers Mnr.- Dubloe meau sastliLe yo. 4)tl ici ra u dspe cf the bone debeiutuies or the bonds of tLe Company et ail, thai hoe venîloock bisentop in bis safe, sud drav te luterut bimisif, as"theeaMtl rofilable disposition b. coul muS e oer. Gn asteuis- ment, hierefores, pItbis ate oethiings nov allegel 10 sxist, __'ssnyb howl usup. pound, il bhe greater, 1: certsiely lu due le Mr. Damile îles- seolf-suýad ihe Boaîifm Dinecloru ove It to the ccrporations ,Ybese bonsusu lthay obtinold-as eli nas w <hein Raiway fnlends, viso (if ail Le' Inn.) tisey have meut slsume ~ tht hefully eevl htl.<est ex- plausiion sisould be giveu. To b. estis. factery, lise mast ample sud uneeservel statement of the vhole Irait, sud lb. pr. sent prospects for tjhé cempletien sud cpening cf *'tbelinaohuiiusand. Meantints, va aIrs. îhe Tovn Concil tg relain pesien of tise *20,000 debee. lunes, lu baudiug oror tisa *30,000 ut- raa l gItanlie'ddoi4auy, vs <oar the Town basdoue.more tuse ito fairtsisare, as malters stgnd, suldsqurelj a reeedy eau iefmu giuî d 'ti~r 'bêing, fetten ictimized. Tise Coannîp ggc1linrsl Exhibition cf SotiOntario, î.Sas plcéonue ii.hth& h2h iOct., as "'auÎouncel lun otier The exhibition cf tisa Electorili Dvi- sIen cf Eut YcnS ce tise 13îli k l4tis, tie deys follovu. At firat s difficulty rose, Lotis Soaleties ciimiug the rigit 10 hll liseir exhibitions ou tLe esler laya. Wo are gisI, Lever, bisaIu amicable arrangement le bell tise respective exhil- bilions ou the deys menîlouel aboya. bas beau arriveda anul usaI îLe ifflcuty vas adjustel in lise frieudliast spirit. ls'urC'rzem c1P Tas REY. D. Bàl,.s.ÂIXvrî Mtisutrrti op TEE CANADOA PaErarAr Caracu.-TLe RevI. D. 13allantyne vas indectel on Toeuduy lait, es Minister cf tise Canada Preabytenisu Cburchin l*'Iis tovu. Ra6vd. Mr. Penttue, cf Ciaremont, preacisel n verj apprapriate nul impressive sermon, suitablo te the occasion. Tisere Wous svery large audience cf tLe geuernl publia, nmongsltiahecongs'asian c htie CLercis, présent. Levd. Mr'. Cross, cf Newcastle, adîresed tise Mieluters, sud ReuI. Mn. Donglass, cf 'txbrilge, tise peope. A Soirée.vas belle tisaheeveeieg, at the Mechanics' Hall, viieL au a gres auccaosa.W eg a. thte, cegraga' done upon cbtaiuieg a .Minister villi tb. favorable antecédents cf gMé Bailanlyne, vho contes amngoa s iii tise Lest cf -ce. hesjusî received Wy Mr. 1eo. Cameron' Be Whoe 1-day. ,'TismamInes. te eeg. let a ugb or eold, bwevvelgisi. Consompticumamy, folio!, sudlisougis Dr. Wistarma smfhidOsuybsfre-' quenîly araI ýthîi uie' ,reduidieae it l mmmcin i i hyoceslb.printarj lisesesOf 'the (brout, mginrt and ehest, visera oîbenreaeiil CAT rE Oi Au AguaoAx 'Fuuq fsel bas bean u opîncee for an Infraction of lb.O Casd'rsg fiublb' lave. Là V anna., dia san cptrel thé. Lizzfa, of Gicnoeer,ý Masdislauw aliew evon Islandsu-for baln. Tise Lfsrf. was rcaglt ho Quabe on Saurday, sud tise case ili b. brougiss Lforýje,&W6ort f,"sai elt ove, *tg, oeeove t*38,ne ouioiuled, $10.1 Also a inilar oaim, obissf of Mc. *Park,sgevdS.r, claimlgpilotntuo f *3, fo t6'lousofaàub..p. Bothi refosved to ope" oaitevLrraLoovr Tise major informel <b.heouuolis.ae a bal boalseveral coomunicuîelnu' viti thIe preideut sud muetfltsc cf'tise Ceuty, Agrlcultnral Seclefy, respectons îLe Agri' cultural igroqu>., Tiq ociqty vsuted? ad ; lsat if se tiseBooey wvoll do tise dcaiuing sud levelling, providle4"IsÏe vas soetit aîluaory uulerstauiig as to te- leasIng arî4ved ut. At à euisequsut 'stage of tb. procéee. lins, Mn. Donorsa lulcroduced a reso1tion <bat thse council do lb. fendesg cn tha cnditions named, Aud that a special cout- ntiîttee, 0onsisting cf Meurs. Draper, lici, don, Memiltea u îLeoe,b. Appoint. el to eonfer yiîb the efflers cf the Bo'. loty. After sente explanations the cs- lotion wus agreel te. TasscOW rruCu-'1A155 VAWI» Mr. Draper lulceduced the report cf the Finance eosmitoeet,wbiiali .vascou- siderel la committea of, the, wboe-MIr. ýCiscS. lu the chair, '0 'nl .rted sud adoptel vitisc endmenttThe folle. ieg are tise main particulanm of the repcrt 1 Thât the total Actual vainse Ç ceai sud persona! prepeiy vwîho to '-')âods ieg 1 tisa revibedý hssi¾t colt fcr lb. preseei jean le- ileuideut. o-a. Ttl North Warl' .. 268,01 7,00 '27.5,904 Centre do .... .263,04 - , 240 264,804 SouiL do ...1159 985 140,804 TisaI tb. value cf taxable property vithin îissî part cf ibe township cf Whitby eniaI vwils tLe love, fer ichool purpoues, la $31,300. Thot tLe valua of properly exempt frein taxaîfen, unler lb. asu;esunt set of 1889, lu *5,400. - Tisai the value cf preporty ameuel agaiesi îLe supporte:. cf B. C. sscoolu lu ~Thât thee aimatel expeulituro 10 Le prcéidd for Ibis yaar is As foilovus Coenty tax, *894.30 ; scels, $3,475,, 21;i notes under discount lu On'tar'io Bank, 43,500 ; due o : MeBrie'. aosiate,t *1,490-; salaries, *500 ; printieg, $200 ;, balance cf appropriations ou atreats, $1150 ; revarl effrel by the Town Couecit, $200 ; Debenures, (mtarket 1856) $34333 ; Drill Shedlanulfuir grounu la-t Leuluras, *278;-,Lonet sleileay,*2500;t haif year's interest on *2,600, *826; baif yeas"s ineest ou bonus cf *20,000, fron thisSeptember, 1969, t l tIJanu. nrj, 1870, *338.60 ; cee jear's iutarest on do,ii ce, *1200 ; one yenr's intereit ou, $1400, suthorizel t e Lesel, *84 ; con- ting-eecies, $200,-making a total of $17,1 177.84. Eeceipts-Casb le Tcensucy, *400; dos tax, *100 ; balance vaig s sanies, *50; advanced tg School Bonrd, $765 ;$1400l lebenteres, sutborizel te Lec sol, vilI jield, oau, $1,155 ; aud ivo-aul-ti- quarter cents on tb< dollar, e $-on $670,199 (les. *506,63 on noe.resileet l tax sel ceai cf collection) s'ill jial, uay *'4,70784,--'givieg tLe total of euh-. mataI redeipts $17,177,84. AN 1E5?QtJIST ABOUT A I3Z.WALL. Mr. Clarke erqured, ILceegli lie Major, from tLe chairma on sîrcets sud improvemants, v t Cc il vwu the inten- tlotn cf the copittyp te complote tise sidalk on Brockstmreat, seuiL ns far as tise chuircis tiis Sason ? Ho coeplainee of tLe unîimely construction of tise sida. valkus yaar afier jear, jusl before tLe sov wfili, insteal of îbeic Liug maIe esnly le the senson vLee ibeir use voul Le anu accommodation. Ali, or meut cf tLe sideaaka cf the tevn, tLe preuenl year, bal iseen lrendy coustructel, Se salît but Lecauotise sidewalk lie mon- tioe-is osmant Ilini enfinishel on Brook ulceet te îLeeuiilvay bridge-vas soins seulS, il bal beau negiaclal. .Mr. Pbiip, (chairman o thîe committea et streets sel improvaments> replie1. The commuttes Lad ucet leîtsiu'ghi cf tise nefinislisel llai ta le eraiiway bridgre Mc. Draper introducel a by law, 10 amess lise ratcable prcpontj cf the Towas, the prasent jear, feunled ou the repart of the Finance contmiîîae. The anacîing clauses vere foc the rasinsegof $11,139, 26, for the gouerai perpomes of the tove, au aqual rate cf 1Il cents lu îLte dollar ; scu for sbool pur- potes, $3,475,21, an' equai ' rate in tise dollar cf 1 of a catth ie dollar. Thse Ly lav passel ronih iLstuméagas vitiseni opposition or antenîmntl $100 TO ma 3IORTE 'wÂass Mr. MeMilian, u4coadal by M. Ray, movel 11 ,fue hé trp 's,9uof e'$100 .c -49Q.L11 North. Wacd, tmouý ,qj4eo aidsrals, e.~aadsuyzpdus5airéadj incurred for tLe mante b.antWt ±to b. dedutel fron, t 'heieat jean'. -North, Ward'appropriations. Mr. MeMilin ex- plalneeltise necassily fortise grcsieg cf Lis motion*uSIgoealanguis. Mc.D ,r ppoo4 lise -'motion on prluclple,'nd 'ou tise grmnd cf ils fort- ingi ibal precedeut te aile. asy uembes' <oý lueur îxp.un'eu bfore appropriaions ves ah-sud 'sftervarls ms titis cunelil 10 reinmburs.hlm. i> Allersa fev vomIs fiinmMeurs. Plhip, Heiden & Clanke, foc. mal agimaëi il, tLe resolution carr el by a vole cf 10 o3. gnsranteeiug îLsh e» Sa o i b. he Porîbles.; 1* migit bi il lu fernib-héad, but what of tÉat1 liJrsa Pppe< fore f a tev, wt- name to 11, Ou every greai lie u 'tb# Îetentiou of the debetrelfi Compa g ave ic6ae prôcOft b1i -âîucere incaýrryg ont' 'heP f lte bond. lie believed that a.suit «Uas a.bout *tebhoinstlttteld agains:t te Cr- ppratlon tecompel teinâ, of 1 the debentures anu, thaeaccru e" t Àand thît the Town tbouid'b a e :PosisiQu 10 be saved pxpense Mr. Draper cepliel, that Mr. me epposel the forai cf receipt sttec tbe resoîntiour prevfusy'pused? 1w' euee te thiosàsbjeet, wbich vai deoi te debar lb. Company-fromAolleeîing seoced iuteress up te the l9îhz cfSe. 1969.- As te the la suit tbreatem thora wcnid, lie' belieyed,1,be a suit' i"d event, tc r eccrer tbe bie inie eti the Town vculd netoctIent tc a ont:,eing compéfllete do. bL course the Counit eok there etui suit lu reference 0 tbe interepto being lb.ecase, baller itbe decided banding ever the iebentureu, Ibsan wards. ,As ain¶xtber cf the Counuc was prepared tîireaist the Landieg the debeuturas, 1 9 the Company refusd aigu s reeipt waiving the back iotarý yF., Ray eVed htu.sp V eveir b*e 'te4à made, '<or Ibis luî'eres't, tbe coucil Mai noîbing about h. Ibere wus t00' ugeh talkieg altogether abon the what we calltaI "accrucd iuîerest.'" Sie, (Mr. %ay), alwayi bleedsud boW~ thero vas ac interest due tLe Companyý, sud b. slte nov came tte tLe conclusion tht froti Mc. Draper'. ezpissicusW tis insUer,be vas acting lu thse Inteceuts of tbm Company. (Langbter>. . Mc. Draper aid, lhe hmd always halé! (bal itle Company vas Oniy entitieà't.J iuterosrfrem the I9tb Sept., 1899; sond ho vas doubîful vbethor thse CosnpsnYý'i Vis even entitied te ihresi f re 'tbal flime, or unlil s demaul wwu made for the Mr' ldea asserted, thal It vis neyer iete;Ï&d that a clie v as te be madd foi auj interest. And that itvws never ta- tende1 by thse Company vLan the eutradî. wM jet, tint the contracter shoul gat Ibis interesl lhe nov ciainis. The Cee-îr pany vere getting ne interest; îbtey ebonl uet he benefitied oeefartblng LT is,lil vas tLe cenlra'c Il va sasserted sud oier again on Lebsîf of tLe Cooempauj, tbat if the $30,000 dobenturcna lree.dy ob- lainaI vere Lauled ever, ne intereal vas te b. demaudedî Lut eniy rom the l9th Septamber. But tie very moment tLe de boutures vere grWabbc, a wrongful demand vas made for interest. lie coincided ilu Mr. Draper'. remnrks sas totLe advisibility of rcînining the debentures untt the Ibratenod suit vas decided. Ile believed lb. Company vantcd ta take un adeanttiga cf' tLe îewn ; ad Le jid net balieve tisat tLe contracter vas emtildto the alleged interest which ha claimel. Tihe eeetrac- ter, Leesaid, Lad nov eecnred aito-ether l uh ansd bonds soma $113P000 rom tLe Company for tLe eserabie amoanu of verk doue by ie, sud was acrually getting inteceesi stthe rate of $12,000 par annum. Ne wouder thut vith secis alvantagfes Le vas luneoliurry te pu4ýh ou the work, And jet lie claimedaee ear sud lLredM menths back inîcrest before ha teck tLe contrnet at ail. No Court lu tisa vorl voul give Il te ies. Afier some frtber reearks, and tL. pneu. tng of tbe'resoletien nlurafèecco te L Agriculînral Societîy given aboya, Coenecil adjouned fer oee eek. The inveluntary muscles are tbose vicis ceutrol tbm Stomacis, Liver, Lunge, Ilearî, etc. ; tbayse iufluenced directiy by (Le minI, a0 ihat ClO se sîudy. 'Énxiely? grief, iritation, secret excess, sud a boit cf olliar excitant& acting directly os tLe brai?, disterb tise nervens eystem, sud preveut due muscular action lu ILote organe nacessary te anstain 1f.. Here ies& t1he rot grelt ause c ffpepia, Hea&- Datent cf a Tory-Fenscn Coalition te Tlie Tory anul Fenian Natienalist Coa- lition Las boon lefeaiel le Dublin, sud Sic Dominia Corrigan, tise LiseraI candidate, lia beau rernel by n largoe ajoriy. The vote vas 4,468 for Sic Domieic1 und 3,444 foc is eppount, Mr. Kineiaue, vhc neival the joint support cf îhe Tory snl Fenian sections. SirDom;iec Corig. su laucee cf lise Queeea 4sPhysiceans lu crdinanj. lie vas createl a Laoutin 1866, andlilus Roman Catisolio. PeRT GÂsîKT Oeces'ranUT rCeaL. WOOa- siTy.-Intellegance resu Rad River an- m, tha it the force uler Col. Weelsay resaLai rt Garc*vhôntlie-24t1s'f Angust. Ritai vas unla'eof is approacit. .lis, feliowero appear te hava fiel ai once.I ix ulatel tint thai; reistauce was contee- plated by Riel, bütCpPosedlby bis-foilovu ae. The "Union Jack» vas boisîcd ulo lie Fort, r nul nroyal maite firel lu- Lonor cf tLe ereni. No arressLaivebeau male by Coi. Wooiuey's erdera; varrsnts haro beau spplied, for by. privae. :parties againat eebéra1 cf tise inte Pnovionai Goveniunt.Great corelit la giren te Coi. Wceitey fer thc. mâte condbot cof' Lis fonce iitient misiup, inthirty-eight days, frontSLbie love .toFortUarry. Donald Seul ite. o fmpan'selthe force,, lias nesumol Po"stiecuof tLe Uotlsuis' Bay cowpany'i P prty' -I- 1-'.,1 Yokfl rlte same days sthaï; et g a ' Oniat$o. Hlppcniang te b. ln Maclibam,, lbe'btýer eenwiog, wien-.au ln format meeting ci tb. Directors asubal, b.e vas asitlebe preseul. Mutuai ex- -plaustions 100k pis.., sud il vas agreel that the Markbaus air vas to e b.balon tb. Tbnrsday aud pt,îlayafweroir Coeuty A ccmmuttee of'lte Town ConuciliCou- slsting of the Mayor, mesars. RllelIu, )tc. MXillan, sud Donovun, sftervalds -enteraI, sud ver e rîd teseats sttiacBard. -oponitionîs as wthe ious"orte egrictI- oneu pprt obth sides, (we regret beieg m'aIe) s4ul ihe following resolulion aigreed. upce, sud passaI, as a final settlement of ~*e whcle diffilcuiîy. iMoved by Mc. SLerman Brown, second. by Mr. James Smih, -Tbaitishe folow- g Propositien Le made' lb. corporation the îcvu cf Whitby, fer sud-c e haLit ilb.e 'nuty Agrieuiiurnl Socieiy cf uth Ontaric s The Agricultucal Society, **.ofussud levaI tLe land, at pro- -et uufe.nced and aneleveled, seutL of tLe nie t uicnltumal grounds, ielougiog te ail cforporation ; -provided îhe saId - rperalion agree to tisoroeghly unuer-- druý aIl the lande Leicuging toe tis ove, ýýtàof tise' Tow hall, ul fer tise pur- thse agnicultucal ezhubitenu ; sud irani a louee cf the said grounds tb i sut porpo , wbeuever requirel, foc ty jears rom tLe date of tLe exfira- cf tLe preseul agreement. The *ue, owuership, ou ail other occasions es agricultural exhibitions to Lelong Sïu4 be reni tahîe love. hreuolution was carried ueauimeusly. be Mayor çendertook ta cali a epecial ugýof the Concil for Welnteslay gï, fer the porpose of suimitîing the sitien cf tLe Societyi sud Lavieg il .-.A cemmittes, censistieg of tLe ienî/ ,'Vice '-Pesident, Mr. lRay, sud seciqtaryl, vas sppoeil talego ou ith th. vork cf feeciug, U., ai oece. 'Ile meeting thon, adjouneel SAld Irish Farllantut Iréjaud' is juat nov vaiiing fer a Par- esmnto Çollege Green. Il iiinet e 'ector parîy ery. The eutu who Seventeenili cf Marab as tise tI ced day i te Ltîree Leedred fiagreen with bis brotbe-m, Who ann r opinion on thse TaalitîL of Jeuy that an Irish parliameut compes9d cf Iciaheen holding ilss sevions in the capital cf ili ouutry lfor WCL itlelgistates, lu tie oely meaus cf rescneieg Ireisel fromt the miuery sud wcetcieduiess ie v hich âbe lias heeu pleeged, from tise <devances sud drawbas uudcr bich sie lu dyiug. There i. ne tresasn lu Iis, neiliing lu- diltable uler tLe Ceercion Act, nothing tbat can jar 'on tLe feelings cf tbe Most ardent lover cf îLe iritegrity cf the British empire, uer aeytbieg thal ean prove eh- :soious te the devc.uîeai admirer cf Dublin Calla. ia ta uuqualifiedhallnansd the unalterable conviction of a nation whieh diffeans urace, lu religion, lu everyîhittg bel a fixed determination te work ont the isappinesa nul prosperity cf tLe coeniry, lrelaud, everyone kueva, bas not flourished under the Parflameut of Wtt- minuter. She suffered rom famine vLan tbere .rasu fouIod nuli lu tLe couutfy te feel the hungry; (rom th.e st exodus of ber children, vison their ganus cul labour might Lave heen employed ol boen; froue themiheostauig.oainwh. vise sau prudéet polîcy vol Lbave led the peopla te rejeci thair adeances. If the fruits cf the good gevernusent are ubovu ln tLe cenlenîmeut sud luyaiîy cf Ils subjects, tL. lamentable condition of Ireland shows moe forcibiy than auy argument that the statesmen cf Englaud bave net underuioood ber vants or known hear te relieve liber neceasities. Castisera Le a ' More dismnt spectacle than tLe sight cf rooliens cabinu, desertel Lomeétoads, Mqualor, pinchiug vaut sud a adIleu aud disaffectoil population lu a country blebssa aboe.ait others by tbe prolitlciee atid vealîh cf ils soit ? 0cer five millions It te tLe exportation cf botter,.lier soit lu sdmirabty adapte1l for tise grewti cf flai, jet there is enly cne lunen fscîocy in>tise province-, and that eue in ovuelLysa Dan. dee mtercisul. Au Irish parliaeulen would ase lise ecessity cf-, developng 'lie 'ce- sources ef the caelry, -andwoutd bb.beuîe _qualIfiaI te encourage lsbeifr undi 'taIt thon' moneho neyer set oi~rie1.iil They vonld surely b. better'-ails $0 f. jual tise relations beiveen ladlord aed tenant than men, Who neyer owé laud eouùgb îte 'ucd aacS.,' Anicler imuper. tant benefit of a paciamtentinluDubin veuld b. $ba, Lciug '<hoemat -cf'Gover'. monte persans of veaihvonl Le at 'tracte tsure, and the meuey squeezed out cf their vretcied tenants vould Le. uquanlorel ii thb. capital intesfin t h.elisynrket, Absente. landîcclu Woud Ead socoty ini Irelanl ln whicb tbey could enue te lire. n*d lieir presuc o uld bu profitable if rrem litai dar ldc; and, s in 0j etre, attainel -more commercial asoid !pros- .,penty tiotanhe ever resea before ; aud sc, after mauy trials, jet tc b.lbonne, rise maày.ecoupý ber former statue, ,itLec as a Rapublic or, a constitutioest Monarcisy, ucoder eue cf lte Olean. princes. The; '£anu",Who, iisseul î»lhsi 6ceursed' 1lts fond tisat Hcavea"lu net alvaju te ti, mecSeâ ituLimpaniy -,sud the 'intrigo- auite' vise rgel, anulplonuel, sud ploîlel' the, cecent dhumai sud vanton crusade a"Innst 8apetit:fnl iNation, bh. éeaplîied coêpa e us'bere, tW vit îs"basbeau Loitedvîti ber cviipetard.' Aul sotie Mare, bis son, suad bis vife, bave collapsel. ILi ties erorieve, ln privaIs, tiir receet, terrible publie errors ; sud'tho' tc rosîcre te widcvs, moîbers, a,»l alunirae 4b.lov- ed falleu n ces, lu baenthabir powr; lotý thce,' le licir nîmoat, betcv tijeir wealîh_ ou tise rlctima cf titeir fclly.gSe lien wiii paron-and pêsceocf miel come bacie -pesc oef miel, ne tbe cl usnuge gays, "dearer fac. tise ail." And vint yl Prtsis do ?- Holvint aise Las,ountil thse expenesaof tLe var are psid, and ma- tonial gearsetees coucéee, against future aggreusion. Tiswlu eztcemeiy uaturl- "dPut curseles inuhber place" iand vLsl power can deny 'ler claie?7 Lot net iope, tbat migbty in initie, &a ise .11oLemoderato ie victcry. And France, France, visaI viii b. ber <ta?7 A hepeblie? IlShe lu net fltal for Luxury and cil regime are adverse. al, Euarope vîli be adverse. la tise gui oUne sgaiu te ruie ? la a reigu cf terrer, te be inaugratel?7 Are silîy pirscaes, such as fratereity nul equulity, agalu lu tickle the easa of lise greal un- vasisel? llardly. Europe von't Lave it. No gearsutea voonl eximt agaleai agizces- sien. Europe remembers ber qusei Repuislic. And tis and triikiug portion of France ougisl net ta forget il.. I>rirst a Ropnblic-var on att bauds'; then a 1sf' Coesul-war, 'silîl var; nazisu leparsi dyuasty, yielling as its fruits, is bittqr fruits, s Msco,aSi.LiHelena, tii British grenldiera moentieg guard alliheTuiler' le., sol Bînchar erging tie uack cf Paris, sud tihe loving op of the bridge cf Jen 1 A veil ceuditionel, valrearel, veilidis. oililed iu tLe Lest ef sciso ois, tiosecisool cf "paon e,"Pinée Orleass letaibeir eaui. Sounud couetiîeîionl liberty gço9î.< punies bite. Lai FrancebLe vie. El'ci im, and peace sed prosperity vwilb. is 0. P. Histenial Repetitton. Tise situation of Paris at tise presaut movemeet vary inecl resembles tut cf 1192, vLan Verdun Lad faflan and .h rond te Paris vas open. At tisai critical epecis Vergniaud prasetedlâ blif"lefore lise National Assiembj sel proneencel tiese vords s.itappeiaÏ4's iat tise plancf the eueey lu te marcb straigi ripeu tise capital, leaving tise strong places bahirsd uuioutshed. Tis splan vii lie lieir rmin. Our nrmeia, iheugh' teo eyack l roet therni wil bit stroum eauîgL te isarass tiscir rear, ad isdwtu aisey arrive, pannaei by our, battalons, tLey viii fiel theruselves la thse prececa c f tise Parisien armv IravnuUp inlinoueof battis ,eudar tise valt 'of tisa capital ; envelepel un> ail aides, they viii ho devoural by tisa lansd they have profane.-l'ariiase. nue ià thte trne to disîplay eaergy i Wisere ara t-th tpude sud îLe pbckarevhicb detrujal the ,lar of the' Felaretion cul levellil the Champ de Mari? 1 demaul tisez the Nat tionsai A.aembly toitIshe example, sud eend a di'zen couemisieneru, net te mal.'e speeches, but te dil vitb iheir banids. Putson follieI on tise same ile with bis celçdrated Il De l'audace, de l'audace, toujours die Laulace i'-PqlIl Mail Ga.1 zette. We hava te note ancuser fatnl instance of wbal 15 caîîed 'hydrophobie,' iu St. Louis. An enforteanto voman wvus blîlen by a miserable cus' about tvo Moutis ago, as1 lied ln Lospitul on the 24th uit. T'ilt dog bit seau partons bafora it vue killel. Ie eacis case caueeization vas resortel te, but Mru. Duf'7, tLe voman Wh wbe difailai te Lave the operationi Irepeated. A pecnîiarity of ibis case waa; that titres heurs Lefore ber destL the l7iop iiamse lu nbaeoSd ay.e 'h l orm1rel in, Minlustarial 'circeegan tise;capital .Ihaltishe mission cf tise Hon. tai el EFngiaad ulvs 'acer -Itiusea. unot ezpected,fioseoverý, tht tise cerresponlence éonoctel viti tise mulion; mli Le publiseluit tise heoit eiug of Parliauent. 'Tiseyouug lady vise "teck tlie ycý of everybé ,dy"l bas beon arrestol, for stealing. 'Wlilea eau Who nover Isyssa ager quit. asLaduasonew visebs ?-Becausc hI'. nc Settér.' Kssx-Anoclgeontan cf groat, oxperiece usys hoi la cversti8fied tliai a lady und 'erslunds a kits unlesu 1e0liag it.froe lier',ovutucuti. daje. A uav army vifiis b.uIonte lu vall ai Par;e., ýAuetber tnntj 1à formtig, & on tise batiks cf the Loire. Ycer pst- in iolises, jour.union, jaur 'pnergy yuli save ryi France.'Thie Empeici bas biest,1nde" i pritouer, lu tis etluggle.. Tlr6 Qevert- Id ment, la accord wyuL public povers, wvili îîke Ail usaureti requiccl by tise gsuvij ' cf eveonts. Siguel--Couit De Palikao, l'e 'f. Cherres', lglgot le. Genouilly; Jules, 0gr Bqdme, De La Tour d'Auverguel Grande- sut ,lsrei$etClemeut Dslveruafsii, P. Magne, -n ason Biliat, Jerome David, 0< 111e îw ooei f Minislers. Mnee A' lu, 'tLeS-%nte yeaîterday tl ise se f C Wan; atd,.-Wc bave learuel ibrougi Ca varions unlofficiai citancils usat MaraLial do Bazaine f<alla inlubis récent aiteepts -ho -s freel imaelffrom tLe Lestile nrmies visici fRA bell ie abat op scouel Mietz. Hi. cf- 0" fot. vece heiea. "Tise King of Pritt as'20 coul net Éblp reularieg, justice tae i valiOur cf coc seidies'o. Marsisul Me- cn Mahon, after eudeavoursistg ta ranch saAI band te MacuaI Bazaine in tise direction hr Of thie Nons, vas ebliged ta retire- tebh tiseenvirons cf Selnu, vece, he sestainel be several Isys' flghtiug vilS alterationu cf Ot tr.ccessasd reverse. But va conieudel t agaiestian eeey nuericallj Our super- i&end nlu pu. of moul euergetîic affects of t aitempt sees te Lave terminatel lu CI au 'tnufurtnnate mauner for . cr, 'use. .ri Otiser alvicet of Prusuisu crigin aref st1Ilýin mocc nufavonrable, Lut do noappege te Io us vorîhy cf cciii ii tin i cases,seld'tise Co Governeent is net villinq ta give tisentI tise1 appenanuce cf aetheuîiaity by cent.S, ssnicstiss'j thenite tise public. 0cr re- Verses aflic une. 'la isimpossible for ns te vitueass vus vw cut dcap eeotiou so matai courage -andl 0h mueS levotion >renIereI unavailiug. But tb Ibis Opecacle, for froue îaking avay uerai essergy, augeduls sud redoubles il. Since tLe presenl caLbinet caese o ici~er, ihT Luasn lavrom France AailtisIber re- de sources cenlyield, aned they stili remain ae es$rong it vus îL te eeergy sud belp lu cf tlie nation vo may jai lisve tLe lasi Pl vorti. Lai us Lope, chat Gel vitili elp us. ase drije ithe eusamy trmoucr soul.' Jérome David- saI edte use abova by utatleg touat the defeuces cf 'fis capital veo in tis ehat tcnditioe, 'sel acaorliug 100 mi)peteut jus'îies, 'capable of res'siieg foi ail hoa efforts of tise eueey. 'Lot us or deïo d Paris,' ' e said,4cou tLe valt. and or âtre land if it muâitio, ve viii Iler Y' Our.lvteuler is rues.'!ho le tLe Corps Leglu.latf a etatomei af bu tise situation siei'.ar te that iu tLe Scuate iý vus I gircu. sel Jules Favre ýdeclarel, th 'Wel; are unuuimeus for defeuce outil au 4e.s4.' .(Great applause) Ih is dtie -r reÎlair etillaiers.' ,_Ru ct oideaI y attsqkiug Imperiàl power, sud proposcd Mn .te pscee;raord;ucy powvera in the Lande se cf Geuvral Troche. fa Cçucî le Palikao sel lise Ciamber in pro tested. wv Pwrlun. !3r].t-Thp feiiouing just mudo p public.,tefare Setass, France-, 'f'iday, pf Sept. 22it'l, 1.22 p. mf.-From Kin.- te Qijec'c-A capitulation, wheraby whole A, ardlty et Sedatn are prisoners cf ver, bas fr jêssu been concludtd, wiîh Gan. Waemptea -c coliuusatntlg, inst.ead cf Millohî %V,0lto le s7oundcIeý. iÇapscoen surreilral hlm: r selitt It, as lie lins no csuisand - lot dr evi'rytti,itî; lu Jm,ýecnt et-Parim. fliiirosi,-p, dtre'csIhauiiappoint, afier ans interview>v %viti liilî, et ÀArerideovous, te be tixe'l ici- %ndîa V. hat a course eveuts, 'iil fi., God's gitidunce, have takeni. hBlenlin, Sept. lai. Folieviug frosuJi Se'lan, Sept. lot.. S i.n.-Battlo bisic regud i 'ncie halr past eighittis tnorning, bh Ouir forces hiase aelvanteul victonîoesuIy, aj f'ennrils, fifhanit tdse",entb Corps,utnd PC liairîw;wer egagd.Eneuaulmoit a Furci'.' ivriven imus thesC ity.M litil'uî, ile, Sept. .-Bizaine Isuihiuis iîte iPrus.siens towvards Sedan. ru lise i'rnch are st ILacItappeil..M Parni't he, tnidlriglti.-TIse usistry hbasin juiat- given thse fslI.switig Ltisah public, in cc alsnce. et ofufficcaIl reports. Fron thse CI miiltitt'.de of <espatchcs receival fresuor, s',tirus 1uelginum îewns, under 'laie or ht Asîgtsot !31, troin 8 lu tise 'suorn.ng tilil oilItt in the sftcrttoon, are extractoni fol- 4;t Ica 'ing itall.r, wîtich boar cisaactur cf of probabililiîy :On th, a sortes of an- oc gaigeinerntu ncourrad betwce e . Mcaio'g la armny satd the eteny, rtear the city cf ..iei. l.otiu. lr1u 8n. . i p . attempts ibe atiir.st suaceeded in placiug sr teseives opposite aile cf Meue. ' On 6q, 'morining et Sisi, hltMaison crogàel Meue tt Motcon, titis turniase a direct contral- diction cf deupaicis cf King'WVIIliamûvljîih '( annoiunced ltaihha balreguised MeMahseu beyoul îLe Mleue. . Brtistels, 2nd,, lest nàiglit froter gusard captea, disermaul and untorsel 200 gu fénch on Baigian tevv!tiir near Lolan. St. Barde, lalu-Since 'yesterday fore- dit nmon, ý Bazaines force bas tofght firat d Prasalan corps, battie euldd u latter'a retrest. latle e'di' 1Wtetiv ff e c fBaîuont anulCavlg'go" nuv vere fouctithesae dayortceu 1v day seent loubifuL MeMLahsonlias iseon fi' catgit withis at rmsy astridellseuàa,,i- iel .u.y..atus. us LU.etviltzee erus. New York, ' 2ncl---;Wortl!s auleTej ýoisanotier tremendosa attie yes-îf ja Ibefor. Sedan,. Maabn vitii', Z vioc force, 'deeu4ing evrery inch of'~ ,rotîsaul vusaperate vailor. Palumai lil MXatton isîu net sutiereulnearly i tuea'. Orens, uand figistiug continus ieoral laye lu saeareglon. Parisians iefleve NMe>at)on ableia W Iold (larmans st biy tlii rey et Lyons ]')0,000 atroeg, ,au be brengit intbaction. Tribunes zorreependelnt frontBarlin wite,, Jay, prussîaus vithin a forini et~b tts'voyedo.and lieut a uew trasmway s Romilly -te Point 'a Monsea U, aud bridge over Moselle, Aveltling Matzanul saving Z) milesi. They have aise reorganlzed nSola. casteru vailvay systent bringing-. German englacera, station masters, signal men,, and aillcuber eniployere. Trafflc ircdyenormona viii 11e increa-sel Ly bringing beege gens nul merlans te Stras. bourg nul Mciiz, aulbattering- trains <o' o -seul <rom Malgeburg-, Spaalun, and tisr distant furtresses viii requtreaa Lhnsaul specai trains cf tiirty cars CnQvu Prinacof 2.zeny bel rlgitiauk nf Meuse, vhiia tisree Saxon nul Bavrran Corps alvaucal ou Bncancy,, btle of Ce- ig Awoiciul delauils f vîics are vaut ig vuas Spparently meut importan, ilvwae >'sg-jht ' -nIts'Emeror's eje,- MMan ousmanlelilu person, lefeat vws folioved by à roQute sund apparently a bot Prsslmu pureuit. Meaeon cenld uly fait back onu Sedan. rlcriLuno'a Corresposentutelograpsa romî Luxembourg Ttursday noon. There ras flglsiiug ai Longwy ibis morning, ail ciZts are covaral viS smoke, but if bo.re are amy French t Longviy Lheccynu 'tsly ho pari cf thse routaI troope of Me'- Loulou, lut, special. Correspeudexit cf Tribune uvrites firsi Pusian army sonda despateb yaesterday cf tirai second army set te Crovu Princc'tvo-and a haif cdrp 10 da.s ago, thLe are retarned asth Ilani ss canged froue starving Mefte Dy=utrnul Typissrife' luMï fag saut eut on SOLS, for niter fer sur- ,cens, aldfor tssdicines, n'as vefueil Nev XeYrk. Aug. 31.-Specisi te Mea11 Beuillicu, Belgium.-A feerful initia vas rougis yesierlay sud lis day, by PrmUss'u armies cf Crovu Prineenl Prince FrIe- rick~ -Charles wyuL forces cf MelMahen 'esterdzy muruiug. MoMaiesi cmmeua- Id generîl sevement toward Mooimely, eo vasattakel neeramon n l 'îvma ",,4 back afl.er'obsitenalorebaitane' tii*ï&""" Belgisse Froutier. Tise Prussiens accepied th 'lin.o! o -rouI, 'suad captured as'rge amunt cf camp 'stores, ttey drore French from -position. afler' position until uigit closel. Eurly tbis -eodning batfie vas aneved nulcontinuel nil day ; during nigis large ubera cf Frenchs reinforce- septs came up; but' t.ey faiel tetra cula of 's'iélory, Prssians are aso, velu- frcedliargely, cul aiteckel lu oervtelm- ig nubers, McMeton retreaea te Sîlun- willa remuant cf bis forces, slaîgtel' immens, impossible lu 'silînate loti. Prince Iteperial lu saidte La ia Beigice, pouluation tlyiug lu groat -terrer. Tise rouudcd anulstragglers et bot armies dce sai te ibu ihriiuging oser bets'eau froutiers, wimere"Ilelgieu troops are mass- cd lu cousiderable force . teooclnul nous trality ci uhteir territory, there iss rînceur thet' Sisclis Leopold, Belglsu, rageons, charg-o.l aul capinred a boly eof 'rssian -int.îutry titis suoruiug, afiet' warnitsg îhîir comnsdîner te withdraW. Nev York,- Sept. 1-Privete despatait frens Paris seys. nu novu beau receiv~. aere of auy, lecisive bettie, net' .5is lcedl tisaieuone hs beeu fouigisi laion simply telermsp h iaIte"b5 croueel 'tise use a'itiout Leing isarssel yýj euem', otiser accouaIs aay titare vus ,soties cf heavy fightiuig by lehacisel portions cf Mc.%Iahun' ald Prince Charles riuy, vus altoriative alveataes te bOth ides, cul severe los-,accompauytug. Londou, S p.tn.-Tlere ilanuts nverifiel timer Ltaioa h I eao la cressig the Meuse ai Sicnway, and ptsshiag fcr"Meuot- medy. Hoelias -six itundredl guns. A collision bctwcea thins ad Frelerick lars aexpuicti-l. Tise Gues'îMobile, on lthe nov requisilos fer 100,000>, le urry!.ng le lefesce of Paris. Bliu, Isi.-Tse telcgrapbhUnes are liiil la inextricable confusion, lise dates of mesges Ironsent ofs'.er, cul parti- cularly Ihose froc Beaumsout, giving do- cile of laie baitles, requins vanificatien. Louldou, lulu-lis Paris public admit ;puniounesu cf taeC'grns, wiîcis vas' rceivedoliaialy, aul signal. by Basine. Seould Frencs Fi-peror cross Beiglaon 'entier. gtiar<ls cf latter country Lave beu urerel te lemeul bis avord. Iu- apnacof B russels, of. yestesday, retat, antit t s un la Ct sic ne de bci ai; au br bac t ep fat .foi Ca ci 80 in4 tis 'ci ste Ca Ti th ca lii inI th thi vs Iri te gr I Pr

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