Whitby Chronicle, 8 Sep 1870, p. 3

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ste rd a jonctico cîvewen tue ciazons aàe,.rýusLae lsbAisntidaiSdvas sunouuc- - WIus by Gen. Von icou, vise vas eagenly- peerins iîrcuighis alarge teleocaisa, as bulng aofeiy coin ieted, Prom this * mamnt the - mai1 or the istItie- tould no longer bo doubtlul. Tise French ware oompletoIy urrouudaid sud brougisi te boy ei 12:2;. Wo iere aIl astoenlshed te sacloude ctre treptiug Trench inants-y ou tise bill btweea Fioing sud Bedon. A Pruâaslu battery lu front cf Et. Mengea vie min& aocuratc puctkoe vitis par- cunasJi elit ameug tisa recediurg tanks. Tise 01"olebill for a quarter of an isour vas ilterahîy covered ilS Fb rencisuen vunling rapily. 1 UMi tissu buif au heur. sftcnsvarsls. ae 12 -50, Gen.,Von Ilocu cailei our alten- tien te anotiser -Franci ucolumu lu ,iful retresa te a lght of Sedans, on tise road leting front Bauaeiîle tiste La Garene vood. They nover islted aui îbey came to a Yod roofed bouse on thse o;utakits cfi Sedan lsi 1 Aimait AititaéBm. moment,0 en. biefilon, vis va uwu ig mî opers'gtlss, asked me to looksat tird rancis columi moingp a bnead grass cov.red 1roand tsrou'ghtheIA Gaenutsa ood, lmmedi - stuly aborea$&àdauoubtlensale epport1 tise treopa defending tisa importantcaoi-ý elle ravine te tise nortis.enst of te towu. At oee 'clok Freunis battertes ounlis. edg* of tise voodtowurd Torcy sud above It opeuod avigorcu inerecuthe adiauciug Pruàwfan columue'oi t.etisird corps, visea évident luteotion h vas te steruntisebill tiortis-vait of La Garenne, sud so gain tise lua0#ethtie position-ounlisat aide, At 10 :8 yet anetiser Frenchissttery nain -tihe ood i .onec n . tisePruailsu columus, wviiciwere- ccmpelled te kcep aitîug ias-ground tliirescly le make theirin uai ruas at the bille, ln order te aveld often »0 ood smark te ,tise Frenchsisal l e ,4ttraravesa tise trot Pronîu iilrmiabshrs cuthe -cres1 e hit L&sOreri»e bille aboya T"u., Tboi mi "0t4uem iu atrengtis; antiGens iel 1S n isev Msanding bahinti tue,exAimed-'Ailiselsggars ýare te Irek -,tbey oau neyver bel t ta position aainettisaiOroucS.l Tise Genersis ÊTpnoey accu provedomcrect; for..tise French, ativabelu; Ai leasIsix te onç, tis blil lok neinfoscemaute froni tisécol- umue wvicis ere Iarrying le thiaitomp- port. là ive-mInutes tlîey came bocks again, ths. lime li A grealci force, but ,nbyInferien ta tlise. uge Franclà 6Gced oýbeaveu, itie French Cuirassiers are golug te chsarge ilium,' criati Gn. Bison. fan atsre enugis tise regimeut cf Cui rser, tie ihlmati anti bresistas Isisiug lu theS.eptember sun, Ifes in stec- fIons eo cadrns Anti dasis dow cu thse seattere Prusisu isklninhahera, vise dit mot delgis te form lp a lina. Squares are neyer tseti by Prqosaisu. Tise Infautry rriecived tise Cuirassiers vils a cnusislhg qaick llre.-8cnelifeur-st about 100 yards distance,. loaeing and fiin iug il extreme rapidity tsud precislon lu thea deuaei'renci s qiatrous. Tishe ctiÎ smjas ilnsg : ver veut honsecsud mon n ulimiscni, in mssesin l handrcdsnd tiséroglmanofproudTreuch Cuirassiers veut hurnicdiy back in disorder -vaut backcsater tisanis Icame-veut scareîly a reginieut lu streuglh, and net ai su sregimentnlu tus. Its comeiy ar- ray vas saddaiuiy changed Into a sapceaas and bolpleos csowd.of flyiug mon, Tise moment tise Cuirassiers turned buck,'tise bravo Prasalane actualy rusised forird un bot pu-rouit at the dca e l uck, tise lu- fantry ainiy pursuing tise lyiig cavsiry. Snba sng bas net etn bocu racordcd lu tse Aatiset ar. I know net visan an exemple le' compare prccifaiy vitis tbis Sa occuned-tio more sts-iking epod(e lu iatli. When tisai rench un- fantry savtcm ce6valry tisusfiecng be- fore tisa foot aoldi-rs, tisey in lhier taris came forvard and attacked tise Praisians. Tise Prufssians vauted qaletiy, patientiy euduring a rnpld sud leliing fine frein tise Cismepotir, ultil tsefir eîînîy isad drawu snoirwasa 10bu viliiono suudned yards frem tisei. Then tbey nturned vith tise needîe gan tisa napid fine frein lis. Chsasepots, and tise French infants-y could ne mono endure tise Prussiau-fimu Ihan tise cavainy te visose reacue tlsey isad cerne. Tise Iufsntry fled lu ils tarn sud llovod tise cavalry to tise place îrom wviicis liey camis-thait la, ishind tise idgc soma five isundret - yards on tise way leo Sedan, visetise l>nasiiiaiu Mitrailleuse, wvus lhiser tacaig fine, coultine longer reacis tison.'tise great objaica of tise Prustasa vas@gsined, aince, tboy vera not diren froni-tishe creat of tise bill. 'l'bey fougist teéiseîd, anti holding il tisnas ainaltisae csvalry tise Pruasisus persuaded.thosu- salves êetAil vas possible tleoetablis artiiiîcy ou tht. bill. "Tei' erpld,"bthI ia e ua tn=mtdMe." Wmoii. -A gouneusramirise t ie.otber day, vt bgav ohotisahcever rUdeiAnd vrtuoaw yeug widovs gist> hoseis ifseumany a gsy Young vidow., 4 BIRTIl6 Augut 2", thewlfaetfMn. Hensry Wmat.r,ý of a mon. ireIl j cm uers NEW, ÂDVERTISEMENTS. Te Wi.â size, NiolPio1nu, lyeanaîd Terminer, and G.1GaiiociDairery, vyul b.ioden lu and for tise Ceuuty cf Outarlo, lunbthe Cerfluno ln tise T6owu, i lWhiltby, on Tuesday October lSth, 1870. At tise isur cf 12 oeioek, neon, cf viais&il Cesouais Jueli Ofatcf tis Pansd ÂaIl eUsan ocoernea viliitaiSeoicMe sudgeverutiseu- IESNG. EEYNULDS, Oberlro Ofice, Wlaljtby, Sept. 7, 1870. 86 MEDNS AE'TEMBE REDE AT lTs 198ED BOOK@. *1 VIOLECT 1KM, l lu faucybblea, itise RED Sottlflryillne, At w7 ÂNTEZD. QEMERAL SERVANT, lu Saisnsl &Milly. AMI TA e n FMH0NLZAND D URABlE BOOTS AND SIIOM'. Tise underslgued bopa t e nntca tise racept cilan extensive new st4 ocff irt-clas Boots sud Siseas, for LAdie Gentlemenan sd 0h11.. drain, ot'lsibnat makeensd stylas. 110ME-MADE WORIC As USIYAL. Itrrasis.-AII ordars atteudad te vitis pune- Sapl 8, 1870, GRO. CANRIION9 BrookSatmtra, (Oppealte tise Royaliseotel.) b se0 INSOLVE14T A<JT UOP 1869. Àln tU sMat tffofTIjOMAS B. WALXRR on Inioliucnf.- Tise Insolvent isonsraide aunssslgnmeut or liii listt te me. sud tisa Craditors ore notlficd te' mact aiet tisa Royal [lote), lu tIse Town of Witby, ln the County et Ontario, on MON. DAY, thai Bineteois hdey cf Saiptaimber, lue. ltant, at Tisreo o'cioaik lu tiesa iternoon, te, re- ceira statemauti of hi algure, sud te appoint au Anigee. EDWARD MAJOR, Interins Aslgnae. Dated ait Rorailisin tisa Connty cf Ontairio, tii, îh dey of $aipt,, A.D. 1870. 21n-8B JNBOLVZNT ACT OF 1869. in th~e Matter of JOHN TY, an mIeol- oeuf. Thse Crediters are uotidaiiI to meit at tisa IOYAL HOTEL,su tise 'own.of Wlsltiy, ln tise Conuty uoftOntario, on SATURJ)AY, the Firet day of Octobar next, at Two o'olock un thei afternu,uor île publie exaLunluation cf tise lusolveut. ZDWARD MAJCÉ, Aesignea. Borella,, 'ilsSeptember, 1870. 21u084 C IANCERY SALE. ST. T(ORN VO. PRETHROUR, Under snd purisut te au order of tisa Court e> Chsncery, mod ln tht. causa, tisea il lieaicltiwvts tise aprebstlou of (4orÉe of tisaCourt, eat' Whtby. ou THIJRUDAYq tise Tweuty.uainir dey day or September, A. D. 1870. at Tvao o'clockî in tis afterueon, at tise officeý cf tise saud Monter, ai- Witby, isy LEVI FAIRBANKS, Ja., AumoitzE, - tise follovlng landeis lu ou@ patcel -.,Rein g tisa Wea-balf cf Lot numsbor tiirty-four, lu, the sevanth coudes. soca of tuatownsip cf sSt4theis ouaty cof Tisera are sboetivety IeraacésleMadu a frime boe sud fteme barn, sud suorn ad' ,of abeut an acre sudsa baîifou due preuIse about aevee miles fr'onta Îialoiftise 2foss Tise purcisas, vii ha raquirialte psy dcv i Ise tiecftsale, te tise Vndor or bis SdIi alteor, sdapssi,,ln the proportion of tan dol- an o ?e neabundredellars of tisa pur- chas money, sud tise rsunilndesi tereot *vus- lu ou@ mntiisafter tiseday cf saile, vitis b.e ties tauding aoudltlons of tisasaliCourt. For frterMPaUlmrs apite Meaira. :Roà LinerUýbl* S& nus, S. B. Coeb- nus, snd C A. J"ne, Jqri., of Wbtby; C. CI Relier Eeq., CaungtÙor te tise Un- dasgut lstdliis ort, -+ Wiby. - GOO H. DARTNEýLL, ecloraysn nd l "'tgfýe ô e re a tthie coife ftise-f thse standing conditidns ofosleto the Clsucery. Partienlar and conditiont of à-aie.rMay ha ebtalnaudnt the ai I Oo" o, f MessarLoys & ,MNitnrriel, John Hoalgin, lOuq., TDronto, and 5.11. Cochrane, Esq,, and of tise Auctigneer, (Slned) J W-TAYLOR, Judges Sccrotary. Dated 24th day of Auguut. A. D, 1870. B NOTIVE-TU C BIT0I ' -o- In orpsnoue icf statuts 29, Ç10 Q&.9e, S0", and, aller par"ions isavligny debt or Cdains upo 'or ff stng tise GEORGE B. BXMITH;- lote oif Brongham. ln the, Township of Pckirine, Labourer.,siecea ad. who adla on tis Alignât, Aila beraby raquired te sella In attlenlams of' tisair claluns to JOHN< XEITH aud JOHN OBIER' tiheadminnltratori -of tisheuuuronail asiate snd cifita, (tevis eralttera cf adn istraions vaire gAntaid by the Surrogato court of tisa Conuty of Ontarlo. on tise 0Eghtcenth day of Oetobar, X. . 1870,) or te, nie, tise un- desslgned, thelr Solicitor on Byron *trict, mmedlately lionth «fthé 1?st - iice, lu tise Town of Wily, on or bqfnre thie ,FIJRSTF DAY iF COBMIS.1810, -At tise expiration cf visicu imne the said Ad. nlltratrs viii proccad te> distribute the ietseoftisa sold docoasid aning thisaprons entltled sisereto, lioiving regard toe sadabti snd dafins only c sci f ht aseiAd Ainis- fraie)ra shah tissu iaveiait notic, sud tise sald Admnltretors v'I1net ba hiable fer tisa sieste sw dlotribotedte su, parson oet vise debit isd daim they #haill not; bave had notice at tsalime of suaob distributions. J. RAME& GREEKPýOOD, Byron strest, Whltby, SolieliorÏfeztiseAdmnlltrtors. T 0 BE' LE!. ,,About Oua lndrid Acres cf Land, hsalui parts of bnts X4of Loto NBe. 15 and 1 , btis con 1'ïaikeriug val! watera.i, gesIdwelling. Fer parti3nlara spply te- a. HOWELL, 'Tise prinho borrowed tbe second vol- =ra fCharles Dickau'a vorki froun tisa lits C. M. Irblier. viii confer s faver by retunung saud bock 10- F; KELLER, sept. 1, 1870. 8 J NZB OiIAL RAILWAY. Thei Comnilagionens apponted fonrIso nU- sîructien ef tise Ilstes-CCIleuisailtl-:IWa, ive PUBLIC NOTICE, thost thty as-o prepas-d te receive TENDEIRS for this tus-ce s-ssaiunung Seetins cetftiaiLina, ail lu tisai rovince Of Mev Bruniek. Sectieos No. 21, viii begîn attise Eaateniyeud of Section Ne. 2)9 ouaeaud tisreai quarter utiles Fastu cf tisa River Minamicisi anti wili cxtand te Station No. 164-O, tismea iscîuaaid fel Wates-Iy froni tisai iver Konclibcuguacie, a distance of gatleu No. 22, viii exteut fs-enstlise Enstanly anti ut Section No. 21, tu Station No. 1180 ait the crossiig of'tlae IiverBuctoneise, ai distanoe *Sesion No, 28, viii extenti fra tise asterly anti of Section No, 22, te tise Enropomn anti Ntis Amoeialailwuy, at Meneton Station, a ditane et about l22X mi. Tise Commt.sloncrea a isegvo Pubicl Notice, tist tsaiy ara preparoti te recaive Trenders fon s-a lettîng Sectiou No. 10, lise coninsset for vhioeis sbeau annulied, 8ection No, 10, la in tisaiPs-ovincesof Neiw Brunsicik, and exîcuds ficta e centra of tise Cisapiain Islanud Rpad, pur tisa Court Ilouie at Neweautla, towanda -Bathsurst, a distance ci 20 miles in iaingtis. Tenders fer Section No. 10 viii bai madie unpc tise buis of lise quantitias speilleai in tise original Bill cf Wors-sfer tiis ection ; aind lu drailutise Nev Cents-set, tiseviii bai de- ductati trou lie aimount ot tise cepteti Tan- dra rouaesuni equit'aîeut tue sipas- botvftewoe rS visicistisaiCiief En. gi nean sha][ report toelhive been executed iy tise IraI Contracters Tises Contracte te b conielaly linlised-by tise dre dag cf Jniy, 1872, Plan udPreSiles vus S 'pecifioatîeugansd Tersac>Cosinaý i, vli h. exibjted a& tise Officesof tise Coumsmlere lu Otiawa, Tu- rt>,OedRimouski, Dalhsousie., Nev- csstij sUand St. John, on sud stet tisa iStIsdEPTEIIBEI, NIET, sud Sesîed Tan- tir*tdraisd te s0suia o f tise In- beoonlbdlilay, aud marked "Toaudero,19 wili Se reelo i àtis-Office, lu Otiava, g tei Six9100ek, p.m., on Wednetiy, tisa et day 6t Oceber. usai.' Sureticfoarntisa ouspietice cf-tise Contract viii hori re1rt 1 sgu tisa Tender.' Tsi ainlu m a pation asd dess ofeuhie siraîy saoulasobc Égivéna - D .CRANDLER, - .W. MoLELAN, OtavaQ bSAnguat 170 w 1 STOVES, Ilaving purcbaseda ee1ebrated Cooking Stovee, Trj,,e DavyCrocket, &c., for cash. êe t wishing firit-c1a à Stoves, with aboveé stoves are well and fhvorab M»r Stock's Mcb t~) Lnbrièating andFsh Oil$ Door LoekslSlatches, Boita, Bu S door Hsngresansd Fasteuinga, Wrougbt iPres steel, Raspe, PFiles, Vics, Anirils, Hol-ila19 ofiShelf and Heavy Hardware, aitishe e17è' 1W» English double and 'S'in"e-bar Cape, Poncho, &o., at tis "Noteal" 9heiip Il -of t Armatrbrn heaVY Fnrn >ong' ,rewaï Gate, Hingeu5\barn ,sed, snd Cnt Naiso, Bar~i oni i,ýBeDlioe asdsïlarge tck chcap boue of HÂTOH & BROTH¶R> Trel di4nns, Pwder, sit, loase. DRESS GOOD New Black- Silks, ~atJobn, Skilnner's New, Priiil, dé New Flannels, - New Grey Cottons, New Fancy Flanriels,>I New Table Dainasks, New New New New, (Jest Best AUT O! 1589. In tke iatter of .TOHY 'TYl, an In- golvent. 1 tise suderehgned, EtivArd Mtajor, cf tisa Valiga of Ilreli, lu thai County ef Ontario, haive coen uppintcd Aisignoo lu this malter. Creditors arai requested ie 1etheir daims bcforai mai ithin one mentis. EDWARD MAJOR, Asignat. Bonssila, Augnat liai, 1870. 2in-85 TO TIlTEWOStKl'lG CLAS-W. ,eve.rPad ta SushIdMt'iuC(Mus5aliii..5'ul(qflOu5au luame.uua ahdqrwUo.r C,5,Diusd ai paupu.rionaasu.., y devoingg bdweinttbuianes.. Boy.iondzraiarnmaeasj ,,mue4taasua. Tht,15wh,..ats5,aia5smyandtb r Aan ,d tust theî balair.., iveaOti lis aipa5aed efa. & rt uhaggare "t wul autlSal aneid o paiy for the trouible otfiruitu,. lis1sailz,aYaluabII.iui 5ie whlch iu ualOue.aiaict I.. rlt.a,aiai'sca'pT TAO 2'.,la, ir..v O.mpauf.,-a,'ofait SSi 8". sa ~ na.llrer paliSiuei-'II"nut fteeibymg,5 Corporatien of tise UT EREAS tisa On- Towu ofWhlttay. IVI tarse armaru' Mntuai Innra;n.',Compainy have greed te givea arvard oftoise uo f TWO HUNDEED DOLLARS, <or tisa appreisension and conviction of tise parson or pecrons viso, it la baiiev.'d, nialici- onmîy aiff lirai te tisaibarnand premuses of >ir.' Natisanlel 1Lqay aituateti on Lot No.- 26, lu tisa Irrd con. ofiteTcwnsisip nii Wiitby, ou tise mat, cad wberesa, tise said Nutlsauell 19y bas agreed te glveaà raward cf for due Ure-'ppad e MW iofer due appraben- sien andi cnvletien of tise Persan or Persans visatempýtétut lire ta bui Liverv Stablesl anti @prsu idtated lu thse sal t ovn 0f WislÇbY,eo u .igite1Wdney,,tse Its Ibst. Nov 1 do bereisy, lu complhince il Il alre- s4oluion pasid by tise Town Couiscil -of tise corporation cf tise Tovna»f Whbl, ofer a re-ý yard cf tisa foure nu f TWO rnTNpItED DOflLARS, on baisaIothde osd Corportion, for tiseap 'prehiseuson anal couvietlon cf tise gnlitypay or prescctlcneuupe tisepayment ofibe, ameautofe t ier rewards ULcert Givsu'euuer my baud, aitisa ad Tovn cf Wbiby, tSI.sard, *day of Anusit, 1870, Sye. ALSO ,A LAIGE, A Whitby, Augusk- 24, 1870. 34- Rcay-Made CloIIiing.r Ours 140l5.iz p ' r pletg in ailthe lines of ]Ready-Made c îtiig-comprisig uMenud Boys PANTS9 COAT8, PEA-!Ü" JACKETSl AND OVERCOATS. We asic an inspection of our Glothing with perfec.t confidence, s wedaim to have the SBEST C-UT CLOTIIINGIIN THE DONILNION, In al the NeweçstStyle ad-galities of [CLOTIE. Whitby, -Augst 24, 1870. LOWES & POWELL 34 COTTON I3ÂGS. CdOTTON BAGS. COTTON YÂRN. COTTON YARN. JUST RECEIVE» 1,000 Cotton Bago, bout makýe.ý 19000 Ibo. Cotton Yarn, do. 5;0<p ob. Pr.servin gSupra. -' 50 ftckages AldweU'e Ale. Wisich va cofer for cisi-chisper tissu auy oisonr ouie lu the Couuty. T. H]EL LLX&o Wisitby, Augut0, 1810. 82 SELF-RAKING -REAPER, ÏMANUFAOTBD l B ROýWN & PATTEÈRSON. WE, D,-E FYCOýM.PE TTON Sixteen yeas aictîcal apr auc .tis. manufatr fRmeaaiiMvrata fi us that the !"JohuatouSI-aln epr e eytrI.evne-c noie machine madie at theapresaut 1day. W haetji n rd l t intoCansda, and mam- ufatareti s liuited nimbar tishp" sisnandisa =, t e .onlyManunfacturera. Ibis saison ont Machines vi mbrc= e udsmanlilmprovem.nta us rjesa gexperience iu tise menufacdture saauggete Strngy atidusbl blit Tsebeatmaterlal uaed lu ls construction. Tt@mi chinery tiesaet compact antidurable. Tise lesit lhable, te gai eut, cf order, Thse cominaic cioti udin utise loger br ale t tis n penfalitoff luger bars. Tis set f tsedrierlocte ou~i. o tse rlingviealsobalaces sud rlevea 1h.lugr brthaît a lishabe t as oStek tssutiau n otiser macine. aroud suaxi cloe t tis dîvingwisei, o pscet aste eetrely onder tise cotrol, It cula sud delivers tan 0,..., l1d,,.ýgrain rapidly sdjl', odsae Culs a sI fetv tis i as littie drft a aflght four feai Novrer, supd ne aide rf wisatever. hlcisté dailyvl-wth a common tesin, from Min to twenty acres, per dey, Mud issa'cut ond'iundred and forty acres lu seven day.. h l usuufotuedIQç,llqpig qybecaua. jt- bai beau demoutrated tistai s sapa- rata Rainer adSiroer yu at tinet more amsuandmin. tban. ive Cômbiced Ma- *TESTE Tas J oexu BAu G. B. Blocs, Eeg.,1 J. Ferguson h»s mat reMalvdslarp estock of . -English mnd CanadiaE Tweedo ,Sultable Wfor 7*1 vua, viicis ho le prapaad to imie up lit thea Itest stylaet issol-n, m"d nt tisa IoweaI rites, À cboialot of fiayliSlr,&ai ool, abaap. un"« e treet, * WbUlay. lugut24, 1870. aU Tao umdarslgnad bis seeQiaithe Marine Agencyof the ci tca"RO" And wili be è»jd te effeet Insursuces for &iU isiulug property 10 ablp freitisis port. - Wflitiy, April 5, 1870, C 1D4PR JNZQJIMATION WANTED 1 lufonuition winted of Willim Eowe and Thoms Sithi, or aitiser of thes uwbo formerly llvad on the(sa Of'e 1i ibCisy a ,7th Son. WbItby ydel Unon. MARY JASE OliMISBT, NAIarovA Bridge, Atbarley. thfý nformtioneau b. laft ai tise oflHcecf .&ngn8t2, 1810. 84 Ç ERTAIN PRISERVATION OF TIE Dundaslt., Whitbi., Sole Agent for the sale cf our Tisa LEESES of whlch am gronnO by lu, from muaterial uiannfactured aipaciali for Optia purposa.- h lainPure, lBard and Brilliant, sud ai nearAbrcnsstlc as can bai producaid. STise peenlifr crand aouatific E.ccaracy at- tuuaid, sy tise aid ci, complicaied sudtcoatly uiachtuery warnta us in iaerttug tiseu te bc ti, sa 1ct Farfeet- spectacles ever mnnuftte- turid, they<ailst tise Slgbt niait Brilliantly, -oofr Esue sd i.omfertou tiseWearor, cause s, continue»a sud abldlifg A» L" aitm OBUSRAMB vitisout requlrlng to bc c.hauged. Se tisey are tisa Cheaipat, s eil itise baut. its Notre Dame Stree4, «w Staira). W"WBZRNPLO..O PIDLEPJ. 25 M ÂP 0F TI Seat of War, Wa bave a saued excellent Màps cf tis1 esait cf sr In luropena tha lev prce of FIVE CENTS.! VOS uB Aly !: IMPOIITANT TY U XUU Tise undenaignat eap cmatl nbu ail kindi cf consistlug cf tise JORNIUTON SELF-RAREP Woà; ed'Sefake, Ohio ComuinAd, sud Caju- gai J uior Mlear, ail nianulacture t i iRIe- mond;llill. solia ve r reait variety cf Phowe, Riais. s*J41011, Oisuva Wiltby andi Dominion *rbn M;t, Jas. Waikr Asisbualio Gang Ploya, <S;ultiviston, dtravcutteére, Funnlngi Mut., lfcad Serapara, Hors.ellees, and WeetiuklSoufflera, &c., sud aIse tise celobrated dor" C ublai sal-.adjnsting '1tTRNLF DRILL, mmannfss4,,rd by Moes. MeArtisur & %ail, Ashbsy , elio onisabd tisa Richumonud Hi,' viîi>jais aasd Dominion Pointu, Land- alaie, ulsIbeatis,1>1vnouies, &o. e .apfkpon banal for tise Richmuond MEu AJ in, ut fer tiseOntario Frmeri' mutuel Le eeand xmiam stock befcra puroisasig ebsevsre eon Cuis con. Plekeriasg touies Wesi t frookila oua-atab.'if mile eastef Greewgod. Adres,- * AL=L MACRIE, - KinsieP. O. Auisit ai, 187. 8 ON TUETOWN-LIN:E.- eUng ccuupcied of thse Sentis 15 actas o.# Lut N .1, utise lnd oucaealon cf f 9iiann, ou ti1o Kingston routi, i mle Westfirom tise Téwa of Wastb' in addition tte s presaint builtIUtiqa, tiseaiei iu course of es-cion, asmplend Feeding Rouie, under sryî»1 atone.,' Tis a so4YPau'sut4d scoet the bc# 'Po"aiun give.la mmetisla s tise ever ta~~~~~~ r;ilu rinftglg ppy> thée over, NIL GLENNET.o Whsltby, A1g.- 10, 1970. 83 Wauesllmetiateyfer esly sblp- eianlEasiern Nalsiar, XIGRRT PEICE b 0. DRAPER a CO. 'Wbltby, Augut 2o joo. 84 WtrLeat redceal ratés. II-oop Skirts, Feit Hats, ShawvIs,- Jackets,- Cotton Yarn, Coton Bags (at it prices,) JOliN SKINNE¶VS. SOOK'I

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