Whitby Chronicle, 15 Sep 1870, p. 3

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Bu 5 vahwaà ntae ide apoke iluaBfll, é ' ol«. su.d wltb grost éarnoa6us.s and *lcti of seon, tiies. wordo 8 - ' __a.rloitlieot have eoite ,bsek trou ai li1, of twesty y# trlttaneouaty vfiti the RoPobliua. Tb@ ep~ublic -edLes-t &fsd IParle, the capitalor iitzîo ésnii mutiDot b.e ulie by iniasio7on, Tc Envais is t.1 mno iura ibrty-it la60 lit- 'fade cliilaaioq, INo sb invasion shah triuciPh. Paris ul tbe sved by th.eiuion FoesIl ,aibearta, sI arme in 'bot h1o e.Thé defest or paris moine mou 9sfd, iî. reseotmouts, 00w barrie ro botwonpeople snd pooplo. Parisa ta b. vitoroas la theameo f fraterâity, for oli by msktug ,th fraterity o!.it pou. uible osu lb.rty.of ail b. gained."y Point-. lut î aM A mariougag, Vctor Hugo ald, "rhst banuor of stars spéaka to-day te Parle, sud te Franco, prcIaIilo mir- soles of! powor, wbicb areey tb :a groat p@oýOplo outeuding' for Is gréât principl- she lîborty of orery race- tbo fratersii-Y Tho spech *sa lweholy bbeeretl, sud ibmepesakor wai tairty carried by t.epoeu- pie to bis Oarriago, Heobok& wetl, tbough. sied bis long Iocjts are gone, bis beard la wht,-but bis 0701 are tutl of dru, aud Lis volco ns firm sa. over. *Tho New York Urnet gasoa;-Tho trtt about Ltho spociel Co)rtispontieuceor tthe Tribne fi sîusply this :-Thu ubiquitous; correspondent wleso aalwalya preaeut at- overy action,ecutIlao vcalnastg einbarcing th. Rint 0f runas cd ssîus*k, la eus- Ployed by the .Dily Noms,, Poil .1al I Gautuan sd Trilanu'. He sens a few notes to Parts or London, aud troin thezu .cauty notes tho long "yarns" wiicb atguîî" tho public bore are wrlttcn up- thero bding &bout une grssin of wheat tu, s buebfel cf cbsd.lTise 2eibuno itieli adi- tnitted thia fau t aCrdaynlu au extract 'Whlc prlutcl nom"e itrauge overaiglît Trt len* Inluthat extract lit la etsied'ahat the- "wsr corrempondtclus" arc roulltylu Parie, sud, "inth ie silence ana secluaiou othseir epnm tt t, t"are wrifttu thiose tlrnug eccoutso a ol iai.wiviiî wo admire lu the jourrias f rom seroas thse Channel or tise Ocean." It wîll bc acen soybWty wbo rends tthe corresporidaîcu that 19 làapropsred apecialty forEugîiabh retions, DIED. Ales. Kemtaedy, Esq., sged 6 yeares ad moathe. Whtqby Msrkets. Fult' WheAt., .............5@$ ar.......... ... ........75 (4 87 .st......... ,........ .70 0 75 40e ...oee....... ........... 7 ~4 Botte.. .............. ..7 i 1 ........w... ......... .îl .....»........ 30 Brookllu, Sept. 14, ie E9 ELA ZE TE Thé lnudersiagud, frusypublighera01 tltelausllon S,'et4r , tsvugrinsova e ~ Ioutos,. ntieosmePrprietor)f Tnit a l n t dar o n i i, e u e a t t u t r tm r a t i K u ro p e h n 9W ad e"iieot:uîPlils ul tneet u uS oueofr, Wh save I- rad ilier tie' recogh uta, 6h. ub.to O 0< raclritu iSisfut Cokusar uprem4ba po~n ai theIlIO OPIA f té uytîexpt eort a In ont wepap, trlttoo 4tiafondItitii, roes Aomteriat sedro;oiion oit uin.,, ati rhuComeedi Inlàooumte Of fTîts sud TIu.e TIf 9intormEouR iAomEPOut am -tfiepubpe liulttrhel ly rp this IthB ee luîmepousoît 9 'Of rase ute a i tullti ituporCtut Reports In a Tuwl4(âpetsoirgiltl .me u4ecitsyteormer- Chanta It, aItYetriis o t Domiilo iie n lte omeria ot MntetMi n retutiC tnoo;itt com spér. ifu MItnd acr Tu < tr%-ro e urit 2 1h it vopatent reg Autie wil bcmadlitne* ttLealeru tetios1)iltPartsugONeya. Isoruo toort et ins thecomerIotepOfrMotent. TIMELOCL EAOJU NW8 otTucs(;A- Tîta iz oiea ull recnitij or TîtlehIet utImprtanc te muetr-etlabiCtey~o, elist - tel'ee Lol zNs; tt nsopo treVp.-e gt- iligêetu sytotpe c.fgentemen.ar euil intl ariot Chu wrlisi. AaTUAdvertEtG tuJCE WSl oT f <-AZTz GA tTTu a tsrhy eîiid, t ctsyuier aper l it- Tasltkls >1? li'tule4lp'for N -Thobijs. theitutitie wteryg nit r #emestsl ~ Gazttie t0 ise rc slecot irtu io.is aie brtnwith eior mltdt.00aysr r$0 Mlcsietrîctl>' luaivaîtcie, stionit ailh Insa doi s ti cityatib Nw Arttt Itwillî tbau*t by mairlsnt e,00aceni.a orw$5. KN T ai ta, rti m et of 15 ME -VI( Dr. Iiuslotiit ti orve7 asbtance kiowu, Thoutt tier iteistd, or otii esta5u-îanî Antims eoutposaest.ty slil ois., Mis cwilî utirivaiird tItrativee. 'ThePeouple fasd, Astut wuaa tstd A cure r avenu eaua er wos,d Tiheylibave ueil t.sttslare w1ise snd astaut And tsi ithein pain hum left ictleu A stfiklied vlsh coari. iiutipis. o ustn * Tepuaads et.ufleerctietr i lise uewo, ' iissc WB-audfsl tsintset tiseir vigwa >fJlj anigli t 855Baoudtie Cuatitve. 0éiCr wat lite cure part drled, utVit;wu ancirestliti pitithtir teet Wili tete fgmitute hryl'Iieit, Aitl¶staof01sienetmaintuwcsst i>, thtie igbnus, it tout.unreye, Lut every amirerei ike%4sae tri, Ur. Btrscurot iesteetsCurative. Youu viii stweybAnd ihestiove namesi iemesy i tail D>niggiotsamsudcountry fiercitaniegeenvtsttsu thiecsntsy,sanslyn Wit sfissl tedirsqlgs.fAll"uassiur 1h. greaseantrmoîy fthan.e(sor te apsedys.utte a CtrhlelnieNeuasil. atnd ahisittetseasîî utspasis or Inflatmmation,. Or J. Ursia kca.r- tretera. -OfiheaeK.; Otê2Mrodway. NV4,'.asd No. e ttlsgi4xt' Weat., 'lonmm. -1 NEW ADVERTISEMrENTS. pOPULARItIEADINGS doO0TTISII ÀAUTIZO0Jus, Biy 4. NMELVILLE BELL; Esq,, Lecturer ets Eiocutiou-in Utinercit>' Collage, Loiiloil,-EngZlsnd, ut.,lu the MECIIANICS' HIALL, WIIITBY, TIIURSDAT. 5E10T. iStis, -1870. * Fonrao en *6 7.80, ltuatiltsato commence Çgkt,25 centau on isubiet te storca ut massro. ,i. Allio, assdl G. hltsgungls, or et tise door., Wbitby, Sept. i,18s70. 8 QTRiAt El.-Strusvat rum -th w t i 0 Jjoin g these nsdeusee ut Gao. suiiiissy ltsq., o! tume Town o! WtIiby, uts Sittirtit>, tise 106h Soptemîtor, lixut., Tio Mitîres site bl>uynsaru four yearsavo i hiisliiilt - midd tiîoo<ersasouvl mare, fine years oit, about 1lucuitioisigit. W)iscuer wil retitrti tise came,,or gsse sueitInformàtion nus vîlI leasi ti chier roovery t tise 1w office of Jtist Hanter Greenvooti, lu htIs Couto!Wbîtby, wili bo çnltâbly revardeti. JlN 1kN -Wbltbhy, sept 14, 1870. 87 *PORti PEREIYHoriJ8. POIT- PEIIRY, ONT. JAM ES THOMPSONPPUiitiToMt. Mise Stîbacrlber wvihies W ftorsn theocoom- tnity titibit pteihaosie now oe to the publie, where lie la preparod te furîsteh augood accomîmodations as quy ma the ctsuty. Sept. là, 1870. . - . .A l'LIUATION <TO A I MBT lie m b the *ro s t t appliooastioMn wîIi Juneio DfaIsy Ooupay to thse LMsituk of0ud ;lt îta nost 5eat.on, for uAot te &Mosud tue -ýAO6 lîsoorporstiug tihe salti Coin- pinsud totend thse powbraeloosferred u"on - solleltor fonr Àpplisut. Toaotov, kept. 14, 1870. IOiU-37 TIE, WEEKLY (iAZETIE,, Mill alani.essliftir ppesirilu greati' entarg idf ituurus iltîrîu, sund spatiil lîssssssswilI ai Ils tte asiititqî 6'!ts'si ofiestu Dittter, susIm Vu istersstitg -aisti et ete iloa tftise Wecktaneya.n rTe -Weltiy Gsszetîu wili Cotinluet6) sillisi to sub.y,,sI' u $ a ycsr, payat nrictiy lunssjsasse. T. & Re WHIITE. 1171 t Jlesa ra Ifontreal, DhICisept., 1870. S EPTEMIJEIZ AT 55535 be suf- ob. AOEitTnwàATisn ris FENDON'S ,IDju3rABLE.TREADLE, ATSTIE lIED j31001<. lu fossey bottle, , t ths- R ED EserytIlsing lu Stitiouary BO OK !Illte, at LNNO CENITS AI3ROAD -Duy- - MlAUX<TWA11V. GENTLEMAN'S JOURNAL POR SEPTEMBER. NSOLVENT ACT F 1869. In tise Mtter o0 O anYTY nitomi- vent. fJ YTE t tir the EDWAID MAJCR, liorelis, ItisSoptemiier, 1870. lin 84 c 1IANCElIT SALE, Thte Creditors, aro noliflil 4te nct fa.t tise L>IAL IltrEL, ni ithe I'Cyoru utlittiyilii e0 CuuMtstY utftiutario, On s tATURDiA Y, tila rait tisuy tf tieteberiiuuxt t Tuso o'ttîock in ao uittrnsis>n, for til publie cxumilsatiuus of 18T. JOHEN va. ERETHOUR,1 vîsl'r eand purcusut lu utn ortier ut tule-Coirt 01 Chsuttr>', ruussle ilu Chia cutîse, tiseravilii beoI0d iti sti ttiîpruhatioîî utUcorgo hiur srîs[Eeqtire, Matter utrtitis cours,'lit wlstby, on TRIIRsDAy, tihe TwutiîY»uIuuliday, doy OI'SePtemierg A# Ut 1870@ at Tysu 'Çlock lu tise aftoritonnu t tise office of tise sit master, eit Wtiitbyr, by LEV[ FAIRJBANKS. Jý, -AUticooosîst, Chie fiovlssg Isis* Ione paîcel . Belug tiso Wet-half ot Lot llinih r tlirty four, fil thu suseutîs cosscea Aiguuortisatownmîsip oflScott, Inthtie ouuty or' Thltor anhoutstonty fise a«66 cciaireti sud a trante isusue sud trame baru, andt an ocisrti of aissut ma)acre aaussi Iaîf, utntlhXrumuaen sisiolis la âasjiioiisg tIsa illangc of llorisi 81 abolit savali nieut trssnt sastsston o! tiue l1oroa. te cuti INipisiug taitvty., Tise purcisaset yl bc roqnire'1 60 paY dovu ut Ils, timu utmalie, lu tise lTeîdor or istitSoli Citor, a tiopoat, Intil tuerupurttoss oft t n dol- lars for esr>'OnuhunI etidoIlera o! tisa ptsr- clIta. ison.>', suid thsoreuuslssdeuthulereot vitis- Il, one moistis afler tise sY e!fasIc, th lntereat, .s Inotli*r ruepath Luosdtlons or sale will be tho uttmdltsg cotiltiotlia of tisesatti Court. For -funilser partieularga atpl>' te idiears. M e s L u r M uo cit & t S iti , S . IL . C o o h - r 'au ani '. . onea, RaqIrs.ofWIy; C.CKelr s Cesl , o it tby;un dufa»iguti Ilastuothoutma , et witby. GEO. IL, D&ETNELL, gioiitor for PiaiIICI. - I s1.uljL 6* HENOLDS, Wliltby, Sept., 1870. 8 F ASIOqB' AND DURABLE ~ BOTSAND SIIQES. Tise uuderigsed bega W aunnonsie tie relpt Gentleman andtOi ( o alte henhdl. latent- WOlixi -s UUAL. RrÂs.A1ortiers attnoudt to with jîun t.uslsty.1 - .1 GRO. CAMÈEfON, sept. 6, 1870.------------- (OunE o sit taR osai lS.t' Inlupuinca ofStatutc 29, eC .2s, Sec, 27, tnotice ta lierets>' givsi lltaaiiCrstta and otier purnasaiiahvitsg any teht Or elsijua upusi or sffecting the emiCate of GEORGE B. SMITH,9 iuta of llrongîsus. lu tise Towuship of 1'ickerinei, Libs'urer, sdeccaa. cd, witu diaoîsontIsa second ,siday of Alitits, 1670. Arelitereisy rsquhredl ln sstisl 'luptsrtieularaou titir, cliitnsts J5tIIN KEIT.-- anitJHN 8sîlîttîtheis. a-lsiittrtor* pi tic pessoual ast-,taand estIfeto. (ts) whls i Iserg ut aisulu ietrittionn were grisitit t y ftise Jurror@ntoeCourt uf file (Iuiiiitv out <utstris,. un the iglîteentih day oft lsir. A 1,1870) or to me, tIse uit iorganetl, tîseir Soliletur, ou Byrosi atr..'t tm usedistety S ousts o f t h ese t Ofiea, Itn t hse Towîî ut WVisitiîy, on ior beforo the FIRST DAY <A' OCTOBL'R. 1870, .At tha expiration, of whscis timsu thueas-i lAd- uitisitsttira will prosteeti te sitrilstite the ilaof lic ftiesa idei'aaei'suisiatise permuns entisie t ierelo, liivlstregric 1 te i ebta andi daim, oustî et wtsieis tise suii Admints- trato ra cit iitei ise liptintitce. and ititu tiss Atiiiittrat4siawil rsnet bu tisstle for ftic aseetA ma i Itrih'ss<.sl to ais>' poeso0f whuxe tipt tsi dams iote islilot have hati notice sit tise imte utfgnuhdstritutioua. % J. LIAMiER GILEENWOOD, IlyroîlS treet, Wlitby, Sufisitor fut the Admiisie;trtors, Dàtedti mu2tt day oetugt, A,D. 1@70.-85 About <One Hundireri Acres, of Lanld, boîng purts ept $4utliti f ttlie. 15 andi 16, 9botid lellin. For partsonlarx IL. IIOWEtL, A ugnst 3t. 1870. 8 B I>UK NOTICE. The' person e lin borrnwefth tie eond vol. uune tif Carlea Dâskeu's worko (roin the lits' C. M. Keller. will conter à fssvor by rutarnînig sait book to- i.KELLER, W fitIT B Y. Sept. 1, 18rio. 35 Q, er x 1'TALiaULONAL R AILWAY. Isle Cs'tsntionera appsnntasj frrlisecon- itictiossu tise lstecti til ltsidy, rive P~UBIlC NO rT:ICE, tltst tIetiare-pneîiared te receise TENDPiA0t fr thtso tse reîluidttingt flsh- tia uot thse Lise, aîl lis tIse Province et New Bruusevieti. sectioni Ns> 21, viiibs-gin attlîc Tactterlyctuti Ni et oiNs. 2il, ono0aand tisree quarter miles Fst or the iHiver lItiratiielil at-id will exteis.l S3tation Nu. 1640. thrse. 'tipuucltd feet Wentarly train tIe RiverKoueibouguscia, a dustaence ut abtout 25 11ts14-A. Sections Nu. 22, yull extensi tnom thce &ateiy endi ut Sectissn No. 21, to silation Noe. 1180 ut tise croeaiss uoft he ic UieBuctoucsu, a disten3e oftabout 25 tulle,1 Section No, 28, wyul is ateusifroinsthesu ster>' end otf Scutioi N o. 21,, te tise Eur-vupa it NortIs Aiiericas Rsiiwiiy,-at bMoucten Station, si distaîisce cf about 22Xctuiles. TIse Commiasgdoutirc ai, gise Public Notice, tisat tise>' ire pseîarcd t o eeise 'rentiers for ru itttissg Sectionî No. 10, tise coutract' for, vîsichu isa,, eunisîsttid, stectionî 14o, 1o, luithe tuoProvince of New Blrunuawick, ansi exteusia flouis theto ntre of the Cisutis landti ituisi urtise Court Iloie at Newcastltc. urda Bathssat, a dtianue ci 20 muies lu lesugtii. .Teutiera for Section No. 10 wil! bc mode alpon the bumis utthe quartities apecifieti lu bise originial Bill uf Workm tor tlii,,Sectionu; aud lu drawlni tise New Coîstract, tisane will bc de- siuctoti froînitIse amtont o! tht.sceepteti Ten- die. a poontstaî uts equivsiesît te the per- cient sf the vissla york visicî tise-Cule! Eus- gisserar sli reps-rt te hsave beco exeessteti by tIse lit'at Cosîtractor, Tisatc CoQntracLta te be comnpetuely flissitdb>' the first day sut sol7, 1872, l'laîic ad Profilais wt Speehfioatlonad Terma etofCortraet, vii bu oxhîbitedut thLie ufilceaattse uisila fieai)sOttawa, Tu.- conite, 'quseis., Ititaouaki, Datlisoubie. Now- catie llitaix anti $L. Joiu, on anti aftntise llt dETEMIJEINEXT, sud tSeaietiTon- tiers stistestetibuiioutisoe otsel teraoluîtial RaîtwaY, andi iqrkutiiTutidert," vîlllbu iecelcd at tieirotffice, lu Ottwo te Six o'olock, p.în., oîn Wednaady, the bt dayo 0fOctobar. nst. SJurettesic artise cumspletion of thse Cootiset urll b. rouirudte 60 cgo tb. Tender, The umeo llutioccupation and astiresof o!oh* acurety aisoud slooso ugiv si. RD. B. CIIA!DLE11 CJ. BUYDGES,, A.W. MoLELAN, ti Commlaslonero. Coismlaalonurts OMie, Utss 5hAnguit, 1870. 84 New :Jackets, Ces~1Coto~Yarti, ÏBest- Coton Bags(a mi GENTLENI -NAT! GENTLEAN'S --O---GM THE FINECS1 rOjfl SKINNE] JNTIO R'S. Can be selected from, suitablefor. the goafion. £Ail kinds of Gentlemen's Purnihiîîg Goods k, congtantly on and. --0 Whitby, Sept. 13, 1870. INSOLVENT ACT OF 159. an In#olvent. big Estaote t ise. andI the Cretiltors aure uotillesl 10 #ltntsnt th is Oyafl Iôtel, is ttse Towns ut V.'iitby. in tIsa oultt>'et Oiitsit, on ltN- DAY, tise Niisetecsith dis>'outScftember, lia. Niant, at 'rhre O'ctock su tise artarnioon, te ru- c(v9uisesttsts of fis irs, anti to appoint ais &Oâaigne. EDWARD MAJOR, lnterlîss Asigile.. Dsted nt Rorelie, is Chu (,uunt3y of Ontario, tisia Tii île>0Yf Sept., A.D. 1870. 2i1n-36 Vau rIkuadls.araite- L UMBER i TIte0 undersigssied klas ou Lanti, at M&fEAD'PS MILL, 1VEAR ASUJUR, Alarge qussutit>' of Lamber, visicli ihe AT TUE W Pi] Lurnber o!f ai kîns sown on tise cqhortst etoie. - A. 1B. CAMS'I , Brookîju p., llnOOkhltu, Juna 17th, 1970. 26. p APER HNIG Thte utudoralignati Isega te isîtem stise public tinst "l iistOf'Ibandthetsulargest anti büat stock ut pale, lssugiugs lu tovît, aliotitts vsIct ieffer* for bala, very low, for cash. ggW- Pa!mtiug, Grainimg, Geag and Paper !iangting, ezettesliisia work mialîike ansi expe(dstiuus nsatmtîîn, aisaliguel. A. C. WILSON, Duisýlimsatreet, Wlilbrf wlîitî;y, April 21, 1870. 16-j m ONEY TO LOANI Ou Penin Property on!>'. Il. J. MACDONELL M3s>' 81, :870. 22 JJOU5ES TO R ENT. Two DwelIng Ilouce, to rout lu thte Town 0f Witby. For particcalars appl>' W joliN.IIAIER. Whitby, 14arcb 16, 1870. I CAT2.-Ailtontzine b hatie »anM blou lu Oliegtsse. <jes? A 51'erlsaerkt <nue.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Il' J so5ox rLsti»ya GENTLM R~ ALL 5IYITS. FIROT AMRI'VAL&S. J. -ferguo jist ucid alarge atoek, of Ehigligh and Canad iauTwe 'nitable for Fsil vear, vtsIeh hll prepared to sii. np luit tel lateat style of fsahlno, sud at- te lowent rates, Achoielot of !sucy SirLs, ail yoi, ehuap. DU«» aSwes s-Witby. ALEKO PRINGLE.- Wantetilulmoditai'or ucri>' slip- ment te an flasteris Maîstar, 0::50,000 BUSHELS.Ç PRIME iAIRLEY, roît wnscn Tuua JIGJiEST PRICE - C. DRAPEI t Co W sitby, A Ugu t 20 1870.5 N. B-FOR BAL E.-S I, Coul,, iater suý JUST RECEl VED AT 'NEW A FNE ARTMENT SUITABLE FOR FALL AND WINTERWEAR. ALSO A LARGE AS8ORTMENT 01? (JANALUAN FLANNELý. Vhitby, August 24, 1870. 3 I. v '1 c 4 g -C c c Water Lime, at retiuced rattia. BOOTS~AND SIIOES! Ir I ou WAI6T A.GOOD VIT, AS) 7 u5EANRIt Tythe tie rf IATTHE3W COLLIIS. W -Ltd ie, êOn t'a sud Cblsdr n '. Bootst sud $hoet, li groit Varloty, sud very style. T ie u ssersig ted lim a ecptedt heis M arine lsgenqy o! tiseî WÊSTERN ASSURANCE 00., Aund ail! b.lisai toe ffect Insurauces for -ail haing propat>' W slp loM tis,,port. 1 1 ' 1C. DRAPE. Wlsitisy, Aprîls, 1870, 1 NSOLVERNT ICT 0F18. Caada,-- u Ie ouy court couu:uy of!&nfurajz Jotis Counit> ofOntanlo. Iu tise mateur f WILLIAM R. MATEW- eoN, s novtt 1 BL4A . MA W i it b y , A g a e I , 1 8 7 0 . E c> c> 1, i I o rJ2 M-4 CD 0-. SELF-RAKINGRAPER, BROWN :& PATTERSOIV WE DEFY COMPETITIiON! Six ee u yearm practicah xpe ience lu the M anufacture of Reapera andtI Keera, asat Qi T A L T Y flosus uahat Chu "Johuaton tlelf-Raking ReaPer" us sony for in atisance o! any othor â< T Y L1 *Machine m atielit tO isepraeti4dY. W c ibave just introduced t iL m Canada, ant i ùan- utactuareti a limited ti itbcr tise pasot season, and ait yat arc tise only manufacturera., Tse celubratet nuw pal, 'Titis easen Oun Machines vill eembrace sud sîmail improvemneuta as a yeareperitsuce pattrn o, tua owsî mss in tise usanufacturc lias s iggaitted. a Ireretofore. ,Stroitgly iiuuturably bsit.The bet material utueti lsC conatuctiOts. - tte nia- gAli ortiers uxutei chinr>' tise mutL coîtupusct sud durable. The laast lisoblu te, geL ont o! onden, Thee sud diapawbcis. coniiation of oodsud iron lu the -fluger bar, ruakes it thueusçst partect flinger bars. JS 'Tbe scat ofthtie driver, lecisteti-ontiido o! tise driving-viseel, at, balancei'and relleveit tise fituger ber,, thsttit lit- les iable to sag or break than Lisat cf sny otbersabino. Wisitiîy, liay 8,1810. Our'Solf.talke la Lise most perfiecL oven insunteti, sud consisteaof fisc Rakas revolv!n U GET arountisaais close Lo tisa di iving-vheel, go pltsced as to ho cutirely, untier tho contýrol ' TO. L RET of tise driver vititosît stoppiug tise tenus. - -IL cets sud deliesiangleti, cinkled, or lotiged griu fsýpidy and In gooti shape. Job Kque' Peri( CuLs a six faut avatis, vit h as littie draftas a light four feet - Ko e , sud ne solde draft !iln au làm fon haar.It cuti easily , ,vitis a cotumon tosîn, rou fitteun t,6twen*y acres pur day, Tcsurofaluable mudîna an di asuta cuL eeàund ed anti torty acres lu sesen da - - ce3x5 o i s t e p tell.l IL ia msunufactureti 1er Ruapigol, eaueIL las bee en iontrate.t Lst asceps-c, essa W visîctes lilfeî rate Reapar anti Rover vililest to eutmore graua anti graiin, than two Cemblueti Ma- obstrctions, and a speti> chines, anticouts mucis hemn In tise ggregate. Besi.das, a separatu Kaîéla ba is ucoin- ou. O MR *picatei tissu a combineti onu; bou lhable to iréo ut f ordertd, s lwayose rdy for IIs lepesiarlfi>' sîibeI.l vork itisout tise trouble antide lay o!ehangîng froin onu 1tii.h other. - bning ouatse mottil>'porloý Tia Reapernatbeen lunsucceutful opuratiots only, fise yeers., but sta i any aupenir lu611 Cames or Nervousi pints of excellence ave on friL durning ht imes tnuiltitude of frinti, anti a ste. lotns PFainn utise Back au( aien never béefore attaineti by any isarveatar n sio short s ime.': For tise flnaL Luro or ou allis t exurtilt, Palpits' Chrue years it vai companetisely littho kuownu; but duimg tise pust Lwo soasons il 5 iytrla udWsiestuî witiaty introduýced chrougisout tise principal wvhea-froig pectio nga0of hlb ns d , antid ro pualoter sisons aineti a poulariyunprecodnte iniitie istry o! eaping icise. atsnh~swnu ase ýTHE HARVEFT nWifE 0flarnuue- rnehoslatloo Broukhaml, Mardis 15,18a7o0 I -TÊ8TIMONIAL. Tux JOSEPH114LMJACHINE Wosîx, Oshawa, Apnil 4,1870. beau I L 1 DgxSm,-Wc bave befusingîyour L:brscat ng t011for ie pe Via i i% hebet ilwu psu eever ns It RIa sîso cheap, ant i leta longpr thiss any otier oit. We have man our larui 14 fel irou plainer, 11is~tl n -où 1iig. 16 keepa tle Coda c iusu at bight. We do neot wsnt sunytllng botter as a Imbricator. I am, yonra truly, 15 F, W. GLEN, Preaideut. A JP 0F THE Seat;-ýof War-, W.ô have lasuasi exoelleut lMaps O! the meAt o1 - war lu Europe, at theu loy prias of FIVE CENTS 1 Mfr. Alliu'a Bock store -1Mr BengougIh'a Book Store; Mr. Yulu'a kelegraph andi Ex. p rasfiu tise Mill! ser tore of Mr$. Rel- ru0iai su iStuart-,su t tise CuitsOnc Offie. Apgnat, 17, 1870. CERTAIN PRESEIWATION 0OP TUE J. H9. GERRIE, Druggist, &c., Dundan St., Wiktby., Sole Agent for tiesealIe et osar Tise LBÈNS etf o wilcttare grene!by fia, tr0a matelIal manutacturati eapesiiy foi Optic purpt-c, ItisaPurea, tdandiBrilliaut, andi as stearAcitromajtie as eau bu producuti. Tise pectilar forfn ant i acîctille vecuise>' at- taincti b>'tise aid nf cstmpfieated and costi>' maclslnury, warranta s u is senting tisetitu bu th,, uloat 1',stact simpctsclea ever meîstiscý turedtl1tley à-sfjit tIse liglit înoi.t iriiiaisty, confut Ente andt -onsfs>rt unts tIe Wessrur, canais s cositinnouàsanaisiaiditsg' IMPROVEMJ6NT 0F TIuE Y, mm ) LAsT A GassAT t AIfS YZA witisottt reqniriiig te beobsiigedt. go tise>' are thse tlie¶jtest, as veli as tise bout. LAZARUS, MORRIS'& Co., 285 Sotru Dame Street, (a p staliî).- W 1FR ÈEMIPLO0IY"HO PXDL -RS. .f Wl"-BY P 'o F&O2m JOSEPH RAINERI, PROPRIETOR< ocure thansiteC tise msny frieutis anti enstomera ot tIhe Whist>'* PIÂNtI MANIIFACTORY, bugaf te @tâte tlnst ho nôv carieson tisabbs; - neas colel>' upon hig ovn ae,iunC; sud lu ai, licitir.g future urdura bo bagc b. assure tisais MDUVS ~,& ent and crops 4oalý ad witb promptitudo,, EPII F. RAINEL. FE14ALE REMEDY.- IIsy 51 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 ý 1 Il 1 1- 1 1 1 1 I MI>ORTANf TO FAuMEus. Tise unueriguti Irupa constauti>' on isand alt kisiso! P ARMI N G IMPLEMENTS, dongltatitig ofthtte JOUNOTOrN SELW.SIAlKE, Wood'1s Sait Rake, Ohtio Combisi, nti Cayî- go Junior iower, ail maunfacurdt Rioh- moud Mil1. Alo a very grent varit>' of pows, ie - moud 11111, oaiiewss, wilitlsy sund Domint ou frnom Mr, JS. %Waker, Ashbum, sîo Gang Ploya, <ultivstr, trawutter. 8'sulou blh1, B ond Seorpr, -lorsaBRouansd Woodorst,:Scifflr, tc.. andesio the u e-brateti douleusefit sdtsting TURNIP IDRILL, manuruttred b liaaMeArgisun & liron, Asiiiris, al"o oh isitsi tise Richmond IMCI, Wtsirhy,0t1 iswtn<iDoissfuiost loints, Landi- aidas, MudbsijsPlos13an.1te8, u&C. ltelaira kepgn baud ifor the lsbjitsosid iii &jo Agent for teOntîtro Farmtrs' Mtul innsrisco Cotupisu>, Ptase to crn-anti examine my stock buoru pnretisaitsge Laawlsere ou tticon. -Plceri.sg, 4 tuilea Wegt u1 lrooktin, onu-sud-a huif mile entitof (reeuwooti. Adtreaa-* ALEX. MACKIE, Rinsae, P. O. Anguat 81, 1H70. 35 F ARU FORt SALE I That apieîsdid Venin, ON THE TOWN-LINE. Ueirg compeseti uf tie Sosuth 150 acrec of Lat No, 1, lu tise 2usi concession o! P'ickerinsg, on the Kinga4ton roist, 1 mile W1est from the Town ofrWnitby, Ili addition tiste promeut builtiLZratîscre la is courteo0f ceastisin, a aplusîdîi M Feeing Biouze, untier utor>' ail sCoie. The abovu 1'ariu l& notod uasoneo0f tIse hast farma lu tise caunty. Po.-bes»iso5 gvau stmond*elr, 0a4tise owner ou rtIresis ru tes pplytothu owuer, on hepro ti f.,5. W M. GLENNEY. Wlîitby, Aug. 10, 1870. 83. ,ept- 1 1 1 1 ., 1 V Whitby, Sept. 13,1870. A FINE -ASSORTMENT OP ;tvi AT Titz 1 'l GOOD XÀérERIAL AND TnE

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