tute 10ldestoi ti alme, umai1, in1-, when the enail.wa broken, and th~e fiftl 8ir Friais Drake dying, bequeaîbed te bis daugbler, the manor houes-at Walioa, à mnataure of Queen Elizabeth setinhidia. monda, gold plaie, and moyen _tbousaad poude of murver plaie. The Amoricau haire, wbo met to-day claim te b. th. lineal deeceadente of Sir Thomas Drake- the mate brtaph pt off ibrougl tis iimI la favor of lb. daagbter. The Amerloadescendant firat ocamé te ibiscounatry la 1642 anid settledin laNèw Hampshira, wbile abortly atter aueiber hraach of tbe famlly, g#eat grandcbildraa' oftihe great 8ir Francis made. iheir homes InlaNew Jersey, aear the present town cof -Elizabeth. Darlag tb. early part of tbc prÉeseut century ta Iri h dîseandat beosme *coaeluced by ib;e ex.minaiaa af documents lu Doctoes aCommetue ihat the immense ia, heriine beiauged hy righit ta that brancb cf the family- settled in New Jersey, sand advised ihecni le prosecule wiihoal deliy iheir légal righta îa tbe properiy. White Mr. Adamîs vas tabulter at 4h. court cf Si.,James, tbey addressed à a memovial embodying tbe aboya facto, snd asîsi! ihat -ibe caslomary sîeps might ha talion by ii to eable theni te establisb iheir dlaimis. Ha referred theinite Ser- geourt Fisher as beiug the hast aeatrcber of exîju ai tâtes lit Engiand. Thst gentleman uii-ertook the aarcuous taule, snd traced through msanie wenty lunes --dowa te the pressai day, -ibe ont, break in ibree gonrer. atîions- beiug _sanie lweaty ycsrs. lie .las corfident of ultiSrtely succeediag in fiad. ing Ibis. The property in dispute consista cf mari. or bouses in Wieihin, Devonshire, the fiefs of, Falimatocle, Boltton bbey, Buchlani! Cornue, afud ibe fortalice cf Yarcom, be- aides tbaasnndsoýf acre@ of the Most fertile lanîd lu Devon. At the meetiug te-day'Cbarles Brainard, Eq, of Newbu ru, as caiied ta the chair ni! Dr. Biickwith, cf Philad!elpbia, sp- poinîsi! seeuary. A committee vwas appoinîmte ofarîber pirosecuie the searcli and raille ib-ec..- say sabecriptluas te ihat eni!.,e Tbe total vaslue cf ibm vbale property, causieîing cf plate, alsbey, fiefs. casîles, and biroufil rights, amount ta ihat almiast iucmeiible smuif $125,000,00.h tbeiag appraisafi by tb. Doctoals'couinons at ihat mn. W. hope for the ultiata succesà cf ibeir boire as au aoffset ta. ihe Alabama' The American Baiptillte are abolit toces. ia¶histi a echoot of tîheology uaI. lainburg, Gcrtuany. Sutn 1B.Antliony ll <lo1liver twcnty lerture in Catifornia, We whichî ebe gets $2,000 flic. FRF uri, Anîaeg.-W lieu je a ýbaby ual ni.laby ?-Wheîî itlal a tea tiîing (tecth. ing). About four huudred Ainerican officere, the larger portion af vbomowera lu ibm Confaderaite iervice during lihe var, arc mow atiaehed ta lbe Khedive'a army ln Egypt. W l1113Y J>IANO F ACTOZY JOSEPH RAINER, P ROPRIETOIl. -o- Tuie sbc 1cin rtîrring là -& ais- e-Cre -tliîiîiku Iole hi baiy fr tenis thi -î,oîe e u Viîi PIANOAXNUFM&TOUIY, l-CIg tri stnte t1iîit le l0iu cornes <luthie Iîîsi 1111.. soltcly iul i il li ou0%i l icixil lit, and i il mii- lieltlîg fufiltitre irilurolie IcLro tiissera ihomnr tiliîît ioetltlîg %VILl e t l-iîîdmnîe 0o1 Ii& part te giree orifîctionî,ilusll[0> iig or aueui STYLE,& 'flue coeleirîlte(lIl uc maent liutcroes -seule Imteriî <i bils 0111is isseetilon uîallif&ettsred se liîe-eofsre. - 8mer Ahi orderle etold wiliiPromptitude sud dispîteu. - - JOSFPII F. RAINER. Wliilthy, lMay 3, Isl 870. - ly-18 y EIV MlLLINERY A NqD - - i~ - 1870. Building Soati of Illee Royal HatlI. Mis. Keller and Miss Stuart irmeîectfU]Ilyajilinîmue te thm Ladies of Wliitby atnd îuciify, thîttbey, are ImîavIliireccipi of thaîr cf eboice Mliir, ~.'ise nmanties, Drae i <oohs Plritts, Coln,, Iî'opskirts. îlolery. . 4Csmîfirs etielCulte Lace Halidler. clilefo, Vglls,, (Il4ille sudSlilk Nets, .lapAvass sitce,s ,hlbuî Iuihar IBanat, 'siud Ceraieote), 'icy lmry, aud Statianer>'. Otrà v-wcrkc simdbtiimpisig doue tea reler., Ait the goada are h ndew Ud el uteil sud - -I.dioh vIll! ltiftliît tlicseauOslionauli theu tante anîd interegt by caulît;. 5 0"Pesse noesé aê ddress,ý-Tbe baili!2 lngSo 5utholh e Royal jiotel, Brook 5,ý .LLisbla"-Iioki.Se"ne stanlip forsinaver, ta Augnst 24~ Whitby, Ji C1 y, (BROOK STREET, WHITBY,) ON BAGS.; ON BAGS.- )N YARN. )N YAILN. JUST RECEIVED 1,000 CottonBlags, bout make. 1,000 Ibo. Cotton Yarn,' do. 6,000 ibs. Prerierving Sugars. 50 Packages Aldwell's Ale. Whicb va ofler for caab-cbeapcr than ammy other Iousein the. ,Cotuty. T. H.L NOMILLA X à &-CO. 'Wbitby, Augit 9, 1870. 1 82 NEW s-on- T Gem Rings, Ear Drops, English Plated Broochêos, Colored Eotts, very handsome. Spectacles,&c. March 23, 1870. &c. -~JAMES JOH-INSTON* WVatebmîtker & jevoiier, Broco ai. by. INSURANCEI The. undersigned continues to represen't the following reliable INSURANCE COMPANIES: TEIE ROYAL. - Capifsal, $2,000,000.1 HBAD OFFICE, - TOIIONTO. FRANCIS HEWARD, Esq.,- 3MANAG.En. JOhINAGNEWL_ 1 AGENT, Wîuîri. HIEAD)OFFICE - MONTREAL.' IIENTOUL I3ROTIIS, IJOHN AGNEW, 1 AGENiT, WJIITDT. NORTII BRII ,191, Capital, $2,000,000, HEAD OFr IVE, - JONTREÂL.1 MoDOUGALL & DAVIDSON, 1-iIO31E9 jJOHIN AGNEW, 1AG.ENT, Wî'-- a - apital, $1,500,0001 HERAD OFFICE, NEWHIAVEN, C<>N. JOIIN AGNEW, AGENT, WIIITIIY. PROVINCIAL, HIEAD OFFqlÇEP JAS. SIDNEY CROOKER, SCOTTISHI PROVINCIAL, (LIFE,) lIBAI)OFD m -'Capital, $ 400,000.1 TORONTO. JOHIN 1AGNEw, AGENT, Wurruy. + capital, $1,000,000. - NIONTREÂL. raughly re'ovuted ud iîevy fumislîsd bv the. proeempreprltor' $Theo Stahlîîîg, &C, have been potin u cfltiint i5tate Df repair, anîdi* no- tlîlies obeenle à undmde ta meet the require-, meute ci gutiets. The Table l s@U ppîlee with ereryting ef Ibm bealt lu m-taon, ud nome bitte îelcet bramîulî cF Wînes, 1iiîjnaund Cigare kepi. ettlie Bar. R. S5O %V. FIRE ASSURANCE C0., 1/)MBARD STREET &MAIÂ{N G CROSS, E0SIABLISUIED .ZN 1782. G3ILLîESPIE, MOFFATT o C., Agent,& fer -JAMES DAVIStiN, Man ager. INSURAT6CE egaitiAt LOSS by PIllE arc effected ou thOc niostataoraîe trns, ud LOSS ES PAID vitîvut rcfereiî4cc teo te Ileard ,lo tendon. April Srd,1866.- YEOMAN GIE301N Agenit,WliL T IF LIVECRPOOL de LON1DON & GLOBE INtiURANCE (;OMI'ANY lu one of the inost proxpercua o01 Eliglasl Inleura nc Cos. Its INVESTFED FUNDS aire ..17,0f,.,036 lt4 DAILY INCOME oec4leî ..s0,0C0 ltia tIFF. POLICIES are a Sure Protection fAr the future. It.4 FIR.¶E POLICIIES, îiuedcl t (CrýRjuîT RATIiII, alIld ainhulo pttcCtioni tC the Marebhant sud iiouseliîoder. AIl fnir Cdaims I'nonflry PAIn, sud ftic lt- mest lincrlifty t'Iown in the uadjtistlnexît f lleadOfflcennadiflrancla,eJlonrreal. G . È. C, SM IiTtI, Clcf/.Agent for Pomifflr. L.PI13 's '11.- Ae. ut %Vliitby, (Ont, Wliîtby, Juiy 2801î, Iseo. . MANUFAC'ruEIwu AT TiIiI Agricultural Works. LEFFEL'IçCELEBRATED Double TURBI1NE WATER IVIIEEL., THE MOST EOONOXICÀL WIIEEL 1<0W IN VBE T IIF.W'e %Viîeele vouare 110w m.uîîutfaetiritîg cL lîcupor tlhîîî îîîîy otlier tsili iii thlie otii - try il Wî wir i uive a FIl:rafiîîe vith :el W. ice wurralitiiig thîem tito bcas ielh maite, sud tr i 5%-e0uitrîîîod tsîtia-fwoei as any unaill- fuetl reil inî île Dotniîiii. l'orties desiriîir furtlier information eau eh- taîin il by addresiîif PAXTION, TATE & CO., i'erî y-St., Port Perry, Omt. Mardi Iîsit, 1869. Il A. DAYIDSON PARKER-1 JOHN AGNEW, <jr~u lsotheçoîlai Securities Company, for the Loaun of Money, at.reasonable rate. Whitby, January 4, 1870. w E w c, 0 w E -3 i mn, ituLm -t- CI> o 1~ m ci c, m z -I w BRITISHI AMERICAN ASSURANE COMPANY Ca.pital, $400,OOO. 2-12ru. Agent, Wb!tbýy. N 11TEK OE. - WHITBY. R. P. CLARK, - Proprietor. leas lv oyeexthe sceveabie Points, tîlh n effée- inF a saying thut wiili e at once apparent ta Sure mnuy tdien u. d use the Môvesble gar Tovnyhip EIits for saie. - IOBBS do TRENINUM, Apply te- - . 131S sud JA.TRENNUM, - Whitby, Jan. 5. 1870 . PHOTOGRAPHI AT DOMIINION. GALLERY. For rielines af Toue, fulues of Detail, and« exqmisiîe Fainish, cannot lbe ,urpasîicd h TSavuîug mîdu grcat improvomenta i l G liglitiiig of tills gallcry, le unov akung pic- tarcs bler thîuîî evor. Tue nov i"Iemhratîdtl$ Éheture taieen at Willgoure:-aise LIme "Tinted V guette, a nov sund vcry beauhiful style., Aîîythîing nov un Photographaiy. thut la vortb lîaviing, ent i e hod ut Wilooi'e tGallery. Cubiiete%, ini fraînes%, very lov. (liiiPortraits tiendtlv ceîîied. Peitraits ciîlnrged te life siza, aind erlîored lu oil-wvaler cehere or iîîdia iîîk. Mr. Wilison la tory succeeosfuu la taking chîîdreii's MIT tc-res April 112, 1870. R.] ILSN A R JANI MS W A-L1LER, of Aiburn, Ont. Twîn Plough, AND ALSO TRE DOMINION PLOUGIl, utclidi îultruiîn ona large écule Lisi FouauJ W' ýinter, Lis TWIN & DOMI1NION te-7 They wilil be guarasntced. vlnmade, 211(l the %vorkiiiff part grouud. eee- Parties woddo 'wuII to ecd iu their orders wlthiut de.y. Colînty Iizhs-Icle. A81btm iNveti 0 866. 45-t T 1IJN)11I;NDDESIIIES To 1IN. l:rin île f'r-eîîils iîud patrons, Itulieb hueA ag';ilî reeci'iîed bliemsuut the 0o(i WHIITBY LIVERY STÀBLES Ziîr limic .eîeeudthîe imîîîîer aîîd qîîîiitv ni f ie etîld, îîîîd'iil.4n îddedl t, uîîd îîîi- jîrovi-ilthe cowori.iî~îiel- an-i veltîlelea onîMie peîîiee. L heps ly littilîi îîa110,itiehl le -neet tue mvent. iet eîtoîlîr:u teriet a mshure of puliciepaîtronage5. ~-CIIARGES-31ODEIATE. _05 N. 1.-Corered eiloymesfor funîllies te ail ordure. - N. RAY. Proprietor. Whitby, Aprîl 8, 1868. 14 To Illeuurs. CnÀmuruLîN & Sîmu (',Iou- may r. 0., Countyl of Lcnnoz,ý Ont., Canada. { lîlno, Comîmty of Iltiuýjx, Provine cf Ontario, Feli. 111h, 1860. r iliIs l to cerîify, îiet dîtrinqethie wiîîter af 11866 1 la tuken witîî a weaku4m O f the nîiciee, sîhieîî gr.udnalhy dutrjig tme i6jJl-iuqof 1887, extemidcd te uuy khîîe.uand 0on upi te My &nap, sd1Ibccnîieo e ok tiît 1 I e d ne 1îîîk, hîut vue O hced te uMY chair. PF..ýAbout tva yeara, whîie Ibis veulinees vIse eeuiing ou nme, and aftorwulrd, t1saughît-Media' 1pdce, omiynet dilffereît lutes, thîil eeae là î uedliceu$cf ditlereîît kiiîds,,preeiîe by frieiîdq. but etnn vuil. I entiîîuea te et verse anîd verse, omiltilthe 1$uînmer: f168 vîjen 1 vas iîîdîced te try thîe great Mleeiîan- oeea i(enedy hy rcîîdiug rtlîe enrus e'crforms;ý-, hi a Pamphlet. Att Cietll4ie Ihad ibagu ta fee! tue veakuesin my bands; in faet 1Ivas gettili a alîoat liîepless., I1have tuken tva hotîlta rit tlîe Shuosîlaues tleuîdy asud tv boxes ofîthe piîk ivîd Lcm entirehy reEtor&1 Lao lîeaîtîî. I1 Étver expected ta geL betteér. but sirnpiy tried the medicino as ia sort )f forlorn huile. Thîis case of mine-vas nîci a privat. elle,ý but kuevu ta alil my tneiglibaors mudn friende; sund to ius'nee fflicted ase a as, 1 iîîîve oniy û geuy îry the SL.'sboueee itemedy; 1believe h it ii cure Ven. MARM AXN DOUIIGITY. Suoate before imuât ffuetu, QCUaty of 1k..1 ile t, ÃŽ8 niatt7i day ut Febinwr, 18<6. GEL EBRATE-D CHURt, l4oted as neeorftIbmbest urtices o f the. kiM mlîuoffacttrred i l ZSîcînoty,uuld lji, mopro md STRIN CUTTERS.sgo easjyverkedmsj e0 supertor lin~- epst Hai Vinepi nsdc, fERICES OI'pS e bratted C( ,()RIC ENNEjýs n I,;th i, tory, lie lget)Ksay teat l]le nov eiiieusi cxecutc saul erders, Ivith 1vilhi lie anay b. fit orLc.eipcr, and iit1i greîter expekUtic thuan lîtiirto. asui tc te gnuruulee elve ysatiset thon7La çuetorlu Oqinfie quijaity cf the va nilîutil deuh tîsirial. , MrCPel ISu the ib ev Calori e Engluce work 1 , CORDWIOD & LrTTMBIE]t Tsakuu lu exehiauge, and Cash prie, loe JAMES CLAYjtezg Wbithy, April 21, 1369. 17 A ','yA MOUNT 0F iIN T0 L 0A N .ausunut et Mcîîey, (privo.te fuîîds) of] goati Ti -nmes tosuit hurrovers, et rery 1evrat iiîtres, reayailin e u eoer Dy y~ Iaormreet lirce rof thie la.rgeFt Monetau.y Iîstîtciellcie îiiîoîi, vîîicteIud melîey on Chueîe.ii aîeen;re WELL CULTJYATED FARM4S, Andl a .qnuatity cf iuîo Landl1r sale cbeap. For iarticularsaspIly te OfiilAsiît o, Mouey i3rokor,&a. OFFICE.- ileeoîîd bfler Mel.iSian'.s ]loek Breck -Street, Wlîity. IW-îl.ltb, mctober 4h i, 1866. 1;N. ul t îIrepamed tri ti-en ail kOue. Greuiiuek aîiî$iuerbouight auî! soîd. TEETÃŽI -EXTRACTED W- WITHOUT PAIN, BY TISE USýE 07 NITIO1JS'OXID LATIJiIINCGLGS, OR VIE NEWO AT DENTAL ROOMS, DUINDAS -STREET; . 111 JuTE Y5 C. W. ROC>MS.-Ou-e..M. Il. Ooelhraulelesstore. Wliittîy, June 215, 186G7. 2 GEORGE GURLEY, MIEJUliANT TID -CLOTIER ÀND DRAPER, GENTLEMEN'S GAItRENTS made np lu th b mt eit sy lo aîîîh Jaîceqt fuliien. A finué st.ck oif Obtlis froîn vlich toakû a ulcection for Gënthcmneuu sumuImer suit$. Oshîawa, May 12, 1866g. Queryl $ÃŽ Is ie it tiaut thie, 0la ieh a rua for pictares AT CliAEK'S GALLERY? le ip becauseheba!fis Ilic bloot Galimas' lu iia Ceuîty, aihi lias lucre pntisuIlc vitii <hiliren ilitin uîîy chier Artise lu the o umsy, snd con de quitea g poi!urork Q a sy otier man inatb Ceunry., gr Thotsmlwiit's tFe motter, aa dan't lie basekvuard about coriiîiîîg forvarel. PRO1ICK ST., WHITEYC. WIsaNov. 12, 1867'. 45 JOhNrOx11ENSON'8 ilair D'ressing and Shaving SAILOON, -- BUOCK ST., WBIITBY. SOM So-u r ime 13ANX OF 3lîaaraEÂL..0 Whlby, Juin. 22, '68. -JOHN OARTER, - LICENSED AUOTIONEER. ONTARIO ORKc~ k PRîr, 1Whitby, April 27, 1870. Wlitby, Mrrch 9, 1868. M. O'DONOVFNM Koeps constantl1y on band, and-in course of manu. facture,- the 1l'argest stock of Ladies' Cents' and Miss'es' IB>>mà I =c:.- Examine for ycurselves the excellent material and fine work- manship. 75-Apiril 13, 1970. WM. BURNS, Brook et.1 IHOMqAS, DAVIES &SORNS, MANUFACTURE RS 0F X XCRE.AM A'LE, LE - LEAND POR-TER. Don Brewery, Toronto, Ont, As the proprietor attends personally te the Brewing, a regular stock of Aies and Portcr can aiwaya be depcndcd upon. Parties dcîirous of lbaving Aie. of superier quality and Pertçiu equal te any îtnporlted, ara respiectfülily isoiited te send their ordera for a quantity large or .emaii, and try for tîtemsecves. tWith the aid cior increased facilities, we are csabled te produce an- arti- cle (ail the year round) second te none lu the Dominion. N. B-Ordere left -wiîh infr. JAS. H.- SAMO, at the Furniture Warercoms, Brock Street, Whitby will receive pempt. attention. Dec. 1, 1869. - 48 OF>FIýC-A-L ASSI1CaNEEl' GENERAL *AGENCYOFFICE! THE undersigoci! bavlng recelved the appoîntmcnt cf Offlcia! Asigneô for North Ontario, le prepared to give prompt attention te ail maters in , Bamkruptcy or .Inselvesjçy. lV' romssory Notes and Acceunts sp.edily coiiected aani remittamees promptly uni , Onago! faimAe.c rity a ê8,pordd>ft interest. - Specialattention -vlll.be glv.no tee iiegoclatlem of Loam'0, 4ýad borweius cau melY Spcn bsving thcir-applications acti!dcd te promptY, and a le penti z e. &»ýIzLande, betil">ap!owed and ani'mpreved constsstly for sale. 1aourances offece in tbe Ontario Fs ar eiltual Insurtnce Company. E9. MAJOR - - - Ofleial Assige and iatoi. OPFIC-RlgeIov's Elocit, omit dear ta tbe RayOI aiOuîseisu 13ik.- Port PcpyD«raibor.2488. .,, 10.1y WHOLESALE.& RETAIL. WViIl be found a large Soko Jrigs Buggies, &ci; of the. néwest styles and best finiuh. Best work- men- enîpl yed. and ail the inaterials used of the best qnality. [7- TI.-ric-ular attention given to repairs, THE OLD- STAND!, -FESTABLISHED 1833.]' - The unde rsigned in returninýg thanks for thec liberal patronage hitîberte cixtenddi!ta thc cli establishmcnt, for ucarly s pcrind cf forty years, desire te say liai bch bas sw o anaslargoasesartment cf tie mast moderni sud elegant styles nf 3P Z Y 3MIQI9L Y3E. And trusts by proper attention and moderate prie *es to secure a coutinuance cf public patronage. Practical iaphoteriug. Fcrniture re-etuflod aud Tndertalcing and. Futuerals Fully Supplied as heretofore, WSomÃe splendid speoimens of Pieture Frames, and Gildinf-1 Remember thze Olci Stand. , - -jy l TiIMEl Ã,i 1 1 wl-,mo