Whitby Chronicle, 22 Sep 1870, p. 4

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'They havelttaoed,' 1snsvered, 4 splendid artkie in' ï1sud1 w en g uD ov to Jsy the mattaer aia beftre. the Colonel. But vii> do- IonDukalci r sBcause.' b. replied, *eoinehblng wrong legoaa o. us nv mdoaniapec. Butter, Eggs, auid ail $i b.r hemagaziaavad -'would yjeu bo. lev 14 surgeant ?-tweuîy tbousand- bail duce wanted, ard ttakèn lu 'ex<ý *orrldrs are misclng i Heaveaa kBas hoy lboy were laiton, but tbey certaînlyý bave béec taken. I ams afraid the. native V9hitbyJuy13 1 0 étopébave tabo en , suad if My ..Jul , 87 areOns . orrec4es, ti on en udgive uss 'Hasve bu said anytbing ta the Colonel V 1 aked, borrio4ly and afixiouaiy. ' N _ 'N lerepliid j 'l bave just made tbà dlscavery, and as 1 chaaaccd'to remems ber jour suspicions, 1I thougbîit 1vould question yoaa before ruparting thu robbery, Let us go to bead. quartors withouî furtiier W. jet off ai once, and la a shuritlimef1il V were admftthd titspeé of Colonel Somerset. W sleatedod buoiness, the" laetenatirsporîed the. lase of tho cart. (BROOK STRI wlidgos, and I toit! bite-f wy suspicious, of e f mi daugbatbndblettekd -of théhorrible Vi be fund -a'Ilrg slree nlghls. The colonel liâteuod wiihBuge,&;oftenw tsy au auxions. troubiptd air, aud once or îwbce mer, employed, and ail the- maté f @av lis face flash, and then grow pale. "4.il Ri ia vory singulur," lho aaid W =,Particular att< aingular, especially jour dream, sergeans. 1 vas just going ta send for your Captain sud yourself, ta give juyouor orderâ, as Whitby, April 27, 1870.>* I cannot trust tbom tu ardisaary channels. Tbis rnorning 1 received instructions froar Cluta disarm the Sepaya at une I bave ordered a parade for tlia afterooa, RI L * sd-vas about ta siummon the Caplain and lOral sergoantaof eaccb cmpany, ta ln- struet tkots ta intern heir mou, privately to bue prepaîsd for auy ernergoocy, and ta' coule wiîh ibeir gun8 loundd with bock and bail. Sa far, sergeandt jour dreamsrnYN - a- -COre true. (Oi grant that il Mnay not lho realizcd ln every respeact. Tho emcrgency ia Tory grave, snd wc muai meet it ai once. j My instruction&s- îform me tIsai thora laeaa very goneral discantent smong thse native r E S T A B ' 1 troope, aud that tIsey wili ho diaarnsd atE i..B L . ail posta as soon us possible. Say nothing The und-rsigned in returning1 docr drenni, mergeant, and bots of you hitheria exteuded tante aid establishmnent,f laoap quiet ne ta thse lu"s of tals runllon. ta say that ho bas *nuw on baud a large i Get yaur companly. ready dlreully, sergoant. styles of 1 wiii furnisti yen quietly witb a guard for JJ yj_ý, ~ thse magaz ine, lieutenant. IBut, aboyeaail .5 i maE thiai do nothîng-ta aronse thea uepicicns And trusts by proper attention à »f the natives. Nov youenu go ba<.k ta Cnrttinance of publie patronage. Practical. jonr quisrtera, for I have -a groisi deal ta covercd. Idnole»rieta70myfolrg Undertaking anid Funerals Fi whon I latithtie Colonel@e presenca. The Mt»Some iplendiâ specimenso -fact that a part of rny dreazo hud proved Rernember the 0Uc Stand. iruo niade nme wretched, l'or I vas certain thâat tIse rost wuuld aldoo harvalized. 1 Jet ta wark 'ta prelare my Compauy ; tor WIiitby, Marlis 9, 1868. the odda acgnist Pâ wore 1s0 great, it vals uocceasîy te hO prapared for any a- distance sich mig lk sbu Coffrsd ; und thial1 uight be dons. uuly- by inun-iiug diahe uuT S A I of the exact nature of the searvice required- O of tlom. 1 vas nr ousnud ri-seas dish wbue dy, for I vas confident alsat oMy IVlOJLESALE dresin vas taa bocarried ont an full. 1 could nul itccoant for the dresrni ubody eafccauttflor such thinga la, ail cases * éusit,1vas quite :siied thut I hisd net 10. ceived s falae waruing. n e At four ü'cloek that afternoon, tIse regijnenîs aeeemb1pd 01aftice parade grousid. ICeeps constantly' On hand,i Thora vas a votol look of tdvteviniuatit, on the laces of thaengih but theolnd facture, the larg aultegadgomeebiite bu-seli* en s in thesa uoltenrnces (f thse natives IIà "<'I 1 trernbledltsoa childi wheîî 1 fouud tIsai thse L , i s G nt Colonel hisd ndopted thse ftrmausion I hiad M >C mis-ý seeia in, n17 dreum, Thse Sa-pays ara drawa up lis a lino, anud iy owo 'egianana Exitrine for yourselves th e XC6 and tva pleceà of artiiîery wcre posed u inaliShip. their lgh itlana l eilte luacvataca of 15-Apail 13, 1870. thoan. Tise Colotiel Iiienîf at on bit _____________________________ hoiges infroaat of tis atsiveë;s; ud, îbcugI 4is expression was calm a nd composa-J, 1r vr- cauld s i hut bis Lu w as paie as deu.-l. %Vhen tIse Colonel coauuenced ta lUnt thse I~ id.~ A natives through thse manal exercise. I11~F~TJ liaîned a n ~d wvathebscommaand vas oyiva, "i1.ady i1 roseutV,1" Icaied invaluntarily,.-. 1 do -Dat know, couder, -vvhether 700 viii1 bellovo ibis otory, for it w j a Isîraugo -UeE D AT A£¶~ N ,dreaua t ait ved me of danger shat bujugG Lii .L - AJ l 'T LL' ovor us, Yet I giink it vas -nat îIsrown -:000:. awa, fr i omsbld m asbautagive FV'IIE undersignetl baviasg reccivc.d tlb.appoi the, commande whicla I-did, sud whiah I -Ontario, la prepared la givo promapt allent shal alvayi bçlleve were, tsader God, thea Iîsolvouay. gW-prarnisaory 'Me dAco salvatiou of eue rogimenl. 1 got a saabre prognPhLy made. NtsadAcu eut in the. figIs, frots thé leader aif 1th Sepoye. Ho e afîaiervards esaplurod, and '.j 1 laad the. ploasure of blavlaag hlm frots On.gaad faim sasuri±y at 8 Per cent luloroat. the. cannon,& aauîb. 110 vac a cruel manu, neocitilan af Loans, and borrovea.e can reiy upw asd had bic, plans ucesded, vould hae 4a promuptly, aud atenualil xpense. « -« gnuscred thse cti.ro gîmot. W Also, Lande, both Iaprovod and uni'uprot After the ..gh., I have uesceo, Iiree --inth uOtario Paumera otual Iiieur.ancc served hbrotagi tho whole war, sud was - vitis Lord (Clydo e ieta iLà touIs Delhsi. - 0 hBgeIv' -lok, odoor in the IaYOl Ca No. MET, WHITBY,) e' Stock, of - Ùarri*aLes- yles and'best nish. Bestworlk- ýrialb used -of thé býest ýqur41ity.« mntion given to repa *irs M. O'DONOVAN. ST A N D ! Whiîby, Auguet 9, il - ifEW *ooe~ 00-TTON BÂGS. COTTON--BAGS. CÇOTTON YARN' COTTON -YÂ.RN. JVST ni 1,oêo Oottou Bý 1,000 lbs. Ootto 6,000 lbs. Presi 60 Faackages- A WiicIse oSfer for, any otisr Hase in i 1 T. H.MCfli Gem Rings, lIED 1833.] Ear Dio-PSe thanks for the liberal patronage a for nearly a period cf foriy Joarg, desLres sssortmanî of the mccl modernansd elagani wm yri -MpecetacH e ind moderate prices to secure a Lupislsleriug. Furusture ro-stuffecl and ,Mly Supplied as herâtofore'l c. ,18. of Picture Frames, and Gilding. . w 3 3r a -u I N q"s U l R - The undersigne d continues ta 1 S OIE TH INSUIANCE ÏD NN-0E THEROY01AL. ' & R ETAIJJ* BEAU OFFICE, - FRANCIS HEWARD, EsQ., HIEAD OFFICE and in, course of manu- RENTOUL BLIOTII'S, estNO TI stc o AAIT-Iïe and Misses'1i ¶I BIIH .-Wl fpruruia b Oth liedeu itl4ti ;V ory îîilng et he tnu but tue hat hasu ud Cigsir$ kopt et tIse Bar. EINIX ET & CIIAIIING (,ROSS, ;SEBD-IN 1782. ýFA'iTr & Co.$ Agentse for .VIsî,sN, Manager. hasit LOSS by PIRE a-o îaeatfavoraie ternis, and oclt refereure to tho Board Agent, Whitby L & LINDON & GLOBE1 COMPtîANY laaane oattihe( Ea,911811la usureuco ces. 1 aD re .$,17itb Ilu E aad e...20,00Co lm ara a Sure p'rotctnnî 'ES, issned Ut C-enIsaNT srtaiuta-tise Mera-lissu ,.&-LPID,, sud tisa ut- WUn lu tIsaudjustsa--ut e1 du DasTancia, llonlrei G..F. C. SMITHI, Ji:., AO-siT, t Whitby, ont, ,1509. TIZE AT TuE ral Works. ben lu leu"o, em Of Wiaîcs, Liloge8 EcElyri)17 lage, bet make. ME P n Yarn, do. VJLEAS IaOMBAEDSTILE ierving Sugars. J' L B I UIdwell!s Ale. GILLESPIE, M10F c a s a- c h e a p r ba n J M c D ha cupty. -îssÂc g 5. effected ons t911e 9ILLAN &Co. LOSSES P,41Dwii 810, 83 a on-u Apa-il aad,ieo. T IF, 11LIVEIIIWoOj OSOot pa-speroas 0ai -Ite INVF.STED FUN Its DAILY lNt'om: TO If if fa Its Llt'E POLICI] for thse future. Ita Fl lIE I1>01,c. - - n~PATuS,:silrd ample p aale Iîaataalssildar. Al ful linir d aimsP Mutliteaity slsav lusses,. Englieh Plated ]Broocheti, 11ud O fice, Cnne Colored Sotta, very hiandsome. . AI cAiS , & C * & c *. W ltby, Jui > 2stu s MANUFAC'r NIES JOB NSTON, mmc> m, - At uisusk r & J ovaler, B r cli t. W ib y. A .g ri cu ltu lt IIEL's i Double TURBINE C.. N1 TH-£ OST OO MeiflO ,present the folloiwingy reliable OMPANIES: Capital, $2,000,000. , TORONTO./ JOHN AGNEW, - AGlrNq; VîaT13Y. Capital, $2,000,000. '. MONTREÂL. JOLIN AGNEW, - 1,-OflIciai Atiigne, Oth se LL WEEL uw I Va WiN & DO INO FICE.- Secltud wlmaeor* d htal Ma>l and tisa vara-uLm part grogne. se» Prartie vDuî(dedoWeail ta bond in thair TEEITII urda-rs Wtlaont dcly - 'WITHOT P A= <.ouauty I t e tsfor sale.5 Asîmburas, Novessiea- 1 I09. 45-tf BW TI UE sOr NITROUS OX M LAUOIINQ, L-I V ES R v 1Ew - .~ AT DENTAL IZ00115, - -DUINDAs sTREI WHreC. W. - R0OMS.Ove, M. IL. Caehraue a Store T I U D ISI l FD D S ES TWI- % h lîu)y J ne2 0 , 1867. anali , rd 'lblejîsd (3.Ul nEOR<E GURLEY, - Ilaving encreeod theIiia aasînbaaad- qnsility of a-le sa-uda-tnd ulso arddeii a tead hua- COT ElA»D 4 pa-ôved theo eoiîs'eyua:scessud rieles oK u tise COIE N R p p'einanie Lpa-shy heiîîk lun e position te a-eaiwasausfsatirig s-Met thse wrîts aesastomuira te suent a isLam ae g1uaracteo W vîtîeel W -CILiIGES IIIODE RATIE. . 1 A file et(a-k a->flIothe fron11, b lta r *-ta Le-us Weil mia-le, N. l.-Covoried caaaveyuîica for familles IL seicetioi fer etlrunasnmess a-feu as a u u'ua- iîna- licîle. I'rasuîpt Otto -nsice, as hsarea-abre, Oshawa, May 12, s869 >11.OUail rdorï. r infornuatia 1n eu ehb- N 1ItYProprieor.N ,ON, TATE & Co., WstbArl,18. 14 - lQU e r y -St., tort I'arry, Onît. - Q- 18 - 'la> lait tIsaI iLej ela 1suai a rua for plot AT -LAIRK'S GALLE - t jebectitise iebh,»a-h, haot GaIlery la 7ý und isas more patiece wfiai blj Motlla ay otlaer Artist -lu tIse conyAnd,,sas f dout005 &àd arkasia ller man la :à Tltua-'s wliaat nutta s o' u k w va d a b o u t CO l i , 0niua f e r e r od - BROUCK ST., WHITIBY l'o (6888 ClAsilgIaÀIH& Sîas, ou- WhIrby, i ov. 1 2), 18 7. uosry P. 0, Oouuîy ofr Leîsnoz, Ont., JOHN RODrilrgso Candaiilna, Cuaty a! îfaa'tlngs, IHfairé Dressing and Shavil - { t'revaneîor tanxo, Fois. O"lhs, 1869. - S I~~ af1118 as to corîfr huai dsarintr che, wIcer'o ;ALfN 80IB vu s tbalconis iti e waaneâà o!:thu 13110K ST., WIl - - isukles, vhih grsuaully a-uasing the Spring zof 5 SatîTU os vu lBgANK ~~ 1867, exteuded-ta ny i>' easnd on np tosslsy l ipe, aand I bo-caie so ss-ktlatt 1aanlj îot WlitbY, J n. 22,16. - . w1,ba 'scîfudt n'iîsa.Frahù--- two yenrs, wie-Sis vowaknesa vas.coniing oit JO HN OARTE nie, aud saa-eWsade, 1seuaeht > sedical'aedvaae o uin p îay sn g , a i 'd ift'e reo a - t t e , I ir c d a c t a t I E N E A:1 0 « auîdnidiSa-lies of different kinjdo, p: escribee JIiNbD AJT by friands. but of nou auil, l2 cti.itsuet a wsurzesud varso, unitlie Seînasoir df18618 -oa~ [EBJCAN lit aaaî I as iaudr< tu-i a iy.a-le srosa- Sieon2'ONTARJO YTORK -& PFEI ces Ileffedy hy reÀding a-lie. Cua-,verforassed lsa apamphlet. -At a-la i lsi ie bd begun te- 0 tJ A faal a-ho veuknieuess nmy haîads;'iu fWtactI W"a- W I ESIDENCE...lot 8, SlIsCoq ~eaIsalnias-belpleie. I have tala-en a-va Markham,....p.sg 0ffi-Ul*ftvhlfr. nattlis of the Sunhîa-sIeniedy -sud tva SALES £tteasded ont the ebrtetioale 4 0 u 0 9 v0 0 0 b o x a s o ! t he 1 4 11 % s u d 1 s o t e n a -la e l> ' r e , to r tA î to -o n a-e u s r n IiLb e t e r n i s e n is e u b c m o d e o i ig 1been sppo)iîîted 0e.a bgpcas of inse WU iiot lute r.- s Comsnpany, le îîow 0aa0, -hua- kicw ta, i11niy ueiglhoras ad a tyaiguausa- LOSSBY fai-lansd t a='Oraeffliloed as a as, IAl(I' 1 RT~'~ ltarusa. hlasse 01al.,ansta-ytieSbosëhoneas Rlaasedy, SA U . J.IJ.- ONtSL~J. a- î ~balie e t wilScusroa'ou. IRBA-NK5s, Jif - MARFZYANY DOUGHTY,- Agent, Whitby. i S ta- iý eoro mess 50faioe, Ceae&sjof Ha.- - an7, Olis nneat, la-la-sp sf Mr, 18690. j- ilOTELI Iîa1 b'c A.. %Waoi T tTsrfaf,41. - Bu Y2 - tyfor-a-ho last ifteass veara b èo4e Wrtratâîzoýh Capital, $2, Wnrruiv. FA3 re] c' BsEc>m9. ýeIlent material a nd fine work. s.ý , aîa3ociç et.1 JOH-N GNEW, MoDOTJGALL & DÂVIDSON, Capital, $,00. IY00 IIEAD OFFICE, IfNEWIIAVEN, CON, JOHN AGN.EW, AamNT, Wurrxiy, [ES SoNSe PBoviNCIAL4 nb*t--Q Afnla 7 . g -C'hl ý4las~ - IIEAD OFFICE, - JAS. SIDNEY CIIOCKERI LESOOTTISH PROVINCIAL, (LiFE,) E R. A. DAVIDSON PAIÏR , Ont OuM Jr= Also the Côlonial Securitbce Moneyf at reasonablceates. RERS 0F - A -M A AND PORT: roronto, ta-ly to the Brewing. ior quiity sud porte,. equsai to -aisy tbcir orders for a qunntity large or vo area-tsbled ta> produceanuts rti- the Dominion.1 AbMOs at teeFurniture Wararaoms, atteniiion. - 48 FCY OFFICE! hasnent af Officiai Assignuesfor Narthi lion la aill aaîersîin iJsîrkfnp-ay i Sats sspcothiIycolcoa'dtaieca Special attention wilI be gi.ven tIssuo ien having their applications aîtensdaî -od cnalanîly for aale, rTuirancea t Company. EE cici Coo -MIN- TOILONTOe -AGENT, Wairrny. - apital, $1,000,000. MIONTREAL. JOHN AGIZEW, AGENT, 1VunvBr. Company, for the Loan of Pire Preef Ch 2-'WisiîbyJun.î% Ltiîaned w iaa i D a-iî I'srtiède asiriaug fîrlis tain St bi' uddreiaiig- f'AXT- marcd isut, 18601. ASSURANCE] Capital,- $ -if iredt nna-lerge aait Aethefert la sb Appi>, tae 2-12Mi. 0N E TilR , Y .ui.,aisve <of ase uaovouie rocit, lima offset- 1 sAve onéython sne the Moval Pointe. - aobe- gar Tawnblsip fiable sfor saie. - 110B3J38 & TIIIINUM, ÀApply te~- tapitr Wlrithy. a- JAS. TIIENNTJM, FI Whitby, Jan. j. lar.I p H TO0GIWA PIlS -- C mai DOMINION__GALLER{Y. I tory For uscliausa ot Toue, fnllinefs oresr Dotais, sud 1ex quesitée Pifisb5 thua casos a nrpassed 1I me, Havinigumade reut impravemnte lu the vor iibtiaigofnllis4gliary- lia is now tak,*Ig pia- ,' ina-es botter tisn evea-. Tihe ne - i<snibradt"I Tat Picture taken ai Williou'n : aie, te iiTiuled V-guettca e uew snd tory beautifial- style. W Aayuyiiaew lis plotagraphy. that le wortb li having, eati Lealed ait Wltasn'e Gsiiary.I Cabinets, in fa-aines, verylow, Old Portriits A nontly caliied. L'otraitie ealsrgod to life sizeA aud a-r-ored lu ol-wsoa- colore or lundia iuk. Ma-. WiIllso lin via-y succassfsntl b iel-!ug a-baldran's tiietures.. B *. II WILLSON.. Thei April 12, 187Q. 15 aml Bf . JAMES WALKEII, of AsibUa-, Oui.< isea £1 > Ulsa-tee aof the Iige DJOMINION 1ILOUGLII ut-n-l nanriîa-tuylngnuslag suetsi s lthierto, and te gaaraàt e ta ensQnif i, t 1 Ue qilt lillsLi d ud ttrll. W» C aillsud se& tho eovC, CORI) WoaJ> &u cu lu ("eaisagaJ snd Cash f tAri ',JAMES 1 59 Subc-e-lerlayoprepered aouast ut 3Mouey, (paivasfui iRI YI PIOPE anis la suit barravars, uiV ret, rapuysaao i up îva i eaena- th'e a-h s saio otastia atu"id 1,nj, f s atiîusay teiiLnd a JAMES Il -/Andi Fur P. J--~3 S w 1JAý ELLI m mmwwmý 'rite, 'las b"à - tloý w IY futuloilied by thé 'WPElýg, &e., lave te al rùuair- ur,,l .- MANAGERS. ;est stock of HEADOFFICE, MOIVTREAL. a recrular 1 1 Whitby, January 4, 1870j 11031 Et

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