Whitby Chronicle, 29 Sep 1870, p. 1

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ONTARIO -HOTEL, (laIe C. Dawes,&.) WHITBY ON"'.uA IO. DU A. ALEXANDER --Proprietori. ?L TEE ubsorlber deairct tc r*turn thunks t £Iotihé publie for tii. sory tuberaI patron JIObObOwO LPu I imwhilé Proprietor ocftle G Oeî otl,' 1Ioeklinq and t the arnje tint tskés éoeulon t10 cuuonue that ho lIce lePAi thé aboyé wel l nown botel. Large idditlon, hure beau recentiy made to the preuiaeuWecurà Ing more oomiiodf nui. oeoninodatioh an enPressing lthe nuiniier ci sleepling reom» 14 uésrly *c110lainore thasforrnerîy.AÀfirat- dus i fierd i'crlor-witiî three tables hboace been added. Extensive udditiotia te thei Stablihg, bhede. lees. Bores, &c". haie aloi beenwinde. Ail oucbisitgîe'uudereigedto offer to bis O 01<1 Ende uand the -publie 'getie- .raly adviintaci§ uripasmed iY Do uther botel In the place. 38owili ta!! limes bu bppy 1< welcorne bis old friendé. Whflh7, toca. 2, 1858.48.y j OHN WOLFENDEN, Âa1àGxr ron Tas CELE'BRATED. 1SCOTTISHIl or lu rr ld îttcriney-at-Lsw, Se II1NrE -,Oto n 1141ery, Ncoîîry plic, &c._GRA ___ j ho -j1', rel uctdoor te Roys! ut..t by, 31 I Idu Mrbla IN orks cf JONATHAN ftï - I1.J)ARTNEJLY,, WOLFENDE&N, Disans-st Whiiby. 17 B_________ cexiT rIlO'IEL BO. 0f Daro.OfiT WreILSt. iit. Nom. 78, 80,anud 82, St. Joseph Street, A1!l1E iATVOBN YEY AT LAW Tesusih,- 1B C.ohTiho anClauer ,c. V lu>,Ch.l'ono iliîed the febeve Ipe flce- Uvr Oîterio Bauk, on t sorti 10< tor the oemotton etOhtIi ravellinîg public. liaide. eiei r; fli.bo kid ten- aieteins 75 roctrs, witli geed vard snd sebliieg S. M.JAR ISur 6*0 lhorsts. Tenu, moderato. BAIIRISTER-À'2-LAW AN]> SOLICITOU C.-t&BIN, Proprleîoi. .AJli0ueiuery. tlenesJ rriî-t.21 Torouto. rook1in Drug Store. ~ AkES VyltE-n UNDN tauy Publie, d&o. -Ri rgPaet-eile Uarioie-Next door te tVie .9er, of B. & jJ..J l'alnts, 0110, Oye Stuars, Confection. Camnpbell,IBrook St. Wlîtlîy c ry, &o0.. W i~Y nom sud Liquoi tel LIh. bem'queliî WiiIthy Nov. 18, 1867. 46h for MedilIpurpomei. ' . .FAIRJIIli< - S Heroe 4 Cattl Medicinea,jwape cuiand ~OLAIGT0u8 NOTÂRY PUBLIC,d&c. d&c. Broklile.W. ,2 .Oelcawil, 1W.,187 2 C. A. joNi., - ARMSTRONG'S HOTEL, flarrieter, Uoft-eitufrin. cVhancery, 'At-(Lueo Pleuk's,) * itornevy, . c.U XBRI D G 1 Ilue reroved hic <.>flce te iutflioor over the rp et . ONÂiirO BANK.--- E. AISIITItONd Popetr Whitby, Ot. 7, 188. 40 IF SUBSCRIBEIî Lesofltod npalld!cer ý 0 T plcieItolreiiovied the stoveJ o c l itn FAREWELL & MaGEE, cil flrt-cluees Ilotol, alalcîdsouch le paîtroncge 1ARIIzTRS A&'VTIiBNBYgSO511 " of tîlepuablic id lii. frieids. TVietable aced b TORS CO'oJVEYANCEBis, ANI) No>-hiriîîid !iti;he'Godr V 1, 1 VJ4B!LC. ling, dcè. B ll- TOi Geinor (hilee dorr nîrh rîl f i .th tîice, bridgo-, Jan. 2r.,18 . AIM T 4I Ohw; 1d Mclccîcr'j. Bloecs, * olpisite_ .804 Teuwu Ma¶ Bowmaiviile.- ~J .YÀXawîc. 1.MaLBîAESPATENT1 18 X 0E LSIO R R 8,LAUDEli, MULOCK & 81[ITII,- CUTTING OFF MACH9INE!1 DTUFnGRTElte,. Attorncyx. et.inw, Uoiclicirelan Chas.T P aAT ceerysan u IUOOiOCY"o&c. INVENTION OF TUE DAY 1 OeTias.-MchillasBock<- Break-St., Cote Wreughî Irôn Steel Bari, Tubing, dcc., #djoiU r.Juce Ioldou'isOffice, wIitby, émooth Land pelieI'-d, vithon eut rkt 7;O.J.100,9.2-o., W IlOX CRKILEs C. KELjLE R, ATT£O iY-Ar-LA,o dOLICIORIN tL Ïlî,Mloer 'J.làoîvy.uncor, da Cuiî ton Blrook, <.ý W. J.eJIAMLILGJIEENII'OOD, Bouih if 1Pontl Offce. 4 LYMAN 9,VLISII,-. L. iB.. 40 UOLICiTOI IN CUANCEIit, CONVVEYANCEJl,ILAN13 A(ENT&C Ona-vrArnitrung'é lotti, Mai St., Uxbridge, Jeu. T7th, 180. f2 ~R. HANOOCK, BUÉ X, ACCOUCIIEUI1.&c., SIIIEOLON TO VIE (COUN.Y OAUL, ~By ron Street, WhitI.y. 4 W. H. LAW, B.,A., M. D., Fhy*8sifnrge'on, A ci uc lier, &c. T11IQMAS I N'r(>N, 0WINIOIElT ik WELLINGTON. lIOTEL, WI1LSON It OUSE, A. WILSON, Jr.,- Proprictor. T 111 SuBOsCItiI EX bisgg Le n nource teo lii T tieoud» an(]the public giolrilil, t t lie bas 0oned the ahiove lîaw liotel iii thec Villaite of AZii ril, for the ilecoi 1uîfoti o t the tr1k- lib'lc-.Tih. houso lm fîww.Pnid fur- ni liislomt tliorotigli <ted ce £îîorttble u1inor. Gucotso wilI flild ove ry coiîvîîliolce et the shove es;tablitiiicîît, Wl! es, Llquoro, sud Cigare of hiebo§t fBru "dse lwcu skePt 0.1 ils ined Sîebllng And ttentive Chtlera le A. WILSON, Jr., P.roprictor. Ashborn.#61 y it, 1880. tf 18 ROyYAL .CANA DIAN J1OTLPL, .PORT FERRY, ONWT. HR. POY, Proprietor. Superior accommodation. Gced etabllng aadbd room, and attentive oatler». Fort Ferry, Nov, 8, 1809. 45 fi TI TB Y BA C IULE' DEPOSITORY 1 Tho attention orthe puli i luvited te the npaw sud weil seleecd stock c r 1313LES and TESTAMjZNTS, with, sud ýwfthout the peisis lu motre. 00w te bc -fonîid etthei.Dopomitcry of thîe Wbitby Branch Bibe Socty.Thstchî bon- Iected b y"tie Depoitary, wiithi great oure, auJ wiii b. oued te embraob volumeti lu verbeots et ese of-buildinc, plain and ornemontai. Ob.çitory.-AI <le. H. Gerrle's Drug store, sTI DWELL111G drPREMIsES TO lIENT. At Port Wiltby, li4.1417 occnpied by the uudeaiguJ ~ 9. O . ~V~lub, Mrci31,1809. 1 torge, chisel or£t0 u vllar~o iu nu bum ,îîd A-hslt'lean bhé doneuta l sde by theolcd r'r.,eeýw. No Ponncry,-îron Wrks oau lchuine Sluop slionld be vtic eue SCeueity Riigitte,*or tse Iigit for the Dtenuitilun, for Ouclu. (REORGE JBLAKE. Whiiby, Iloy 10, 1870. GEORGE CORMACKj. LU11kOi IIEBMIANT Ccrpeentersud SJoliier,Grecii St, %t'litt y. Altirgo qutin. tityef% i i ttdm i'iucbercouatuiltl3en baud. U -N D E IR T A X I N G. FUNEB',ALS 4fiil),y îîîî;led iiîî tîîh eleduon slîî4't Uo ec. Cgitiffue cpîOcoiiblfietl> on L--AIjesmrtotlire oui Iheruterm UiEOBO(ECOBMACK. Wh 5he.th, 1862. HENRY GRIST, - ESNTDLfIusucD 186.) A ýN 1)BEST 01 D11AUGHITS31AN Try lte1 OTTAWVA, CANADA,- Tmuîîîeîîècts Iltieiguti viluthe iîteit 01100licJotRi OeOulpartînenîe cflittule hîovccnn 'Lais men. uîpyrit m tii ercgeition of rede and S1i000 lit gr ýiir4ildIlcuhis I rocttred. Jiily 20. 1870 Drsserngs. Sperifiratingaenaît r otcLt.ument ce- ____ garr l cere tetin nein t,iona. 7iru re n-pi0il& ,eceh,4at i, it, P . i, i ii ore.i- M ardi, m ade. w Grand Trunk Railway Hotel, AT %IIITIIY STATION. wV lin., <ens lu tis the Grnitd cere thîîuîîL tuiiiI tIltebid, liti iiliy uttitît, htîgs to iliiirtit and u s-ui ils lnlcii1mii îîtuu ic itr,îvî-itir )lilic thîîut lie liats flîlcîl til thtîelimiteu eund;iliiljs hfiiri- IIN I1 elliis styt8, I.I>iti <,attetiohnituth aii- I0o thiote wlo iii utor' limiiii tteir jîetroî,uîge becs o n it liiit trunie touîîîritic cint tiiii-tcoltthicir Cistlirn ~: -l'oiries tiiii t g hlm t uit utend ouie "C' uu(Ihuii c-oi 1urt.,,, viil iuo thluîn-il] tuketitcii- ocf iii lia-tilt-lîtîcre ut tilîcir rui îunîî. tit tté i -i Wiitly3, sept., 1868. 8 0gt T 0OilA8 i3. x ', (LATEP FitOle LOeu, K9OLAND.) QITALITY Ilegi toiifîrîti tti pople tif tiitt.y und vIie. fty, luît lie balsu olteied uce hep Opposite the Ontario Banlk, 'niue colobrtîteu Break Stree, h, ltby Ontaino. - Itattoenof li.à - se»lieretotoire. wrime nz0e t, miPAnn ToeasRPAni ýr AlI ardet GtJNs, LOCIKS, ]KEYS, &c. and dupatch. Clocku mi auJ cu!iq onticîed andlrePaired, ao SLIVING eIAcilNEse Whlhhy, May 8 PA-PASOLS cC. UMIBBELLAS 0 2 II rneîîîled aul cîvered, Sawe sherpeneul sud nel, N~ ~T an etuirîmî, dcc., dco., dco., A oliar; cf yeurN p a r n elath , A i t d. ~ T I O S . BNî T t J o b M o e E __________g.10 109 tf .82. Timo invalualI B LACKSMITUPS 0,[ORK. eCtioewliiei th le- at esI 2i ?Y - - The meut el, ganh, epacionuor Mecta supplied i ail lueurs.Wie Litior sud Cigars cfthe flieut hrlda. Sut, u au Oyitere lu evtory style. SPartie%, vimitle1 Toreuito fora i duy v lideer>'accoîndationutet he Terrapie. April 5, 1870, 14 YEOMAN GIBSON. COMMISSION MER CIL4N INSURANCrE, &c GENEIIAL AGENT. WIîithy, jau., létit 1888. -REVERE HOUSE, B.PL ANN, -- -- Proprieoa Stcge tetuid front Whiîy ccl deily. gnou ntetuiipid te gucuti,. Caneful ccid cIteri tineo ulora. cENTRAL 11OTEL, BR U011IAM -o- -JOHEN BAILEY, Proprietor, Tic atieve luohel bas heen netrly fltted ci und fureistied, Gueule n-ill ftîJ cemtortab, aciommnodation cnd îattention. Geou noey stebiing ced attentive osîlere. Jlau. 26, 1870. IZIACTICA L Dentiat, Oshawu dm P enui Boome, directl> eppo. site hbeloea ut>llte.-Ectrauîce or tmaedeltnept tibrdlboraoeutl ofltho Onttario IBank. Boer. Go etabog na xtese hd ro=m. A. B. TSHAN whltby, May 20ad, 1870. 2 TERRtAPIN REýsT A uR A NT A: D (87 & 89, Ring atreet KEut Toronto). THIOMAS CARLISLE, -POREO J. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n ,yfetcd011 Itenthteevrabe tenis su YEOMAN GIJISON y'e km' hoe 2' said an cld veman % pisree. Agent, htLy cinin f deaaI!cotlage te s Young girl vw td ggiing aflen île recd "E LIVERpOOL &d bNDON d& GLOBE fom en.im p L1INSURANCE COMI'NY is one of the 1.1 so Most preSpenocc 01 Eitgis8h leurenoe COS. 4'Si li, grsnny, 0an' it's the Squire's Clu INVESTEI) FUNDS cu87, , s o,. c k ahtheouold place tram tie Its~~~ DÂL NOExucae.... 2o,oco freig - hejre iesu aelu e 4 ltc LIFE POLICIEiSare asSure protection tien;,! ver cf qtiality oup aethlefHall. e -fer tire future. In 'un glagd of il. Iî viÎl!lha Ils PIRE POLICIES, Ioise ehCîcRRet b ' for imeLady Kathbleen ;aun Rats),, offeord cme protectien te lie Mort-liant a~L sand 1feuaelîoldcr. aie vil o aingaan'some heaband Al <air daims iaoumnyrPaie, and tic uit- le lie' lrne4i ths oltivomun, as &aie muent liberslity àuhovjiin tle i.cjuaietit oetrelired ý er eelîsgq. Iîeud Office, canada Draucis, Jonîredi No .aetmdi"9sIeaiuesîî 0. F.O. SMITII, - a n&inf aIViu g ler ta le cre f a t ARBNS hief Agent for Dominier' grand , vih shont sic vaaliving 1. AIRANK Jn, AENsiwen ory opens. e t W l îi t b y , O n t , W t n ' a i u s t a e WIuiLby, Jîîîy 28tIi, 1SC9. 80. -clW sloande'm cubi n eaied s canie made ovroef Ithe eautifal COMMERCIAL riOTEL, bold t ami ie t hhuy heitel t1. ]3POClr uT., WIIITBY. No - Yo ry oievly, und tiae. as ne IltîE stibecriber begu te aunounco te liis aàlbe e utiepi T fniew1ds udiUSpublic, tîita lias; ne- 11ne -o only minron e et he clear sorned popt;eLçcu, cf il. above wpAiIand fa- pola ýi -thé idé. Some5iude verably kuctu hatl, wviehinb. uovfltted up in a muperier munîjur, vitlsevery eeiivei- 0gr ilyateoefn euîco fer lte racapilon cf gueste aud lie Ira- 800me h 48 >g y tarn f i velheg public. saoair~m enlu v n e , Il iq u r u sn d ig a r et. G c d t c V iu g , th e s é ro c e a u d sé1a- itîccosed yards, auj attentive Ostieral- Noai vus ligitheanîed aud ga>',cie.1 waye ou tlIs promises. Clinurges Miodenishe. ing lia declieiug da f< ir1anmte B . 1 1 . C L D W E L v itih em l eic g a tten ticu s u d abeerful WVlîithv, Jeu. -14, i136..2-17 vaye. ,1h vueNorci vbo maide theautile ~ F E S O R . . ~ cT , t t a g e s e p a t h a tb e o t h e r v illa g e n e p R 0 P E s 0 il 3 . P S T m a rv c la d t i ee il ; Il v a s sh e v ia k e p t 1 the litîle ýgkerdan gt6' viti floveru.i U&c AuJ via loihed afler the pigs and poultry - o r Why, Nonali. Aud graun>' pnondly euid ual tNorah i;sas thegats rsu i P I A N O0- F O R T E , & c ould îe îs 4 e r at a te su o l Man>' a àerdy sud a-cIl te-de fariner RESIDENCE, - Byron Street, bad vishîdlàl matenNerai bis site, but (2learly th$ie .3 old R'ink.) aise lacgbiulWy rufused l al offers, saying ___ýo_ bt oh, sseipot yet timed cf granny sud 1 Tcam-iutrýuctiouuçon pieuoe, $10.-Tlery thé oid cabill. of Ilusical L'oitîocitioi, dco., 85. Thé greâtr a n inu rle a Sur tý %fr. Peut keeps c geruoral stock of Deiauy. Eaý4e@idgdin Can l voSuire ,Numie and Liou'lî, for scIe, and wlsliesc- bucaîtlli n o! oc ftem is Mfisieuil frienîls. ahieh îhe vil egena proudl>' csl1ed Ihe 'Hall. Wiîithy, Mlarcli 2, 1870. -9.The Squie ase ver>' fond of bis nioce Kuatibleon, wýoin hie bad brougit up. Hiea FÂIMEîSI SAVE YOUIt MONE-JY itshuZenoom cocld compare suIs ber F -0 - ekh3r for g 11o ess r beanty, sud on i s " uir n ia itoVEA LE PATEN T p o in t tu n y di c the S q ui ne sd is on E d - PL-OUGH POINT ward diagrej fer Eduarl elîher could net S sic n u s r a ou 1ud n o t e u i h is fa th e r m :e e . - :A.D SAE pehapsKal>en'e gld lied dszzied the w 200 Per Cent in the Yoar !Pqeaéi Theo undineniidz toecli tttentcion cf Ed war 4 been ont fer an early mono-. Fartuce to thLi.r noyeuihie Paitett Ilogh ing sîroîl, ien, bn pasaing the widow Pint, b theuse 0 whie i amrcsi fetia Mloeea cet gehoe sîrnch by lhie tîl 0111Y ctioîîly Cet., vlieruues the or: unnual beau Ner ai, hovueengaged a dinsry pheîîgl-lîîîne imd poinît alttictid ceet-4 mekn out o ae 115 cents. ()ie stiere vii list te weii n ot et hu esfrsl.H coîdbr Iciitf fthe MoveehiePoints, tigefli- s nd 'cefore tg lefi bar lha found that sie n a Seciiig tîtuit yl ho ntetac appaent eetb ad asakel, an inteneét in hlm hy fber y SearoeyLinau u u jMeveb simple an ccuetraiued manuer. à Points.0 IHo bac !a roquent visitern t theaf, Wr Tevushiip Rlits ton sale. cotage afh ho cempaey loft thé Hall ;I, 14OBBMdcTand X slNrira ' eIot first received isiavisite Applyte- ropijttr vmîbt unîiiéd deligit, bc-an te avoid JSTUWh ithy soine ithe passeci on, ut the ed cf an A.TENUII aw ehOulîsvc hsuaitimliehoSquire requeste n Sne Whitîy, Jan. i. IS70. v et ajîli c son, sud lefornel hum tiat R> ih sas luiq is -i, anàd b ein -at cf bis ng JO HN CA RTE é siar, liat hein chilciren sbould hé uuited. vi sel ticref e begged hun ai onco e y di L I C E N E D A C 1 0 E E R . b is a d îrec é te b i # c o n a in K a th le e n , s h o , i a roavua OUIEtltraOp bu theugi vnîualtprevo iouiflrent te n )NTARIO, YORK & PFEL. hlm, as sh aildauaed senal goed offlensilb> for vbieh aie muet haro a reason. ~ RESIENCELO S, 8hCon., Surprisel suddssrrtified by tusce- iarkham-Post OtHce-VUfonrsmle. munication Rdaau left tie bouse, ahellion SALES atteuded eon thie mhrteAt notice, sud wcrkig inb is breal. Trua. hoe admisad v ', OSHAWA. JAMES BILA CK, - PitoPEainlto. -o- Convoiiietitly fltted tip rnoes fer Commen ciel Lruvelers. lBilliards atteclied. Aprfi 8, 1870. 14 m USIC tI blc, W1lîihy Brasa sud String Baude, saupted for 84irau "#Pt-uiOe, Excurelon,, Quadrvilla punties, &c'C.-, . ilii spply thé icét su l ltoic ti, oui0 rntiouablo Ap iliceit, ;tt ic mado ciller prsoeclly or by latter, (po.t pi,) to J..WOFN)i. 20-Moy 17, 1870. Whitby. BOOTS ANDSIO ! :000D luIT,rc -S AND TUE Vlite tilrigued, ln* returnhîug tluanIrs te bils <tcuIouud iitty eustuuniers, hîngu aise te sottre tîtun tiît iii! vork entrustoul te lui. cire, wla- hhretoforu hýo -exccnteuj ii the bout styl. REMO 0VED .7W0D UfDAS S2BEEF, Opposite A, C. Wilson, Puintorps. JOHIN BROWN. Whtby, Apil! 18, 1870.. ly-16 WHITBY, -ONT.' A. M- XA.SON,_- Proprietor. TIi; above boa been tbcreughly enovaleti, sud Liie Ipublic vilI flied nery ancmndaluou eud the -ut aittntion. A li18170. Il PWORRMAN3IÏ, Store of MATTUIEIWCOLLINS. Get'e auJ Chtldren'ais oocsi reet vîuriety, snd evcny stylo. p IANO -FAC¶'ORYA, PH RAINER, 10l' R I E T OR. iber, trrctuiri-itig 1h% Min- JUsI te iti îîuîy hietidu 'totrs ,rot tLre Wliiih)y IIANIJFAC[TORY9 ut lo ieur wcarmins untirie nëi. i1 is ovît tcc.u i ttand le go- orer, li ).tu-e teousc,4ro tilnni il;te bluitîtudono emi hIe part KitstYtiLi, dpivn OFINIsu.io 5 non- paient and crees-ecele owvrinlveethen nuaeufetunedj ermexecuted vith promptitude JOSE.PHiP. RAINER. bi 2, 1870. î-a Ci GREAT FEMALE REMEDY *' Periodical Pilla. umodicine in enfeillug in tho puiful satd dateeo.dlis- ms silexeesd- su re"' ....t obamuaîce, sd aspedY cure rnay be mlicd TO MAKIlIED LADîxe Il le pecttlhsnly eoiled. Ita-iià i lient lIme brhug on tise moutihîy pcied titi egnlarty. le aIl Caseoncfr Nenvous and Spinal Afféc. tloutq, Palus lu thb B;ak ced LInO.., Fatigua ou sliglu t exonti, Palpitaionlu e Ilesrt. liyastemica, und Wlslîe, LieePitswlla vl ffet a cure n-han ail cter uonetîshave fctiled ; ansd sîtliongl a poverf ai roui.bdy, do not cotttulm iron, calomel, citirny,or cnything burtful te thse eonstitutions, Pull directiens lu thi, çumpblét aronen uu package, wvib mionld bie caréfuily pné.érvod. JOB XOBé ITzs4N oR OLE POEEcM . 81.0 andi 12U< cent. for pontage, enelomedt o Northrop anti Lyman, Newastlehe, Ont., gene- ris agents for thé Dominion, *1iii nmru bot.. tde, cutilitisg over fio plilI.,-by noînmu matl.' For esie b y Jamese Byrne aunJ J. H. Gerrie, Wbitby ; W. 1. Atklneoui etnd Rebînnndc Ce Oshava; J. Duwvcs Brooklin, sud ail mouâicine deetera. , -- Yeb. 22, 1870. -8S Agent for beat camplea room Paper. X May 3, 1870. 17-18 Wl W. A. 'L AW, -- 011f Land Broker, -Accounmtant, wi CONTETuoaa, CBueozx 1en INSURAYt &RYBRAL .AGENT'. A i 24t. STOUFMVLLE. Oyrisu ,JJURON HOUS E, PORT WHiT:BY. co R.. SNOW, ]'Propritor. ' The;,aul»Va e wnII-ln hotol haw-poon -ti-- 9WghY 8eov#ted and ieewty <urrished by lbhe1 ut Pé ,ritor. T ia, St blig, d& o., av e gl"eu int'un efficient uluLe itf reper,aetîc no- W lit1 bha been lSft undone tomocîllie requin;- Tb incitB e i te. di' Wie, Liqorued igrs ktîtathe Br. r R71. S O W . An d FIllE ASSURANCE CO.,lia IîOMBA IlDSTRE)?T & CHARINQ CROSS, A .n. i"T] EBfLIJ)ISIIE 17N 178,2. GILLESPIE, M01FFATT & C., Agout& for Canada. JAMES DAVIbt,N, Manager. INSIÇCE against LOSS by PIRE arc '.îi.î..a.cgo îc Mio. eley eticecd dc o 1"p 8tere Il strucirtue too nVtPlia divine produze mud l'r dryitd usa inouet iB ay, iuîd iti;, O'old ay au bellevo a c, ~kes ; he'seaiwitîya!e 00W ,tatu oe.tlîe ig ht; 'in froin T>ickeîiharnetraighi iti wouldrA btha hm 1" 'ro cane ealook of juy, fe, nnt ccd pour moi. bot iodeer oid boy1 gysIses um1 ýn reieniri, CitertnC.tuerie a Ct Ils prilitod attIse Cbrouace ofceor u arter. 1 BIRITISHI AMEIBICAN ASSUJRANCE CIOMPANY T IE drgl hdaving been -eppollltd Agntefr thee aboVé Coutlten, ist nov orprdt ns;, re propetyagaiîast LOSSB y 14I ne e u nîri] alorma, Apply te 2-12M. L. FAIRBANKS, j., 2-l2rn.Agent,Whitly. N 0'l.TR E BN 11OTEL I R. P. L R 0 -Proprietor. B. P'.Clark bégé la Inforna g IsI 0friiuusa sud cugomtorahishgb lias réfllhed andl re vaied theolul ictel huovo abtipI 'Farmro' "In,' Brook .nt., vie o hé il! hblap p y r;, 11-1.e thon, on glving hlm a ccli. G;oed tabln, bx-atallo, sud enelosed yard. Mode. rt. cliergas. - - R.P.CLA&RK,j J e. 5, 1870. >m- h 'n bu h e lved n t e ;*a d w hé b. commmauîlotal sud awace choeut y bis ftier 7Ne, 'net ho ; ie vould not. Hie etrode en utitl ho becamo a degrea Calmer, aud tien beat hie stepm hasarda tho shore. A ild ruggd spot it wsu. Great m ases f rck a uJ pools o 'f wvelr over- shadoee by tovening cliffi, sud iy tie aide a 'f one cf the peols, peerninb, steodf s figure clut inb a dark.gray ahirt -and scarlat clouk, ieédiess cf the cutlw in vio viicii losel lierr 'ren-llackpcnnls bitter auJ thither et ic vii. Nonai, for ila- seh. seemcd absonhodti in hon eccupation cf g le ginthé vator, and mie saantcdsauddeni>'on ieariuig a fmiliar voico alling Nora,NoIra, vat are yn searchiug br ?' audJ tnig beri bond, sie bebclJ Edward Delany by ber aide.n ,sbum, au' l'uIoaokiug fou' lis ewme pence i e tst, 'Iboaie u mer d , ag ain C geziug m inote pool. ' 'W a î il y c u g ay, l N6 ra , vh o u I te l i i.on tiat 1 bave aimo toit my pence?1 Ah, Noai nieo more.,- I ove yon, ov 70e le ho centimiec ti pstisatoly. - 'Y O bo îl n elsay thira verdi le m e, L rm L e es, -Bemed tir u s uimes iigneel -waing -for the end ...1U ' 1b oce ;Outoer umaîned' fi WliOn v0 in a tEÎ.o t5~ho e 'oome f Ma trige'ucene, abee0î ele aid ebe' weuld 'neer lenvé ber aid ta do hoer-s.power cf 'ood m'h ie ýhen uyr g, mud oained standing vigne Eilward '<s.o cut> grunny, during whae tilfsoehé vould re. sud Whounday broke aie returnud hoe br manani.When ,Edwurd said inu uat determined ta scrifice h -SlffrEd. oa ouoeu bteesdue case il might hos year, aheé'epiied that wad'a go-cd. Ktle tnigaa,éenoin, o abc icped it wculd, and if h. ue iw s oly quV et, ah. w a l that day, sahool. ber te drsw near. P rcciving lhat Kah-. buury h'cudmauy i ld K 1ie >ighe'hur0f te-Edadwithaut lae paici na attention, mie murmeod as pechapa il w n e n t wcrth while le veR f linching, for uhe had determined once I m d i g a y K tl e u ey o fou' ber ; 'but' ah. added 'if yen wlib ing m ors te à ,mue hl acnd give hiin hisese - C[ l dnet g, Lady Kaheei n sn r etyyam me saime bok, I con gel aee f the dom. Reurning frein s neigbbounilng , sarry I came ; I thongt 1vue strnger.l ~lsrniugwhich ln ta maire Norai s lady.' village, she saw Edward approaching. In, a moment Kathleen wali beaide heur, Very nuwiilingîy Etivard submittud, 'NO' ha the lime,' aie aaid le berseuf; er temn rn e ye sud during the long nommer eveuings tbey ne nie iu dolay ; snd dcepping atcntuéy Raganeufrei er e .ade4Le wouuld cîrolile a wiId and decetate paît cf alelé aid, 'Good-afteroeon ho Yen, Misther lae i u neig eiebrim~ the shoe, wbece, wiîb salinge rock fou' a Delaney.' où 1ie damp grcund. vtable, ncr rocks fr chaire, pens, sud inIr, 'How very cremoniona yen are t. - édward' Wh!epered Norab, 'EJwarJ I sud bocks feu' cmpauy, nd Edward fer day, Norah Il maid Edward, lughiog vsnc o iaccis . antad Yeu. 1a acheolmaster,.Norah lauighingly said cho 'don't ho ini 80gb a hnnry, butetay and beliotve o Iced jneos watb e'yl w a a l e r n i n g t e b e a l a d y . l a k ,e s ' w e l k v i t h m e . 's a r f c O s O i f i e - L d K t h * Tbey hed egreed t keep their engage- 'No, Mliaiber Delaney, I cheilnot valk ~cfî oreffrm.O ayKt. ment a scret, a i vi ere knon it migît vith yen any more.' n' h sitnr~n yao i be upleasant for both ; and as Ncrah Ld 'nd may I inquire lie reason, Mi.g- ve oeg ay,ove h,orh o le vou'îhy cfwi " elvaya been eccucîomed te waudér on the Irea ?MlansV snid Edward, irniteting ho love cf Lira ced premia a dyiug " beach by bere!', ne on e, auupecîed It s i ber to e. B at aeio nly, Nonab , yen girl hael yo iii lave oaclu otier..an' bu 9 Wac te mecu the young Squire sele cu muet marry me ah once, fou' I shahl bave appy tag eti, thînking olyof Norsi se voC'.* li. te vcrk fer Our support, sud tel ie 00r a s ea lter.' But lieentammer dcow tea aIcoeansd thie-boîter, I say ; and I1Icnov. riches havae by~cievt aytau 0they vere no longer able ta uhudy lu the ne chanin fer you.' 'Ney- Edwand, w-dc n tepoy en air. . Nenah isbed Edwand to go to Nonah'e voico vas veny 1ev casiae elîher, Lady Keîbleen ; do not rieve for ber grendcuoîher'a collage;- but ho vue aaid, Norai. Nies me, botb ofqou, sud talc. afraid cf exciiing cuapicion by being écen 'Thank you kiudly, Mither Delany ; aec eu uauyLSehyvl e th ene o f en , su d p ro peaed ap p re p iatin g v h a t wy u l y o n aay w hben I tel! y n th a t e ad r a i g o a h e n s a o l e o 0 ne f th e caves viti vbici lie rocksu nule s it ah;, e o misîbre ba of the H all d rcceti ng cth u Kaubl eep aheul d fo abounded for a shndy. Norab Malaiue viii net ved vii Edwàrd aeme h Mume wenre it.de lg u Tbey bad! net nmade nescf their navet Delany ?yNo r M lu e vu e ber ye,.n siudy long, when the Squire took il inte Gaiuing cenreus eah. vent on, Norah caa8è e r a Leho hken home; sd thu b is b a u d t a itîq e i e wv ie;, ie s o n 'p u n I h ie lo e k e d s ra ig h î a t E d a n d ; h a O Y R t l e t d D w r i h r w eve ing . -H o as ol th t M ste Ed Pa e-As they trere baing rapidly hilad yard vue generally seau going towarde the 'Norah, yen have been very cruel; but ae ri xrlyKîlo ad beach wiaen it' grew duck. The Squire tel! me y0n do ne% mesu iYL, e éaid »,é'dirl o eiylvm mdo np hie mid te foilow hlm. eagenly. -Hie reply vue ho tako ber lu his atm, Aaccrdingly, esseocn s Edvsrd bojI'I de manoie ; se go. Martcy tie andi impress a kisaon brfi nw u slarted the followieg evening, the Sqeine Lady Kathleen With ber giittering geld.'ohé waa sariafied.onhrfi owad uîuffled birnaoif up and darted afier hum;- Saying wbiab, Nons valked apeedily lu A atrangen viciting Cannley maymeeosa but ho veane methfrfr Eîaward, who vas tie direction cof home. wht aeb; oueocneiwtcrus sdu o f aigit, Squirc Dclany, hovever, Edward stooti quile atili viera Norah le te;,meneyc oa uoe wue net tbe man ta give up vben hu had bud left unm; -hu- coulti hardly 6eiieve' mr-o orh-aoe once endertaken s îiing; mo he pleddedti lat ha haul huard auigbt.No.a, vhom on unthl t tlait Jhe get quito bswiidend ho luiedthongit ez ;OAboy nîtenty *oL ntKehl ,,,andliero is ~eit, wasei ýark' Lons. Of 4... ha eflefl A»um nad iii e.s-g.9agleti leevé c;in' hlke a trooper, hé bad mmc'nd ta mallo th, 6orncecal. *Ycstcrdzy -(,Augicat 1l1yat 12- cock- huai of is vavomwbea hic foot caugbu <Fooled hy s village gr ajcem a e1cîîmcr, one boahd, te le a iu some îangled veed, au 1ilbic loes aauk bu écorued 1' he muîtered. 'But botterno0salit pstea itedtop tedos Titr the ground, ouly ceving bis boed sud 1eona; better fSud yen faise0 y tie cabe le lgthom eatrnd liTea abeuldere visible. afler ye became my wife. Ah, Norab, povder barge, - it 8000 Ib., cf powder 'Teu lieuspnul furies Il roard thie Squire, Norai, yen uittle lbink trial pleasure it on board. 'Tihe trpedcc.o wau' citarged bcariug s vild shiisi,'I muet bave lallen vou!ld bave been ha bave werked for yen.u. cnnit. Thte Elbe rartged lierself along9- int a neet of these enfeunded rock- But I wil! go ta Kathleen. Maybe, in aide. Oun tho bargc's dock lay 14 leaded upi'itts. Mercy, morcy, gond people1 thé coid affection alie calis loveoIallaitl oi-pedeee. Theo long boat, vwhicit'bad Only bcl nu eu, a J i n-o't uuîrfce Sd s ma anclaion su ifha e fli -d eu , and vhicit carricd 14 bande, Onlybel ni ou, ad 1won' inerfre indsaie cosultio ; nd f hpp incas i it erself aloîîg the otiter aide cfthe with yenugain Il ta ho bought,I vili have it. hruadcuroic iipn htn Hoe was iuternupled by a peul cf siîvery Edvand icrried home and sahathlm- pedoes. After taklng titrea cf thein on laugliter. self. in bis ahamber, wiere hoe retnained board they %vene hta tar oedr ean 'Pull me out, I say 1 0, O, the rockr Iencoaedas,lifter wbici lime ho vent te thetu. I leancd ugon the beilier of lie oquetzing me te deati I Katbleeti. Kath. seekr the Lady Katileeu, lHe enh;,red ihe stoautuboat anud watched tierant atork,- cee, you yull neyer eau your denr uncleliubrau.y, wiero ho fonnd hor siîling over ne~t wititout a asecret shudder- at-tbe cau'e- again 1 Cunses on thoelves il'thie fine. A bocok wslyiug on hec hues lessness trith vîbhitesahiors iandled S ay i g h ie h th e S qu ire b eg an k i cuin g on need ed : a ec lfi ld e c face in b er th o e li l ac i e . T h r a hiy la >' lu a non-, slîiiiug in the sun, lacqueu'ed iran cig- o r u sl >, w ic h lo o se u d th e a nîb sa a n d e, e d th e lt ars v e r o fa !i in g te g re a t b o ite ra ; u p o n a ch g l h te n d a g r a tl vi e m cci that lho va, gradeall>' inking, sien drops. Ibrougi hon £ugere EBd arsd np- T. Involuntuanily I thought ho myeelf, lie found hirneeîf caugil in a pair cf etrong proaciod sud éaid, titat muai stand for -Tod-D;,atiTvo arma. 'Kathleen, w bat gnievea yen?' -torpcîfl wun-re 'dcposited ionLte long- 'Mcfrcy, mcrcy 1' shoutad the Squire. Kathleen sîarîcd, aud e vivid blhIn b oat ; lte atîchor n-as hcin 1-u'ahaed, atill kicking ith l bis power, and keep.. crii5nsed icu' face, but ia emaind Thre ran ot a fcafl deonatho ; Our eng bis cyc esat oltut, for fear of whathohe ilent. ysadlcswreFohrdwt hol aeifb vr t pe ie. 'ay I net knov il 5 t' s?,ha con- bot volume. 1 tilt a itear>' stroke on boud ss i howe tuope thla.te left ahoudr-I kncwn- nt it a tt 'Fether.' snid Edward, for il vue hé iinued, geuîiy îakiug ber lianila. $Kathb- iuppetted. if reed îoy eyeuiht and look. wie bail caught tha Squireaial ho wuî fai. Jean, de Yeu knev I bave coma te uesk cd round. 1 n-as sunding in, a rein -of - iog,-'fatber, of shah ara youn fraid ?' yen a longtdelayed queostion , I went you falling iuobcr, iron, fcl a dý spîhoters cf Oit ioaing Ibis the Squire uiuîidly for my wife, Kathleen. N41, do Dot ne. bone-Lthenil wi nai quiet. Situddcring, .peued hia cycsand au ebis aon, sudrfeol. fuse, eveet coceusi.9 1 n.bbed my facoe;iL n-as covened witbch in% his nidiculont position, bcgen ho bleuter 'But, E-1 ard, Yen do ual cana forer , fagrmnts 'cf ficli ;sce tere My cloties; and éhtrm, wvilciho îbongh thie boat eaid Katilecensadly. ou>'cap n-as upninkîct i iit tem. On te decof te Elbe la>' cocohiesa specka meanc of bidiug bis ceverdly fear. II alwayc cared fou' yen, cousin Kath. cf ileeli and bano uplioterung>1,çcin gsi de, 'And se uir,' ha hhundered, liltleis ere lae,' neplicd Eduvard, uucenecionaly lays burnirig 'piècs o oh -od djcletig. oun speîîd your timo wiîb village girls, iug a aiighî strescn the vend cousin. Tie dock of te pon-der bau'ge ~las 1n like yigtrapa3 for your ewri faîhen, in ç.re- Il, hovever, pacocd uucoticcd ; and case Instaîtiy w. put eut t11 firo humn. freuce te atteuîding the Lady Kathleen ne Edwaril bed ne much diffilculty in gain- ing cpoîî it, 'and lookcd fulibetr round. Icomn'sudrd yen, ieg bisc ccnoiu's cnsent ta lie marriae'. Tt ogbutia0atitd niwh 'Faior-' began Edwaril. .1e Ihen uougit bis festhen, le viain ho lier seven mon ; hire;, cîhers la>' soe'ly 'Silence, eirrnh 1' stonmcd the S-quitu. cOrnrunicaîod tebat bad occured. woîîndcd on thee urge, one tilt fractureti -'And hark'ee, girl,' Iurning te Norai, The Squite graspedLui seu'scbndendl, s ii tteaîîîî mapnlod veal tu- s belio' iti 'io sîood pale acd tremintg, drawing her eaid, fron nuiotcrous iveunds. Saine wve iarlet hood over ber bead-'iark'ee, lEilward my bey, yen have mutie me etwirnniîig i tle totem. Witat could bo ;il, as sure as lho dou't mrany blé cousin veîy happy, and I vanmly 1ceugnahulote' saved iras eaved, sud Lte vcuoded brongit - ext entamer, se sure viii I leavo hum yen ou your seusibleo og*io ordht Lb. Ttesvn u i without c-shilliing. Thal vonld not suite E w n loe a ody cc u ne ingboat n-cre litenaîll> hem ta -ato m, lsigniug girl liko yen, I îhinkr, eh ? S S aT hnkn ha ided le a n w no veuss twrnc troe t ih 0 80üwythnkngtatiuee b hà o iutehofragmcnts cf tierodc.Tc aloe7y cr choico, cir; yen girl sud piecb. choira. < o o f he E b ei d tcboie ,s.. dh ng povcmty, or my heautýful Kathieu viîh Ka1thleen lied no eoc te complain lte intenior cf lte fore cabin n-as almoast ,or broad acres.' liai Edvcrd vue inattentive. Frein the- deolisitei. Prom the povder, barge -I chooee poverty. thon, (allier,' said mmeonho halal aukeil ber te' became his picces cf plariking wenea tom avay. Ied, dward. vife ho jîad deterrnined teaineka ber hap tho 8,000 lt:,. of pon-der but. expioded, rie _ 'No, Eilvari, nb; net foeu' ~said py ; sud indeeti ho eu bogaute feel aboat, ned.tr ae f livn sul ouldhav ;orah, uhartnugforvard. 'Dean Edvand, sieuors affection fer ber, Kaîbleen îeiugrmandzBv yta>' ioenionf btla yu réplte qi re 48 youug SquieM c rs ding Au J g n auy oBcus i iol iiue'nat 'MInT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'i Vilgnvei er oa.gîe e i i ht oesyvr ult ithedures e'V'nokthnar ig thit e y ug Squire about'm a 'rying m e m ake bo que s.' A n ti me fe u b c i 0e.- service ? ec ese it m akeï ;, e " into Jy K thleen, sa' lie ritena to disin- liastei- it speaking, e'-- if gi? gle iov Ea fat far guv te sen 0 Nli the ch Of1 vil Lad - - MMUR rglof MMcÀ@éxa ONTALRIO ]BNm. WIIBY BiANCII. K. F. LOCKHA RT, O gto the Bank o 0iliîresls irosin01 lb; COOit¶' of' Outaneo, *odcWhtby, C. iv. 1aMQ.(1. iH. J. MÀccOyia. ey to!outîîupo gccdnéecorlty. Ap- OI11;,.of the. firm, CouWîRelis,- [L- COCflRA-NE, LLr. ). rDY, if 1 ,JAMES LAMONI

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