Whitby Chronicle, 29 Sep 1870, p. 4

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ëOi: au English d¶ouble- àrtd single barrel- Guns, Powder, Shot, Caps, Pouches, &c., at the Not edil Cheàp lieuse. rplFE WheelA we are now msnufùcturing -L aliap:r ilian ay oiior mlop îLà ae eonrt- - Wlicil Varttmiig L m tc o asneWeillmode, Piid te give las good - ati "fl(!t lui] luany znan- T tain ht t.y ddr essingc-S L A K I G R PAXTON, TATE & CO., ,.-ER J'et.y-S l' Ott i'crr, Ont.TP C U EM D BROWW4 #<P A'TTERSO0NY WrlBr ]~~[ ~ W'ALkLll, smn, Ont. etmi WEID YCO)MPETIlTION! Sixteen yeanrx cic l eriecEn the Manufatéturo cf feaper, end Meovr, sati5- fles lils that the = Jhntoln lslelt-Riaking RtesperIl Ia Vcry far in advance dL any other Machine made e atipresent day.- We haver0Just introduced iL nta Canada, sud uman- ufactî,red a limited nutuber the psst Sesone, and as yet are the only 'Manufacturera. Thtis season cur Machines wEU ettbrace such samail impravemeeutp as a yoar's exprue in the manufacture ba uggested. Strongly sud durably built. The best materiol used in iLs construction. -Its mua- chineny the mest compact and durable. The' leat ihable Le geL eut cf order, The combinaLion of woed snd trou En the finger bar, mnîkes t the moaL perfect cf fingen bars.. The seat of the driver, lecated odtside of the driving-wbeel, se balances and relieves the loger bar, thatit l âs liable ta sig or break than that cf any other machinue. Our tfolf-Ralie les the inoat perfect ever nventedl, and consisasfcfire Rakes rcvolving areuud an axis close te th~e dsiving.wlieel, se placeti as te be entirely uniler the centrol of te driver without stopplng the teaum. IL cuLs and delive-s angled, crinklcd, or lodged grain rapidly snd in god shape. Ctits a ix eet swath, with asu ttle draft as a light four feet IMewen, and ne aide draft iWhatevcr. IL cuLs earily, with a common eamn, tram fiteen te twenty acres per day, ni ba ceue hundrod nmd rorty acres inseven days. It ia inonufacetilter Re:iping enly, becausfe t has been demionstratcd that a sepa- rate Re-aper and ilower wll ast toecut [mure granssand grain, thon twe (Jombine I Ma- chins, nd-cst~ muci bs Entii airrecîto.hYcmide. a au DI;IUIIIIIis l t- om - * ~pltcated thon a cOmbined c'e;e;bss habl e geL out ofetordek, ind Es nlwaysrad fe Hou gflwonk %wîtlout the trouble andi delay of changimig froýn eue ta the ether. T w in ou g Tl'is Reaper bas been En successful opecration only ire yeara, but lis mauy superior AND ALSO -THE points et excellence have won for t duning that imne a muiltitude etfiends, aud a po- sittion neyer befere attainnd by amy barvesterEn se short a Lites. Fer the tinat Lwo or -DOM ,I N 10N PLbOU G 1,three years it iras comparatirel iEttle nw; but during the past two-saosi a uaetis mn actietting on a lange saao thîs gaiued a popularity unprdcedentedpl Eu the biatcny cf lteaping Machines. Pll i dWnter, bis TWIN DOMNIONTHE HARVEST 0F 189-OUR RECORD. a _air& Fer feu yeans there bas notbeec a scaron irben grain has been in se b60 a coniion "~ U C nfor iîarvesting as die posL ose. The atrair bas been exceeingly heavy, broken anti 0 U 0 ti tg a badly lodged, tbeneby seernely testng the ability oftLb. titfenent machines La work t-r Tlîcy will lé gitimmted, Wreil diadoe under such circutustances. "i ac ie"Jbse"Seif-Raker, owue5 Lu ts pecuiar -ocd dime wonliiig part grouiid. cOnia[utiolmi as been enabledtote neet auccersfuliy, furnEmmling te thé. farming publie I~ 'otie wîml mlewei t setilu lircenlusive preof that t is equal Le anyr emtrgency and ia complet.e success in ail kinds orders witiuit delmy. cniîo.ofge. (J'Oîtîîty h salteUmr, .BROW1X &PATTIERSON. Ashiburîî, Neventbmjr 1,19. Whltby, May 5, 18701 18 1 Y R E O=- J. t, ils îHmmm tr i nd 1 ttim o j,,timmt ie ii 11 MIi r!pitîtieý I iit4bii misit thet Olum@ t LLV.Jli Ys4inbtjLo -mm i iii lm, mtîmmi, mmd amtssimdel t', mmlin - Ii .*mio55mi t mho lm !y hiîimg i i oitionti t N. dlfi-C Pm ptneit ccieyjgilîct s lere fonles tui ait onttrs. N. IIAY, Preprleter. Wlmtiy, April 8, l'IL. 14 To lIcrs.CmÀMftîiAll &SILLa, iCou. tDoy P. t(J., County of Line, Ont., Omtnadms. {Ptrove o Cntuîo rb.quie 1 T 11;lit e eerliny ht l 1iiimtheo vEnter nt IlSil lires tmalin iî mIi a ireneas o e b IIIklco, whitil rmîitmutlylurEma iztle Spnng of 147,Uatietoimi limîeos, mitadon unitoecMy lllIt., nal 1 Iîiuttiîe m s ect tmt i cîulti net iiik, baît wil, miifi!ii-l tii tiiy ichair. For iabouît Lire yeîinm, Wliiiltim îmi s m u nilné en Ile, ianidti miterwardsm, Imeit imil s ilîjea, Osmpuo>mt)rgt ult ifriiLnem, tlireo tioctens, Jintmiiediîiîeseof dilt'mmnuit kimiimt, piesenibeti iy fnleitîmi, tît e of 1 ii. Iclitlnui dte gte worooan o ui onis mtilth tu T'binier of 1868, WItoîtI, 1 as otuimet Ly te Ineat thosîitn- eamie lieImIti>imr atling the curais mefemed, Ii a puiiîpilet, At tiîts itie 1lii! begun te foi telLb.weiîkuess lu iy htilm.;;litact 1 uns getiiig alîneet h ltemmi hammve tîîkem tire tettîaet un'tmth to Ielali'i ct ir boxe. Ofttmi1111g endîîmt 'entinely neptoitel te lmeltît. 1I t tier exmected teO get boter, but siuiply tr»tm the tnemimimios1 n s>ontrît fonorii ,o.- Ttîls mae cfriitus irastnt a privat, ci,,bt o î,m tmo al , ni iitgbbora andi ntdmi; andi te any clineufil eded as a iras, 1 hmv olly to MIL dry the Sboolos b eey Sbelu tor iu ii or, en, uts tem dy MARY 'ANN DOUGTITY. smeonm it u fore 1imde mit .mCsoahje/lia.- <njtA iti bfi daym mFse'unsyi, 18609. A. 'F. WeO, J.P., . 1-ieneby ce ify thtat I bave kuoinr# n.' Mary, ien 1)eu*lit7 forthlitmîiLlfhen esrs' Kilo le a l n utf pr)hity'aîitruth. Ihave kuewn lier be 1 e, toiîtrlu ant i stc. ber fl- msIbeilev4 lier corltatte o nl eveny particulmir 1 liou taàt il. tii lien eaos. ias dc)ehroeÏ bepelses;,sud Ui 1er- hîti Mllte J lias îea ber eenmery, aiiva7iç attnlbutdt bsnrtueoy ta Lie Slinahtioes Xeiiîdy. * Wlintev rîîylett enlm prties Yo! Llti m illoe, c ie )ime tliiii certain,1 tîat lu ber caes, it tiaej, ctalmijotmlke Lie Perfolimae - A. ~FI WOODy , p. Yatidou et the Ceunty 0 et ldtîgo, îJrvlUSe * f o ntarIe, Donttilmm et Caunda. .18 E (1, o o c, WIIOLESALE & RETAJJJ. M ïajM -l..A ' ' LTEI "Don 1Bi--wery, Toronto, Ont As the proprietor attendè 'personally to the Brewiig aregla stock of Aesanad Pre a always bel depnded upon. -ua Parties desirous of havi' les of supetior quality, and Fortér equal to any impoited, are repeçetfulltd to send'their orders for a quantity large or, smali, and try for theise With the aid of aur iner dl fhcilities, we arcenabe t roduce an arti- cl alte year round) se to none in the Dominion. N.ý B.-Orders loft with JAS. Il. SAMIO, at the Furniture W'arerooms, l3rock'Street, Whitby wilI ive pompt attention. PeCC. 1, 1809. 48 THE 0~D STAND i ~~'M4~.'4m' . - j The undersigned' in retù ;rning thanks for the liberal patroniage I itherta extenfled te the old esLablisbmtnt, fer nearly a period cf ferty yeara, desires Le Bay that ho bas new an baud a lare eossortment of the most moderit and ehegonL styles of And trusts Iby proper ateution and *moderatc prices to secure a continuauce cf publio patronafre. PractcthI upholstering. Fmrnture re-stufled and coveniid. Undertaking and Funeira1s Fully Supp1ied as heretofore, W~Some splendid specimens of Picture Frames, and Gilding. Remebeircke9Od 18a8. Itby, Maro 9, 1868 The undersigned continues ta INSURAINQE HEAD OFFICE, - FRANCIS HEWAflD, Esq., HEAD )OFFICE - RENTOUL BROTII'$,I NORTH BRI' rIi, LEAD o Ipr , - MýcDOUG.ALL j& DAVJDSON, HIEAD or-FICE, * YN Joli PROVINCIAL, ,-Co 'BECADrOFI JAS. SIDNEY CROCKIC, 1 SC0TTISH PROVINCJAÉ (LIFE,) A. DAVIDSON PARKEM, 00 Also the Colonial ,,,curities vloney, at reasonable rates. Vbitby, Jauuary 4, 1870. repi i I Keeps.constantly on hand, and in -course of nmanu- facture, the largest stock of Ladies' Cents' and Misses' 33C > Ocfo s m C l Examine for yourselves the excellent material and fine work- -manship. ý 15-April 13, 1870. WM. BURNS, Brook st. OFF-ICIAL A$SICNmEE. GENERAL AGENCY OFFICE! 7~H~undersigned, batrng reecived Lbthéappointinent of ocaÀsEe rptl V "Ontario, Es prepared ta gire. prompt attention !te ail mottera, in l3arkruptcy or Insolvency., Promusry Notes and Accounts speedElyr collected and remittances Ou goed farm Recurity at 8 per cent iuterest. Special _attention -wifl b. gire ohe i negaciatien cf Loties, and berrowers can rely upan having their applications atteuiled to promptan sd at smail expense. isLands, both Jmproved and unirnproved constantly for sale. - usurances tffeeed in the Ontareo 'armera uttiallusurauce Company. OfEia At ndO litr . OPr1CE-izeoo's J3Ioek. neat door te the 1Zeye1 CaUuBatOik.a age ut taetr P'ort Perry~, 1eceua>er 2, 1868. au.8 w E w c a Z 0 w E resent the following' reliable rMPANIES:- Capital, $2,00,000. TORO*TO. JOHN AGNEW, 'apital, e$2,OOQOOO00. MONTREAL. JOHIN AGNEW,. AGENT, WIIITBv. 'fapitai, 8216OOOO0 JOhIN AGNEW. api.AGE .,Wîîîii.' FEVIIAVErr, C<>N. [EL AGNKEW, AGENT, WnîTBY. ipitli, $ 400,000.. TORIONTO. JOHN AGNEW, AoEn-, Wrnxy. JOH1N AGNEW, -AG.E.-T, Wui-iB. Comipany, for the Loan 'of JORN AGNEW Agenît, Vhtby ci Fire ]Proof -him i2-Whitby, J#n. 1-9y t 0 o 1~ m o m z -4 os BESTASSORTMENT IN THIE COUIT5A ZDý' BEST C02% L OILalways on liand. Whitby, -September 20,, 1870., a8-3m. march , 150. FARIUNG IIMPLEIIEN iThe. oilcderined begsî o 1 tDuels tii Mauçaeturt Iloot, &ed &Man AS WELL A -AN AU, îINDs FAIRMING MiJYIP CELEBRATED Noted as8n. t ite best artice monnufactureith Le cmiauitrya oit STPA W CIJT'i'EMS. 8,ensi 110 imperfor in evýe-7 respect» 1Iliaviflrprocured onp oo! I]RIC 'Orateîl Ct.LORIC ENGINES at tory, lie bé£'race,;7Y [tilt e i;î £xeente -1i1o ectir, witlî ..wihclîh, erei clieiper,,simd witl, greut thlon hitiierte. oandteEguir,)îe LotecuItemeu, ln te quulity Umai!p auj inateniol. W- Cmiii aijit aeethe uew cCa work î1 <CORDWCPOD & rlil Tikon >iu exeitange, andi Cas Pl *JAMES ,Wlithi, April 27, 1869. AIÎÀ MOUNT OP .A F~ INEt'ASSOPLTMENT 0F - ainmint oetMene-y- ,P-cf)ro m a FÀfl1NîPROPE RTy ÉEmW CA NADIAN TW EED S 0 In 0ze dni r b el SUITABLE F011 FALFE AND 'WJNTER WE'AR.* i ai«e rerreent threie b largest Menetary lL8 ut Lb.n heDominion,1 wlieb fend' jj'Clothing M a de to O rder in the Iatest A- geeuUM13R O Styles. WELL 'CULT1YATED pRM ALSO A LARGE ASSOMTMENT 0F Ad'qintlyo!idL--&r-al bep re r porticubars apply te JAMES ROLDEN~ C N D AN F L-A N N ELS. flldAeg'è oc rkr 0 Whitby, August 24, 1870. 34N~. R-1am Octobd t ine180n9 a eft1leIieîiur, 3101t,&,Uem, anti eherse Greenbecks su iiler bent it! u ec d N~EW OO~Bi ~ TMTjJ EXTRATED 0: lar WITHOUT PAINt AE Gem Rings, NITROIJS OXIDLAUCIIING GiS, Ear Drops, 'English Plated Broochos, 0-Bt49 EWO Colored Setts, very handsome. AT bpectacIes, &C ,~ceD~ALO JAMES .JOHiNSTONt IRStore. .. M&c 2,180 atchtcaker& Jewcihen, Brock st. W hitby. wlîltb1, Jane 9s, 187. 2 Q u ery I V M rt r 3 j & l r « lr a Wbiy i t thatth e la aunh a oua f r pletur s AT - GO QD SCLARXISGALLERY? D R E S -C T 0 -0 - S Itiiq écaue bcham h bet Galerv nt Conty, andilua. moe patience with ebuIjysun ~2C~thon aniy etlien rtist lu the Coty, sandosa' LYID ' T ii'i w hat's Lime m otter, dse b cwrdi about emtgfrsd W~If 2, ï R ISBROCKT. WHl2I Whltby, Nov. 12, 1557. 45 ---te :---..JOHN ROBINSsON1s çew Black Silks, - at John Skinnèr'-s Flair Dressing and Shaving ýew Prints; - SA OONT,WI i e wv F l a r n e l s , W i-y , J n , 2 2 -1 8 iew Grey Cottons, -Wib,à.2,'5 1861 O Q Ne w oVv Sliawils,- aw Jackets, lst Cotton Yarti, ast-Coton Bags-(at itby, September 21, 1870,. 0-aets, Wic3c Table Dainasks, Iioop Skiris, o w p JLT T ECJ BVD AT THE-01 BOOÎS AND SHOES- BROY WILL FINLD; THE LARGE-ST AND 1 is 3 3.] 10-ly 1 - - nTITIM ,LcD'--STANDI rESTAB-LISRED RETAILO

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