Whitby Chronicle, 6 Oct 1870, p. 1

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~' I <s i 3 "K,_ I - rcro~mad ewlb sdverttr, 1?! otherwine. > iso0utinuet&dvo.iemn)kMM éOANADIAN 1DAXX WITHUR ILÂCAISO ITARIO BUNE. WllITîby BDCEAN('uî K. F. LOCKUÀàRTo ýrLe' ANI)ATIKF~.T lloiEr,0 o 3, ari et Atu.tre-al, ,pration 0ôf tIîý C Cco 'Utrlo a.nQ. (J, 'L .MOOEL VOL XIV WIiTB« CONYTREAàSURER'MS SALE-0F-,LÂNDS FO0RKTA XE Sa Oocuntyof On trio, 3y irirtue of s 'Wsrraat uuder the To Wit: bu o h sre, ate salof tla. Cunty fOnajo udtom fet prig'at b ý twn,.lî da.y o Agi tl b Ouer.o mtlord Oua Thons- and Eîbtl'= adr,d sud Seventy. Iaut c"Mmanded, ander Otario autborltyo n t o! bj . Primenu theLb.Proince ci (Jntriopaaed n 1. Tlrt-.oid yesr of tb. reigaiof Be Majent 4uen Victoria, Çhapter:brtyaîx, entitled *An A" teo saund and consoidatethe la, resgectiug Lbtheament o! Proporty lu Lb. Province eof taîr, Lolevay on the. lauds hereinat.r mentlcn.d sud déocrlb.ci, for tb. arrears o! Taxes due therton, wltb Lbhecosîs, as bereiuafter specified as directeil b'said Act. Tii.,, arc th«ere. tp gire notice tbat, uniesa lie aiai4,.rears sud cost$e a sooner p ad sl.ree ads, or j . W fr t hNeL, n l5 > car >eputy l<loc er, 11terxrur AT1i~1TORWNA A, m CN bAie, 9h9 AXUNYTAw e? cv Olide. cU a li, ou liIrttî NWj 10,2 Jîle MeJARVI01E 419, 2 IDUISTSILÂT-ILAW AN]>SOLICITOR Suhhl 0 alcaory. Ut&br-L'Turotto;t§t.. Soufth haIt 13, 4 .IAXÃŽF» --~~-- South Pt 21, 6, BARRiI6'rEM TriNt'-'rLw W pot &421, 6 bclîgutr lit (Jiauccrry, Uulvie7ucer, No- North pf "1, 71 iý: èt dcor Lu tie Stormc!fIB. & J. Ca,I, Brook ot , Wiltby, Outt. lWest hlai!16, 7 WIitiy, Nov. lb, 1861. 40 Eau; haiît 17, 8 au B# FAIJIîft. Southî part 24, S SOLICITOî NOTAILY i>lJ1jl,i&a. &oe. Wewt-J-nlrt 14, 9 M'eost liat 18, 9 C. A. JONVSO ,Eut hllI 18, 9 DarL'ster, Sol cto r lua acry, At. 8 E'part 18,9'9 ua tonevoi Z 1&c.p Cuovrti:Enfit part 18,9 exIO A,KN liait * 23,-9 Whlty, aùt. 7,18. W 4of W J-1, 10 E &of-W &41, 10 '~ARL18TiîS fTiy p of'N j423, 10 TE UVY,&lcz IAND 14- South hait 1, il TÂEI 'ÃœB10h1. 'Souith bal,1, il '0 -Oiie dour iortlioth ie l'at t Ie,,8 W 4 1,12 Oat n.sd Mi'ooîr's la-t luat ,1 Ttv ai,,lotî66vio J.Z FSWKL 1.mcClzz. S W qtr, 4, 12 13S haîf 2 4,13,1 NEtr7, 14 08,LAUDEXI, MULOCI< & $MITI>, South hait 9j'141 DA4]RiSTÈ*a.5i - , 5W qtr '-13, 14 ,ï hirt er of Nt 8 iimuch c.ry, sand Iusolveneyg, &c. sdlu. aMr.Jauîe itti L10*1Qijiuco, Wbtby, nm 'ROBQ.0 , -MUOZ là. W. LUDMII I a T. MWII r RARLLES c. J<ELLER, A TTO1LNIY-AT- LiW, SOLICI'3OR IN J. IAJI ~(E1OD A TTORNBY-AT-1,A%%. SOLICITUR 114 Ohancory, Norsary P'ubic, ('onvliv>ilcor, &to.tWhlLtiy il. W. Urrac, iByron ,treit, $on 1 ifIl'at -Oice. 41S 1LYMAN 9 NULISII, L L. B., »ARRSTERAT AWglicior[n Ulan- 40 AMES LAMON,- SOLICITOIL IN 'lArCIiy CONVEYÀ NCEIZ, LAN AGNrc Oyiacz.-0vcr Âri.trctig'c Ilo.. , lain St., Uxbridgo. Uxbrî<ge, Junc f Ni, IF(il. -T LR. HANCOCK, R~ j G'JNX.- D. 1 ULtUl? , .1) 'VIlE COIUNTY (IAOL, W. H. LAW, B.A., M. D., 1'hyoîclun, Nurgeou, Acacucecr, &C. THfOMAS JIUSI'tON, WELLINGTON MOTEL, 301.* RUEBIOT'1'M, - t'a prietor. WILSON. JIOU"SE, (j A. WILSON, Jr., - rroprietor. rTiIi< tUttSita l 41bain, tteîîII0ICIOCt 1< ia .I.tebealdandthe pubolic geneuriliy, t .1 îî.li '~r n basso enad tm th b toiew liot Il ite 'iliaz z1' -0 et As1abîitiefor tîîe accooi.atiois of tle te ra- iii tii',~\ nti~ a luuot tlîaretgli andtîl tdt.rtailo lîllron n a~ue.(nca4ta syll iii ver'y eOtteitieiiee n>! ean Ai the aluveoLîtatott Wi eK, , iliiarm, luI thei î sud (ilgsra ottile bout ItaiîdsaluWays itpt aot adro>!stallhîg ait>! attentive Oetieri lit tendon e à A. W 1LSON, Jr., 'roiptietor. 45Ashirn ay lst, 1809, -tf-1 RO AL Cî-A A DN Hj0 T E L ving -point' IIRY, ONIT. HE. royo : Proprietor. ITBY, Su p rieraceomînodatbon;(n> tabling ITBs.dihe tons,, Aindattentive offeticr. port Perry, Nov, 8, 1860. 45 y«7l1113YB î<B ANca 13 B L Thbe attention of theo pittitlt Inligvite> ta the 69. aew au>! vl eloecte>! stock o! BIBLES and TESTAME~NTS, vîth, an>! vitîtant the psalma tu mtre. nov to stronlis fouti>!nt 'Ûte Depaaqttay of the WhIatby tm- - 1 Iranch Bible Soeilty. Thte stock lias iîeen ae- saisi - led.>! by the I>epomttary, vitît gre&t care, anti vili b.fouît>! w mbra<îa voluines in varicua 7y. P sbtory-,4tfus. 1H. Uorrie's Trug soe Wat t4t 7,Jui sixt,1889. 29. W8 ~Stages tosil>! rom Whltbr eill dslli Every aittention pal>! Le ueit..Carofuir sàd attem- tiv, 051101. ti.th day of-Decombe-r,' A.D.Ml 'N',O inluthe. -ORENO0{M theb, tba1n4 SIrbýueccssry for tlu Ta 'gea l5ltid in-sud aboutsuch &ale,' 'WILLIAM PAXTO>N, Ji, Treasarer, ÂCESBEAE I TAXES COBS Te 200 patcute>! 50 patente>! 50 patented 100 patented 100 uupat'ed 15 patente>! i patente>! 27 08 patente> 100 patente>! 100 patente>! 1 patente>! 15 pateuîed- 100 patente>! 87 patente>! Il patented 2 jiatente>! 100 patente>! 100 patented 50 patentcd1 50 patente>!i 30 patente>! 70 patente>! 30 pat.ented 50 piAented1 50 patented 50 patente>! 100 patente>! .50 pstelned1 100 patented VILLAGE 0F VRO02IANTON, IN BROCKO 95 91 72 1 43 2 67 291 75 -3 il 10 35 2 el 82 27 58 43 74 '3 03 14 33 47 86 34-19 3 87 78- 40 97 8 54 20 24 25 89 5 22 6 41 29 70 14 64 4 54 8 12 4 32 18 84 24 29 i 36 i 04 i 87 i 53 77 70 1 79 89 i 18 -i 3 84 1 42 i 04 79 88 78 i28 4, 34, 30, 37, £ANNINGTON, 1fINOcC. 42, potente>! 225 73 2 W .patented 2 25 73 2 W patentcd Ps ented patente>! patentfed patented patente>! patented patente>! 19 65 17 57 6 76 19 65 14 30 14 30 14 30 14 30 i 17 84 1 17 i 03 i 03 i 03 i 03 281 451 3l 15t 49 35 41 421 94 214 272 6'0 si1 15 6 194 25 5, 28 Di s"W qtr 19, 4 S W part 20, 6- S W part 20, 6 14, 7 - 16,8 S hlait 16, 9 - 18,9 E hlait 1, 10 N Iraitt 18, 10 19, 10 SWco'ner 20, 10 S Eqtr 2,11l N hait 5,1il S WV îtr 6. 12 Of S part 21, 12 5,1:3 -22,13 1,14 Soltti part 6, 14 S W(. part 6, 14 N hlait 8, 14 S ii' 19f 14 50 patente>! 8 patente>! 4 patente>! 200 patente>! 197 patente>! 100 unpat'ed. 73 patente>! 100 patente>! 100 patente>! 200 patented 10 patente>! 50 patente>! 100 patemîte>! 50 patente>! 24 patente>! 10 patente>! 200 patente>! patented 141 patente>! 5 patented 100 patente>! 100 pateaîted 7 99 10 53 2 93 21 42 46 03 53 51 32 74 6 34 19-54 149,.01 6..98 80 96 8 86 10 42 3 76 i 13 53 42 13 2 94 4 34 79 47 DORELIA, PARE-WELL'S PLAN. 87 91 75 1 22 1 83 2 02 1 49 84 1 17 4 40 85 2 70 90 94 77 71 2 01 68 75 77 2 66 i 38- 20, 363, 37, 400 41, 42, 43, 50 51 62 53 62 63 64 73 74 75 7 ( 78 79 87 94 97 102 104 109 112 114 115 116 117 lis 119 120 121 '122 127 128 129 180 134 135 130 patente>! pateiîted patente>! patente>! patente>! patente>! patented paUpted patente>! patente.>! patente>! patented patente>! patente>! patente>! patente>! patetîte>! patente>! patente>! patented patente>! -patente>! patente>! patente>! patente>! patente>! patente>! patente>! patente> patente> patente>! patente> patente> patente>! Patente> patente> patented patente> patente> patente>! patente>! patcented Pa te> patente>! patente>! patente>! pstented patente>! paiftéted - 6 39 83 63 70 63 70 ci6 70 63 70 63 70 63 70 14 58 1 04 1458 1 04 63 70 63 70 63 10 2 43 74 63 70 '63 70 63 70 6,3 70 63 70 6,3 70 63 70 '63 70 63 70 4 76 87 4 20 78 63 70 03 70 63 70 63 70 63 70 63 70 63. 70 63 70 63 70 63 70 '63 '70 63 70 63 70 63 70 3 53 77 63 70 63 70 63 70 63 70- 63 10 63 70 63 70 63 70 ô 58 -82 5 58 82 said M1AL 75 29 54 34 74 62- 85 66 94 51 78 37 73 72 64 48 67 43 42 21 03 25 12 68 0 10 47 57 9 3 3 13 13 13 33 8 )s 7 8) Bi ;4 sui 36 BI, i3 liii 13 D. 8 BI( ,6 W m3 e 4N 3 3 No. N3 3p NE - Pt a, lai. Patented -63 138 .patented 68 141 patentèd. 63. 142 patented 63 18 'pmented -63 144 paotd 63 145 patcutcd 63: 140 pwAented 63 147 patented 63 "148 paented 63 149 pstented 63 150 patentod 63 151' pstcnted 63 152 *patented 63 153 psteuted 6:3 154 patentcd 63 155 paten1d 63 156 patented, :6 157 patentcd 93 158 patented 63 159 patented 1 Pl. lié 171 172 173 174 175 177 178 179 180 181 182 188 184 185 186 187 188 'Sù 190 191 192 193 194, 195 196 197 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 14 24 52 55 75 112 113 114 115 116 118 119 200 201 Tacanery ock A. 3 bdiv loti1, 4 ock D, 4 lock C, E i ock Hlot A 40 ' hait 3 ock:Ayot 9 W angle 5, 7 entr e i 2, 8 W part 17, 5 23, 6 25, 6 27, 8 33, 9 20. 9 19, 7 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 3i, 33, 36, 47, 49, 52, 58, 59 60 61 62 69 76 iii W partlO0 i WLr 14 1 Of W &21, 1 SE qtr 26, i part 6, 2 hait' 7, 2 N E pt 1, 2 )art 262 Ipot E& 3, a it 8p WIO, 3 Pt of E 410, 3- baif 23 3- tait 30, 3 W half 1, 4 jait 33, 4 hai 6, 5 bal 9p 5 oorner22, 5 p art 10, 7 of 'W 418,7- * ateuted 1toi pat.nted 1 0i patcnted i ai -patentcd 1 ai pat.ented 1 ai patented i ai pi*tented 1 i0a patented i ai patentedi ai0 patentud 1 01 pateuted 1 01 pateuîed 4 18 patcnted 1 ai patenu>d j ai pateîated i 0i patented 1 ai patented 1 59 patented *1 0i pat.euted i ai patented 1 ai patented i ai pavented 1 ai patcnted i1(01 patcnted i ai patented 1 Dl patentcd 1 ai patented i ai patented i ai patented i ai patented 1 0i patented 1 ai patelited i ai -patented i ai pateuted i1ai1 patented i ai patented i ai pateaiîed i ai patented i ai patente>! 81 patente>! 7 petented- 5- patente>! 131 patente>!» 81 patented 14 ptitented 4 patente>! 101 patente>! 9 pAtente>!10 patented 10 patented 31 patente>! 3 patented patente>! 1 PRINCE ALBERT. patente>! 22 68 patented 3 49 76 patente>! il 22 96 patente>! 2 92 75 patente>! 2 92 75 patented 3 71 77 patente>! 8 il 88 MANCHIESTER. patente>! 2 67 74 patente>! 3 10 76 SCUGOG. 15 patente>! 3î1 2S i 46 5 pateiite>! 7 87 87 WIIITBy. 2 patente>! G 38 83 I 'patente>! 4 00 69 4j -patente>! 22 30 1 24 1r patente>! a 70 77 30 patented 25 Q6 i 32 14 patente>! 2 47 74 1 patente>! 6 12 83 71 71 71 71 71- 71 71 71 1. 71 71 78 71 71 71 71 72 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 89 86 90 1 05 79 94 93 94 76 75 69 3ROORLIn.e 4 patente>! 4 patente>! 4patente>! à patented 4patente>!1 4patente>!1 A patente>!1 4patentfe>!1 4pateïrted>! jpatente>! à patente>! 1 patente>!1 1 patente>! 4patente>! patente>! patente>! patente>! patente>! pa1tente>! patented1 patente>!l patentGe! 15 patente>! & patente>! 50 patente>! 15 patented 21 pstented 100 patente> j patente> 50 paaente>! 10O patente> 157 patente>! 83 patente>! 100 patente>! 100 patente>! 1 patente> 1I>0 patente>! 100 patente>! 100 patented 85 patente>! 83 patente>! 19 patente>! 2 23 46 2 45 10 54 ô 06 19 17 i 23 i 25 2 79 52 O8 23 87 i5 62 20 42 2 57 '67 14 18 32 '17 06 5 90 26 90 2 7 G 1 07 1 07 1 017 1 07 1 07 1 07 1 07 1 07 1 05 87 i 02 74 82 si 81 82 90 89 97 1 17 68 74 94 80 i15 71 71 75 i 98 i2>1 i0> 75 2 35 1 13 1 10 82 1 35 . 7 5 tlste SY47 77,5102 ta ln'd 11955 97 .d I n t 2 4 1aa a 0t a 1 patentes '6 '1patentoul 7 ç6patented 7-; patent.d 7 1(p patcnted 's 20b patented Mo )10# patented ;8S 20M patentcd ,,' 10Q patentcd *8 91' patente>! 8 9 Lat>!t ,6 63 ýatented 9 37 7ttee 8S 100 pi.tentcd 9 90 putente>! S 209 patsnted 9 100 patEted> 9 ' 50 pateitcd 9 50 patenWo 80 patentd 9 10 patentid ,9 100 patentei 9 30 patentet 100 patente!1 S?,,00 patented 100, pstented S 6 patente>! 72* Ea 72- 72 72 s haf ' N hait Part of Part otf Part of 8 hait'-r O* N bhl 8 E paril E, partj S hiait N haif S îalf 8 E Part, Pt f Ni LOT E.pt cf I W4 Pt W 4 E 4 of W 4 W Pt Ei S Pt 0f S Pt S W Pt WNSIIIP 0F SCOTT. 27 21 X7.'8. Vimlt t Il 20C. Mtisbatj. 6 91 IV $IdeMara nt 15 47 W aide fMrstil 64504 Oatx,rn. 29237 Preatoas. 12921 la 30 ILR.. .Depit 639 si On BÉAVpr River. '161 89 99 '144 2 00 81 S 84 1.-57 82 120 80 88 P3 2 00 1 43 93 86 i12 i 25 i a5 1 09 35 12 68 10 36 30 76 à O0' 52 91 5 20 644 35 93 5 74 34 10 16 80 5 18 8 18 10 36 52 88- 30 28 10 18 7 55 17 94 22 91 14 44 14 92 16 40 5 66 80 Patente>! 8 96 200 Patonte>! 129 es 200. -pstcned 121 85 100 Patente>!, 41 22 'j3set. 1146 24, 8 32, 3 18, 4 19, 4 34, 4 19, 5- 22. 5 24, S 26. 5 29, 5 29, 5 35, S 20, 7 7. s 0.2, 8 2-3, 8 South hall 13, A 1,0c 1, 1 North hall 2, 1 GNorth half 3, 1 1, 2 2, 2 6, 2 South hait 11, 2 1, 4 Northî liai! 4, 4 South hall 5, 4 North liaIt 5, 4 North hlai 6, 4 Southt lialfi , 5 2, 5 3, 5 4otilii , 5 12, 5 Northa lai! 14, 5 15, Blroken 2. fi .,roken 4. 6 NE& N w 7, 6 So th ha it 12, 6 f South hait 17, 0 South part 24, 6 1, 7 Blroken 2, 7 8i, 7 Broken 4, 7 6, 7 South liai! 7, 7 North bal! 16.,7 South hall 18. 7 North hall 20, 7 South hait 20, 7 Broken 26, 7 Broken 27, 7 41 8 5. 8 North hall 17, 8 North hall 18, 8 South hall 18, 8 19, 8 20, S North all 28, 8 0outls part of 23, 8 80, 8 1,9 4, North bal! 6, 9 South hall 6, 9 North hait 7, 9 North hait 8, 9 South bai! 8, 9 North bai! 10, 9 North hait 19, 9 Souzthbhait 19, 9 Nortb bal! 20, 9 S W quarter 21. 90 27, 9 20, 9 42 50 1P0 100 200 2<0 24 50 15 120 25 25 Atte. patente>! patente>! patent.>! patente>! ptatented patente>! patented patented ptttented patente>! patented patented patente>! pitented patented pi tente>! 0 Patente>! S30 81 3patente>! 3 12 4patente>! 22 23 ) unpatente>! 60 86. S npatente>! 60 86 Iunpatente>! 98 23 unpatente>! 99 78 iunpateute>! 87 50 0 patente>! 116 71 0' patente>! 2 93 0 unpatente>! 80 87 0 unpatente>! 87 2P) 1patente>! 144 59 D patc-nteîl 44 93 ,patente>! 73 39 tpatente>! 74 unpatente>! 79 16C 0 patoîtte> 67 Sri ) ps-tente>! 185 41 ) patente>! M 6,1 ) unpat'e>! 110 12 ) unpaVteî 92 56 )unpte>! 106 78 )unpat'e>! 112 29 lpatente>! 98 50 unpat'ed 79 42 lpatente>! S1 63 unpst'e> 62 85 patente>! 8 22 patente>! 14 17 patente>! 14 66 alnpat'e>! L15 48 unpat'e>! 103 73 patente>! 4 13 patente>! 27 838 unpat'ed 10 32 patente>! 5 29 unpat'e>! 51 551 unpate>! 30 211 unpat'c> 8 69 unpat'ed 60 74 unpat'e>! 60 66 patente>! 9 20 patente>! 3 03 patente>! 18 101 patente>! 29 6613 patente>! 12 11 patente>! 14 761 patente>! 13 451 unpsî'e>! 62 0OU unpat'e> 71 292 unpst'ed 68 Si patente>! 84 652 patente>! 14 43 1 patente>! 27 891 patente>! 149 184 patente>! 90 16 patente>! 244 patente>! 88 uupat'c>! 62 O5 2 nnpat'e>! 91 006 patente>! 2114 1 patente>! 22 42 1 patente>! 25 86 1 patente>! 15 46 1 uupatVed 54 482 patente>! 18 98 patente>! 18 87 1 patente>! 18 89 1 patente>! 24 911 patente>! 27 95 1 patente>! 584 patente>! ý92 492 3 41 3 S6 32 741 8 741 16 83 16 83 16 83 16 83 16 83 16 83 16 83 16 83 16 ai 16 24 10 1a 8 38 1'4 86 3 10 6 40 6 06 6 06 6 54 9 62 9 49 12 65 20 16 100 84 10() 20 ,)On 200 200 200 1 74 200 125 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 100 200 100 200 19C 190 2PÃ" 200 100 100 40 25 200 80 200 195 200 100 100 100 100 100 80 12 200 200 100 100 100 200 200 100 100 100 IDO 100 iÃ"c 100 100 10 2 50 s os 10 96 65 84 14 70 28 57 15 5t9 51 50 1o3 go0 95 53 S 87 14 97 83 51 46 89 2 86 8 89 20 95 2 50 9t il 24 13 28 18 77i 8 92 96 88 05 2 82 1 04 go3 a 27T 8 O6 0 i51 183 75 90 I20 '14 90 1 28 1 88 1 45 1 23 2 20 2 20 3 13 317 286 8 60 1 41 2 70 2 86 4 29 1 80 2 51 2 53 2 na 2 .6 S 26 1 52 3 43 2 99 3 35 3 49 8 14 2 6 1 97 2 25 76 1 035 1 04 3 063 3 27 78 1 37 81 1 06 1 45 92 2 20 2 19 91 76 1 13 1 42 98 1 05 1 04 2 28 2 46 2 40, 2 79 I 04 1 47 440 2 98 74 go 2 28' I95 20 1L24 181 1 00 10 102 I80 82 2 99 39 20 9 64 13 67 il 29 32 20 5 88 54 91ý 6 ai 19 21 7 28 37 6 6 56 35 63 18 00 5 98 9 06 Il 29 54 88 31 71 il il 8 41- 19 06 24 16 15 47 15 97 -1749 6 49 il 00. 6 TMAL 4 '78 183 80 125 s1 42 98 12 42 689 il91 68 16 15 e3 29 96 16 65 58 55 101 17 9859 16 02 8,5 02 48 22 8 61 9 79 22 15 8 24 10 01 25 41 29 56 5 82 26 3 388 1 23 46. 63 06 63 06 101 36 r102 95 90 86 420 i1 1 4 84 ) 83 57 1 90 12 148 88 46 73 75 90 Si82 69 72 190 67 35 15 113 55 95 55 11013 115 77 101 84 81 68 53 60 615 10 8 98 15 20 15 70 98 54 107 0 4 91 29 20 il 25 6110 53 5i a1 66 9 61 62 94 62 85 10 il 3 79 19 23 31 OS 18 09 15 Si 1449 64 28 78 75 71 21 87 44 101 47 29 86 153 53 os OS 3 18 9 29 64 28 94 01 22 84 28 06 26 67 16 52 DO D2 14 96 20 02 14 91 28 21 29 88 a 60 95 48 + jteuted *pateuted 100 unpat'ed 200 unpst'ed 100 patentcd 100 uupst'el 200 pate-nted 100 uupat'ed 100 plttcnted 100 patented .100 patented 100 patented IflO pstented 100 patenited 100 patented 100 patented 200 patented 100 psteuted 100 uupat'ed 25 patentcd 40 pstented 100 uupat'ed .5 patcuted 95 patentcd 200 patented ,-00 patented 200 pateuted 200 patented 200 pstcntcd 100 -patented 85PICKERNG. 6 91 10 92 48 14 93, 85 62 16 49 98 28 13- 50 514 99 41 21 ]ô 88 73 101 48 71 84 142 50 20 48 8 88 20 12 52 27 66 54 75 50 14 27 158 01 25 94 136 21 124 Il 117 '09 12 0 41 S0 20 85 1248Si' 22 69 25298 254 ý-255 7740 :1 9 8817 >1 05 1583s 015 40 67 '18 21 42 3.9 111 98 53 a 856os 1l 44 8211 2 09 58,11 85 7 76 95 il187 1 7Ï-44 90 r8 02 g6 87 2 28 64 89 193 5191 138 29 M 1 94 52 48 8 Id' .102 57l 1 20 22,85 2 90 91 68 8 21 104 69 2 46 78 80 424 146 74 1 19 21 67 88 9 26 1 02 14 61 1 3 27 45 1 47 -88 42 69-.1 21 1387 2903s 2 04 56,19 69 '119 1 03 15 30 4 63 162 64 1 32 27 20 4 08 140 29 8 78 127 89 8 60 120 69 1 01 14 82 1 00 13 90 1 17 21 12 pICKeILnG. patente>! pateunted ptented patente>! paltente patcut.>! ptnted patente>! patente>! patente>! patente>! pstented ptented pateute>! patente>! patente>! pistented 23, B F 28, B 0 83, B F 16 N quarter 23, 1 50 ,12,2 j 12,2 Ir N W qunatter 82, 2 49 Part of S8bail 0, 8 12k 119, 8 20 Part of 8bal! 20, 8 60 Parte! 2()-21, 8 North bal! ,22: 8 100 O! 8 iluarter 23, 8- 10 Part 0Nhaîf 1.5-" j '11,6 i 12,6 4 9 pstented 4- 6 50 5 58 pstau4d. FAIRPORT, 11f PICKERING. 1 09 445 89 47 86 71 2 06 2 30 1449 22 O5 14 05 117174 128 00 12'10 .1 89> 8 02 7 84ý 0 89, 2 68 2'51 Block D. Block D. Block D. pateut.>! patente>! BARA.te> 1172 2 90 75 pcttented 15 59 pîtcttd 100 94 p.îtented 40 Pateittod 146 86 Itîdian 46 58 De ot tnted C1j '71 îlot ;,atcnted 1273 îlot pateîte! 12 1o Dot p.tented 43 71 pateuîteîi 60 ..îcttd 54 Io 82ette ii17 rkatetted 49 06 N l',tOC 163,,58 77 patcttted 67 26 F, tetîted 74 51 P, PSC01863 S4 89 pautotte 50 14 patetîted 53 43 lpatetc. 1.5 8f; patente! 8 62 pttlod' 54 93 patonte! 45 04 -patcntel 5 42 pateto> 88 4o pattîte! 89 27 puteted 73 64 patente! 12 54 ;>ateîtud 1,50 06 î-atelîted 26 67 111tette! là21 îîatcîîtud 8 92 r.îttrted 8 92 pîteuît-d '16 o2 pî:tetjt> 24 89 patente>! 19 P4 jultn->! 21 41 jeatent>! 6 19 t>ateltti 7 33 Ilte,îtrîI S5 5 putetee.d 8644 paUtucte! 19 34 lanteute! 22 84 pntu-:îted 19 tib p'.tutied -24 51 pýatente>! V-1537 ptettd 15 53 patet>! 4 41 puteîte! 84 00 îîateîîtcd 19 58 patorted 4 92 patente 4 92 Patente! 13 0O lit(lîto>! 19 62 patente>! 10 os patentod 1 L 93 patoîlte>! 19 62 patente! 19-62 patented 19 62 pateîîtod -19 62 patetteot 8 Q& paiehted 2r; 05 pattîte! 24 3o patatcdei 27 12 paîtented il 6e patontol 14 31 Patent>- 19 97 patLxîtel 19 97 patente>! 19 97 patemted 19 97 iatente! 8 01 pateîted 13 38 pat.ont 5 5 0 pataîtte! 4 30 pâieîited 14 71 pateto> 12 os patonted 8 60 pâtente 4 go patelte! 5 74 patente! 2 73 pateaite>! 15 46 patente! 10 49 paet> l89 ptonte 9 85 pateut! il si patelited 15 si pgtelte! 4 80 patente! 8 48 patnt>! 8 s 0 patente! 20 46 1 patente! 1530LI patente! 1 15 paLeîîted Il-18 33 P se 34 F 103 44 F 7 45 y 100 48 Y 80 Fat hait 1.5, 1 100 Wesît hait 1.5, 1 100 Fshal 20, 1 120 Fs af 21, 1i CO Norli, part 16, 2 25 North part 19, 2 40 West palr. 20, 2 110 Broken 24, 2 84y, Sot at- 15, 3 2o0 Sot at 16, a 100 North part 16, a 100 17, 3 Coo Gare 24, 3 51) 15S, 4 200 Southt hait 16, 4 103 othtaf 17, 4 201) Snhilf 18, 4 100 North hait 18, 4 100 19, 4 Iofl Gare . 24, 4 117 17, 5 20M 18, 5 200 19, 5 15 17, 7 200 18, 7 100 4, A 100 5, A 100 6, A 100 7, A 100 8 aud 17, A 204) 12, A 100 15, A 100 10, A 100 1, B ]()0 3 1B & Dico 8, B 4,B3&&1D200 5, B 100 9, B 100 10, 13 100 il, 15 100 13 aud 14, 11 200 .18,13 100 3 and 4, 0 200 6,C0 100 3, D 100 4,1) 100 5,D 100 6, D 100 D,!>100 lD 100 20, JD 100 2, E 100 a.E9 100 4,< 100 5,10 100 1, F 100 5 and 8,1y 200 6 and 7. Y 200 21,1P 100 3, G 100 6, G 100 7, G 100 8, G 100 1N G 100 iýG 100 1l, G 100 17, <G 1001 6, G4oH 188 1,1 100 6Il 100 ,K 102 7, K ilX&L19 25. K 25 il L 99 27, L 100 8,1< 100 4,1M 100 7, m 100 8,< 100 8 sud 9,M&L198 13, 1N WK PAXTON, Jr., Treasurer, 0. 0. 4 33 1 84 1 48 1 77 70 05O 2 73 1 6as 2 14 2 36 2 54 S01 1 03 3 14 2 05 O80 81 276 291 2 52 99 4 43 1 90 90 1 80 I21 88 86 82 84 I25 1 17 1 29 1 26 1 043 79 1 48 05 805 i 17 1 Ili 1 17 i 17 1 Ir 117 90 S3 1 84 97 1 04 1 18 1 18 I18 i18 88 01 78 99 89 62 75 94 go 01 97 1 06 78 88 71 104 14 1 os 110 69 4847. 34 -23 34 28 os 58 45 48 1 30 56 15 84 90 41 14 60 91 69 82 77 o5 87 69 12 07 55 44 16 93 101 76 50 os 46 64 6 23 86 16 02 18 76 16 13 53 1-54 49 28 01 16 27 9 82 9 82 17 10 26 lu 21 Il 22 62 9 07 8 19 6 3 7 23 260 3 24 og 21 0'2 95 81 24 83 16 «59 ri 20 385 48 20 69 5 72 5 12 14 os 140 20 79 21 10 21 10 20 79 20 79 20 79 20 119 9 86 27 8 27 64 28 48 12 63 15 85 21 15 21 15 21 15 21 16 8 92 14 89 6 81 à os l'à 78 18 67 9 65 5 08 AO 66 848 in 78 il 43 12 35 10 26. 12 48 16 37 8 t91 21 65 16 72 1 86 12 14 )1t i oy todrowu AU 1IaitôLathlbfriend wlàÏ,, vtton r Wil lirt Up âa su wvbe>i ,!, "ovu." The £'htuena Pirate. r TG MY estiatsion there fj et a prouder positien -ou.môre honourable or more iundependng..t_ýtlii hecaptain Of s flue clipper sbip. $0 1 Lbougbt, toc, as 1- vslktd tbe qusrter.deck cf tb. ciappersbip Firefly, 1 u aLb.ecspseity of firut m'ate..8h. vas s fine shlp, vitb s noble captalu snd 5 a good crew; sud, vi every stitàbof cavSspresd, v. gIid.ed- rapidly, aud before sunset tb. collet of mynstive country *lbcmed unp bine And Indistnct Cathe. dis. tstce. , W. were' bouud 10 Shangbae, snd tbaj la a long rond to trsvcl. We vere L doubIy-suxions ito maire a good passage, not ouiy for the. intercaLa of Our ovuets, but because the Fearles., suother clipper, vas clos. alleÏ ja, bonnid to' the saine port as -ourseIvas. 1 viii Dot vsry MY rendors witb's àdo-, taled accouit o! the- passage cotg boase uotbing of luterest Oceurr.d outil v. voe lu tii. Oblua-Ses. Suffire it ta ssy, tieu, tbat oue'eveis we fouru siesiu'tbe latitude cf ithe nortfberu extremity cf For- Mais. It lied basa squahly ail day, vitb siioers of tain.- Wïe arriv.d iu a liad iane, just as tbe mOusoon. vere cbsuging. At eigbt belle the veather loïked camincus. It vas saiast s dead. cal., sud tho. heat vas oppressive. Nota clond canld b. seen, but tbe stars seaed ta, be obscured- by a-ý transparent must. Acarc.iy àabreatb ci atir vas stirring, suadcaur topsails fispped against the mut vitb aforce thst smade LIeut tremble ircm truck to keison. Ail c! Onr liglit sails ere furied, tb. coursesbang lu th. gear, sud tbe vstch lonuged asbout deck, seeÏi,3g in~ vain for a brostkhocf<rosit air- Totalý stagnation seemed' to relum supreme, oonîrolling both the eleaiats aud ail objecte botb animaLe sud lasalmate. Thed Dnvas beccming evMr moment morentesesudtheatmosphere more opaque. Tii. Captain came on deck, -1saeed into Lhe binnacle, sud tht., s burrled giance Anud, sMauniug the horizon and beaveus, ,vhile a auXions expresso assed. "Wbat to yon thinit o! tii.estber, adr r' I inquir.d, se 1 ranged op siongoide. "We are goiug to bavesa gaie o! viud, sud tiiere in no Lame to loge, lr. Abbott. The baromneter bas failen to 59.30, sud la stilI gaing dovu. Cali ail bauds 1 «et your royal sud topgaiisnt yards on deek 1 Strike yoar Lopgallaut muta, sud geL ber under easy ssii as acon as possible Pl tt vas no amai job to sccamplish; bat ail bauds Lnrned La vitb s yull, sud I feit relieved vhen the starbaard vatcb vas si. Ioved to go belov again. We vere aoon under close-refed fore sud main Lopsail, fore ataysail, sud main spencer. The Csp. tain stood by Lb. man et the veeel, peer- ing at imas into tb. binnacie, snd carefuly vatcbing the hbarzon. A lbw, bIb, anmoan wua betird, not unlike Lb.eanouruful vwail i3f an ,Eolian barp, sud as IL awept aioug it iucreased inu volume. Ail bauds vere again cailed, sud th eneà ere iasbing theanselves &loug lb. weatber.bn!wrkss nxionsly vslting for th. twa to't sontbvard sud esstwsrd s white flasbing lin. of fosan vus visible, looming op vith s borrid gbastiy pbns- phorescent liglit Lbrougb the. annky dsrrk- ness, A doIl1, beavy roar vas heard, sud Lb.he L instant the. Lempest, ilu-ail iLs fury, horst upon us, comapietely drovuiug the. warnang voîce o& tbe Captain, au e b. iont. ed, "ILook eut for'yonrselvs, lads. Hoifi 'on ail P-, With a bovi, gech as s condemned spirit migb: give viien couignd Lo Ltie infernal regians, Lthe viud sbriekdthbrougu car rigging, snd viihsnob terrifie force that it seemd as if va vere actusily crusbed bodily dowa inLo the. seetb iug, boilingt conîdron. For fui! 6ive minutas Lbe olfi sbip iay ueariy on ber beani..nds, quivering sud rembliig as if lu terror. The. vbeel vas bard np, audd 6mai17, viLb sbnand, sbe r9covred berseif, sud flov belote thé vind. Tbe'ses broke ovsr ca sLltérvala, su aiasbed lu torrents sa%, viii.the. rsttlau, cf tbe ccrdage, the creaking c1 tiie spart, sud the ioud Wal cf tii. lempeat,'vere .ounds 1I sah nlever forgeL Tbe Captaîn vu up ail niglit, of course, aud busily eugsg.d ilu uadyiug bis ebart. Orer sud over agala bho -voald cme os deck, sud Pt., for dayiigbt to ssii. its appearauce. 1 gould sée thatt Liero vas acmezgrest auxiety ou bis aîiud, but I dld Dot like Lo s i vitaLvhas . I <oued ont son euougi for myseif. Fiaily, dayigbt begau to davu, -snd (Coatinned ou fourti pÏge.) .atrly -RNJm ACTEIÃŽ ~GAS, IETIC Tmr1 s 'aSt j Part c! 80, il 'Port of 8 bâMf aii South bal! 1, il 4, 12 North ai 5. 12 Southi -hlai 5, 12 6, 12 South balf 7, 12 South bai! 8, 12 S baif or Ehalil, 12, North bai! Il, 12 North bal! 12, m South bal! '12, 12 South hait 18, 12 North hbai! .1l, 12 North bal! 14, 12 21, 12 North bai! 22, 12 South bai! -22, 12 S Wptof84 29, 12 Broken 80, 12 South hait 8 , 13 Of North bi! 8, 13 Northz bai! 8, 1a 4, 18 9,18 North bai! 14, 13 S Epart 16, 18 9 quarter 27, 18

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