Whitby Chronicle, 6 Oct 1870, p. 2

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Londn s sud. Cofe. War4houe-Jae rtad heop ig f helislà Dt he li I M,~ M.Walla t.c av,-lue le. misry sion of the *., ýcà trea wa usaÇ. mnWàtebe t Ces-au-e o allut e., rall, ierdfre, our overy 'effort w çl. esudo the.ezbb oý f povi Ysr ClukaJaa Jbuou rthe b dretidtaoecretbe eomplotioa "làtbeii t 4UélFA.@lj~g~îka UionaitPins k Charme. of the Road. Tie. pi apIe of the. tovu Of &toclikshow,,, an 1th~epetfutoaS - À varled essorimeul of Cbole. Jevelry.--Wbitby desire thie ra1road. Tii.>' aultta arui~g ,impeuentse7 WhJtby, and, thé Jpmes Jabusîam. - us lie d n ruulg; ani ta thisendiouî~tO~i ~e emnIse Dreesuakimgç- and Mentie ýbusiness nt toey are even ready ta make a. scrifice, ubeir. fsfr chair ot hé" pizes offèes, the, "Old No. 1" ,amd ill, wiIlingly give thet r moue>'. The>'. spéndid 8sîo& xubto 'ru-kl Wst.d; Ton £oîlvê Gir!o. vaut, hoieve r, 4c, bc quite surael ii.' i comut', aliliinm iot fSatering encomîgus Ryo and Barle>' Watd -Yeo..Gîboou. get the rosi befck. thoy 'give ap iail bh l-fron theb.City â<Wl>' prose. 1Speaiiing cf Pianosi, Mlodeoo, ami Musioal Instrawupon »,tii.parse..stringv.. -lmo yt i>' tb.the Miller sud Thomson herds, the. Globe uMente-Làevig Allini. asmred, ami the debhomture noir elalmed ouens. WattmenBewîng Machiuei -7Lewis A le<u the îlspu1d:eiste,> <oili hitatenê 8~rio~01, ilr fBogt Book.s snitaioery-Lewis Allin._ fOrhcoming. 'Ait complalnts ami bioker- au, hau 12 huai, among thaïe are' tvae Mowlsta oesfor Sale. log, and backbit ii,*and eaggrîOn, fine cave hé bs e jet imported front Gooa, ase, Abum, k.-Lewla elîber neii te Tov Coeli, Britain -«<Cherry Bloom,".ýred ami vbit., Fame' steeta ~ asdMaRôse of Strathallan,", ami bath par. Allun. -or vithin or ihimthe Board Of IDreo- ?cîvygo ne ud'ue>.l e . Goli and Plaed 1 JowsIy -Lewis IAlin, tors, co serre no gond purposo. ,The co'iu rt h ngs esl a Dvellimg ami Li for Sale-Ashor WiI- effort ehobli b. tQ, maletehlé intereos of bis, aid piatakers Golsý Baon&, Neli>' 06# - the.Town amd ,te ,Company>'(Mastii.y:Bly, Oxford, Mearka sià evîe Ce Yalley and Staple dry goode, Drauis iagh 0be dmîuGam'a mieiîi are ahep tbëre-the 1frtmet. eemiDÉM-' lns &-11amllîon & Co. 1t1htte10o'ineetsa sproved chape, ta ju lst yere PMpsa,. Fin a Lesse -Charlus [Henry. or69enab~. l vneer intenied ,este.srsersotpaf moear. vhi.41 c bgli , roman ïerius ball le motieableî. W11tsrs' alam..Othervise tiatba it the Raliroad (of J. S. Thàompoon, ,Wvhuîby, 'shows eevinal Mastelk Caps-Dominion Warerooms. 'hich b ietPî er ebtthe hod, amoug tii.. hisie woigc Pars Mis, k2~.owes& Poell. firî Ilte,)ehoui le cosideed e Dobe s b, sud bis newly i.ported year. Fais kics, o-Loes Powll. fira lia') 'houd h conidre sl.Uog hjfers Christobel ami Sylvia, cf1 Dreus Goode, ko,-Lowes & Powell. a Co.uty unmirtal<iug, controlied b>' which we Mey' say that le>' are as goad ()&rd, Veterjua r>' Srgeo-4amis A. the business meu of the Cunt>'. Sue- as naîtbe round ln the Province. To C onpi. pivions-have ariset-and more than sus- J. M,. Bell, Athâ, buhavon head, amrn Par. o ons i-JohnDehat. poious, tiers are Indinations, eman4tiog tient a wite Cuir,Pride. Pariata Rnt-Jon Deort.fro. the. Board cf Dire-etore themsoîveos, Mr. J. Daviisou and Mesrs. Birreli', Clar, Inue;ce Aent-as.Wallce.Johuston, of Pickering, and Mr. W.. CariJosunce gent-Jas W5ISC. ti s ne mt the cae. Lot these ans- Jeffrey, Whiiby, are ail exhibitors 'of, Àidministrators' Posîponed Sale-J, Wî picionsbe dispelled. 'Lot thera hé a stock. Greenvaod, solicitor.- meeting of te Board*and thb. Contractor, In mowing mechines ami rapimg ma-* lmipnoyed Farine- and Wild Linde for and sncb an emimable arrangement arrived, chines, Messre. Brovn k Patterson, cf -Sale -J. HIam Party. at, as viii jue*ify thé co nfidence cf lteé Whitby, and Meurs. Paitou, Tate & Ca.,i Horses, Stock, k Implomite skm', b>' Town lu bath. Let the Chaumery suit bcQf Port Perry, exhibitod soma plni Aucio-Elio Spawe.speimens o! work, front their respective1 Aucton-EliotSprole. iîbdrawu, amd the. gond aivice cf the. founderies.,1 The CheapCes Store-John Skinnetr. Globe tabou, about mot gaiug.ta -1la, and Mr. Daige, cf Whitby, end Mr. Ne-9 FaOUGoutde -Jua. Skinner. vith nnitimd action ou, ailasdes, and the lniosh cf Dombarton, oaci exhibitei a ]prodice laio n l Exchage-J. Skinner. dispueeouato farbearamce cf sensible but. -pair cf veillfiniobed iro barrovs.- SH A N CHERY S A LE. neus meu towardse och alter, the difficuities Messrs. Whiîing k Covàn, cf Oshawa, have ou exhibition s .fine collectiqn cf, By> Levi Fairbanks, Jr., Anctioneer, nov in thé way yl soon vanisi. Thisi.s farnig Implo i»,al, coùsistins cf scythes,' Loves vs. Carrol sLand lu the Town cf vitats ta bo done ;-and itehbonld b. dame, sîraw cuitters. plicti fartes, hass, etc. Wbutby, at Royal Hatel, on Saturda>', e ne fulepneanalse t9M.Dlg as h ilaita Ifith Oct.etoc.Int xesonaladsud M.Ddg lc t efiladw.« A U T N ~A LE ttler failare will b. tli certain result. hors. Iran cultlvators.' gr. John Sliav, AUCTO N SAL S. e 9Whitby. shows a bonsekeepersl peury' Dy 'Levi Fairbanks, Jr., auclioneer, Tice Greai Weitern Fair, table, iti a cophoard far sngar, fruits,t Morsoes, stock, f4r. iniemionts, kn., o andam baking pans, winii a compartot for Friday, 7th Oct,, Lot No. 35. 4th con. At the Ut-est Western feir, hould 10four or dangh aItiihe cher eni, a ver>' Whitby, prapoti>' cf George Lawrence. Landan, lest. weekv iifrmi usefol, piec ocf varlsmauship. Mr. Shaw, DyLevi Fairbanks, Jr,, Auctioneer- etuangl the prise vinnerg, aur neighbour, cie. xiit i roe aiigm. Ou Tueseday, Oct. 18, extensive credit Mr. Joseph S. Tbcmpsou, ta viion Mr. John Rime, cf Whithy, exhibits a aie of Isorses k attiep, fat-min8 impie- vussardod the falcwng prizes: substantial, veil fiuished fer. sleigh. ipiots, b1oueba'li furniture, &v., et Lot luDrae et3ya odcw M.D S. oFrnofPkrig Nn, 24, lit-cou front, praper:>' cf Cnes. 2T una.het3>ar dcv, beséra.t.MFrlnc Pceig 2year old hoifor, best ono.year aid bli some excellent licmi.mede plaid, eami Henry. lbcifçr. éasetvo pairs cf horse bieulrets cf snper. I 13Y Levi Fairbankis, Jr., Auuîlomoor, Iu grades, for best 3 year odClvi on qu8lît>'.0 Town 1'roperty, Building lots, km, lu a Own bout 2 year aid hoiter, amditat, Cte' ov Mn, Charles Lyndo, Whlîtby, alicabsLav of Whitby, auoit rde>, Oct. 21st. or ileife, firet prizes. a e'eeaf flei lati, came fiennel (mat i By Levi Fairbanks, Jr., Auctineer- Tii. GIlh's Reporter speekting cf -theii. tctr> maie), a pair cf voclan blanketsd On Tuesday, Oct ISîli, at Royal 'lotel, diepley cf cattl i o: 'suad tira eonerpenes.0 Whiîby, rosi asIate lu Mare, nuder paver Thora. ve n sam,eellent agei cyr j Mr. J. F. Rainer ha. one ofbis splendidc of morhgage. tih nur l àtbe 0 ci n entta l3 8, sqmaro pianos, unnquahiod b>' an>' chier t B>'Lei o-rhuke J.,AtitineranThontrean, cf Wittby, fer Dachose Sib, Mua1clmat lstrunLn itszlikn pu 1te y Dy Lvi airiens J Autiooer onwlu. peited tho ie pae;Col. Taylor @&me 0145.e e ::! ..ofie pae Tuesday, 25th Oct, n bat No. 4, 2ud te seconîd, for BHtita, sund Major Gr.ey Mr. George Ayere, compotes with spemi- ( con. cf Pickorng, floris, stock, fermng tii. third, for Bride of Oreeuwood. , j,$, mens cf his ecobretedhoréesoee, sdos Impiemeuts, km., propeit>'cf Mr. Ellet homsou aleo gaînsi ie fit prise lun s ie 180 r- John Bines. e Oprowlo. - twoyar aid section, site secosd 4gý,O Mn. A. paulo! Beach, shows fine d B>' Levi Fairbanks, 'Jr., Anetioneier, G. Robsonl, of London., i'thec section sACIPleS Of Pot sud pee rl a.>, viies. Herses lBuggy, harpouse, &., nai Whiîby, for tva yoan ald beifre, Mjor Gre>'îooltfgour amd aahmeal. an I2th Ct , adisstîitrators' G, 1B. Smitb, the f ret pris. fan 6îb Duahes, of Oakland lu lie paultry tis. Mn. H. M. Thomas, sud J. S. Thomson the second, for Lai>' cf Brootelin, habau MOchoicespecimeus cf fO #1 o~v f tie Valley. Tise yearlitng feifers vere Cochin China sud Bramah Poutres. Mn. El aisesa partictilarl>' good oisn, lenvîlcit Thomas S. [Henr>', cf Oshawa$ shows la the twa ,p:izs animais, Chistabel ani thei.aient cloe, specimene of Spanieli 'lylvisa ehl > J. S. 'nbompson, vere fovl, a pair cf geese, ductes sud duck- m ONLY $1:50 CÉNTS A TEAR perfect modale ci hoant>'. Major Gre>' linge, docks and chiekea, of 1870, ea1 carried off a tliuu prise ln the saime sec- vertet>' o! rare faucy pigeons. . o lJJb,'lursdaYi Oebr 6, 1870 tdon for Plnntwoai Bit. A liât of prizo vinuers yull be gtvum co lu titi Agrieultnral impleatens claes nexl veolf- esr.W'iinig a oe oan, c Oshawa, TicL'îmetlVmr mwe 1ud tibfeld ta thouîsolves in scythes, RÀîxstt'e CELEIEgATED PIANCs vienever M( Thte ccýsditjon cf attsirs lu ani about fortinhoe, &c. Tite exculleumy cf their sbovu luvariabl>' carry aff fret prises. At Paris continue ta romnesiea Thero articles me>' be iuforred fron thenfoot that the Western fait-, heldiniuLandan uet veot, are epote o sotiesandortimises itte>' taok the firt prise nt the World'e a harids-ome seveu.acrave cf'* the Rainer T ar reaa s ote u iimstsvt sir lu London lu 1862, ai the interna- mnfcue .tie h iâtpieoe e vary log roeulte and succesees on bath sid es, tionai Exhititiouinlu1nblin iu 1865, sud mnfcue handii i-tp-s vret sud detaile afuoluor oparations. Tii. pro. ah the Internuationali Fair lu Buffaelo lestthlie eleliratmi hanse of Ciikeriug of Th grese ot Ibe ie8- cf Paris- emliigoe ou ; feit. Boston.-' fit lu o n f eiioo iprat I hie clue of musical instruments, oue . - 4s-0-----nt but~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o nîig fedoliooipoan o!Rainer'§fine 7 octave pianos carried aof' VAIrAuLS cTowir PRoRt'r OR otSÀLE DYn( 5 ebareoter no la the termination o! haittili-. -1w irt.ri. f. tt anemnfc u'îi.Atniul ieîit tie resportu. *1 -articleu of Tes sud Cfet(n theie n t. it u iius l ang a i UNtytgnsTy Hisneaa-Wuî-ruY Gnou- iPl plo t aofee,( morcfthe. liesecond nezt te that lu vilch, King plioi VAU Suuoan.-At the Maîiculatlou Exj- large lBritsh bouse) lho alleges ta b. n lu imrd.-*" f aminatlaus cf the Unilversit>' cf Toronto, a boîter positiou ta, give a botter article Wowuss£j, Cicutns, k.-Mr. James E eloed ut ook amngo th ocolaahie t- cheaper rates, lieu lie geuurelî rooer. JOhoimîc h e rceived a large suppî., Sold avarded lu lb. Junior Mairiculatian 1lu A # wINch Boairai:Oarrant.zoaesav EsTntCo. Arts, ve fidtisenamae ofMn. BrYsut, c! LIOuàditNT- himi bas lateil'beeu se inumhinsani e>'. n j-ery n r tb. Whitîy Grammar Scisool. second iu enlarged (as noticedinl these clumuis,) le -s-s-*---.-- mâthamaîlme ; firet luàEn iiritt-'ainvrplt iieeything ln the book MÉessas, Lawea k POWELL, DOMINION ow al Premmi, sudd thindt wthev'etreeve te aea tn luech Gdened n erl Pnaficieumy. sud tationer>' lin., fana>' geais, - Ladies WÀAREOoUX89 have jusircevdth ees 6o This la anoîlier tlatho long lust o!fhonoasandigentlemn's goli and pltei Clitussîyle o!lais cp airfut-e; sae nsu Dc:r obtaînsi b>' Wbiib, ramranu e cioal rings, lbahuts, km. Mn. Alln ha. ievated g-d--n--i-- pfir ohis o ulk. t pupilu. part of lie pt-cuises ta tie recepîilu a! YEOtroXr Uînsa, "OLD Ne. ," vente TERRIBLE 1UiOTttICTON OFCATTLE OU musical instruments, ami aivertieepias, toit girls ta Ieurn lIse rillinier>' t-aie. ,rs G. T.-R .-Satu-du> moruîng lut atelodeons, hat-monum$nt, coucetina,., , --i a cotmber a! valtuabis catîle, bslongitti t0 for sale, clieuper lieu eau lie bougit front MIL IU CHANGES....Amomgul lie IMiliia rea3 Mn Klylb xtasv otîedelo, silie manuifactueres. Aisa Wsnzer'sle cl ianges snnonnoted l insth 1lut OAnada- T kept b>' ihlu nIlfeldfouusr thq Don Biuge, imated eeiug machines.* aeleas oielié o folang l a& a-s-1-34th Ontario Batlo flfaty e broke throuigh the fonce sýparticthn le Mte. HIMLON &Coq bchavecrsed lie Quartons Muter, Ciarles Wrlght 8.1th, Ot-ld field froin thleRailwlye' rsot, sud mien>' hein iscar>' Pullimptu atiounsmmpIligvc oetE or',ve.nsgaiusIi voe kIlisi attd maimesi'-Thte lois leàleav>'. au intmoueeand ver>' saporior stock of cf cepted. Q T'he rattenuama.O! the fonee.lsallegeio ac aissi gce resgcs m Na. 2 Compan>', Oeaa-To be En- go tI us~a caseo teceîe nekt anni.s d seulîen'a - 't oud, e.stgn, Robi' Dillon, M. S., vice W. Wel- v; hic th aeo h atebek gtruh n et'elfuntulsig goe oi ! ilglon, lof1 linmita. Cau VPt0OATLos T' OsC eAP .Cou. STRC. lalsst styles. Citiing mais ta anîsr. No. 4 Compsany, Whiîby ;B2revst.Ma»r Wae end Ceplain GeorgseiB., Datasil la par- ine '-Mn. a Skinner îitmauaoess fasueas- YEOMAN GaBBdN, *"OC.»No. 1,vants mitel ta retire, rslaiuins Ibo raniliof Ia anriment cf Fal gcoe a t ver.>'loy primas, Rycou andley. Major.bu-eti e Cony<ourt. SIOEW Siith>', Mos> The. Coart opened at 12~ nuls vas 'Oacluied befono t1 There ver'e al ýogçthsr Only tira civil acttans fart'rtli a u'prou la - vwtieh juigmeun'vrabt m tg trfJ~Qpiùemstipo rabe.pn.umnt î,ereMr. qgphrM Attorne', Mn. W'. igs B. Fairbanks, of Osbawa; -Ti of lie 'tgenténal publie." jas:. penso ns-pt-ceont, ami thèy>', Sieufs .déput>', ai lie r4pre azlett- aunouces, u-hàtîGon. the weil kncvaCcoureeTate i' va. sî'rien 'vith' pàralysie ou si.nce vhicÉ lime h h lsbeio speechîses. - is rr e sivsry .as donhîful. -1 THD PLEICnîsR.lin-FI UNTr.-Tie lateet Isorne f Obav that-aven 60,00b' votes * .favan-of Italien unip', ami 'l agaistl. Several ebake ani p i.AN.-We aru lopp>' ta absi moation a in te'public feeling' Comfesrsîioa j4 eammsncing je land, ami hevenio dambt that il increese. lathli ecent contas Bey-, the CouÇsderste candidate Hf; Wernen, ufeetei b>' a maja tie Calaniasl Secrelar>' talihe Ai meut, Mm'.,Aieap. Rtrrmmt uFILOU FOiRT Go fit-st doîBilmeut o! the 69th È Font Gant>', commaudai b>' Cala ani comFt-ieing elevem cificer bunirsi eud uinscy.îvc mon, Toronto an Monde>'tint, a~ ei ou lie'Mgn:for _Monîreý loaked pt-att>' yul, ticugi b, 'A Catanat heu been receat>' ini British Guignai Souti Amnet d werfd Niegne.'- Tiers are tvç if 170 foot aan aîlite-o!f0 ame o!, vsîsn paeimgover svecî>'.eiîil fout'dssp and ou Yra4 broai, iurmg ti, dry ses fo 73plpps jwtistl ial L~Eao.~o-BaVOLU XrE;A.-TI Coanty Comineil of Victoria heu - vc:s fit dollans ta aech volomîsor in ilath cot t-hoattehnds ti. annuel, diii, A Pins neir bailding ic ta b, #recto for the. Traiv Collage Scbool at Pct flape. A THO Gouzaxon Mulqoaa.-agdsricl Seps, 30.-William Met-mer, lia lai vii auriered JasI Dean, vas lt-led aI ths se ses hors le de>', emi feund guit>. H, eas seteucud to li anug ou lie 221h de, )f Decomber. A i-klii atecisedin10Mr-.J. B. Lazieri ,radie fater>', Fibrt Ferry, vas bumaei oi fouir>'. Los81,20. YCELLOW F£ERa INcSP'ot.-Paeta ai raz PuEIÇaN'sut.-Madrid, Sept. 28-ii auninuaa.in ltmie greatesi stale o! alenti - theu oouîiuuei sprcai o! tise yollv foyer, rh opidonileismiore eainieetthponVes ai 'ire sspposei. The ter-t--îicbouiniabi- îles cf BerceIons at-e tlyiug !t-oai»lisciîy, id upuenis a! 120,000 pensons havre loft. MiTAia RaoRNuar- Areluru ii ta bo 3ae quanherl>' ta lie Miuisîer o!. Militia ftise nemeu lu ful o! aIllofimore ptovisionu y sppaiatodinluthe varions ntilieyi-ye ie, tagolter viti îLe quail cations, t.e o! certlfimate, end noutof o! »l. R À)FRîvn vsSaavogge Aeo4mr v.TH tacaos.-Th -sot-vices' o! Lit en~eant- olontela sorne-e Smuith, D. A&. G., sambenîlu,- McEactmn uni Ftet'e, in -pling the esh Fentian invasiob', bave eservedly> been rovanie b>' Hon Majomty, o lia.stuais lie.Counpanioth îe rden c! Si. Michael sud Si. Geotge. MsLotccna.. - Whou the net-vouys- u hJosits lotis ami vigor thte violt it' orsnfinlcouuequuuco ; n«t nafre- 3eh>' cameie une rgen ounions more tisa oi, estselie onigin of [lesthDis. Ise, consomption,-sorteuing 'o! liae rn, &c. Ths momi direct mntîieiof irs Jies l u tsoring the vital prnaciple tak n mores, wbic islemout sasil>' accom- ibed b>' coing Feilove' Compoundi S>'nip 'Hypopitospiuies. P-cu $1 50 pst-boutle ;G for 7 50. id b>' spohiecalues and by F. Candili )q vboiuesale agentsu, Mouireel, HM>'t suffer nation lien takte oauueou odicmnes. Ali via suifes'frt-u 'oughs, Id, irritation o! lie broicial tubes or admy ta mautiumption, vilI l£anh Wistla'eBsiam cf Wiiî Churry a med>' as agresabs ho' the palat'a se of. tasi in rsmoving isease. The Baiant % pieuat t-oued>'; ih le e se!. temeiy 1 le s' poverful remedy - lele s psedy un>'; il la a rimei>' tiat cures; TiitCNA&DtAN .RaUr.-Tbe ebipuent grain lt-ou tseWestern Stats bythe sadien ioula îc tethe seaboari le euh iin. iuing. Pothlis ek audio8- Atguet i3tii rro venu shipped atwari trou lis poule Chicago, Mivwaukeet sud Taledo, visaI the aMnto f 2,258,000 buebsîs, cf Ji 1,461,00 huchets pwesei or en i ian route, sud 1,-197 006 b>-' 'sa L the capact' fo! uricantie!. pàimty esesi, m neryie viole cf lih gra in de of titsWstîfor lareigm expau o a s nt b>' hie roue. i o l &miA leo- t-iait] Johi f151 useilcouple ae@ tr ovopcoir l r j ac l idlh ;- sd Ibis v u ' f llo irc' , h iait. 'alcauclnded, the mesr lài st-s conineisi te .Ice Palace, th mi r>'homo. tatîcod onthliebu 'oILhe rs; *ni was.luposd of lu lok of cee emenIedia a ns mass wea~on futIn frcni vas ce partise. vith ice oiné andai sth - . - bese vers the single fioor,idivid 0 t pantmsate, ail cf ice, iti - ind ava- painted lu imiitation m a b i. 'T i c iée d ap h i as &p o ornapîha 6fi'nsuti lgit.lhe prace.i the tiresholi; amaltwc lcesmat-tsa t ice'Caosnmtefiuel] uvenai 'vollelys veleme, iithoat breateitt. Tii. t t- parim otts iere *divideà b >' e obby ; th wv'-vai Éofnaiei viiilegant le. lai or c e a , l e.r statue@, m it-t-cs, ondel ab pd glies, plat.;'lunssort, even>' paisible 'ati là &Coli lie thouigit cf, ami a1i o!'il T bednoom liai etame eds, km., ail oai iN obnsu-the exterior venu ornemental pyî O les a canunrvato->'- witi; bit-do an la trees sa bath bouse, sud otier appenisgi W of tb. se., mold maierial. The wvi vd a. bnilliantl>' iilumiiatsi,-amdin o ti Temple o!fais the, Prince and isîlebn wae m olf moly' codeuds, and s gom.and-o a itonurplaced etthie gala ,preventei si k lint-melon an Ilia marnied couple5, on i 1-aîîempî o! tho latter to escape ÏlVdn tc IY ccli iosplisiiiy pravidei for thont b>'t] 1 Czat-insan sd, vilci it lo e eslese ho ee ineniei oul i>' viitle deeli o! the pt-le 0h wuo vas uufnoxen ta isali tamakle - t-ant's bolide>', Ite Galitzia fenil>'g ual ssuu to bave beau doet-si y thie; le am ple. Prince Dentiri Grliizia aah s avent>' >ersaga becs..e ,Caubaola, s livud asdd iha a pniosî i Psnneyivanii su ad a Prnces& Gelitzin diei o! ysllav loe ýn wil, viiting lie Couenetà;o! tbe Sacîi Hu Rart, cf vhimhlse t-55 asuperian. Dao'rn oy Loati Moo.-A iris! teli gramt from Bomba>'risa Landau, t-oa thie deati o! Lord Ma>'o, vie- has heli,;f Ithe ia.t Ivo yeare, lieitiuguislied peeltic il o! Vicuroy o! muair. [Hu vas veil.bmev au Lot-i Neas. bi sinie beiitgRichi -Sonthîil Bourbe, [He wvubot- n laDut lin la 1822, sudvusthlieuliest son e! tt Ififîh Est-I cf Mayo. Ha necesved h coliegisîe edestion Bt Tiuit', iluil n ative Ciy; sud emîerltsg politimal fIl as a Canîervative vu relut-moi for Kildi su 1847, soi front 1852 to 1857 reprîssate Coleraen lueus aine lotareet. Then4 vàe oeîta ýrepresat Cckermmt [He received from Lord,1%Ot-by lu 1852 th positieu o!- Chie! Seet-star>' for Iroisud eo asdcwu$ la lio te Pnivy Coguncli, hedheiine moffices lu tis second oet tbtidGu1vst-uoo! the sane leudr 1868 amdinlu1866. [le sunce isil faîbet- in lb. Parage ia 1867, and s Jes litur vu sent ho Tuile, iore. hle to4 man>' o! hie pradoeosoidi ot ioni lire %a auja>' the bonouns, -cf hiseoxaltti merusic sgympata>'orf'ta. p-oopm fO 40 LI - I vi wol. -Domiiom, an&. b>' nonei0s-vu is ri.i eympathy mot-e snlis -et n y tO boit- itite s of K ingston. Loi>' ac o nialï, a0 V ,R O P> E IRI T 'Y i à 0f h hu.provd hsulf sa evoted ta yo, f irfull>' , eliasO ur OOazratultcm. The B I DI G 1,0f1r b>'e peupleofo!Kimgston fui .pt-amid cl f iavimg , ~ &, o lq0"Prnst thent one, wvio bu ss a.-0- I nlutreii 1,M ot"im.y-a4--wq..- bearte of a people Whoir av e nsifai P 7BI_ C.O N idei long 'eas of u-vice ta honont ami e- c u RUO x L-.~ li speatON -THE, - - - -oit cf .(imi) -- F DA ,00tober,,2lst, 1870, ted / c WILIAMBQBISON,- - -ÇT TW9 0,1.00K, P. M., SHARP, li BaorS Jofi A. Macdonald spolie ln repi>' - * c B1lEs1t, . asfolo st- -4,Lots, flincai, lu asblock WostcfMetlsodint b y M ., M ajor, Ldiee,an, JG otl m en.- l Churt-ill,-and IN orth- fi o! r deue o fJ. Powell, E&q. lé 'eam seat-cul>'fini vard ia la x'pnres My'2-"tLots, fented, cornor-lots, North Mer>' gatitadé fon ycmr, greal kineée, ami hl stt u!Ws fcoaneuau!p-pry is affe t onate c aba tal t- f yo r ad insmes.' I ' 4 L ots, vaca t, i u block W est o ! R om an o.kncv tli 11hDmt a'mene fat-mal campli. Osîhohic ciJîurlit. m en t, m bu t h it c a us e fro nt t i he b ast- . -06L ots, fone e, lu block N o rth W e~ a a Main "ballethaamsut-ai, and direaîly Weseah t-e- If I hve.atand .the position 10 hih ldnUce oJohnt Lynes. t e no u a v e a l n id l et s c b fIa t ri n g t 'a r m - -1 I L o i, v c a n t, W es t o r asîd eo n c e co f Z . B . ; s if 1 b ave b oo m f an >' use o ta >'coun try ', C lear at r. I: ave il 1 thie kiniues aud confidence o c f nc _tblock, Nantit a! residence lie pepîs Kigstott'ami v sihs 2 Lots, Grnt-er lots, vacant,-Santit cf reatuteuce i s@ t a c o m m e n c e . > ' p o li lc ia i a te st-b >' j o u r e ! J a m e D r p e r. of supportî'sud comfidence. Thie bu nov 1 Lot, vacant, West, sud 1lot, vacant, Soui îy beem continue i ta me fo n more tlîsu a. o rsidouca o! Wua, Noble. n quarter a! a century, ami jonr gt-eetimgo a! eee, ot rreieo o er the lo d y P o e b b U I y abse ces 6 Lèt:' fncec, lunuablock, W e ofareedeuo 1 stiti have a place in yaur uemory. It 6 Lita, fouasdin a block, Souhi of lut mpm- heu slva>s beea grsîifying la me ta -feel ilo"es prret>',- that1 ejole th perona -frendhip f -2 Lots, fuscai, So ts aresdena. of J; A. 1 i e t a I e j o iep r e n a'fi eH .ip a ! G u t - t - , a d W e s t o f r s i d o c e o f M . 1 do thase &marie ycu vha dii ual tiate itilHarvey. ux me ina publiée atlers, ami 1 au sipecill>' Tie ehove Pnortiaeao slsleo Lt ýou t p l en geai, M r. M ay o r, a ir t h e f ai t o !' t s Capital O!tO , co astçn i nt ho C h ut- e 'alos in a m i s u t -u s . b i n g p r s e mt e d b > ' y a m t - ai f , v i a, v e i o r , a n i v i L i i n i re t i n u t e s va u t o f t h e 3 a ; i n l e e x r c iae s f j o u o n m u b î s i i g i t , b u i u o s c o u t r u o f t e T ow u . ve -, ave diff or sd i om-a m e n political m atter . - r e î I s s u mr e Y c , M n . M a , t h a l 1 i i h l > ' . 4 Z l : appreciste jaur kindasu.AIlov me alec, 'Titl clolo ok, cf ituorl> tires ors, be. i ladios sud gevntlemem, -ta retura yam, au tweeu 1Brook sud Byroan .treetil, sud direoci>' al - b e a l o ! L ad y M a c d on a ld , b sr est tb a n k s 0 mio t o h ulîf d n s o t4.1j t, B t -Fo tt se, )rie fan yomn mention cf lier aiougtho man>"sud teloto,1on roc'StetThlosn1 for blessi g e vic b I bave 'e mjo 'e i hro g i ByrnonStrt aa nt r io m d la b ut of an l!e, forwviiea1I ope Ifel rai>' gratfl. lC'tina 9f9t-prnte srosteceus, la low. - ýwn o geste blséin bu beln c' fered Ai60, 2-Lot*, odjoluhu Clarksaltbi; l,Ã"i ltse vu a gestr beslnglisS bn ali'ru m. oûth sîsd oxtoncnssg rosa £rookamîreet ta st-i n m e th an in giving m e a gond w i f., If l'etry 'Street. ib. 1 au ucu amaug 'oa -ýif tia happhibsu cfi6, Lute, Iishook BuRa if a! Potntt-oct, sud the vieitiag Kingstan once mot-s lu rnnvsiNatI d eo Wuie s I.l " vroce, big be h a ns tr ngth bu lissa voau sfedi 4 h ïït-I a . m ri r iotý s re ta d bils me, I ove il, meder aàlini Providence, Ãœti' r. lier devaîlcnanmd ce-eLt' 'me 58aie TffiRe oir0F A]Le'? ,t-e thante yom fron thte balle. cf i» heat-. :Oue.fiftit cfhue paroisse mensousi, or hy . milsrovod secu tiy et thre, m oulys, aud the w d T h e ve s t be r 7 w a efi u a, s ud li a ste a m e r b a la n Ie u tn e- q da isa m u a n t l e t e arrived i hi e i y a fer a p e sa mî trip, te lt. n fs-> . I .1871., intea it Ats< six i. ____________ " par U-tt o u 4bs i aiss~alesernuetiy. bs ua HIN Mosoau.-Aeaandimg ta- 'i1Lý '. - PERFECT. - i, .helalesit eporti-1lb.-'Tlentein 'MOO&S'rO hudth -cwetePaeWl Shouhi ti eode' bogiraI, lhe salebvîEi., ~ w l l . a e n g i > ' i e o u b u c E mg l î mb l U li 5 t e , u t t h e s a m s h u r , e t t h e RO Y A L i id sud French fleets lu Eastern waters., Ie là ss Otîtue prptossato entte f larupertudthiat Russia vii ls oastaistInlaItttêl, sud uveny lnînmno eaitsfait ea lis punliimg tlii cruel sud atraciemis Cules- uhica of J. 4l. l'ont->, ora!oite Auettaasen, ýan hiale 1- . . 1 VI FAIRBAN4KS, Ja., 00 O i ciai notic e ie giv n, that eflen thu A ntoner. r data letton sund nevepapers adinousi te Wlilb'y, Oe. 3, 1870. ' t. d F o r t G a r ', a o th e t p la c e s in t h e P t av in a s 8 6 o! Manitoba, iii he fonwnde b>' a>o! J. A. DAVIDSoN, Fp. baPl5, P e sm bins. T ie postae o- six c e ts e rp t ' r T A I . -bal ouce letter-must ho pipai. Noirs. ayi CotigaVeTosnoy nras se p pe s m ust be r a t ira cent lam p. ] oy l Eoa zrmuaiu, Br e 'i Duriug the laie fOnos near Ottawa, a Rge o ifotRn is ubîsueaiWiBC t stollion wu let looesb>'s fermner wvie es.ajgns tultnt- d thenieîs, ttisuîelo oued ai t! plue as beig detroyed, andinltie coure auttc t ioeli' ttsi1oe d CIe t o f a c o u p le f d u y s t it a f e r me a na um a l R 5t t n i 1 W lit y , v i e r a tue a ne a lw sy s h . c o u - ~* viii ud teilli faut-Y IuOt-oa qniringis sirvieoe, ti: foughtw. h nd khansou b r es, S pt. 2 .3. 1 870. ' 5 0 so Bon Sanaearo ugo, a lot oh1 fellous gaI out ion a îitîîa Iim, visn onaeonitae numbarA UCTION SALE OF REAL EST4TR9. - as ta itn taa th o loçk-p. The n ext A- i. m atnig the you g marn scnt for a frind Un etiPower of SaleIlus a > oIarguco fto -_mQue 't te gai him oui, uni as liae<ii net mare ta MlIcHi. L 0AttZWi, parts or Loto nutubors; ave bs fout- kau orimis14, 17 sansdt;8, uinu th911 is omosaouo! tise b a v e b i s a t h r k n w e t h i s i n c a rm e r'c t i o n . T m u u s u ii ) lp o M t - , l i s t is a ( 'o u ,s u v o f O nt a r to , Ti'tea !iend arrivai, when the foilowmitg cortemutaittiusg 101 Aunes, viiliho amld - usuPulta col versation eni itd , ."E u h o u ci i yaîî A tietion, t tisa ilo y alI I de , lun te T'r n t hli co rn le ho ? " J came by tvo ntjory. l'Ill ut W lilty, on Th - arl taken lhrca policeman t1 lamk lte TUESD , TO E Il,17 f ellow up. The frind as 00 p îc i A , OCuE R 8 1 8 0 g with tisa answer th at tie bond e vara AT il O CLOCK, A. M. f r n s h e i , T h o e b o v o p r o p o r u > ' m 1 s i t a é d f v a i u ' i s frmm Atluanioy. Gootlieses, outlsuildlngesud - i A la d y l u B ir m in h a me n c o m p la in s th a t t o ae s . 7 0 'te s m in uit-d . T r m o lu h arus. L o n g T - h e fi r t y e a r o f be n m a t- -ie l .i o n hr u . et-e t. F o r fa rt itr p arti ta la rs Fpt, t eecudJrvie&ct Jarvis, 22 Kinir et. EsstTurouto; il band called lienr"at>' deat,'"theiec uon d 10 t'4. .5husu eqOillit. 1e. o Yosr $"Mts. A," sud the thini yean "aild Ksutndy, E-.q. Atiarlay; Loti 1Pt-rbai, tlv acnrrei top," vhici vas 100 mach for ber te auctiouu.an, Wititb>'. s40 d bear. 0-it,8, 1870. 4 u tin 5DIRD, FARM TO ENT. re - S100 Acres, Sattiai! Lot No. 2a. ?Ii cou. -SHIORl'S.- At Brooklil, ah tise roi- nih Wituy. Good suf'tntutl DwaUing, goond d o c e a ! e r d a u g h i , M t - . R ih . M S m i t h i , i 3 î u , 4 S tas t t b l e a ns sd U utit b i l d i g a , S a ti s i a 1tluiviur Orclusrd. Tis arfu-tuis u inte liant an thie25ti of Sept., Mall. Elien Shoies, sîsti ssf antival-i,aîitnaît( itumedistal>' off âg d 8 er a.th e G a ta i Rasi, an d w itin A il es o Ut,'i - nPUZZLE us' BuSsoor WILt.BEauFOaCE.- The fotloving puzzl, e naîîibaîei 10 th Bisiop o! Wiuchester- ie Notes soi Queniet rpublished on satut-day iasît - n AIt prenounce me a woÃœertis-!l pise c mucitanient, ani yst feu people liste nun bee bot-c tutange mou>', o! vhimii I su kt compoei. I liave s large box sodi v liii, IWO caps, lue musical instruments a nntien o! ueaîtercaces, lt-re esteb- lisisi moaunos, somie veapone o! vaes a fane, !ud s great m ou>' utile artiles the' a arpeunt-ro anot de wiiiaut; tien 1[ba-c -about me a gt-eas namber o! esîeemei feit e s .and a groat man>' cf a nseliet- kini twe lofi>' inoas, ans! te fruit cf an luul gunine plant; a hadomeotsag, sd i great mou>' cf a umailen kiqi o! gants; 0tvo a lse or plaues o! vorsbip, tliegu-u . dents or ratione ciars; lie stains o! et 9 isotel, o and i! oareocf upsussi genîls. te attend me. I haveailt is tonnairo et the @lave, tulso tua domestie animale, suad a nuiner c! negitive. Repi>:- I lsit-ei-ye-Iids-..knecp-dnem ca titi ca-vins-isai, foot, nil-anuis- Saile-sales a! lie feet-musmtee.-plmm -apple-beant (isart)->-is (hars)- temple-pupis-.. stope- tondons (ea -Dons)-lesies --csvee-nose(uoes) ' Coptein Ryndurs, of New'Yorit, iras miv iu8,-,fr hanose, Wortht $10,000, avor tie -Pgantiphanie rend ou s Sunia>' mot-nimg same tîmoeagni, ulthelsanimal seopped >tinaugi a dilapidaîsi bridge, ami vas pur, mementi>' iissblei. Rytidenesuedi he oom - pan>' for the value o! the bons. Afier a large tomber o! vihuesses adaibeatiex. smned, R>'ndsltavunoa-suiîsi b>' Judgo Bouie, ontte greuni tiat lie accidsnt c- cero n Sunia>', an vilci day a mati bu no legal ight ha sxereiss a bot-me lu New Jerse>. The Savanuah Typograpisical 'Union bave rosolveiltaIthe>' vii, unie o acir. acutamees, nemeive or nemoguizo coloursi pt-latent, viotier holding cat-dm front an> ailier Union, ot couing front places irbens no Union exicte. SThe vexai questian cf hbe'Chsmpioibip of Le«ose lias beaut dscided in favans cf. the Siamrocks, Whio, lu a fait- ami keemî>' eaasted umach villatho famausfOrestwirîVe cf tie Montres[ Cluis, or Salaria>', la Mon- treal, iufeaed tieir appouants in lie firts, sucond ami fat-gantes. -s - à"WJio'e ihatgentleman, My 11111. man ?' "&Tiat cne viti lie spike.tellei cash V9 "6Yes," ira. iiieresponeu. tWhy, iele a brevet oncle O! miue, ' "Ov'a liai V, vas é asod â"Ca ' e'e ngagod ta MY suai Mary'.."m Il i a ver>' iifcist la p kreop,'otr, cia penceocf mini, ifpeap!e it-ast pleces o! thiies pom.you. Tseitatiou vilci pradueoe uostma-. riagea muet b. !sscistio, lei eh Wb vol. feiIq il uni-eu -Tise tuirills ..o»s4st asot-nes nad . nou, A omfortable Dwêliisn. as 'ot tasi u lie Curtative.. wvi1h Il eoeayoa1111thsidng, -ani thnaOe esI Tf. oioar vslsso-opru ted, ' mrsa t lamici si ýtataonti«.1Nt-. The patn wu sesi ,istPtthuit- est; at rge th- a 85Inls Wieuisnmt hssi mn iat an y0~Tiie itattd a e hos dsitahîsdu, sd theI)&UDa Lot ven, suIbrr îlnwso ty, t-etniffles veil smttd aithenfun a privato iveIl. or s. Bn 3s1zouer 7ztrlIe.ig on groaer> store, vîit h h ivasuhge oatm.- T o u viit fiWy s ha ce b ae tssu d R em ed y t ait ou ri g a p on t cffo to t ie lo oili >. - . - T i OhiahissdCuarvte-estieaoaultoeno F ot- terme anifot-ther la!mqtôýppyt M111 tuegraee emoyettqse oti pest'<ir ftha prpioto. quel Cpictil5ssseot-es-sgl, udaI etoess nsia - - ABRER WILSON, Pn ouipai artnitnnsaloa' O-. . BsasSuC.. Km s s ' s on lte prenthees IChsg~i' Wst, iet-oite.Oct lot, 1870. np ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e la gg. L A1lv1inSe~ 40 Oct. 4,1870,ataao EXTENSWt '0REDIT, ALE e HORSIJE99RADE (IArILE,FAlilr Theu sobet-Iber huiasroceived In1.truchloue l 1111 b>' ffsihiAuction, on lot No, e4 J, &oko-. Fronst aumo"vnh;or -nia' ,tho Grnd tTrunk atioau en .TUESDA'Y, coer1,1870,) The follovhng veimabls Pnopet>boagi PthIo tmatose! pan ofHoae, 5ead7yea5 c i; t ouporiar brooi sud vorkianç Mirs, 10 ye ils!; 1 sautuof tchlae! Roat-e, 8 yaet-scld;' Lmaire,aged. 1 larie, Ã"yarsoîsCI. 1Hor sgedu .i gaond rivitg Mare; 10 milth os iu.ealf; 1(tow, te malt- e on>'; 4 Boitai, 9 Te cld, lu cal!; 1 Heife, 2 ye2vs old, It- euvliohf Novemisn; 1 ifeihrty9 eo us, to Calvo lo1 a! Oahober; 5 Stéerm, 1 jea- aIs!; t yeeiling llI-got b>' Thoson'* therongi. lit-d ; 11 pt'ug Calvo*s; 4 r4uc; 9 veganso Lhlmile-skelu; 1 Wau, woodenaxl,.1 lk'a sdHarisa, nealnl> ev 1 Aljs Fut-uae; 8 Plovu, i DoubleFlw Uarrovs;. t excellent Cultvatoh eolt--kmq Respes'; - Oio Cibt, gond IRelier-; 2 soets ot Bob-aileie;et DoublseHit-muess ;A1 sel aiSinle ilsrma.a; 1 iug;1Cullet-; 1 Ruffalo Robse, I Sîrsv ' sutter-; IPunng Mill; i Seeul Dril, 0,awa ie.;, 2 Ry Rglea- 2 Laddes 4itb Chis 'iIl Acres o!f urnWi; donouila, sqjis; Stansof Bey, Fukg B.eyit.e, Crailec, Chisels, Bock faites Wisiffiit-ese&o., &o. Aloo.a queutît> o! llcusshold Furt-und-, u'Di>' Usas. Tonders vIl b. t-olivos!-p ta the moniug 1 lise suie ftom parties ieairaus oflsslug tise en-, Ounss prmisses, Wsale ta commeonelit 10 o'laeok, a. M. TZNMS 0F SALE.-AiI sumont and uodsr li:ovrtai amout, 12 wthittsctedit ol, it givo, b rties !atutitpig approes lue; Ifi not so poli, lnlt-oo vîiltàehse.d tý 'int ofst-e$10. 8par 0 c ffor ceuh on aIl ýL. FAIR"NS. Ju, .WIhtby, Oct. 1, IMT, Amollonser, NCB -.Owiugr tta ha fongeumborc>ss.tilu' li e aolsitise sas vil aCommnence pnnctually tt the 1ifoun montianed. Conte eaniy sud get; FALUAI3LE FARM FOR BALE Imt!he Townshtp oai WIltbT. > oing 95 Acres cflthe Netli hal! o! Lot Na. 4,in tae Snd concession, antilel about IX li as fnom ltaeTowu of . W itîhy. Itla h aU cunrai, aun noIogood'multlvatiou. Theopropont> vii lldoas nvat-ys.essuuabl. Pssu, mmmd lu vortty tse attention o!fsu>' par-- ondoshring agood (tai. Apply t- . -DAVID, a. 15' FAIRIXrFOIR SALE. tsinhne 100 sot-os, mat-me or leus, kuovu as la tut-m oîu.,d thOe lote Wlii m <raai. et-e lit au thà plac a gond et-dard,' a lsns'é toe flous, a gons an d Stable, acoi tva estvoîls. Pot utiler perticulas appIy te- JO N 0OTSliusale. Sept. 28T07. 1149 ~AHLC.FU~R SALE- ie gotti li!oa!Lot T, 8ri Cou. Tienti )siotinr af one htuctro!acs otoond',W eau 60 aisi 70 acraes eearai -Splendid 51*>' ), voîl wstc-ied b>' a perMno~nt Cee, gooda iiiisluîiigt. Possession can h. alvon aI au>' te. 'Fuie gaod. -The fiirffine ihbn vo- i-s-al- miles o! Oeavertou, sand mît hobc ols! =sablt'. J JOHN ANDERSON. Sept. 21j 1870. 8 [01 1 CR TO0-CRZ-DITORS. pinmance Cf Sttut9, Ç la, O0,L. 28, Ses, 7,itoc.I. henei>'givanttiall Cruitors &ni cîher pansons ,iteviug an>'debt or mIs!. upon or cffueting the estete cf ýEO-RGRE 13. 8-ITHIR loto of Broughtam. llite Tovunsbipa Pckrng, Laorer, deceas. as!, viha dwiounlth* aseond ieyof Angust, i elserols>'roqmirdotseiuuiqpsntianiersof air claims &0 JOHINKI'and JOEIN itER tise aimiuist-tars stoftth ets[MI - - ttit d affelictai (btero. lattera 0f' da- xation irr gunes ' lie K. ' 4.6. Cme 't Plaide, cbeapesl w- Octots -~GO. A PIAN OP wkéý re

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