Whitby Chronicle, 6 Oct 1870, p. 3

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Black Suez. Black Congresi. Blick suiàner. Brewn >Manitoba. BeysIaritn B3oypt9 D)on Caries, &., the Market via: Black Liasay. Blacke Clarendoa. lrown - DotiCaries. Wine monitor. By'Clitton. b~'Nwe~tstyles'in Fur and Cioth CapS,. UINK'SETS, &C. In'Diéçss Goods we aire sbowing il t l 4Tartan Plaids, il, Serges, all wools and Poplins,'Tartan Per- ilh~ik. for trlm.miig. Our Stock of Plain and Fîgek Silksi ndPoplins, le the largegt aund most beautiful in town. Làdenbasging ,ïis, ,Pop lins,, Or Dre«. G;c;ôdi, should'cal! alnd sce te immense stock which là' the lar- tS«t and cheapeet ln town. LUW ES & TO WELL.l FaIl mportations!- HAM1LTON #cCoup sieve no* opélned -ont a trèry large and. well assorted %tock of EÂANCY& STÂPLE DRY ,GOOD-S. 'WE-INVITE SPECIAL ATTflNTIÇN TO OUR STOC K'Ol'DRESS GOODS Whioh is Wel s6elected and >much larger than usi ai. Nèw ,'ancy Flannel, GryFlanbel, White Flainel, Scarlet Plan- nel, *Illankt, alfMnles, White and Grey Cotton, White and Grey Shêaeog Striped 1'icking, White and colored Qiilts, Tweeds, Clotho, OVer. Rats [an ad Caps, Neckties, Braces, LamsWolraeFlne Obirts, Dresa Shirts, Laice Curtains, Wlnidow Hollandi, Gloves and I-osiery, IeW Furs, Carpeto. c$iin'g -made to order iii theatest styles. 1870." October., .1870. ~-.IS NOW,,.SHOWIlýNG AT, RIS ,THE FINEST ASSOMTMENT, 0F NEW FALL COO0DS, To be found in the County of Ontario. He lnost respectfully 1SoIIloit.an inspection of hi& stock, which wilI bo fond to be mnarkd down 2r'0heap Driu Gcods in endîcat 'raricty trom lZluîs. Merinoes, Frencli -Fýr111a, Lste, oo sg, Poplins, Silks, Granites, Tartans, Serges, Gala Plaido, Brocades, Wincèys, Cc. Flannuels and Blankets, tht. departmènt witl bc tonnd! complete, and ihe é chapest in the town. FBIIOy Wiucey and Wooi Shirtings trom 25 cents. Splendid vle Wooen ýTweeds and Coatings in endieqs a rîety. Gente' Ties, Sgarls, Col. - 'lare, SWîrt,ý -Fronts, Socks, liats, Caps5, Pants, NVeats, Cents, Glo v-$ý,itts, nduihrtDrawers, &o, Ladino' Faney ool Goode of every kind, and 331 chonper than lut yearls price jfe have a splendid stock of new trirnrningrs, for dresses, andl jackets. O antle and Shawl Department is very -complete, new in style, andý vNery l-'prices. Produca taken in exchange for goods. ,/ WATQIES, (30 - noun C LO0C K AND 8 DAY.) Gold and Silver Chains, tookets, Stude and Links, Gem Rings, Broochesi, Ear-drops, Setts.- Masionie Pns and Chairms. W- VARIED ASSORTMENr 0FP011010E GOODS,'AT JAMES .JOP NSTON. October 8, 1870M The Subscriber beýgB t6 4ntiniate thst lie wll1_ open the above- mentioned premises on tthe 10Mz DAY O~F OÇCTOH-ER, N EXT,- For thesale of PURE INE TEAÂ8Mad ÃŽJ(iFIPtE8 a large stock of wheh h.ofis w recelvlng, ln packagus cf one pond and apwardi. In oflerlng tht. stock. to Lb. ubli c, the subgcrib.r does ib with great cofd*enW having made arrangements wlthh e London Tes and Cofce. Company that ilil onable hlm te soit at WHOLESAL2 PRICES, tbereby extending to conmumera in the Qouffly of Ontaric al the advantmgeo f,&pure and coap,article, whicb has cf lat. been reallzed tethe Inhabitints of many Oties and-Towns ia Britainandot he Utnitd Statrsibytho establshment cf targýcompanies amongst them, wh6 find ibat a càocentration cf Icn., = ap.3 n d,àample inoans, on 807 pArticular brancb, la the ooly method 40 wbicW, pnmmprofits can b. based fi succseîd. Thesnubscribeir, lnrospectfally scliciting a abarA cf public< patronage May state that the designatton, Trade Mark and natue of agency«te h pnwl b tme on each package, agd warrantod. c fteGmay llb tme Gouaty of Ontario. JAMES WALLA0C), Ager'nt COMXPLETENESS«EinXCELLENC IN EYERYIHING AT' OLD NO. 1c> le YEOMAN GIBSON is now showing the. contents of hundreds of packages of staple and fancy Dry Goods, including the most beautiful assortment of DRESS (JOODS, ever hitherto introduced into this locality. IHis large.stock embraces Woolens of ail kinds, Frenchi Silks, Merinos, Lustres, ýPoplins, Fiannels, Sheetings. Towelings, Blankets, Grey and White Cjot- tons, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Tailors' Trimmings, &c., &c., to- gether with ail the novelties of the season. Geots' Clotliiog LVade to Order. A Carpet Departmtent up stairs, specia13r Set apart, and flled wltb a choice assortmo,,t cf boautiful patterns, aIse bruggots, 011 Clotho, &c., &a lui the Grocery Department ot'OId No. 1, wilI be found a gen- oral assortinent ofjamily Groceries, Pure, Fresh, and of the best q ality. Maco pot- ted Fishes, Sardines, Pickles, kc.e Judd & Co's0. celebrated Union Vanst. 'In the Hardware Departmont, ail kinds of House Trimmings, Shelf and fleavy l-aadware, Paiots, Olîs, &c., &c., Grain Scoops, Shovels, Spades, Hal- tora and Ilcter Itopos, &c. Ia connection ivith the establishment, MISS ELWIN carrnes Dress-tnakiug and MentIe business. AIL 4IIZCLES -3L4DI? Up 10 ORDE1? «ê 'ARRÂN1ED. WANTED.-Ten active Girls te leanii the trade. Wantecl immediately, 2,000 bushels RYE, and 31-000 bushels Whitby, Oct. 3, 1870. YEiOMAN GIBSON, BOOTS &SHOES FOR TUE MILLION. JOHN (OPPOSITE TIE ROYAL CANADIAN BANK,) Brook Street, Whitby, Ont. Takes great pleasure in anruouncing te the public, that hee bas received a new and lar-ge stock of BOOTS AND SIIOES, for Ladies' Meus' aîîd ChiIcrens, wcar, which are offered at extremel>' Iow prices. Having pur- chascd the htîlk of his stock before the recurit rise in leather, ho cannot lie Unde>iold. Pariietijar attention is directed to the Home-Made work donc in thek1Shop. Boots anîd Shoes 0~ evmry désciion' o the best arid Iatest styles, made to order, and as none but first- class workmen are emplo3red, a sure fit 18 guaranteed. MENDING AS USUAL, ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. Wlîitby, September 28; 1870 39-I>~ Wetchnîakcr & Jewcllar, Brock st. W hitby. J1 NO HUMbuGl, PATENIý STRAIGHT DRAUGHT1 DUMB GOý TO TUE ESTABLISHIMENT LWI1S-*ALLEN, BROOK SÉZREE11, - WIL13Y. IF YOU WANT TO BUY Auo 1XINO MLODEON, HKARMONIUM, VIOLIN, GUITAR, CONCRTIA, LUTE. MUSIC ]BOX, or other MUSICAL INSTRUMENT, 9OFTUE E ET. QUALITY, WUERE YOU CÂN Bj3Vy OHEÂPER 2IRÂNÀà7Y7HE MaN1IFÀc01URER'S. 0O TO LEWIS ALLIN'S- IFVOU WANT TO BUY A. WANZER SEWING MACHINE, The best made, from $24 to $56. 300K8 A» STATIONERY cf ail kinds, includiîîg the worka et standard and pépular authors.Bibles, Prayor iBooks, fHynn Books, Scboîl Bock ls, Ohldiens' Pitêre Bocks. Blank Bocks. Ail the Rngisýh, canadien and American Pertodtali au& Magazine«. Latter and Note ?apor, Mourning Paper and Envolopes, Pînil, Pui, aI&ok., k".&e., a choie aod mmense sok .Alio. Pmaqy Goodu. Viues, Obimnoy Ornaments, Prosootatten Oupi and Goblots, Ohil '~ re 1 and aiali Dol, Ladies' Cocipanions; from $s te 50., Portfolios, AI- bumi, Ste hetapqyà, Berlin Wool, Fancy Baskets, Toillt Seap, éc., &c. Ladsnd Genta rosi Geld Ohains, warrantod. (3.34 mafd Plsted Lociçei, Broocoli., &c., ver>' chelp, and cf excellont. qualit>'. Jet and Ocrai Goece!, plain Geld aod Gem Jfogs, and t housanda cf ethar articles tee iaireus te .paslwl. Wbltby, 001. 4ib, 1LE IS0ALEN' STOVES. Hatch and-Brother have a first-class dumb stove which hait giv-en gieat satisfaction. Pet-sons wishing Dunub Stoves9, will please eaul and 500 for thunelàvek, as it has been testcd b>' înany cusLorneirs, ive annex a few cortifi- caLes. and wonld say -we gonrantee thcm to give you perfect satisfaction, if flot satisfled after a far trial, we will refond you your moue>'. IIATCH & BRO. Whftby, Co. Of OGtarlo, JUIY 26tb, 1870. To R, Iuran, Es;.-Sir, 1liavea great phea- sot-a ln tostifYing tu the.great speriority of Vont- nuw patent Dumlb Store erer aitlrther dumb stores I bar. ever seau or tisee. I tiave nasd tiInlumy Officeturing tsé piuot wintur, anti te lias gis-au ina the greatesît atfetiouî ; it be- lug se consitructati thut the lieut cf thé rouin eau lie cîteroasetior et oaraed la oneor f la best reeomnîeniatiotis. IL lias sad mu a few conds ef wood., lu adfitlen te a go'eut dos:. cf trouble, sndthie price cf te store iceif. I cen wilb onlieute Tecornmotid ti1Vl Ltper- sons as hin; a mte and atiefeatery lîes-ntnent. J, A. CA.MPBELL, Etiltôr WhItby Gauette. Whitby, Apnil 89Liî, 1867. R'Havs. Esq.-Demn Sir,-Ita'iug unsti, turing Lb. pont Wintor' Lwe et ycnn patent mrigit dtieglît DumI, litoea, Ifiare'mmtch plama nt- a tiug tiit tue a,' ia-,giroin es-en stsatnanti Onu higuît1 reSontueut litent fer geocral use. Fouros, ... a. IL COCHRfANE, An extra prize was awarded it at the ProvincialEhi- tion. Price oniy $5 00. #:> Armatrong-s oelehrated Stoves, Steve Pipes, -Elbows, &o., Ceai Ou oly 25 cents par gallon, cash; at the Noted Cheap leuse of HATCHI & BROTHIER, Importera and Dealers inu Heavy".and Sheif Hardware, &o. The folIowing la frein a relirati Mendiant frin N ew York. * Pickering, Sud cf 4mb Mo. R . ITronU, llartwarc Marchant, &C, Whit. by-t bava usedth ree cf youn patent Dnnb Stoes t uring the, paat wiîîter wih perfect satisfaction. Tii. groat inpruremeat you have matie lu aliewing the surpn béat to escape or netaîning il ut plevoure, in. s- atyrlushie, enpe- cigal7 In a roni oftau Inralid, wlere a utillot-i haut in raquireti. 1 eau tceet-tlly recommanti Il te aiis auneconetulaal ain weilIs a omelul Dumb Steve, bhaut; fan aupenle- te ail cabera i bure seau or oset inl Caunada or thé Uuîteti Stat«.. Tours ver>' traiy, JAMLES W.ZTHEEALD. 'Whiîby, J uly 271b, 1887. B.R. Toi, sq,-My-dear Sir,-I hava usati oue o*yotnr pueteuDumh Stores, <on my hall store tierlthepLite miwinten, at idti. vyery raluable anti eccuomical. tIli li A Il Oa 00 E. GURLET, lIANT TAILtIR TUIER A14 D ApERz, MEN'S GAIIMENrs maunp iL or Get a hon.sm ersi, 712,1889. tomil, IERCIAL "IOTEL,ý OSHAWA. BLACK, - Pictorcao. nty fltt p roonia for Cominer-. .Biîutaattucheti. 870. 14 sid6*theraof. th.,n South, i4e weoat oua chain 5A5liîketthon Southt 15'Let tlre ceh inbq 17 lukw t ]on North 140 1raiL one ahslu 58% lnk; ieu North, 161 W est, tires chaîine 1 links.tuathePlace of bgnniig. Coneinlng hy dmoauurmnt,onir ermar ehetsain. more or lets. SIL-ýCommeualngeon the SontIh aide cf Front stret,et ltà jonchion with John stret; thon Nortb 74' Est, uing Fronttreet, eue chain 585 linies; thon South,~rafli, wsith .John treet, te the Crak ; thon Vet, flownir Lh. winding ci sautt Crek te John street foesi, then North, beg the asut idp, or Jolin trot 18" West, te the i ace f begin-ang. Contal- lng.haif a, acre cfhaul, mura or le«. Tiii propertv leaiuLte t Port WAhltby, lu the Town cf Wliftby', anti la knowu as the Crolpro erty. thiair solicitor, nt Itept e oslie.a dors tor ton per cantîton the paurhasa moey, ati the balance lu four waekâ reintte dea of sale. Tu otîtar respect# ite conditions of sie are the shaàntung condition. of tha Court cf C.han- cary.- Fut-ther particular* anti uou.ilîns cf sala my lie ia dt J. Ilin.er Grenwcd, anti C, A. Joes,.lYqrp, Suititorn, Wliitty. or of the Auetionear, and tihti.underaigueti Masoter cf thte Court,. uit Whitby. GRO. IL DARTNELL, Master. J. IIAMER GREE7fWOOD. ' Plalnt;ff'sSolicitor. Datoti, 25 September, 1870. 88 STEAYED. STRAYED Frontflita premsea of thé ahcriber, LOo o iBh co. ofPickering, a WH lTrI STA G-hd a mAi plaeatomru ot ut thé un- der siti, cf one ear. Auy peracu giving sncbhlInformation as will iedteth recovory f the minimal will ba r- warded;ýjand prtiesa are cantioneti egeinat rs- Lalning linuilu their possession aller tuis no- tie. JOHN ANSON. Pickering, Sept. 21, 1870. 88 INNOCENT S ABROAD, itadr flu on pfiAbe mlý ddmMARIK TW AIN1. GENTLEMAN'S .OUNAL, J. H., GERRIE, Druggist, &o., Bandas St.. Vh8uby., s8db Agent for thîe salaetfcar CLEBRATED PEtevECrr. -ANcD- Tho LENSES cf wbi0fh are gvonunti y nà, froin muteriai nientictored eapecially for iptiepirpctse. IL i.nlPare, liard atndiBrilliant, .. tunsIear Aclirom , tuta n i e ohapredîîcad. Tue poeauliar tarin anti acienaiflo t-connery ut- teineti by lte aid uf cemnplicuitetianti cetiy maclinery, warrantas, us in agrtng tîii t t ha the moet IPerfect Siiectica ever mauufsae- tureti. tliey a.s!st the Sîglit ineut Brilliuîtiy, center Eust sud ,oinfort ou the WVearar, cauna :a continuonîs ant i sig ANDROELRT 0GRET uE ETEAS, withontretirtot ho oliatgeti. Se tbey are shti'ua, na .ewll ai.tha hst. LAZARUS, MORRIS & Ce., 29 o0tre Dame Street, (up Staira). W . W E M P L O I N O P E D L B S . - M 25 M fSIC I MusIwe I Wlîîtiîy D148 , ni String Bauds..1aptati for- Soirt-c,,Pie-iiu-s, Ecrsin.. uadrilla partiei, &c., &e., wili anipply tho bu-et aîîd latnt aîrsie, on reasenable tarns%. Applieutiona tnl tho matie aithuar parsoîially or liy letcp, (pont palti,) te J. WOLFENDEr<, 2O'htay 17*180 -Wbitliy. BOOTS- AND SI1-LOES' -- IF YOiY WANT A GOOD rIT, fGOOD MATEHIALU DUET O>01?WORRMANZHI]P, Try '81, Store et - )ITTIIEW COLLINS. EW» ~ Lafias', GauL'a anti Chitircî'a. Boots anti Seus (ogreat varlety, anti erery styla. July2087.9 The. uderstgueu aso bns MÂD" ' MIL L'y NEAR AHU ! A largo quntity cf Lumtas, wbtch ho AOR SALE LOWBlT.ARXET RATES, Lt BllILumbur cf*il klnti sawu on té 'A. B. CAMPBELL, flrooklin P. O Brook1ný Joue ITtIt, 1970. . FRANK LEsIE'S LlDrS MA, D EENO R E ST FOR OCTOBER. SIKEET MUSIC*- T.îke haethe Ri ng, tieur .fume, Do you reaeîy ti o i diti, Yeu gît i 700 bat I A%'HOOL BOCKS! SOHOOL BOCKS! A Tonu F AUX TO BEN T -- entîcssiuii of Picker- ing, (Fronit Realt,) 4 mile. West o et tiTwnofutWhitlhY. 180 acres, read, guet builudings, anti plentydet Watar' lit th e trycat ime. For particulare, uppiy v)tu-it prepriator, ou the praînise, or et tie Courtflieuse, Whitliy, frein 10 a. in. outil 4 p.m . . AY O Sept. 20. 1870. 88 T IME AND LABOR SAVEJ) -o- THE OSCILATINC PATENTED ON TUE 18TI Ã"? JULT, 1870, 13,r W I LL I A'M MATHEWSON, The PatenGee challenres any chier Wasluing Muachini ew 'Inaise te ceOMPete agzainat bis, fgr aîîy ait-n Chu-y muY hume. Tiei Machine lia, beau tliîuuOrugby tasteti, anti useti ly ueniy ail te principal tioteand îml iating farinera in auy person îsito e t u e rt . Couoty igitta anti Mauchines fr sale, Apply te WM. MATFIEWIaON. ;Brookliu, Ont lhrookil, Sept. 14, 1870. 87 P APEIL HANGINGS Tii, noareigneti begs te luforin te publie thaL haolias ou bunti thé lut-gant anti bettstock et PaperIlaugiug 1 lu towu, ait cf the whuialiliec fer, fer biale, rty low, for c 1ash., ga0 . PalptoegyrabnGaîg and Papanlangiug, eueutei 111.a wrk maiika antiexpedltiotîs munner, as usul. A. C. WILSON, DuntisStreet,, WbItby Whitby, Apnil 21, 1870. F ARM TO LET. Cô1Ai' i~ctavaut1~voacré« about mutty cf which are ud r ul-ton. Bai Tt of. the Se0ti) batf cf Lét. No. -27. lin h tM <on er WhLîby. The bnuiings coOuaitetof a' goca trsm, busc 2r 0 .00On9ianti a hlait tonIes b ight, witli kltaut »".16 9.2%,-barn 80 x 40, lirnic stabie'anti cattl'a shedi, 24 a40, witiî bey1 loit fuel mie et building. 'ihera Issau excellent we!! of watr ut the tor,- aise sot walr cia tor, A am&!'1 Craliard, lu grcd aearitg.-oua- ditonTo aà oedpruottealfaruer,. (noue other netiapp y,) wit nailmsn titis la q0r partlaul.ar dlrus -. BO REIT ROBSON, 1 :Brook]lID 4 Sept. si, 1870. - witt>be roëeved 87 te ndle?. sigiod untl the Zighth Day 'of October, niext. -a ea on- 'aooie oi W*PLZfc nI> SPE&IFIGÀTJand .e ea et ea 1 8iPeaim oi HENRY DnfGLn,'rok d Arehitect 'Office, cerner c Ring and Jeordon 8te.1 Terouto. sept. 19, 1870. 88 FMFOýR SAL E I That splendid "purr- ON THE TOWN..LINE. Bolng cmmposed cf tb. South 150 acres o! Lot No. Ilun b. Saut lconcession cf Pilckering, on tii. Ringleton roati, 1 mile West from the Toua ofWaaîby, In addition te tb. prosaut butldui'oe, th eo ls lucourse cf oreetion, a splendid Ieoding Honse, under story ail atone-., Tho aboe. Farin la noteti as enaetf the hast farins lu tiie ceunty. Possess*Ion gîran mmeulluitely, un the owner I. retirllîg troaitTmmng. App'to ths owoer, on the promiges. 'WM. GLËNNEY Wliltby, Aug. Io, 1870. 88 ) ARL E GE NcY Tne undoruulgni lia% acopte& the. Marine Aganey of tha WESTERN ASSURANCIE CO., OP TOCONTO,- Anti will becvildte affect Insurancas for ail bmviug proporty te ship frein luis port. C. DRAPER. Wbitby, April 5,1870. 14 HOUSES TO RENT, Two Dwelling Ilouas te reun theti Town cf Whltby. For partioulars appiy te JOHN RAMER, Whutby, Mai-eh 18, 1870. 1; JMPO1tTANT TO AtES The. undarsigneti keepiteonstantiy on baud al klîils' cf con.ai.ugcf the. .TOHNSTON 5RLP.RAKE, Wond's Salf Raies, Olîlo Combinu.d, anti Cayu- ga Jlunior àMowar, ail inanufactredast Eiah- Moud Hill.- 1 -1 -Aise aiver'Rirat varlety of Plowi, Rlah- mond Hill1, Oahawa, Whltby. and. Dominion tom Mr .JaÏ Walker, Ashburu, aliseý Gang PlOWK, ,'ntivfatura, Straivcuttors. Fanutnig Miii.Bosd Scaers, for"a lices, sud Weedars, souffler,, &C., andi also ibe oclobrateti doubla salt.adjuitlng TUJRNIP DRJLTJ, manuifaturati by Mesufra. MfeAntiio & Baron, Aglîburui, aise ounhbandlthicihmondtill,11 W ithy, Oihawa and Dominion PointeLUd- aides, Nontid-houruls. Flow Itandles, &a. Reapaire krpt on baud fer the Richmndill,1 Roi.p ors sud lowîrs.j Aise Agent for the. Ontario Fermer.' Mutuel Tusnrane Company, Pline te cr11 and examine my stock bafora purclising ele;ewiiere. oin ith con. Pickeri.ig, 4 tuiles Wegt cf Bèooklin,. one-eud-a bait Milo enit oet ircenwood. Atitreas,;- ALEX. MACETE, Kinsale, P. O. A'îgust a, 1870. 85 CT- ENTLEILN's .F ALL S UIT B« FIRST ARRIVÂLS. buas t recaivati a large stock cf EngliSh and Canadian Tweeds (CIIOICE F4 lTRS.) Suitelila for Fail waar, wbiclî lie lasPr prarat o inake np iii the latent style et fashln, anti aI the l'owaat rates, A chole lot ofttaucy Shirt.,, ail wooi,cbep. Bandas Street,- Whitby. Aunut 24, 1870, 41n-84 About Oua TinnulrdraAcres of' Land, botng parts of Seuith Xof Lots, No. 15 andi 16, Stil ColiPickering-..weil walored, goed dwelliîîg. For pliriiaulars appîy to- il.I10WELL, Angnst 80, 1870. ',85 .FASH[ONÂBL ANqDýDURA1lLlt BOOTS AND SIIOES. The unulersigned bega; toaennounea tlii recoipt cf au extensive new stoeck of lirst-clas l3otsiud Shoos. for Ladies Gentlemen, and i Cli- dron, ofthe haist maire and latent stylas. l1OM-MADE WORJC AS UAL. Brwraam.-AI1 orders uttandad te with punc - tnslîty. GEO. CMTOq Blrook streot, (Opposite tii. Royal liotel..) sept. 6, 1870. 8 P HOTOGRLAPH S AT >- 1 w Ia làa 0 U vl DOMINION GAILERYe Fo-iheeo oeqfineso * aot b. surpassod i saving mate great lmip -ramants lightlog ut titis gaier>', hbote ow tai oures bLLéer tlîau aven. Thé new Im ileturo laken At Wila*on's: ais e l Vengutta, ^e now sud ver>' beantiful AnythiV n ew bu t'hotogra;lir, fila1 hàvimg, eau h ed n- nt WilIsc's 0 ja&blutsflntuates, Vary loy. Olti-PC nestI>' e9pled. Fotriatte oulargedti tif tni ëacloretinlu ciwten colons or lot Mir. Wijlason la Van>' succeastul fa iludre!.plaans,- - B. H WII Apnil 12, 1870i 'g, pic-- bndt"l -1- ýuuu,îfctoe'upyanl' '- or blPEafea The aalebrated uaw patent sud cross-ag - patternofetlits cwn Invention. msan5jturd as boretoforo. -W Ail ordars exacutet i wtlopromptitude sud dispieteh. JOISEPI F. RAINEM WhltbY, ]MaY 3,1870. -l g . . THE GREAT FEMA.LE REMEDY Job Moses5'Perlodical Pilla. Th!s lnvilua'l, medilcine lui unfailiing lu he Cure Of ail those'palufati andi danirerous dis- eulfs!te wliloit the Ifemile constitution is smb- feet. It niedarates mli Oxconsandi romoves ail obstutonos, antI-eaod r ia eri 1 TO JLABiIED(LDI IL la paelilarly su% itati. lwill, lu a silort tino. bring ou the mcnthly pel0j witth reguIuriîy. In ail C.a.. cf Nervonai andl Spin.fl Afu.c- tiOe, ain. lu tl fBuuck and, LimbaFatigue. on stîih t exaftl<n, Paipita#lon elt i euert, Ilysterlcenu l ÏWhle, thasle Pilla will affect a cure *lîon 911 ctiar meaîîs have fluleti; anti althonghl a POwarfui remetiy, do not contin iron, calomael, aîîtimony, or aoyîhiag burtfaî te the eeî,stitutîeî, Fouldirections il] the pamphletarounti aucli package, wliieh oult ieha crefulliyprcearvç. Jol OBSEsNEW 1TeBK1 SoLiE P1R0PRIUEro $1.00 and 12% cent,, fer'posera, ancloseil to Northrop antilyman, Nawoutia, Ont., ga'ie- rai agents for the'J)eminleui will luaurs a bot- tic, eoutaiîiug aer 50 pilhr, by raturn, mail. For saleaVb' James By-nï nt . LGarrie, hib .P. Atituon a'îd lRobinson e& Ce. Oshawa ;J. Dawe,' Brooklîu,aiud aIl meàieianiers Fab. 22. 1870. ST. N IC1OLAB H10 T EL (LÂTz E sui, lIera,) DUNDAS STREET, WHITBY. The Suhacruher bega te inforin thea publie, that lia han nawly tteti up anti raevaedthe aLova hotel, wi e trayellars wili aud excellant aoeeuumudetîou. Liquora. Wiueu and Cigars otsnperiir< iiiity. Beat Luger Beer. Gooti saln n xteulliva shed recin. A. B. TSHAN Wlitby, Mbay 2ud, 18$70, TVER1APIN REýSTAUR ÀN T .A:ND BILLÙA RBfi :R8U M Su (8r 89, Ring street REut Toronto). T'HO OS ARLIBLE, PZ- RT Thomont- ets- gunti spuciongand tonrantlleanqdgu -lIetmauppiieti aI lerait hours. Wines Lt ora anti Cigars of tua Ouiest brands. Shil a au un stre lu avery style.- 1 . SPertias visiting Toronîto ura dePrwill aud evary acconmmodation ut the fera npî. Aprii 5,1870, 1 INSURANCE, & GENER L AGEUT. Whitby, Jan., 16th 1868-. g w ILLIAM DEVLIN -ANDi- ORNAlVENTAL PAINTER, flrcck Street, Whithy. AIl ct-ters attendat t with punetuaiity and tiespateb. gar Agent for boat samples ro'on Paer. May 8 1870. 1y-15 W.A. LAW, Land Broker,, Aceountant, CoorVEYàNEec, Cemiexalsolez INSURAYVE & iGEYER AG AEN2. 24-tf. STOUFFVILLE. OiTr. PORT WH-ITBgY. R. 'SNOW, - Proprietor. Tlîa aboya wul-kncwo botel lins lieun te- roughly runcvîatid anti newily furuisbied liv the t euflproprietor.,r TuaeSLibllug, &c., havée in n olfcent stata of repair, anti no-ý thîug hlia lco u anduteao naattlie requit-e- lîi Tarbla is stippliole Witheverytiuing cf the heet in sauseti, ana liouns but the be.,t brandue et IVines, Liquorsanti ograskeptut tha Bar. 17 IL,. 5NOW. FIRE ASRNECu LOMLBARD STREET& CRARING CROSS, GILLESE, MOFFATT & Coe nt o -< Canada. ,Agns e JAMES DAVIistN, Manager. INSURANCy againsi LOBS b,' TIRE are I.effoeti on tha uost favorable tsnus anti LOSSItS PAID withontreterence te the Wacrd In ond- o.. YEOMAN GIBSON, AprilSrt,1 6s. gent, i t by ETHVEPDL & LONDON &GLOBE Its INVICSTED FUNDS are. $17,05,036 Ita DAILY INCOME elesoos.... $20,000- ltaLIrE POLICIEtIare a Sure Protectiou for tha future. ILs FIEFOIT Slsuotiat Cumi 1> er~ 051 VVSiSU7C h1 huIt cf Lot No. ntI at rnbo on cver>' rasnnable SALE. 11h Conl. Wliltby, D14, ê knowîî se Wliin m ;rhau. uit Stable, asduito 'htiuars ppîp te- MnYK,,liuale. nt et-se, goca 4o iron 51 5117 sa wtltu tvo. andtil 111hoole! 'DERSON, icsverton P. 0. sa 1D 1To RB5 W2Ë, 1870. SA UN D-EýRS

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