Whitby Chronicle, 6 Oct 1870, p. 4

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"0s thea d'tg ai i ,,W*& nut leitsrY, d4Pionaie rokin fato ,.!eald of as14s&Dit vs tri drftiug bodlly ou tiseroof. If voir ttike, nu eou@ viiil UT e tellthb.taie. Shako àarof t of !tise mala.tQp.sli. BodEason maafort-top55l, sud double tes! h. lise aàband, it ; ivsmuat verS for- ear litems," Eteder, Ilmagne tise atuatî», if you eau. Tbrç.vs vers boise-to, -blovlug lS. iii. ver>' douce, and a aocf -Visitea1lesplng b>er to eeboard, vlull.a amali, dark coepriesrd its shsggy hecd tevarde lb. 'dei, ioverlug day, kSt i e L.Pioausele Book. The tock le igisi op asdddv, vils te feeptica -oftub.bugo#susSes. massestisatsueirois ifs bas.; sud mai> shipa have gens Lo pies. cul tai ed spot, carrylsig vibis» e;thîr Ilil-fated croe, lhepinnueobir monemosil, sud tisa -or et the brealseresbohir ovontitlng Wsil, leu meal b. sre tise grasa dld netq grow>und;our hess vile making sali, snd boudlug lth toposai; bar beforeirvs laid dowsrfrom alefi, a duilihooming ruer casme aargieg *iouosathésagny ses. h vas distîncti>' heard by aIl on board-, sud can min goâeedloto saiothèr'a fâeYu, thai ba! greva pallld aud paloeos te b>listeued, 1% vas tise drisd - voios cf the breakers; sud, vs nîloas isarts, ivs vatised tise noble veseel, tisai vas traiag ber ulmooi te uta e br preçIen istrdeu. 46Mled your bous», ut, anud vaLais ber etiâo, and lIci ber go ibeugi thse vaSer I' vas tise ofi rejpeLed rematia cf lise catalano as hi po..aensd ttc on tise Jr 4 trty a terrible sigis. wisopI tise sievasWu teetrougis oftise ses, noticîholuod Se sein but a vasteiuf waters; but visaé borneslofiothe Lise nâh cf tome yut vive, yen eould loch devu upou s bal anku ridge cf black, frowaing rocks, armouted b> tise dread pionaacie from..i iicb tb. name la dertved. ;1aoe the faresîl, Mr. Abisoit, sud an~tt'sd t(le Captai's veice seuuded as e and free tees» excitameut as If uctiini cnsen ual sappening. ta hi vua biard treggle ta set th"i..l, j sud tise ahip tain>' staggered audirthtie lr centras that vas on bser. We vire deloged fore aud art t vis ater, sund vi vire ec rapidil 'ueaing tie'reef it vuaaquestionCi vhther iabouid vestiser or net; if wre did, iL vanld be a coe &1ae. - . ."9Lur a&H yen eau m>' lad; bat don'î à, miaS. ber.'.' o 6tA>, as>'ir t1,vas tise ready reaponse oftï tie ld sesdog. 'C Tii vave cnied snd tcpplod aroand Il us ai iieseared tise tbreatsued peint, sud, as tisa>'calmiuaied, feU vwitis s report cf r ihundor oc htie rocks, wvues vers covered Thée -Ceptain grasped thse visel hhsit 1L ueeded nerve novr; sud tise qiip bensîded ibrougi tise vater likes mad ieed, gaadid Pl b> tise laisà. Tii roanlng cf this cea s i tise rocks, sud tise bowling oit tise vinfi, ti vire7dreadftai 1buttte alghir as more ý dteadful tissu tue noise. W. vire lua Lie midat cf Lb. foas» htisaubbiîd up around ua, sn ud L îmedilas tisagis vs vire lu tb. coutre cf a boiling osuidron. As ihiichip ro vas dririu cearer te tise rocks, hlmagiuod b, nour yarders would toeis the pinuacie. ni A fei moments more tise sbip dragged oui e afftrulba.ais dasiefiover ber, sud oe spent lîseiftpon ths rocks, tise spray fai. long baieS upon cor decha. Tise Pinuacl vas within tcu yards cf lcur cocoter, visen anotiser bise tarack us. We sprang aisead, snd tise nest instant tise terrible matra vas te vludwatd, ou car vreamblor quarter, aud vo vire sale, I think ail tis e v ireatbed e _pray of gratitude te tise Aligit>' for bi pro. tecticu ; anad the Captain graspid su>'baud, but sould net sa>' a word. We were sonbave-to ag.aiu, sud rode out the gaie, icis shertly alLer aSsted sud tveniy-four hourg latin, ve "ve hoonig aleug vilS ail saiset befene tise . cu.west metiicoii.M We veres scu off tise Ladrouses f sud ovlug. probabil', ta Seing noar thi land, tb. brenze falsed, sud toverds sucntsioca mils lappad idi>' agalusitishe maesh vas migist> provoing, Sut tisere vas ne beolp fan I. Ail igisi long i ojed ilu Ise long, easy aveui eaviag lu fros» tisein S slusg, Idiîeid dcvilaie tise câble, aud ropoited tSi faci btia a large JunS, fuai tfMeng vas puhlilg tovarda us. hu ivo minutes hi vas Ou deck, sud anuatching up tise giosa, gaie oae 1ook; sud siutiag tise Joints vilS *a eras, issislated, -"A pinatical 1var.jut, b>' lie Lord flerryI1 Caii ail banda,Urn. Ahisot sud atm tises». We havre féegisitti silemenstifor Out lies ; nov v>oirae, gel te figisi devils moeslu- -hium iiLb . ePinnule Rockr.', M il bauds vira socu einstened att, sud muehate, bo«srda-pihea, pitOIs, aud eut- loges. sried est. W. ba! but eue gun. okud tiasatv.hî-peusd.r. Tha Captai» bed brousi Ilt ou issp.eujstion, viii about ja bilned-pouado of amouai-Anad sud I noir bide fairto tesand es la goil noed. Wih eoasidrabie ansilt>'vo wstebed tisa jais as k siovl>' ppnoasbéd. 1'1 viliigive ,tise.Joalietgdevil& a wamnig tsu IOrai sd ksep thetndis- tauce," rmarhed tb. Captd aiss hbeleod blmselIaodisg iha bras. hvitior. s"I dou't cars le bave thos eme tee uear (Couelsded a eveS.> Biony youag detersautaiSgîtou if b. cal>' ba paileut&. wsu ta anus oted, uas i Wiiitby, sept. 210,870. 11W *OO9t TO BarEigs - -----a-: e 's ç lEnglish lplatod -Broochelq, JAMES- JOUNSTON*. Watcbmaker & Jevelior, Brook et. 'W hitby. March 28, 1870. BROWN #cPATTERSON, WE DEFY COMPETITION iteen yespa ctcleproc uteMnfcur fRaesadMvrsLs fes us that th clionsoSef-aigRpe"l e>frinaanecan'alr M achinte made at tbe présent day. We have fuat introduced it into Canada, aud man- flactured a ltmited number the paut season, and sas yt are the culy - manufacturera. Ibi& seasca oui Machine vill emnbrace such amal improvements sasa year's exjîerience ln the msanufacture bus suggssted. Strongl>' and durabI,' bolIt The best materili sed in Ita construction. ts nma- chinery te most comp and durable. Tbe least lhable- te get out cf order, The comb ination cf woed sud iron ln the finger bar, niakes It tbe niait perfect cf inger bars, The seat cf the driver, located oôutaide cf the driving-wheel,, se balances and rcliivcs ilo finger.bar, thatit la leus hable te sag or break than-that cf an>' other machine. Our Self-Rake la tbe mont perfect ever lnvented, sud consiosafcf ive Rakes revolving àround an axis close te the di lvlug.wbei, se placed as te, be entirely under Lb. contrai of te driver vithout atoppiug Lb.teani. Tt cuts snd deives tangfed, crlnkled, or lodged grain rapidi>' sud lu gcod shape. Cuts a six ot swath, witb as litti. draft as a light four'feet Mower, sud no ide draft ritatever. Tt cot ul sîi, wlLh a common eam, frem fifteeu te tweuty acres per day, and bas out oe u udred snd fort>' acres lu seven day.. It ls.nisnufactured lor.Reaplng only, because iL has been demoustrated thant a owpa- ste~~ Rpesu oe iilttcumoegasadganthan two Combined Ma- blue, sd catsmuc les l tii agregte.Besdes a epaate Machine la. lesa cern. ilcaed tan cominedeue les habe t ~ctcuL t o der sdla aiwaya. ready -fer Thî Reperba ben l acceafu opraîcucul' iveyeasbut is man>' superior oint ofexcllece ave ou or L drin tha Lie amultitde cf fieuds, sud a po- ILin nyerbefre ttansdby u> baveser u s shrt Lie.Fer the firat two or hree years IL vfas compsratlveiy littînkowu; but ânriugtLb.pât two seasous it vas widel>' iutrodoced Lrosibout the rini ipalwheat-groving sections ofthte land, sud ined a popuiarity unprecedeutedluathister>' of l1eping Michinres.'. iITHE HARVE8T 0'F 1869.-OJR- RECORD. For lau years there bas net been a season viten grain hsn been lu no bad a condition (r barvestiug as the paît eue. The straw bas been exceedingl>' bear>', broken sud badi>' lodged, thereby'severel>' teat!ng the sbility cf te differeut machines te vork uder iach circumstauces.., This test te IJohuston" Self-Raker, ewing tu its peculiar Dnstruction, bas been enabled tu meet sucoefuily, furnisbing te the farming publie onclusivé preof that iL la equal te au>' emer&ene>' sud a cpmpee uc'eea ifacl iinda. ni condtionao grai n. ,WbhLby, Ma>' 5, 1810] BROWN &oe AX'L.LJON. 18 0.~ HA OTEL. o 00 BOU 0T S ANO SItES WHIOLESALE & RETAILO.- w-m.m Keeps constantly on hand, and in course of manu- facture, the largest stock et Ladies' Gents' and Misses' Examine for yourselves the excellent material and fine work- manship. 15.April 13, 1870. WU. BURNS, Brook et. OFFICIAL ASSICGNE.EU GENERAL ý.AGENCY OFFICE! 'lEuudersigued isaving receoived te a0ppentment cf Ofcial souc oNrtis AOntario, la prepared te gIr. prompt attention te aIl matera uBakspc'o Iusoivncy. ~Promassor>' Notes sud Accounla apeedil>' ceilectei anudIremlittsancm On good fans seerit>' atS per cent intereat Special, attention viii b. given te the negeetaten of Lams, sud borettvnW yiel>' upon isaviug thiss applications attended te prempil>', and ai stuali. axpense. ,t, Aise, Lande, betitImproieda e ln proved constantl>' forisal. Insurances gfetdlu te Ontanio larmera utnal insurauoe Compati.' M" "iaAêguee sud sutr OFWE-lulgolov'Bioek, neidoor to the Ro>oCauaiaBnk. Port Ierry, Doembr215. 8 fila 1 E-11 x XIX, k)0JflK F .I c PALEALE Don Brewe As the propritor atteu stock of Aies sud. Porter catia Parties desirons of 1having A' irnported, ara respectfuliy solit smnall, nd try, for theaxwcelves. Wituh tihe nid of -ourduareasi, ci. (ali the ycar round) second N;. .-Ordernel4iit' Mr- Brook Street, WhitbK will roct Dec. 1, 1869. I Ç~oronto, Ont. persoi lIyto the> Brewing, a reg uiar s be.d1ncdupon, fsupei~ = ahi>'su Porter elnal te , an>' te seudbi odn for a quantas>' large orý jlitiea, we aie euabled te prot3uceal anti. loue in tii. Dominion. S E SAMO, nt tihe Furniture Warerocmis, .1 48 THEOfLD STAND!1 [ES.TAB4LSHED 1833.] The un 'dersigned in -retiYdlno" thanks for the liberal patronage hitherto~~~~~~~~~~~~ oxeddLmb odetbiOcifrnai'apeidc ai'ye s, oesirca ta su>' thaut bc has uaw auniiaudàlargeoasartaneni cf the uloat mo d e udegant styles of 3eIm .r r i~ And trusts by proper attei*ion and moderateicen to secure a ccntiiuance cf public patroage. Practicual upholsteriatg. Furutture re-stuffcd and covered. e Ilndertaking. and FuneÜaIs Fully Supplied as heretofore, . wSome splendid specinsens of Picture Frames, and Gilding. Rememlser ,tlteONc Stand.<-;- Wiitby, March 9, 1868. . X-1 à7 m 4 10.1>'y IN.SUR.ANCE, INSURAIW TUIEROYAL.>î COMPANIE-S: Capital, $2,000,000. HIEAD OFFICE, B, TORONTO. FRANCIS HIEWARD, Zs, a,ý 131WER1XL,-: IMEAI> OFFICE IIENTOUL BItOTLI1S, NORTH BRIT:119! MI) flOFFIèE MeDOUJGALI & DAVIDSON; rd&ÀrEtss. 1 JOhIN AGNEW, Capital, $2,00O,0OO. JOHN AGNEW, - AGENT, WIrnT. Capital, $2,000,000, - NONTREAL. JOHN AGNEW, -- AGENT, WrB.'-. 11031E9 - '< Capital, -$1,500,000 HIEAD OFFICE,- NEWIIAVEN,, CON. T0JO1N AGNEW, AGENT, WHurnar PRoOVINCIAL, Capital, $ 400~,0OO.- niEAD OFjE JAS. SIDNEY CROOKER, MÂNAGI2. TORlONTO. JOIIN AGNEW, AoeoerT, Wumwy. SCOTTISIL PROYINCI.N-L - (LIFEB - Capital, $1,000,000. IIIEAD o]FIuî, I5ONTIIEAL. A. DAVIIYSON PAUK14M,. JOHN AGNEZW,. AGENT, Wn ~3.'Aise theu ColonisfIlSeçu'rities Company, for the Loan of Money, at reasonable raHNAGNsw JON Agen, I it> Whitby, Januar>' 4, 1870. ma rire Proof Ciimneys, Spriltg Br, 2-Whitby, Juan. 12r,1870Y. CO) o rý Po ig Storo. L1OD= BE8T C«( .Whitby, September 2C 1870. IL alWays,,/ g~ Ai HMLtON AN C~A &N Y, JUSI REC4IVED AT A FINE ASSOMIMENT .OF NEW CA-NADIAN TWEEDS SUITA.BLE FOR FALL AND WINTER ýWEAR. (iothing Made to Order ini thé latest Style&. ALSO A LARGE ASSOMTMENT 0F' Whitby, Augnst 24, 18.70. <3É4 Brooklin Drug Store. D BALERin luDrugs, Patent Nieâioinel§ Palotis, 011e, Dyb Stnfl's, Canfecticu. ery, &o. , r:go winctanud liqucaaot the bestqitality for Maidicait purposoat. Vorse 4. Caille MediruealOais ofitkand Brackiîi,C. W., 1sop .215 ARMSTRONG'S HOTEL, (Laits Plutui'o.) UX13RI1IDGE E. ARMJSTRONqG, - Proprietaîr. ,L pletaiy rtiaovetegl tic jAroe (,Id e1iilil' cd ftrot-cÈia i teaci tînt] cite it Toiiw of tbc paiblic tai iâ »fiieniThe. Tiubie niid bair miplilied witlî the litt' (00 ooloai te- jing, &é. B Uxbrialp', Jan. 2eorf, b. GEORGE CORMACE. L JilrG:L2iist, W itl'y. Arge<u'aaaaail. tttyof.al ,kindt§ai lnnliruienaitati] on u nc. UNDERTA KIN O.' FUNETtALS fnlin >upî)l"il.i c;,, b ai ta "dnu Aiia,,t iotieb. Cofdac t cpt Un'a.a1 a baud. WhiLby, Fab. eth,1 S62. HENRY GRIST, PATE AU OTTA W A,_ CANA.IhA, Traiua.cts bsiean wca v ficta. pt'a.t Office, andî'J tier tcp;artmcaaas ofile Gcaria- meut. Copyreglitaa aatii tlîice rc'giiraitioaai of traide hIarksaa-ad Des igais proctîrcd. DraiWrgà. gpecificaziae>s. and calerlcemrî e,- W5y Ioe ectiore Pin-5Oei f JInaeaoi, ipapon uare ecri p of the Modelofi* he Iavenion;a.and pein- mars>' earchec inthe Patent caric- Jui> imaide. Grand Trunk Railway Heotel., A&T WHITBY STATION, 'TKM. O'NEIL haiviaeg piraihaaed dt ilctei TVsd promtises -kaovu asthae Granad Trnîak tictol, Wlitby statioan, bcg to iaforini ii frienalisansd thae traveling pukictiaaat ho ha% ltted up th i iafi aut] ,taain iairet- clams, stylo , anad by attentlinitathe wiîuts et tiiese lao lever'b.lm witl tijeir piatroyaige trusta ta caerit a coctnaunes of tiaear eaatomt. SW" Parties takug the train sud bau imag taarao, viili ave theni veli taiken eai'e af tilt their returu. Wghitby, Sept., 1888. f - P OE SOIlJ. POSIT, aa o r PIANO-FORTE, &c. .RESIDE.NCIE, a]Byron Streot, Tzffaa.-hauatructiont; an Pitane, $10. 'Thoor>' of Musical compositiou, &é., 02. Mg~1r. Font keepa sgeneral stock cf Muie-sud Books, fan asie, sud vishesas cal tramn bistMusical fieuda. Witby>, Marais 2,1870. WUITBY,-. NT A. A SON, Proprietor.- Tise abo-ve lias bien aliorongll>'rcnavated, &pril -1, 1110. --- - t BLAC KSMITUI'S WOuM. B-0- ' - 'hie aindormigned, ln retumnuing thansulteLahis friands Maudnay onatoaners,lite aaise te assure thoan testjoail vrk enitrutedti t hie garc, vil!, mse lentofore hi exaicuted i atise boit, style. IfEJIOVED .70 DUZf>'ASS2REBT, Opposite A. C. Wilson,, Paintet's. Wlilby, Apiil 18, 1670. ly-l 1 COMMERCIAL HOTEL, BROOK ruT., WITBY. i»irbebr liJga toi annauince ta bis Tfricot]»s ad the publie, tait lie bas te- rIaI led 1josetssial cf tile attcyveldl afi- y I;bi b wn'liotol, wiu!eh isnaw fltted ýpý e aipuairior flaaaaer, witla oVer Ceiveua- eirai for' tie recaipticai cf guacats aadý the trai- ~I~liettaccommtodiaticn. atand siporior wii em, iquoraitand cigairy. *Gaood tacbii>ir, witli citelced ]Yards, anaiattoiti-ve Ostlerail. way m oi t te promises. Cliarges Jioderate. E. M. CALDVEILL. %VliitioV, .iai.44, 1968. 2-17 ARIR'SAVE YOUII MONEy BUVT TI£ M(,TEtaBLE PATENT PL1OUGII POTi4T ýAii>BAT£ Zr10 Per Cent in the Year! 'le iîde.eed 1mi' te clitlic attention of lo:;e'i thvu tu' îvc;tllk ]'ateit 1'iuagia j'.: l.tlic. rdtwlh i-. rniers eci.» affect ai ati20per ent ;:itheuai riu Theai nara- ttlý! 1)nirît offiy cuats 5 cOate, wlipeithae *or- ildi" y il oigl,îîr aîd polit ataied coarta Ilts lie ailuare wili hast toi Wearonttai il- li4>a ltO thMVcabla i t§, ii, tus eetrý, a avilig tuatt wlI bai at cure appareant t9I Savé i aoaey thon sud aise the moveable .=îj Towaaa'Iip itiuits so' ale.. li OJ3BS Il-TRENNUM, Alliey 10-Propletors. W ilitby. sud JAIS. TRENNUII, Oshiawa. Wtaitby, Jau. 5. 1870. JOHN CARTERI LICE'NSE D A1JCTIONEER. ONTARIO, YORK.& PFEL. r-0 RE 8IDEXCE-Lot 8, Mt Cou.,, Miarklam.-I>ost Ofica-Uniouville. ÈA LELS attenddt]naithei slîrteactuoice,sui on r(,Iiasnaaalc eternis. Ternis; eau becanadesià ) bis priaîtectatthe Chronloie ice.forEri Carter. 1 BRITISH AIEIRICAN Capital, $400OOO0. TU IE nucélersigned having been appcintcdl Agent fer thae above Company, ila nov preparcal te laaauaerepetiagaicant 1.028BT 9IE, oauthe oat Lfavoraitrnis. 2-12 Agent, Whaitby. N 0O-XT]àEEBN 11OTEL 1 WHITBY. R. P. CLARE, - Proprietôt, IL. t.Clark begs ta iuform bis eld *ieDè anal cugtaors thutb al asaiftted sud t'eue vated the eld hotel knovai ab tb. Farmerit, "ln,' Brook mt., viser. lhe viii b. bsppy to-nê cei e , oh n i n gir ,hlm a eauI. - Good' Aublng, box-stshts, and&eueised >'ard. Xodj.ý rate charge. - -.. R.P. CLARK, Jam. 5,7. G- Nos. 78, 8e. aud 82, Si Thoe subsaor-ibet basopsua for the nscooadtian oel te Les4 aooomaadatiana reofthbe talis% 75 roamas, vît gond for 60 horâco. Terasa soda C. LA THE ROBSON (LkxATE0PUIrmx' DUNDAS STREET, 1 GEORGEROIISON' TIRE aubserlibir begar t( cd-, rei1urnishel, sait1 fqtted tie, bestofsatyi e. .prex sitnated. DLppoalte tha f.ool Iceutreof theTavaiD. TheRlailwsyt>unibusca the s;tages for uxbrldgc a Lhedcaaýererrnorniag. I GEOI 1W' carefalaosctlera i WhitbyMsv os. suiNiai Pelisf, Oycr anti Tcrnjne, an&' GnaiGaol Delivir>', wvltbu halden iu sud lor tise Cl'ctaty'f Outairio, iai the Court lionse, Iaillie Tovjii't W bitS', ou Tuesday October-,'18th, -1870ý At the-bour cf12 o'cltaek, iinocf viieli ail Coroners, Justi-es cf the PPe ni 1 thr coueerned viiltaesnctiàe sud garer th-t suives aecordingly. Sti'ff's Ct. Whitby, sept.>7, 1870.' $ N. B'LOW Vr SON Prdu 'ad Commissioit DIJIJDIS 8T1?EPR2, WRHIIBr (1 door Jlnat cf tue Iobsn Ha1jnse.) B>go ta infolemn ui il-tai tlacy baie 0oa- atautly auniasnd a sniarioîr qsaýity of Fient, Ouitanud Coir» >eai, Crackea lVlieat, Grattai Fiant, Gate, Brnan d Siorta, Aud aytiaig un tie Feood lina deirered ou thai shortcat notice, wiieh îe wle elcep s a t a d P l u . a t a r f o r s cal e t. s i c i e p IW Uighieat 'coe Paid fargooti uaaU. March 10, 1870. 10O~U. TEETI! EXTRACTEDj Bâ WITHOUT PAIN, Ja NITROIJS OXID LAUGIIINQ GAS, OR1 TIIE NEW' LOCAL AN2FSTHETIO,* AT- DENTAL BOOMS, DUNDAS ST'REET~ 1WIITBY, C. W. ROOMS.-Ove. M. Il. Caebnane'a Store. Wisitaay, Jane 26, 1867. 25 Queryy Wby in it tuai tfiel a n aoh saru» for platuus.-- -AT- CÇLARK'S GALLERtY? It l l bcattieo acbte beat Galleu l Caait>', sud lias more patieuce wih iebiin thsaay aLlier ArtiatIin the Conutj, ses S do quilte as good werk se anyolaur --n in thie Le Tha ' vaLtm thenitter, e4 b. bsckvard abont oming féarsd.VA 1811CR ST., W ITW. - WblLby, Nov. 12,1867>. , -JOHN ROBINSON!% Flair Dressing - and Shaving - --BIZOCK ST, WUMB. SOUT So7a orvi Bisez oir isousuxa.. . Wlitby, Jan. 22, 18. -ÀUCTION BUSiNESS 1869. M89e . LT CONVI T 0 w IN WEI ]PLI 1 L Agentq Wbitby 1 GÎr.m r«M ciiiirmoib, ûý. ý xi kc ivi - 1

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