Whitby Chronicle, 3 Nov 1870, p. 1

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~;Eo-At the bur fNINB o'clok, in the ~Rg0N ~.si orto itoyar Laudo or es mucb there l swa O ceary fOr ;the Taxs 31 ad ail lawfl'charges inuwTed inanmud about snob sale, CE Il. D.ART7Oi]ILJ, - AWZ~ TTOENLI, êz~rNWILL14M pAXTON, J. iro;»5plt7l1egïmt'rar, Mutor Extraordl ' r.si.r . ud examiner lisC1aucery for t.tet.'icu-' rWrr .0 Otatrio. Office Blrook-çt.,, Whtby. .1.ER J WILSON. B ROcJcx MISTEIL & ATrUJtZY AT LAW ilito rsi hsoe".È, &o. Whitby, C. Al' LOT 6>0K. ACRESEMAiLs TAXES -cors. TOTAL '0,cer Ojarwo Baik, ou tfiu Nortli -i 0o 2 16 ~ (ETI ~ NWl 10 2 50pateud-9 38 1 21 10 59 N na~ rIle, 4IY-ATr-L.tw iWotEi9, 2 50 Pateuted 340 0l 4 83 35 84 1 1 ~ rlChisncry, Couveyaacter, Ne- Soutîahbal' 10, 3» 100 pal.enrcd -1 62 1 02 2 64 î,e outh balf 13, 4 100 ùupat'ed, 30 ý31 1 73 32 04 i-Roat'door bto thetori of i2. & J.Subpt2,6 1paeed79527 822 11, Brou k 1 L, MhiLblt.WSout P 1, 6 1ptne 795297 822 Iîy, N(ov. 18, 1867. 46 a'1 patented 3 10 .1 05 4 15 Me Bl. FIt5N North Pt 7, 7 137- patente& 2-91 1 05 3 96 =RNOTÂJIT ?111L1C, &o.c.1004 ,%*Ail, . --West blaf 16, 7 100 pitented 27 58 1 Ge 29 2 C. A. JNIEa.f hait 17,18 100 patented 43' 74 2 07 45 81 ite, solcator la Chuaieefr, Aif: South part 24, 8' 1 patentý»d .3à 03 1 OS 4- 0&- torney, &c.9 &e Wetî prt 14, 9 îS"-paiented, 14, 33 1 34 15 67 >vs lii %hN o aI'-orveetn]'ct f 18, 9 100 -patcnted. 47 86 2 17 50 03 )You, , ',40 East halt 18, 9 87 paîcnteil 34 19 1 83 '36 02 - SEBpara 18,9 il pacented :-387 2 07 4 94 i*WSLiEGE~ East part 18, e 2 patented 78 1 00 1 78 IJR8*TEJ1E8 8PJ West h'slt 19, 9 100patented ~ 97 2 00 42 97 e PUtBLIC. N.J<,AI N hait 23,9 100 pa±ented 8 54 1. 19 97 C.-On,0 door torIl fbb ot Hl. W 4of W& Il 10 50 1aténted U0 '24 1 48 21 72' aii Mereot.,r'o .00rtt, olpoite , E jf W il, 10 50 patentud .25-89 1 62 27 5i R.~ WpfN&280 10 30 patent.ed -.522 1 il -6 33 sWU. Sourh.hait 1, 1,1 70 pateuted 6 41 1 14 7 M5 - finh hali .1, 11 30 pateîîted 29 70 à 72 91 42 1.AUDEEZ, VLOCK i t I1L, 8Ej B 1, 12 50 patented 4 54 1'O9 5 63 BARITIS W qtr 4, 12 50 patcnted 8 12 1 18 9 30 8 bt.n, 1lctrsiCa Sait'. 24, 13, 100 pateuite<1 -4 32 1 08 à5à ur.se Isl'nc,~ "N E qtr- 7, 1J 50 patented 18à 34 1 43 19 mo.UMI:uBlock, i~ak8 outh ha li 9, 14 100 patenteid 24 29 I1 58 25 87 'oJî..i1uds 8le, I.ty qtr "13, 14 50 p3aened 27 54 1 66 29 20 mn, .J. Itoua, Q. 6, l.1Vd WTrU~. t Vr)z.1~W UW'Ut wIA Le . LL-R . TrOUSEIY-A'r-l.A W*. rlt>LCIT'RLI1.ý Oiaauoer>, iutaiy1Publie. <ouveyaicer, 1 %., Wll.tpy.y %' . OF't'îi., J Mroi treict. ilà Chat. ____________40 COUVEYA MCEII,LAN 1)AGENT &C. -Oflttl.-Over Arîa4rtouîg'a Ilub 1, Miait. $t., Uxbridge. ýUxbridgsefrJuie 7th, 1 ýqrO. t-2 DR. HANCOCK< 19. à. GliNx, il. D. wq lEN TO VIE <3OUXTY <iAtL, t a 011 trot, WIlti1y,4 _7r rlo-iAt4 11!UNT4ON, T WN CLIiK <a'rîi -,AUîai. W IITBY WELLINGTON IIOTEL, *MAIU<1-AM. T?3J 'LOY ii EWT.-"!,ua,,t nd profit 6. 1B. WI£Ll$i, tz89 ray, N. Y C.. N. V Uaatsllua ,dirieeti>tappO. imeae6itrept titrdli orirth offItle tOntario Bank. WILSON iOUSE, A. WIL SON, Jr., - Preprietor. -V IE SuýSC EIII M . goLo tanouie to hi, eft Alibril, fur tlitie couaîtî, ut ti. ris- W eiliag ubl ic. llie u.., 1, aaw. ,a.Ifor- * ...iedtici a()t lotltraîtxI hand Colm.lrtablel W ~~~îauuot. n Gtat wiIl iiid cvaîcr :îeui c sud Cigars qf Ille bt i iuadsa lwa>ls kept uon gand. L GooJ 8tablig nud attenttive Oa4tlcro la ii ne . W ILSON, J r., i'roprietor. Ili , IMay lat, 1869, t-1 R0TAL ANAIAN IIOTEL. H..- FOY, - Proprictor. superlor accotmodation. God sîabliag andwabod rootus, uni!aattveoastlerà. Port Perry, Nov, 8, 1869. 45 - l y IITB Y. BUANtJ!î B IBLE D EP08iTO- 0R Y! The atetnteonuf tlle public la inviteci 10 the utew snd well .ci,eut.,d stock or *BIBLES and TESTAMENTS, uiith, s'il wthout the pasinls i n mete.,. aow ta ho fouild sI tils Depo.,tery of 1h. Wliltb>y 1ettil b' the tupooitury, witii greait cre,, ad =09ab. otnd W tu braca ioluitc, jr, Varions ityvlus or, buildirir, plain sud art, ,tne'tai. . Depostory-At jus. IL G(Jrrie,', 1ruc store, iwhtbyt J u y 214, 189. 29, B. PLANK - - - Proprietor. stages to Alla from Whitby cail daily. Every attention paid tb guesta. Carflai aaen- Ii ostlera. VILLAGIi O? VIIOOIIAZITOIÇ, il! BROCK.. 84, 35, 87, IsW S w E haïl N liait SE cj N ha!t 8 W Soth 8 W pý N half 8 hall'ý patented Pa cnîed patentîed patenter] Iu;aIeIîtcd 42 1 iatentcd 2 25 1 03 3 28 43 patetted 2 25 .1 03 3 28ý I E A c 7H. qtr 19, 4 50 patetiteri 7 99 1 17 9 le part 20, 6 8 latoit-d 1<) 5.3 1 21 Il 7 7' pa.rtl; 20, 6 4 patnted 2 93 1 05 3 98 14, 7 200 puWitee 21 412 1 52 22 94 16, 8 197 î.awentd 46 0:3 2 1.3 48 16( f 16,.9. 100 laitaer]-53; 51 23 58,3 18, 9 73lîeatted 3?2 74 1 79 34 53 if 1, 10 100 iaîLt'rîîted 6 '" 1 14 7 48 if 18, 10 100 patemîed 1 4 I 47 2ÃŽ1f)1 191, 10 200 îjitented 1-49O 4 70 153 71 so'ner 20. 10 10 p),îetîted 6 98S 15 8 1.3 tr 2, il 50 Ipateutter] 80 96 0 83 96 tf 5, il 100 1atenteîd 8 80 - 1 2 10 01; qtr 6. 12 50 paterited 10 42 1 24 1 66 part 21, 12 24 pa!tenter]d 3 76 1 07 83 S, 13 10 p.atenu.ed 1 13 1 61 24 22, 13 200 îatented à3 42 2 31 -5V 1j 14 patenter] 13 98 1 il part 6, 14 14'4~ patenter 2 94 1 05 3 99 art 6, 14 5 patented 4 3414 0 7 5 41 3 î 8, 14 100 ptinetd 79 47 2 96 82 43 19, 14 100 patenter] 28 28 1 68 29 96 BORELIA, I'AREWVELL'S PLAN. 1j pateuiter]- 6 '39 1 13 7 52 181 pateuîted .63 1 i 60 1 i3 19, patcnuéd '63 1 00 1 63 20, patented] 63 1 00 1 63 36, patented M631 O0 1 6 - 37, patientedl 'w 1i 60 1 63 N 40, patenter] 63 1 00 1 63 41, pateutter] 14 58 1 34 15 92 4.9, patenteî 14 58 1 34 15 92 43, pateuited 6.3 1 00 1 63 50 patented ' 63 1 60 1 63 51 î,ateted 63 1 60 1 63 .5- pteti 2 43 1 04 3 47 53 patengter] 63 1I()0 1 63 62 paterîteri 63' I 00 1 63 63 patenter] 9;3 1 00 1 63 64 pateliter] 63 1 00 1 63 73 patenter] 63 1 60 1 63 74 patenter] 63 1 00 1 63 75 ' patentcd 63 1 00 1 63 76 patenter] 63 1 0 163 78 pateuited 63 1 60 i 63 79 atetlted 4 'à6 1 17 5 93 87 patentcd 4 20 1 08 à 28 94 pateuiîed 63 1 00 1 63 97 patentcd 063 i-00 1 63 102 patenter] 63 1 00 1 63 104 pat.cîted 63 1 00 1 63 109 patenter] 63 1 00 1 63 110 pateruter] 63 10 1 63 111 patenter] 63 1 00 1 6e. N 112 patented 63 1 00 i 63 E1 113 pateriterl 63 1 00 1 6q3 E 114 patenter] 63 1 00 1, 63 0f 115 patenter] 63 1-00 1 63 W 116 patenter] 63 1 .00 1 6à of 117 pateuiter] 63 1609 1 63 E 118 ptu'nted 63 1 00 1 63 Stl 119 patenter] 3 53 1 67. 4 60 El, 120 patented"-63 1'00 1 63 W 121 patent.ed 63 1 006 163W- 122 . patented (;63 1 00 1 63 -E 1127 patented 63 i 60 1 63 Of 128 patûnted o 3 1 00 1'63 E 1 129 patented .63 1 00 '163 K 130 patented . 63 1 00 1I63 W 134- .patented 63- 100 1 63 NE 135 patent.ed 5 58 1 12 610 N 136- j'atented 6ý58 1 12 670 -Pt 19 65 1,47 '-12 '1757 1 42 1899J 14 30 133 15 63 14 30 1323 15 63 14:30 i133 15 63 14 30 1 33 15 63 14 167 169 171 172 175 177 178 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 -188 189 191 192 194 195- 196 199 '200. 201 202 203 204' 206 14 75 112 113 114 115 116 li8. 119 200 Q01 Tannery Blook A. 3 Sub div lot 1, 4 tiloek D, 4 B3lock (C, E I D. 1 Block I-I,lot A 40 W half .3 lilock A,lot 9 N' W angle 5,.7 CJentre ot 2, 8 ,'Wpart 17, 23, 6 25, 6 27, 8 33, 9 79e 7 patenjt£-d pateuted psteatea ý patented1 pateuited pat.ented patented I piltentiidI patez ted' patented. .paeated 1 patented 1 patented 1 pateiWed 1 pateouted li patented' 1 patented 1 patented 1 patonlted1 patoutcd 1 patliited, i patcnted 1 patented -1 ýlpatented 1 patcnted l1 paten ted 1 patentod 11 p:tenied 1, patentcd 11 Patencd -8 56 1 '19 9 75 paterned 7 20. i1 16 8 36, patentéd 8 8o '-120-10Io o patenîcîl 14 78 1 35 16 1.3 patçnted 4 48 1 09 5 57 Iihteflted 10 58 1 24 Il-82 patented 9 97 1 23 If 20 patented 10 64 1 24 il 88 patented 10 01 i 25 Il 981 1>tented 3 08 1 05 4 13 patented 3 08 iO5 4 13J patented 62 99 1 61 pawenteil 62 09 1 61 patençeri - 5 58 1 14' 6 72 4 18 l 10 0 1 Ë 9 01 01 '01 01- 01 ýol 01 ol 101- 1:O 11 l'O ' 1 fi O 101 -1 01 1 ol I-Ol 1.01 1-61. '2 02 g 2 02 Par -' '2 Pat;e :2 b2'Part Z'202 $la] 2 02: 2 02 'ha 202 E pa .'*02 W h' 2 02 s Ë 2 02 Shlal 202 NShal 9:02- 'Pt-c;f 2 02 2 02 2 02 .2 02 .2 02 2 02 2 2 PRINCE ALBERT. p:atceùited 22' 98 p:aenter] .3 49 1 06 patented il 22 1 26 patenter] 2 92 1 05 patenter] 2 9,2 I 05 paLtenter] 3 71 1 67 patenter] 8 Il 1 18 MffANCIIESTER. patentcd 2 67 1 64 patenîter] 310 106 15 patented 31 «2S 1 76. 5 patenter] 787 1 17 WH!ITBY. 2 patenter] 1 pâtenter] 4I p atenter] 30 patenter] 14patenter] 4paténter] 6 38 4 0 22 30 ý3 7o' 25 66 2 47 BP.OORLIN, (t'en7'. [Plan.) 154 1 67 1 62 1 04 1 13 ro. 5 71 8, 91 12, 3l, 36, 47, 49, 60 c1 62 à9 76 Wpartl10 1 part 14, i Jof W &21, 1 18E qtr 26, i part 202 VSpo l, 3 pt'ofE 4)0, 3 ,all 23, 3 hall 30,3 1W hall 1, 4 balt 33ý 4 bal e, 5 1,bal 9,5 E coDruer22, 5 W part 10, 7 otV18, 7 4patenter] 15 76 4paténter].' 15 '7C 4patenter] 1,5 76 -J patenter] 15 76 4patenter] 15 76 p atenteri 15-.76 & patenter] '15 76 & patenter] 15 76 j patenter] 14 96 4patenter] 15 19 Spatenter] 9 19 4patenter] 7 51 4patenter] 13 84 -4patenter] 2 36 patenter] 5 25 pateitter] 5 25 patenter] 5 72 patettted 8 72 paténter] 8 60 patenter] il 68 patenter] 19 99 1 .37 1 37 1 37 1 37 1 37 137 137 1 17 1 32' 1 3Y4 i 1 i17 1 3 1 60 1 12 1 27 1 47 TxBlRiDGF. 15 patenter] & patenter] 50 patenter] -15 patenter] 2& patented 1 patinter] 50 'pa:tenter] 10 patented 157 patthter] 83 patented 100 patenter] 100 patented 1 patenter] 100 patent-ed 160 patented 100 paenter] 33 patenter] 83 pateuter] 19 pitented 46 2 45 10 54 S 066 1.23 1 25 2 79 52 OS 23 87 15 62 20 42- 2 57 67 14 1832 17 06 5 90 26 90 2 76 10os 99, 104 1 24 1 10 1-01 1 01 1 05 2 28 1 57, 1 37 1 49 1 05 2 175 1 43 1 40 1 12 1 65 1 05 120 4'55 12 48 3 97 3 97 '4 78 South hait 1.3, 1, 1,1C 4 M -*k.orth hilîê 2, 1 North hif 3, 1 1, 2 330 .6, 2 9 04 10, 2 Southi haIt il, 2 4 99 3 23 84 33 2 N2 orth btIlf 4, 4 228South hidi' 5. 4 3 51. North.1if hIt 514 .72 orth hait 6,, 4 boutb ha'if 1, 5 17 13 , 5 17 1 -Soth hll . 5 17 1 1 , 5 17 13 North hall 14, 5 17 13 15, 5 17 13 19, 5 17 13 Broken 2. 6 17 13 Broken . 4, 6 16 31 - 5,6 6 6 16 51 N E&N 7: r 10 40 South haIt' 12, 5 8 68 0f South bail 17, 6 [5 16 South part 24, 6 3 40 1,7 6 36 'Broken 2, 7 6036 B3oke 6 84 Boken , 7 9 92 North hall 16, 7 9 7.1 JSouth bail 18. 7 .2 95 North hall 20, 7 1 ?0 46 Souîth hall 20, 7 1 Broken 26, 7 Broken 27, 7 4~, 3 2 6 2 o h h t 7j 8 1 Nforth hall 18, 8 1 1 44 South halt 18, 8 1 .34919, 8 2 .178 20, 8 2 6 16 Nýýrth lait23,,1Ji 2 24 Pouth part of 23, 1 .384 1, 9 '3 North balil 6,9 1 à 44 South hall 6, 9 -*i 6 99 Ntwth bal 7, 9 1 I 91 North hall 8, 9 3 62 South hall 8, 9 9 79 North hall 10. 9 1 9 76' North hall 19, 9 1 8 46 South al 19, 9 1 7 02 Nôrý-b hall 2, 9 1 8s 55 W quarter 2. 9 1 29,9 1 ~~V32 '6'2patented 2~' - 6 patonted VE 7"*m9patented, -T200 pat"nted 61 7 20o, 'patqtetd- tf 28iD)o pate.nted lif 2~~i09 patented if 3, 8 2 00 patented 4,-S* 100 patented 4uit 4, 9 patented r 4,8 9 patented- of-x4 6,o 63 pat.onted ifi,46,1 7-attti f 7,8 100 paented, ~t1, 9i 90 patcniod 2, 9ý 200- patened, nted r 5, 91I. 50 patentedj ma 0 pitented 1j 1, 9 100 patented' artK 1. 2ý 30 patontfed f' 3.,1 10'0 patenurd1 If 3, 1'100pae d .4,1 i100- patenl.ed1 4, 1 6 patented 'rTOW.NeSIP Cop , j ilf all it 1 91 1 43 1 14 1 87 1,12 183 150 2 30& 1 73 1923 S42 133 I35 875 12 68 10 36. 3b 76 5 os -52 91- 18 08 6 44 35 93 5 7 4 34 10 16 80 5 18 $ 18 10 36. 5-9 88 10 28 10, 18 7 55 17 94 22» 91 14 44 14 92. 16 40 5 66 39 60 S904 13 97' 6 18 oS 21 31 A 86 35 93' 18 30 O28 9.36 il 59 55 19 Il 41 8 71 16 27 1779 678. il30 COIN. AcuntS.REMAUB AtICoa ,TOAL- E Rt àf 29, 1 o0 Patente.] 3 96 1 07 5 os 2,1 200 Pa'tcuîîed 129 88 4,22 1,34 10 3,1 200, Paterted 121 05 4'26 12.5 61 w 1'4,S~ 100 seted 41 22 2.0.1 43 28 w11.7,2 - d atnt I'140 1 26 12 72 28, 2 "'aeted 06 13 71 ,2 ..4,, ted 6'~ 4 107 ~~ 2 - te 83 00 1 83 w7 15, 3 100 'phî ted 65 84 242 6C8 46 Pt W* 20, 3 42 putenter] 14 79 1 34 16 1,- E 0f1 V 24, 3% 0 patentod 28 57 1 69 30 26 E4 32, 3 .100 patcltcd 15 ri9 1 36 16r 95 is 1, 4 100 -patented 51 59q 2 26 5,3 85 10, 4 200o pateiteîd 103 90 -3 57 107 47 .14, 4 200 patenter] 95 ôs s 3c 98 89 W pt 19, 5 24 patented 8 87 1 2o0 i10o7. s w 22, 5 50 pàtenter] 14 97 1 25 1082 Ei 24,-5 paterlter 33 51 1 81 35 ;32 2 0, 5 190.. patenter] 46 99 2 13 48 52- S Pt 29, 5 8 pateritd 2 86 1 05 a91 0O8 SPt 29, 5 15 patenter] 88 i 12o0 Io0)9 P; 35, 5 120 patented 20 fiS 1 50 22 4,5 20, 7 paienied 2 50 1 L14 3 54 SW Pt 7, 8 3j patentcd 9 11 1 20 10 31 - -22,3 25 patenter] .24 13 1 58 25 71 23, 8 25 patenter] 2s.18 1 68 29U 86. 27, 8 2.5 patenteel. 8 65 1 19 -9841 21 18 loi 20( 20( 2o. 21 lo 21 201 20( 20 100 1200 200 100 100 200 150 200 -200 100 100 24Ã" 15 19< 200 '200 100 0 100 80 200 200 100 100 100 200 0 100 209 100 100 100 100 .00 100 1001 106 100 50 m A 1:A. 00 Patenter] 308 93 patented 3 12 84 patettd 22 2,3 00 unpatented o6) 83 0 unpateritàî 60 8c 0 unpatente-d 98 2,3 0 nnpatentcd 99 78 X) tnpaterter]87 50 00 patenter] 116 71 00 patenter] 2 9.1 00 unpaterttccgo8087 DO unpatcnted 87 26 '4 patenter] 144 59 0 patcuted 44 P3 là patenter] 73 i-,9 M patenter] 74 Q unpatented 79 16 0 patenter] .67 86 )0 patenter]' 185 41 Q patenter] s361 Q unli.-ct:l 110 12 )0 unpat'eti 92 S6, Ounpat'ed 106 78 qpp>hat'er] 112 29 0 phtented 98 50 'I nnPat'eil 7142 0 patinter] 51 C,6, 0. unipatCei a) s5 0 pitetel - 3 22 i patenter] 14 17 i patenter]-14 66 I Pat'eo 95 481 ulnipateei 103 73i pateited 4 131 ptenter] 27 831 unpatced 10 32] patenter] Ir) 291 unpat'ed 51 5,5 unpated 30'211 unpated 8 691 unpat'eei 60 74 * nnpiat'ed 60 66 2 pateniter] 3 03 1 patenter] 18 I0 1 patenter] 29 6ri11 patetîted 12 Il I patenter] 14 76 1 patenter] 13 45 1 unpat'ed 62 00 2 uupat'ed 71 29 2 unpat'ed 68 81 2 patenter] '84 o5 8 patented 14 4-3 1 patcrtted 27 89 1 patenter]- 149 13 4 patentel 90 15 a patenter] 2 44 1 patenter] 8 83 1 unpat'ed 62 0.5 2 unpat!ed 1_906 3 patenter] 21 14 1 patenter] 2 42 1 patenter] 25 Sa61I patenter] 15 46 1 unpatsed 5448 2 patenter] 13 93 1 patenter] 18 87 1 paetd 13 89 1 patenter] 24 91 1, paten'ted '27 95 1 patented 5 84 1 pateuted, 92 49 2 2S 2 5 343 347 31 16 4 59 2 10 2 8i 2 83 2 96 2 '66 5 56 1 82 3 73 3 29 3 65 a 78 3 4-4 2 96 2 27 2 55 6 I33 1 34 a 36 3 57 1 08 I 67 123 2 26 1 7.5 1 22 2 50 249 143 172 128 13.5 134 276 270 134 S7 L70 23: 1 4 126 .53 25 50, 54 6 34 .33 45 32 68 12 29 '5 82 56 M 4 18 i3 2376u Ïos 636 ÃŽO 6386 loi0 66 7 13 25 go 966 0 120 61 *4 '64 0 83 87 6 90 42 9 149 18 0 47 03 '7620 h76 83 82 12 7002 190 97 3 3545 113 8.5 95 85 110 43 116 07 101 94 81 98 53 90 65- 40 4 28 15 50 160 98 84 107 30 5 21 29 50 il 55 6 40 53 81 ai 96 9 91 63 24 63 15 4 09 19 53 31 38 13 3 16 I 14 79 64 63 74 O5 71 61 7 74 15 77 29 66 153 es 93 38 3 48 à 59 64 58 ,-9431- 22 64 23'96 26 97 16 82 56 82 là 26 20 U2 - 15 21 26 51 29 63 6 96 95 78 South l f -at» 5,. 12 6, 12 bul> lait, Ti1 South 'balt -8,712 Sbalt or EbhafilO, 12 'North hait 1l,' 12 South hait -12, 12 Southblifhit 18, 12, North hit' 13, 12 North halt 14, 12 21, 12 North hait 22, 12, gouth hait. 22, 12' 8 WPt of8420, 12 ilok,< 80, 12 Sottthait a1, 13 Of North hait 3, 13 4ý 13 North hait 14, 13-. 9 part 16, la, PICKERuilG. 280E ' pateited ' 41 98, 28, B ,1 patented 8370 1 07 88, 8 P 16 patented 8 6s 1 07 10, 2 *pateuted 37 85. 1 92 N quarter 23, l 00 patinted 35 16o 1 85 -12, 2 1 Patented 1 94.1 02 12. 2 j pateuted 1 59 101j N 'W quarter82 ,2 49 pateuted 13.48 13Si Part 'o! S haIt 6, 8 121 -patented 20 85 I 50 19, 3 20. patente&-' 2 02 1 03 part of s hall 20, 3 0 patented 71 59' 2 7[6 Part of 20 &21,3. pateuted 11421 8 83 North hall 22 8 100 patented 124 31 4-'08 01 8 quarter 23,:3' 10 patented l ilà 1 26 Part ou N haîf 11, ô patenteil 69 1 M0, li ô1 1 pateuted 2 29 1.'03' '11,6 j patented 6 50 1 14 12, 6 f pateuted b558 l11l ted 'Z2 100- q~CEING. li)o 25; 400 190 200, 200 ,-00. 500 patented patentcd' patented. patente«' unpa e'cl pateutei patented u , aiLed patenteil .patented patented1 patenteil 'patented1 patented 1 patented « patepteO patenite(i 101,48' 142 50 20 48. 8 38 13 59 1 9 '502 27 66. 04 75- '14 27- los 01 12411l 217 09 l3 St 12 0 2 76' 4 54 1 49 I32--- 1 77* 99 1 67 2-'34 493 1 62 487 Block D. Block D. Block D. 1 1 patnté i Pl9 4 4pateuted 1I'79 5 4patenter] 20 1 02 102 I0O 104 99 741Io 147 04 21 9j '0 56 14 Pl- 2775 33 712 1,51 29 33 57 09 1.49 15 60 162 e4 ý2756 [40 09 [2819- 120 99 14-62 -14 20 ' 21 42, 4 7 'f7 39.77 2 ,96 2 60 '14 79. 22 35- à1 05O 174 35 '118 04 -1839 i12 40 1 661 332. 7 é&4 ô 69 2 8 3 9 98 pitrted 15 .59 08 j'ate,,ted 10084 7 pirented 40 00 vtateited 146 16 80 Itdian, 46 5M é() flt tretted z 7a £0 n t îatented 32 73 20 tlot pateltted 32 10 0 flt ta atedr 43 71 25 pateuter] 6t to patenated 54 10 id patetxted 82 17 4 Pai.,nted - 40 06 ?0 psteuited 167 26 )o patenteil 74 51 Q N P,8C18634-859 0 patafted 50 14 S patertted 53 0 patenter]. ~2 0 Ipatenàter] si 93 0 pateuter] 45 04 Q patesteil 6 c42 7 putetetu 83 44) J patented 8<9 27 S jtiCttL 73 64 à< patcnited 12 54 0 patetîteit 150 011 0 patented l 2G r7 0 - patétiter] 15 21 9 pat4lited a 92 0 pateutel 8 9U D patetîted 16 02 p atelited 24 89 pattented 19 91 i p ate te r] 21 41 patenter] 8 19 pateared 7 33. patenter] 5 56 Iittetd 6844 piitetntcd 1lu34 itate-itt'd 22 84 paitter" 19 Z5 patotiter] 24 .51 jYUnentel '23 57 patetnted 4 41- pateniter] 34 00 patented 19 53 ltere 4 92 lpatente-1 4 92 pitesttel 13 0,1 patenter] is 0os patetitert 19 62 1 pateîîted 1u Q3 1 pateutel a19 3 1 j>.tutited 19 62 1 patetîted 19 62 1 petented 19 02 1 patenîted 1e r2' îpateratea 8 u; - patenter] 26 1os 1 patenterh' 26 $0 1 patetnted 27 12 1 patenter] ilt66 1 patetet. 14 31 1 pâtettar 19 197 1 patetite,] lu 97 1 patented 19 97- 1 pateted 19197 1 pateoited 13 04 1 patetîter] 1838 1 psteuted S560 1 patenter] 490 1 psteuted 14 71 1 patenud 12-68 1 patented 8 06 1 patelited 430 1 pstdi.ted -5 74- 1 pateu<ed .;b,2.73, 1 apatettted 1ý5 66 1 ptenter] ' i 9 pateûted il 39 1 patenter] 9 35 1 patenter] Il i51 I 'patenter] 15,3t11 pateuter] 430 1 patenter] 8 48 1 pateuted -8 os i patcuted 2046 - I ,pateuter] 1à 65 1 pa*iautsd l16 1 4 pmtetîted il 18is '1 pateuter] 15 81 'îi Est hi West b i1orth1 Broken SouthtPl Northp Gare South iti iNort Il Oure Z4 F le1 44 Y 4.5 F . 10 46iF S aâit 16, 1 1' pat 19, 12 1 pat 20, 2 15c * 24, 2 843j pr. 16, a3 10 part 16, 3 100 17, 3a i 24. 3 if 1.5, 4-2 huf 15, 4 10o at 17, 4 200< [titi '18, 4 100 1,4 100 19, 4 luo 24, 4 117 17, 5 200 - s 58 S 200 lu<, 5 là 17, 7 20o 1'-, 7 lé» 4, A 100 5 A 100 6, A 100 7, A »0i 8 ad17, A 2(y) 12, A »0t 15, A 1001 le, A 10tO 1,13B l]w 3,8 & DicO 3, B 4,1B & D200 5, B 11(X) 9, B 10 10, B 100 18, B lu' 9 atd 4,C0 2oO c,12100 ,D 100 41) 100 sD 1 on. 7, ID 100 lu,1D 100 10, D 100 2, J> li 3.E 100 4, <100 5,< 100 6 and 8, 1? 20m 21, F 100 3,0G 106 6, G 100 7,0G 100 ,0 100. 10,0 100. 17,9(f 10 6, Gt!188 1,11. 100 6,.11 100 -0, Ký 102 7, x 8, 1 11, K&L 199 25. K 25 19, L 10U 27, L 100 3, m 100- 4, M 100 5,1 10 6, A 7, m 100 8,1m 100 12, a 90 8 and] 9, M&L 198 15, N 111 231161N-100 -Treasurer, 46 1 8 17 20 30, 19 24 2 23 2 ai 1 37 2 10 Iil 306 2 82 1 29 473 1 64 I38 160 i47 I51 I18 I16 1 C2 I46 147 1-.59 1 78 1,46 1 10 1 Io 13 e 1 47 1 47 1 47 1 47 1 47 1 47 1 47 I20 164 1 66 127 134 148 43 48 14U 18 si os 35" 29 39 os 05 1-7- 24 26 21 27 36 os 1 37 loigo~ 50 10444 98 13as 3 11099q 4 48-77 0 34 àý 0 34 b3 '8 az 83 e 4578 83 820 es 420b4 el 621 t77 35 fl! 87 99 55 374 7 17 2.3 5 57 28 0 47 14 8646 I 92 48 2 7646 13 m 1,5 1-9 5,1657 .17 4t) 26 49 21 4t 2 92 S 37, 8 49- e s 758 20 80 24 39 21 32 25 13 .35 78 20 99 6 02 14 3M 21 (>9 21 40> 21.40 21 (09 21 09 - 21 v0 21 op 19) 16 27 68 27 94 28 78 '12 94 15 65 21 415 21 45 21 46 9 22 1"4 69 S38 la 97' 5 38 6 go 3 78 170O3 il 73 12 65 10 56 12 78 16 fi7 5 38 9 6!Y 9 21 21 95 17 02 a id 1244 116 and aey orluue i goIll' tell he stoy, asud see iftyon ded-t. wsut tfoliow my .'ex- ample-"~ $.No fear oft that,"I gratubled 'Arni.' But I took uo heel 'h,hunsd pro- 1 wu jat £senty.or.e, and Amy Walrose vas juat cighteen.. W. had been playîates - troua fnfauey., aud car love for each o$her hail grovu sud aîrengtbeued W iuh Our yeaza. I vas Iii ouiy sou of a Ilel to.do" fta r, shilat Amy'. taitwr couuîed bis. eai by the bundreds oftbousasud. Mn. Wairose bad alwys traated mue kiudly, aud I bail uot reekouefi. upon a' rejecion -of my suit, sud oun'ulie aight -of ~i7 twenty.firat biruhday I bail deelareil mi lovesudalaked so be favourahlycoouaidered, Ànlow ih sas thaï 1 bail to leara that muouey aloue couid purehase c~f thb.t .eue.. rab!., aristocrat bis dauglâter's baud. Aud 80 ha sirupir lauzbo aetme,'and, Paintiug W' the door of bis Palatial mnu- &do *G.youug mnu" What coulil 1 do but obey?7 1 sat- wbeie I To 'California by the i. t su ap that aailedoua of New York harbour for that port, sud sithout even ea n m la- vas -iu" -the primevai daya ofthabe -golden houeyiuoou,asud shea vea fito aauýl arOnd-'IICaPa Horu.0 NeÏertbeleu, the. "Golden Star" waè ertxwded w bher ulmoal 'eapaeity by mca., moaily of rongb exterior, and aroug tii.. ....s1 had not seen one witI.,whom 1 "fekc like uiakiug trieuda. ASter se bail been out a -eek, onse mmj sund oue -wbom-14iked aven lua thie rest,1 poei;ted ' W 'fIVo7g 10mesith.'h exerteil a sîrangely aootbing influence orer me viien I vas ucar uni1 sud shen I urold ilrally trom ibis utesmerje stage, an itèdefiuable dread soulil creep over me aud a col dI steai dowu ai,'back, sud 1 woalil &biver, tbougb il vms snmmer. n. ciaimeil tu be abs,. sud id ttt haviug beau before té Ibe goleuIlad, ho could be of great service téome. "-Aud did 1 vi a Wgolo tii. diggiugs?"l "1k tbougbtI 1did.' "éThen, of course, I must aepend apon bim 1t0 settie me npou a gozd dei".", 1 bail uoticed two otberg thai in- Personai appearauce remiuded me of w,' over-off- cious tr iend, Baiubridge.Lueke,'. Up ho ibis lime, Our lait seek ou board, I b'ad neyer eeun the.se three speak Wtaeuhb éther, but 1 bad detecied somse telegrapb- iug betsten ibeni, aud, as I felt ertain lb.,' vere not straugera, 1I deteirNneil tu watehnliam, for ,each had aeleted,.as bad Lackey, a friandl. 8o, eariy one eveuiug, I exeuseil myseif. expr.aaing a deaire to retire, but screteil 1 ua u-ot Joug beeu thus couesalsd, -*ben'three nauuteied's'oug, one *fier the other, sud seater] tbemaelves D900 some boxes of fîeigbt.. Tii.,' ere Luckey aud the ssicions îîtraugers. The conversation comumeuccdil u b toues, sud I'iieard euougb to learn. tbat thIe,' bal ail been 10o Catitoruia before, as selI as cungia to satiaf,' me abat us,' vere desperadoem of ths worst kiud, sud that the,' inteudel 10 -pursue a despermu, tralde in the. diggiugs, I was. preai,' sdi asaured. The,' bar determiuedi as nr as1 couid- maks oui, that tbe, oul ialte"up djoin. iug daimý,sud eatablýiab esch wsit bIs mn, Ieav'tug the 'latter tu do'most of ah. diggiug, sud to protedu ithe aim tfrot Usurpersabuhist-tbey w ould londer sud iuurlder athoug the. neigbbonriug claims, briuging home their illgoiten *goîd, sud seeîetng in u heir tenta, sud' tuen, uben their.goldeu greed. vas saisted, tbsy vould murder us, spd malté off sith the - opoiha. 1 sas iu a«dilemma, îor 1 bal poibied t0 becoino Luckéeupartuer. Âfter îbunk. iug over thé, matter,'I, couc.uded te, adiiere t> Mi' coutract I bal lesrued. euough about bu,. I. thoughtl, ao euable mioto mesa bim hait vs,, ud the -chaaces sieeubat if I -di not, hei'ruhd aeek nie ont, sud marder nie fro.us ager, siud I bues thaï- there sWerO neither, las nor justice in Califorula ,et that tueé, aurdau aitenipt tWseul radre. sudI esesiaI h ad cicr beard, sosld prbbi,end lu- tubeiug grscefuli,' au- peudel troni the top iimb of a trac. A mousb subsequeuti,' sud se van se oe pon a elaini sbicb. Loekeysàid sol yield as a golden han'est. W. bal but vorked a f.s lay,, vhs e5 &truck a 'vciu of the. nch golden mod.' A les ilsys ister, and vs struck 'a.n -taiinsuuggea of gol. Titis alone, Laekey saiI, voul jiail n s cool iseut,' thousanil dolise. sud se bal 'mlready a iar.ge auout o! amui ou lJand. (Coueltided nezt scek.> SPRoamo JExvxt.ar.-AÂ hating - and à raceing inI. "I- bope 1I mcyon seil,'" a.- tii.spois- nma ssiI, vbe asimiug 5$' Ies ha- .aidgc. Attormu ;«Ag, ;TIC 25 fu <r pictors

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