Whitby Chronicle, 3 Nov 1870, p. 3

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rsud Toronato,- >î. tb, 1870. AMeting of the Dreetors wlll bc holdàat *#LEXANf)lROS IIOTEÉ, 1-- ¶VLatla*.sa ittiitrdey npxt, the. stInA t., st O'ejock, whon the Il IIt lses will b. 'U6117 eorreo4d &ncT;ettled. TesTreuxaurer lo msa e prent, i rs purpofnipyla ~PrIZA oarls towhom th i sanoe have Whîb7, N WILLIS, ereay $ UST BIWEIVIID, A car loud nf the oulelrted 4lantic Ou, purst nd eetbuniug Oit Ïn the iterk4t.) 9olà At the loweRt p&Siblo pilùga, lt WtI1OLSALE anad BC r.% L. - AS. H. GEURIE, i , - - ratnll7Drug.$tore. Wl1lbyNnv.2,170.44 M'it SALMi-That vilmîaale property, ie F Iliguteti uu'ler>lgueaj,-latite,onu !hrndlkeoi planIa the Eifateru part cr île Çeutrcl Warilor ile Tuvi lWV lltlay, compris. lers oomfartallaDaullîn;e 10110na ittale, tvlth l i Ocre or lanl, a elie ierleflon ai iruit lyesi, taiad ta elI of ,acellegt vater. Fur lpen- iÇe alara pply te the u iilereîigred otitl re. misles, or lIat OR-i Jolîuatol., it JY. Il. Gruel), IvîaôaVa Law Off wice lzlry; J .AMES J0If*STON. * Whltlay, N ov. ud, 1870,. lrA-4t p* I0 T -OGRAPHY w 3 à s Oà 0 i IiWINO-N -GALLE RLY The Insolvent Lbsnuaodeamn semigunmt of lit emtate tu oms, sud tClir(odiions aiene ailfied te 'IV 0 aithe tore latl ofeépîcat b y te AtWtlvsntoelu itevia of Whidb i a u u tiaU ty i utain, on BATUIlDAY, the Nae.. t" Waéy of Novembor, 1870, nt Teii o'cluek 'Oàle oenouf W i'seeive eiteusnts nf i JI s ,y@s sud80APPnlnt an Asslgeeo. - - . JAMES IJOLDEN, D)atod -nt Wlitty, - lnel slno tbis lt idey oefýovemnbcr, 1610. . iio.44 WATQHE8, OLObI 600DÉO.ONE'WEE btée. 25, 1870. W. IIEPINSTd: (OIJ T4* PNSZ(7 [ ~ ORY.Tle d!eïmuAnent Bu1 sou lalag 5dt lae '.n Np.rvate iJa>,to Ican. Ëo~ , $lOi L- UMBER I LUMBEII CLOSING tii'BIiNE TVie undorpigi les o a large qdsuttyofI BOARDS, -SCNTLING, Which muâit le snl.d lmmsdlateiy, lu order to Clear up th"l, es Ordera li mail promptly attenaed lii, eîi Lnrnbor'doliverud lu auy part of the éntntVi Ution, O> 00*, 1.48 1$2,500) TO LOAN, The subseib$r Offert for sale thés NonîL FiftY. Acras ofiLot numbuir iweuty-ouo late ibIîrd cancoosiou 01 the: TOWNSHIP 0Or WHJTT. The laad lamil ler.d, vsil auéed,sd lu0 gond atate ni caltîvaîlon, sud Jaus a sîmeua ni valer runing airose It. For tern #is, IplY te I. J. Wilsoa, Esq., BsrrlasterWAitîj, or the ubarber-, l5AMUEL WILKINSON, on thié proiases, WhitayBisept. Ir?. tLLf , ont. or lu' 0-44 s Lana- R-EAL ES.eA«E APrLY vo L. ENIILI 51, net. 2.1, 15?0. . p ONY FOR SALE. -o- A Cretlm Coloreel Pdnl'î Arnt vo lDR. EASTWOX WlaitiaY, 'lct. 24, 1970. PLUS.CLSS PIOTL7RAIIs MI LL I N Ë RY X& Ralttcrondwnrlr ,lloweal lui learte the ïmnvaaevr Oimns. A Il klîdad ud iii czaj, froil AN V thé sutaI! lueket l pîctîna talite Bie ila, sd dllied la M 2.870C. *Corhon ,i mallik1 alepli Woter BuildInig Sautnl i ueRoyal lUotel. or Ima 0il Ciidetlportraits.- C 2 MRS. KELLER & MS9 STUART IW'.Opoialrat& t Clrgyen.OldPor ra ecffily iiiinfndeta the ladien of Wliltby traita îîl>a eyopl.d. mm litit thovare no* 1ii recel pt nf W. ilellliecmcc-tlilmppy te recelve vIeltint tiaelr Faill $rocet ol eie miliiblîar, sfo Mec- on i~, (ovecmItuon 10tit wîac pletiare.) île,,lt re?,,. coMl, Prlîs Cocl ,, t Io!1a ýq isttr llit?'obte iài iillîîw-uIt repay ekirtm,, Corts, Flfielo, itarait ifdWoa, .aa.. touble. lolr,(lr,,Closci Ii , 1ada and 17. R. IWILSTÇ, Mainîlaukrliieî,jiun.wtî. Nov.lot,1870 44 raidi,, and alhmi ets% cr time latieî cvio. îai ilnasi qtnlicy. Vaîaaey .iewelî.ry andl S tichi-i aeilploir articlo lia $pei'taleel'aer S2aZ: YELOC I "P EE JO [J Y lier palir. Aliltiac gondsie r îew cuîî lMe- C miii iandofi 1lA ie litt fltielîiniin. Laidies vili filaiitiiat tiaiv Ceau1eoaî,îmlt tiacir teand iiîh- -AT-- tei-t iay eaîliîIa!. B FEN G O U G il S ING8t)Urîl OF TVIE RYAl ITEL. Oct* 25, 1870. 43 L~oiotfytie and Cars lui ruuuig orderv. AT Tac- RD 009.MASONLO CHARTpls aWs 48 OD. T TEl! LEE MESSRS, VAR19 & LAZIER,l - AT BENGOUGIl'P*. - Av vue lIED fBOOK. TIra sud Woodca Toyoi, 15ic. editlon et thee loeix, Ilakest ChIgnon Baud., (la great varaety) ne BEI) 1BOOK. Pi dùer iouth i r 'on. Toloirrapil. OOle. W ATEI,-FUILACTIVE GIL, - -TO LEARti i'rmy mn rOMIS. KNOWI.ING, ~Onu door Fa théMeGmareinnmc locl. Wliitlay, Nov. Sid, 1870. 44 1DIVIDEND NO. IQV. la liarshy aiven, tiat a livad euiAh .î: ntisr 1er cn osi thia ie Capital Stock of tillu ntitittici fer the én caunet ualfý-ycmr, iett, i iacy Iaca-u delsred, aud ttte t tuimwill lic payîîi)le i the Buiuk iid its braaioiaen unad alcer Thursclay, ftrst of -Doc., noit, TT raier -3onlîs wiIt bé clomealfrcm tule îstb ta t thé Soilf Novembér, ati dayeii B>fy orclsr of the Bud.nSIR lea, Ontario liaînk, Boarmanville, 22Sud bet.,1a70. 44 S 1LEN OR STI1ÂYEIO, treimthîe paaicame ') Id ni Devercli anad Fic npaonuFaî etW ~tfi, oi Fidaiimiglat t eeaaer îsîuî, a imniCheisaint Mure, 8 vears ahI, white aiape lu lier ione aislier luialicieron. An>' 01n0 aitrlia; laafulrtitlnmî er re.tmrnila 1411(1îlîl sm te - a TIIUS. 1DLVEILL, hI li e sullahly e- vardeal. Whlthy, Nov, 2, 1870. -44 laevilii mccurnal lIa, capvriilit for thîe Do- îiîloîî cf Ciîaala nid Vime Uaatod %-e tee, frtia, tipîblicmitlaaiii of tîesé cianrt,, tapiger witla culored Jl111(ograi ii nets cf the tRluc, Bcd & Blaeck <Irders ofXIasonri tire nw nurin tigm f , lare per ,af ; tlîcm forie aofl te Croiiorg ori l itiIaull tinm ia. îaruiiniTiteret o ilrr mai bocalai eat $7, onremirIa- nnopiee. $2.50 eaaeh. EvLaen> 'imlaoau lîould aaenure s moc. . JAIIEl A. CAMNPBEL, Agent ion the o Pouii-. N. B-No realiqal hueliou epaeirél autIe pncPaanaaituu i hi f e eliurca,, tver>' deutail or wiliei wti liet- inaîal o aigre with neltramce note, ironaitlié ilaloeh-rieu lu the 'nargial. PA PER IIANGINGs Theé umdcrsigmmed aigate intarna tIhepublie tiýtat laelacs on laaîîalthe largoci. sud bouat ataiclr nf Paper Ilauginga iii tovu, ah i c h. wihicih.ooffere fer l'ale, Cen>' loy, ion casa. W Pa!utun;, <ralalu;, Gluzing, anal Paper'langing, exceaiteal lai il wcrk mauilce aiad xlaeditiouâ mîînuer, cemasii. - A. C. WILSON,. Dunalas Sret, Wiît V Whitby, Apnil 21, 18711. - tJ J. At. JJJAVLJJUN, P. R. ,P S,, IoelCailege Vctcainary Siirgéous, Lihcilie iii (lcluaitut f lithyd 0a%' lie i Alexamilr'm JualoieeB rock LI'eût Wiitby viacré lie eu. aibweysusieau-n cuiteet b>'thoaia nsquiriug bIs services. SEVANT GIRL u AN;;EDr. 44-MVlltby, Nov. 2,1870. Ilîroni St. About OasTiluodrcd Acnés ni Land,- bin; partsiq iiSeau3S OniLtscaNo. 115 andt 16, IOTIOUGII SERVANT WANTED, 5tdi ca,îî 'icertg-wuil velerel T Uý - - gZonddwaalliag-. For parti3ulitri AI'ILT vu MUS. DARTNELL, 5aI>' 10e- 44. Wliltép> ov. , 70. ByraonIst, 1H. IIWELL, JNSOLÇENT ACF OF 1809. - _______Bo,__1870._ In. the JMat 16È of J039PH A NTONT FARm FUR SALE. BlEe. Whlt4 CANADjA. (Ieopta4 b1P&-iai AJd8eof Canad4 an HE3AD' 4*'FIcB, 74 S.ae teg Gkodg vaa~an, ADOLPHE lIÂT. shor or ai; ates lese boade or fl'elity truet. Thétimay <'uaa dlc o tltaat lace lu- corporated the two litter withbthe Ile brinel,. TIi. gtarautee.lnndg ncitkia, Jmpeuy are ne(.eaît'd sait beuily for thaîr eaa'ployes, lay t*aak,, Rilwaays, Bourde nilraole, Gui a tn pRanuea.Bl-ld4log: Provincial and aýavimg Socle- tien, Moeantile Firmes, sud Municipal corpor 'tions. -JAMES WALLACE, W hiby, Idtoer 2, ~ Aget, nt Whitby. e or the ime. $y et ille, dey IN CIIA NCERU MA1ITIN vo. MITOHEI Toheà4)Ilhv Amti-n l piml-e 9)TýoO mudeal lîua ciler Aaaein upirsuanî Corn l)eeaima fluaior ntari ii daIadéi>yc henriaag dati neapcti.elV the Nimlihda-l Ilecemuher, A. 1,It.ilti, itimîthe Ti Ird <li, Q tlsieubr. A. D. 187o, anal with che nparý tio i e W Illi gin W a rnau )csm . leq aire, Masoter Of tîmiailomio1rale Caiurt nt Bellevi RATURDAT, thae NINL'T-EENTUI a( NOVEM 9 11;5,next, TWELVE 0FPlIE CLUCK, NOON, At the And ion Booins ni Levi Fairbanks, Jr., lu tch, I iCertaiiiî FreecliclPremiferac, e,; cma'pcd Of ni t'a et o laii-d ed !tweuty-filv itereai, moreonlesfa. or'i mlmîer tlîirtcaaîîin thé meegimtlicoueaiîaa*taet ia Tnîtlip ni tTx. It ridlge, lu tiie Couuaty of Oi:taniaa, tieiig a wcil Tlae purchnecer etal, nt the time ofcAuls, puy l-i m ai itPoit. in thi, proportion ni W i r every $10afau IPi, îiaae ie av. tn the Ven- .Icr or lie solicitoar, an iaaa l a t h e crcuîîiiaîherj of thé pureiiae îaomaev, withî titerrait tiiereni nllia. r to.oficix per Jcentfiaera"IlIlaum. min tueIOOý,1 dasy (if suIe, 'a tué Thirty-firet dayni eo- hon, .A.PD. haro, enu ctarrsaatsm efpt nit c1 l'é alen. tiaInsa'111e11r îallctaîPl, cf caîl - airec ta nding coiîdlr~oue Of im aId Cart -taiCh)aîîeery t~he fotadîtion e n4,ile, anddimanîler pantîru. lam, ua>'lieoaiaimcdai the CTîartacnaq ni ciao [t. Greovlaa irqîme. sohtelmor, iVhirily, andmîttueruies iaitou & Deliînark, fBan- nature. Illieiavllie. - oin' ,,ac, e iS oî ici to Daiicilnut .ellcvî;l, til- lai .y nOf talar A. Il. 1 570. 43 .ILI OI ~ JNEY 1 Fý Bu lh xberî~.it répared w LoA4.N MONEy, a8MiOr Town PrôpeaV Z0O TV .1 TEs 0FIX Rtt REAL E STATE.. OUt*IJT. SOLD, AND EXCIIANGEJ CONSIGNMENTS 0P CiOOljs Pollleilea. Sesimractory eterouccai fnnmiehîeacl wlîeîî rcqilrs'l. JAMES WALI.Act, Commnisei,ii & Rleal Egate Agent, Duiiuaint., rappocîce llobsoi Ilote Wlitlay, 01h Oct., 1870. 48. W AN T E D CARTER POMAMES. WhithY, <)et. 19, 1870. 42 FOR SALE. - Dwlig .A Coafortable Iw lig witlî ail iîoeeasary outimnluge, adtiarei acires oetlai 1I cttaathand, aitaRteal ni tii, North. %'.est amgle 'Il Lot NIo . 3, l iaoh Gnuiuness'a Dublin St FEHOYSTERc, U» Ail goode delivered free te ai Whitby, No#. i; 1870. - NEW CC The undersIgned begs to call attention-'to the large stock of rtew and fresh Groceries which .hè- is'neow o:fferirag, enlbraci ng choicest and-best IL *.ored Tons, Cocon, Cofeo9, Checoltate, tuittRinFi-", Pruhies, Spices, Nus. tard, &. c,&~ Leaf, Crushed and-kismcovaIa Sugar, WNaiuîa, Goodis, shouldf cali gest and cheapest1 4r - Lobsters, Sardines,, Sairn*on, &a., in titis, Syruip. Saiuces, Pickles, TIerrings, Bloaters, 'Table Sait,.- Soip,_ Starch, Blué.,A .flL niey Biscuits, îUzenges and mixed- Swect*, Sorubbiaîg l3rtshos and Brooms, Twine,& co, &c. ~ LSO OAï'MIEAL, I1IMS,. BACON, .&Ce *Ail gonds seld at the iowest living priccà for caàlh, Giv-e a call, and try the new Provision aud Groccry Store. 44 Whitby, 2nd Nov,, 1870. Dundaasîreeî, (Arnall's new store,) .Wi H. SMITH, AT TRE- Cheap caish Dry Coods Store lias recceived anntheîl splendid la1t et tho ewcivst styles et' Diess Goodso, just ilabred from Euarope. wlieichvili ho sold at p riens liwnr tian ever. New k'.IUrarnts, ncw Serges, flguirod Iiips, Farenchler~Iîinos, Black Silks, beantittil I>oplins, new W'iucias. Waterproef Cioakia, IVelvîiteen Jackets. Broad"-Oloth Jackets, Bear, Seai and Astracan Jackets-, NewTai-tais WoI Shawls, another lot et those Josoptiine Kid Gloves, enly9Oe. per pair. Anotlier lot ef glove fltting treneii-weve Stnys, 20 boxes of New Tnim- mingafor Drosses and Jackets,cScartilet and White Flannels* redîîeed 10 ceula yar-d below aac ycnrs lances. A splcîadid lot of neiv fancy FIannel fr Sliltsm Our Gorits' Dcpatment la uow very eetniplete, Garmonta madeotti erder on tlia ehoitest notice. Call and exatmine the new Goods at- c3-. Froduce taken lu oxcîlange. JOHN SKINNER'8, Di Dz !, WVATC IlE S, Cfold and Silver Chaing, Looketg, Studs and Links, Gem Rings, Brooches, Ear-dropst Setto. Masonio Pins and Charms. A VARTEI) ASSORTNMENr 0F 011010E GOODS4 At AteMaES &JOHNer rokst.ONity Oc Th itii llamaila ieInuit ilesirall one, atid fIas Promise vehicalitel ritiirfur a privaîle dwaait- ilii or groetr>' clama, iluthie aalvaîatage ofise- eamang ai post aien ta, taeiocaliiy. Fer tema-ncd fum.her liforataion appl>' to the lîroprielor. ASIIER WILSON, (an athué remicos. Oct. let, I1870. 40 A UCTITN SALE OFe STANDING TIMBE R ThFli lbccihen vilI adI ,b>'publie Anellon, oaa IATURDAY, thé 12h t'dey nif ovcmbrr. next, tue- tinibér af 51 acres.-cf heaivily woeudf lanîd, staiiding oaa the North hslif,,iîlia Sinli lîsîf oi Lotnunmuarbercumo, ile tîlird contes- sien ebltcach, 3 mniles norîlu et Auslibuamu. Thé wooaliilie cod li hli emd onueacre Ita. Tkrceycara irom day o aeé ail1 lié gis-eu te ramure the vend, wiili le iLosti>' haîdyood, emnd of ecar acces, f roti tlîe road bitivén As§h. barn nd iiiitlen FEIIM.-Onc liaîi of pnrc'isaemonu>'te ho peld oaa dia>' nicla; -balaînce lIlîru moutlîe, with lutemeat at 7 per cent., msuund b>' JoInt Note%. sale vilI commerce at 10-.o'clock, shiarp. Fer ini-iher parcloirs, aies hsud buils, or enquiré ni ADAM tGORDON, 45-Maucelicater, Oct, 17, '70. Maneciester P.O. tST. NIuOJILAO IROff EL <Lava Wszimt Hovxa,* DUNDAB STREET, WHITBY,. Tb. Subsea-ilaur luega te huiorna tLepub!ie. that he basinévly fltted up and rainovatefi tbe above Lotel, arbillu lnsvsllaxa rlîl Sud excellent aceouamodaton. Lîqunra, Wiuas sud Cgars nf mnpcrlaar quelity. Sesi Lager Boier. (*oed- otabhîag aine[extouaire shed renae. Way 2nd, 78-,D- A. B. TOUAN teber 8, 1870 Watchmaker A Jovelier, Timeck ai. îVhitlay. COMPLETENESS, EXCELLENCE,l IN' EYEIIYL'ING YE0Mo3A.'il G BSON is'now ShowinWgthe contents of' hundreds of packages of staple and fancy Dry Goods, including- the most bgiïtifal assortment of DRESS GOODS, ever hitherto introduced into this Iocality. His large stock embraces Wooleus of ail kinds, F'rench Silks, Merinos, Lustres, Poplihs, Flannels, Sheetings, Towelings, Blankets, Grey and White tJot-I tons, Cents' Furnishing Goods. Tailors' Trimînings, &c., &c., to- ge t wihal 'th noveM ades ofth season A Carpet Departmnent up stftirs, specially Set apUt, and filled with a choice assortmoist of beautiful patterns, aise DI'uggets, 011 Clotha, tic., iC, In the Grocery Departraent of* Old No. 1, will be fond a gen- eral nossrtment ni Family Groceries, Pure, Fresh, aibd ni the best quality. Alan pot- ted Fishea, Sardines, Pickles, &oc., Judd & tJo's. celebrated Union Yeast. la the Hardware -Departmont, ahl kinds of flouse Trimmings, Shah sund HeavY Haadware, Paints, 0119, t&c., &ic., Grain Scoops, Shovels, Spades, Hal-m ters sud Halter Ropes, &ec Kr3 Cash for all kinds of Fariners' Produce. In connection with tbe establishment, MISS -ELWIN4 carrnes Dresa-making and Mandie business. WANTED.-Ten active Girls to learn the trade. Wanted immediately, 2,000 bushels RYE, and' 31000 bushela Whitby, Oct. 3-1 $70. YEOM.ANUGIBON# 0w ,Noo1 )WELL. j7h: Soh, th tweeu 0 âmd 70 àirpa[srd8lond Cay.a %'61 wel stered * pemaéntC 5e j Cutbtjildthc.gàý t g», cf poewo U twiens o- reasouably. - - wlleali - OINJD.EfflN, - - ~ 1, 170. Beaverton P. O PR' E11,ONT. JAMES THOMP,8cS ao.agios Tlie Saiacather *ishes te unrM the eoum- muun et7 thar ie pe Memisea aire nov open tae th. publié,?a'hsre "0 1la PrePared te to rmnhlasgooa :sceonamod;ttioia aianey jiiié (!eC nut!. Sept. 1,5, 180. 3 7. 'WHITBY PIAN o FACTORY .Tho mbribran rtr h~l& Asti. Care thanka' to thé uaay frIands sud caistomners nf the Whîî'by Leos to cats thet Le now csrrila on ltae busl. ne,, aiiely upon his o*a sece.unt; sud lu so- licicin.; future ardera ho bega %te saisérethent thaatnotialug vilI ho. beft naîdone on hl& panI te givestisatie, lu aupplylu5 Eaul Imporrtions! HA MULZOK&C. HF ave &e e en d. et a v nylare and w usr t G O Sto k c WE INVITE SPECIAL ATTENTIONÏ TO OURf STOCK O R8 ON Which iswell selected ard mucl adrt~ sa NdwFany' lanelGrey flannel, White,*UIaîinee1, Scarlêt Fa nel, llankets, Shinwîs, Mlantles, Whito and GreyCç.tton, White and Grey Shceting, trpe icking, lVhte and colored Qtiilts, Tweeds, Clotha, Ovpr. cot 8gtItraCps, Neckties, Biacti, Lambii'Wooôl Dýa*ers, n'lnxel Shirts> Dress Shirts, Lace Curtains,ý 'W'indo*WýiloI1anhds, «ln4,'o andý Hosiery Ne-w Furs, Carpets. (lothing made to ord ër iii the latest gtyIeg. LOiNDON TEA AND ,'ýCOFFEE Oposite the Robson Hotel, The SubÉciber begs tô intimatp that liewiloe h ab e mentioned premises on'the f OTE DAY 0F OCTOBER, N EXT9 For the sale of PURE FINE T EAS ariA COFFEES ; a large stock of which hoc is uow receiving, lu packages of ne pond and upwards; having made arrumenents wita the London Tea and Coffee Company thatý-wiil1 nabil him t. cdl at WIIOLESALE PItICES, thereby exteudiug te conumera lu the Cnalnty of Octario alLthe acivautages ofila pure and cheap article, wbicb bis oi late been realized te the inhabatants ni mnany Cities and 'rowns iu Britain and the UTnited States, by tbe establishiment cf largé companies amouget themn, who fiud chst a concentration oi Iong experience and ample mutina, on any p:articular brandi, îis the only method "n wbio minirhum proffits can lie based to succeed. Tht sulascriber lu respectfuliy soliciting a sharfi of, publie patronage may, state that; the designation, Trade Mark and name of ageucy ni the Cdm.pany, will be *tatuiped, on each package, and warranted. COFFEE GROU'M":d DdJ1L1 W ANTED.-Two active steady MIEN, to canvass for thé L. T. and0..o., -iu thé County of Ontario. JAMIES W*ALLAOE, Agent. GO T10T1IlE ESTABLISfiMENT' 0,F LEWIS ALLINI JJROCK SZRIEI, - Wm7IBYri IF «VOU WANT TO IJY A PIAXO, MELODEON, HARMONIUM, 'VIOIN, GITIARf CONRCERTINA, PLUTE. MUSIC BOX, or othier IVUSIOAL INSTRUMENT, OF TnÉ D EST QUALITY9 WKIERE TOT CAN JVY!É GO TO LEWS ALL.N'S IÉ vYOU WANT 1YO BUY A WANZER 8EWING( MACIHlTiýEt The best. made, from $24 to $56. B00118ÂN» StÂTIONERY of al kd4 s "Wudiiig thé worl<s ôf stahdard and popular adthni.ý Bibles,'Prayer Bon06,. Hymu onaS ool @s, Chiîdrens' Pictu-re Books. Blank 'Books, Ail the Engliab, (Oanadian sud Amevloan Perindicals and Magazines, Letter aud Note Paper, Mourning Paper and Zpvelepeo, 8ln oae od.Vss Jime ranns rsn i $na a;n blets, C b den i a l a g e n d p a m i Do u a Lade s 'C0m p n inF .f r o i $Os ici, P e l -te l , bUme, Satcdhels na elnWnn. ancy asktTi0qatctc L a di s s u met ' ra l D o l d I a n , w r a t 4 Goj d dplated oets, Bronhe,0 vry'ch ap, and c xei- tqaiy nùtmernus té mention. Iilehraîb"ed uew pient sud crosa-me patteru of Liaios nêîca uauatf s heretoione. * ltbldun àN re *Iledeis exeaiteai avlth firon,tâid* 4 sud disatch. JOË-iipa tP. RÂ1XEI WLiîhy, Mway 8, 1807. - y-J8 A VÂLUABLE &FRX F0OR SALE i;ý - . -teToWun.IMPog iWhitly. Belu; 5 Ac.res o? tLii'Xoth bh nà,o,, o y 24 cute ia oucessgion. snd in about 1IX *- nl.sou Tîm own of wlmithy. IXil i ScIrai-aid, aditdadeé odd caitvatién. Tà po - ilbesoldan Véry reajonuable sondclrugà gndfam.Apply te- DAVID 8,DtOw. Wlîitlay, Sept. 23, 1870.-- 39 * FARM FOR SALE. 7h v Weat hlahiniLot as, 6htonu. Whigby, eolicaiuinz 100 aoree, more on Iqes kuovai slu th. liainowud b t' ch to William (frahaidi Thrlothe planes gond orehard, a largd St"leé hiouas, ea gond Ban sud Stable, and t d good wella. For further partlemlars spply te- JOHN BOTES, limale. sept. 28, 1870, -9 The dut 11rned t.ukes oneSioe te Inform a j tcmilt tteaove Milii, itualsteO on t No. h, huthé 7th cenneesiou or tid poowpjj ni Uxhnldge, are nov lu PULLWORKING ORDEI Audresalyl or eutting Lumbarhu auyqatn te suit céatomerai, aad Willa punetual it>' sud Lumber ent fimni10 t fte I n l ltith. Sbpteuhe,42 1870. JMPORTANT TO Thé ündeïaiguéal keepis (lonltautl>' nit Iffd ail kindi ni YFARBMXN G IMPLEMTu ennisitîg ni thai JOHNSTOZf sELpV4tÂE, Wood'a self 11*1cm, týhio OomnhinAd, sud Csyu- ga Juni M lÏer, ail uiaaaùfatilred a111eh moud HiII. A11o4a améy gr.Ait; Vsriaty nif Plovoa, Ric- moud Mill, IJiiiava; WeUll)yan sd Dohiialon trom Mm Jus. alkrAhiumu, alan Gang Plowoa> Cltivator;, Straveutteora s, n--ini Millet, RondtScrapers, RarE os u WeedoaSelifffers, .. andaslso hse Zbra&D4 aibubie ' uelf-adjnating a» UUiRl P DRILL. mauufaalured b>' Meuars. MeArthur &5 Baronr. Ashbunn, also on Lband the Rlihmoud Hill, -Whithy. (Acheasud Dominion Pointe, Land- aides, foulal-bosrds. Plow Haudlas, "8e Repaire kept on banad Coi the Richimond ErMi! Relpefs and Mlowsn,.- Alio Agent for thie Ontario Yarmm1f MîlîuT lUe4uranne (Company', Plouse tweall sud examine my stock bertar# purelisn;elhebr, oaa dîL 0eftPlckeri., 4 tniles We&t -of âro'oklin, nab-sod-o boit mileeut of llreeuvond.Adefre,-. * pME AND aAsOn sAvo-D -0- - Iitn OSCILATING WASAHNGEIN TJINE WILLI AN -OP ROOJ ~1~I BEET SMOKING & CHEWING TOBACCP, & PIPÉS. 1 1 JORN SKINNERIS, 1 L 0 C-K si 0& 191%W X> im -W 1 jï 'l V 1 T A - 'n A TTTIn c dIL.P 1 1 -1 FI 1 -1 ý ri 1 [Pany 1 1 1 1 -_ 1 . 1 1 1 k. -11 -0- "-0-..; ý Mil ý 44 Whitby, 2nd N'ov,, 1870. Froduce taken in exchange. c (30 HOUR AND 8 DAY4) ,tober 3, 1870 LICESTLA YE 1 S.»t. 2q- leya - 1 1

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