STREET- - WIITl wr»gangdude, la bsg, for & DON'WB£01TE nU th o s bo'/s notim of nP rmers gme roi t" ; GENT'S 1FIJRNISHIN G «OODS.& IeL Priage deires tc inform watrnsad customers that bis stocke of Twcd, . <England CalU,,MîdM= ,ona, and eWoolen Gooda Ibis ases- Y0 la lrge..roaacngs, Viaanngs p sansd Ovcrcoatlugt, ln uvcry qaaliiY, color sud ahade. oz'Also Scarfs, ig Shirts, Collars- &e. I (' Gntiemèes' lotbing made to measure, aud ali workex ceatc, se muallu fies-clpa stle. E (ansd exsutietbe loir price, cfsuit. wminh a eîUd P>AXTON, TÂTE & Co., aLertest noti00. 51KDaiî nl Maneh J'eny-et., Port Perry, ont. .B. OAMPM LL Yac o,-89 i 1kcokliul'0 I M"~'~ Broklan, donc 17t1,, 1910., 6 -bb Whist a n sString Banda, adepted 'for doiresa, Pic-nies, Exeonnsiom. Quadrille parties tt, tt.,wlIi apply.the béai and 1Atais ual., ou rcasousble Appllleus malt b. madaelthorpenciily - or bytte r,(oi paîdt li NDEUSIGNED'DEOIJIES TO IN. fils aite u d patronsta aBO T AD SfO WHITBT UMVERY STÂBIX8 .fvu eaailthe nimberasud . qual 2tit cftu td,'sud also sddedto sud.lins- prov ,,ed b. oné ancsud vohîii ounlthe 0 pmemlià ,bh pealy belugIa à poitionuto 7Tou WAtT menatheiawoto ofuticn.rstc menit a are AGO I, of public, patronage. G O OD NAERIA W CRAE Es NOD RATE. H A M I T O N C o ' S. B,.-Côvered ccuveyaiiees for familiesa ANDID NE EO N & C S sud ladies. Prompt atteudaucoe heretolore, _»EST - OZDP RAS F te aIl onden. N. BAT, hepîfctor. T- Bthe cf rO T Wiiitby, April 8, 1868. 14 NMATTREW COLLNs. N' T 1'E;A~ or Ladies, Gent', sud Obddren'a Boots PrELVROL ODN& GLOBE and 8hoa u rosI îariety, sud every style. New layer Riis New London laver Raisins, !"ot properos ofEngiAh isooo VCeos.asis NvSe4es aiis lie DAILY INCUlt e ce . $0 MUCOMMERCIAL. MOTEL», Nov Sultanna do New Curzants, lis LIFE POLIViiW are a Sure Protecion OSHAWA- for the, future. -JAMES BLACK, - tiTO wP.auz,,oe. a0W &smuOS Iti 111515 FOLIOlES, li§auad a ntt, Candi P UtT», alford ample protection te the MerchuttS LR E çTO.K O sud *loueholdcr. Couyuleutly ItdUp rooma lfor Couiner -AS .L RE S OR0 l air laire, Panxriy PAIn, sud 5h. t-Citavlera. Blliardis ttecbed. - 1 r - Motlbrsiysonlu the adJustîucuî-01fApnil 8,1870.,1 . FC A1< L bass.IL~. . MIII, ERAPN RSTURNTinos andLiquors. ox hebest Brands. Chiet Agent for DominWion'ty A N 1,D170 L. n WAhBNKtby ô, B ILLI A RD» Wh1by1De. 1, 170 WWtlbv, tb, 1809. . 80., <87(e t891, King treet NEit Torouto).7 L«0 RALE <02 TO LET-TI, a THMAuAnd@E;-Parss1a x adofëis for sale cr1tolet, that Briclk (o .. iThe mtele. eaptuat-ed on King aires$sat the rear Mn. gnt.04luan <i. Drapor'retldeuca, ant ounljr occupied by Thomas Crouthers, wth eue quarter o! sa suor oflo d. Term resoi .Massupi MMUMOtaurat IliCà n-I frleudandsudu5hopublic, mc- I.JME subacuîber ege tonanuouce seylit WhIby sudrma, v1 he.cry colvS nlc, iuoaau ign. oit u rerESv , * Byreodü n là iace i.. raCOMMERCIAL WBLi Ap,iisi~uo, 0i0o4se BR C aT,-infT Y RItS R J . Ë O T pEal» lr tiasa. Cha r es oa hie '- -~s fflo5ni5J 5501 eOiS Branches. - --,--- Wbssby, Sept.m, 1870. 40 L U M B Eitz MEAD'S MILL, A laiequanticy 0<Lc m.,wbhb. LOWE ST NAINKET RTS Wbfbsept.. 21, 1870. ALE~* I'RINGLE, 9-t>' --- m L---- 's,) IM 01 t50 '.l u Qep1iUU, t ,86c. -1 :W Kr- Pact -beePe a 6acIlstock or msie sud Botk, for aile, sud Visites sa Oil fie.hi bi Maniaifriands. 3Vtoy, March ,8. £Im~W@U U,!Ua - Whitlll, i>.. f4e i Viq.ridl.w WROLFQSÀLE & ET Keeps constantly on' Ilau , iu ncourse Ladies' Cents' andI' Examine for yourselves, the excellent material a f mansbip. 15«April 13, 1870. - WM. WBRN - NE FRITAT me-Millan * os JUST RECEIVED 100 Boxes, haif and quarter boxes, New Layer and Và lentia Raisins. Barrols Curraitt; boxes Figs. Boxes Canded Citron, Lemon aud1 Orange Peel; Cases of Essence, Leman, Ratai- fia Vanilla, &c.. Cases choice Brandy and Wine. e ,i PhoasParies &8on, MANCRUA mER 0 XXX OREAMAEJ Don rewery, oronto, Ot Athproprietor attends pýersonallY tO tbe Brewiug;.a rognilar C. stock ofAie d Porter canalwayisbe déended upon._ Parties dèsiron8 of haviug- Aies of=uenor qualty sud Porter equal t, any FI imported, are respectfutIy solickted ( antheir orders.for a -unylreo saffil, and try for theuiseles. N uniylre O .Wfth.the.nidci our incrced fà cititiea, wearoenabled(o -produce an arti- cle (al tho year'round -) second (o noue in tho Dominion., ,11-Orm ef ith i A-H.SMn heFriueWarerooms, De.1, 1869. - 48 ________Oi ra Br - - j:15u iii0115los uv*uiivn iufaetur May JO BPHTRAINER. Whitby, ]Hy3 80 - 11*- MPORTANT TO IShU. - The. undienuigued keope con«atjty on baund ail kluds of PAKNG IMPLE1ǶS, couaistiig cfrSthe ssBes JHS' EFRKE <s Jnio Moerail msnutnaued at Eschi. moud Bfi. A1,40oaverjsrest varie1y of Pilya, Rioli- fine work- mou imd liii a îv, Whitl), aud Dominion il'b¶~> %iIii?~tnî,~trwcttera. Faulu Mliii, Rond Sorapera linA. o, and Ot, Bro a.Weeders, Sculilerg,&c., anda51PO lb. celobnsted double seir-adjustuug TIJURNIP P IRJLh maufcured by Marin.MboAnth'ur & Bron, #Aihbunn, Bubon band the- Richmnd [ll'i f ~Whkbt Oèhawa snd Dominion Points, Land- :ieould-barilu. Plow Handis, a, . Repaira kepton hsnd fortieRemn illi B P r . Sand.Eschrnoud AloI Agent for 5115 Ontario Tannera' Ilutusi 1'Jem et6 cil sund examine ufy' ftoek bafo;. - purchaaing eiswiere on stiicou, Fickeriiag, 4miles Wexv cf' ÎW4klin, oueand-s huit ,mlle et Of Geeuwooi ýAddes.... KislP. 0. Agttr 1 ~b85 T1ME AXND LABOR SAVEJ TRE O5C1AMTRç :WASIIIlNG MÂGRrNE, PAT-ENTEIY ON IME 18M r adci t, 1iO, >1 WILLIAM KATHEWSO)N, ChePaeneechllngs aiygt6ei . i J « Machne ow n us tocomote igansthie Ti. Patents. challenges i-thr asig' Machbinetuo aW nl t ome e autla, iny, persnunatoImente. . VCouS>'Rigbt* sud Machines fcr .sle,, ini Appi>' to WM. MATIHEWiio14. Frcoulun, ont BrOoRtin, Sept. 14, 1870.,8 J. A. DAVIM5oN, P. R. p~ .,. LIOESTI4I1E Royal ColleeVetofiusry surgeons, Whnt Beg tonform 'Ste Inhabitauts -of WhISth>'1>A uiuronding diaudrctm, tliai h. a-ond an oice lu Alexasier', Ontio Il oti rock 'Lreet Wiitby, wltere h. e n alwatyi Le con- The n smimd by thoge requlnring liz SE tnilee. - Sept. 28, 1870. -1 p HOTO.G R APHy )OIN ALLEZY, ndP a 'a i il PlIS p.. sud to Actast --t WUIWV1 AKER & JE TUER, PALE -N9 AN D t-1- ý - p R I N-G Lý.ýE'O