Whitby Chronicle, 19 Jan 1871, p. 1

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FAUT, n~ KANNIXZ. an') -~ anc ELL, atra FZYS-A? seiL Montreal, S oit theOffescef théslirn, Court les, I G SOL01N '-epth il , oCJKRANE, ILL, 9TE4 Lû . JOHi10te30fétN lVn IOUNTY C1IQWSATTORINEY 7FOR ON-' Ttexasile 29, 1B7o. ON I SrIn (Ialirandry, it-Lg No'ary Publie, &0.- MEUSBR. VARS & LAZIER, J AMTES WA LL A 0] -Çffoo-Brok @tact nêt,ýdeusrte-,Royal Jatviogr'pecuré') the copyrieht fer CiéeDo- Entai, Wlithy. xmiuiou of'(Csuada an')titure itéed ta. Iii m ce&Geea 'GEORGE 11. DARTNELL, tes. for. tliepublication et thése '10&GnrlCmisln tchartn, usgéeler vith seeloiréd Dindaa s treet, -Whisby. esr, spo, t>.léitrar, MastOONer ftAer')ltbni<epb chertu cf thé Cary, ara') slamnsntu Cluancar>. for théeun- Blés, Red & Diaek Ordens ofMaseainy, PQS2E2EZORNHO -1 otUitarlo. tites ]lnoek-mt., Whltb)Y. are nov offeýng tirenutelor <nsnres at modsrate ratéa,ln naliablsli sale, 'Cropies oata ouly eboar ldu adA einiefe * ROBERT i. WILSQN. frocs thé prepieters or their a Fln-t-sdAe atLié ~' A~r LAW tîorizde)gnt. .Thé ive plan ns.Baqeie iltWbtbySC.glat 2.5 &aTrUTtltl4rad't AT0LAThé Wbtby, Spt s.1970. th ;NWl * -wlule Bet ofthree toor 87.00. ________on.__ the____ W "vary Masheul)suea * UMBElI1 JAJzE KEIIJ GRDOI4, -JAMeS A. CAMPBIILL,- Il AIlCSTE & A tOt?<fY-T-LA N.B..~ég Agent tor the Denihuion, -The. tiii4rýjgjed bas ou baud,aot onu haner>.,(onéysrcarNe-prépautnutire tchants, evéry détail of-vhîeh L AD S TT Car Pblc. 0.wîi o fusibtaai -bit esprece lnus, E ~ M '8êtmeNext oor te thre Storm otfR.& wi litenu') e gréé laltb mréfranoteUs SH OamrpbaitJBrook St., Wluîtty, ont,.rmtéB luié uté unl. ~ EA lBVR - W!ityNo. 8,187.- Cet. 25, 1-70. -48 A largequasutit>. cf Lumoar, vhich hi 5. B FARDAKS.IME AND LABOR MÂAVEw, SOLICITOIL, NOT'ARY PUBLIC, &a. &0. T 0 POR S8A, L1, ki oOshawa, C.W. AT TUE c. A.JoNse, - THE OSCILATINC --nasneîCi.gO î haey t AIIG M C N ,LOWEBT MARKET RAT:E E W-lii1 Luiub ailkmsane 't oneti, &cqéeo, t, hertet taotice, Jias nemova') lm iOffices te lot floor ovar the P A T E N T E D - A. B. CAMPBELL Os*ao çsx, On vusiBm18=or JUI.T, 1810, »Tsyoki vrhitby, Out. 70 1808, 4 B i, pBroekin70 ÎàAREWELL & McGEE, WILLIAM MATHEWSON, eluJsît,5. ARISIRAl'T<;RNEys, SalîCIl- _ 0)OPBROOKLIN, 07.-. pR O FE 880 a i *P O 8 A',llS, 1> E »î,i, AN NO.TiiPatentechallenges anty aller Wasibing.- ARIEîý pýBLEC. 310Mahlmaéslonotviuse te compote ugainet àaJusA.C'm (>a'tca-Oné ai orrnerth o ehé Voit Oce, for dauy in-n they ime>. usiné. Thé Machinee Oshi$a an sd Misoceer's Blocs, OluPoatO bliauen horeughly tatel, sud usé') by reacrl>. Town lIaIT, Bovtiaîvlié. , 1 al thé prntcipaul hatale an') laîs'iug treln, P Alu-F R E y J. 9. FilmWELL. R. bMuChas. théeCouîty, vWho pronronsauc ILthhasolt nov tue iEURT 1nue. ItvwîIlvash frntna4inoliu "Ocat-luaal RSIDNC By Uron Street kerehiét te aahé') quilt tria h satisf>. (Keaîy o&/"à*!e a.u t ui.) OflARLirps C. KELLER, . su>.paroii una C mérite. AT£OHINEY-AT. L W, SOLIC11OIO N Connty Riglite sud iachines fýr Raesu, T-0--Iet -Piausno*u,81.'h lidncery, 0euvoasier, &.,Cinulug Appi>. te »WM. MATIlhM.WtaON. Tm.Intntn n I.To ounlBrookr, uýW. cf Musical t.'uuspuîitions, &c., 85. Brooklin, Ont Mr. Ponst feepg a goaroil stock J, JIADSI)t aiflyni.i littO, Brookîho, Sept. 4, 870. 8 '41d s' 8'-ne ala' slla AT'fOliqMYA'r1,W.SOLICITOIlu ifrEoiM0 £>' Musical_____________ &j :iltl n 4,W. Ornu llyroni stract, 801-I otOffice. 49 -o- £"¶Elt-AIN Ilaktl,.ivAIIos u0Fr LYMAX f NULII, LL. B., -LOAN -MONEY, 93BZa>-:r p AISIISTEI AT i.A W,Sololcitor iu Cha]*-- -.UN dt.limace à, Farm or ToWn Property - JAMES LAMON,AT ~TTOA .L ~ L 0 IV RA rES 0For.&Sr2E 71 SOLctvie 14 tiAC~iY,- RE AL E T T . J. H. 0ERRIE, Dr uggist, &C CONEYACEILADA(NT&. BOUGlîT.SOLD, AND EXCIIANGE». BundaaeSt.. l iby., Oréasova Àîn.trng' IuluhMai S.~ CONSIGNIsIET5OPGOODS Sole Agent tor tirlui aa etour tlxbnluîg., Juiié 7îh , i8ap . -2i selieltéal. Sétiistactny referanccésPZC D£R. HAN COCK, uuele)ube 'uré.OL55Tf PREf (nlouîto5eLA5i> m cvouo'uo.N> )- JAMES WALLAC'E, S, CT A, 1G.1, E S IVRGEorq, A 'AcoiJll!sEuRt &coq Commtesfiuti& Rani Estate Agent,-AD it. J. &GlN, EM. DDJUn1las ut., c'ppeeliteIBobsson fhotel 514; 1URGEON L'O VIE COUNTY (AOL Wlbithy, 2001uOct., 18Tîî. 483 T S1>.rei4tret,WîitFy. TASlIItON&13L AND DURIABLE Tire LICNSEs etr whueh are gonnce hy s F ftron inatanial 'unntacton')ed %eualahy fI 'll IAN IUl 4 O , Op'tie ponpca'é. IL 1taPitre, liard su,') lriliasi OWNCLIýf SittEfUAulUlitî, By TTB aud'nseuraAchrenaîlo as eau hé prediace'). TI116moe.-wni Ill Ilouiîsg9to 1 ,'elook. B OOTS A Nij s i E SO Tiire peaulian truaund aiéntiflenàcconrieyéa c. N - V RS, Thé ndc-eigîadtainre') b>'tiréaid et eompliioied aluicoi4t N.,VA R 9 The ndermiiieclbage te iuilone tléercceipt InrnohIuery, warranut« ne.§in toie.otin c thon -t lttY'JA.DuiisOshava of ai] a-xéeilAqiVévo stock er firsias uc'te ont rcot Stectucleaven lnua lmaosi;Strept ct>opo- Bootmbd$llu<u:ufor Ladies - ured. hié>. :.ust tre Sight m ,.t B iliantly G lileileu ird ;Iii- econter Fuseanud meintn te ua earar, eu Iesuetthin')loortiorth cf thé Ontario naké anud) - IPROVEMENT OF TIJE EY-Eg1 Blank. ittg stylae. - Ami) LuA tpA LT >XAcr rTAsse WI L S ON H o u SE, irtumE-MADz woiticAS USUAL.* vitheut rqnlnhiîg.tL e 1 !îngad. go they oai .A8~Et~NRrsArs.-Aîî ordans attan')ed te vittu pune théeiieet, as watt as the hait. A. WILSON', Jr., - Proprietor. tuiu>.LAZARUS, MORRIS & Ce., (-ZGUO. CA IIE!toN, 295 Kctré Damé Street, (un Staira). >T oiEiuflsrend tie pul icieallythIe lrc sro,"arrara i t ireuumaulCuiie ghoeuî nuhtua t,(Opposite thée Royal hutai.) R hus pomi lu ul~aéu1w uthir de Village £SaIVEE PIYVO BDZa'0_e or Ae fuîruu tn m scogglouhulimaou îu tra- pt. a6,1870. e l* IVPD uR ..I veliiogîuh(ic. Tiré lugne ils mua-. Pa u')to-- 25 nhielua îmmt t iluocudu n)couutonalé e =EROBSON HOUSE, ETAYFOEBiUIA mulieumr. Uuim'te wll fiit') ver>. conlita iees (LATEacsipv05TIAM dit theAhlevéestuuhuamum euu. W sLiqIm l î-uu, - hCIýsForT,ýL)B an aau')f te t llnemdaiwayos kapt onuDUiDASSTREET, WIaîTfly, C.Wy-. W- Gem') Stah>iîg n') attentive Omllars ns u- GOG tiSRpenee. JOHN DAILEY, Proprietor. tendance. 4.WLOJ. rpitr JIlE oubcrlher hégm te anonca sthat lha -0-- p 4eb ..n By %aILsu i, Po 15 hé T aslu,ue') thu0 hnmtdieug tenuuanty kniown Thé a4uve'hotel hbebéu newlTy 111k') Isis Ashbirn, vy lt, 869,t B18 aSnernjtreloel, witubeliliés ehaîu ranevat. aud' turniha'), Géeat% vilI Su') coritertahie UIION BOUS, neurnusîe lied.u') lit') iup tilroengheit,in aceouxe')éCiou au') itéuntu'un. UR N iD SE ý -týbéstetutyle. Thé Pre ie irep anti>. Gents ro'i> eahiu n')étnl % ste .' aitunted opPO.te tht nSLOie , a nd ntépa. eamy tbig ttnieoslr PORT WIIIT]3Y. ceitreolet uéTewitu.let ,i'ith un 80 Th ib&lwu>.oiinuacall, at thée lIcteltaudHOTOGRPI SNW Fp1iOthedoor eyilrlig.1oni*pedy Thée abové va-lh kuovu imoel labéehaeu Ci- neURîI>. rne0vita') ait iewiy furitimee) y tire GEORGE ROBSON. - nr~et prcpe;r. Tiire Stabing, a&0., havea- CéauîIlItles aysilu ttéu')a;ee W 15Z! (0 0 1 .0B po t lianu ettcieut, etute zut nepair,érund ne- W itby,bhay .868.e12 1 1? I tl-iigpllx ous of udoe ometfireuie-Io DOMIN ION UGA LLE RY mémte eti glusetse. - 'rît, T abl esupplihé' ili éverylhiiig et thé 1TEETÎI TU hrit Iunsera udolt>,bot tiré hast bnaiuuiu - Zn"EXTRACTED 'avEU U at in"l>ea Liuoee iai>',tigéne képi at ti. Bar. TRUTPA - -L jm 17 ~R R . N SN W. lTlTT AI,, é e, pu SROYAL CANADIAN 110TEL, wNITarnîrr r TiteuE Tl-, eFIRST-C-LA-SS -PIITOG'RAPHR 1 'bave beau recently niade tPe n ore susu...srePDQU5*5 ai an s- 510RST,, WIIITBY. lut moes onmea sem 1%11tsn. Iamn~swa 1W' SOIT-so R 07 Tu I rs Kor ]Moanuss. , eneresstheJinumber er sheeplircm, htI1 T rrv WbiLby, J'au. 2 -,noarh>. eue hhifmore thagn for a trifls~j élasaBilard Perler viît .tabhr sais TO <>,':CÏ I'CO-i REVERE Ol. Chb') I -Etnl 'Icot0 5t ' ,a --ÀP- 1 RO E bau -. AT ,, I ON5IÙ2É q'v ý, j OO>TTe OP lteYf ttéduproorns éil )trvéeo- iliardii atahd h 7 J A p r i l 8 , 8 ý 0 . t é h d JL1 TE~PN SA U RAN T &gn ILI D R jflIvmeto heo on hl (87 89, miuigtret Eut Toronto). e loniege. of hé 1UMy tuMost een oe iiéeff o f Bthé Yn wai jjte 5U1&w-tOat b iî ')d ""ssY""' to save' Itwiwjbud é y ot ueb foxt sek. 'fowo i b !!iL.L ÉHM S OA LSE, -'j'~ Loflé rm ound ber dainty a ud thr l aaoro: agésj about ailb a tyou for two yewra. 0.- ail Conclitjed. drew ber bêautoous bond, with its droop, this that IBOBarcely like-for a gentle- 'HoO can.,know? HwanlkJùow" The Wt l té g ae -got about alf-way through ing fieeco f locs, ipon 'uy--abotulder, fman is 5tlways busiess lik --Bo to com- AdelW o ftjo ahla~ ok mont, tant I-!pa heousaujand o r s ~w ile the rushing, foaming torrent, bore, Mece 'n7 talc-fo r at w e r Nfati, o thngh- b iocwau 'on irale <a eua, he Imae h Miosereparle our long overogh thatbruisedand tore very short Urne alter I got over the alwé"Yua Ptntsgenet formne> knew what t a n e n t i~ i U a s d à f l k e s i n o n é b e k ,' a n d ý s t p0 a l e o r l e b o g e p w i r l i n g p o o l s , s t a e o f s a y i n g n o t i n g o n t h é s t a g e . a n d b a ut hab ca g nlu h f o m . f ati) Cgér o th fiea brnde lm kennoed tlïat Strov e o uck us under,; and down ove" surmounted the difflculty of giviug tatispoedm ioudritf yia ailIsur. Wne ritbtinb Meut,,ou. e y e uj i-ino rîatéd Bta i t at 1hé -step cascades, %,bre theé waters brok u h t 'hu rae wai ta' with proper e er- sm en <l ia t or ther an Cn oýýtnI n o@ryatha. ndplled ily enou,,, 1iens shotsl, with hisaing roar, though they merrily eimPhasis. I saw Adelaide Lifan Plan- auOlienée. SP rivisiting Toronto for a day iii ex c ti on l 1 éy M y ~style of gl amied and fl sh d in thé rimson glow tagenet 1 Befor é 1 sa w ber 1 h ard of ber, a u') an .waited , AdelM e va fln d v eM e ec o m m d aterm e -,Wh e noob er, h é w a th e o u n .- B ru ise ') s u d b a tt re d - a n d h o rrib le - ru m o rs o f b e r re a l n a in e e t n t o k s d d e r ;, a b s I ve d -m e ( [ April ai6 atth, erapi.14 usud u rn o ma thn-; e b ut rCI1té0t15 by the collision, with the cruelrocks, thé, being latilda Block ad reached thée a a yto ,a dtécntd sro laDi n mu Oerarng.I uugttghhyto té pett tane héih raiMaybr oey an, rriqe t a Y t he. a nlub e Cédonstandrféar WHITBY197 , - ONbuht ho weene islfto tbL.ucoCics urn rm, ulyreove o rei brbéugdscnddfrm lna yar ndspu te' ik fol hêa ____ "Irewas 'iore i tha thfrty ? iehoue Netdto i tEv een ., wbén thé oherblin fr . ~ u d ha t hadri . go Overy dig ,> ifficl . 0 lic e iplent and »id tha t reig de ath b lse if ould 'no t art frkuese yef;btdO1ee o t , théorthect h d b I clowng llo tod therried u s, and be e frt'hhsfonliths cf bapp nesa I h a oth c ed 6 age tle an-l e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e sk it Théfbliehrbau ho oug ly énaitenelu lorraz d i déé . l y aIly tfro n t é lyi g f sin at s int te eau îay iny bauuuen hatI h vé e gwen<vay t drink ain W25.Y "OeNeTrbt.h irtbil arî hugen-rc bad ain oa ta théfull ved te ra i ér er Certa n t a té tsh in e avas andow e Inthoa sdikea lve d m -w Ha S S R N C c r d fasér, f cc p iaoudly. edt i I gatsp iei ao uta 'nté arjt qué n gofour tb eer- nd every aup e r a ried vas orl ovs e, n h t l v IMBARSTREET CIiA iNU u at08, rp id , arosl. ' up hoperdi . gd rffian reieatd, whn ber eé tr onédan filo, sd eu4b "'I's aIe Ithee as o croi.' ui nstnt ervswrd, hovever, Ifost-d ahitt fot aun d vh likeafori bo u t on lin ateut. ' hI .'tua m ake it, th'Do byen lf5 a i lîiebair?' mi ýe y eîf g f6cabt iedh.us n h of a t ra oithé estge. I tlig tad er h o pi e au u1 nco sa nble- andifl ýe n blood-put T o leS I ba sbL I S I I ro g h e» N a7 8 2. 'ey a z oîî A n d ee.bot b alh a l a u d i h t a a le r éa h ul a , a d o ri t'- v é a il li ou e') b erI h e v a s arn te t e su e n e h n ' a I ' M rnula uB ucel ot cl efro c , n g t t b é 'y n s d é s p a t ils 1fon t e n.Ca n e ss its elf; v é k u é w a b e s u p p o rted rhnp ea n > a dLt e SPie , sl atteunttdiorn.fact tn d ha.h ov roit aTone au mth t 1 lu hd b' t f a e ri d n ra t er s d viyu g i - 'lu s y a r,' abna e red.s - uc ha <-F A I& C., Agets or o c he i t anôsdwben n h r mn a Istill bl hé lad l p e be rsi telaa by ber ef etunes. TW e i d elor e tha Ad forai nothe r va le.ace Ti,- Arig13,on7.thémainmore vouldý« wa fat eath g a i hn i vas n tu a sd thé e r r eonwbo bd eî ayeLtîn brstrsestudoeadbpe P. 0 aoité îolfaoaîh.tria ~ vrouclah nwil rny ithne fria, yea borelasuuish thpe a d 50À patreuohrey -insre dpecful of s Lre a nd u urp réstenct rae n d v mer anl d hrappya b tuua Co i r hdicîthe fgét b i, i I bt i eavbd, alt t t Ite paver's alo e .fe..C ranlti h b a H w c n 1 k o'?e d1 lv d h c f L S S E P A D W t h i n t r é e r é e e e t e B u t ' v ê L r s d e j u r l . i1ou o r n s d ai; p u s ei a r , su d leas i d h a d a f o r , te e , I an e s ' w up s oh a d I o ns i e r fa c e rt a , b d s e Teî lii Le,îclcu. - inuat ge h o é r n et d ,r f a - e e te , h n li rP i nc g ve W YEC> A"'lesN yur adscady, fer F aro lneitnt ellforkadbrncIeé Iatu'ed fir t nd ,céd te be ru etoua o us that nigbt l hia rler. ad colab Apri 5r,155. gent WhtLy chaleng 70 temneeow' li sad Sreee outhétré insel. cctoily oul hav evr dredte sk Anavpla va jua inrebarai a -'D o t e u lî ssdv c u t h be y - ' M y e tf îia pohtin th e <.n ul s ban0 va s e [ h e a Outt ae, By acid enor y 'W h é.. un rh a te . l e rriam f e lad b y a ter- '1ura ntnecul e r adeho te u vmltrees té p itin thé it ofles ntrerdadWh'ma. UI hl te-ldy,,t ped le cme acqn:aiutith, sudilla leaorifAne , v rita vbo f earfoth pra.H JA ESTAI iyN a ae r. L I N eary h, 1fluwj reru ing A ot n u theruk s t raigb1 bnea ed msilo f î r oven -e ni b o of L o n eug ts.in Lted loer v, s1 r itdic b er ho esu d, t hoe i ) o 'c l o c .a p swi h n s e r c r n e m y q a 5vte m y , e à m o e zc -b e e d i u g a lo y , t b r e e o r s e - h e y o r s ionw h o a r e a t i c d t e t i it c i p r te d la u d m n a e a ' ~ ~t a r . s é t u d a tee b é f r q i n uo i n g s v h e i l y a e s o th a L n s . l d if e e t f or e y o u r o s e s i ud v b e e n c e o d v u e hm .s é a h .e a n d hé ava s b y a t n i a LffES AIDwitiottroereiceo te Ba héwaexplanienî1 mion, Aa I ad ex- ced le dy.Iattracedhir ,atnt lin ne s$ hoe-s vormétnu s t ree Thé d setean v som aeta al CalA Xu 1- pdo , cte d hé a tu _r t t i be l s ;i to u e eb r u e n f U h tn g t i h l ot thri.e o h O R N A M N T A L A e n t, E R , M r.c h all e e h é t e ar e o f e s id . o n d thy dveh n t b t l y n î u a nttho c, i f é r e O A v o e luti o n . R o u b s d ein s u d a s i éa a 'At hispoit t exhulaus btikn; but aboud sfîer semé accitation dun éd ou l') br Aerin ie thé , bouas e rdv -h A pil o rd ate de t v th pu ctahty su - t a t e l ,a th evart h , t el nd o ivW1îîee 'ot th la nbc argadu in e w t ten ,th s i rétafeint r h f a ed n hine s. H U1t1-ether forel n O I e you [and ayhl ni 0 «whc rmba ih agens,'h lt fpottee vé etdo h ___________________crmet_____________e_ three cornerahee brne_ whCavaliervisogirl, 'evho" -euquara hiber ma eelingswe A'A e t f r N D- lile r o n a er. en in e d i a om ei sai 'A) x hcp i , avle d u' sa tt n k h ir tnt a d e a t o e w h e t in 'h -a t re t h s ké cf beracd utrhe Im e of st s vhtdb ste breti el, o'aadWhyrde I fty d n wehén ve -y u ld gintak e m ' 1rtu, but té aufflutlv te givé.her loverdup todéat ano Lie ten nt lev nd bi tbom p ne-pru Fe 'tan s a tho r vh £e - n s e b t a 1n d s r i c oufe tio ei bd- ovu quartera, s d bym y a n41 vas absCJr, e. pee-Ada e fte fetslr epc- ATaIU T TO , lthé on, aud i g h eut eja t ethe r genrn-te- £ediw- h All ndersatten ed t wit punenaliy and perciv6 6t th rehieno placeea nsrsucctedéd.dun iluCethé -second. W lu thedo n third I f w e, le') n th emgteTM. alXLhvo orhsdteht. h ett a e teatuirdv e. W lemepai reof 0 o vrsocu Atmelant t? Scenter! me V V' Aon fr e s s iiu vn s thé Gpra. t.rrauge r bn ares 10éatupposnm er thé veraudab -t an -wr e re a c hre rs Clv i th ,nfd y te t e ler o a Trk f e, ayy ttin eg.1n'r, 187About 1 oly rie'aid tht thei r bTncs tov ard d ni os i rvSret udAdr zak mg i treas (Adqelaiber fchngs u r n e te e, wbeo ha N' Tlesh ds) , lieo(Ia lva a reghtofar as Ada-t as s i iLy au innve éler u'e dup li, ite p uahoneaîd lblluli w- eondbofe i1srepu t t h o eIB tamle vheirebadreore.bere) vhiha' c l a s a s t y l e a n d h y a e n iejo u amty h énwu n t ée tu ré, o c c u e d . a a fd u b e s v e i a r n v a a t h a nsus u d c u a a o ff o r e r a s t r a e r a u~~ ~~~ ~~ ths wx lvr ua wihetm etn.a' eaos eho - . sae dah. f G ed ut.' my n a ig n Cv leury uth é flfth set t hé f int ea oad ayaettr huted hat umen noue tv*e [vas ry-rue'hn'natowe c trots te ...e. aeandiuuamy setdtheas 'lbyuel.s piieeaIsas'edinethéd.Eeinyt sanosdc-ldIrephyttué ng1te give ba At, % arlcuIugthé STAIN. ie~n te â Letenarte, i eaaeoandchg eutena nd é rosé freothîr n tlt tnbo frm-eaud h ery ofthé piecé fi es sou thé ay ta Lb iei dent teuldhas getlmnt ord hin teatssud cam atqn evardhe vern~a libetsqezmyoutaubiglkaaafl' eee)sprdhsd ange hes , v Niii h axethii vei aucaethié rag rlùnre' ml os aanro tetadA 17 Whlth épt., csknwn vase ray i ng. Ou grak s pe utad.Iols, bnsswikvsbard me.n *idetonqnndy an rthe ora)ta Lb. bier hl 5 me te tetr the uli tu h)ha ared thpatyeganéde') n1 a il tedwht h é bousee) Ielled 'hs ailibthls f yryha oa tvsepc rea to d ezsa a vuei en- euin herme sife' home,'l. deaié ang thé uti h cé notie akeC au')er vsi te itdu h oueadxalqi l i ng; aec n o, .vhe I sthue th l cm. au') in'er vas rny vite, mv brave an') e n e . offre satatrt clansstylé undîîoalrehallon agthiuosharplyycouan')' I théfird abarhehrneath o pwnt r Ouetc epr pn myebc fer n he nafesesI ip hévi é uf- miugaîc kly au') lg rap.hb do eeai iuet tf aas o éi (3..hne woRG ae laIt te hut p thédoctetonage 'Er c ely r ieae' oeutakyîîprulyep éuedhe, o 1 au') an tgisveucr and s e .eln y o tAs Ievce miugof, donev Lb. beakhe fo trss M nerCU acotnANT ofThÀ I eso m. rflctnoirdel-po se eta to enmn 1 aau nty rse') ber fein r err , My , t e hén uiecataid 1r frein my pdnn , rooothe liutcbjarvoguata thattsterribledaeatraine only arriva')yes-astppe')easthésotur savtee,Çinncaig' ofghaof eun irat pefermance0f "Lov Cer4.wilv lO' iER AKD DAPai aER, prod u ih' nyrheotandy ameing, nu') v ardn ee e Sl dlié ua gtt' oa u eTatr"Ihad ee e h at 0 ri dntipaWldsbcfas el d'honn e ithé Cleuel'sv0tb aptair. aendr e v' e bog h ee er e e feelingsw en aa rik wa ead ýisd COnene mjgh Mny rnneaue')t e ,appeatr edn th at a ta %t teNrtLEMN 'S(AME'Siad out anetsa t e ues. Midtdîet, hmsî, bnba oav a. se, mblinlo n ad ak a n') ll u rll-ov méra lis~t'(Iobae. . téword apér) - iotocutCiti tSnvhc e i; e atluthe rst Pîcéa I rikt') n. Pftnrser belan') iaig acide oue.) A r sae, toloviu hé 'cAlic rang e te sate the r et bis k ad le. r ~ en nuinrsi, vny ti and hnI n kfl elIhi.ande : t was mattwie brve e l yen and , ll i n h.eely, and e as I lLer:dryeif :wei a l lgnt a eearst a ay r T' prois~~e d t eauna n th inf luher né vdysI oéab ilb sfl on t lekiuly ace. i n a.<h or we ljNy 'o LEN~ eitliqamontpthé bctlova hee tO' îliuly Iyureyoerntisé mkyobud égsoain. vitrana. gs, but ov ra seiug ly 'e-ts* Wascmn ntebek sud etbiig c pitoul' .ahfoilrgvan aiyngens e av es prov eyrsfri re, as te haer - finishe') O, ttlé eithrandy, bis ro y dsbeingeveet o , eu matig, snb hneye, eipie 'has te noom, heme shdIesin, appéa oraucestppe ') théncou ves CL TH R ND DR PE , erod be,, hd eerbeor bena eraymonig van bwsrin gnuiturofeth confss, n5 felins upn ths ocasi n dlastîug dh t atitudé; for hrséon tho mutléte' gtlong aeusia ndolyet tîp d [et (lt e thgean roisupvo ) tam nrt tov c-e') te flsou n y jee theolo ît pleo1vhicb vol'f l; Fkeryasevulrélussinha tlge')hons.e-bair shessud1 Lo vond m s nin'A vb.jt -he ail nt gnt a mo ino outu c efo lnt7 et cee') toaine u f r q x' 'ree o r g ha e h v oy r m Bter the echa a d I rse t sp t l y t. Osh w , al 2,8Lio n ave pevai Propeerty, éthéwhleeveutyopossohse,-,b t £-tl o F ar i o pr - t n s h o i b v e e a u S t g m a iz e ) e m y p r o io n auc m y G ')O o n g ps o a ,c e utO n bis e éta b lp, T h é n o v pla cd e 0 f c o u rs rut o iuteeet uu e.m aud innr e aal hcear biahntcomplétaly ostcise')uhnas eB lanye1winef e rr aint acunyn ar- a dn inhte')a al, iiarb te') leoktiug o insu of noî a e mou sd only eeotoyo b o - n w s s . P r o c p u i a u h é r e a i ) y e a î y bo t h e r u o rs. u t e b l l a d b e n g v 3 ' e r e ) ' o s a ' u d b i i n . k f a eabo t t h a l - v i h i l' b od b ot e r n y , t é v m n k e h e r p r s u b r a ouat etm nentee nd b -oorlalit d etOf g at tuds; fory. glane) a' bseysgls e a n th e b lack cgurtasblu o thedonr eofhis adcelik-è e' th e re erwn $évrs viicotiuataiFain a')Lo e t 8WO15hr nysao n, an') o al y era h ae)upm.mh, sug d hoe ba i n bofa han ') o woa ut [lit wtthé hju vs 'Men f ous , a ni i y oa u > t he, i eu r i d l o f p . c o l , s e voa n I l i l ,b ' ) th . t i g l i o fl y ' I t Brit I v ac hanb l i s. o s p a e u y a o t t u i I t t h p l u é v s t a i u e s u a v Mont uséqa ins u orthega11crcton,'upe-as" raeif ltees, owrda ong ' yotrcse y my o atsae'abutesc. u oueu t thé cwih i itb a ièctetpapr I m Ad elad l- théor prtsn ; o'bu th ilvoers.Pina t ln') Geaub eka utsd bsol'), rtexrisa r'sted ynevsrbch bc ne my pe s i lleandr, afn').cîang nbrbad u)asseloefapct myeaé ba gér n ,bti h Fo tunntme orinorau. upuyt vn e ebt ntugh téalas e yan, m htan kis ee') i tentnebaving oa bl a céigarwa iftea rn er of bs lié 1 riktee asonly ' ) ut clrras e IlODE', th p e io inîgh ueîy on mnd vsv ab l de eteu praserve 'jdu t ne. otanrony ilatbnen o li te o ows" r eofcus Jeea el tliAMEd rS aadeLotsyobscboosmipnd abme teteA')eisi')e' aitater théthirse att. Seooke')anérvo AsLnsfrgae ep oo,9 I sflele') l is i a4 utngm liedlu')fo rebta j bis u Coahn, eu, si)té eu u' u) xie), ee va eee r h OficiaI Asé ndeign eMb ey ro kr, a. paouden o n m pas l itéon ouh t viefpcsomaedvohs a sse a fumkné Iseaine') s mlgi] f btt fute n i tergttm adoFI'er Meuiléie lijkBrok 1tic, et Ot P thwlr hnin htm hra tvdmyutrne 1s ne ofthe a irse) inthé air. 'Iof muetroou.I m teok ber n hn-),gra') I fé-it I exce «Id ay ur yéaers eorIinvaeén btlierrsrvo a) baé andthe d, she. bci sioked uhiciytrM blhae b re ncbta h Wtithyad. re Shf onltad od -ewic akut'" n h i iloanlonons a n a c edfa n breepdn rt fi uol itclr)js Foe tenaher p2itcla 1870 , . hra') setoieroatu hmo uIl oth f essudf ne s ele tanc Sé ve foh f4 that the proviors ight. which e i')autely h ëaIt itexc0'). I 'W heby T' aa'. S elo e ev J A M E S 1 -Jm hOuL, îDé h o e t lu in f m é an') m i t e n rs e m s e v e n d e n iy ta t e n t a n no e b e e n y s i t h m le a d n d x c e , T e r s n o n e n t e 'AsstIleugtb thé huLula ghniMYhe ha') literu afîai')r more't knovivbat ofan le K 'ss famé lcyBokr &.r odeu hé nf assien had c ho rcvre)ry nstn igr tahn e t w a)a er*d n haifrahe muâtfrein kno tookst ir.' nad.1fet Blt;cktin m y aa,; a ') ov, hef ra tha) a eu ears ba e e ns p e b theA, g i e a e tot e h i - I e p ke t i k , t e b e C e tm e be'),, 1 7mai.'ne s in veco n su' rsioean a'hs'els',' I Si), 'a e . fo fi set o fron hver'), ofhe a nd ntvas Frndasarelcsvbc elc)valloin. h * mu skebgn.Taéveodé a')itionc l mysaî f u snspitinm tad hra oeihn emat t' honatiedyen bteau duugtle gJrlny T' vsi a ongeuoughtilThers éara b. n L AIi 18f r e gel, aregme yia nov; ut ha 'Fershai BRO O K S T. W RIT By z esiam ia') my litde oul') hé nt h en rad aeo t athé e BOihug ber respect forbe .rotes' dnemfbsheu lv. Ynaemn f0 ER VR'~r ILva nx-eths.pobale mybpa, m b r ced thé samé a vt axparlysiou. t 'tuid. lité. ~ ~ ha Spce 'r t'é iheliri.We aIn cI hnb e h a pysibeone lu feugbî 1' Whe datweme, iFt IB e "that veubl') yh ad dsoltée a i- e eset-o brbt r ou dndger f istber ,aelbe. ol armine MY its woldbc ut hedeaestfrendT'hve ù art is -heýrWhoe'tiuisan')th anlape') te i s Bg -yu d a ')éeaatstili hav ea')on JAS. A1ùcre*c w:thh*li. ATR.h y nelé1tho ug t t the hépy" oe')In- i reot') t ayp gmrre' oule-foot an') staggered across the .roni te- sheulder, an') I coula fêqI, vitb ny ar n owvaaliîî. -OFtenavo voal') mounu 1ema e thré,an'tueu wsahststht aigquréo)alutîl mbe. 'e')nghrougve'"J n vbe n yt erowylve d rm s JAS.A. LAR. b, m ýCqt ; thugh ýo thedei, lved It délaide tunud te nia vith a sveet, 1liug. flee ta') w o evé n i es a p r e , -a n ') ' , nY h é Si ne o u se . H a vî g s j i i g r o i W e i h s T a t r t ') L , n a , l a ) a e o e ) l r l e y -or- dvérs~y Jîl, L vol') b îny baudthat u tb laeorthé>of psassut i p u ple h sy abou 'üt, Iheiati, o té 'h yn tioao akai i. IIEA Pariiaaeni.> l t i'). throug th « h i ariu L-vanyý j .day f sel r-I - I i -

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