Whitby Chronicle, 19 Jan 1871, p. 3

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-A E E S ? I B Y tà P I 'do, labou.lug ehîs, 'Crïejs, ntyAgrloulturau Socley - 'Boot Ontai l iti h. hld at-tUic Towig - 1a 1 ll, bly, ou Thunray, lamary 1Oig , 1V- r thée, .m, o b pli rpoe of elmseil et busitness et umportance. irTeDirsotoà viii niot'gitthec Roben MW, Whltby,,%ýoc01c,*M eoO. ROBBON, ea sabÏeriher oSer. for ,pie lii. Norbb riny Acres p of xt ttumber Sveuîy.oise In the' third ccnceuulnoth îe !OWwsHxP 0F wiITBiu. Pffl 0 n l ai ieae, adlinsA'd, sti ii LVMBBR 8AoVED it, Pô e Vno a Dop îso .J isn P' ULING DEA IINS buhu lhfontie hre oitb qtîhi stCaicfi15. ov Imr ndII muînlug o!1< tu e ipîsi Wl. LThav e cu ea u u a gtroal imreve-o Placentsud i<naci!obtou,,mi, astion on thos0) aveiher014tthbaud tfige fleinlst er 89.8C f met. o citerge ito ium k aow ies výho-8 ad rit ,'a- !.TOiL Pl e fbirsî.clug, t cor oumîh d fior,.j A ýe. BEaut. O, - &e27 , c. , &c, n ,-M AUn dis re - itby, osan Oà FVXERALUýFULLY iO!EP PIj ED. YOUNG 9]tT]E, L L.B, »Aima ATalong ..A-.LAvOLIOt. Voit [if ORAcmarYAlD IN8OLVsflev, CAhFORL ~IoverSeedly -- '1 UNUERIGE WILL PAY TRE EGETCASH PRICE f'or mn>' quulle>'o!Clover Said' lby, Jan.. 9, 171, - ln !!L ANADAN N. DPIV!DENVD rio.8. Tb <f I TE o- -a .Amflgrb ivon thtt a dlvldeud et ras Pr ciit O ueced pid.up SOAI Q&paha k oft Ba $110 for &%@ I'tO th hic tLI f. - i f-.peg, 70 han t,'$a ,..i4 rdeY emberl t Jitane,. la U Trsa 3erhbook& - p j.order< th@ Board. banco for Taver Keps csubsriber effers for ma, ielis luherset sud aco-iti l ii the r lwti the FurutUr., Bar Pixtureu, 10Lîo Lquera uev -on hand, Thi 'Ue' I:j.e fr4 S ;ngThr - adbult- suda id wa tgôoid c'[ou,>' for an bitIby, -Tan. 11* 1. 8 .TORA.- DOD ni9 a 18 9 6 28Now on hand, n- eln -lviE 29,rk117s268 889, 1 nd,8 1 0i '*o glps e k-e a 998 8 26 8 1 8 9U 8 -3- -C H. .(~ ç~ *ovsL PoPîk.29 9 8 I8888 8 à4Oau8 O1Il1~ 1n55 es 'hiso AAD00. 18 AilNDE TA IN A'14N TOe Tum ---4 -- 1 e Not Wor,,W 9 707 1,89 4,39 .89 Io8 89 819 89 7,-61 'W 8 ses 89 89 se 5 Ip 89 1.07 89 .771 89 688 89 6707 ,60 4 04 2 7 - 8 6 1 0 I 2 44e SIS a fi7 j dios - Io U80488818 i 804 69 8 1 866 68 0930 1 $784 ag8 I $7924 10 à ôAT r aBUcK8TRum b7 * 17 3 84 404 112 848439 lu 132 842îj 856.404 î12 Is38 fil2 if 81 18 84 JO lb, 180 i47 18 18s vo. j sohe aie a uîsgil e a Sl, Th ucmne tîcîtî-U<d"s Of ac oi oer u On 0the a d P r y oo de SOftore.ml eu8y<ou dealîe ogîîo arbNtic ubrl We are proudof the rephoico Y feet mo,~~ <ro c~s JobAioU J0i N T Ntit' oiid '61 ca >41W Cthon, wJiltMr. anti1 o à 2or for giolle borgwili faulia W repoaef8huepttinfo iPLANr.naceae ta oe, WhiLby, Nov. Sud, 7.M.Jh ogg> alr udst~ jet Range, EAIs, 15 12 0, 80 1;89 3440 J O0 i N 'S K- N- N X E R.R R C ANCE 1Whi by8 , 87 .4 CIO do à$ PL1 . 8C ep Cash Dry G de st oe A lfl fte raitL EM P TA TIIOuNDTg'g PLty, Op PART? OPLoT 28,l jwi' iti ieBt le OC Il.tore. Theprgprietor lu travelling, aud - 842 Uî&turib, sh'P and keephooka,.J. .S TO 1<' 891026 me vrBoglo rg ur0 glos per moistii.EX il _ 8 - App~~~~~~~~~~~~i orally, or by latter , oT,,01eoealohrCi oaia »10A Elte. 29 s T ]RJ.C D É C s A. CAMPBIÈLL, sd V1 Lbo u êar ~eae oso Blok1298 82 1 3514 theE sA Ui 9- 1m i 177'2 1 9 18 94 Nv 1 80, 4 6. Willintuâjt-9procure s Srs Boxel, as se- 071 7 8' 1 -89- 877 P T O A E eV ohiuer, C.onBreakkoree.n htorheeu n0a ide. Id g~ 18 1 8 2 1 89 là A T TrI l dé 46 r IL T 0 NC o TheSubscriher sfi Ap 18 l eSlîttletrouble, sudou ? ëtmors btoi tbelekind patronage duritig - oieau îoînr±,, asbe lcey u ,. Wiilmèt 01 8-3 8 tOPast twelve years thst'holias hotu bythrO . 10A 1 8. RATB-RGAISINLTP INý oirwe ibusiness, ýnquid tako lu th, oda fwahr Bl7k1I.9ro18e.99Io_ 'si trestiug _ 1Williamii ,1Oa71- 9 1e 67 , seAlaailotfi Blok:Us 64 6 0 . Ith nrîentftda-d ntco 6 1 .ot 840.vlugketh_ wlttAcle PL" op Ast F 1or 20 IS FlaeelsN.»HsPPoawil sTa SoasSofaChais, Citr ndtteau IMio4,S R ifa Bloonk1, s , thdst bouipà,r. WA~LC'aP a tO a 5' 5 l'O > 2Tablesnn- ,sSecretaries, Sidebord1,Wadobsaurlu eliOft 3 7 1 uM a n t le s a n d 3 ilI in ctr1 * sio n t a bles, as nnpoea'es k e 2 P R ,biero r 1" 4 820 à8189 414 8 417 10189 818 reFIuiO, 6 8.E3CNT e--ornl iad ad hobx a Iu inif1 LI iothigade (>Ordr -nthe latest styles. t ATA NJ)BC LO OOS T la JEETRY,&a WALLACi'à PLAN LOT 28# la-T OONCUION, AU ki»ds ofiauCil with vryter.pJtG suit ard iimvii ulu- 8566 5a8189a d a -ii G oc ino' H TMEFO B" I o etifcio n al l B , 1 e4t s esc hlri e s .,h 2, 2 8 8 8 8 9 84 8 aissil la o v s Bu .8 as 8r -d F aDacl.Cr oer e s0.A N W 1$ T E TIME OR BARG INS r 18 5 i1 9 8W IN ES A N I) ILIQ U O R .P N AL attend d to with every attentio n a d at veypoehtthIu bubgu ur 4 2 6 8 41 189 4 8 a fra, ahod agaiat a C, 8 850 8189 495w Pic oursolle gja L prbsaOn:rp. A9 44 R Àlargeý stock cf WAluut, Oak, Butter-Nat sud Pine Coffins, sud Coffin Furni- .W. ÉEE1INSTALIL, loua oleeis ô £ 8 49tre, siWas aon band. <CI9UTz7 PR0T2 o &7 82 8 b 9 ô49'o 58 8 189 64-rolu .v ,8 i Ol)w D, 1 2 48 889 448taatpamofh. on 2bfCireure 06 3 6 41 5 MADDITIONAL AÀ RiVA LS ILINS N' Brookhn, Nov, 2, - 8 * heOiv roca.80toI.h r ntrae a 52beBtru8h o!4th4ge atatomnefoe. 80 motd tho6,4o appicai9n by ailor oherand 2Iha1at ut8yee eo u i 9 446ffl FailI aI." w iniieetssuehetvee 851 19 71 89 5 oet iiodisllfhsiwnmaulctreIo Go81 87 1Il9itylu a as o iow variti on ,b esbiithn t derju £1o Bo7u 4 IS V tgan d hasor nietaa, a G , : 8 1 7 7 1 8 9 S ] N E f f I ÃŽ n O Ct e e t ,r : ia t bi i 1 1 t c r ne t o < ta o ri a o âB . S o c roan e rO n t.g d Ã" -8 17 71 89 sa 18 ' E N R E L N $ I D W ITAL R E S T C' ý IT 7,2 2 8 89 4à 813 O thaa, N d 9h etp 8 -I 8481 7 189 4810 Tli ucs 77 p artô77 . . i e d e i g t M a h n a ii o 19l 74 89 a 8 -f THEu ftrFcO Ii tb . 'TVI U-&ad 8 ijl ou bargeor smaor c- ve ilte eauniur ot w 2 8 17 0 514G 9 TiY taî a t and -Blliar gdP ouensutiy. o 84 76 11 89 480'T TEC8I N D IMOFE Trta 2 ps 6 1 8 9» 54 18 W nHÂ S W I T H, S ot h nd C à a i a w e d s L A R G Ece B an e of 7 a s 7 2631 68 1189 4 4 'Wi K IN D,,,r nd- 8 817 189 38 WXCERIE 0F EERY ICLTCigare.n Thei stociis Spberb 1 a 74 9 1 89 à 7g Q, -PS HE XILLINERY DEPARTUENT ndteal o ld o te testequandity Ii.he ty 2 427M 1 89 1 877A R S , T U E E t S T zj& . e ti os e se upe i t ra o for L die . T era e s tylehon Rbt ,at OC thé paultelu t D & 2 M 6 1 9 448_FlO ersq onde, ind DreTTrEmF O IJ.N I'AI.sm ý N G .B .nBoomB 5, a 4 354 1T89 &o5 or canlarge beaten!çResofaurant and flhlliard Parlers, spP nid sotsLofrPari iery Weeiis ru Li 1 8478 l 1 89 ô861 o1 v. have evernmed. 11h 32i881 989 5 79 69and g Streel ss8, TOka-1-.21c. BLA419 IIJII i$2r,0e0eWa rt, vrihe Cln ar stnl an, sud Taretan Wc, NaPertn our lago 14 Trou plainer 1478and8987 .ink e tr d $ itn$8 e sPainardes ýDDIQ'&.PLA OP ART r Lm 2ý 217 ,; Ilese cli nd eamie 'te De Stck. riee canot e beten THETAIL RIN DEP RTU NT i undr temy VithousperithednciatiN. p 9 2458 8 1869 1448 1, là 9 0 2 1 89 I . ~ ~ As ag osgmn f R C E Y hn, ls e piend etso!Pu. ver otchad oo- fsp tyle.Gre tu=îterimas aluble tric-Ctor.' FiovreMautea18d11.saTri mtng. . attSt rioraaîailLour. 5 P . W G L N , Pesîent 2, 4 4 5 il 1 r et W h P h r e n l a ri k b il ing TJ ohé u rgtalfm - 8 . 0 C B4 2 ' , e c e l C a h a a, r q ui e s L ,n O s h a w a nd B e t ys u m o n a Who a r t lf th e-Do m in. i '-- 8: 1 31 2 189 I68-4onmm sicrdr -6 E4 11 195 26 1 898170 x1871. X 0, '1 7881 p81 08-25 A 4 48811 8917 îs'v1 ________________________________________________________ sd Bohe usut', m ulehli af t 1"Te9s02-12 CO) 89 , 8 0,,avNo;'1189mvir :,a 6,94 1.988 89 1q fehe ttsebéotwiti eg e tFAiitntoi. "" aawooatTb.B110al 4roe,~ 8950 78189 nti-ueho Location sude ___________ ______ NmtniteLaanduJ 11ge I eni P 1 o 8 9 1iIlAeL 0 W te- -di 18189917 1 7 0e 28 4849 107 189 888 l ' oraI orhigLeit - ., 4NUAn 1781 187. - Msarket Price yull b. paid. 'YEOMAN GIBSON. -OLD No. 1, p r e a n < e e r d l a t , m î t a c t ~ a p u r c h a me o t h e a n m n t o f O n . D o l l a r n d o v e r , w i, ic l ud b c e a . i Y ,, re c ,t i i r a a ,ft < ,, g r a n i la bthe value of tan cnstoe h olabought at John Skinner's for, bis tthi'ty aisy oSAOEN Claing$aleùredu&ed iupri'ce <ho entire tcdrigtef i aea<god o_11108 ZYR, 80LEPROPRIETOII,8"li Compuniy <3lerin Sae - hun euJec <olbe tock, rdurit h eai con 1*0 oaVd14 m'a for ut lies a r o t eh. -Eacb purchacer <oamonut cf Fort>' Dollars Oe1iIild o Four -dollars worth, asà mmlla.odOl5IuruiMet Pli'.- - eeifpi p sot L'lli eaO'n, ettoyl iais or Wijit>', Dec. bdDmiinresenlae t 4;, otanngoerô Twf'nty TvO p al" Jme lm adL I. ger,,e.1ytîîthy Tidi#ln 1,o -6- '()F, scie by'd, é yrieAXU 1 F o ù r ~ F ift C e n t - - D v e a. ro c l n s d a m m d ic a. d e a le rs. a 66-i >Threi , 4 6' Foriy b.2,80 Tw 66. 66" Th ' - 5A66 64 vainable rpry e S Twen l nîy oth u e bi u 5ttute. o cet o:. >~ O . ' " Tn 66. "-I~lndklis plne lthe n ieii rto h 10 cnst h dollaia pmeamut, aliitted to esch cu tomer. The jooda aIH reduced Contre Wurd or ti a Tova i,iWhihby, conîprle, filýPrceand a gft eaies. 111Z 3ie ro t, ln wlu tî,oo alla St c,, "ye 'RN, SKII ,ýDRY G( 1

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