r, IT, 'Oaa. L FaiiANNý upnt sA lNt nd ozfsjj p iottui linhve con-, Mît lens, S. 11.0V -Çà SON,- -47 RY ! le tuil i r, tltai hel ttioh iu thie nid VERY 8TABJLzS~ ltuoril l0iî titibar faîîa f id i lim t-ri1,>and ii. 'à ii [la mta lî i tt tîluîner lu iierIt a.sitar. S btttliiitiii Atit lelooN ut' 01dAYe, Iit'jrptobore. )UJT PAIN, .e lEK VsiE o y 1LA UUING GAIS, II;STH-ETIC7 AT -STRE E T- Y,, . Itifi. 25 o let Ici hittBrick Lt-t. e cIr, tit 4110 rear Mr. uuil luriîirly oecuipied tLl ooütnu quarter ut 'tarens,,î,clt,.l litrm, hlaPpil t.o euer ALHOTEL,,' ', t WJITI3o taY. Collage v.., Iulbed b>' thojo raqairing hie service..' Sej>C. 98,1870. 59, Joisv,î OOitfunmOUtBueîjKLIN G SOLOIION'Sý leKCQCIIRANE, gLL. ne nOUiTYCRbWN ATTOBNEl 7FOR ON- T PL - I tsrtô, Barriatet- sud Attorney-aI-L5v, S KSSSVR8&LAI Offic-B rock, tetne;at dior w o>' aiavlut seeured ltae copyright for ita Do- BUebl, Whitby. mitifou cf nCaaaunite United Sta-r, Ã""ElRGEaH. DJTNF, e, fcr lte publication cfthsai AENIBTZ, ATTONET , CUVETA~- ciOtari, togtier viiicoonc A blyi6TBaTiaîrar, M1iaor JtAXtrardlthograph ehartaeof ltae *airy, and exaiiadertu Citsucsry for tbeCoun- Bue, ed & Block Ondenacfacny a> ofUntarle. Otca Drrokmat., Whilîb>. ire nov uffarlng tiemfor ROBER Ju WLSON.sale. Copies ait oui>' eholad nônaT,. iliux. tifrom te repriefors or tteir au- AJIISTN kAT7ENE ATb ;w liolos rets te v lanoa Sellaika, at 82.0 aac i Thocloraci t 8.00. Thé B o>'~~r~W'Evcy Manothtboul ec8a0 mot.:ý .IAAE KEIRIGODONJAMESA. CAMPBEILL, * ANISTN k TîOENIE.ATLAW . B-NoenueAgent for tic Dcminion. BIO~u.~TERA CiUorCNZY N vii i N. B.-Noeie otbeau spt-ad lun te B ollitrlaCh.ery, C evyaocor, No- pt-e io? b th ca ve oaic h o»fan *îýo teté tr 1fX.&J0 a-b bndtgras itirefarouce notes C&M 4Itl oo 0 L Ite tr l. kJ.fruitn tceBible givan lu Ithe margin. 'Wltby, Nov. 18, 1867. ('cI. 26. 170, 4 Ille.Buko. T1TM11 NEAND LABO1LSAE 04has, C'W.THIE OSCILATING *irrster, Soiciloi la Chancery, At. G M A (311 HINE torney# ke., &0. - Itua Iemmved bis Office b olust flocr over the P A T E N T E D Ossamxo BAUX. ONt las t orJILT, 1870, sT Whitby, Oot. 7, 188. 40 LLIAMM TE SN FAREWELL k ieGgE, .1 BAJîaTS19 'V(;tEY&SULICI: OP RROOrVZix,O0$,T. lis("Ovzy& AD' u-ThePatonta. cîtalleuges au>' otitar Washiiu O45'iEh-OS ooPoritoliI'ot ffceblaciiliîc Dov lu Use 10 compat agaainat lits, OUM 9-nedoo nothof he lot 0110s for att>' uu lte>'mayu>'inte. Tiié Machinea Oshi*v and auJ Mcaer' Biooeit OPPosits lobseau hirongitly ested, sud ueciby ueri>' Tblva Bal, Bovmsuviile. ail-lte pritnmipail otJia dlsdiug formera lu J* 2. Fà izwvz, 1, E.mûts:, théCouîtteWho prououîtce il Vie huaI nov lu use, rcitia tefrt <nmsmuslinîtpoaket-itand- kecitoabad qubît AtS-ris[.vilî salief> CIAR SC. ICELLERO suy pimrseun ate tunité. A TTOUUKIiIr-.LAW, SOLICIjOR IN Conuuîy Eghto. sud achines fer sala, 013.1 haicr,iltue1ten,&- CutiAppîy to WM, MATREWhON. ck, . ,C W. W.okîuOnt J. B3AlER GI&EE'NWOOD, Brooklu, Sept. 14, 1870. 87 b ATTOliNEY-AT-LI.W. SOLICITOR In - YB .CLQ aneery, Netar> Puble, <Iouvcyattt'er, 1M 1>ZON 1YM &a., Whiily 1. %V. Oriîo,, Byrois sîreel,___ -scutt nb Ptb fice. 48 The Subserihar la prepared to LYDIAN ]îXULISI§, L L. B.* LOAN MUNET, B& RUISTER AT TA Wlolctor lu Qitan- JCsry Cc oyter. à !ýFRm .'Tnvn» le.a* IlntOreouy Pave" JAMES LAMON, 4 OLCITOI INluChAiNCEl', CDONVECYANCEIL,LAND AGENT &c. Ovros.e-Over Arnttrung'sl tua attSt. Uxbnldge, Jans 11h, 1869. tf-I8 DR.HANCOCKI (ru n*LAte» & TOIaOtTO.> SIJRGEO<, ACCOUCHEUR, &c.9 litej. GtiNNO nef). S11GEON 'TO TIIE COUNTYT ADI Blyron Stroaî, W h4by. THIOMIAS HUSTON, T OWNOLRRK é TttEAqUttEIl, WIIITBY Uffice-Tova lItait- Uoýrtltaclock. ON. VAR89, m P IAtTICAL Dutist, Oshtawa DsUblitbooms, direetl> oppo- site thepouauuatce.-Euîrauce on lmaceutrept thitrddoornorti ofîha Uutsric PROTOGRAFE GALLERY I3ROOKE ST. WHITBY Tii. uUtesgned la nov plopared te toake Phiotog~raphié, Atntuypus, tde. iatural a, life. Spectitar tt ton vithiclldreit. Wheu lu tovo, give t a ci]. JAS. A. CLÂIII. WILSON HOUSE, A. WILSON, Jr.oé- Proprietor, bas 0paued the aboYa tiew ligtiel-iit thei Village Of Asbttufor tliu teottodaticti et lteIrai. volllng 1utiie. Tite tousa la uew. eud fur- o tuotitoroui aud cotortialle menteon Guesîs viii Iblid uvery conareiiuiie aI ii.abya attbluîîîeîî,Wl ,Liquors, attd Cigairs u«lta boel. lroudialvayskept cii tend Good Stabling auJ attentive Dallers l * tsianee. WILOO, J r;,rprleîar. Asaburu, Ms#y lut, 1869, îe Grand Trunk BRailway Hotel. AT WHITBY ST.ATION. TXM. U'NRIL havît,1 puraaed lte hotel wVand promises kuovu &As1h. Grand Trnuk liotel, W httbysatilon, begu lW lufortu hla frIiidu aud tis lraveliug pubil tat'he ha.ý dtted up ltehou. sud stables lunlIrat- altos styla, aud by --atteatIlon te the vato tsf thbss vwho lavor Mita vth thhar paîroîtaeie trusta te menit aeocltueu0fitltereoustont. W- Parties tsklug the Iralu sud lasii boises viibave thent Wallitaken cars of?9111 thelirerotent. Wilatîb,spt., 1848. 86 PORT PERIM, ONT. Ir 'UOt, ..Proprietor. aupeio s eotalou. *Good stablilu &ôdeieroQuona ud atteutive csîlera. Port Perry, Nov, 8, 18.45 P ORT. PENNY IJOUSE. PORT PEgREr, ONT, -o- JAMES TUQMPSO«i Pitowui-ToR. -o- vhs Sebgeriber wvist 0 nforn thé .comi- iutait>' that bite pgetnisea are nov onen the puîbleic, ie ola preparad tclbrutsliasgood aacmiiidatii à iy La uthe Geunt>'. ksacI. 1 8. .- I LO0 W B.1TES W' INTERES T IREAL ESTATE. BOUGIIT. SOLD, AND EXCIIANGED. CONS@lGNXENT Pr 0FGOODS soiicited. Sittisfatauiry refereucese fnrîîîaihed viten required. JAMES WALLACE, tCommineuuu & Rel e tate Agent, Duîda ut., eppouite Robson Botel Wlîiîby, lotit 0c., 1870. 4 F SIOAL AND DURABLE BOOTS AND SHIOESe Tite uudersiignad hogs te annoîuco lie recelpt of ait extiïive tiev stock 0< irat-clasi Boet anttd Shoeoa, for -Ladies Gentiets:en antda,'htl. laite sud style». IIIOME-MADE WORK AS USUAL.» Rxt.Ânm.-All orders atiauded 1teviitt punet ttalit>'. QEO. CAMErtoN, Brook atroot, <opposite lte Royal holel.> Sept. , 1870. sa J 0111f OBJINOr'S Hair- Dressing and Sha'ving SALOON, JIUCK ST., WIIITBY. IZ SOUvTH or UE xBAiex or Morevaa. Whiîby, Jain. 22, '88. w HITBY J)INo F ACTORY -o-. 4. . SE PH R AIN E R P 19 O P B 1 ET 0OR. Tic aubsenihor, tn returulug ht;in-lu cersttatnks tu lb. utsuy friand, -aud oustomara 0 tseWhiîby PIANO 1IANJFACTOIRYY hags leomlate tatitenv carrltr oun te busi.- isolel>' b M is ovaceuunt; adna-bits-. Iloieli, future ode ha boecte ucatîre thent tuat neOtltin$ ip yuha loft nudona oit isupart t0 tire siifitolugunpplyiu5% STYLE, j F YINIS Il, Thea celabrated uav patent aud, cross -poule pattern cf llu ovu inveation uiauufactured as harelefore. W Alordaru executed viti Promptitude* and dispach. JOSEPIÃŽ P. RAINER. Whitby, MAY 8, 1870. 17-18 ONT-IARIO lIOTEL (laIs C. Davea'u.)i WHITByN.AI Z4TL 1 1 L m ec,.D~om 10 to 80 feet 1lu , ugt ~ ~ 1870.JOHN w JAMES WALLIAOJ Timmlgne & General onIsIn Dundao Street" - Whifbr. Canadan auJAmeo'rtan ofcesL. a Withy, Sept. Soi 187«. Tituders#griad bas ouniband, ai ME AD'S M f'I 1 NEZARS ASfB-UlRi,. ORSA Lj LOWEST MARIKET JRATJE .~ DIII Lumb ail kinda o ou it tetnotice. A. B. CAMPBELL .Brooklu]1 Dîoýllu, JUOta.Irti, 1870:* p RtOFESS'OR J. -POS fE £ au us PIANO-FORTE, c RESIDY.NCE, -, Byron Street, (&Valk mcppo fa .ou zsrfi.) -o- Tfuxs.Iuuructons ou Piano, $10. Titeor>' 01 uical compositionî, &o., $5. *SD' %Er. Pont keepu a general à tock of muite sud Boink, for sale, and visites a Caai from hia Usiclonfriénila. Whltty, March 2, 1870. DENTRAL fOT.L, BlîtJUGHAM romi~BiUEY, roprietor. Tihé aboya hotel ham be n ely fitteci np and furnis»ned.. Gueula vii i d outortiibi accommuodation and attlention,. Gooo roomy slabliug and -attentive ostiers. an. 20, 1870. 4 J)IO TO GR AP H y )OfIIINION GALLERY 18, FOR FIRST-CLASS PIIOTOGRAPIIS 1 qothi, g but good work allowed to lave te rooma. Ai-kindsand ail aizes, fromn the emali looket pîiture to Ile size, aud finishied in Corbon Indla iuk, &plu Water or lu (Al colora. MEr. Wiilsou flx ver>' uucceaful lu taking Ltli1droîi's portraits. 1Spbclii ratas tW Ciergyngju. Oli Por- raa neat>' copied. Wu saoliabeuocl lihappy tW recetre visita at y tite, (aveu il you do not, vaut pictures.) v4 ftîer ourselves te viait viii veel repay nu for the trouble. HWLSN t. - vtz 4itt 4Lq tie r. o T, &ov. l.t, 1870. 44 yo AUýCTION BUSINESS 1869. '89 none thst I amn prepared eo c onae, TOWN OR CO1JNTY,~ îr Arraagemtentsu'tor salas eu a n amde ut-at lie >CtanornCîxWOffc, Ornet nM>'ovo ce, Brook streat, Wliithy. L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., ah lh ahitby, July 8 see A vola. >QuÂ&JCS..4 viailtof aarly lun- dià orebion, oauîatug nervous datmllity-1 premature deca>', &o.. itavitîg tried lu fain avary-advartised reuîely, tas a simple mneaus l-uferu. A-ldroe J. E. TUTTLE, 78 aaautNew York. Gm.82 BMING IMPLEMENTS, ko. The undorsiged >e s W st7te ltaheh continues to mnufactura Root, Seed,.&'Kanure Drills, AS WE0LV S 'c A. ALXANDE - - Proprietor. THEsubseriber dealres to ratua. tIhâoka te «L- to lte public forlte veiyr aipî-u lte above'v.ii linovu hoîsi.Lsig. adltbn -ave beueuauladtO ÇIte preoia osu r- ug lur eoocntod lo e u CI and eneresaing tea me iM AND ALa.L KIOP0 IFARMING l LEIWNT8. Oovnaîyfitfed Up voomu, for Comi TiiERR4PIN RsAR LNT- (87 k 89, Klug Street Reut Toronto). THOMIAS CARLISLE, - Pacpamuge. Tii. Cloue ais- latiraullu»ues Met. supplicci st *%rail houre. Wltuaa ý; Do sand Cigaroo e fi nest bt-sd . shahj an Oystera iIn ever>' style. __rParies vlsitiug Toronto fors day W-r111 t'u ever>' scenimdalîou at the Terraptu. April 5, 1870,-;1 WMZrr, - ONT. A. M A SON, -0 Proprietor. Tite aitove bbheen titorougiti>'rsnovaited, auJ lis public vill inSd every sacomntodaiîîon audth tis tat tenticn. April 18, 1810. 15 FIRE ASSURANCE CO8, li(OMBANiDSTEEET & CHAltING CROSS, £SI4BDLI,6BED IN 1782. GILL.ESPIE, MOFFATT k Co., Agent, for Canada. JAMES DAVIbON, Manager. INSUR.ANCR againut 1088 iv FINE are J ffectemi ottIhte utortfavot-ahie terme auJ LOSSEs PAID vititeutrefereaice te liaelFoard April Ord,11568. --., WILLI Am DEVLIN . -8.ND- N ORNA1VENTAL PAINTER, Brook Street.,,Whlllsy. Ail orders aîteuded tw vithpuncttalt>' and despatoit. W Agent for best %amplea roont Psper. May' 8, 1870. 17-18 N 20,goTE GREAT FEMALE' REMEDY. Job Xfo8ee' Periodical Pille Thia iuvalcable rtuedicine lauftailing iluth.ecure ej al . JuZnfuoo ud dangrceadigages ta whteh the fele euttto aubetl.1I9 anderates ail excesa sud remOvceail obstruction#, guid a epecdy cura may ha reieduon. To Jlarrued Ladies, Il fl pecuatliy uuitedl. Il wili in a short noté bhmg on t tuouîhlyZpet-m wllhregularil>'. 1n ail C.a fNero. ild Pinal Affections, Pain. lu ahe Bark and Lamhs, Fatigue on alghaezerti00, Pitlprtaton uf the heurtiycte-tnea. alid WlVhtea, hose ili wiii trl]et a cuet-v hc,, ait other aucaus have rail. ed ; sud ath6ugh a poaverful remedy, du not cousain l-n. golto,l tiimouy, or suythiig horifulto the Coui. ptiiUit"u Poil ditreins lu theamophlet arcnd each package, vluch should te carefully preaerved., JOB1 MOSESi. NEWYORIC, tiOLEpaOpalEToitS si c0 and 12k cents for p'ostage. euclosed w oNorth- rop and Lymant Ne% ensile. Ont., general uagenta for the Domnion, viii battre a hoet, ouiaiuing over 50 Pilla, by rotur,. mtiL. For sale hby James B yrue sud . B. Geme. Whlthy; W. P Alkinson andl Rtbiuaou & Co., Oshawa; . Dawes. ihrokllist, sud ail teedicine deaicrag. P A PE R HÂN GI N G Tie uuderoigued hegsto iuform tite publie titst h lihaton baud the largeut aud- beit atock cf Paper Huauglugi lu towu, ail of tha %-hteh héeoffera for ale, verylov, forceuh.t EW,- Palntzng,-Graining, Glazing, 1 and Paper lianging, exeauteil tut a vork t mntlike anti expeditions mauner,-as tliguai. A. C. WILSON, Dundt Street, Whuît Vhitby,Ahpril 21, 1870. 1- J-8T- REOEWVED, À cor load of te> cWebrated - -in thee market.) Sold et te loves;t possible prîcebs, at - WiiOLESALE aud RETAIL. 180 Fantlly Drug Store. GE ORGE GURLE, MEUCHANT T AXL0,R CLOTHER AN» DRAPER, 11;Ox zM- GENTLEMEN'S GARMENTSimde up ID thheetsyen aataho A flue istock o? Cliotho rom vblcb b niake asolotonfor Gentieen sunmer suitg.. MCNEY TO LEBN D AT 1REDUýCE» IATES. amn no!v prepared te lend ».uy antount of ame> o t i. culy ofM£aodFam or nn EJ. U. CIMA manager, J 110, ii4o 1.W. Ton ýBLACKSà jTIIIN HORSE.sHON Tie nderaigu e gu le iform the ie8 hauts cf Ugbrid a sudthe sumurodi oturt al 0lseopenod baincif l u S e o'a cd s t a n d , 'UX»BR1DEV, VLLiGE,, vieis h. viii -ieavI s p adt4 b xec ai îdac Iacksanij mot- Prlk luannal~ msUnaBr, Partieulai. nt ution PSi4 te lc Sitcaiug, sud aHi ort-arrated PARK FORBALE. Reaiong "Art cf Lot No. 10, int h eSd' cou. à eah,, compniulng 109 set-es, à 80 acres dat sd Ilit a oomi tat. cfclliiusd fenced. Tioarela s living etrinand cfw rt i htagi lte faim K good0 Framni.Dvelii ugcue, and irasi-cîsa huildfoom Aae&900doociansd chnaet-.*'i hudispulaLle. For fut -tinps- ttarnu, i GEORLGE LYLg, maneheutar P. QUMALL SETCHEL'LOST-On lie 2 0~ Jauusiry, belveen Port WiubY and I çeri; coniood lalter Suad PaPers an, Bnbo;aise' about $14 in Ameni mottle>'. Auyperaou loaving ltae asmo0atIl 'office o? this piarer, or ait C. T. Ycung's lPcrr, viii hoei hrail>' reaarded. Feb! 8, 1871.a SYUN PLENDID FOR SALE. lessro. 3irrell and Johnst;oz tlaviug purehaaad lM. Oco. Mlierts wva kitovu stock bull, "BELL DLYKE 0o « FORD," prnibst o sali their splendid >oui Bul t.LOT AIR," bred front Mr. W, 11iller'a vel kuovu t..ov taBos Lee,"l-eFia to M. H. Cooireuals two-thoisaud -dolar ýîo ttMald of Ah,"--aud b>' John M. Bell. tt.ighad (le."41 BIRRIELL &kJOEHNSTOç, Greeuwcod, P.C I IASH ]PIC PIAS, RITE, &OAT@ Tit. Dut'slud vtll Pa;'CAS I for a auotit>' OfFliand sprig Wbet, Ala, paz arley, Ryeaud Oata. Whiby hn 2517 . 0.DRAPER & 00 OR SA1.$,-.Salt, Pieuter, Coaf and Wateî FO P Blim TC. .& o B 'NOTICE 1 s aberabv givan titat th Ceutucil of lia Corporation o? ihe Tovu. aOlp of Whitlby, lemis at ils eDtrtmeting, toha i)IeOntbitfrav Monda ylu Marcit uext, il lthe Toçtillp itai, Brookiu, tW pua a, av oit aud shopping np the Norui-haif of h a eîIevaincs for road, boîcreun lots cumboea 4aJlun Ithe filccnesion of tie Town- shp «f Wiltby, aud vesting lt.es$âme lu lamas .fion, , quiie. 1lnooklin, eeb. 7, 1871., 4iu-O rATTnIox-..Ail Paooneare iterby caution. Jed iuasit purchaalttg or negoeatîup s arlalu uoe of ond for 89, mamie bY gtuaun lesitnad lu havor of Thomas Hcdgscn, cf Lot 5, Sth COu,.Wltht>,sud payable ttra. dsys paid. G4»,Gg o(ei e antj ea ebry lý 1871.,, ['RoNI*o, SIMCOZ ANTI MUSKOXA ýJuniou xllvsy.-Notee 1la liereit> ivan tit the Annuel Gt-nerai Maeîlug cof tige tarelîold*bm of tiiacompan>' aili, he, hed lu loir oflolé Brook street, ou Wedouday, jiia et day of lirci oert, ut 12 c'coeok ucca, for eo purpoit cf elaatini dît-actons for tlie sau. nu , ar auJ forthe transaction.,o? general iaiuue~ Furlie ublta haraby giu ti2t ,tanesr anaîo the uaid bas i nasa f, ild geneilmeeting cfsirkoldens vii bo sce PLILAL l tep deO bab ho baetkaf dOtitt4vthOette 0fr loà 'eis f o,siià eouup.ny, under the at e t; oduwdlug b lit terme cf lt Ot fln'*Poragoii of thesald 0mn ;sud aed'st.eA, aud bbc e e t ureby értte41,and fartiier, for fupt-pcocf moideri gsud autherfing thes eactioca mme of llce of tbia acnpau tb the' North. y C1,>'<ompany. B>'ro W.- F. M SIINO.Reestav- Dated Z i P~l th, Ij $ai lot in 1bis faîber,1 or ontat-in; YSOMAN GIBSON ,&Irent. Whit JL uwa rruperk À T 1 1 B. T. HARRISON, Clork of thi Toirnahip of wbltbv. 1- UPIP Long, i: 1 1 1- IFA 1 1 mb- ~ je~ g ~ ecmPanlc o e sd'froi 'La wm urwb.baie objected te bis 9 l n blaulbuuind bena nao ainteogio gAs Uta .14 us iieeiu-s oa bt ha Aawus loihver-s whiaalfS £pplyig lu the heasrforever, £ sndho determined to An isUed's utgivi-*0--ii4frbrsle ahI .Failla1trousaboice' it4d]frlirf as t 1-i enos, tat ouswliing, >rspid, and by theLtin e, Warekat for ovai1 i saai'adyto entercol bathe ides of- sopat but'site cverrnlad bis, mou lng int Lb. neceal u cubér st~>>4audios, ,niorre Manesoonncing MIs ltenti L ilis , y en iO u ats at . I ca -« n uot 9 9z ed vit vo ud er a I leile itiout callifng y en if.. T on; b y be t e -h m . To 1 kmev thst 1Ilove.,yu-uay, vorsblp yen; shrt -ime aine U, adiy bylicds %drean bs ever beau' bétîoccuionly, thon, ef dn se t o e all yenmine.' . aLter; r but ieun, trad tN1 alpi, 1 cannot consent t a secret sud ho drcaded lint-agi Wialal ge I 'have sîvays regardcd secret. vas a learuedman; ai atet- manriiesea itli heror. Tiee .vii l eisbis chiid bin; ava) na-* man>' baIes lgt; snd yen ma>' ha exatied hm- forougi ont.- numheM d ssoag tb. alsîn. 1 lova yeu lshed te find <t i o Sdaaîly,ýaJpb,, aafw illing te b. your enteri college. >Bal1wpJ'a t-r, vifs if Yap avilI ackuovladj. me s ainch varid ber. eei Jb toe ed; but I1loe.My parentes io, AiL, comleîng bhis sud I caniýtL ntail upon ltentthe mIser>' s professionu.-,aeVas1 1.0. fliat la certain te ifcllov s mat-nage 11ke lu 1861. lu Lita meai 6 this. caeIcunot beir the scorn cf boea cccpiad lu haschi - the wvend. Yen know taI 1- arn pee, r .arhe bad formel1 .'Yîî aud If I1vose te os m£ reput. ion f About tbf, ime, voit Port vonld -h "a on tt lit lova IhaL csiled ob daend the ES d a promptsyen1 u t a L e te a tslife-long Raîpi cbeyd lte ci Stro u b l a ? W at L iy n r eu t- n s d . li, n h i ci ho a b d Joined w 'Ot-t parbapa yn70 ahe ailI consent te our Vacks., Balp venst bc marnage.' 10 become bhm vif., bal 11 ' Ne r, Lilian; h a iii 'never consent. set f vs - 1 kaew hlm Lai botter titan yen.. I un- »lun akm;É Lillan te i d etstand y en, L iian, sud 1 aould n , for aif, l ph b ati n t tlq the venld, cause yeon eue melnent'a pain. ho bad pcevicusl y ail Wbeu 1, tall yen that-yen vwiii ha .my vifa Re bad iuted bts love L but In usm e, iii y en co sent ?1 .1, iii Judge's 1 re ply asm ostîes have averylting, lu readincis, sud z700 Bis fatier - sbockl _ eau meet me at Old Ben's jual baforelsiclanohedti s bauds, and Ice 10oJoin my compan'; sud-,va viii bis son, as ifîte ubnke i benadeeue. I bave tbld yon often tat air ,l' eobissaci, haîvea I knev yen' vould bli t e me ; but iL &alsl a citild oftetmas le bs bacun >' vsh Im hoybood te caîl Loek yens, sir, if yen wý yen mine ; and T ma>' neyer rebut-n. Do at-a ne longr su imis yen cousent Lillian il ne longer Our home i ~ consenti Rahph ;1btoh .faj lmprop Wfy -rot9y future.' 1 c n-wiicnt-se y M. tYcn shbah navet- regret iL. darli g ; if aven ' r y en do, l ail hé no fa nt f m in e. ' R lph , ait b a l b is ýIi iWOn Lia baniks f a amail streatu nmid- reliance, acinyer geL die G (eergia atood a large brick building. et bis folier.Lsu lu front vasa beautiful grevae ofmagne- otbiug'tohlm, but bits lias,. u Ithe rear vas a elepiu; gras..- nof bear. . - O.' cov ed hla n, i terslietsed v it i a t-our i A e v day . bef re Ea 1; ef pape, vici exte ded.,te le ba niks f co npany Judge Taylor, - te trean. Tiis, magnificient country caled ave>' on 'business resdence as Ve préeprty f Judga Tay- fors, hd vry cpportt lot-. Ha va stem, prend masn, Sudis arrangements unidis -kept itimacîfaleof fron thLa et-Id. Bis toe a uarest'village, l cl> redeemng qualit>' as is dvticu' vices fa yung minite tole hi if, vie died a few days atter Lie mate, wbe ,was a menusi uicf Ralpb.- After tie desth, cf bis compan>', aiid xpectetJ wife, Jndge Taylor davcted himacîef t is Ralpi. lbrar>' and itsl n i bu elles of m sy Early- ee mornisir. m. bo ks. ,h rs aitl a sim ple vii Tha litte.mncherleas Eaph vas lefte fev ild floers in ber tb. cane cf Old Bon, -the steward, sud ig ber vay alowly te >Old Bi !y vli e . T i ay v e ' c itil le s , s ud , v er a e e r a i tn t s o u b r vw prond of't(bo it l biecarge; audJ Liit- t Wretrceher steps. S g*iearts vnt ont foeards hm Lt-m te' ber destination, sud ad irat, fr they lied n rsid. bis, m th r. hfore alp it sund tic Judge Taylor va. vealliy, and-sav fihat They vore soon proue ne wish cf Rapi's vas Ieftý ungratifieci, vifé. Old Benan sd hi but ti. ,cbid shranik front the -cold, unu- ltelicense ; a copy vas ratral fthoèr, sd l ineafered sd Lillian. Ralpi ld bis * v cid im , L eft'm u ci to , i us f ! Sund is f ao rit . m g uli . contpantns ip etof -- e aged couple, h a vraiting to bear hm sae naîtnraliy bacate a dt-aany, ntelauchcly tNcav, Lillian, 1 muet ciid. saidi'his voice tremblini A s h a g r a . u p , b is c i aI am p îy i sn t ul O ld B a u s ud b is i e il wuva to ander lunte gérce of magnolia, audJ lii lltr os, m oruit for bcut-undertlb.grape st-bout-s, nover return lo claini 'My occupied wiit an ld book f. faity tles, Sould ýmY faier die, vhich ieafcund lu Ben'@ box cf t-ubbisi sibould neyer relul o, se Opposite te brick 'manisicu on tie adyu aili have pletý s otaer aida cf tae abreaut wva a vbhite cci- abcve vauL- Gcod-bye,. t.Lage, occnipied by Mr. Ar-mtrong. ,îjleGod lkuovs, 1 bitte W lai vais axclector f bhe counuyr 4nd ie bye I but, I1iope, nt foi acanty vages ver: scarcel>'4suficient té He clasped ber <,o bis b f supyccmfottforIde large tamil>' f embraco; praused huslip d girls sd boys. B >' te aid f ig cilîdren , sd a , gone. LilÃi an i s hoi culivatd a m ali fa m ; uvan b n l tte spot. S ic s retc ed j * orkin ; seisgon: vas ver, ho sent tien t a ud gave O ua d s pii ný al te Lite country' acioc, vicb a. keps Haeitoard ber not, fr ha close b>', aud by ibis motus mnagea to 1>' 5w5>' -give tent agol ducaîfon. illuin, is ,Years pased,.auditill1 tit-Jdatigitet., - vas cileront front the Lillian head frein R alpi othans. Nturail>' ambitiena sudlutehli-tite"mais avare irragniaê, genst, aita sconec and. negected -, h inities for posting lattera domesitoduticas asigualbr, ~bsd nauy..uitors, butLof a annoyance oet> ber moier sud aitea lrjcted.Mr. At-mstrc Sia vod ofln. stal et o e ,back im, sold is iltlbîafatm, d o , - g i d e t i -Q u g i't hL b . l i t t ie c c a r d rN e n r u G o r g i . L il i 'i t h a f l u t ae r v en e c i b t a ve a L e b o n s e sn d e b eo l, s ud t v* i à h n g i ci 1 ýi il 1 l' s'as reali>' rcady t 'a pqgt-u ass usa con aI; theacademy tducstibn, be oihm 1dmitted tte eb ontite, Lillisa bat lin Sth academy lunteersavare bain1 coutitarulaud;-suW ii.Thteco'mpan>j iuld <leave lunlave mmie teo urge Lilia dore be loftfer Vhs secrely beïcome bf v ith bis fathe, Dfor 'Liliian.Titi Luunned lmi. avîiti ýpsalon. He i dvaucsd tevarda enbou t . dcn Neer tr>' au Armtstrong 1i narry that girl, yoù uale Tue boéueid 4ol a pann>' cf are i aili hisoavn Intellect sud self- over bis oarly test- b is > t- p rty 8 a à pit va tejoin bie vasunexpacted>' S,. Rai pb, Ibere- nit>' for-mkin; tunrbed. Ha veul »procure ltheast- er, sud old scitool- à ben o ethLe Sme ki t, leave aviith e imualin, vouiid a. hai-, and veuded ýe'. -Sbe pausad 'y,n su nrudas fiaet st n eacied 1 n e t l o n g t e a a i t e inilter came. ounced 'imn ansd is vite vituessad atien banded ta trambling vif. Ibm The carniage vas ty. i leave yen,' ha ig avili eiolion- Il. icep our secret, nili me. I ma> y ovu. sWeît vite. ei Lillian, and 1 sent yonr .rigit i7 to koep ycou ,-»illian, darlin;i1 Baie yen. Goa- iosomn in oua long p&i to bers once, îomed' rccteid te ,forth 'her bauds, 'g cry-Eélph Il vas bone t-pid- 1te avar avent on. ibut scîdont,,for auJ" bis oppor- ruavera few. -Sie curse -tic>'were mng, l ite mesu- ,auJ - setld lu mn hbavin; s agood i gve it top, ra- cou _t$e" -1 F. no asae,. lie aastireforeceapelieti Fe t'a hixeon the charity of etters. For, ha Ir yeora hige feebeirtsa wee ezartedta e d obtain meaus te bear bis expens'bohme., ry ftot' reacing bome . ounao 8oIad cetegreet hlm-bis tather deaci, antd 0I"kStzý on ua ho nent vbiben. la Ivain bc made inquiries ; n'ue kuiýW Yvwors bevas living AI lu.t bis efforts '01 vere ct-oaved ih succeis. Be mal vitli n a gentleman vite gavebiuthe!. addyeea cf Ln tefamil> avwilit whom IdIlian vas on- g_ aged H. 'Immediately'reLut-ned bome i8 te make preparatiens Icir itartingaiter he er,, and wvas seiadwaiith a Lever. For r.montaha Iobovarat bataveen lits andi idast. Ha vasqp nov, but net shie 1 travet - Lihiian muet conte tobi, andi tiherlovcivcar bis 1ev ientainlng Èdays, for ha knev bis ste>' ou esrth vas 'ishort.' T vI as bardforllltan ta dscide wlii, tiar, to go 'te Ralp or et-rmain r viti Pauh. Sie Lionglt i o ariting te Ralpi, aud tell -him Libav*s à nov the vife of arotilér su ad lot bim decide about ber conting. Agaà -inscit tongit cf tellin; Paul l1he cfrcumotances,'sd-gpt hlm -to ge vltb bier ; but aiefcredtheLiaceusequauces of lieue revelalicus, snd banisiedti tt, ride. Si. detliieudb okei it mbetlI 3 it' ignorancee of abb a tber', andgo tW 1RaIph'i . 1But tinte paitsd, vithent bningin; the visied fer opporlnnity. The lettera vere &gain brougit b>'a neinhbor,,a ave ve wrS for LilliaL ne u vax front Ralph's physiclan. Raiph Taylor vwas dead-mally dad, sud bui-l- Ha naver recoveneai, but gradaîly atateil sa>., -Wieuha fond batia muât die? bo seul for ubisattorney sud saveasiof te rieigitiora; scknevaedged fit' 1.11- hian vas birvife ; prcvad Lb. marniage t.0ba legal; aud made a wilîiclaving ber bis large - 'csaae, tte chagrin 'ef bis distant relatives,' Who bailonheuoxpecteti Lo lie iibit elm . a d aiseavnitten te Lillian. Thte latter vas te o b sen, aller uis deabi, if aie did not conte hafore..lie vlas expecling ber te conte. 'Lili'tfel btai Providence bail aidi»4 ber. - Sie- diti net reJoe st Ralph's deati, but vas thaukfil lthaItewvaot aIlcd upon te make a sac'rifice of Paul. But aie must nov tell bim ail. Si. ddd so, sud-!la conclusion placati Rslpb'sieî- ter lu bis baud. IL vas as foiloava ijOva LIuLtÂ,- aMy phyiciga tells me <bal I May' due ai an>'bou-, sud I feel tint bis vends- are iru. 1didviebtclasp nu>'darlîn; vifs te t>' hieart once more, sudthaIipleaaure nta>L ,stili ho Mina.- Yen, lette, m14'-tbat yeu veuld -conte. Yen me>' ha yei haro in Lime 'Ite vipe Lie deatb-J.vt'ro u m- brcv; or, ifnoV se soon, toe' ss'year lips,10 tic maIrbe once hatasuer net, Tiée la s <qlaro, Lilia. Yen fanght mue (bat Wvian vas - à hittle boy' andi I bave briotatelive so ýthaî' 1 eeni& meel yen Ltera if I1vas daprived 'of that privi- legebr. - Te>' yllbun>' me hneath li r.Magnclia vitore vre partoab The nasidonc wailI ha yoirà , --aud yen eau visil My grave' ofteb ' AI ani>' esl,ý plant eut favourite vwhite rose; .1 neei. not ssiyen tle ater t- i vth your tsars. Gooci bye, ntj ovu dean Lillian1 là ima- gination, I prt-os yen te my hbeait; and- your nameabalhoethé isfron mf lipa.' 'W. iviii go, Lillian,' lsid Psita ha brustet aa> s tear.'. 'Seavwili go,, and plant the whiite reset -bis beaisd lb 1 1