Whitby Chronicle, 2 Mar 1871, p. 4

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T313TIMONI In oeams HALL 1(401 ff1.c, Oluawn aseo.îîeap, and liut% longer tlu, a y other o1.' W# bave ruauour large 14 (Lest reit plslr, f dmys wlth.oe e olilg. la kous U,è*tolb elenand bilqka. We do not a vat nTabln atrasalebrater. I rn oun rlyo P. W. GIEN, préoldat. FAUX FUU $ALE., ~ ou Tbssabaoriber clavefor ssale b ot llifty Aores f Lot nunmhr lweuty.oe l'à,istu iri eonuslon of ah.: - l, IsnS .lierdvl ked sud la, a fvmrraunlo;uorosfivt.ýanid lias a. stftm or For érub atp 1 COIL.'J. Wlbmo aIqi', 2*rrtori W t y orthea sv lb@rý Whitby, Sp. 1. oua .re lss NI L I N ON5 Bout iand Shooe Store, T h i c s b a r b a e r l u es,-o u s h o w s a r g a s o t ment of booSts iof i eu-eoleuro alslend szas, for vinter, vear. Ins lu- Woyk made te order ln a irt-elmasmadnet GbOclltsgarîee.lepariug doue uatlv. Uahva No . gth ~IL WILKINSON MaîiuFAVTuuzo &T TUE Agricutural Works. ZEFlFXLSICELEBRATED Double TUR81NJE WATER WIIEEL -j rg'umz W h.vsar vmsusurn tiss epehaisny othar ahop lu abs sau- !f7anvwlll «ve s garante.wltb Msse whslwsarnsnang tîem te be -- al el mad# sD tO-e isa ged saentLeu 517à&mass-n fienred lathe Dominilon. Part4%s d.slring fbrahsr lnfruis"lou uOb- lts Iby s4dr«îslng - PAXTONE TATI à coi, pa"74t, Port l'rn(bt, XrbSa,1860. .1 IL L I NE w Faitand Wi her &o#ds, -AT- Their stock àa Supberb, New, and ail of the be-stý quality; Try ij our Gkwds' orPriceà can be beae Or Drees Goods in gea ar -tClan Tartan, Plain and Tirtan -Wincoys, Epglisb, Scotch and Canadiait Tweeds. TE KILINERYý DEPÀRTMEIÇT (undçr the cbaàrge.o( a lady tteadjd- met) osaues uperloýr attractions for Ladlies. The latent sty u les ats ibbons, Flowerz, Manties, and-Dress Triuimingfs. alyspledid sets ofFors. very cheap. u<e BLO ILK ,00 t;(porchased, lnleespt.cially favorable clrcunistances,)t and, sllngat'irom $1 to $8 par yard.; ýTHIITAIWR[KO DSPARTMIENT in under the akillful superintendenceO f 1fr. F. Labetvîoe otrisi asartistie cutter, doring the pastt il tftn yei ru of. bis resi- dence in Oshawa, reqoirus né Pfong. Best àsid mont fashioaable Boita;l a.Doi- ion miade te order. Fresh Greceies and New Frit.t Boots nid Shoen, of supýerior quality, very 1ev., TrY the eld Store, Sime e t., Oshawa, and get your uiouey's worth. Oshaw, Nr.2, I -A.8MTH C~A~ Ne PIIiPPIN'S, IO assCO N.PH PN wil seil Sofas, Sofa Chairs, Centre ana Exten- sion Tables, Secretaries, Sideboarda, Wardrobe extra llanging LookingGlasses, &c, &c. AV' AT ANI) BÉLOIV oS AU ilkinds of Furniture, very cheap, to sait liard times NOW 18 TUIETIllE FOR, BARGAINSI1T oM UEA L m attendd'to with overy attentiOn, au at V«r &ý A large-stock of Waluùt O(ak, Buiter-eut aud Piue CofliadOfnFrn-ÂLIf &ya~awar on hauL. ' x xxanc W ~ W av w a1 K"eep IIULISALE &ýRET.AIL* 8 constanitly- on band,, and in, course of manu- Ladies' Centse and M.isses':, ]Examine for yourge1ves the' excellent material and fine work-. nianship. 15-April 13, 1870. WM. BUJRNS, Brook eBt. 'IIRIST3IÂS AND NEW YEAR'S NEW- FRUIT, ATý MoMilan #cCo's. JUST REOEIVED 100 Boxes? haif and quater boxes, New Layer and Valeptia Raisins. lea Citron, Lemon and. Orange Cases of Essence, Lemon, 1Rata~- Lailla, &C. we Brandy and Wine. Co w 7fr. Proof1 - c-I ci I-e a-' oe p o r m >1 O m z 44 'Bavics & Son, 00 ~REAM A .~.a.uaAND POY RTER, Don Brew y ootOnt As the proprietor- attends -per8onally to the Ifrewing, a regular stock of -Ales, sud Porter cain always b depended upon. 1Parties desircusof liaving Jes of supenior quality aud Porter equal to* nny id],ported, are respectfully-selicited tosund their ordiersmr usnylrge o amail,ý ad tr for bemse'eor - W it h th e id o f u r in c re g i e d f lill itié s e a e e a l e e p e u o a n t - -45~ ~ ~ ~~~t (aili shiowaauîe enu utht. Deminien. N. B-rdersleftw4 f. jAzi. Ù.. IAMOfaLtâeT&Ë iLr Wàrerecma, Brock Street, Whitby vil rpeve pompt attention.ý Dec. 1, 186f. 4 OT NST'ND! JÂME WAT( BROOK STREFj AT' SJ-OIRNST ON'S, ,HMAKER; & JEWELLER. F-riJUITT ING AN» GENI'S8FlJRNJSIIING GOI Alex. Pri nle desiresto infor m tonýs aid customers stock of Tweeds, lViejt Eugland lot îed Miton,.,ansd Wooleu Uo ~j'Also carfs, Ties, Shirts, Collars, &c. ( Gentieme ns'lothing. made, to meaÈure, and ail work ex- ecuted, as usual, iu.firaa-clas style.-- W Cii aud exaliine the loy prieei suits. ALI~X. Whitby, Sej4. 21, 187~l. PRINGLETu ba" agali ~WuH proî k ~ ]3Yte ali IBR'ON &PATTERSON',- WHTYO T RIO. TE W E DFit;Y, C(O) PE TION1 Sixtea yersprciesi eparience in the Manufactureof Reapera ed 5Kovers, 5atîa- 1 NIT fie = ,theJoes t , efBatn per" i? very *far iniadvauca fiyohre Maçfwî maeatthepre say. - We have just intrddoced it into Canada, and uman4 ùustdred a limited nnmbir the- pîst sson, aud as yet ara the only mapufactu;rnai L Shis aion olir Machiciesvwilt embraoe aoch 'mnail improveiet >0 arg*pr.c lu the manufacèture bis ouig p~ 8 trongly sud dcrably bulît T he beat matarlal ni,.edin its construction. Its mi-J cbhberv Mos ut ompactand dumâble. _ The leaat lable te eteÇut cf ordar,Th cemfbination of wood sud ironn luthe. luger bar, makes-it ah. Moest perfect of fluger bars T'h. seat cf the driver, loca(cd o,tXide cf ah. driving-vwbeeî.Jso balances sud relieves DUt the flogi barthaitisla'eas liahle-tc sagor break-than that of anryother Itachine. out: gelf.Rakte la the moýt perfeét aver iuveuted, sud coni s o i lv, Rakces rvolvng ý O around anu ailaCO" te the d iving-wheal, se plaed as te b entirly nder the cotreL li cf tbe driver ,i thon t stopping the team. la cota and delive-a tangled crlkled, or lodged grain rapidly sud lu poid shape. 'FOI Cotsas six feet mwath, with s litt4e-drafe as a lght four feet Mover, aud ne aide draft ' ed vhatever. la cuts enaily,, vith a-qommon te.vu, froni fifa... ta twenty acres per day,'. r snd bois cut oee bndredI and forty7 acresluisemen dîys. bTaD IL la msuufae.tur.d t«fer apiug dnly, beaU4 eit hie beendeuîonstrated tbat a sapa- 'u soi rate Ekàper and M4ver- viiiisat to'cut mne a d gain. sud ntwe Combined Mas Tori chnz-.d 1c l W- grain. ;,,,__a - WhILbya. (lu i*, Dec. 4,1870o. i I A, L'À£ rn àý- v--ý NMMMmM-ý N A ý-L.EX ýWhitby, Sýpý. 21-i Î870. Boxes Cand P.Pai - . 1 LE

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