Whitby Chronicle, 9 Mar 1871, p. 4

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mI o atdue ma 'elf ebt te place the is la orde, te carry ont my )LESALE& Fà' FUR,. SALI. TôoWNSHIP 0F 1 HIKTBY. "e latnd lss&Hi cired, woIl fenceesud In s rooed ott, of c!itlvatlon, and limas estream of wister rutringcrtross t. For ternroi sppiy te Il. J. Wilson, Xetq., Barrlster, Whtby, or thi. suberier- M UiLWILKItiSoN, Whitby, ept. 15, <ntéprmcs 1 L Ki N's0N's Boot. and shooe stto Tii sbseîhr lésou ho alargo ausso- ment ef boots almliflis oeii'nanmerteîre, ef sMl styléenmd01120%, for wlîîter wear, lie lu vtilesautim iliatlii.ý Work *nade ge order ln s firt-étus manner t.grmte sIpariug dons ioatl%,. shsNoi. îOtlî, iglu, 43 MANUYACTUItED AT TH&K Aàgrcultural Works. Double TURBINE WATERWHE xSa os: olNOàIOAL vsai. 14w zg1 aI 11181 4W beels we are nov msnnufiatnrlîîg T hesper thon ny oî1ar hop in the cenu. aud go Ri y@ as geed satlAaation asany lmaitu- fatired In thé Domitieôn, Parties deslrlug furter Information coau eh- tain It by addressjinu PAITOII, TATE & Co., Xareh Mo, se. *l>eB~t.o Port Porry, Ont. R.&A.MTHS Their stock la Supberb, New, and al of the beat. quaIity. our G o ao rces ca m&be beaten! - N Dress Gooda ln great variley, Clan Tartan,1 Plain and Tartau Wlney, Englisb, Scotch and Canadien Tweeda. THEI MILLINÉRY DZPARTMENT (under the. charge of a lady of taite. and fndg- ment, pomes superlor attractions for Ladies. The latest styles, in Bats, Bîibbona, FIowmr, Manties, Pnd Dresa TrImming&.ý Reelly-splendid sots of Purs, very cheap. BLACK 5ILK *2,000 wortb, (Purcbsed nderesptcia-Uy favorableé1ronmstance,) and »elling et froin $1 to6 $3 per yard, - THE TATILOR[NQ DEPAIITUENT ln under the, akiliful superintendene orf Mm. P. Lambert, whoss monits as sn ertistic cutter, during the paut lifieen years cf bis rai- dene h Osew, rqereno ulig.But abdumostfabionable-i1înthe i.Doiin- Ion made to.order. Presh Grocories andNewrrit 1Boots and Shoas, cf superior quallty, very lew. Try the old Store, Simooe st,., Oshawra, andget 70111 mdney's wortb. OshawaE.or. 8,181t Oshaa, ov.28,157 HOLIDA PIIESNTS, AT jAIxE'S JOIIHNS8TO0NS, WATCHMAKER & JEWELLER. B ROOK: STREE, - WHITBY, ONT. Ir'U~NIT ~3R.E, Keeps constantly on hand, and in-course ofý manu- fact.nre, the largest stock of Ladies' Cents' and WMisses' Examine for..yonrselves lhe excellent materialand, fine wôrk- manship. 15Arl13, 7. WM. BUJRNSi-Brook St. CHIRISTMAS AND, NEW YEAR'S NEW _FRUIT, AT MoMilan &Cos. JUST flECEIVED 100 Boxes, haif and quarter 'boxes, New Layer and Valentia Raisins. Barrels Currants; boxes Figs. Boxes Canded Citron, Lemon and Orange -Peel; Cases, of Essence, Lemon, Rata-. .fia Vanilla, &c. Cases choice Brandy and Wine. T. X KMILLAN & Ce. Non fies us tbat mANUFlAc¶TJEERS 0F Mcbnn AT 'Xhs sean SE à à c 1in the menu S1tronglY' N. pIIJp'p-IN'SB'ROOKLIN. x -x X C R E A M' A LIE , i6 N. PHIPI'IN' willseli Sofas, Sofa Chairs, Centre and Exten- P ALE ALE- & AN» P ORET EE. ur Sélfi sion Tables, Secretaries, Sideboards, Wardrobes, - extra Hanging Lookcing Glases, &.&ck. Donf- DrGWOry..- oro lto,.0 n-t.ýOfth tW" AT ANI) BE-LOW 'COST!i -e wbelever.1 Ailkina c Funitrever ceap tosui lird ime. As the proprietor attends personalJy to thé BrewiÏ g, areua and1'as euti a&cu o %esaa. ro tér canal aways Dé aepe4clca .npen. Parties desirons of baving lei ofsauperlor quzality and Porter elual to any importéd, are.respectfull y slicited to scud their- orders for a quantity large or smail, andi try fur themoeoves. With thé aid of Our inereaaéd ikacilitie, e are enabled to produccau_ arti le (al the y ar roûnd) secoua to noné in the Doinion. 1 - t -N. 3-Orders left with Mr, JAS. H. SAMO, at thé Furiture Warroome,- Brook Street, Whitby wi!! reoeive pompm attention. Dec. , 158. .48 NOW. IS THE TIME FOR ]3ARGAINS 1 PUNEEALS attendsd to with: low Prie., À IA lrgo eteek Of Walnut, Oak, -Butte tore, always on baud. Overy attention, and ut very' w-Nut and Pin. coffins, and Coffin Furnj- 51 IW» For newest patterns,* Staple and F'ancy - LGO TO CIIIOLMý'S. La[es~style1s 11111 AT (JHISIIOLM' Superfine Broadcloths, Canadian and Scotch Meriios, (ther real thing), Cottons, Shirti Hosiery, Winceys, Shawls, Cloakinge& *TIEs, Collars, Socks, and ail kindi cents' Furnishing 4 Thé latest and. moit complète stock wili be-found et sud at thé lowestprice. Give a call and esU 'PERIOR F R E S1-GROC 1w, Boots end Sboeid in great variety, Housekeeperswbo deaire te practice economuy, call st A, M. cozintbean Hall, King st., Oshawa. TAILORING.-Chisbooea establisboeent pos sessea unrivalle prtinent. Heving secured the services f e firat-cass Cuter, gentlemen's germenta are out and made te order in the. lateat st net excelled by the flrst city establishment& Gns. eneio fitting.geirment vill make a note.,Ceteaedsr * MANUFAOTUIRED BY WHITI E) DFy ; cay. lié Usy thé pat senion, 1 111 embrace isncb îasted. Y-

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