Whitby Chronicle, 23 Mar 1871, p. 1

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ONTARrQ BANK. WRITb4T ERANOR1. * Ki F. LOCKHART, CAMERON h& NACDONELL, D AE1R8TEBÂAND ÀTIVORNEMgÀTý .U ýsw Suil*oit t e lkfiBnk ot Moaat*e1. e odte Uop*ratlii 0the out eoatarli M. 0. OÂrx 1 4~. C. Il. J. Mâ.DOvor.au en8h wihic - 88 et n. COCILRMÇE, LLo J>. Ç OU TTY 080WJ ATTOUfl4EY FOR ON- larioflabrrteut d A&torûsy-nt-Law, 80 Iitoriil(hanoory, X4oary 1Publie, &a.- OMO-JÎO'lk street, noxt door to Royal M~oel, w.itby. 8> nolb d- OG URLBT, MERCHANT TAJ-1UI0R etOPUICU AND QDIMPER, G EwTr.EMEN'8 ,AUMENTSm mde aptlu thé boài tyle anitilateoit fanhion. A One stocofUi Cotho (rom whiola te ma a .lction fr Gentlemens fsnmmet ufté. O*hawa&, MBy12,1669. 1 Aj or DPU Rgissrarf Ms.ter'Extrscr4l W IL LIA M " E Y LI1N ari,goexiYneironauooieiry for thes2oue. DI îyof (J saria, OffloBrok-it., Wbitby. , ~ ~ 5 0 19O.1EJIT j.W lLbON. &ASOE AT1'OltNEY AT LAW - .me1~~'8~u~ce~~t.Whitby, o. 0ORNANLENTAL PAINTER, ide. o ~at i Break Strèet, Wlstby. JABlES KEIU (AI] UNerratondet ta ith pouctnahit>'anti fl Auîerlu a AI'<>NII.AT-AW W Agent for boni %amples roose Paper. B Boieior in Choairy, Convoyancer, Nec- 'Ma, 8, 1870. yl tr ta tho Storn of R. & J. 1mME-AN» LAME ISlAVED Q sspbolrckIIWlstby, <lt.J) ne.]IL.PAIR ANKS. THE OsCljrATIno CIL;, . .WASIIING MA INE,« FARIEWELL & MeOlE, P A T Ï T Eil, D AIII<I'Till, ATTORNEor JoLICI. Oc1870,,137or> K> U18 CUNVIIYAN(CEI(, ANI) Nio-LT 87, ?ÀltiEs !îÙBLIC. WILLIAM MATHEWSONt - Uursan ;-Onc <ber forth of tise i'oeltles, Osbsa; .,ansi hictteea-'Blocs, opposite OP BROOKLIN, QVT.ý ýt0vn 11all, vaslie J. .2. pÀsavuax. 1. X0073 s Tic Patente cÉalènea an>' otItes'Washing ÏÏ basrlloonov lun-tige te compote sgslnt%î hia, - ' fouratmsîy muhyniiis sy nome. Tisé Maéline CUAÎÎrLj]SC. ICELLER, lisasi;lgon thoroueyhiy ttet, ontusait by ànesîly A rISLeY'. 8<>SLIIORIN 8uiitho priascipal Isoteli sul leasing (armons Iu Wu.i sorwJeseascr a-.,anssgflell ilftfrn a-snsiaiti fioalet..Isasiel J.ILIMER GKEENWOOD, snY peo stte serisn. A 'ÉTtftNEY-AT-LAW.,SOLICITOR 114 Cont>' ightç sut Machisnes fir Rate, .~.Clancoy, Notery Ptiblle, <onve>asssa, Appi> ta WMd.àtAT!IICWtioN. 0,-vaitl' - . rir, Byrons arées, ]rockliss, Ont got % 10. iie. -48 Brooklin, Sept. 14, 1870. 87 ]LYMAN le ULiSJI, IL L. B BlttIgEATAWA%<bolleîîornn«On ji- M NEY I M ONEY 1I0c 40 'IllesOhei-r 19 i.proparedt le JAELANIOs,. LOAN MURET, Farm or Town Propert CONVEYANCEii, LAND>AGENT &c6 --À T Uxbrldge, Jin 7th, 1869. tf-28 R.HANCOOKI <iJttx EMGLAW»tr 0IQT. sulRcEO&, ACVoueJiEUR, &Co .Ke .-< 'ivN, m. 1D. SIURGEON( TO TUF. COUNTY GÀOL, 3l yoW n St Fro e , .T ltB y. 4E t H I B Uflcc'rOn 191-101-9o 0cock.E F ASRFIONABLE AND DURABILE lmé'lrti oi.ltondtelop BOOTS AND SU OESO Bank.orint c is ntr Ocf an axtelluiva ssîv stocorutdlrtt.laai BanS, Bouts and i lisces., for sLdies Uentlieen aad Clt.. c LA À1K'8l- reortilse bpe P11HOTOGRAFE GALLERY jtn f0 VR SX VBu~y duRB1 IIUE-31ADE WOIIK AS LSIiAL. 3BCOCIZ ST.__WHITI3Y' t5 i5.OAlcaters Attentia te wlth pusse ~~h~li1eri &0salis teaiuk alni. GRO.CAýMEtoN, Ile pci aretpkeirt eisldtrs.VWhoun;Brôci street, in tvugîtea oil.(Opposite be Royal bosch.> Nvbe1217.JAS. A. CLARK. sept, 8, 1870. a WILSON IOU.SE) G. YOnUNÇG SMITHI, L. 'BIAlSTcls, .TTO5NRT-AT..LA'WSOUIcI- A.WILISON, Ji'., - Proprietor. TORt 'N onANCEaRi AND INSOLVaioéy, mii ~USCllIl»tbeys tu alînoutîcé e ts AA ?PUBLIC, &C., - Sa. TL fnisttiand tise plublic gcirttiy, tIsittci - ls tahoenét tsésove ssow Sîtal lSthetsaVillage OFFICE-tto8ILLA1498 L oC K, of' AZb ai, ,for tisé ttooîîodeît oi nîte Ira-- veil yPubie-lie.Tisé ie sî. îsti for-, ze5EET, - Wsarr3r, O«T. 1 e f idl ins ot tliorgasghuna ilstIoîtsîuîble 2 mssîser. *uciéta vil ii f itiery covesience ailie btaaualiclssenWF ea, Liq uorm, 'WXTiITBY IANO- ~Ï~'.A,-.-. anti Vlgara oIf fl ibestittidns ws!ys tepi un F. 2 L~aÂIi nanti. tW- Geed tibabliSlg auntattentiveColtlera Ilu0 tuisc. 4. J 0.J.,! 8ii r OSE P H I R- A 1 N E R AabnrMsl,,îat, cflé PROI'RIETOR. -0- Theso ubacriber, sn rottorarn; 1îe Grand Trunk Eailway Hotel. e.i ns *hiemn'(l;n- AT WVJITI8Y STATION, Anti cnstQmersl et tisé Whlîiy and preise sosàasfie radPIANO IMANIJFA CTORYV, Vhuk "*ici, -tl ij' stttIon, liega i sluruiIsba*te sîste tisai ho11to cannaes ou theobbut. lis f(ndantd oheIs, rovolo; publics liai ho nei aOlely stpon Msa ouaa0us-s; tsi e. baiIlîetiop is ltîî, osd taeius irai- hlic i sn e srss siébats teasure ilsoîn cases style, sud hy attention te theu venta et th&& nothirg viL h. lait tisone 0u5fils pari lhéaeWh vie lstorisîowt>s hior ?ortts;o te gsve satisacstion, liuppl>1u8; trustasltemnt aeerieescofettise reutia.0 W 'I'artles, fskSssytiie train sd loming a U aoa~ ke1~re» wllhsavé tisons wliitakon ecars cftii WSltb>'.Sepi., . QIiAILITY, flYAYL CANADIAN 11OTEL, S Y E PORLT PEURR;, ONT. - I N ISîî. - Thé clebrastecl nepatent ont cr.iîe i lroy, - Proprie)tor. pattern o is o wu ieve;ss:Slun islcturesi ..prlr -ccn;u-ltt n és g letoAie ah prlrRdoioato-Gouti stabling loderuexooted wvhs promptitude and shéd roona, sudt atttiSt entiers. Port P Pery, N et, 8 ,869. 8ô ý - pii. J~plF AN POÉ0l., PERRY H OU$£8 . 1'.8 PI[ORLT PFERRYONT.,N A I T L JAMES TIIOSIPSON, PROiaaaoit. (leta C. DavesPaà.) Tis; Seluorîhor vîsîsos te Intoros thae cin.'WHIT13Y 0ON.L'.&RIO - usnty tisas hI& piemîses atre s ov opens tethe DE pablié, îtors lisol1% peprerd tofeuruigh sigo0dA. ALEXAND -RPratprietor. soiéetmodttot sasyith~ ie Ceant>'.s bepI. lrî 18 70. SI. 'TuiE subacnber desines te rotgr ha&f .1. teihe bi o h eyjblpto- .110111 ItOBIsoitis 'bestoepanf bulWhvil. propreoir et., s Hain' Dressing- an& 'Shaving t¶es osnlte aoes ~ths ie h m t cloe onvehotul. - largesadditionA SALOON,bvSeu; mce it>'iaao h rmoe etr BROCICST,r'WESITBT haleobeaorctmmiuatet mlie remiéand Seeou uorTor BÀISEoràon , " e nernutise bantfonssiv rs., Wiltlby, jan. 2, es narl pli@hunbcmre ts bm rooleal ---------------- par 1 itf"tiîb en ...toi ]REAL ESTATE. BITTiiT. SOL», AND EXCIIANUJED. CON'SIgNI9IENI* 0F OOODS oac1lil.ti, sluastory refle'rénsea ftIntased Whou reqîsiae]. JAMES WALLACI9, -cemmimaoias t iIeul Ritate 'Agenti, Deis eisat., -oppouite Robson Rfotai Whiîby, 20th Oct., 1870. 48 AndJOY fr e nttJng Lumberlin despatoli Oi '~ aa vt i Lumbrcot (rou 10 to>fettI spte.,b. e 60 JM ES wALÀ Dsiuuî istreet, -W OPOx~TmEROBScu -- Ingt1rot at moderato ratai nbi'l Cnadjar, andi Amerouin o'filee 'Pideicj andi Aocideut Brauchies. Wbîtby, sept. »0. 1510. -NAR A9ASHffUlR Alargo qugausitY of 3.umoer,w LO)WJCOT JARRETE 9W ' Bl11 Lutmb mil kîndeson ahpetnotice. A. -B. CAI Bn Brookin, Jnlt,1970. p II OF ESSORI J. -PIANOTE RESIDENCE, -.fByron _ (~e~iyopoai ethd aid El, Tzmmr.-Tni;trncflons on Piano, $1 asýfjtui4ial IJumpomition, &o., $'5. «~ 1W fr. Pomt; keexa aniern- tiae andi Borkg. foirmalIe, end wl from hi4 Muiicl frienia. Wliltby, March 2, 1870. _ENTICAL IJOTEL. B JOHN BAXLEY, Prop -o- and f.sriaihecl. (I>ueets wi cuti r C *ccnrnnodatsion au(,attention. GcO.. 1 omy lstahiing and attentive Jan. 26, 1870. P HO TOG R APH- -o- DOMINIO T A )OMIN I] 18 WiiEZasE T J ýf 18, pois )t First-Clace PHOTOGRL Noltiî'gbel gzond vork ulisivésita momas Ali kltduant I al inis, tIse aisall icckei ploture te lit - muae,'and flisjiliet Su Corbosslstuila luit, r3opla Wistsî Mn. Wiilsou lx tory anco-ei Oliltdreo nprtreitu. trI Speois rates to Clergymen. tnsxhuIl ho mon ha bppy to reoeite an>' trne, (aven 15 yeudn 5 asOt uAsW vatisîtaiurseltea 8the visit viii W yen, for thé troublé. Nev. lit, 1870 AUCTION BUSH bog o rtur tlilÏifortihe libersl Iw Ieotfr eittwed iupi i Oe, 2 nommte tisat;I1sam preparedti tecondec t'itlitoi lu TOWN OR COUN~ AT BtEAS'JNABLE RATES. £'Arraneents for sale.. casi1 eltiser at the ChtinowiLicOa.r'>fce, oralt (ilicoe, Brook streat, W hitiy. L. FAIRBANKS, A VO)ID QUACI<S.-,A tin ciont tumoretion, etJfiniy'tnena ld premaleréetia>', tir., aving t'rie-il eeyatitertiieti reiisa.y Lass smple nsef-e-u ré, vhloh h ho ie Ansfree to1 low.sufo-eros. Atireas J. H.,'TUTI Nmbaetsi Nov York. F AMING .IIPLEMPNTSet&c. Tise untiéraignoti baya te ittstathut1 - coiSnues ta manefsaoturi Root, Soed & Kanure Dr w A GO0 nl A RTOW S, U xPURING IJPLEr -'vât ntl <a up !cifor CmurBc h ifrlc @ a r 'Weiir Idaviouwe t ske ier In Rer~ aid ! I l w o ld 11ike t a B y the ailo f t e o1 I have dm1taeesi llad aht 8 170 MY hb&ub a t.q r i'myochiid. have YO lo p in lutiieoffice ail night, snd heretofore mentIoned I soon7 obteîUud the >1 shouis! Raylet me ait inr w sri cairi ->1 -------- "Ta 3ineb' zth o' u oscome gtais!agsitiat burgiari,., onCcaonglesp folio wing, tl anlation hom ee~ agme~ici R_ ' "I R ES TAURA N T l heco abnd keep thi. lire brntg "Ta Wm, Jackson, 19,colpice nt, Do not go from onis -car to -tb fitDua vil! ale waJrbllarigd comfortable. Three fa Park.,dollarstin àfrainis in motion e,. y ar(4is prIsuusfaltn Js;bliswo,. eon amay 11Parkr5lit Ass~i <od la paiaed toî :tîe ,roLaesmy revolver aud everytbiug gone tili taomorrow. Oouiedoaw ith thie aisuebt even i if jei;, is W ~~~~!on~~~~~~~~~ Ag111#11A1~B Rt)O M u lmiAnd i*<tlrt, lik i o, on yar il o -&eltra f ht r foule I smli!py oolu ismeditely andi et on. e o etthé .rght tu rik ni.ig7~sfa ie (tay 87 89, $lg sire at mTronto). W oParis lias fu ur ofie dIienI oeîsmeet ii b ohppueu ino.o' ai Thx, e ate of[utlinsg o t ~~~~~~~ b H M S O R TL, - PORBO aitha en: h em , i OaieteaeMy sngAtAta tapd on the platform o -.~ p %WRZOL prahatmousa .,e uioa îtleoce' eSOiiO bat Z ftevsdnb' ntting déo ; bat orthe t 11Yhubiudfatir f yýhId.t, thugi i.aro otfo etr py. -I coutd ace rom tuis despatoli-oui>' as a mie sud a fathoivusib1o I i b l e lir ti g hls:T h e m o n t . 1 ' h u b ..aie -r o f l y h - 1 t o uq I a , r r e >ý t hb e t r a up s eY 0e o n e n c l u d io n , h u s sl v au , t h a t 0 m y o r , 1 i n s i d e t i i. c ib 461IoT.-Brtudenburg 1lu (bu ntms yf a mii trau id 0the 7car. gantfponsaudlu Cntr! Vraiathetova80 ee îconvnec, ui ,vst8king atintage of tiie confidenceI Itosm aiolcmp.'suii oo0fotalae ~ ~~200luhahitants,sid thé gritifieti at the resoes vh hi .repouet inlabisa, and 'of my absence (roui vepfutthe lsavlego _tle- b £anratians<pi.At Provincel'aini f xteut sud imirtnce acuiece tvil!t fionlésep g es h oütwat.. supplieoi it lelng the fnllownciedlarged Iwus '- le lil, dot ntieh home ta, enter jeta Coumépiracy vitiisne spsy for their tickget§. If YOD mast 1est Lqoradcaup~ olas u . , L.ofhelnet r n em 1 o arn m Ffankforton-tle- Oder* Presilan, ccur. 13' te a &, Ga- uu,'Iaidti ilian ta burglarize mw>sanef. Sd èryofnt à'pînpe h bIss~ a~u ansuuulyterjf evryatye.Branonirrg, Lionmberg, Gabon, &cr., &Ïr. putting .00 m &vecot' hall nos;e h ie hu... D~~.~-- . u at; or aisetharow -reeaa ent th tinti ever>' scconso Atsnau t t he Terrapin. ;aca we f#ie - .igt' faIInn aile sud, ait t Par ie, 1 _ 1bc ýs teëf 1isitlngTor foro fora !oy viii vsdav, bt adyoý o tith,ta ____________________________ -ta th ity on the-flue 'clck train. YOD, lu perfect t!iriil of excitemeut I bas tian master.' I là L , Ari817,- 1 lan_______________ td Wilson. seo tothigs whitl ae q gcle . re ut a1lia3t1'gactibye, sd tlliugn ovrmei naof o nba [hie ho &&" lm zov ___________________-hog<Ipablyvill ,retura to-maraw. bth oii aefu xpan5 oe ti.train. It voeu! besv'kvsrs if th whih-WIfiITB ,-OT h îsarDsec. Goat ig:' thamtse, rau back7ta the depat sud Look'taeudeîntpdorbtL G o o ti D ig it M r . P a r k e r . T n -a a h e ig h t tr a in fo r h o m e . h r d n s i n i " e d , r b to u w b .e AASN, Porito. n wîuug~te beafst(le rnttipedupn ayfi;buly aîryiug ontAu we ahirleti aeward in the tiarirucn, i11 shoot hlm firet sud got a divorce afte * bail îdug violessîiy, sud ismeodiati'ly af- - yu sh iecions., Irevolvet'i tii.whoié militer over lun se>'wardu 11" - The siiovehaas heen thoronglsly renoivuted, rancerd1saservantmatiewhie oppearace , asd.camertiaiaydwitii vhich h trimidont aret adcs>nast bk lvy hei our bggags befosi l Aw o t E h , s d t h e b x e n tw i i o n . v r ' a o c d tî o h l e d o r f s u > ' p r i v a t a p s t i n e ,y - a au . , S p e k e , c m i o i i h t e f a t h t b l n I w u i r u u e . . . w b i h i l b ee b t t e r s t a r t i g ; b u t i f ' u o s y u i c April 13, 1870. 15 nonnoed thot, a visiter vishoti ta oseme., madie use hofrt ime of lurteti Wathlactuelfgatvaa Who ilu bks Thamas, I asked ? m !roeserne,.accasioued me some uru Y hjOc- afevr. ih sw aesv rooklin P. 0 :PH(ENIX,'I don't kuov as vho it'is,' :epîiesi'the, aurprise ; bovaeor, I sou ift him atthe 'iGoing tiurectly ta the polieoffice, IIif you are a parout.anti have caourbi ; 8 R.A S A C C ) s e rv e n t. ' UeW n d re se ti fa s h io n a b e , a n ti! d éi r-, a n d , ra p p un g se>' a e rc e a t c lo s l >' C O s a su n ic a te t M y >' d is c v ry t e lh e c h i sf te n i l: y e , a ti e e a ty d 517 da gybisnaine, sir, andti a orcountmeveut 'ntinto the vit, ve ti ip eas* 0 hich te travel ynfareaebr cii PIi T ')MBýAID TREETý& CiIAIINQ C'[088, Cap. I thik as maye tlua &Young i, ani euedm a bo ead. bgFsveec gtiithrneros kue atiee! br it ppvis ii P O S T, TA0E230E. ~~~folle, for the clerkship as yen wantoti-.Afto, partakiug of a Iiearty meal f pro., sohomesocuico cLssar.H i!la Hlowlnevsr he.did't gay, sir,"e ta8h.de asd taok theflue - Tedptvsvacei nia ranger pesa ber. cSIZz.ZLIS.UE» IN 17821 'Vory 'Weil, Thomas,' said i.'Yaeon' ûclock traie for :the City, et vbî or . csrryiug in his bond a large 'atchel, vasu f yeare suffering (romi an attack o & C-GILLESPIE, CFanada&. , gut moI y uetepiasdIvi iei(ouhaei a ysetor. n mp o hue'lokrin fgeoff the ait ps l 1age nihae te saos bd u MOY TT&CcAgnfor ho iov presel'. se>' yoeger daja bas bee 'e sepoy o'iok tain(rui b.citWh, efftr are vr>' chili, pt aon muai voti in the S t r e e t , J A M E 8 D A 1 lt s sN , bM a n a g e r . . T h e s e r v a n t p r e s n tly it i ire w s ua ni d j e a te l g a p i ffic e , a n ti a t i b e o i n IOis i o i u c in g w a b b a t rin b y - w va s y u a n ti l oe y s r o ; u o e a e 1 . u e n t h t e y m 1 a Compétent gaîvsatorarcong. forvbeiecmatss flue-lackiugkyanundbuoinoî ,oantiyse> 10. Tiser' < > t:~ outie ~ t~~ ai r; ro., cnt o: afiervard s I:escendeti iutc the ai.. t- Oa O Oi peaat o gb fr v rys e iy w h nr ,i l took bis way ta soif abaeg Ibe man ext ta YOD, Who bu L OiE at c k o fIA I D w it l w t re f re n se te t ie B o a r d m n , a g e ti 3 a h e e b o u t , h i s m e - fte r a v i g v r k e ti n t it fo r s f e v y a rs , p e c u i o r n tt a s.v s a i O c e d out e i n e w lye t m r r e r th p e i ve si n s r YElAnliqoLonons>'edon. at iocireigesi ni>'Position. te engage in gais b>' Gamneontheî. s d o a b etaei rm iehotjue. ,0 kWhofY O A i tl, b>'bhis choir iu au- atitudeocf the Morat tbisi&more coagoniai ta se>'teste. Ameeg Teofcr aeia o aîiea cag ftne iue u aesc Aprl rclsi. ' rofountirespect. the ul88>'acqnaiuîauceu I lbat faot ed t lufficieut leugth af tisue (ai, tise tc get affection b>tbhe offensnive notice of allies 9 ~~~~~~'Gccd moreing sir,' laid I. yan vii. thoî'timevsba ofa eg follow by ti> Svratito raigiec h auuee Fasd footing are th A P E A N G I N G S edto tasee me, I bélieve.' the naienetfTaylor, vbo vas aiso an op.Store, fouet aosesean engages! in blowiug 'jc>'s cf Loaea yoqug tream." Baidea MW'HAMP ,isait! ué, ocu àseietd A aýr nia h iec hc rspovter imb the key hâle cf thé eé ni u-wilaaken the.agreeshle meseorios of s1USJIIAM P A P E - 'tYthe tie of hi tewotierMy 'Clart) loakinz. over the, crabhyculsiavoemrl ai Thie noderaig,îed bey. te inform tise publile gain ea u t" -. - ;. f 1 ove an Spnlagyvaselwu ,4l s. aegroponnse&u -1 (sot e culswowesmr dcm preo. ths.t llieieu@ on ]sandi thé largesî anti« far the 'lennvaniosce ta vhieh I1hae; in theisé tovu tove office, vbere for oit boigfare4to t itshe satcliel containeti. tise ugo. p r e o r e it stock of Paler anging a subjecte t yo uehby go ear y a n intrusion.' aeq ainta ce sa sie, I c ilie i ithout d la >' B t s n t n i i o o r o t ytittnd np lu tovo, ail cf thé 'Thé incolieeaiaeeiesa olight as uot ta;and fonuetbisseatet b>' his instrument. Jackson vere provideti for b>' thé author- sfi' ycvot e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; osir. a e s ffr 5ase ey M tfo oSs eq ea.' gy' aid 1. -Pie ro. engages!in thé peruuaV-of thé eveniug ities cf the State of N ov York. gi rl, soue atheN.iu ,asio fi e e a rnk f re Rtlrs 'Rhili ie ffrâ nrtsi, vrylow fr csli Ccil, paperu, viii hi, fetosfortably rouitg ----thé litedi Stats nival servie, ad nov 4 l~ PlaiagGiaueg Gazn; 1 evyow tiarisseutfo.sh o, :nthé top oran atjoiug chair. ASio' ecîîoio aDu bet01ssdt>', vas receul>'offertug - and iPnperliîasugang, excecuteil is a vssrk keeper, aud wiaing ta engage mynelfifnl ' Taylor,' sais! 1, ativaeciug tovaitis faven'î les!au>'oyfou vitii- thei.bas! p lier petitios for the absent one, sud niasnîike snd expùasssouïumine55Or, as inituat. that capacily, cahot taome about it,' bcliehm, 'boy are-iJon ltales' - tiaynghBt ane oiicldaitiow . 0,Lr1 l yA. C. WILSON, sait. 61 cas give usiexceptiouable rater. 'HelicoPe, i * lYeebble m.WersI ai Fii> iit IetnétendaufiwrOLodIlae Dendas Street, Whiîlsy suces ast sa-ny ebilit>', anti iii me a large ciaiseet, rissng rosebis se et. 'Giio ns e - auhe noifond'e 1 y e Sr vii lothoe'agi' ,a u *B Whithy, April 21, 1870. 11 aayl o 0mc eieia ood 0l5 fiat, oit feilov, anti icv goe i unde, vey ce a Spanisanctie. -Teck m use>' 4, il e yuI L EItY A R L o R A L By hrigntor ds u a tin.h itter ti ase,' IsiéplietYaiuiî; station in lne vi ua uce...eî C nversation beteee' an quiifg seR taghfr d auatiioaprni d v.ni b. cs9ri o n g01 ie u, at fu l ii tr' or eg bt osaete t vi ti i t (~siC tler. *o eepe uescs mpl~ 0 jf ,~[ me a lea uet is s eech i i s yenat i" ! I e ep let ii s i k ag bis ack an ti fille , îien sbo t; a heat t vo fathoss &troungr an ti a stemm e oat pila - fmn~PAILOR I45M ledeesie, st mas . campesotie tlerse t thut n>'itea b iad;coei. eepoucte ol r te ice, anat h te aoedoi atrIcm ai aae" "uet wi va leteté cut rUI s evE (ùr 5'ublsiesoai, bitsew s vay t e az ,vii . bi s er teti v, as eylk til ntfrtoorpiat tos fillr r bànaokc'11,taintga achr 7ctu f he&&Y 5en, irve bti p e pn.s 0,00 pr voume o r in hessaas emai!uccenithevisams licoenrue, pantiy viens ohaif event20 up, soaie seountaboeiaboeceae Gq dge eov"er (rose~ ~~~~ havendxsaisse ste ster:ilsonesucuj:w Earh he cf he conehîs the Iiook te seatbeviuilproat viii iuspl*otion. ilofferetithi antiad leruietisUPpfor 1repaira.r ;-aettown annbc cmciborsisite."a DES CRIPsIO0 ' g CrmeLia ap, eIs a rtendr tat evngss i osea,-a e per'v a utta me, vasdaaoun athe sie>cu sad - a( et ohe tmuianoc n e slg aRli ALl I o 155ee5 E ssg theng. m ae eti rsibd fr:ý ihu n ie-fa' o ig opa6o h ik ViTgIah. hefayeabg an la cuth - ib rhrent >' o t ilhiou, c A senfs'ppesoînie ta îi lset e eli Ag rt a y etas Wtual.ssi 0pe, sirr oeassg vcnteitakngMoslwe bi viii e u feelig iu atati-se> rCeltermhoete, atakiug b»" Ind velasshave e ainiite s cieaim inscfth w eue hs. sait,- oudnt anti80 le g inclieo meofth'isa w it ei rso s ssie t ssskusi ach,, vi ete sicin o i t otete d o vufi thpec sd andris huyng u ttu! ak sec eaiendho aée ngis mseies fohpJie HforOm volme obseitari0fesu risir. Ec aes i once aoeh siIabo t t e nstoruet, mihhd ii Bêa'Se Vst sltae ho mm nbogI t "W oe ion'vi .thetsm Ipage c hrom l L ittingr phoi. lit p a rtanti- ootiertcfi e wts T eck santurcg tpppa lier rangelo teim evasg ka viseepa iie. for ttiaiiotar d oeif le tkin coloe0 ui . . l s5ae i -ieii flldared. 'W1 n vasrfeenes1 Isatt. ewseeuct ickngl ave>'tvo>' areuttvc lvat oho rass sd th>'tit'n vn t h olon Vt,5, lI tassasns Wald mcrcsss Ansosuahk agin- mote vîi etig vol eisil, d.a2WPs rt amdin aies. m a ing mhinehauierhie no îhrinîs rae 0 fiae,' e ais me us-klgmiemohhawyaa bed T a air$mnint h pitre. el.cV, Fsees, iteie l a nsi m the ci. en. fsouei asisanthokeserforbut-psetns pnno' gt ntigA iaccainb e ro se .oin ih yod. voplumeThabo uear ias catie cmosesi sslf e se cuitS mx honsh; ,ant ieturing tiat timé fudi- dwn'h is pa s ais! d, oîs gterie papert mati elaailhrkh Th sited ové ra th me d i i-ght 'h et ir afoc ian ivter [TS N. :5 5J' 5trg st )Ituary. Eai c Va l,,",cronedi t a n t ui>'se t u el a utthé e ite met bc d ile ota pari Sa i aetusse t' té tsuj> neu, Théis mas a Wcsv.heigefradé tli o ,e ifa inotcaa- ced i' 'hie. upecpe r tc ,' in e asiei Yne Srlf and P-0ete aeg 5Silet sd té ett> la!t t AGEN ulritiotsADil ED, V e y dl,' ed 1,riuiug;yen se1 ate rvarti. e asa it e o d a iérler rti, c a end h uer!c v ndesfal VOL t 19rovin . peri n e s,.ma rdens ntA le emnim i. S i , tait fa oui?' a se, loci eti ass ne ishtic v ie s ta r- q i e n v 1869. Wn7Vol IVFor ig tdLi'E veniAnima iat yet.' r, lii cia-c urrierl aiitS ai>' A WMc ingro via lo m ias et ceta.. W e a - hs o cfr eep caii s sai on e sp e y sf a t c i.-An i t o i a ndsie g g o h a v e ti, hel a-case' Jo u es ail théh p a ierfiae em e an ti vom ecfi eanis kvlc el<i veyhn u y sendt' , ho Iat he cees trné nee s i n ani ie t i il tihmesa ha 'IL SO . c ompee wlourirpa ddi55tion go l ws ere boetbisf icvat ot- setioncacl>eev iOf ni aîe 'thkug g er ëie s as. nh psplsua erwe isijoe oea ,wliiias 0 arloram"emet il l Uneq-li.dre crédt etihDae clOeevoriug pcvinterhebisoopacnkeetr put a Jrpesi. f A gesacn alatios8, teVl tr1ta.lietmo ; n e' a> a e> laesageo A , okl upoician, lu rit-ing a bcselk pci h i>. Tes AGENT WANTI), 'éry elllsaîd , risng ;yen My aftrward op outlacordig upthelayer, asderothéndtorseum oti lietw corairera seauw 1e)esesvit e a l Es . crases wtss<le asot ta- Catantiremaorienet tia M s th . e ul d wi ls c.aiu man brat omaltin eference t bieeiaas re m, e th n e osniet thé apalir.a>a W h o se painet ahe r tit a , y y r - ru g e neat ont.s éi.l W e v e n e b o s o s e t -l e n t e e ' h a v é a v e r > ' r e e e rir abr rcan g e - cs o -e s s . E s s ele é s s e ra a psy s a a l o t r i c tn t > ' fru el tlfer e f oreé lvh e n b . m a t e ' G - a - s e - n - - o - s - t . ' - G a s e n o ît, b u t hé .0.9 m filenMo r WAJS P LaSslonce., by i a pau ne glaese>' l oic e ropi'e O sat, mov othai noer eetagin*t' AipnMichingan. h li e we cfent& 119 4dre-1, )piècetinayashorTerie ida i. H w iln.... 186y oveu igteéal reenWse R U cmlese set nie hnbe sl, o s clyke h fre O ex ie seOr j Prfeted w w itillw ar e o iclork, l e nge t s1etla e d 'G eî 1, o e c-îsisnees i a rt ge, .I ns olt h e to eiu npreac er gf g a n w ry'a ccv n tdirein is, Sjtee 'g'ku t a hea . fo e i s f a k a d o t b i t bh e W h , e'on > d raI a ln î o me a t e c a n o i ga p a i s ew e ns o n o t a . v i . a e v s a i e t >~ b r l u .~ l pastron 21, e- TSéits ctret opn mbis utiosy viacvasaans ot psothé sethe friof te rema :Jr.,ll ss crfsi teba [ripiAGe retLoiCNmi s asigesesead Ti trmt vnten' qunget a tecm i. to ,ab, for vethnmaebin OPrug i' - liou iAispBcerookleeyane- iaSpoofthitic>' iHeantiib in r tn e os el i k a jar af he s ky as! ebes lestio n to tec. T qti ko um e f ain e s t is fiss a l d n t e ible O n g eôk nt-ir egter<l na h iofuu l er vi ' é d oi n ta s h e a f u i i - i e l é e e ,u a t s l e r a ny ~a ,seiewobbi &n A H S O N éeigIsOf a te esonefo vicvacant-pioficaicthsairîltip atndan uu. Baauvasatcasnitethbpatt bee teaio 't bdad lel t en emta abut u l le worI blle ai t epydbs viyni- stse- bc9i ceitei iiaS o vneusu t Pol ao iku hu i o n ais iseneide~ng e sts roa li-t maos 1!A RI GmaICn V E tce te seisod i ie f r ue hlmsevoîk, wethee Da'smesagpes), e >' te npt, ge. taseagisirato. Mis. S a-eg e rein h me vka bliges! ia th O fec m ls s i .e vo l( ai itn ..]oisr c i to 4 e n i er a e s i e a o t t e y u g d e h r setir e u a s(e A ca n r u, i. w ee ub e i e n cids. Sa u u > a s ai t f x o h a bc __mode____________________________ mas ili a I dît mc feic iie -p ecu- ouait 1n iertadaia.ure itsn f r fi o n e e î ople e o n in le ts s t é a raysdor Theo z rrene a ve Mr.' ben- M y T - C P A K F R uS .' hie st e' jîi s, î n o ve r n i erm m dato s t i a n el t li s 1 e sola g e , a g s in g o , o o e p e e l s b s . h i e e f . n g o f o a i ; i I e C m . ~A S mppse1~i isaîay hvereeiie oeriteser>' Ina via fiiysi Asnéof Mhinodigt>', ahapensti ing a bo é claeas, nfd bte (» aie 1as!oki FBai; art cf1, o No. 1, shét -ilcnc e an s nente iog is uning bathwth.'T>Why s Jack,19Talrceatree c otese. bi*apco as O approet ant i d a t wheans tare, absvnt. it'a s ol, ope J r. e î, c s p -i i i 0 c -e , 8 ) a r sHla a n t t e cia -c I tan c te os p u o h t d s a c . u i t ù e , w o o e o t e m g s h 1 o l a e t e b è d of t e t b e rti ssisg hr ng t é aim A g i~ ~ î ev - ne fo en e i ai ye o o ka l s e- 1 8 14 2 . 6- 3 3 7 2! 1w1-1 . 8 - Ay oh e ing R o a,tn e a i u i dt ~ a- ee .l lairoa rec ie i o e a a gb e - i ti put ls a. For ts rt er aric ler ,, ac a si ten, iti t e v art o ob ent ta b' o k w 21-11.18.. l ar (i n t b.1fni f0. . 7 6 9 1 0 2 . 6 u v ' A s S l r p l t a ' e l S u , t e 'ao, b e t n o the e dr o l appi~, ifcontlatteroficepple-> bathé propa p i s o .. G Et O R G E1etos d e poyan i w ! ig oth n ie fo ot ui - 1 8 th e-- 6 3 4 0 2 - 6 1tb r l e ei e ér e e rt eis t é s l i m su i é. h'fl W OfieTw HalReiOc-'e tkeeerwiu@ fath sig chr- 1 .t 8 es0 a cir - - - "sA cDutuovite n ne Iea su e hursi4,cet. NTU. M5SrethoiEY TO _ i E N D ater,--hap eaeti ta atthe Yo>ungT,.* aatci1' iioititug bnv,-o .ni ,îu sd vtfJ u. li gr., Ï- or of JAMES Rlnrojg. PRO? n sny llnctu=, 1 ý-. 1

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