Whitby Chronicle, 6 Apr 1871, p. 4

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L 0 3 I D L E,ý KI'AN"WOILI 'Aod ellluga t b. qsudLoi r icss.. ThJiir stock Try i;f oui wlîithy, Yab. tond, ieB.ItI l uid dSels ef BLAOK OpoILK $2,00£ AkM 'UN 1, *and selling ut trom si Lo FAÈuFu£ ALE.TUE TAILOUING J Laetwhose mrsais5 The snbmlýorbr claie for salie LNcUa deco lu Oshawa, roquino Tlfty Acres or .îiabtw.,ty.cone Ion maide to eider. - -lu the tbird concession ot ie Fresb Groceves andNe TOWf4SîlP ip 0 $VlTr . y, Tiy the old Store, siwco The. land le ait l enret, weili foed, gced le a good p n O cu s iL.- titanlia@ a stresîn orfOshawa, Nov. 28, -181> 1For tonemnspply taiB. J. Wilson# Eq.t, IMrrl&Wsî,Wxib, or the eubsorib.er,.. 8AMUZI4 WILKINSON" i a Wbhby, Sopt, là. on the premlisesdi ~ WATÇI 6 BROOK ST1REE Tt Durig the next toweeks, John S"kinner wiIl offer for, sale at the le a GaskDry «ooda Store, eyery. article of' hisex- tensive Stock, at regilni ' 'hole.w sale 'priceg, iin, order to make room -forNew Spriing Goods. 'Thig will 'he a regtslar clear- ing Sale. Oz'Bargains for -the people. P.rices no obj oct. - lady mo.é ney wantêd,- ]BOot ud Shoe store, The. isoriber ls n fi a ag asi. ment of ýOtà teli l i.ouhanstro ml oyl,.cd iZ~%fr wlnter wc Ie le. WoI* hidi te o d nfrt-lasi manser Whau, Nv.l9t, 2'~;IL WILKINSBON MANIJFAOTURED 4T THE .giOultural Worku, *JEFlZIO's Cet UÂTD Voub1o TURBINE WATER WEEEL Clan'Tiyt,--Plain and Tartan . tch and Qaudian Tweeds. (nladir the charge of a lady of Le and tndg- FoTaret very cbeap. )o Worth, (purohiscraundep e*ptdol afvorable circuoestanoes,) )$8 per yard, iPABRTUENT la undor the ukiliful snperiotmndenc.ofcfé. 'p. ýs an artistia cutLter, durlng the past fliteen years of bis resi- 08* nPuffte9. 'But and mnost fashionable nuits in the. Domin - [Ow Fruit,- Boots and- Shoos, .of silperior qualtveylw pe t., Oshawa, and get your mny's wrtb. aiy eylw AT s J-OIIHNS TO0NS,- -IMAIER & JEBWELLER. - - WkIITBY, ONT. -JOHIN -III oe -w c, M Oum UMM -WHITflY, ONTARIO., Thoins Baics Son uE DE Y COMPiIrITION! ~igtee prac'cal expererice ln the bManufact»rec eesmdMcr, MANI'fiesRERusFthaithLb, "ohnaton 8ell-Raking RNeap-ci" is very far in,' udvance cf anyc Machine mails ut the present day. W. have just introduceil i6 intoCaUnada, andE ufactured a lmted nunber the pat sesc, and as yet re te oly manufactu z~,~ -This soeason car Machines wilI ombrace sucb small improvements as a year's expexi tu à à V I, â6 E Ula the, mnuhfacture ha.s suggestaid. At ,rongIy and durably bailît heba mt!auei-l Iscnstruction. Its n ..~ A A , cinery the icst compact and durable. The teast liable to-et out cf order, X X X. E A.. combînutton cf wocd and ion in the finger bar, makes it the mn t perfect cff luger1 The Es-IYItLb. f the rivr, ctdotsd f the drihing-wheel,so balan 'ces and i,,î ?PALE, ALE AND P O 'T EIR. Our Set(.Raae la Ltheraost perfect ever invented, and consistali ,f live akes revol oti anaxielbe t th diiving.wheel, se placeil as to e nÜreIy uûider the Co£ Dor w e-ry, To n o, O nt, eut&and d'iýrtan l, cr' ieor lodged grin rapyand in g ilsh whutever. IL catsessily, with a cocînion toui, trom fWfeen te woanty acr es per the ropieto atendsperoîialy o tie Bewin~ aegu an md bas cnt ene bundreil snd fcrty acres iu seven dnys. As th ýpitratnl'eàply O h rwng ,et r-It te manu(acttired uiReapiug cnly, bcanseiL ha.bren dciinstratod Lbat s stock of Aies and Porter oaa, alwàys b. depended upon. rate,%aper andl Moirer will laittLo eut mnore grass, aud grain, thun tva> Combined1 Paffies desirons'c.f baving Aies ofsape0rlor qnmlity and Porter enal te ny chines-, and coats much lers inte Lb.ggregate. Besides, a separate Machine lis s impcrted, arc respecithîî solicited te sead their eiders for a qnantt aro plicatedta acmii n;-jg ibétgtoto'readl Iýy-r4 1yggor w k*thaut th ié% u q al o~t aM, 0 i1 anti trvfr .thBîis 1Ve, , - 111 SKINNI~R, - <o Ur* 24-111 est Iýeeps ,conitantly on Iiand, and in. course-of, manu- -fatre, the large8t~ stock of Ladis' Cnts and, Misses' Examne: for yourselves, the, excelIlent niaterial aundfliane work- manship.ý ln..A rii 3, 18 0. . W M . BU R N S, Brook t CIIIIISTIÂS AND NEW YEAT'S NEW FRUIT, AT, JUST REOEIVEID 100 Boxels,.haif and quarter boxes, Nýew Barrels Currants f'boxesJiYig. Boxes Canded Citron,, Lem 1on and rnge Peel; cases of Essence, Lenion, Rata- fia Vanilla, &o. Cases choice Brandy and Wine, TR. XcMOILA. & 00. F~ Dor nioeestpàtterns, Staple' and, GO TO OIIISIIOLI Lafem 'tles il Superfine Broaclcloths, Ounadiana Merinos,,(the real thing), Co RIosiery, Winceys, Shawls lint'Furnuishîng -Coods INova The ftM-én mstcompleto stock %will be found at -CIILS11OLM'S, aend uttho lowest pices. Give a cati and see. L. SPERIOfl F R E S-1GROCERUES! ffl Boots and Shoes in- great variety, Housekeepers Who desiro to pnactico econcmy, cati ut, A,# M. CHISHOLM'S, under Corintbean, Hall, King iL uh. alawa. '- TÂILORING....OhisboImWB establi3hment-POBsssu nrIV3lle4 facilitie inte .de.' partment. aigscéedtosrie of a firat-class Outter,' Mr. Petit, cf IBuffalo, gentiemen'. ,àrwientsiae Cut man ade tà order in Lhe lateat style, and in a maner netexclld b to tretciy etalismo ts.Gtlc:uen desirous of wearing a weIl j'.f ficting sumaent:will make a nQt@, qus1ley proiOed ,ean ad SELF-RÂKJNGArtEÂPER,:: Ifacilities, we àre'eqabled te produce tn anti. to inoce in the Doinion., - JAS. H: SMO,mtthe Furiture Warerocme, lve pomipt attention. GREAT.ANNUAL

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