Whitby Chronicle, 13 Apr 1871, p. 1

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fNQUNTYCRCWN iCLN tYlFOR ON- Z Ibitdinin lianer>, x'siry l'ailtî, &C.- (TENTIEÈIS 7iCuMpNarosiarde n (QlDes-Broeak strvob, lhast dean ta Rayai thi1 best lstyla aîslllitei tuaIlion, Dotel, Wlily. -- n A fne, aick or aCiclîs main wlili'te i tgau .leatonto <ce eeousa munier suliut B 61elt lowktu' Màtr JL 'L IA M D L-1 ty f itiiloffOice Broeck-sît.,1 ita RoIJLR'r J. WILSON. -AND)- B 8011040 "Il 'ORNAMENTAL -PAINTI " de- - -ho k Wîet, W tiy -A1 i(ons satte-dti t vti nutî JANIES J<EIIu CGORDON, tiempataa. DAiIIlS'4'-li t &' A'îI«ekIINlY.A'-4iW gW' Agent for Lest mampiesà roi pua MB goilejiton luiChu4paimy, Canoyaaaoot, lc- May8,17. - -1' g- o-ex dooiu r ta tise SormofiB.*,4J. rMEtAND Wllihy Nov, If§, 1807. ' 8. 51 FAIIIIAIJITTE OICILATING FVAUItV.ILtâ,& hIelE,- - PAÀTE 1;TE D '~fÀUîusrEuM ATI>eM, o, LIC. Os tnx u retJan*1870, a»' TAIiEI i(rll.l,.WILLIAM MATHEWSOI (lîau->a otair uîcthî et ije 1,a4t lmie Omllîaws; antid -utneBiod.- ic;-Ipuaito OP IOAKIYIoT J, Lacsà,* ite 1aîceeeeiallenge* nu>' ctiaer Wasi 16 t'en f 110v twin'go te ceouaate iginst11 nia>'mait mi >' nom s Tia o ucu TTIN~-TLAV, SOLIC1-1R IN 'iliîp iîîci1îa nl lieau itiaag fanraiena A J'iiaaneary, ~~~~, - (Juiuiilu~~ ig .u. hvl aaîlaîaa iîfa ie-la enidiaêau' Brook, * 0.uW.u a bcdr qailt 'A trial- i seoti» je .IIADiI19 EN1113y uaaa>' lite leita.' A TTORNEY-AT-1AV. SCLIÇJTOR 11N Catunt> ' Riglti sud Machines f3r sala, il. lanc'ary, Notiia-1'uulie, tieaveyaîcer, APhul>'ta WM" MATIlEË%Ve'ON. hbo., Wilitib 4'. IW. Orusx, Blynau stmet,,B oknn sauulh ti u Clce 6 -Brookiin, Sept. 14, 187(t. JreijC LYIIN tNLIIl LL.Il, NET IONE A UIu Ttl A'riA W,SoliitoîcriauChtan- - 0015e.ii Isivar& ,'fie S.pbeuib il; usprepareti te 40 ej lELAÂM ON, -LOAN MLNEY, ~TT~.T.~ W Farm or Town -Propert' - 5O5OlTilt N CuAsCiivAT C)ONVErA&NCEII,L,4 Iii1)AIsENT&c. L ÃŽ' o xg'~p Uxhî-ilg, îaîau1tiit~ - 11-8 , EA IrBF; T A'T B UXIi-ilge, 1110 ItiBCLGTi'. 8CLDP AND ElXCIIANO'ED DR- HANCOOCK, oNigîtleNîa,s OP0FG00DS % -se-ebau"4l- u . OIO . ) .u. M1JRGEON5 Ac.cOUCIIEýUI, &C., Ru j. G'iNN, ù1,D. IURGON -U VI COUTY. AOL, OWNuJ~Mt d TlEzitJuili IIIIY im itt e t iiloo!rhomu tLc.Ru eOni Bank. PRl"OTOGRA PH GAtLERY! 13ROOK* ST. WH-ITBY- Ti i udurmigîaînd ' alec prepuroît te take Pisutcvon.Ipljm, Aiianaîr , iutu alunai a lite. vueia aetîciiithidebuunu. Ittcu iastviaiaA -ui JAMES WALLACE, Coinuauîisiou & ilouil Es4tatas Againt I)Uldiait i, tîppuqlitoMoisson Metc 'WliitiiY, 2ti Ocet., 1870.,4 F ASIIIONABLE AND DURIABLE Thie uudermiguetidbegs tt, 'iusouoanu ise a-ceu cifsa exte liuîilîrw stock or finsgt-ciaâs Bouts su'd iai-f'on Ludies (-l1atieuaeiDI Uaud dliii- uslu fte cuit 1 lut fiet stylts. IIQME-MAuDE woiLK AS USUAL. RrrÀsAsI.-Ali endursatiendadteta aitiu;puu tuaiit>. p-n GEV. -CA MEre, Brooek sîneet, JA8. A. CLARK. nopa. 6, 1870. 8 Kcvaaihaor 121870, W LS N 110U-SE G. YOUNG BMITH, L IL.B,, BARRISlTEsi, A -eaN-'ATvLÂw, meLucu. A. WILSON', Jr,1T roprietor. TORI N CltA!CatlITAN» uieseuNgMey, baige1841M teainuume t ur oAto i IIr ctCah. O' T itiolàdiî alu i tt ilîi g au iai y, tlgut uil Lats 0aliedtilcue ulaô vo uotelli Iîtfila Villiga OFFICE.-lcàlILLAN,O BLOCK, Valjluan ile î o.T lo litsuislmliw,tond fnur-T - -durs, c' ui,î, ~a lnithîuroaighaîaad ouîlaîu2 ulliien. G tia i ie'Ilii tier Couvcîuiellece ai is aoieeatulisaiaiau, Iosei, L.iarm, 'W'LiTIIY JPIANO ti AITORu -sud Cigare «ift iel- tirlBituidsi;aways kapt on J~ Band.1-0 Itoudeîaue. 4.ttILSoN, J.,,'Pnupricter. JOSE PI-H R AI1N ER SAolihnu, blo'It, 186D, - 1-18 I'BOPRIETORL.- Grand Truilk Railway'Hotel. - Tise sabsenuher, sii retunis Min~ î. ocrnetitanka te fliaisuan>' tieuti AT iVILITIL1L l81ATIION-,, ad cseuners ai ftue Wl1iby (i'Nl hiaivîi.'puraimaeetthe butaI A C T¶RYY id rentiociistmIcîia ficue aud PIANO £1AflUAA iiuiii - llaâr4011 tl a li lle lo aaVulaglaîi i e h. ness oie]>' uponliq i is l uic..lt; l isa 'la* titt_çdt î> tlue iîoîîak aad aiples lit lri- i et gaitr a tirli b-g u t s ,n ia laxit styiu,,cutid 5îy atteantionitte la tiiat at Q1iiug willI hoesiai cuIn. on8laispari hilime wliî' ter 11as1will it tnpiastlnge 10 gi-a satistution, luanpyn trsa ueiarlt eaeua:tiluuîaQli t i Ircustouni -, Ln Prtica aaikiuig the tasn and tuain tau ~ Ilarmilii a havailel eltakan cane afIfle upuct Wviîitiay,iiept., 863. a' QITrALITY, '~ItoYÀL 'ANADIîAN H OTEL, 8 T r LE, PORiT FERRIY, OhTe FINISHl. H~~'h eleirted becpaen H. Uye n Propriotor. paternvt au asai ueuiiîa~ sai p unon aeeqisuaiîijon oi.Goued tabing irAlod,,Oettdwt rmttd utand nueluais, sdattentivse aetlelau, gnd"' il da-azeîîd liipemîcuu Part l'ara-y, Nov, 8, 1869. 45 - JOSEPg F. RAINER. Whiutly, Bloy3, 1870. 1>'.18 P OR ot': PERIIîT jCNT, O_ -I' YON. ONFARIO U0Tg1, JAMES- T OIIPSON,- PRPUIORtaas. - (aoC ae' Thle 8uhcarli:ar vlii'toltuornsfliac coin- W'HITJ3YONT.ARIO mnunitt-iliat it paulalsos ncîDac optu ta flic pnui,.ier le~mpaoeaedtînualsmaoiA. ALEXANDER - Praprilor. aeouannajdktielas gy aa >' .eui'. - bOlilr1 , l Ie,1. s . r'j'%Iuttisbseriuer dmieorneturu tliaakg ta - j. ta ihao public fn te e>'liberai patron - alÃ"l~IN IODINUONST - ain beelov ti i it liau wlila pa-pîîcoroî tli Glaise bateu, t>raailits, saadaut lha sauletu ime flair Dressing-'n sud nrtoe ô nt-ýt te enlaulialce tisa ietîlias liusî.d sÀthoON, ore eîuiaui:clns Large atditieba ' UCTWIiITBY. li ut osGnnin ouctgeiepat oots a 80V S'oir T ITvuB 0W oar r. euergatqlugthemuretis eri 0 l OM o bJa.22 '68, noanl seomr i ssvsoui, ha f.A rsit- Wiaiî elas'u-Jlllhliliard Panlan vithlathissellbi,haaie< ibeen addeEtixtenivsle additions ta tise ar >fer t>his Oldtie ld.iaud at tisapublie t rllvaventagem-',na'l4aY no atiser bot. lusthe place.' A elLt ail limas habehappyv tc, id %tom Wttiy 1 togusîs, CArý ,',natake eOnlodt n to lom u TERRAPIN E0cS1Tn'A ÂZ, A yN.T, beis fa",* 1 dtdlà lu~O , th t b e a bo ve e u i ' A R' N ng t ; I s d n h in k m e e a e> d lin W'Pt np" -îoh; p o or in "I oleAinae oe ,e 9 ,FPS 0purpaalwht sthe lo D#4ht~~He~g P U L L Wf t h e o R D n R , Bi L I l R I '~ ~ a IO< , tI , . b u t t u t h e e l q e n c e o ~ r g é n ' I e i h i wI ! r » b e s si d . f r o m . b r » b 4 e â ,~~ ~OfU~biEgLureLol'A 7a.la .lifting' hlm op, sp icg him on a opfs; 1.la-1., esi tsm ' < She besitnted a Mo meut, An inlezp1 And veady-fj'ou tting Lumblorln Lany qruluuty (87 & 84, ingstoo EtToroto. ato44fI4LI4aba tr4ç 'Osil sieo h evns ae-i egigaiyt a. 8, ng stroeot Eist oronaod 1cabl! euon o eruottr'g-ber moved la hIe room, aqd &end for 'a pb>y T.ay1 h eaused i caoass OPDt@tii<>iitr~.a~ 'wt~ pucLnflyt,<~THOASC3AL!LE,- eatt. 8h. toit 'a wild recoliI.Wbst vau olanf -, iona- JOHbN 't rm 0 o80ferlulntt. -,The mast aie- he li.t angue 09ngtea tOY- the'Words upop hber Llly did oseamcevsbiddon, The' ser- -:Yes,' aidihe, 'your (ather 51éls et JOH WII.ganet, OaYOoionaanàd tagu Ivantea Iockad 'b the room,- but were toô cov ;and I do *net feel justfied > i 4 1t m a b leaa i e » q 8 r . F n i a e W l m a s e n , b n h y " p e a k , d e a r e î,' h e p l e d d , q n m :o n e . ' m u c h f r i g t e e d t e , a c t w i t o n î d i r e c t i o n s . £ a x i c g , y 0 o 0r~ p i t 9 l i t y J ~o n g e r , " . b e " l EI tumrtgbJoln ea 'Arthnr, I loge yon,l aohéoenrmurmel.' Lily, pale and excited, looked, appeaiingly bas recovered uffcinly to reuew konr mI;ovreaig n\Iou f eme, He'preued ber weuh convuluive joy te ta Hogi'ngld, wh0, slthough mb6cked at-4he 'business transaction, Vwiili etu'mS.- Lu LqrsanÉlas ti tet*., MsiteiIa ' 'en .dsoetrant q0 î5 îîveOd ' oclbis .heart. A rvrmoments o h rd uexpécted, 1erminaiion of bis interviewe Ho triel ta saklus abad* and -0- Cu Ovteu a avry syle. , 9 ýi lred n exel- ows;tendr tessesand js rte-w et self possesod. Ho uotlcod Lily's pa nneorbadmu The. udrslgued bés on bsnd;at e, Parties ll iirr'stl.lent 'stylo, ln the neigbbodibdod of à largoe 0 wthbener dstes*w bi seho v the e-y4 :iks ofý, ornofrady ll , %tto iaendert baretbrabbing ecldsru bbsdismusyt h ewthLiek.o ly, vilgTnta fer a d iii countryrged t'.tbisoiODO osa.ly, -. pr- MI E AD An i~s~ ~L ~ Od a-Y aenîoeîun tetarhs,. cntyt9u i as noîdîey emere remom mocclusioni and re.' Sa e o ' b.'e u h hwdéietmjsc .1rliï g ________________________1_&etfot-- meIlsait! edthen palt anroab ohomed éusentagitatfion. pri,180 .14 prlncipaiiyin iadadpràpeqv, the sp1 " "' ooran. ye u ae - yRSB RI ision af vhich aconpied li woîe tI' Mr. Fanshawe 1 kat lu bis liirary. The 'Yez, yes, Oh, pleee. doIl mise tiefi. We-. ....yoD do me suiinjostice,'me- WIIDmNih, al mrigso s ealat irh Reîad eoped AfÃ"rward, sud i e at lu'ocit a benàra e ~~ A L WIIITBY, - ONT. ~~~ transactlin with hlm, sud pci ' the hlf-open blinda, giiding vîth it4 ted sîernly.mpokess yards' :oused the.smevantselfuîgm abrsiun' E..ý SArrLEatfssdhm~irw u iggifthe us.ewehat sombre 'appainîmuans from their uoefaliueu. He' unis"ad? 10 h. said ibis viti downu efes sud At EST ~A_. MA SON, *Por.eo grasping la s baigainedr!i exscting tueroi h ii iewc i aecrry tii. insensible man ta hii Tobin, sud heaviag boson1. - M A- R T ATES Tu alovoliasbea tlorogîai reav ave, n tu the pon flashii. - ' ere sasewhat rolared, the beetliug oye-placed hlm lu bis, heu. He gave ai tev '1 vonld do yoa oinnta;i.. £ ~ 1 1 1 j u m a l l n a m v u a u h a a n d i l @ . ~ ti e n r 1 o f n . oo a a m m <o d m ,o u W c h v s m r i d b y sb r o e I o gd a i avn g s d f i e r a . t i a i i p e d r c i n o i e n c t t o ' t l m , i s a e î y h i e s s âhorteat Whou. abieciui ii iidvayRi it amid ll,au as rigid'1 W il cub alen deadi »,utmssy yloi lesr iml drcios(o i rsese. usid, m c at!ereal; i s eaue1 Aprl 1, 870 - ' 5 esrodigh-Douait, sud s grlm miele of satisfaction the phyaic.iau shall arrive, and then slociy viah ta ho jusi 1hbat 1 propae ta Lastea flicokillaP. Oo. P15 N IX- iovlug l if i nt eêou, sud tsudid y d oud hiethin lips. Hia 'spa.- tuait lis 'cay dccui sasirs. He wva ibut scay fram aimptation.' BroaicilnP.0coptubi is lu tmperandut. ii.'* aa.- abie'ate .te ofmiud vas dueta t îe'news af ta page ont inte, tisaetreet," vhounfho vas Lily did net nnderstand hie speez'j BIong ifn 701,1 970. 2 F9l. SSUANE O domiaieeriýg Daumier ar ber bbis u;dau'ghteiedongagemeant t6 Arthur .sccosted by s servant, ' -but 4betelt, vith a qniver af joy,-tbaî ebc 'I' frghanai'ani m ddne be;CbEbauCO ,$; ues clicîs Arth r, vith laver.- 'Mise liy's compliments,, air; sud villi vas the tempta on lie taared. O F0 PESSOR Ilj. p O S TiéMfl1tiTRahr& iIAIN 08e and oepui sd bralu ii. 101like iîapatieuca, had deopatcbed 'by ues- yon pies.. valk imb1he parleur a ma -'Andi ahy isk s u a oaiInjustice te te. rgeg e p l o d s p i r l e s ea nd n h e s e o n d o n g e r t h e m o r i n g (t the h a l , nm e n t I l m a i n h r h e l y a l t ,a k d i p a u liryer o ý 'dngterljilys ife snh Hia raa'eriu cvu intorruptedby the on. - Ho turuetiantientore&-the roam. Lily toua. Su ESL4 ~ ~-I 1moi aiioi, caeiiuuî i i Blmtrauce et a servant, cama torward 'ta -useet hlm. 8h. iaaked 'Bacaume you-Yen, Liy, bave suadden. Nf P l N O -F O i o GIL L.ESP E, MOFFATT '&Co , Agent, for paleseid 'acfar ea-y c br o1a y PANOiFOdE .o.pasie idncrssedeplat hauding hlm a card. 'tlhing:f 'ansias Regluad'Darinoar gazed able gracea ai bath sini'sad heurt; be. DAVIbE,-Byo Sret ,,nyidsud cueea. pintfgure, One uban e insarihoti Dsme, 'sud upan ber delicate face, tout.misiajeàansd cause, if I linger langer by y.,nn sdea (lVcry ppoit ~e ad ir.) PRE ment sud IispZsitiou ce.r cammingied the a 5tibtu rmsong 9iif11 srNUANCÇp, agaiist L088 by FIEare te te8o cstaggerod back - a siosiy paliear ocoptover cairlo, at aultiasbord, ha feIt'bis doer.Jo'thiat ehieb I sai regret over sitar. Tznui.-Tnstrnetionaon Plana, si$1 s0. laay JL effct£' oiat fic i.otfavorabie tortue, and ppoaita . Ite ibth pareuts. Usu- bis sa t ane n t-wsol e o iain ebu e abrWrieoyt ad. - f cfMusical tý(i'npiîgiil, &o., $5. - '. 1 LOSSES PAID gwM.Pl cp eeia tc tl eio. ithontreferqnoe ta the IBoard al>' mie ^rîrdoa ciiid like mwetuesa reéefoto df ita c ou' by a au. h anltion tasatetsr aa iercilaabelote A adlusscet o ir 1 uffS Bsud ot kee f;r .aic dwahls eao u London. an~ sd tendeai t anna, hahLd iaupem ffr e ii in o oit onri h gles seoawyliode elnaAdadycadso reieoe br Muoie ail Btisa, aramulntand e.âhuera motleroatANnso..Nlaits emation. brtomîaei .ho sommer'. aons.-'Wh-byah ciiy calie net lave lber f, - ta-cm hile Misia fietnus. Agent, itl th c - L gchiio er L isatra e Shoaw hinminblu , h 'm, sat t 'Yenciii pardon me, for vecetu as théii. kncy fhrha Wlaitay, Maroi a2, 5S70. iAli'dSu.tons ; bu au severai eccasions, cLan -bp n I ishtercin i nu àsoeney fh-ett lie te- pstu iebt vuce eutter, ici a husky voie, yen, air bn-butI diedt iqire Reo'iuaid scoti.tramer ciinh stolo CENTRALJJOTELa b ;roJ TIpassioAnP aRbJj ANdGIvNn S lameai"Ha asaseti bis baud aven hiaeyels. as if ci yen ift tire vas auy-if yen kn'ew au>' aven hon, 'sud thse sbadoc of uushed tsars E N T R A L 0 . T LrS bine of sae n qualiies of ban f al er;y ta ahut 'ou si n ho b r iblo vision, sud cau e for p p sm uddau ihinesa ?'- nd oen lbar tarry y so Ps ber lcoscme coid and aclutiiiating, breathet ii qniok, short gas. miié fixed ber clear oyez penetratiagi>' upon ïOh , miserbamnia. n 'h JOHN BAlLT, Propritor. Tiiunders.iieaaf hega ta lnfarm tise public ber on ot iesm'oily u rcaaa Ae J01 BIEtPoreo. tiiuilie ai" on iianad -tha largcat sud sud bard, sud ber hearing defiaut sud f.a i.doeait l t l.hm iiai t tu edtebaîa h Thaaaoolill bg7;ýiea tuc ttell tell , cis b oaat)k et Paipon Ilingil)aig amadn.soit;sudexerting ail bas ciii., h. turuat Regiuaid tait the aviovarduesa af bis one I iaveb'est on esnîi i Oh, Lily, dan-. an sudfritniii. jaa i lviu'tu wiii d eitnni utc>wn, adaeitu ' ofer iindsevr anpQnnentd'îie oabWho vas Outerling, poslti:an. Viudicati F.asho u-Ucrd.ing, I cannai do 11 1 I anilgoaaa"w Loinmmoatyonsadiiiiationn oth iia smabiauceoaf cmonewotebrtte, u~a a i en ao is ctout telling yau-iiec mati! I laveyn D. Ircu>'L Z-Z-e datenie staa.~at!iTeioîetweu Mn. Fanahiave and, bis thai grev 1 14_ o Gcc om fbln datnie MITý1rwmore stnang and iimpentunabia thaespirit ai bis innoceut tisugiier viuii -bac I aven ahail lova yen, evan thangh Joie. ien2os6,nu18e7ve10laf. e4l. agitu. c>m eariy chidiood Lily hal aslhe fasteneti bis oyesai; -a yauur, freah aise blasting knacledge af ber father's vo neyer meet again.upan' earti V- - W Pa.tsting, iraling, (iîuzîug, teareti sud aýided bu, obeyiâg'his nom- faco, sud ual the caieworn conuteunca gnilty deedo. Ho was about ta uttar -5a With a cry aof supreme jaj, mii"fiusng muOORAIY ad aa1ieIanad 11 g, exeuec ilaw<ork mant ram theor treneyer fitmfilial ~it amluebt asf bo L uie i nartht 1?tOT riAPHauJ terrer, i[in ui Ier.tçliull.bis g t osint aýasdup'hbefore bastilytfrausetievasian, heh h ctil n seli jta eduatrth arma-hoaring- -o-uAiC.a IStree , i l ov e n1îetbnegnenhhl.- traute of a servant pravauteti., neubiug, osng tr net hig, gave shat "li >_MI_______Sreet_______Onte______flir_______ thbinýtbday, 'Who are yen, sud chat.do yen vat?' If'It'onesa, in, Mn. Fiainabve bas levei ber. Wit etrd 'Liden open O INO GÂ E1YWhitby, Arnil 21, 1870. -,f i. Fanabav.e Lad givnasgrand bail, "et liedemaaaded, in a rude toue. raviveti, sud deaires taose you immedia- bis aoonder, mie liatened ta Lis impeassian DMNO ALI ti gratif>'bisdangiiter, bta oSurier bs The yeuug mng dfra ntnttli dWriresaîvin no rdnt casrua fi WaEE v Us , c «n ofuplans,' icr ier future...'Betore thse ciîb piereing ayea au uheî'tomru,' set face Regiusid Leoitafoti. nutii su excîsmatiôn firin;Eeffittaid csused A IL LtORi A l B IJ' ugnvai ef the'guese, ibe hadl,i a pnivate ai Mr. - auah'ace. Thie l ean but I îiiuk i cu can f ha aineue,, Le sali ; har ta lither besi. C>M!V lm-.aLm mit. Z MM:ý INFIVE qtTzr,& Y OLUMES. stervipw viii Lily, vithout preambie or somecbat agitaied icfesi 'tltIfari wlonyextehmeSeutrda yoferr.Tr, lPUPrice '. Per anvolume or grulct , sgiit e bis ciii s taund face te face witL the dastroyer oai 1'9b, go,' criad.Lily-..do go 1It *ai- bafore tiam, stout! bon fathor. TLoy iiad Pii't-C~~~P$40GRPHS Peset ompace; thas aie vas te racaive Sir Arthur Joyce my maîisem'a happionansd my fatior'a vaya'teartuîîy excites hlm ta bhoapposeti.' ot er laentan thé racu'; ,'Lis slip« Pt Xotile gbut Kgond wnnir siiwed telu l.aetue THE PCRITOR OU TUIE WOuy(. a o uuebsatTeyngbrnmurderer IlVryci, aiiRguat -u a nepretifeet gave ne o nution the thick 'pile rouli,. Ail kiida aaui ail i . TuEfrein 1.- 4Ll3U.11 i becle. asiex- t, oho lultorinstibho, bmd saunber saurerai The aid man took a sadn stop fer. fallococ lie servant upataira. oatiaeanpet, Hie steel-gr - y ays ouittet lamalî'eapennolt lausive AtGleyce lbi!ld nb hs h'tm s n alfleasoaeyi oea th 4ai eki iir t iu haemaniii hesvririi n iii.iislithe r, ilwba lims ae sinpssesa>wulv ard, anti. 'du cieuche atie ds sd tart. , Whouufhaenteradti îLe'roanshLuconît flashies aofna-id.ligit,. anadbis lesteras vore size, 111141ttisiied au beri a-iioulîeeii "re c amas o et nu,.p . b wiîh iber, anà hallasked his permission ta igee xliei H ctaeynhc Ltte cnuo omsnto o h ngufiycnust. -odnofrad tonbii loi(. ie luik, - i "lUlr.failix2u fluil lpste chremo t.enngruphn.a .tae ag v sce a. Fnihîtuiy L g Ra' énv id H artanswa Sop1a WIten (l i elro. 40 liitPage Jlieanl Eaagriviaa-40 full papy bas adduesaes ; a permission hise or dyxfinganoL su strociana lie nM tjknmn rgal ae lu bag an,. . opniBeinl b te ri LL.a on lu , ~ delcrptve we il nauiits.,the athi uîjag 191 saduygrei a ipooperil>' due, ae?7 1dou't kuoc yen ; I neyer saw gard, bie face cninkiati, sud ub i ep.st'er ti nn, catb ans atrenigtuh On voueaotuehala-aai,iek. asoi i e' sua,, dber ckhont aakiug lhan sequiesceuce, bfr ea aile ltev i xpeso, oly dagtn Mr. Wilinuî la Ver>' aueceaa t aikuig or' Wclieré lorieet tDîliîhlary . Eeli Volume T s aaa r ppaiio - 'atire saI l pe aayni.u bpes antepiograîg n ni T, ich , p 'Pi iitl a «ai;.icuti hide b er o:n punqah p&pet Dant anoa n, ha en era f oaihi b>' cpisa nit, ie w, gaing ihlms - Begsa o- l acebudIlmy boue af 1e ai pe ciater e C lerge' n. aî cli noa>' ulirplti ce re baltuciauscI " yettattne de il a'r.a'i' h-o trinet lyt,1870. hol. 4iipi WUlà%Icc A 1h5 i i r euai'it. alan caof upanexisteanti.mietletmuth In. i d tefhmfib I iii ding yan ant, 11k. t e dopcab voWil i a %ipaler Auiicu1, taeciated he ir pre is auco cileent op ugt nt', c i, sIcamet sonak f tit i n ou hocAspaegnai, 'I annai tsi Iaftrien iu yeng rée l clygrlofcl Weaoib roe ap areieV1iza iAea,, n uttonang icfnm ils cardo, 'Leste mfLobio ioGo, liai Lenni;eberfair. I ans tea c ntuseti- Regnnaisi ieuhe;i bis Lande, and -md aU tint,( O lyn u so aIt NcuesS tVolVVNTeD. git rsejaiaiiAnend. BsDatrtmomnleimuhlus- o rhav on ecteti, le lier en ea-ratitoi.Wit atiIii' axphaurtvaucetiore-ahoite aiMasne Ye o h rul."bsWr elltOC OMiaîwm ir t he au ibriel> ' s l' bttehbto ums h isd;btbspl ae hkn ied raige a aabat nasy bi i veo 1 ls l is aeos wii yr rs H WILLSON, Peop rsleadsnosuait ywih rafier ti. out li bnci matiab etua lageuul iiait c ua l'il i ls i enesaevosuaiua: m: idl L ad it po bai n a bc lvot figure ;andceri' scaemlok id tc n . ho a i sp danj IIom aniane 'ba r tr O s Ll psgbaentos Nov. lott, 1870.ram.aa a lr eesahiîly je ail eut ber a y91cu yuor nerct bllor ixug ' ,u e pnaplea iliyteasne il u r b en % ircILiswod, a y bse, 1 G , ta orbeafi. Ia o ofué - R gnl l dl sb us n d 1AGE.TS aauuuid . o. ii thnge-ahsin g-lrit aeYneece iete' o ou c-poamte. tisadie hoverati n a e 'Leste teira-ogisdfmrn the' AU IF, N I siNES t isedu iag dyens veraeai curCatmtuie<$ isi l cas cnedhatiug et iae uit ibi nevIewniisleeme e p a einaiDothi. arabiT ie pvein iathi. 'orb, a- w1go 'niraiy' - (iav~~~~~~te aipte ese r t' Pbliain, vo wu "aile'lrge ae gçuffesieaumadete cuta e 'depat mIasteacmi -t i h. 'oïahieakedsa d etord yhenrama,paiighmtoad ie orc nt i ga'siau i l Loie îho ),,ni til teand s Siei . croiinatincoti - csr'rof ydug ant yanr diaolacal mabeusa ta her cîc T i g e rta rntn-katonla us ra paro 5 p er ienli ed us haulauages im euiai ter OfAnthun vj un s"m en, compietianof hav.'o g .......e. e4lahaignat gonceis bat, au yel e is n u . tu I I n t en u i s ca l ir 1 5a-,l r >' 0 05 ci a si u fl a t i ft-ti t n m a st e i L e y n pa n s ay fo r a1 ' ut tt i luu l- n e ih l m c a n t a m p n n i e , n i. b i i o uliir iu g tire , r lî la i g p an. st raï del v tillyd r etn e b at go q ikl lâ f~~~~~~~~l1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Lm dlroig e d»3« aiarhn t t Vnkiewi .iai f Pl tovv±"ai 01rt tis intrview nd beleve me l'loot a. Ici sLo tiens te yen, a bc ade d.mnti 40hiai g irct svj rueNT Y aienlie .!ret ell i ig sec , It asn. ;n co n ei u.t e autine, -eauto tl1 h v c o pilid m b N i ch ve kn s d t re o ,f o f, e s- - ni Y e i---ia î tar osin e r ntm u t a eto iIbsitrn i 'lans lu hin b im a d h o r w ATIE S N BERTS h ueiou tahpri. l ea crreeejotpyur iab Cealla le asiatehie buds al gtii r t rt C i kexec t f lte,. o e t ro or19 fy Oi hrms.1 sel h -ed e q ale ,beoe h fah f CO Pe iO r if yad gi'n bstet ,ad ile Cublie ieraore twe la rpm,2itS>'. ,Fl l11é.1 P - Ituifgs n asu of tor- iv a a isnîtýa fr sei t thoen b jofîerlacbtasigiufi vcaus.'tiang ii n et n aet ihmy a veniLlrii a uai Se e nunetal AIt rBprea cNdnsalr, Fer nv ad, 1. a indsog sa's rgardoSiertiouai aI temni?'igatpetiib dnsan'su.H oaaiciiviifea e'- bb aerviimpa gies tean.aslbistheno. Aoeîeaaatihisut tiiltli tntlouaiduoaiupeaad rprhat ta Rgisiieafaacnteb"e'lam'sookasluase'sadlts.ticie agla@uJ.ao Our__ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __L c oe t us q i1- s ', c. gr ya tremblea ; for aid sud eu h a padi a - Y en"rei Luom - Ih ve A "t he etc '1 s'fnu a's a ai i, M e. lsly Wiitby, Ji>' 8, is a 1'IARli eoai.S asndue s n etlc igh a i l aenot i l is n g pe eit' c c en L v ou yti a'- T iaeretou R aeroU N T Y 9 ' tn tUc) d ilis t S n u oe sh.WTi olie n bi fve. vs oi i sntie ium a i niaiis. Y n Lt oot L Vr-eigM.FnbvaoLiiL htuyn neagr o cid V-Cil> QUilAt-Pe-A iliu wîndeisanthüm- $e eti , cw en vii ràpthe cbrbofk.'-e. I se u thora o a tdy n ed u sa ug lin r ita cgav ia cccl'>'~~elor audynîlsil eaiaiix aMasimpe meauu tSt lthe -, n iac c is ys;sdab egnt ..Tn ey on ke nt vbt y n me, tir meu e t e rofsi dusnfer.nIal gtai. lanyueye a T saî'îr EcaSQlAliîu Bî LERAES. teoeiiu1cb-ps-ri.o li r IAG e cIC E N8 O ibsn ain tis urj caniihe auin eaymain ta and (esiti bc. raaef da Lim l ige rbî v at o aa'I ' uis u aecagds>m d N a e u m , N v T n .S ci e r ttîre e e ; o e t ir e e e d ti. d ate W s p 2l i 1 u . -l -iLiao vr eai hlbar,0a ' lt oit ea c eti L g i n altso ry soe 1ai d fifo rg ey. a D à rt 8îi.2 Jun 1,180.-8 hevn91p 40. S Atcrbaentsva an tciaa. eIviint n oi eutieaeoanisnuciosoue 'WAt oyo iiman byglu oar, jAMnag IemeNTd orsles. cAin bbcomode ypu bt s icaîevasa nas kei'e feaf yul orsUanis ht.l YsYOppteo'h ait, edwieo ihsmroce'P F I U T C L I 3 F O SL E . B e 1 sd as 5 h u e t o n t nt caC o e. f t bro ya n I b o n itc i i e t t c s î c T i ' a . s i , n aiiLai .1rclumisreZmt eWuiortahytiaciret bista18v7î ' &hentlua*getIas p tfe ml pan e.-A cl u a iteii Bç:a~~~~~g nau-tV7 vry ple l'pfid exîy,.heenîti n t oter. a iau i te matory ai nysîr.ati don e b o vek nitiew Rogiaiti, -&r,.itbn Xaoii a -ao yhso - L. PABscU, cNuuapJr., 18iers 8 eami1 ze . ,a. Liivs-cauid s is w Tianaionsiguat egat-ostte uaiho ani aîa uulItte ?autihtiu, ud reu m ne'cel r e gar .theyeî ss i. cassdaim io' iuasppsafan e ad' ac,ân*hi av e giv on. as l'wi nt 'e sai ife ofit ro y .'t e. AUOIOCEB -BIA E LIlagmtNs Es ai- c ater va are ti' nai veo, Jaycmly Odrprbt frt e ya fba o te kili ymen ' h. suai.,clm coutinnea ta nanuîaitsetîare - fecacadu TIiere la a ohbis gog la s th ,fi iet lîL arbaie jp d s i thnr oa et on li iie e arfd u ee , ovo o S e o d &il, M r.Ma n i u ee Ditril s b cg ir Vcai d V-01uD. QDwai-iliiîg ilonfen ouourla-in- 'I Masa îT t3 ON u ivigibng te*, nedti L u, iiou fr eneaeI a vebieynmeoitei î a m it - pisub i jln a; s ud asngand la 4t t' -istwýt prOti uodct, chais iuo-li a îi lugsîo g ad rucoiTtItts aortrîuoaayoateieifatela, îL aten booniy. ri;ueg pov îeda. iv ye"ia jaeu diuie5e î atos otlu, aa at>.u e efcie hcsle w AG »&e O NS IptePhhetel- sA-b>lttrGpE pati) utEXpnor' deiaervatoqta osl aur osya t e " ta th' vnins saih sh ctrngme f usîslo ui- a nnct. ihasuigbat SoUc'sa i aivn -HA B B J.IL T TL, ou t îa poises. Jetai.p.gioner, Shi! er 4heruif comu a sea anlurteapmiti il afld ii mIlsthe oluan>' . aanker'ainom; ns a'less et e-a1 ge lasnattyrs-usannoArthuryds hlm saIJo t.-fFLE ork.U, GetEe ooei ORthofTwnbe, cote bisma, hersait bue lavehle1ile«ali. 'lisallénaaid g. lv _________________- h.tl paoty l bie l ynstsr' aih hoge17, ud dsansdbtt1870.u*--4u coetale

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