Whitby Chronicle, 13 Apr 1871, p. 4

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...tur.ur the Town. the stges P US ndfo onUavertoe, beyv GEBORGE RoB8oN., A CAR LOAD 0F TEE ATLANPI1CI OIL i JJST 1J2'JVD W~Aad soolling nt tile usanI Low prlo&. mi hi JA8. fU.RSI, , F eby , ',b nd, 1871. 7~~ lWnytuLoan, INTEUnhFT B PEU CENÇT. TIIE COLONIAL SEM0LTIES00. OF 19LONDON, EZeGLAND. - Losa, on ImprevIrd<Fana Property f Jor a Torm-oi-Five rees, 2h.0mn>'1u4in.I'1iaret 4dvns.. Yo r4nes. Pnliiéa; Repayüiblub b>"wtalm nt$ et option n~UosiMages .Pnrehaiod. . Apply te i ouN AG NEW, Whbltby RJ. U. cHîpuMÂN, Manager, ' e7 eligo t, WIst, Torouto lor IBi. B. J Agriculti*ral Works. LEFL's CILIRATED Double TURBINEi WATE-R WIIEEL. vils uner eaae uu z iss-M<W 55< vis I 'I ly Their stock isliupberb, New, sud ail of the best quality. id fr Jour? iod or Pr- escan be beaten' j&' Dre as Goods id groat varioty,.Clan Tartan, PIifs and Tartan , - Winceys, EngIishl Scotch and Oanadian Tsveede. THE MILLINERT DEPARTIIENrr(u:der theocharge of a Indy'of tante ad !d Ylowers, Mandies, -ond Drose Trimmings. ba«il>' plendid sets of Pure, ver>' chesp. BLACK SILK $2,doo wortb, (purclssd undor eepcislly favorable cirqumstance,) ,ad olingat Irom $1 to $8 per yard, - 1 1 1' 1 THE TAILOJUNO DEE'AUTMENT fg un4or theo ukilîful superintendonco of Ur. F, Lambor4, wbose monits ne an artiaie cutter, during the past »fliteen yesra of bis rosi- donc. In! Oshava, requires no puýffing. Boat and mostfaubionable suit$ la the Domin. 0 ion made to order. Presle Grocerlos and Now Fruit, Boots and Sboes, of superlol guaiity, ver>' low, TrÎY the oid Store, Siaico.e t., Oshawa, and got you.r nionoy'e Worth. Oshsawa, Nov 28, 1879 .- & . T - AT WA-TCUMAKER &JEWELLER. ýBROOK STREET, - WLIITBY, ONT. GREAT ANNUAL' S[okakagsale Durling the ext two 'weekis,. John Skinoner wNiIIoffer for sale at the Gheaip Cash Dry Goodâ Store,, every art 1icle eot* his ex- tensive Stocki, at reglilai' wbole- sale prices, in order 'Oemake 1.ooM forNewv Spring Goods. This. w ii be a regular cér ing Sale, 8T'Baigaîns for the people. *5 Prices no objeet. . Ready MO- J-OilNsKX.1N N EIL- Co W-~ * eeps constantly on hand, and in course of manu- facture, the largest 'stock of 92r Fo nePet tterns, Staplè and Fancy Dress Good Ladies' CGents'- and M isses' dT IISOMS - anbi.Lafrtsi tyIcr)11vc Examine for yourselves the excellent material and fine work-- T CISIQ MS .15.April 13, 1870.W l. B U R N S, B r*O k t. Superffine B roS ideloths, C anadia n nS o ch TTe i 'Merinos, (the real thing), Cottons, Shirtings, -Linen - osery, 'Winceys, Shawls, Oloakings,- &arfs, Ties, Collars, Socks, and al l 4nds of * ~ JIRIT~IS AN NE YfR'SCents' Furnishing Cod The Iatest and miost,eompieto stock will bc found nt CuIsf1oLMes an ttelowves priues. Give a caU. and sc. NE.W FRUIT , A t a dtth SUPEIZIOR- F RES il GROCERIES i M M i I Ia n #c Co0se N. epeswodsiet reic cnt. 41at A, M. 0O1ISHOLH'S Nov. 28th,,1870. J U S ] X G E I E D A IL R I G . -_ C h ish oItn's establ mh ient possess es un iv ed facilities in th JUST RE CE V EDpirtxnent;. Hfa.vilg seeurç.d the services of à first elass Cutter,Mr. Ptit, of B 100 oxe , h if a d q art r bo es, N e wgcntle uen's garuients are etit and-inadQ te order i t he lates t style, s and 5rin L a y e a n d V ale tia aisi s. fot ex cell d by the first City estab lialim e nlta. G à tit e n dge i ou of w eari g Laye andVýletia aisis. tting garaient will cmalte anote. Barrels Currants;- boxes,> Figs.ý Boxes Cànded iton, Lemon and. Orange Pe4l; Cases of Essence, Lemion, Rata- *fia Yani1lai &c.yLF R -^, L APE Case's choice Brandy and Wine.SE F ÂK NR K E T. . KeKILLAN Go. MANUFAOTURED 13Y __ _ __ _ __ _BIRW011N$<P TTERSOI, MANUFACTII xX-X C RE'I/ Don -Brewery-.T As. the proprietor attends Éersbnal etock of Alis-and Porter'cao lways be dep( 'Parties desir'ons of hving Aes of superian nmported, Àaîo resPectfuly solicited ta ond ti ieail ;and 'try for thenssolves. 111 à With the id of ur iner'asedfacilitie, WC le ali h e e a r ro u n d > se c o n d t a n an n l t ýN. B '.-Ordera left with 14-. JAS. IL. SA] THOLDc lm 'Bi 1 2de 'l WE'DEFY COMPETI7. O Sîxtoon yearis pro ctical, experienco in the Manufacture of Reap dies usthot.the o ohston Selt-lakin1g eaper Ilta -Very fa.r ;n ERS 0F iMachine maile et tihe presentUa>'. , 1We have just introduced it ufacttured s limitcd nuinber tIhe postgenson, àinsU as yeýt are th, ~ ~ L ~This :eason aur Machines viii ciobrac such sînol il rnpraveuwn id.emanufactuàre bas suggested. - l1 - wn E trOngiy a"d durably buit T hé bear Màterial uséd ihi Us., chiner>' the Most cenîpact an durable. The least lisible tô go caîsi8ybinationai waod anrl iran ini the. inger bar, nisîkes it the mai The seat of the driver, Iocated outside of tlie driviiîîg-whee], S( the fliger bar, thatit la bs 1111,1. ta sog or bre'ak' tututha0a A D P O E .O ut,$elf-R àke i a the i mst pere t ever invent d ' an d c nsists .( around an axis close ta the di iving.ttheei, 50 placed as ta ho onji - __ of the driver withotît isfOppitig the team.I o ro0*n i-Oq Ilt. If cuLsand delive'vctaingled, critîklcU, ar Iodged grain rapîdi> auto a six teL aswattl,, itti as litle draift as a i-.ht tour feot 1Mo wihatever. IL cetseasily, with a coîsîfota esn froui ilteeýn ta t Iy t th Brwin, aeguîarand lias eût ane huiUd soUandfort>' acres in seven dys. Ilyté he 'Bfein'g aregàlr ,It is; nînîîfsectuirec tar Resspiig oui>', becc,îue it heu taon deinse ended upon. rate iteaper andU Maver wili Jlst ta eut mare grues aund'grainLiii rquality and Porter equal tea iy> chines,, and coats mucli les in the u-greg.te. Bcsîîes, a separat, heir orders fbr'a quanstty large or plicated than a coxobincd 0one; .cshal t 0eou : r tr n varIe vîthaut ttcioble und Uclo>' of hanging frau, anc b Lb. are e able ta rodu e an' an i i is Reaper bas taon in successfut apersetian 01.1>' fivo ycars, b e arominied on. ouc àr pointaai excellenice liiivowaý-n.for iL Usringtii'g t Laej 4Ut 0, Dtoieunionr si sition ilover befare ottiip"b>', an>' harveste iInsa o jrt a tiueur MO, a theFurniure aroroamu, Lhreo yearrs if vas coiiqpsratwely3 littia k-navn ; but durhng (Oye pa - widely,intraduccd Urauglisat tlie principal %,Iiesit-gr.avung secti 48gaine4a papularity unpreodentecfin the. htstory aoflfeaping Maci m * TH HAREST0F 169 URi - Von top year rater ÉS -"-.

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