Whitby Chronicle, 4 May 1871, p. 3

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'2i.gô. la ~lao hi~.a theS <h. Annual Goner- Ofl >981 hbi&a't~I¶pIdurm, for 1h. biocticu .V»efl <md tz~ter ~IemmcrLwULb.i.i4s*îbmir~.nî<in~ AT- a$$bohq'jèq<ii o'àlock, ueo» ~ J A. S. Il, GERRIE's ~ *t$8ê9sf.,th.#giv.n,îî,a~<1~.î, ~fl*7 ~iuI Mm~siaw. eh: proprio~y oL1ncrma~wg 1110 SIOEUU undor tise ou~ ~ ~lPummodat lii. Imu.t Sommion Wislîby, direct Wl arl$8rn.uî, :1itituId "An Ad If t Nouba usd Iiaahilug,":ilI ho tabou Largoit uii,4 Bes~ ~ , ~, Ny OTdP 0f lb. mmlllag aI p~s'tcoa là maiS *iorybpdy, trou (.iamIsimr. 5 coula apiards. I 71811W, ONwAmb NMg~ , ___________ THE. IPWahaswIlJ., ISad April, îs~î~? la WD11D70 April E1U~M _______________________________ 15 _________ gMT, SQN G. B GII O. 4u.w Sceel NIeZ. 17 ILS. I0enkusss. Prisse W ith a ehoice assQrtm ent of' 9? IOp.r dca... (Ioasahbm ovor two')sauslrod lad bmau~1 <W long., Daasta, & Wobm$8', Tisesnsrn, etc. Zvcrythusî~ sud Sparkliug. Contants an froc. 5asaspJssqopiagînaii~ Sf0 te toachora for ISola. j<- moh~uL tir., for Iutreduc:Ion. m~uî~a~1I1~Ta flJ~ ~ Addr.,s j. t,, PETEBI, - ~, ~I34LI~LFINLI. ~'hi' ht.fl~FIi~~ 099, ilrsadway, Now Yerk. 4 By-Law te .ta~UaA a fcaL on 9~f 0/ LOI .Ms. 20, <sa tA. >fr.t Oûjacea.. - IFTY DOL'L AItS *knoftAa.Toaon.A~fpj~,~ WOETIK o~ JausIo B. it on.ct.d by 1h, Ca~uadli cf tho Corpora.. <ion ef Iii, ToWsaihip cf - ro,4 <an rosir of Lot No. ~rî»v; Tisst tise $3. ofthoTowumhîp cf Piakorisi,, as ~ i,>, TO WHICFJ[ TII EY 2rag Cou. Iub.atb.ra t, Peton' Musical Menti!7 are followmz thaat?~' Ici may, cemmeuciaq »n tii. pttiog thuir Macla ftr~Iemm thess twe oeastm £ moutisos.ly timît <'f tisa engluai allovasjc. for yioca. Tiiome whe lias., net moon Lisias Itualas! road ai th. nortiaaasig augla cf <h. mals! Lot, Magasin. mhooid moud 80dm <ur4 simple cor,. 2c.lu 1h. lut concausion, and runuiug tiseuco Tis Manol, la by fisys, Tisomtc, ICiukei, beuth 46 W, 7 chaîna ans! 28 hnka tii U'~TU7 Y.vsimy sud cli or Norîh 70e W. 5 chuina an<l 80 linka mor?~ Tva ~iaokNsauub~ ar irriterai. ,KL~V ITE for 40ctm. Four bacb boa, w tho aionthurly ilmit et tii, aai'd erigina. 1N ~p E C AN T !UBbmim 1cr ltct. ailowassco for roaj4 tise muid s~oad t~ b. 76 imbu Âddrmmm, ~. L. PETERS, wido, md tho als,ço demssrsb.d lino te b~ <ho 18 6 9 9 Broaiwsy, 11mw York. mOiitiiorly lianit tisereef, ha andîho marne la berc.by emtsabuiahod au opuiîifc hI~hway. i~7TEzcg~y.l~ CUEDlT SALE And bm It funthar Oflactod, <bat <liaI Lits 4tb, '871. l~s'.rllou 0f lise original allowauca <arn rcad M ay rein cf mais! Lot No. 20, lu assis! lait couas.moiou, 0V f'sr wLlels tii. aboya doacribes! rossd la lu lieu gouss'hoia Purnituro, Piano. tlsasroos', and wlloh assis! portion lai domorubes! as 'orto, Kors~u, Bugçies. mnutber~ L~ja.l imte sage ng ou Ibm ,Cutter. ~ * fhrrqpj, at~sa disstass~o of t clsa1nîa~n~ ___________________________________________________________ a Gouras et Sentis 74' W, <rom tise lb. Pemld.ue Wi.iîhy, Nnrtisaa.aî angle et tii.. ud thon.,, motitia nid lot No. Uc, a25 TaIra et ou iIflki.u~h,ÏIC, I0ostis 70 W I aissain asis! 70 ~~TUIloÂv, Oti Day cf ,lA~, 1871. lisakai more or 1cm., w tisa uerthonly limit cf émié te oos.awauco aS 1 o'cloak, mharp. 1<, il citaIs,, ussd 50 linka, tannes, moutis 48', s.lo muid ailowassco for ruas!, tisasasco north 74' * L. IAIIIIJAÂ'IKs, Jas W.flcisalnm ans! >8 lisslm mare or lamai, 10 tisa Aoctloa4mr. fslssoaof boginning bat, asd tira mens. la herohv WlsltbT, Ma~' Ird, 1871. wautod lu sls'iiu M Lumasiju, liii boira misa J3J ammigus braver, YA~r Tako Notica, ho abcvo Jia a tru. co y et COURT MV REVIS s.v~.' e <ha moud bytis: &uaosi s propouats! te lie pa TIIE le ha isols! ail, ou Bat svday, tise TOWIfKW 01' WHITBTe NEOTOR B~ATo~g, NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, Tewuautp Clark. AT Plcberlug, Aprli 151h, 1871. . liai-il' lVlcMILLAN & Con. TIIEIM~~I~U.NOAD THE ~ iND ~ aubscruiierm lsog b announcortu. K arrivai lbs'in Spning md Sususuer liii. NOTICE ~ - Wtli aitans! for mares tua aI - large Osacîs- portations, whlch are unuausslly and waod, Dnflin,'Cra.k Wisltby~m(~sawa, lIer Imher.by glventhas lb. Court of Iiovl.loa fer suanvllia, llanuptosî, dolumi, . attvacîivo, ans! which will ho sold at tho tise Tc~umlaip et WIltby, wlil isolai ita tiNt Cinremont. uai, Amhburu, aus! loroat living proftte mittspg on tii, flrmt MON AI' las JIJNK uaxt, GIIAN D TUIlE maies and light ~profts. Moi'iiio Lar at Ibm heur cf 'l'usa as'cslnck las tise foronoosa, lu aîapoarasss t'rom bisa hreadiug style anal Si,. TO WMSMIv LIALL, llrccakiîn. . Isoracai, go~;st~t~l ii5~o~at~t~rsatola.a rossai T. HÃ"--MCIIILLAN & 00. E. T. IIAIIEWON, tossian o's <lissa',, aide, Raiuasow, heurt o! (lob McMillau'~Buîls!î»~. I Club cf tise Court of Rovisales,. Rattior, Mqrryiogm, <ko., &a. - For fali par: - Brock-mî.5 Wh(thy. ç Breobolîn, Itay Uud, 1071. élu-il tlculsars mao l'ans! blila. T BRIE DWELLING ROUS~B TO 1<EI$T ~ 17 AS IIAMER'B COIIIIERS. Ail moît de Aprîlgétîs, 1 8 7 1 . siraisi. Baslslossaom. Itosit Moderato. ~ Il I C K 5 Apply te- JOlIE JIAMER, Essq. I3ÂNKRTTP~I' s'rÀnr~ 'Wisitby, Ifsy md, 1871-. le ~ - p U bIL 10 N O TICS , Wllklnson's Bloek, Broek St. WliltbYm Boit Colles, Wanp, Slb bans>!., for $1 40. lIA TVIT ___________ ESS TuÂT 18 IIÂRNESS. Shakers, Oc, AI1 ether Qooda' lu pro.. iJ..LIILLN la bsereby glysa, Ihat Iho Divosten ______________________________________ ~ ~ Whltby, April USth, 1871 17 Port Whhby sud Part Pen,~' 8iuiIwsy A L E O E LE r. The aubscriber has' on hand a large stock of Harness of the beet Coapany, ~- Manufacture. more , cail lsm~m I hlm day1 macla tiso fOllowin* oubli ou Iho A conimediona ITeisa., vils bard mita! moft iiarticuiari~. auhontb.,~ (.apl~J Stock 0< mald ltssliway waten, lituttia, Orcisard, anal ail aonm of baud, attention to the - O0551p507, vi,: rIli tac solslcii1~~~,,~ Nias OasiS ou original do eooupîos! Starma, bstaiy oi'4 tii vs! aolief imu l'an cent ou clamai Sle.b, belh payable ou tisa îîh day ctt.Ju li~osallcfteupor ~î, 211h, Rî&J.CAMPBELL Exoelsior Back #c Hip Strap, ilsiltssalisii ne, aI ~ ~~aessrur r xa~o tom ~lil~n~ 1871. WIaltiiy. a oa ~ A new and useful invention for Rarnees, for the fllanut~cture of Ioet.A Treasaurar~pno.<ei». $7 E E ~ O G. ?Oh ho hua purobaaod tii. eroIusive right for tIsa TOPaI o! Whlîby, townabip BOSS JOIIN8TON1 v townsbip o! Pickcring. tho beat ml rovcm~ct that ha. Wlsilby, O ltis Aprîl, îo~î. élu-le Whlîb ans! It la lu Caaii Gifla, ta isu~ 4~atnabueo4 by ils b.an mad'o to hsrnîaa for mats yearo. A largo etook ot ~aah b y TJlêWOU.known b1podStaut0~ ~Now I'ork Cash PTIZO-Ca. CalI ans! sac for yoursalve.. n ors no~ tii. tact. CHOIES, Whips, &e. EVEJIT TICKET DEAW5 A PRîzg. ~' Renicmber my haw preiniaca, naif door to tha Royal (Yaagdise BanIE. ZCashGiîts oaeh, 840,000, 50 asami gifla Iloosi ~ " '~ 000* suo " ~a OOelegantEoa 100 - evoos! l'lonom, qoch ueo w 700 LIIIEKTV~, O~ii~itachîuom, a" 7510100 ÀIIM PUE BALE. PISLLOWS, ~* ~ Ceai, PrIze:,~i1~ yj~,<~ ~ >~ <0 ~ Tii. mubaanllsov dfure for mai. lie Norîh H Y P O P H O 8 P H I T E 8~ atand 1er Tkalce~ ~ Pnizes for Pffty Aeroef Lot uasnter <v8saty.oue Aniongmî ho <'~OI~i0aiesy *î,ooo;oai uam.a e."'- beat te -~ I aro s.cZ~ lu lu Use -<bIrd aeecoeeioa ot <ho' cf ~ wslim~es!.u~,,t:8 j TOWNIHW 0F WkflTRY.. >~C~o~a ~bn~powad ~ ~f ~ 4imtau as viii mont by nîsil to Tii. eniza uam..i TuS lani fr-ail OlOip~A:uai~ E..I ______ o Totsuuu~bl,~,. Ail aca ,<,,,,~, ~. ..,~,, uny aIdroma OSBAWAm trticnlar. attention h. paid la the selectio CARP~, ROtTSE 'FURN18~~~ HOSIERY & QLOVj DRESS GOODS, EIAOK & COLOU~D ~I ENQLIsg~ SCOTCH CANAfljjl~ TWEKDI MANTLE OLOTBS, PRIwT~ BRILLIÂNTS, MUSLINS, * LACESJ AND IMITATION~, KM BROIDERIES AID MILLINEUT. * j'~FAIWILY OROCERIES J 0OMPLETE IN EV~Ry DEPARTMJ~T. - FAR~1ER8' FIELD ÀND GARDEN ~EED$ - R&RDWÂRE PAINTSs, OILS, k. g~W' Also sole 4gent for the Canada Phosphate. 15 been s 16 n of NOTICE OJ? REflOVAL» James Johnston, Watéhmaker wiIl carry on his business lu ~ a I M.. Jas. Byynes Drug StoreI GS, During the' building of tii. New Premisp& &r New Goodg in Gem Rings, Brace. ~ ., &C.,.at very '0w prices. - .0..1. la A. Whitby, April 12, 1871. 15 j~ la ~. GREAT DOWNFÀLL I~ PRICES j~ AT Thaales JOHN SK'INNER'S <Vs w0 (Jkeap Cask Dr~ Good8 Niore ! ~q ~~1%~~~.~. Hais NEW OrmLr~U GOODS IN GREAT VÀ1flETY. ALL TEE DEPA3~j'j~g READY POR INSPECTION,- Item COTTON DEPARTMENr.pc7w~î~;~8h~ 7 Shirtings mo. 15 cents, Nov Prints fro. 1 cents,- Nov Bnilisants ail p A.J. Fronch Muaiius faut colors, Naw Marseillo~î <'Suits. - Nov zse. LINENDEPARTMENTInSb ans! Froncb LInons, Dovias Linèna~ Forfar LInons, Tovelluga, mii great bmrgpius, evory prico. A lot of Tovels at tii. viiobasalo- prie., Wis:î * Table Damaak ans! Olotha !evy cheap, Table Napkius, Doyiea sud Anlimaccmaaors, a .ladsss lot otLiuon Handkerchiofs fro. T conte. - DRESE DEPARTMENT......OhOSpML Biack 811k. lu lb, CeunIy, Delanies, Poplin. ~ oltua, Alpacm, Rupp, ObailiaLustrn Camai- Nain ClotS. Banegca, Popllnm, Luaîvunoa- loba Rmilwmy Cors! ans! Tisauea. Our Orna Doparluient viii plusse tii, meut taaliaiiodà A.W vmryiug lu pneu freui 10 te 50 ceuti lb. yard, in ail <ho nosaiesî ans! buot designa of Ja~sss <ho sesaon. Rosier7 ans> Gloîes, Cona~ts lu ail nov makos, <Jlotis,- Vaivotoon andSiik ~ Jackets lu grumLvariety, Brous! Ciotbs ans! Truocis et ail k coula lb. yard Paicai b 5. doliars, au sunnionso stock. @iO 25~ - UENT8' PURIPISBING UOODS.~Qonîîemeu i corne ans! aoc eur Nov Stock of ïXfl Scant~, Ties, Cobiars In-paper ans! ~eu, 01ev.., Wriaîbans!s, Bats muai (J' s, Mevm: tTus!urshirta anai Dravara, Wh~t. 'ose ans! Flanuel Shirts, Socli.. FF' bave bbc Nov Oxfnrs! Sbirîiug; ail ho rage lu Moutreai sud Tononto. Aiso bbu-M.v Jasa.. Premîum Collar,~ each box of (bIlan la oaaled, ans! contaiug a prusfnt le lb. valuo et freni 15 c.nba toSO dollars; thia la ne bnmbug, as cas bu il7 lasSos! hy <bu purcliase u.a~7, et eno box, coating thirty cents. - loba il FN~ LAIIES, OALL AKD INSPEOT OUR NEW (IOODS., - - Itcec~ Thoaim la~em z. AtoLl Tic., Jebsstiî Goango -. JVNT OPi~ Bibmaau - - &apbaa t, - ?orriln -AT- - J ~Owmo Tliempm. J.ci. Wl loba Wc S WISL W Jamem Ms & A SMITH' Poli Stean 20 CASES 0F 3sid5~7, #msq...og. I 5ds cfa., ~ ]

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