Whitby Chronicle, 4 May 1871, p. 4

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cieri lit tglïllt W 61 ti ca w s*uAliig JMU 8'v 'Vire Proof 1imneyfl, Sb -S pring 3raé Wbitby, Jan, 12, 1870. F, VW, 4fiN. rei110 IITOGRAP A -AR LQAD, 01? THE.'~ . ~ATLAIVlIJÇOIi 1 DOIIINIO~N OLE M'Aasd sslILn< taitishenstmi L,w Prjess1.j EIEI.e.lIp Wlîlthy, Yei. Rtud, 1871.s 15, 705s NqqhIr sç buýtood work- a1o ~f 8s thse ailza, and Ifisiiued la depis Water cor lu oit i f.Wliaoc1la Very aceafilu tsking sV pml iratto Clergymen. OdPr hotusyco ie , ra oia < it s. - JOHN"CA'RTERP,ý LICIENSED AUCTIONEER. ONTARIO, OLIK &PEELý Ur IUSI»EC(-Lot , s th Côn., Nsvrkhan.-Post Office- Unionvjill. SALV8S ittoucled Ott thse giortlst notice, amii on UStiMbOtorsos. 'rarm% eas.u e asi. bilg prfiîted et the*Chrout~eeo010"forMi Carter. .17 turn.'i«iii.n wrlh c w1Ut hi *yw.et .L11piitai'e. rn>ni i etinnvmlir e M,r add'n IM,4 ltthe baminr- noo.e t. bis tnpoaii,44 bicwildaoc i"Woronenda.sspyof.6 THEiFoJJNTýAIýN Restaurant and Blillard Parlors, 69Jligr riet BsI TRNO The. Br snu;iiled with' Chioise Branit of Wiîîes. ,Iinerband Cigare.-OysIom srved kmti'itye. (7r Firra-chs.tism iu ud Lugnolioom at*oijd. -le Il allionris. 51 J. LE8I.E, )IàxàoKs. VN]L) Fi RT A K E R> Dîînas tree, - Whilby, Ont. Thé celebraied perfeci*d Speosaclet à a )Eye igisas, anfacmared by LAzàARus Moits and for wbich we iuave the, Sole ag rn q, are_ gaininir goidenz opiniona ro al l cas Who bavle trtad îbem. Ify700 want to proserve 7otir igbt g0o xtreme old age, Ùse thotu and no >oiers. JAS. ILS ELIRIE, leurT T Iii'îsermszlidlins on bhaste NIA' ML1iLL NIE4R AgliatDURK, A fiti~ quantlty et Laumaur, *i1ah h# TES, on5 tbe (ly ii'tsu, (-âveuit run do flot Wenit pletonts. alwe 1Ji ter o< evasa ise visit iili ivli ropay yen fur tise trouble., IR. Il WILLSON. o, f,17.44 AUVCfi ON BU siINEr S 1,2 tertr thanikus fur tise lsbergl patron I lsaepfoe otcwed ipullIllse,grird to asu. Sopuncs tistam rn paîsrd te couduc 4etse, TOWN' OR C0(JNTyI, AT IBEA89NABLE 1ATES. *. W hrriaugemit,»sforsaile» esu ieb.mode ottiser Att tie catsoiesirs<>11ePral psyciv Oli"e, Brook mtllet, %Wiiti.y. L. FÂlOSONilui,., r-pua aubserîbar bao» te lo ne Ilat lie JL naia ased thse building fuirnslilv knou-v am .4eirtrelq ýiutlwhich hIis beoisusousuviit. aituate4, oppotsite thc Voit otiLc, essdjis tilte eenioîttise Town. 11 TiseItaillwayl>iulbusealisaîî th isel' <the %taess for Uxbnidge ansd Buavaertosî hLavi( ONTÂIIouo'EL (Iate C.- Davos*'.) A. ALEXANDER - - Proprictor. lipIE subsriber dIessies t'> rettirn tlisaslcsato T ta te pubie irth cvery litiesi ptron- itisebue eduilxawisl 1 ,s~ossdtIo Gsove how 1 rssssstiy usiss t le r- bsîie ves .Ss the bos-e Lussl4k n, ssCsssssditions s ..sýmer stoss t ise uhaî ssajsgfrnd 110-r mtus ssi cre tîilifi tcrsur .A fir>t alss lti r'l non wssh thnsss. tsisii, lsîhim 550 heen adsied. Exterwswasddillosss t' thse Sa-lnhsss.loume Bore.., L Bleuis offsr t3 MaisOld Friesss)s sîindthespubslsite f- reliy tidesntsgçoa smui pasaisesiby 5no siison isstel lu the Iîse. .wiia cl tîmassbo iss4py t'> walesimo hi. olsi rntcsssi. Whisly, Dece. 2, 1858. &y s0È ou0 -Tlhe orss<lned tska, as'lqios tésistso i e tescns. tîsat tiseelisîve m il i., itessson- À)t No. 22, ln tisa 70.asassts lio ese -éfT'Uxbrldz,"aeUOW la PULLWORINGORDE R ÀnS reasi' r rcstting Lumisenin ou ,Ilt t.> siit Omsser», a"d witispunscuityasd Lumber.ont fro I oto 80 teet il lssuth. - Jo)II 'WErix. Septeabe 9; 160~ -41- ll!neyto Loftn INTEREST S VER CENT. TRE.COLOM~AL SIWILTRJ!1IPS M 01F -LONDON,EF.7GL&ND. - "ôan on,;ImProvPd Parais P5opery - (Or TeraîlÃ"t Five Years.. eoCters, racket Lanternis, k ]Trays, &c, IL. QERRIE Fainily Driig Store. Theise us glegssodtscet inform tise publie tisistîse liasse on hisd tis ýlaîgossî sud beet stook et Psspe ar tsgeliga' l- tussn, ail of tise suliè lise uts lkfor sale, vory low, for essi. 7 Pgsintiug,a(ralusIasg, Giazîng, end Palier Iîaîigang excecutei lssitawork muilike cnd eqîediti;usa scanner, Lag ussal. A. C. ' .WILSOYP, Dundue Street, Wisitls Wlitby, Apnil 211,1870. ~m titIAGiZ LICENSES i In oQflene ç a ont 1plt 1 cbage iinnr ýybi-tfr ,as,4 I» Willoè FIRST DAY Fy EIthC oe cl6 1f uîY Wket 4a-reduètinoit'r'I o u e , n t t h e C lec q n e r S t o r e . w i t i s l u t l' a b o y a i mn e . ~ l 4 b i y n h l o i s 'in <flering niy dtoeiçat the reduction narned, parties may. reet auured I not for the purpose of(eieerilg oet ail old,»tý>o e < nwe, but isîmply to reoce the Albek oftnhdy lisallrfstofJanU9irjy f051, soforo inakiuig tit cagecontelupInte, i the view rto tise hettimun sient ai my business soiialirsa. - 'orchasers of .Goods, for cas, w îlI fnd th t every i tile .wl e r ù ed satiîoî; omueseuig nxtSutnsly mnsi, sud.eoûtiuuinz manil the naotFbc enire of- tIsapresaeLt osock wiii aven-be sli.posad of et à mseilie, â s o e t enae mtoq 'thetybbus inesad doiug baisiness il utsure ou PURE LY (JAIkSTI IN L The 'only one I1find to be the beet, safestaànd ChellpStiocalai parties, in'thsen(u -1 have been cnablad to purchusse, at great a4vantage, the foIlowing;- $0mach e pe'ib. - 0 ,s.rresOlss<>.1Curreno, (*oussd essdg 5cs, epr l1.r;<500' bs'x£-4 hcst rFige, bt>oh;kai diiafNtaird stisot Fret ts e qsuiy iswpriaess. ;Il ]uS. $Iscen $1. I s h a- isve onau lîsd iew pnelsaseof the very bexS Finti, inc'leding igoo hrreis Fimls2(Feii dltIu>, 100 bssrmWiTrat ; 50,bsrciua labradior lierns5 liorinug; ltai s sereecived Ujol>. - eTsg;5ia.fbnsli I4L.-iglislx, courseanssd fluie, in bug, for diiry umrpese and icsucrs geuersd utm erlis ii brila. E~ DN'T LOSE .TFIr8 CHANCE. ..e TEEMS (lu accordssnce with thse above notice of redussiion Potpie0 feouïrswilI b. strief TheOAS Choquer tr.Bo. t Wisilby, April, 12,1871. TIse Choquer Store. llnoek St. Wine&Sprit Merchant, lk Wisite tly cash. -0 &-vu L ar- oi mq 5Jn 1>Vumruseciqorners ss in ,talces thîs oc. TH M S H S ONcso oanuc hhlias jîîst receiveçi a large and- U sTO uwll or'tc stock ofGroceries for tiec holidays, viz: liiAI II GE IC~ sEu NEW CURRANTS, RIAISINS, SPICES, TEAS & COÉEF.EES, U4 lfleeiaw hal.11eidsnc-Byou FRESII QYSTERS,, LOERS. DIE.FISA IDIS Stett Is lo 2rtisof Towu hall. TR D S RI E FIH. ýq j Jasi. 17t 1870. SMOKZDANDI ,VFCTI, E ATHFThe beat branda P Wiuesa, Brandiet, Gins aud Whiskies, eonstantly on hand. .. MA?.FACUUE ATTUEJUST RECEIVED, A FRESH CONSIGNME.NT 0F PURE Agrieu1tural Works. Double TURBINE WATER IW}IEEL. TUE X'>ST ZEeaOleICAL WRExx, xuow liq us?,i JTlESV' Wis>, î S;.#.c ssuw massurgeturing aIleuspert I5s55 ssssy othar 111Pisls tise c1ul- tr', 141s1.1 Wuivili KjtvG ae rssssrattewitis oci lvis,ct wsnrssîit)cts(m tsi ho ns wosIl uisd sU' to gi v s'oust'od sstislsseîiun utssuny Imlus- tic-tn-nas. i iutl) suutsç; t-'srtica dassintssg uurtiier inforumation eau ob- PAXTON, TATE& 00C., l'nY-St., Port t'crry, out. w flITBfY JI IOFCTORY JOSEPH RA.INE-R - p nôROFIl ETO.0I - o- Tho e aubaciber, su retursxiug h% ie>lt. care thtiste tise mauy friends anfi cisstomena eýtlb. Whlsby ýPIANU AJAtOy bers t)satiste thet ha now caýrne, on tise lesalt. uless1 isoiiY upcsu hl, oa'n ace.ct; and lu so- liitii 'tsr iSaerdenA-isa begi Sos assure tham tisaI notiling 2wiOl Sse left udnflse os i bispant 10 give sati,§faetton, ius-UPp)Iitu1 CAINADIAN aGRAPE'WINE, R. FRANCIS, Wholc-salco'and Retail Grocer. MANUrACTURERS 0p E à PÂLE ALVAN-P.ORTER. Dan Brewery,0 TrnoOnt. As the proprietor attends perso-nally to -the Brewing, a regular stock of Aies nnd Porter can always bce depended upon. Parties desirons of having Ales of operior quality and Po rter equal to - any- iruported, are respectfolly soli ited tosend their ôrdcrs for a quantity large or mrail, anad try for themselves. WVith the aid of ôur increased facilities, we are enàbleLd'ib produe an arti- 'cie (ail *the year round) second to noue ln the Dominion. N. B -Orders left y'ith mr. JAS. Hi. SAMO,'at the Furniture MW-areroomis, Brock Street, Whitby will receive pompî attention.. Dec. 1, 1869. 48 THE OLD-STA-ND! [ESTABLLSHE-D -1833.1- é7V'wJJtea'nd. 'Grey- Cottonzs. Clothilig, Madle to Order la the Iatest style& Fa mily roeres &-Lquors1, 0.0 pr Ci N BOTS0'AND1)-8iOES Job» Raunders 5- I FRO.1I I- LDPAC E M OVEDf.SýT ÉEPEMSS OPPOSiTE R., & J. (JAMPBEIL'i I3rock Street. where lie %ill ho glail 10 rtceive a visit fro a old csîstoînerssll. lie begs to intorsîs bis nusîtmerous, pat - osad h pbic~nc~LlstiE la 0f Boots. and Slioeq of cvery desrription, for La<liei' CGrenti' and -CIildreu's ,wear, and uitel to al ki;icls ,oi eatier. '1'ic eliavy Boots, qn'ited for the muddly-8ïtcets. Lig!it, neat anid easy fit Ling Boots, snitcd for - dry' sil(ew.ilis, and for Sprisig and Sommer uwear. Ail of the best q;î:dity auid superior workmilnsliip. Remnoving to bis lu)resont preiniles lbas enabled Itin to niake vert large ad- ditions to hiîs stock, to whielh, anti a liât of lii:rprice ,le inviteg the' attention ofcuetorners. Mardi 28, 1871. '13 SIELI?-RKJNýTG-ItEP ERI A Tir, EFR TUI{ED BY suthie N. B.-cover4 andisdiem. Prît Io ail orser. F TEETIK It IWITROUT BY TIIE Us NITRolOIJS OD LÀ LOCALANAE. AT DË1ÇTA1 Ri DIJNDAS8 S - ~ 1 ILBG W FDEFY C'()MPETITlON! Sixteen years prectical ekperieusce in the inufacture of Reapes-s-axil Mowers, satis fies os tisathse "johloston Sel(ILRsking- Reapert' is very far iu advenue- of auy. other M1achine madie at the prcecst day. Wce have jùsat introdoceti il intu&Canads, aund mats- ufactioreti-a liuited nissnier the posst se.se, and as yet àre tise ouly manufacturers. lisa season aur Maichines wili emnbra.ce sudhsemali improvements es-a year's expenience vs iu tise manufisoture. us soggested. i ..,,trongly and durably buili. Thse best materiel used iu iLs constructtion. ltà ma- chbiuery-the niost couupestid durable. 'lhbcle -ast liable to gL-ê out of order, TisaV comhinatiuxsoftwoud and trou in-tIsefinger bar, mvllkes it tfleo_ t oWtrfect of finzearssesv tage, stea nK C. Dnaper-'s roatdocj by Tisoniuss Crastbî auncreof land. T For fssrtiser parti, WViitby, io,, 16, il COMMERC 3 1 Q hat tif sY .s. w X R . .' .K..2é AM I1 ans with.&ez iry. Theiso a a ary Eut mÀ a tise Td.e The W(!LOTIIS,f NEW TU~ per 'Iis, 'Dtor-, aO 12, Ï871. G R-0 CE JA ÉA'-PiGE AND Ur FAMILY

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