Whitby Chronicle, 18 May 1871, p. 4

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Broughsam, marahlà I TsTSTI MO NIAL. Tifseasu llê11.4uMeoust Won, Oe»hawd, April 4,1870, beennainDgàu st,-We bave ,înrnnyoar.tubrlcat'.ng 0,1 for the panl tourmont6, ad co moywlthoutl ieltatloi uoeeanasd lesta loniger thtn an>' chier ol. 'W# haveruts Our large 14 leut trou plaIner, 1 da4. wtisou# Olfii. kaones it0 tolae eloise au itilit. W. do Dot want nythilng i ryourg trtsl7, JOHN CARTER. E.otWI187n0. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. No.at17. -AU CfI ON. -BUSqIN.ESS ONTAIO, YORK &, PEEL srsirE CE-lo 8e, 811> cou., 16. ~1869. SALi tei cted oi t iemsortest n tica Orb reiaasble ter."Ils.*-Termie unsh a e ., beg tu netnru thnnka.for thee tuberal patron hi 0prited ut tie Ch roisîcýlPo oce for Mr Ji egelseretoforýe botowcd npounie¶, nd te an. Carter. 17 nuanuce tîset 1 amnpreperod te conduct salee, TOWN OR COUNTY, ~ ~ qAT IEABUË>ABLEURATES T'5 Tt>xWOsIiNCUScb4 arwrawp,,s.,sst 'Arroamis efr aies eau be mode rm tsa....swisant.s.sywesto.s, eîr tthe (JssaoIoas1fce, or et my own MsA i oiePr.woofoitliner, 1*3 nIn âr Ofice, Brock atreet, Witi.>. r abrmushssma.thss.s5.horf6 ssu- ~L. FAIRBANKS,3r ft'rç,sha tout stte bulu,,,.,wAa l,.d.. tunpa<,rouid WsîyJîs R AtyoT£ONnux Zi ~ m~ TERoBsON EUIJSE,. _____________DUNDAR STREJ"T, WliTJBY, c.W -rH E FO U 'A IN II usrbe eét announ ,ce tist h Restaurant sid Billard Parlors, aris tur a oel ishssg fo renovy 69 ROUK SirPet Bist, TORONTO. tisabestofa4yle. Th ise 4i r potnl 'iu Brsîtuaîod0 ouite tlise on poage.sutssthe 1b ,rinisnpied 'titis ChoicesBrânda of centroof t se Tovu PatOle* Wiiseo,,liqisore eand Cilare. Oyateras erved t tie taiwa Omiiîbnicalaet tlise ot.1 and a tusle êAis style. tisa ategen for Uxbidge andI Beavertosi bavc ffl" Flret-elmsssDlning and Lunch Ibous t0iseoreverynsoruîn. Boîrd5i ena, attaehed. Mdeule t li bourg.- GEORGE ROBSON. 51 -J. LESLISi, IMANAGES. 1U" Careful Botters lwaysin ettendencu Whitby, May a.8à2 .V N'D F-R T'A K E RoNAL IOT , (lots C. Davea'..)1 &. C., Cet&Ci WHITI3Y ON'rVARItO Dundas Street,- Whitby, onolt. A. ALEXANDER - - propgietor. FUNEIRALS FUJ.LV diJfPPLIED. r-HE onbmeriber dettires teorotnsn tlssuks te ___________________________ AL__ t__ tie public for tise ver>' tiberal patron- age beatowied nou hi,,, ulsileproptotor0f thse Globe hotel, IrrooktiI, andI et tieseuame tîme ttek,os ccesontsetoannsonîce tha iase lins lesssd tise abovO velI known Isotel. Large additions 'have Iseets recesiti>'mode tetise promIses, soeur- Ing tMoroe ommusdînusacconmmoudation aud euureaaing the numsbier ot loopiasg rooms tu searîr cire issfissore tisen formerly. A frot- Tihe ceiebrated perfecîisd Spectaclesanud eleass-BIiIIard parer i ifisthree table s aao been added. Extesisive addlslouis 10 'ise Blé Glases, Manusfac(ured b>' LoszKua kàStsbliugç, bieda, louse lBoxe@, t., have aiae ced or vicb e bys ta soe ieesade. Alilenebli ng tîte nderftignedio Mo&11ýýdfrihw avesîs soie ffsirta lsis Obd Pniendesud tise publie geste-. agonqy, gs egainiisg 1olden opinions trou rl)aIldvinttgeasntupaeaaed!by Do otiser Iotel, nite se. Le viii 5.11timewbho isappyto- ail thon whe haie tried thens. Ifyon vaut velote 155ohi lsIfrlbnds. 11e proerve your eight toexetreme oid âge, Wi~itby, Dee. si 1985. mse 'thea, and nuoethers, r JAS. a. -GRRIr. AS.lo.1 s - ?f. roof -Wbitby, Jan. 12, 1870. JAMES PHTGR A Pliy ÏDOMINION ,GALLERY l WB«rasU>U le, FOR Piret*O1lss PHOTOGRÂ&pES!1 Nothiî-g but good work altowed teouvetise roomm. Ail kinde and aIl ses flan thismail locket fieftretolt aIse, and finlised la Çorbon Indiu it, rSepla Waer or Sln (mi Udr. Willion la ver>' aucoeesfulluntakiua olslldrors'A portrait&., tjarSpecial rates tW Clergymen. 01<3 Poy- tr aff b maioot happy1eréceive vielta at au>' tiné, (»veu ilAon do flot vaist picttsres.) &a we Jitter oursîvea thse visitevil! veil ropay you for tise trouble. P) nu taw 1 & eeiinsdlous IUonee, vfis isard and aoft vetoer, blale, lieiar.tes. mi, acre or aud, vîbi 5,. muid euseep utius ltitl erma, latel>' emespled 1»' Er ,6i.i.4tnpbell. Ï."& J. MPEL WbIIby0 Aprl SStls, 1871. > L uMBbIf -- Vi Tiseltsderaliguaedist> nhand,r, M[EALr MLL A larle- qoantit> of Lumner, vIsSeS ho ArTaTn'E Ariiî Luinb mit hindis »auoutte -A .4Mb'BRLL, Brookitu P. O Brookln, 7aise 1711, 1970. vObOD QUACK9-, IAvioim of eariylu dîeeretioous.esmlre nmhvftgt.e. .. Thse underslgned tukea oeeacioa te lifortn em. teinera, tisat tisa aise .Ilq Iustuated on Lâot No. 22, lu l.th tisconeffllos, of tise .rownshlp cf Uxbrldge,- are Dw no > Andi recul>for enttIng Lnmbenîn.-auy q nantit>' té sU1s oulàWmr, aj vitis punntUallyscd Lum ber ot tfreusloto 80 ft n lalouij. JOIS WEME Septnabe80, 670.41 N. BIC W, ail N aL DUDg TRERI WRIZ.BY, (1 dean East or tise Bobson os) Beg W luftorus-tise Publie tisaI ho ha*COeU- atlt>'Onuisad 4c aUPesior qualît>' cf Pleur, Oas sud Cors Rosefi, Craeked ,Whea:t, Graham' plosir, Ont», grasaend shorts Bcters,, Pooket L!ntêrn8, k Trays,&é. IL IGERRIEI Waily Drug Stor'e. PA APER HANGINGs- Tiseaundenslgned hege to luform tise public tiset ho haonùisand thse targoat aud but stock 0f Paper Haýnginga ln toitn. ail of tise whieis iseofforé tfor balai ver>' loy, for cas. SPal!ng, erainlsig, Glazsng, snd Paper Hangsssg, oxecuted ils a work manlike and expoditions anuer, masueanl. A. %- w I SUgN y T \ I f 1 T T v - - -- -- *, .*r*5*21,1'8t0. IMle 1 l*-J 1INU'nt C . E I) M~IIÂE ICI-Ba I , aviug the wants of bis nunierons oustomers in view, taies this o-. T H M SH S o 1 casion to announce that ho bas juet received a Large and T H M S US T O N well assorted stock of Groceries for tise holiday.,vz: IMAIIRIAGE LICoNsES NEW CURRANT8, RAISINS, SPICES, TEAS & COPPFEES, W - Offiie-Town Hall. Reidonce-Byrn PRESII CYSTEES, LOBSTERS, SARDINES. F'INNAN HADDIES, Street, threo doons unortis of Town isisl.ý» K DA D RE IE Jan. 17,1870. a MKDADDIDF51 ig Tise beat braudsao Wiuos, Brandie.,, Gins and Whiskies, censtat>tly on band. M~ MIN ACURD TTH J RIECKIYRD, A FRESH CONSIGNMENT OF PURE Agrcutural *orkis, CANÂIDIAN GRAPE WINE. LEFELsS CELUBILATED I L ]AN[ISWbolesale and Retail Grocer. . -AXMICuoAs- Double TURBINE WATER WIIEEL MANUFACTUTRER$ 0F X XX, CREAM ALE, /.-PALE ALE AND PORTER. Don Brewery, Toronto, Ont. Ta Ooseece of a contesnplated change FISST DAY 0FFezBRUAIIY 1811 tthe whle ofmi oent.- I<bh pirchohera em.n ave fit>' 20 centeon ev me, et lise Choquer Store. vithin tise abovetlIme. In offering my Otock st tbe Teduction namw not for théepup :i t learing ont an old etook of rd %tock o adb'l.fra.c ase> ext hsbre l thse vlew goltebeatrrrangement ofiüy bualuia eOrchasera Ã"( Gonds, for euhi, viE find îhg atated ; commeiineh nest Sisstirday morning, asd ou entire of tise proeét iatock-viii ovon be disposed ofi the, object 1 have lu vliw of conteutratîng us>' onn The a nly one 1 Sud o be the boat, aaet and cîapent te il parties," lintihe end. >Thse ierms efthIis notice will be carried-eut to tihe letter. Ihave bien enabled to purchase, aS great advantage,,tise followlng, so mach 80, s b enattle me W oofor thous et tIi pnusqussted nt0 oe.Va ca eeia(neoW), bc. pur lb., or ls lbq, 81; 1<0 boxes layer Balinex (uow»3-00. perli.; 60 hrrels nov Cuirgaî,. (011010c',) se. Uerlb. - 50 .ssreln old Currants, (ound sud guod,) bc, petr lb,.; 500 boxes heot Pige, -25c., pet bo k.i kndis of-Nuts aud otiser Fruit et eqîsall>' 50w prcea Il tha. Singar $I. 1I811-1 have on baud ssew puneiss of the yery uot ÃŽriaiss, Inluctdlugr 106 issrrels Wite -Plai (FuIl catch?, 100 barrela Trout ; 50 barrets ILabritdor*Herrige ; 50 heif barnoIs labrador Honn.; Baddies Teivcd dally.- SALT.-Engllsh, coarme <ud fine, lu bug, for dsiry pnrpoaesansd fanere& gencrel nie ; god- eriei, InbmW DON'T 1ýLOSE THIS CHANCE. J TEEMS (lu accordanco vith the above notice of reduetion of prie,) of uourse vili ho atrlotty caseh. qarn. buteSImpi £0reduce tihe-preaect lng tle ebangea I ontemplûté, sud vItlt Ir. ve - article will be redaced si; aboyé ssslng u ntl"the fIraI etFePbruus.y. Tise à 1rI108, go m te ensisi. moto Carry OuI ad -dolug býnnes lufuture ontise ThTHOXAS Soe.Bre SAt.E , 'Tusso>', Apru, AI, 1571. Tise Choquer Store. Brook St. Wine & SpiritMe rchant, HAMLTON NEW LOTHS, NEWVPRNS NrE4W TATS NEWPRNs, aNew, DiteSSGe.otoDs, lVew~~~~ ~~~~ sliieadGe~ Ctog CIothing, Ma~ie to Order in the latest styles. iseewge re luso w manufaebnnlug o osortfa an>' oier asop lu tise conu- ]en sd vo HItsgve a guareoteo vilh seci isa 'vsrrauting tiseusto be au eil made, id tu %ive aM good setimtsao ss au &tare lu tise Domilnion. o ss> eu Parties deairIng furtsen InI'ormtbo eau oh- Li t 1,>' ddresebng PAXTON, TATE & Co., enhla,î..e y-st, Pont Ferry, n t, VBITBY lANO .FAOTORy' O8EPH RAIN'ER PIROPILIETOR9. Tise suWb.ein - u nnlg h% Saine cee.tisanka tu tise msuyfriendc ansd 0customers 0f tise Wiby [ANO AIFgDIy tas te state tisatisa nov ocrinion tise iti. Ms etell>'upon ibnaueceaujnt; and iu so- 31tkg future orders Se bega 10 asenre thmu ut uothluD VII, be loft unIdona on tiltpart te guve satifstlon, lu ugupplyiu lazl i As the proprietor attends'-personally to the Br 'ewing5 a regulai stock of Aies and Porter can aiways bc depended uspon. Parties desirous of baving Aies of superior qnality snd Porter eqtiai te an- imported, arce respebcfalty solicibed te, send bisir ordera for a qntity large oi amali, and bry fer themselves. With tise aid of our increased facilities, we are ouabled te -produce an arti. cle (alise year round) second te noue in bbc Dominion. N.B.-Orders Ieft with lsfr. JAS. H. SAMO, ta ihe Furuiture Wareroom, Brock Street, Whitby will receive pompt attention. THÉOLD. STAND I 1 I.ESITÂBLISH R D 18-3 3.1 The.undersigned in retitrniing *hanks for the liberal- pa iilerbo extended bo tS. oid èsebbisimoft, forncani>' a penieo f frby year te su>' th t lie is nov onhiansi a large asaorbmaent ofet iet modcru a] ,syle f W TIRYFIL I ir i-o-iyl f ýy 'W H-ITBY, ONTARIO. I T.. r Wibtb- WE DGY0OMPIIETIT"IO-N Sixteen yeana racical oxperience in thsc Manufacture off Réapers and ifMoyens, salis . 4, fies ns tissfttise aJ stouý Seit.Raking Reaper" is very fer in ed'ssice of auy otiser Mciemadc attise prescut day. We have juat iuîroduced lb inte Canada, and uman, H ufactured a iimited number tise past acason,'sud'as'yet are tise oniy manufaccturera. f This season.our Machines viii embrace sncb amati improvements as a year's experiec s umeif lu tise manufacture bas suggeated. vorably -Streugi>' sud durabi>' buit. Tise beit matenial tised in 515 construction. Its ma- ussue fo-b chiuery tisemst coîrpit ansd durable. Tise east fhable te gel ont of onder, Tise voliug -j combinatien of wood and imon in tisc finger bar, makes it tise Most perfect of Cssger bans. -;W Tise seat oethtie driver, ocated'ontside of tise driving-ýwieel, sa balances sud relieves vaneen tise fitiger bar, tisatit la' leua hable te ssg or break tissutisaI of at»' other machine. aviS e OurSeIfRaake ltis e soit perfect ever invented, sud consista of five Rakes-reveiv n uy~ .arouud su axis close btiste dliving.wiseeb,loo placet! as ta b.eu tiroty under tise cootrel wsat off tise driver vitisout atopping tise teaus. lb cutbansd delivera tangicd,,cinkced,ý or ilodged grain rapidry and in good shape. AR CuLsaissix fed avwatls, vus as itie draft as a iight four teet Moyen, and ne aid~e draft visatever. It cuba etail>, itS a common -teatu, ,frous fifteen tate îv cre prtyy sud, bas cutoPne isuudred sud fort>' adres lusesven -dnya. 80'5pra, lb ls mannifactured tor Reapiug oui>', because it bis beet demongtrated tbiaI, a seps- rate Reaper sud Mowen ivill satta cut more grass 4nd grAin. than tvo Cornbineb Ma-.F'. A] chines, aud costÃŽ mueS tegs in tise aggregate. Besgides,'a sepanate Machine is iessOoln. piicated-isansaeobiued one; lesa iabetogetoubot order, arid JS'slwaya ready for.rpHg1 Family Gro er,'ies&Lqu. MBrc0h0 T2d 181. P'S1 E8e HAS R-ÈMOVEo PROU HIS OLD PLACE 0F BUSINESS Tu THE PREMISES OPPOSITE R. &J. CAMPBELL's STORE, Brock Stree, wbene ho wiii be giad te reeive a ,vWsit fron i bis oid custoiners. lie begs bo interm bti mimerons pat- rons, and tise public geuerally, that ho lias A LARGE AND COMPLETE.STOCK Of Boots snd Shoes of every descs4ption, for Ladies' Gem.', and Children'. wear, and suied to ail kinds ot weather. Tisick heavy, Boots, snited for bbe muddy streets. Liglit, nont and- easy fitting. Bnots", suitcd for Removing to bis present premises bas enabled hlm to .Malte very large ad- ditions tb bis stock, 10 whicb, and a-liât ot bis prices, lie invitez the attention of customers. March 28, 1871. .1 SELFRÂKNG EAPER; MANUFACTUBýëD nBY' From 50i Oeil and &l qualtY t ftistud,j prove. tise couve7,a prcmises, he isopea1 useet ti, se DUt tca ef publie psftronsge - i- CHARGEM N. B--Covered sud ladies. Prompt toet! ondora. Wisitby, April S,.l TEETU - B TH NITROUS OXI] OR 'T, LOODA OMI3.-Ovê, M. H. to>', June 2o, 1867 9SALE-OR TO LI Id offera for s5ale or ti ituatod on Kin>g-str péer'a reridencu ns osie Lirovtsera - s of baud.- Termas funther partietaa ), Io, 18170. -- MMERCIAI ROC Wsi, tage, sl MEIL, 76 1mes aia s e»r for i *m-53 Uoebo, 170. 0 w Ont. niabo Co -4 rr-,!nmb eN f 0 ý Whitbir, April, 12,1-971. .JOHN CARTERP G IR 0 c E R., l' Lr iPrOdUCO and Commbsion, .1 .FAMILY John- Sonn.de'r-s

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