Whitby Chronicle, 25 May 1871, p. 1

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iL dw 3i o f1 t te Bank o Otslo fn sokot Consorosswlc up V Vw Mjj -! gAaj.j )10<>iL Cr4 r Nota og, &., &o., Whitby, O ~ sslclsftGentltnse*susmucir * grOfldBey l oeue d Ig:d,,joaz;, I wo lave eve y* e eu» (dg oàxnn'to H. J. IIn DONELL. 57 ,Ma 1,1, e.on», J . Bo. ~ s)JuUa 1 n ,t o 91Ote rm, court osse,.. IL I VIN tO 80 Sfl>tblg 0< tlie kind ever iujvutej, es. godsecrfy.Ap- IL LI M88I> 11 . 'W Ax Chers la o Probability ofit, beIug osrpas0e,m 00 H. OCHM'<RANE LORD.oss$ A- F» IT,. "it cqecls ouIft otidto-e proa I . f . c c J I t A T B , L . l . - A N D - 1 0 5 ,G O( ) 1 9 A T Z i A L c , " t b . n l d o Qwnîos - B- N i "tcutuîo Barrster and &toraey.ss aLw, oAJl T * I5 5 Wra1kacais sduigstk10hu ri s < l e r y , tn z t dsry 'm l, <fr0.- ygP AO F<w « KNU asis o Tnature o f th e grou d lt Pau sse o es 1o-Bîckstrct, usat <by to toyalStree(, Whi'tby. Tr>' Use. Store _,ofr. JSOOIisilq.I l AIl orders attendod W swIth punctualfty and ------LIN - NDN 5UR~e~CO PO" GPEORGE H. D.ARTNELJ, dOrsent for lest saniples rootu Peper W Ladionti Geut'a sud Cldîou'ens Boots L .sO B A E~ E J~ U~ ltxtrAor d ?5lyz- ~ 1 - l8s d glOeà i grent v tlety, sde..,,>î*- 15 N 79 ty oftlustarlo. ffice Brook-t,, Wlitby. r îIM AND COMEROAL 4TESAVEYDI29AID.s408,588,fls4.g BAVED iY FaTÂsusaxiCOM ERCILI-2468Ù8,O a 4L Big ARISJEi TVU:49YO4L,AW TUfE OSCILATING BsoIVÀSIIluING foMy A CIIan INE, wJAMES- BLACK,'-POpi1 b IAD AGENT, -M3ONmRAL..OM l-OB 11yPbNx or otise torq of a. & JOoFrenboistîXavitrdSpre0t Cmpbell, Brook St., Whitby, Ost. pjÀ A ,T£EN T E 1D Cielrsvebfere illiS fr oue Atio P c;9J~~Bt PrancolsLBe"dleréim WliIby,1<p . 1 , 187. ~ 6I :r1 8 i rJ(Yly, 18701 ST April 8, 1q70, IJOHNtî,Ms8Nî,18 go B.. AreKBÂNj<g, WILLIAM KAT-HEWSON, _________May_________8.1. S Oshwa ë TBOI'ROKAZJST, n. TE-P IES'TAURÂKT PUBLiC. NOTICE IRE8ELL & IIceo E, '1h, Patenttos CIsllnps sofony otiser wasng:A ND p AlI%1TdBS A~TGILKY8 SoLîÇî. -MacIhne now in nuse 10cossipeta sgslsstbis 'i~uiiq<1UNYSANUJ~l, AND o 015575555>tlsey Masy mime. Thse Machis YIY In TARIJtS Pûnîw. ieshen tsurng1 ytroted,sand ssed b). aesrîy AiAA.~A» Uflons:-0116 door orth o cf tis I5ot OMf ice mtiho prIîsci,ýaIlstessand londin îtç ie.m lt (7&8, lg&rrsFltTrno sd MoYoctor', Bîoot, Oesosîte -the Cont, ho prossucem It tlise bes.t now H A nos0. I ill J>rmamulp winT M A ,rown nullBomasvill.sbc qslî Alii wUsutsyaî ,srcssmuli ockt-1snd O AS CALSLEi - pgopsugl Q8 la ereby gven thoittho DireeUr 'Çh ~~1.~R 110à bogg~.E ate. y poison ss to monits,. 1 culty Itiglits sud Unohluei tir liste, Thse MoAt*010 Port Whttby aud Port Perry Railwsy C'OiNIYALIc Lk ,SLIER, iIKAppiy COW24. MaTilEWt4ON. ' rul o av edi ae tise followîugc5lo n h A.T'rî~<î Y A. L w, SLICrOR î Siete îOntîdat bscoriidCaPital Stock of sssld Ii onBr o ,î>nvypaer icCssWs roBrcol ,Otlhî uîCSo.a eetssdjmi i uts ouBooU..lin, sept. Ji, 1870. cm n TT-0R EY-ATJ1AWýS ILIO aU. . .sudthrsgcal!Of ettnpeu cent On oies, <.]ilt A T T J Ii8 y . ÂN tit A .Pub i, O nl e yT o n jO J L L AU:L .1 ' zur s u ev n y sT O Otle, ay w ll s oc p bot)s Psy îbl o on t is S t s day t «frn c , , oB R S T R*'Aa n ue u ta t jOdv i t J l à",. 1 ~ u i a i i > , t u # 0 1 1 0 % J e n s t o n , T i e a s u r e r p r e t n . , Ih~~t4~îî , z O'sws,3JiTei <truA, AALAW, 11sis 0V57 eo n lut aeI i tini sentAN»if eees.vsince.,1A prit e 1$7n, . OM Teuutrbgptn.u 40 Ton In CANsiy ANDsp;8uy ut Ii4i, Otltaon tutise Tovu et LYMAN ROSS iJOFLlî.,NLTAR pqtsC 5To LDqt NOTARy PUBIC, L & X 0 re r ueprt,.teM. -- _ __ __$cAS -etR . LS N& ra î! G ____ ____ __ O, - . P 4 0 A M A 11 , 2 O P r ie t o r . B a la -é Z k i r u £ c s s ., A o q . . eJA1ES LAMON, ----Tiiabovelsa. iss tisroisgîsly scevut.si, Lcao, 1iu aPblta, .8., SOLICTOI; N AT REDIUC D RATES. April la, 187(j.INc t181 YeVY N E90L N G NT r. Tfns uow ;srupfsrod totendensi v amouint cf -lIB D "-~ Oîîsicc.....tveriAuatstrusg's Motel,adtea St, mceY os,1ithe ccaau iî¶- utgoosi Purusor pro.- j 'T 1B us D ±-,IG qortT UR T ENT U*brî5lge. issotive Tovîs VuPrO aOIyl, dtilie Jite o gs esbu 15j xbiie Jan fS eottnest, li860,s. un sd mariner te ssii t .LI J- Iitt.lb u, : U~bidp Tts,386 , b>,ro~srs Plisips cn brepidyyeirl -A SRA C- EAt TAM SR'S <RRERS ,11sl DR. surîacutsor ftl0,.Oum. A, R .4 ô TtCIlA1LfNGj CROJ;a, slrablc Mesideucm. Monst ooiteu e DR.- I4ANOOCK, msl eltlvted Fsums sud Lotpeof -Appiy t- IUR G O N, tCoUI 4u m.ndem i l u D b tur s M o t4 s X 8 7 4 ' '18 'd 8 1 R.j, (4'JNN, >1. D. sud cttioiScauritlo'12 1URGEON TQ TnUE COUNTY GAOL, Biver sAisi tiuonbacksbourist and solsi, GILLESPIEth7, MaSud 187.1091AgoMEt, for ByrosStrtue, Wlui;tjy-., Z For tuutber paflicnlitr, epjly letaLE.PE, (CFaTada C TBOM S HuJAME BOL ENDAVI2SN, >ansger. OWCbRtTtAdl ' HITBY Offloal Aoisîgues, Miey Biter, &o. amslui08b, IL r Tof s-on ll uais toii"'eock. OFFîCIE-..McMillauls tlock, Bekstet ise an itLSvS ~by I r Wlitby Brok treef L Ofcccd 1) he obtavoabl totueari oo an M Shoe Store, O N. ÀRS, Wlîtîy, .LOSSllcES PAIDvithout uetereuac toth iseIerd p ItttJ tl,dul.% osiae pp mle o ti,17. 9 l oisYEOMAN GIBuSON. Tise sulscribei ho, on shevsa large asoret- be.as ltoum:dsutipon G L 01B E Il 0'JTE pril &1se gont, Whittby mont et boons ait flsO iauct o fia co trut t . rdoortorh o -th On s4oaJ i tyles sund ssie,, for w ue a ttittu se' t~eocsitueu tistndionîoitb - FIIS.L SSP M OR SALE. W k muod to order lna gitcl u ne C~~~~~~~ LNO.MSPWEL Pôretr10, ln tis e 8 0<Oudtofi Mtod.Rpiring doe nout'. unXas X S P W LL rizi t r *ilEsprotof0 'ire' o n.isosi IlWILKIN ON cFIRST.CLASS ACCOMMliODATION. unliarodtitteor aautivusîîoss, and woî l av8,a, Nov. 20th, latu, 48% PE.OTOGBRAPE fu GALLERY Peb. 222 id, 11. . 8 feliseosi. 'ere in'liiiîncetuausofwistor -____________ FESSOR YFllySTRr. Fap w lesss[jlie, ad irutlae Osv »IDAlLy LINZ TO& ]BROCîC $.WH-IT]3Y' sD PSS0 J P>-STh Rdusi, is a e wllan cs' t 1 jlaidipotu,le Fer, furttier pari iciiar, ldt., Thse unsioisignosl ir*W W r A GI S a eout o puemîwàeâ.r pepl) ots.rcsiî r IstourphAmbotypit, e.0uatuuk:as airGEOGEfb ife. Opeulul nonissison wvus cisildues. WhisManchesterEO.GE isisagteaat.-JAS, A. CLARIK. PIANO ORT ýo à e a.?7, 1 sr1.e Novesoher 1 .:8 0. -RESIDEKrceI. - Byon Street, - W I.L 8 0 N 1-0uVSEq -erlo-d4g1 o Flou r t& Fee.d Ts uestLante tppiBlt Tunus.-40.'-'.?nt on Piano, $10. Tlscor 3T0R . A. WILS'NfJMontanrorietor. tisaair, &., $5. ~T RN ORs 1ECm'A N A. ssdsussi - oritue ar esîst o lesud Iztierîl stock c ~et N y ~Carrling UnitedSi o9eaakCandia i Muuie und on8t, forsudeCans dnhan Mails bas s tise ssot e 550W ioteli t ise VIIlAqe Wliîî,, Mui s2,1870. GridCuykR aiws ranUrm C ss- steecins Otiiitlosi ~~~~~~~~Dsiros tW iutorm tlise lulbtantit cf Wliltb, -utdTiskM ivy ran on Letsd etAii 'lit ot o Is ie 1 dtan- sud Viobisty tibAm. ho lsîsisacoidte y Wet iouilnle sPort of Rocheter i ani losîouabioIOl, Re $JA asieiatnrdays, wevis uvo ut 2 o'leck, pan. Mutiner. olistivili i lusster aottveoteise '0-IENUfy ALTERS, ton lrigisten). sua then tts.butIlwsd slsss eIIomfJON i -AILEY, 'ro*it ROCK ]oREr iWITBY. T ils la tise favorite o500sme,. rente fo a sud asevofltta ~ sepa asssuuestOu-rand qulcikesi roule f<nm pohîssRuât Of I ndtisraiuiiled. (uis,Aî Wseîis ucusto to Meoheitail tendanSNce. rpneîreopsintodatsossiissnd attention. Per tnCl oaint riO i Bl sg, T& aorit re se eh 4j 41%b-o<isaycim s t, tf-se18G(ccs ruemy staîslng ansi attentive 0o'tirrs. 0 PSisortade. getaecas lng*ast do.20 37.Ansi evcrythfinsl ics tsFood i isse. 5sGtsnanifioleak crs i-s iSsu.28, 87.Boat OfFinur foi (umily use.18ve 'eauner At iRocthester La;idig. ide kaT WTîuy S1'ATlOK. Aitise lovoot elilng iluteos, - rything COtsneetiosî madee at Ceobourg sud Pert Hope K ANy H ô t e l . B o I s e o a s s s y s te M 1nUan eaillmro ss ter a inssa m ilthoM O'NJI is~vng ~nisase îts iscîio.LAIr# -01o11br 'andistexamine quliy auj piaslO. M. stîby sisitenrbsoedtuel(itrss aoit "I t1 &B»DpJI An.B=E.uC. CARTER.1 -W sad preisfises Itts, n et tise <Grand Stages tesa , nt mWitisy 041 dly.£ver,--IeS,, 1871. Peut Mope, Ontario. ls friondit, and th;e ravingputiatii u gehs eu atttehlby9-Apil11,0171. . ifItted usp tise lai#@#a'abestunpâ- r gLIVERPOL dô;LOîNDON .ô&GLonyg 'ais sîtyie, ud tsy I-40119tIoan totho e lits ci A I iLI . J INSUItÂNCE 00M5ANY fauoe etis OLAN.Tlomo' îe ie,,i wiso fuor hfi, ira b tîteir s'a üoF tte À.-Totîosaa #14 E Tfir tn yes usi te nscrIt s couttonns ies ot ossu,ieno- - met peaFrIsatreilioraalraspsCsut oisasinepu W lrio kigLt tat adlustIiINVI8TED FURDS are. - cf 590oofou stntv.' iusueforta Aise ore vlla iuhîg OItIs e cressssu ofsi Tise unssinend boe taetata tIsaihoe iles DAILY INCUM 9Eexes . 200 rate, on g dIosi Vearia, fl i yo silîyet., 8 < ! . ostilsnes te tInuofaoure ils LIIuE OLIVOSare à saie Pretection celog, iage o. 8Root, BeeoPLCS mnd &M rl orts uue cnt rai iTJIANJ.Ie L ME EUINWOOUD OUYAL 0ANADIAN J{TJZL, i SLASAGO, a i ¶einttleeulsu WhtMrds 87 elitdc POTFER 'ONT. I a Ail fidllaesns xy ?Âsu, tansitise ut- --à [o FOY; Proprietor. ]oPIE. --'s«. __= scdio ccommosisiatnive. o ie tabllut HadAN» .êLL KiNos 0V H fotreà. my P O P H O P HMI T E 8. Port Pennry, Noi , 3869. 4581PARMING I*II'LEMENZTS - Chies' Agon, ferDomlnloc. t rot ~~8550 r, L. PAIRBANK8l, Je., Austra,FZos tieo cnos.b- uxr PRty IUI LO THiEs wLsij>b>, July t, 1880, 0MM - PORT PhttRrt ONT,# MANlffo'p£n WÀIù,Nft»I ALE. k 4941e I-E, 41MSutSAE1DblfyraligfonTp old. and "o.- r AESgt hi K iie ste I zav5 -loytth@ Dist0t0nlici'ceteîo;ilyieis Nolsa noe ,o te bae rtiolceof-h5hI0 J'e1l oi iesu11 lithtngfosn cToiii HA4q bli 1 e, o îte tiltfo tP'thetae,, 'Te - t I,, s------ ,-.."ai jt'1t-"I»slofer, pier5J55 M. t ?,iuractu redli heountry, od bis lm ruv - Tise subearrlî, e r...for.,Rale tise ,OI th Hvootuondrn, AtnnonrloegaClerosi, i e' liiseu euesi puspaned a <ra t is 0,- eat o r ud PFity. Acres o! Lot uisnboir hkotty.oje . mis, 2i4ssorrlSo eIevous y, as ry ,sseustly t au tse tisir4t-t---1musoor Wîstiug orth it e uee &pa ,Jj ieu. ID, -870.ntyllig priarem u Pi*nsClbrtd l'.t iid -'ouussonu91 tise: . Losi of Volas, Choris or, St. l110u%1A<»'n 'r ,eT - - - ~ Citclelo<,gIné i s alasm soicton? le5Î D' x w Nsur 0f F WRyul * tlsphisei tus 1vrlceru~~ J, j 0 11 0 i"" -o eY tilet lie us it- ,, etifflsd te exocute.IIThe landlImai1e1easod, vel fencee, st!l à rdoe"-liorhRér, e St--Fd tr Dressing and3 8hayj1<. tgvta reate e" gdîdcs tti ta sîi qa soms. erssod v ulusbur t y~ui SALOON b té qu5ity Ir the wokmsa,,51p andsietr. For - R ms y 0 q.0 mred hoe.ees t B-aiSt .,W te,~y W Crsivooî sod t! Lmîsr ÏtAleslu ex. -&: s ,i, r S dshe s..-.. - - PeSsîéd-b ohop e..: r-ý ,ý,;- ur.l Bjï 0448, und iw>d rolloved. MMAUEL WIKINîzSON :,l 0V vss a~~ g ~ ~sr'e -- r- -lid-y4~,~ee~, - -- - - EBRODER50 - - 'JAM5$ OLAV. 1ao.--18--0- Parti GIBBS' BLOCK,, ýOSliiWA. icular attention * has aid ii the selection HOAIRES DRSIY&GO,~ BLACE & COLORED &ILI CAYGLISH STOE, CANADIAN TWEEDS, MINT LS, RINTSP -LACÉS, 11D à, Mr!TIN AN» MILLINERy. it hat! viongisi lu heu. There vas 150. mon onu euh, chut! b traIn. MaSs ber. dnnsug - tise vinrer, sud tise linçerfeui eisiog lefi lu isey oharacter cf prids or liSe yonnsehf. aussi va .tsî L. ---' - ~ - - - psluisnes. ML. ----- '-e..---- s u d i U lm. . 0 1. A n re v' was o v u a n e ld o s u lo v e s S IUOb e r 1 C o n t n ts iti - ir t7.. t y , te tin OcOl'aotriv i.e .sdsua d 1 N a sp o. 'Tie Coverse Lion fora 'w rivi . gobs oc P al l e b9ý er prayer . as ëilne m ine b~ ~ ticrs v aspeculiar liu era isleia otîing tie liffi. girl. iii aiva lviia sad b you, ad salgulsil iterast, Thon vth i 7o ad mIuade ready Do net refuse, - i oye. ord si'ser. 109 . yntfkUa eoayl Wboy-..snin0*1b anselde I bre hi .- an -i afle;. bs ee O nse ie yfW , 'he O hn ,b t '09 bai ro nd he til 8d ie nri Y O s' i b "e n" u' g îve YOD O P 7 à question cfo s.theM oogm et ifsafin for tse grave. brnshed tse "Y3cr-Ynsa ba susei e sdbe s c07ele ohremaia lu harrun ts ehface# restored nov ouaKen Mr&. sagroumpe.Il.,, bsii> îiu tsa ogin 5ioui to ore 'tIssthe booty of life, sdIloenno ak 00fe yorasvif ov l estu li i leibygosber Cosa D iss, rplc lote hiadooe Zteie itro ie ., ilet sd swetesî mile o il ke>'m. ehp61 if nsh te otaial hn ta Whoi eesrasgdal llus9 . o able t persuade b. 'Dy shooldssy --tisi fi vas matter g e tethi. parn,tésTofaisudere sit 1g0Estood there baside te for a ew latit uld' Bàyerv!aed s W8lo8d, tuîktima O n e a' r o e tr opon tI e o u d K iser., m o m e t . fte u bo ad d ou e peak i o Jolt & l t e e a l, o d ag , b i Oppo s ite. R e v at a0 O fo rd P rof eso r - ~th 0flevsrpaig uavieboe ihhyn oeepeso fnytsnaîvSalsi for satire, a.d sai made s e b s , a i l U e d e t Is e t i o s» l ei ts a d y s - um a e h i . no e r p i . s ud p e g e o : î y h o w , . t h mm s e lf T o r y o b uo x i o n s l i e o m a > i n the , o thossgh ofnmevus ea.HTsen s u tsuifor a long durig dinuer, by speaki g ipsengi>' or m es ! t e n d era o s a id r - . W e u I v n i s e t e v s a il O f eè re d 8 0 m e - fo r O sa fo rm e r v it k n o w C a c e l o r o f " i e lotoUserue sbosai: - wiich I bad-been piuiog..t.w,- hevat Echqur... lgeasstteumd and brt- t'is a it ailton, visebas beoucOf 'hich1 is halpbraid he m t..4oe -ad a veis.... 90 m e tie dea re t s d truest of friends. -for 1 k ew tiey vo ld e n 0'i L om e ets- no< , 1 WreeCao noyer tissuilieho cuugisfo acie & bdorilbath of tisei, Katherne au w,.» M The firi meeting of lise berd ulis thse bas doue for -Audrew. RHo loved ber istr hosbanUf..friend, sud a home-..aostemyateriOus Iserone . îcearnOely less-tien -h. leved bis mulisur, sheiter, frein wbieh 1 need go eut no.more iYour Lordsisip las «rock by tisal;faue' Ho, étrange 18 ueemed tb bave i.outil I siseuld excissuge h for the home 551<!a social parasite. spealc tegime lusncb veças, ceustrsinod sudtiso peaàce wviisare eternal. --8$hoe l Iam ; vho à hesl yet gustofol, as a bsusband vould natural, 1 accep i l* &bis ? Wus h not îoo, ple. 'lier naine iàMary Anis. 'bilaMar- use te bis wife's friend. vise bat! beau sut le ho sall'.? Wua net it.seVary vet-. net! te au American, sud bas lastel>' in- kind te hbis, deat ciid. Hegolat, utterot!uess- dangerens ? Could I answer fer usy vented a nov religion-' r, snob diffèrent oe eon ve met lut 1I 1 eat W" laure ibat 1 coult! lire 'AbIsaid 5<!LothaW. wvusdifficoîty re. vuas i , Jkne o t I oouid net- coin--for years ouder the » ame roof-vwlth Andrev straiunDg bisulf fiearabn twr msund myeif ss'fflajeuîly te s atver hI..- Lineusdlve hu fboi ip ber. .~ ~ tvr I elysud - perlilos happineas duel bade me forge: 'Yes, shall 1Inftrodoce ber Il 111 ave dreued onu d rtilg 'boy. I1 (rer' ? 1 igist be safé. Keîhenine L ty io gs o s , C r n e' tisongisi YOD wonid visis t-e e hlm." vas boantifuîl, sud-,she lve1 h.;but isigis ohnrch proclivitios, cf tIse d aill Tise rou sudveuttog the t e where vas tise fiue.linkted aimer vîis sund hesitated i $No, -1 tisss yossno atili ruons whone lsy the deed. I 1slaid visicis te shioid su, womsan's sert ? nov., sIoe.Bveunsmy love and my grief gave ' No, I venild n«t étaye, Th"eyand I Latha. vas matabrine. H.eisat attend. me Do Clain:en %bit Consecrated beur. eseooidtehoteitr spart. Our Pathé led fsu ed &ve wemsu'à rigisis conventions,. flue. Anduca bat! died on Thnrsdsy. - On sway frein oss c ler, The, migsi v n isu meetings, bat! dlnet! asÇbitu's, Saurday afteroouhe vas te hec boried. der whorever tise fiov.iesumiled -or -tise-Ilsud bai danet! riz a zVix te a Prince of I bat! pased Frida>' lunsy ev wnu rons, birds hognilid &tiem.1 M-iut go ont luto tise biocd,4and esten off- fgl ltsa keeping Bellea vus me mout of-tise tise. tishe'- nrd ,te do my vouk, loe etre tise1 Crecy Boue fgl ltsa Tie POOr cisld vas sim st frantie i t isbe read 1I sbl es t eB. But tie,- prspect Bi scond lICof ber brother, sud it w vaeit for usoviiaisbat!, leoked 8se glousay -te MeS'a Turuiug upon hlm a fane visas.perfect te bave tseoeebesides myseif te thiuk hour bef.oro seemet! bchaued. Things <ne. Helieuje detaila hoe rembered, tsisesovly of sud ceinfori. 1 beliovo Mrs. Lincolonvisici tiser. lu Do escape slisys confrosst t!rsgged a gentleman fromin nder tise pasaitedbtisl oug, veary day,.- for tise Most us *ith a storner min. Nov lisaýt a vielais jtetise ligbt sud presented i.s part, aleue. Muie fth tblime I conid cisoice bat! beeu offed inu, snd I kosa vitis lstyliks 1igisity as ber busbaud, Msj. beauler hnsband's rostleus stops paè'iug tsai Oase snd leisure nsiglst b. mine fo er O C.Osiperdowu, au Aoserican. aloug !o iseazsza, sud once .I1knsv ho tise lakiug, 1 cetid accept vork tisaukfuiiy,'$Ah,' ssid Lotbav, csrelessiy,' I bulieve veut iaey foursaolitsry a#.recoguizing lis ministry as best four nIisad sOine iand &bore. 11mistakreDot, veaub ts a ois lSaturdsysmeruin. ' nà,a seul, a ieods.a I ciseerfnîîy iade up my An7agent, Mu PutoeY 1eales, lstely par- bee b t a a, mi bi uile ca ke, s d oiud, sud tissu1i eut juta tise bouse. - cihs, ed tise State of- Ii asf.. itinis 705 -bad juet gatbered s basket fout of visite Mis. Lincoln mat me in Ibe hall. se c0 I. and 'veet saeuted floyen te aîrew about pot ber arm &round ume, sud klised me 'a-Bti,.- As a-fermer rasideut of ts. him.. Istele uoîeeîossîy loto tise ueom.viti a dosper tendersees lober mos i7oCsc'e e eltooemsl viser. h.olMy; I tisoogit neo ecase vasthonu1Ihald over feis hefore. . aý ycF utenaut.' tisere. sbot visen I had gene uP te lise aor. , 'Yenare geiniç 10 Le onu sisler, Ger- Loîisav hoved gracipultio ete lua IUsa, in tise dim, lîgist, A udrea Lin- trode inuvsl o cprtia h eely t oîter COIn, Blîîing Otieîu at lia bead.' Be 'Gisdiy ; 1 as metlhaukfai te Ove dresaed tissu most Eugliabpn, 'sisevet! uo '<Qied bas akorenbimt. Giuhl)terîu ti iih birtisdeniet! oiller sigus cf inferiorsîy _sud piebisa l'attndtssu ten errde ; I AM"me. ex traction. vriten dsoiae.ee'And vo viii hbsgo happy, ail of us te- ,'6We have met befere,'y 'aid * Lotisa te Tisere vawuis a vild pathos lu bis getiser.' -tiselady as aise icanet! ou bis arm, witel Aunes. Tisey vent te m n, l, Mev I Bqt 1a 0 sar 6e. I , bc tise7 iied bis stables, tise nniveraity, and iouged tb cenfeit him. youmsr l wlays...your faittsfnî, lovîug cîtber places' of intereat lu Oxford. <pnay "'Net desolâtet,'1 anid, 'corey net f rioud viile life lests ; but le woonet tell11metvisat laib his uevreligion of deaolste. Belli slaoft yon, sud Yenr vifs'oitke me happici&tule ire baie. 1I'Muost ours, -sdr he My uto",sri ite ut on idpoe% o ftisî ci It la Wemsa Suffrage, Fiee Lov>e, of ,yali, ait fergoîful cf oveu tise pre- vainue.' Musual Afflnuîy sund Commnso m sauce -of tise dead, lu My7 possionsl, long- ThsI. as ns, hAn résolution, sd I kîpibrace It sud me,' iiuiin .. îug, aetvisatever cest, le rénulte lihse. t e it, lu vain vers ail luseir' e'ntresîjes, Lotus, didt! net h e xatvisotywas; sud maks tiembath isappy. and ai leugîu tise, destt!ei t ise., 'de. Bshe hoever seeote and sustainet! h, luYocwer, dotiess, ai nsy présence Ferbasa therine's vemnuîy inuton&sbissagitated fus.suadssied vith an brijorhme; 'but! came ignorent-.itu tt yisuta emn o vnembrae bis speechiess form, tale geuble.. 1 . ibohtthetbtise anssvor tegvisai tise bmîîinsu, onit! de. 1Wisensthe fouud minuapproacbed sud ceugise ilgiti, vus. YOD laid b ine tise lest eveuing vo passai! Ihat I vas nul te ou oved, tisat 1 vould gentlemanîlytact. - tegoteliss vaite-go quit.- ave, frein you, net'go teir va75 aise bestirret! herieif te 'ml huisad yuvl betoc happy bta tis befcre tsoe. uold be sutiin uOur helpmose go My cwn. I Ove te ber th ise vusjcu <rtser on tissubjeet, ase sai! acqiutageo viici l l~ud ho psintul te situatiin vbwiah 1 amn pesang lise mid- vitsbqqiet diguit', sud sise rogalasedth ie reiein en. Tusslî~i u poastet ileif -sommer of iM , lite. î-Inm a toucher ina a geueral's aide.. 'Ceme itis us to.O nslda, 1 obtaîuod fi ubrougi Mu., Emorson, sund girl'. saisool, Yong, bright faces are Brook Par. lifa îhiog of tise puti Came bore, noer dnesiln..ig vas Mr. asroundAme..-Young. beanti glseddo e * And agàiin bis lutsi Wenîvoitis1vise advertised-..tisai'thse vitls thi oi oe. 1 have no bopea or Au Lotbsv Jet; Mr. A&setbysi'ig hg 'a Oblîdren I1vWU te teacis -eroe uuu. I b.d <reai o n c ber fut010 iu ibis veîoid, agaluat Goueral Campendovnis 'Mevla not beeu bore a meniti befére 1 lovet! yeur aud, perhapa, for ibisreaoIdo0 iyMr u71htkebureij She te boteI.regret te state tisai se if dyio, Wsu vas a rne, ne earoesî, su ;unseîfiab. At le la ton years sioco litti, Audrev dlad, tise Géneral, Bitis a grasve voice, as h.o leogtb ishotold me ber aîeny, tise soaine ella - 0v a >ouog lady of sixfoepremoved bis cigar freinbii menis, «d iad isoard fro, yenc, col, sbQ blamed heu- -inatise deares cf i papIs. Tbree hf itto!h.bat te IMýthsv. self asi you isW nover blauued- ber. Ail yeas sgo aho came go me tc ho edoeated. 'Dyiog ' sait! Letisaw, lcrediouiy tise fauilt vas br& ho sait!. You voee 'I hiing'issu te on hecsose ve eau Aies, too- true,' repliedt!heip (eneral. b vr îigtat vas noble. I kssev buvexpresas beydeepl>' vo trust ant! henosi'ie uaeimt c on aturiggae. truer eu 50 v bat! beau by tis, change ye, n luoisohrouger mkarusj sy giviug aqe, ezpesure lu travelling by -riilsay, ,'AND

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