Whitby Chronicle, 25 May 1871, p. 2

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as ini, orull sd hm-iahrei,& spectacle b.atfuI pupB~ose, et âevouring ta gave t owoIJ intéann'n had tli dami; ni ' egrao *aIt "Thç Express." oly dpork :oh vo uiordab outw6,00jch wo slust nght, ofwhom 400 600 s aa Ir ay teWie1btàgpadîrft -Of 5li foua 'oaed Theallydeaîroedwiît.ue,.in *the0 wrtb ner Pcoanacesd. Marabal McMaou and Milinsof dotlr Ieàn~ T i i T e n y ofamilah 0s l f thw , V o &1 " 'paper m yr adyf4 n ~~ a - fiai o f't h e ~~ ~ b r o g h t ta e râ a l l4is.P re a id e n t T b e r a v ii .fViOts w osfe r r of d n C a , a, rii i d m f o rl a p u b lie, - d s c o â s . o e o fr S es. bmetiei, p T&~~ Tvo.îy or Wnsh.mgeon. -~~~ lattiorAil effort toarreai tbe Vrailis, Ma'22,-n the 4ssembly The loiimsof thb oowna a fafl asa ore asîittg frpbi xo oan Itert i erye~±iîi hg.m sco env iig od p i o m nsB nkrapszytor tr wiblt ThfI h il fa Toronto e.îo rogre:so ib,,fame rmweare ia, o.dy Posdntheer cd commrune Verop gi. o airs adjan i'ipionu hocseofLrdnoiru on the'Thirmimonlete coo bpeprfrmo Thé discuso Inthe JImpérial Psara- papr, ,of wblh ' aeacla b ni oahe. vdai the bmwole tsaoysec r d îîêbgad ienral hnotngflryijinor the ctins WO bav rëceled th an - t , 00 oca elvidnt th ulatg MPeeT OR he b.rrleadigra icc ib heQle ersuoeecaere Ta îw n w on doom e d Io de truction, ad mno a0 1 Ith e G overnrn tt arrîjîs .H e s id li d s d w d a ,i Ment, on whist i w knwn ol he Tresty prospectus- at.b.phiîe~byM.Ovecitialy Vatibe caste ; 124 boues and Pais o t xeî sued dilfooand gave unsdoandiieda yabt.ptr efCaum<0Onheroedn wyotouioreeanofiiitre-TefalrdeW Pars n~tbee r etdAnys, and g m nOhowdebia té unoecued ruditors £5 n rbesfrt.ftuet av. -aypai b ci tourhPtçlseriug TOWUI§li, conrefit 38 tecredtor'boldisecui of Watshirsnou, b flinbt <bers fa.ois-Oook, laie partner Inth blhiaio oore@ wrevbhal,.xcluive ' bui etio hnoveet f68 Aégtetiseue rdf oient lnterosît akea arsoe sta Virat the ', Dtily Týlegrapb 'l The, proigeotus and <he aioa hall andth ~e market. bom.troopa op 8unday wbich terminâîedsô iia, a sh 87. teMrqi fAgesa 1 o tel sta h l pes"laiîendda Thoraif otaustlaitst qmandn nteyccauiri* deta114anfi he m thoTevicernomneet pia ai' 678. AtI o eon(tbe aase octoraeRoAjtntGealfth csen astne. OgusCandies m oaydo in the vsy oanoais - evis um ibaithbiau ' 'ho l' ba > GdItrlnedaTiiW d,,trnnsent. Menbersail .present £100.000 (emuiasated) ; <ho urts3teesaithlern4rssneoerSd. o-lm ýplace-braitefferéem vowbve aee . ovorhment ws dtr ovsi fhMtbr ~spJa o r~eilu i' bmT~at, u a atti'y-a rcaçized vaut l u iiniaudoi i nums oeeu paoasr;oraus punishment thse'most. crininal Minmutes e etmeigra n W:vibinl'ail respecte an EVODI#g ooîîamsd be mmii ai' iMarty ai' tbe of ibeinsurgiei, Buils wero intJaducod ed, ra'-Duesetofevatle, 3,l ;and;.F.dytsyvt naNigatomker esunw. Ibo .Bouse oi-Lord# theo Marquis 'ai'-sali- Papes-, *anieiniug mi ts eet h anie a ibole ib maîg0e; to restere ubheOlhapel ci'Expiation, and Several petlions'vero presisnted «a Yaam ai-lne areet, £30,479, h aglel iat h ag oute dir siri ibisCinadieil tof the tesî 'videti repar. ilovu erreadu aera uths coluinn ai'the iaeaVendoine, tire lor toney appreuniatiana an the roatîS (lawugh s ecurity :-l'he GUadacmpwclit aeblthronboEh Massp publicatio,and- furnitureofond cliosail consumed, and no latter ta ben surinroiffnîd by a statue of erd bridges in îthe township" i. Darue opaey, £:330 009, jitg oaem o ~dyT~ u rse il b W a s h 'n g o n, ib m a v e îsi e n î ut m dîd t o te e d ai' re p ro d c n gi b i at vl t b v ic h h O pa c e 7 v be re in I t a la y ' Ili ir b e a d e . fo r th e F ra n c e . A v o te n i h a tu k a t a P r e s id e n t l Mr i h î r sov e d th a l Ni e s s ra . G re e n , al , t h e ,b E ï ri f D e v o n s ud i eb n .e u e s x t a p f c v l y h i a opr lia rilcte n beromnt tb.1î ae ulebvefs oeIbu ed -0ni ut ; eili'reu Vers vandmnring about "hiers and ibis army via edopiet by Brow«n ant tithe maver lbe a special commit. rapt), ibe Lègai and Gersora nsràncetreat lvnrgnet a'ifnr-prina'ia mrs t aiiainbeoeteldJu.ni Il bais, hoote, mad allier eecesaany acclamation, tee te coosîder the- sororat pétitions for -Compauy, £50,000. and ;£l5AOo.z rgd .I a iib ednaîtid i u ils Han Gri~vila aai îha' il vs issauveu r «The vaios u cmeteofTise ari<tels Ofapparef.. The people ai' ev-i Parie, Nfav 2, atrncon.-TliiVer- <srIeînsanh.r>aanirdgA l5n mIdtiaaraeessve eeydyunlMsy;hePlwsnepoei,... ni le» a iismliatemsotsetra,,an 'arat iespbs andcml atons i.i anketacted thse part oi' the Gaod Sinani sailles ansy bas accripind Parie, and the the tOWnoutip, and replort tilereen, and pranmefa akigem cIL w - o uantnm ai Mrmhal MNlalon arecio te recommend ti Ler expeodiuuire for .riOrocei-tovhl freviisrk cm ndeJ4vet9ia lie dolined sa pledge the Gôronîsmentrta 'h. arei'aily préento e' ca sîaio as'fu ent o h7 h aimeaof tere s,%IlihCofIsj i6fr tu.nw (Jjsira flouse. Ieta ups fdeeidsnbe n Osvihvudposl edee a.r'rhvaQcntnt igr al opesiln a eua . îete: eoeIm~~u~o~~ atr ~în b e $fore fr th*-eat Luhos ei emdEpon tetona c n uh b vnig'ri Ioisbe a beny ud oanulingo tise bikauell 6it rsisf. fa tiseuae i' Iei ai' rsofGeneral is(siy, hose the Otudanforiî. ontire nnratne.oîoîh g a reofasabateuhere veo euh forces entr're LIt.ecWtytfrie,, tIe souLa ailrmaraigr$ tooveti thét tise Rcvs k-avc an ebatushore vasrerdered tili he 2Dînt 22ndtires frcis 1<111 goihome. monelit anti'ession stsiorneatcf te peapl."cfunheOwngr- many vbo voald bave ta go wvithont a are io the Ecole Militaire, which Iroots nthXir li- 1ne ourÉatteJi5v caely.,doraet auodrddt"h Riels tes IbuiîntuetosIarie sdmusraaner rn dsonspon- viib.moneuf lbgbt, asnilvas iext ta itpos..tie Chamip de Mars. 'flire wvsas p re ite ounicil resîsred. elon upan h u Paniasamn. Esn &smsel Wetiiui'nmed ad . ~oibe ta 61.1tthe nautha of ail tie hngy exius(»i iis afternooan noir th. Ep _r,,Green ioaei tIi-rt h e Concil do UNM]ITIUOAR TmsrCi.£vgaNvYnIa 1- atrfa~ nib a o i k i e i e d s t i s eh o d e m n d t < ir a u a n o p p o r t u n - f ro n t u r l e a d e r s t e t hoee . T h e m eVit iw abceTi' t hema : a n t e . t p a l ji s o m P a r is c o n - n o lv a it ca s ai o r t a i' ' l i r ( , a t t r i i î b ' y e i v o e r i B e o s Anw , W ho n . O f lty b. giro.n fan discussion as a 'Parliamea. puhlisbed, ssud their vriîîrs y u bca.3 4demo and sore, b chrut raesay o ' mthe lcsî of iulres ihu Riseve lis ThCo rtusss eeof treapIasL..Rulgoes nf ha vas singte s a rtril.Ts i7n'2000 uhbsesadtecine r ;ivApnthe15,preportstIbmoravakesgdo lir uomebodv dc this vosfv.ErlGo adLrd'ing l!ts Osenet iniapols ieSst a a îoi arrvi i two en tise oppveiusitjdeni'of Ibngpr inte NdeNtwi-doils.ecourtNe fYorkrdp anddatboai-rnsaloire canrerN(allievPaimer!taitroe2d a lamgsc opininse Tise n themrnteffecpvesan. rii aitheplac, stadingos 'tith and oiW5g tdrpopaIl tein. amedblorhad a aI- tbtrrvibba a nOt-&snîslil 00" owrth30h jof ifronmo a'm.beovieage fr ili Caly r usr otn etativ ial 1 Ourte Péror- oplier oD ea paknb v in iseo maont e.fecti mm Y va * o ..o ovny blseai'ck rs îgtl li înino atiugsrsg iiotgi ii 'lu uTortie li h atf hy e i'ci e. B wa iurgd fo aiin diatcutib v bv lits dci h 2l vo p ï p c ofarisouî are lconcertay il- Cagusive ooCwn td <aiel I vs teor iand frnamnce lhe iven aeuipcpoip i <.plc, aadn usionnieu-d Buogr ' uossnl o5 iis 'cok;aandyon mt nmd tîcs lrkl o00 t00 iseevts onl iiiaa ~ icened ibs ci'nosamt gigantie akoleton, wtitite,1cceo i-uleya- COcs iJ . .....,:oluetlü ag ain sme the Ri-v gaiviai ie Cov l rdi' Ieaio at ad innc, lteaune paulr'amseand kgroupm ai persons standing 'round 1trte i the Averie rde litGranusdAri-ee, Ise - resumotabou Rce mot hg riva mota nssac tir aiu oehpei uuru. - l'estoe wiicnRaoffaus tvaothersvplaceeca wieu isemaionef. Te na Tite Amric, 1hi 1O W. re nl ailie bgminqolb uneis, an, pteca, bs eriel,aidmacalRangmouniorf a im-laevien aoutto ae in a direct litrei'or tie rs ic TsCuuitteo ippointêd ta consini end e d 10*4 in rsig abut eeigb fsu eadyraia iesflnme fWaigo~ giou, Poiclal, brine»; aid scial ir ,)Irllie nd tdamerkpii's.thec War oya teegnigoth litiiei bonie 'isd flood. Mechacica bave d nozpî uddets-s;u,.Tti-e tsepet utowrefor ilnpu'veulients on tihau n14 tlffmree i u 1 ineviahie tnd -hf..Fiction vilii herepreseuied l6y ts dthe elriiDpets burut, and thonstireir flanp lsec rebhe sdigai'h siiaucinelh 'anthsvr-io ~ded, bt oersioneet ovi ear ihmn u, 2cisf oere vo aintu1pi-urciausi îessse-u teuîuî-'a tieii-di, rpart-Iire.boîhall w tu rousfsudlliid, bt isevas ol covicscî a lise28 iet hilierthas ied S.aslaviaI<hm res y UmalPublicationc foriailm and short - roorie5 > noieai enigtadsl redcter tera teocuio of phesying for iot e ai'rousa iePsieuun o bete i ii.til ns rbn esî ohdb ieai aea r o , ITe p i re d e sti y ai' C an a d a - t ti e nbet a u uio rs, sd uh e M x m oSE L n À sAY o u& M e n am it o f ba v e b e e e m neto hedtir n t!o t m , i u ' r i i 'l o Te c ouns turna tio n uri u<o g uiu i u, n ? <ai g, f r g a ts o i n y r h Y k.ni ry f r a d e l n i familes bve ben entobedfroi tbom- tie comunises iet hireglelee- at« enngLba1 lu ibe accompliaolentisiidéeondenco Sylooxuis ili hao ompilet ilvusgrisât'atb on ereeriî 1 ClI iroids i4ca ruvs to report isb. t we Whou released (rani tise Penitensssty s oihrs&C.vn nndktsib.i v oiwsl thlu01sss, bvbeowbon.he lti' tise1 ia%1rlinemi remaveeitsu The tnirls stusiruisuivens ubun homecdriReprote mieuto - ' and aknavipgpencnetasa SsernCan, In sbuî, i a-bcped tbtîb nayO ieu acvbtthee lo"on vy g-rt. d I lit <hni e-o ae c w oliy ecx minedL ts uiipttoeAbr .vstidintsssue i u aisnco ~uuesua is ne.8O);0 I.I uSey luîeraiiy étand op lu, To tise creaiu 8supenrten ie lue uurtios. Tisaecsfluu uri oudnornoi hi-t isle Fuuhi ctsild, w-ieb disappoaned uethue saie uieunmivsts as fts ie ie<us 00tno poemynl tt-nto aueo Expres"'il oaccopied as a r i ai ,ofthe fui-mprs, nesident lu ibm vicinity, fi arssif tise troopa k niiourinded. l'ire ssttxcu tatise overail )i ss aste Bevastrid e Os go g uaiu, ho înrrofithed rruihiytorésultmaTderacedc sanuei t.-dtItbadbdid ail in 22.-- paserniabillot retont sacicin- The cgA îat otiel opin'ionom rfthe Dthow jnur. IcnoaaLaevNo.Eu.threbuîidingltine danstdeisevedictnasisesacideaboutten o'loclua desructiv flue u-alt anti senu politlçgias sMay angue.andtI iy ta s ilfy t nai vii be a8'eted wvit pa anorprejudic. fmuaetise isureicg îov -and tskicg home Adiste resusL,-uuic ouuPtis. Froua ,cOn I ernulo $2o5.fo biigoso,, iae onTise rudict uh e st ,agi'osnCclunn 50mev'iaot taieI0 luileye i1 ibein mystification ridicalod by ai hoba iniy eere, ibm raies oi permonal sud oanilDgjsoflrlokpceT etxthBneo-cïfitcrsL blor.1 tn'0$ Tho cbieisu nonlier i voberi-ofsl ~accidents of aydittifsctly scaASdeiue Iya nJGic.s Ail. assii.iruubei-eu pauu,'fnir aisaiasenb bottidy ni01i'vlubljrne.S.e a -n.jntlcvad n ilos sad tn tsnmtig ben auld ad ardd. h hirai il h ta inspire very serions nature. bM. Bichlsa, an Cîsnsnne tuais pghsvo ,l i lontuc.'ts 2 andl 8, flusi-ca ci'oi, for u-tirti - guimi betnt Oeay~ulht, siaet u$i00 aina1c' na publicltcconfidenceide inaloui sin rciniThou ai'nopur-mblàTai *Isibsagundoa aia geatCANDIArpoeud in one i o rioftpurh-buslo oper, vite smne litile diticulty aoi l'1tire Ilotel (le Viii-, iuuring rre-at lluutius.T &c., $40, Sylveuste-rMuîkey Coliss. t icla n1 nescued bi valid vifa (nomtaibe bousn dl-mLs utuirsTr :hpea s,- 01, i l-stibehureen ults2 anti.3, fi)2ridheit rueudsnecpd.So<btfeiapoeahv-eutaw PAT.gecerailers. Wbilîî - tg pe fise Comunue is iummineat. ný o tr;tnaliawa.tg$10lie(15) h mnha edaiAig l a'vde range ai' sbjectuil hin tise PblNewYor-k, Muay 2,-lei da con ,forilsi-.likug iicoin.,i;, ite 189 tsomaihsBldaiden lteroicedir.d oSofG'fta ( Brabsyv wi 9 Publ~~~ie g h nur eyocda ffav rcisi ,.St»%'omiidnoiou lm" id pu AsEtesv Ciaim mtbqctke, wvuatalla ituendeavour ta reprisent; t h<fo VrssxcodyCotistujuielts1ny3,tiardlnsoveno,. ortut - iar ugeî r hîlapa, u î avssusms mmanti' oneune c'a Va-uilet d2 catiltref polme2rrtionis u aud4tscof torhuueprtona tseteme alceinpnle gMsaauselac annaNdrYnlrbll Kpînisunacaidi AUiaExtensive gcneC:-A i-iau w 1 abc at ilCsugic.,il in c-oinOré,quoen.ea ofiia t 1t1a,1e8ereç iSs beiardeed mai-le on0he luh aihAnnl tie caolisaec' nona Ili sil poruion ai'n uiea&bet abpinseoir abpmiselirostionboeenreceiveti bore tiuiut'tle banricetitis coun., ils iross aI luit No. 4, lui- grai-u ib i irs campattionsails the obbery ~SecrCipr ituassdEgii tasrunib u tra L.is BronisibmOuini f u ait s -Meears. Sîracisse Brothers. Mr. Murphy, cariici]by assaulit rte 41cmt, Euurlandtronatira 3dicons,, loi- turnpikisg anti frmLtl ao eteGlt eotd Mr.Cocok ilaVoil andf'avoably kuoarn anti Mr. D ffleld, vnics weu-e bilît on tise Sttb Rcgiuueiuts taiiug a gIiai aid gauvelîuug, $600, Jon unliglt, coin, * on qaently iouusd ii au aufj-rcenu ponsd. ,Tl~waieWa i on ~readvra lOr la the daily pap;r,- ,ta biuiaccurreticua c -h- l c' iKnsatoti ~~man virs et clever as hoseuirasciusinili-peae abu ovo'lcka tnaynonsg tciho cevmpaper fiatereîty, asu d oatineroprool prnciple, ver.escis destrayed .; npictroue part ns aotion, and igo rond o as s.il, .,,0% Thebutuk appeans ta barve bersnly a 'visswathe prospectus ai' bis ev enter- alther igisi (abrie vere carried hy th isend bave bso arrpettesilayu iugetCin- h Bowen8and w2llambTalodcois., $40,nDauit icrnoretie aatus -idr mcd. ta icic a i a arir ?ts aneea'sy:- it i hortnoe, roported vadnsly ta bave pris promises, He bas car ardent Viite ta a distance of mtaeight or inle mlesbrickuil a formida ble lire f aiadictes ' western tawaiu-e toatricot tise Scatibaro' Got'ernor jastîy siiowedti h csec i i he isaom-aielins Whlcu' 1 lù.tmd llaas-ueverbl seconda ta tva àhiinu'cs.and botigeti oufences. mesi-Newmariset. xetigars heRs cIioitsts purîrcin 2,Jttafarci ieli ab risisc<nputcii vlub afranbisug vibratanySuiseit pieces pf > charroi shinglos vere ceairc ai the Plaee de la Cointonîle Be&r on Eixie'S ibi, tetircn lot,, 24 anti 25, i~ne cr~îy~ rit oaeenin niTml.- P Rnbn o i ompfounient ongileaesmlu ein lbacai- SToxs Lsuga trevret saut tise-sireeis ai' uhe lasnameti nicîas lire ai-mou 'iii, ssiti-ahiiulssant il doaa., $500, T.P. hute and Jusînes ter ltceti cai-ser aithîs manstrouPr aCsieCmtry ierPrs uii itasi.acuit :all, ftt ore orlebSinceraint. pi-lace, at o-ia i bqe m oeliglit fieldi pieces, anti inuruaialt toi-pc- c( cohist, oua ansie routibetirceis of iniqoiuy vas accardimgly brougist tae ie.i tl rv îhsmnmn tient b ut n angavle r eporued fr<nin my Mn. iai' ofNewcastîle, deportited a-onvisb tbe usinesai' Mesrs.ÙcMaîtersand duotsanti ather ouigines at ileïtri-letiùrs arc lots 8-Qsuutd 33. fil 8rticon., $200, r. P. aeanb atun ilsaily. ondy lt, ove' 1.00 yong aînal tier irolesale firmm, van picked monucip 'stcdirte neigh . %od W rtectiJme oCeghcais eand Ja-a--inaace Fle u Mulmitel---he-'eore--l-tqit 1 ')ri-LUsines ep-ttlfrontet'ate, atern heMie otestoNe-anti lest. Pilais rie L'Iiidu,;I-~o iksur- auud 2srd con , $200,ToreBisnniat'hoPeiiuaiteiii susitnuenhiciebas-a'tsegais-aUeNrbws. mai-Sot. The gonds*le tise Expressollce rouiuîd by tibe Gonivnucut roopa, andsi bsl leigist, c'îîa. ; 'an br-idige ou stb Association ai Pitadeipisia bas igmeeti ste liaaing boucs asdom'panieui by a noise ni- spricg deoaited in varions creelus aven vere ail hurnt, togetiser vins tise csa-box, ts otuit usd ae ercculler]cu.,alotN.11, fl, -repaira, $40, IVil-Rute miemhlicg thi seauti oi'rushie vaers or 100u000, anti bas an ibandi about- 200000 santaimimg a Cosnsidérable snmai' mocey. on (aor an unconujitianai awi-canr. A lisun Cuc1lloèhiasse. cao. an aide noailei in renicis -iere otftia heiltise nas AnvSaii a a eninrdîe b t) À af a <'igbtning expressm"traiehoMo-Vi. ..ia1-hehpei baMosreshi. iam ue xcrmetirbsi raIooviho psreyhanirb i-gucs chî'islts8tanhe3 in Eu$Is con., ,theitzenm rerreî tise tenas ai <Se iroaîyy i no in use, Landa niai-ketIsudutiseinniîiuuiConN., onio trear the earthqlske uns fallo id! by nosametis Wiltled a beling hantd (or thea iirougbsoai tise day luvas impossible ta A bloody iglit occuiedin lie st. Han c>iioliet the iititionera give 22 ]y occl dtda assi.sgtrsby tIse av oieevto i ie.vlat btaie 6rc lto hs Wobv r. rra,$9 sa ,r c t l s i ' t s s , i b alr . ' f i ; V c u s i l iç t s e b r g e d a m n t i e l a b o r n m s-ati , * , W i l l i a m n H - m a s J o i n u Hl i g b , o i n m i a s i o n , a n d t < S t t i e A - m u r m e u l a b t t a m t e t o s s a .o i ' - a e s t a a i u u caniolsa pilenaaimna, iba ibennianicier rie. fleiit, htiseuffered by tisfin , ortise a ai ii-ctret with tury. at vrandful cs at 'oo isocoe a li at. mrce omiuioer ueiacylnurtiocu000,00l ou Ii vtr iatts 'lug ta 80 tiegneas,. sud tiserisexiday Seing eim aonce50onanierous ia thea aboe.aireain. damage doue, buX ise latter in variausîs' op lis'a concesirietirfie Ironss, t e Windowsaopoit pen-smv sillifor alîcrnîg iiti'teseultement ai' tSe btu.aeizaîisnlama uousn yaiap 4 ai i~~~~~~~~~~~he Conciergeie. Ilan plnteti nuatianti lbuiing bridge, 100, John0 wieb are an mogul, a hame asue& irauti eauin ardmigimTeî I saaPhtcbe aritaad gnomy seiw tiore Vs u slipée Neiber M. Wilnioîlier the Gvernnt eatimeti t(ai 0oo a*,q,o, leven pec tcuno ntuec 'mii pqP eat erg lciugotu.cae rijets7sosnet teyaeuaeWsagtebv'unudasy aadhti(ni;veft > tf he sun. efli'ru lo, r#produce tisis imîportn article but-one uhicg hn certain,' 'ISai au nEsssanc aifibhe Aie de Triomph&, aultidt thedebu-j an aide mcd nanti'.oaiBaisatfor grevel protection t teapieti ciiizens auauie a'Ru'cafSfMuBuaikLuiseuei ti out l'iea Cltuedjussu a itnclauîiî-. i oat vii S c'aayeaet comspétent ta jutioe etimâates tise cfacaptureti bArnccks, anti iuonpleteiy l ,0, 'Gs(; . llickiuigluttun aud J. loeta ue compais ai $125,000. Tise 8wepi tire Carnup Ei>ecs 'ËEPI.rConsrn. ueie a ; aen btigo beuion ottse nut tts ecoaaevuueiTs saiuosopesdts'ble ie h itan eiu;m ne .bai-mttheimoee ntetlieentrklbsseseick, <ts are couuentncteti cbang RutecdcRivoliandîsi<, ori near ai Sîih con,,anti csîing ageinet ratiiyirsg tisetreaty, wib isi iiuoDsiinPnime ol1nsgv ast > oer e'îk tant oefireusbconsent La outissu paruquiai'iitise cin.e;y '0 iRse St. Atoine, aouid tihu itel d c diîsilli $80 Sinclair J. ijàtencond ulie tse ceebraed treaty aLierioli Elsewbere we rîvori ta theaesessitîes Tiser. If a henry fine, vo believe, not iems uearly ibe vsi i'l.bidig ecgVleatii >cc tle, bridge c in., sautli af Alionut. $10î0, luviolation aud perjui-y, atid vnich is lideaiga'ts lbr îgssfn'ie Mu'u-h 0 ofIbohi imes inaaguratiug the i'uturfnt <hn $20, if parties: are esugiu fiabicg in (rame, sud -tise resemi dry Ventiser rentier. son. Lenoir vas oittsu irii n , la- Moukliouse, cainl' onand odcniýaisspotr aeenlOlvo C anuuae rty .. od,alîiouegh yt neîek. Iym ad pot hntera ad .lo tie matoil oai vlsîstses' ers co- themi qissre f suehoeisosgl'utuporea a linesivanvrisumoler ? eaqfualn,'anicapeîer at otirsi vrosbleeenpnîvî e aeaaebte eevriufnts a ihhstrueteti inflammable ile iseSghest tiegree; cosînu-tmriaul, on a ~cisasgeofai rociols LrAnirir cjp atiGea P-muaiy cîsa net . ovahus Tulie eo, ay atbetircerw lot swarausbotter iaire oaa.,i*g0,fou the'amy. Tise bepuuIonAparîy tapesadndlaro-dHarrtstne, coin.eninmiser -vortishaiitire avnai.ip ousErnee ef thifaut, austiapommeses a Cnadisusinieuy eefaced. sd ths e sppy o air' irbig poc-, andtirte Commsune. Tien eatinmalsflise Ant youn caunitte ncoctsearitsaiOssoîtvtlspicpc is g h sar is 'e uiesna aainsafluî eme b ofSehenacteCaamotpobeiugssai' Cané gi-eotact poersi-,d.City fha cubninatiag. . rotiLake charge ot DYltî'shbill are tise ineaty. sspsnad ubriu ieU ani esre glatia i haotfe oeru. Oitunyail miitated greaîly In the ravoir of tise A negimerit of Olissccusg, inalashiog op andtilehi'gnrvel ta lie takeonilicre- The ------- uatopnia-Sot. coied l o'lacktn-iny,-ntie - rapti prgnea ai' Se coflagauiam TS".tise Baulevai-d L'Iuiiicei-îce,;:iiw called r]o-its) xcspt by hisainstr-uctiouna, anti thet Tiemaepnivcalboeri'ts Thannryleiei'omre wsn.- c Ensw regadt f. - teGoen atidcianity bs o teconflagrcion eBioulevardBi-une,' werc msine vl ti a tor- JciîsPar-ker- le aliavedte tapernartnanthracite régions bas rccenuly beeucu oni- bsltl se icreeit firp mect auîbontiîs are laiing iepa ta bave Danrit ai Jses haîrLÀsr.......Rav.sympsihy ï- svey frfefotarduuddprino ii;saut abro iern ltdu h oI m fteEi ala ibe Dsrinon l'isgaI Cnadaboutr Peuaci i utise I8 JHNPgTLiINs. 'À. among tise siîizens ai'Toronto vîtis tishde y ai f C rfeirou an heîiue rboci potionai bssttuolaolooaderssi 24ei ntieaond 2bi tseE-l rivaiat)vm.n'u one e apis asso?- c Yrk ay11- JthenianuDomiunionm;-atilat igsu u. rstyofontuCnanadacLte p-ri etren ot '4 nto2bii nccretceenpay u aronat, uzrus sucy.caimmpia. uatasLuzernfe recetitiinrcclio tse1 - kJu sît secmvltied.TS iilviu air. entlen, e evuitresptj!et, As nti its tain annivrs; endfa, gthonunere acy acti'Vnsiluusy oyaz iaththellii vaIn lui-t tie recoumnnie ol - $g letiaaeshenenrimaditioaly00 n o gntemndemistyrepeten fltbo tai n aid er wrSma Flsg y n rsudonurtit oud ulae rcs.ed f.heDeawre Lckwanaan Wst Iashrdoe ltuof-hFlgadiaone ai' the mont reapesteti gentlemis a tiondepainfui appréencsiin»anetatiseper- suortî-fai'lic e rgiuausi sjiuckctin1 iht[Lawronce Litîton licappoiniter!oe- f<eDlvr.LrkwnaaniWa. lst m ecia'hesîk.l nEttRvrtu-n- 1 Bcer oailiwumys fi ondasidivision No, 47, ci- Iaitroati compse3yï as Scranton, coatpretySmics u azb'lec uhi aa Fi,.- -isefig i' SeDmn o? nau.Fi oe qate Ia es r at, anti tbe%eu 'tisai n-o arse Vas burt Lonndon, May -22.-Alde adclidat: nta1 lt oejî.s-Iinuiy.I a 'Ibis in ver7 smiiu<r ta thé Jio nois cign Seahati bec a Miimîei-ofttise Episeopsal vas eulet wib machobtiiaioc by iauTsiteiolamion othevsiâting, lsa2ud, La w recîînon . ahienqthuiersiaati asse bthbe aut-'rue iaigetiao a i 2cu11di em lii ounr]Luir-nei-as.Yes<endaya fine in 'tise Laver Tomn, 'a'tlialtgnt e nobr a-bah mancn isuig e rosd flmg wli thsie Union JackS lit Chancislits ibis place. *ubich ,in bis dayLimumenaus '. ubo iranien ?' 'Pobair i - wisai aretawa -desTheVîlesavo Cobs-e.sliop.îe tierlhuissorner, n de mte thia is flg 'ait athe hva. nti tis ou.. and e Mtiiu y ie9-Op.n.train. eetbag Mnhnrtebangsunie Rpat-Mnontipmartre.cl'ny nfnenîel ie ate a aot ' Whni, ieexse-gnt bvobes x$4t a iSb@ s sun ltai udis prthearmétanfs&Y#ntieos discisange ai'tbisnisigiewtuies, p' a ns ots ae- la inid ci - o S. J. i-our, Ciairman. Ot$400, lasnnaiee $200. Ottausira bc, oveldo!ap atlhe Domininiono alu en t[heiniai'bide :s Thîe eustaholu hhhueteEsdeaiaouora .Brva avti lii tseRoeotirfe a,9nt-vii0c cu.lneaslaa asbeRmiports bni realuystaioig aou Cua, TheItsuren piactowtnthips#, atinepatOtu cota. sundfathee arcpn.riegrsp aiotieoal- gttînarerriti -he ieeheact doma.nCaias 'erna sutoia ail verr-e-aeab utiteni@,gstalarucopee tfor ciPariousisasbOnb tisedatols % ifa u r g iste rs b o i ng- àm a r- la a a S u c ' u ,th - e4t1seî , the rapi' 1 utiMen'v '19,Y faneV qui Davis, an5 a.ii'th Svitli aJ as witnese i gatisered unatil 'u A latters.c ohn Mur vire Jeti upas- Say& ttis pal 'ast veauit lu, id ene aie inisab or a pr ge ta past icolaurtf aseu, out av ili nat eut up ai , be buts 4, Jet Lb s jobs La -tes, taoor t ram feet hig] let nt 1 tf afoni the Tri )n ln the pi-e ofiriî souchis E abolit th, pie, on id reeci n4tive un"fn. b ertises in ib mem vting le castea uaist int eniy. lOve lugli thea Et 'anti Rot Rit, eatock sa ing la bo L e joui ai Lau, Lrd ta im iï -'begs Engirieer er Majlegi says, ti~ >. sulimer lie pu-ess Ad ai' goo s1 more e ?ip &ettliuu is caulti William uni af Lt] for A. D avn, felî Saurs ar *a insta.rI terail>' s a dauighi )ivérs ha, ressore b Wc.and Jaïnr il ictiîi o? ,k ibis mi eCpr w

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