Whitby Chronicle, 25 May 1871, p. 3

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I IL I. I Juin1 LI~yt.~~}..AS ~, ~ * If #cT~R O TII ~ A T CU4 a. sud TWl»:~Lr~LU~ ~W~WT4RM5TNOmIOUeEm...AIîO,~L,,,~ have Just receîvedan assortment of Obfldr~n~' Cabs d~'~8toc~ IVW e Cheapest and Bèst articlê f~.r4e th~ ~ Air, CguG>~ Il u.m.~ ~ Justopeued o~t Light Grey Ws4ei~ l'oç~Ê~1~n~tIe ~Ckt1~, Lig~t flue large. c~ii early at Cloth, Buff~ (re~1 ai~4 4.rev Qbra~Aîvtbq~nretvy MATCh & BROTi~'~ REAL'M~&L'fES Dîngo~e1 ~ llasL ~4rij~sd 4~tad~ Yù>~ PW..-Bv.Mr. sneu'~e ... -~-~ 0111>7 ~ a~ripsa~eioe,. _____________ Pnnta p £LA~CE4IOsJEfly Wialaby Narksgs. La05 hlendkercbicls. Orap~ Sets~Josephjne,, est~ Kid 'UlO,$~jOO,~~ ~ &cE Zadies' Sun Sîlk mbre adîeVitaoe ~ets t ièk Lace snd~ Hornton Direct froni. England.......16 ffOgsh~i38 0f Peint OhM, and a stock Ând & flomplete ~aùd$~'uI~ Stock of the Nei#est Vaiowwau Orna,, ~ ~, ~ Jouviuo boit Kid 4?Ioves 9OcLs. pei~ pair~ tadiesL,~ Glov 1!,rin~r~~J>I!îIS oigenlune Ite e~,e4vvI, White Lead, Colore, &c~, &c~, wholeseïe and re±aiî, et ,,~ tapie &nd Fan~y (%odi~ ~rlegWbeat..........1.80.0 ~î es Ladies' LaCQ sets, Lace (~oJ1are and SiSeves, ~ The new shaPe iD H~~çg & BROTl~~~8, and fleet S ,,~ *1.800*1 ~ Cotton ~kirts, French DresM Muolins, I3ustles s*nd Paniers, £ Peau................ '~" 52. 80 !> qnality. Wholasaîe and ~etaiJat tIi. "Not~d,' Cheap Houe'e of I g~- i;entlemens' Goode, the chea est house in town for Suite, H. & B. Have purchas~d 1.000' Kege af Cnt NaiI<best ~ IWILY C ROCERI E - ,.. . . . . . . .~@ 7o Linn~n Tee Conte, Alapaca Ruain65a Coate, arseiîîee Veste, Linnei and Paper Potutoes................~ r~pib; Collera and Ties. re'ceived Wbite Drees Sbirts, Regatta Shirts and Col- ___________________ i le wristbands. ~1ATCa. & I3ROTU~R'5, COMPLÈTE 1K EVERY DFJPARTMENT ~Iover~!o:d 14~5 ~ Jars ta match, Fancy Regatta Shii~e~for 75cts. wor'~ ~ ~, large Buildîn C a ' flatter..............., 15e. ~ ~s. Collera, J3racei<, in A. stock of i .s 0'T Souks, Ties, Sca~ ~'eIt Rats, Stra~ Mats, Panama kJaJ~r g .'rpenters .varmers #fL5O(g~ #T.5u Lhinen and Paper Shirt Fronts, ~ew Shap~ LinpnendJ~Iler Utensiis, Spades, Shovels, Hues, F'orks,&cq' cheapat Tools, ~ FIELD..ÀND GARDEN SNEDS,. .9~o. ~so. john $kinner's euorts to seli cneap for cash are resnlting JIATCII & BROT}IEWS. i6gu JO c.pordo~ 40o@Bo. ~ goode ked that Armstrong'a "Itou Puke," "Armstrong," &c., Âcu-ge g for the ________________ HA-RDWA.RE, 1~Â1NT5 OILS~ &c. an inureasing buainese. Ail unr an mer atpnioes wiJi pléase and a ~ t~' Also sole A eut Canada NEW ADVERTîsE~ jj~8 Oueds, et 'tork.>'u............................. r customere, The stock ia largo .and fm~ily assurtogd.' i~ay your Dry stock cf Tiaware, Milk Pane, Peu8, &c.,cheap et 'J ROYAL OANADIAN BANK. N S-K J N~N È 1~' Wanted a strong active to learn & EROTHERîS. Phosphate. Cheep Cash Dry Store. 'bôv the tinsmithing. RATOn .& BRÃ"TI~WR. DIVII»n<» NO. 9. NEW DVERTISEMEI~Ts GUEIaSII SEWING j~jACliINE Ç0. Whitby, May 10, ~871. Importera of hf~reiware, Pains, Ofle, &c. NotI.. ~aruiy ai van tliut a ,ityIçiqng~ ef L O S T. tIje Iiank for tii. ciii re!t hslf'yeaî!'hau tî,is d~ ~ ~ 1.~ w..k, 1130 beau cluolared, unît Ciat rI.m, ~a~,îu wflh t, In Whltby, ..a.j~j>.,j a Miak j R. PATUIIDAY,.tIe lrt duy of J lILY air . caver ratina uam~ to tue LII suue ut 1.11e liaiple eud Ils f~runc.le, ou sud ~" Colinrelie WJ wîii or undorîlgueci, wiii b. lmandsonuely :e~'erdJ. lStb te tua SQth Jîjua lieut. Whlth>'. ISuli M îy, 1571. Tha traaaf,,r hnoka wiII bè eloa<,4 fron, tha JohN IIAMEIt; - Tua Atîqual (*qnorî,I Meetinî of III,. f~t',ck.. j~1dors, for fI,. cIo~fiq~ ut DireegJi~ wfli t,. 24,716 ,Advertlaem.~;,i. (LIun'a Iii ~ KIN<J ~,, ~ ~ ~ ~ cx ta ~rjexr af 1<),., Clînticer>' OUM0NI>Ay, tIi. Srd ai JULIZ efuzct, eîm taire. ,,îîd L>egg eue. h6~mî, mn ait purtu. ~ ~ C a'elaak, nua,,. - rico 7~e. I'nrt O, î'abiiuhecl, licta 13>' order qi il,. 13 'ard. ~ ~ .~tiîre (lenrea P . ltowoii & a.. 41 NEW GOODs, NEWGOODS, TJlî,M~e MOCI!AKEN, Yoric. Eoy~I Canadien B&ik, O AT ____________ MCMILLAN & Cos. Trouto, Ms> ~7în, 1571. ECIiO~1lîFTYRS ~ FOR *3 ~ SALE. new acimflLl book' X~TALu.u3L1~ Itliuîitury ~ '8nîîual.îbcr, ta ~ arrivul cf thuir Spring aud Suaumer lui. u,,îî MCIN 'I lILY e~'a get.. - - OrnerifKeî,t snui <4oîîtrc, Siruote lii tId IiOflhitiliil ~<>~lU%, ,IflCI,, tig tIoir Ynsic 1cr J - TuE eubecna~ers 'beg to announce tii. lipi.ii WlîIch lli,îrl ' areeî~ci Ote b v WiII 6. liai,, 11,101 iwo cetita a RIng helf4au acre of T nil, altuatet on ~* ovrt W o PJ~îEi~' Mtli~lnAl. lowes~ portations, wblc large and h are unuaualiy TovuofWi,îtb,, ,ealosandIight~,ronte Folsipiot Dw<Jd,,g ~ ~ ~ Wc~i,.t.r.'rîoîn.u, été il' ~ LOCK-STITCII SFWV'ç~ MAC Iaa~0t~_fîrtiier psrtîeaaLaru upplyon ci, ' unes o prom- huai,, 01<1 epîarkii,îgr. M nu ie~ I Ilegaziî,o RIISEET SPENC~, niontu:nuipeci. ajîanid senI 3~Ct Tl,~ nde tiaronriiont Cu~aiia are nhW surapie ea~uv. I3~iia <lieue Maahuîî~.. Tbev hava ,een Or ta.,. W. A. LA~w' Simple eo~ia,, înaaied annuîe la b>' Thomin, tt'atad heyoî,d ail queuclan, meke~hc fii'rorito 'WJ1ltb,, l4ev îYtij, 1871. 541n.2î frea or pactiage ~ iii, 'e. Riniiel, î'eruîsy' Iock elitel, s1lice on hoti, eideu,.o,îJ eroî,ro flrcek.ut., ~ J MoMilian'u BuildI I hteh fluunlera for bck ~~ru for 85 conta. ~ri tîa~>opuI~; no:tica.-luuperiort,,uîîyoUe,. umaclîl,,. offored -. ,*~*I5i~lSW, *11- four tioîî, i'eauty sud excellence .~sauîi.çy, acrouîgua sud <bur9oiaî:y, A YRSIII'RE il El FER i. L. Add~eue, The Oabora 5ewng ilmocisîne bas ne SOU lJroadwsy if, Y. . rival. ____________________________ Tory ___________________________________ Aie, g~* Inuprovomente hava latel>' beau inede .AIdwell's finemat, recoivsd. FOR SALE. DI1(IT Â~ Q-jj'i n t~rna g~ E ensbTi~,a tue n.unîafaeturere ta dem, it us th~ ii1 >:~iuî ft NepLus OLTiA af Sowing Mîchinea lluî,dreiij Tii. uuiIeraI~ae,î Otfiîre for sale apure bred Ut.] ijj ~ Uii~~ 0f teatinao,,iuîu arc reaoived tram ~UM U AyraIire iueirer 5 ceira nid Piat witîî snok.. Id ai, waIl se houng ciel)>' ~* 1.1 f 'a ~ 1111 ~. tt~mîjaru e~'~o Tue t~uidhgere~j 'enîl faarclîar nOlcrsigi,,d hua îomovod lite ~ <la ail ItIII.IBOÇ tsmluul.uJ.u ~ ' YY - ~.VuL I~sJ btaaucd by 'pplyîag te tue 5OWllîj~, frona tige flueat oanbrio to Qwuer, AWD SHÃ"E STORE tue auanea~ avercoar or aipper leatiar. AGNES ta hie piainlue., eîîioining C21 Dci nalîmu>', tlie Western Bote). OmIAEAETEEti TO Bs AS naPaEsraeva~ os NO ~ "' pr~iîraci ~ fixîtelord:,..., rc~0~ SALE, WAEimANT~ 10E vasa, xx~ume. Àulîl,~,..., t, ()UIIT 0F IWYISIONI Oujîsaîci. Depairia~g cianoas colnpreiieaided. la aald ai oamo-hati JJ'~il~ /ie Open~ on and ajteîe .~)l'I(~~ 0F ~riviu Vu~., simd celeet atock Tii. (isborn Ontflt con,~ lut', sud reudil>' F0 R T ~ . asual. .lîi:iaerto elîarged for machinas doing n Jiko .IQ~E l'il A. BANDELL. teruîa,îed to pLi-e it witlia, ~i, Peina do- Wliltl,>' Muy 8,1871. fumniiy lu Lima enîllîtry - c rouen 0f evory LAU TOWNeUIP 0F WHITBY A TLUL SEFOitE PUIiOHAeE will eCaarinee aIl * ~-----: o -.---.............., TUST RItOEIVED . thntourma,.ȍgj~ oie unequalleci. wiIl on hie business The balance 0f ui>~ Spnng ImportatIons The Guelph Reversible - liii ~ET?~S~ 1a1~ es aucceas. WjII do ail varietîoe of dauleatia R vrn~~a Rtju~ie~ I Jam Johnston1 on fY. ~ Pa r. ~ ~ iun~~r miii. Jas. Lu D a~ alune affereci tIi, pahIia~Ia,5~. - M. - i~î,e, vîti, f,îIt ont St, $12 treadlo ~UBLIoNOTI(~ O 10,000 ~ ~ dc~~~' o gUanan~a,î. *~ III fl noce grand>' 'iednced. - Towîîaîîip of thedourgo~ R eviulo~ for Colonne, lnom mOn~ Apply to- TH E I 0-t h INSTANT, During the building of the New Premise4 aenareuvgîvauthit - ar' New Goodg in Gem Rings, Brace- ~ tue firat ~î i. ~ rs. GTifLl'n, fIA ADA. the WIItIv, wiîî Iîoi' la 5. ROLL. A blîs TOWN~Mîp BAL Ll1roèt~~i~nu~încon, lu NEW STYLES up Lewle Alun, Agent lor Whitby; R. & jj BORDERINGS, . 0'Hara, for Bowuisaîvii'e. Levis Qniok, fo? ut lie lion,. et -Ten a'eioci. *~ ~ 5Xt~ let~, &c., &c..., at very low prices.' Cierk of 111e Court of Itoviston. INDOw :PAPERs-, North & Santia Outarlo.' a c Ma>' Sud, ion. ~ ~ May Sch, IVith choice assortilient of Whitby, April 12, 1871. R. T. DAitDtSoN, W î5nî~ 12m-lg M T Tho ~ bloodStaîîion Whltby, lOti, Af a>', 1871. Fanai]>' Ding Store; J. Brookilo, 4in..~ 'JAMES H. GERRIE, T us ~ ELF-ADJUSTING R OLLER ~ 15 £& Tii. nndarat~net bas nov .nannaietured md - T] CN1Nac'~ Je tcfAIvi DUNDAS S~ft, WBî'~y aew.Adjusung Land R0llers. ST ERN I-IOtiJsE, reaci>' far~uaie;a4eW 0f Polîlot'., ~ Ch ~ Mu R>ENEb'U~urv - ONABLE GUOJ)S, .,~ ~ ~ ~ c;,1.1e. WIii atsnd for Mores et the Wiiîîby LIier>' oua, for tue ni-ci rOfl~0~v~ed~Totagli; Lot No. Si, Bru rouf, Prie. ~QS. ~ ~ nndersi2<~0~j vonici Tha>' ciaube seen aI ~weo.i~ bluakemiîh Wr Tri beau ~wî?5~eju~he 8t, lu to L~~0 51~o~, Dancing St., Wiiithv; or -ut lais fsrm Bai Stabies. tua Seauoa tIc atanda 15 banda ~ W înau anci ~accariianaeLtion Theae Land PoIlera are, vitliont bar cf quora, anil C~guru. b cf the kinci ever i~. a h;~i,. ulsa l'are itha' 'hîl I rotait. hiiçie cf su Luger Selon, b unev tIi grounci - bout etsllaona 0f iii, eiuue lu the Daininiî~i uwWane, ceuse ~ veuteci l~ nioccer uw en e coiar <kirk ebaac~iat le on, ah ~ "The Cro 0f Canada ~- Wnlz's oontra<l~t Pi ch, TO IVJ5IICII TUEy or down dnie, ail will be Tht M5,....;10 minute,,- auci plaeed amI-s 'vuggon. Fariner, btareîi,,,,ît frein a dlstuaaoe WiIl b. provided JOS EPIL A. JIANDELI.. ~ ~ the>' are uoeonatniiated Tue deîats at Clie rîak oftie00~ ternu. ch. w ak cou b teken With Posture et T0~<~'>~~11Ia raies. Ail soal- Bourdais taken by e oh anoderate that tho MoIter ~ to pie lies Whîtb.v, Me>' 1871. . 'N DAY.) y >~ 5, 1871. Rouer Tonici esco Gea Ina few LIUUIEu1uw"'.w JO Job, L ONDOII ASSTJItANOE COILPOILATION The undarsig~f~8 on haud,~at Th.>~i~oUo~i»i are ta~en froîn numerone NVITE AN INSPECTION R . & Â . b 15 L UMBER lteprIceinoueu~,,.,îî JAMEs 5~ORxy. TY~ teatlmnoulaîs i RuTA8U.snai~ BT DOTAL CiiAs~5~ ~7~9* N B A R A 5 jj Jj 13 R K, uneven anrfaoeu, le le uuperio~. téanyîluing ve j - Juana tii iu,,m,.4ost~~ 17a ~ui. Stg. A iar~e quantit>' 0f Luanuer, lvhieii ~. - eVsreov~f<Sk~.>.d> E. A. DieJîi.edaon, John Plut! AND LIPs, . ivitiA I-)'s M t1'L , Roîlerin nue. AsaLaud Rafler ibreven or M a'r JR'71 "w, bave sien your self.5îIj~ecing Luud iL s~,. ornas - Ste - Cunorea.' tii, Danlol Ouinî,ron, Jamnea -, 'itii, C A S E S O F 4L -- . "Ieuoa~der It tugI bave uerior 20 II7~6D AGENr, MON'r AL....DOMEO n. ever yet seau. (S E'I@d> M. C.arruthersn AD~TII? rplgim UAD1TPOCY 2~0.58 St. PaancuuaXîvîarStrî.t AT ?EX "As (YY a Daller ta aimytia J for aven JOhN. ~ i or tineven - W hItl, ..'., 187t, ail kinda 55Wii ou tbq ~ (Signeci) ouachga LOW EST MARZ<ET grouiM, we roeoiamouci.it bayonci *Oyth.iig j .t1.IkL~L IUP%..J. - Y. IlàvSîh 19 ~ BiiVnmu aborteat tOeL...e ....-. . . . R. 1r~ lui 5' la t! la 1~. n 'c N UT, s - NSO 'S Broolîn Jou 7th, 170. BBrookmun O 4 '8oe Store, 'lH E F U NTlA IN iber hia, -ll Ifd SJ3hIIad Paros ailo li IO ae sort. O9 Ring ~5re Eae TR saî< fo. wîi •uaeta i e. ,, - --- - subecril DUS.

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