Whitby Chronicle, 25 May 1871, p. 4

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41 L ýÉ3Te i 'tion uoeqairestetttompar- kitire noosiry t e ele it lo a liqt111J tatêloc auqejirlnir s i iiJ(h4eTtempecraure 1bfletjon,, the jourarex z~ad% opfl the h.,in ta ljered, it ln unliosril.t so oithtl.twill Ouilon au oolds ibift wlthout this rosanit, us it is te nhin- J U .L Ehl011witl witr- . 0 étck'e ilill hilu- Irg i rlflt1r15 en ie Feyth nmutýt ix r af lffYSo- Shadej ,lî'uivt tbot ' ng Brackete prelue h te orefluied 8tpormnor puesOlive. it iruJA frecfrin the teciî Urged agahîsgt gail allier 01,lima t It do,.s rot gâîtrn or (re z,. New W'hitby, Jan, 12, 1870.- sma lb.e blie Are avare thet iaey wortltle*o tlilngu are peiffdl luto nntoriety, in order ta Y oqrmalveuosgalosîîîate prtt t ul'scrt? jH l'G ÀAP, i tate t ie off the »Jetinaoff.el of 011 refinories* B sboinir kliticil witlît iok'X extra Macilae W0 0J eprepo,$e t toae wIto Pre ltteroatedirts- lth rttof thowe sttantt.te 1sendti D.0 à thein,o I&e spiolu, It>'mail or 1"OlierÀais.,i freu, eiohirres lu auy wîy, aLiA '~îeoIhWRER11 TUE that lt-mie> spetik for lt>olf. And villii »ltaý Rond rîsia It a Iowtsimlplaetesta, as effective Ms»" .D thtioete tab>'whtola golitin ta kuwt, #rrnntheta F1 maer oaie, îAli vwhioh ah iall ale Parties o r-10FO seiigoieture theiuselvea agniimt inol. Fixmt-Clasi eu.vO OGRAP :S ! lia,,i. y entbiltiie thein to detori,,. a t onie - u o okAlwdt ov h whoshlr t he 011 ferwareied la at good am Nthiîgt go ckalwdt ev dsalnglitMacineOuawil-do reous. Ail kinids indAMail szes frein awim In achne 011%willdo 8h. analil oclet piture tegrHie voelt te cornmoiîlcate wth bilt, und finlibiîed In GIu. B. ST0CIK, trongha:aai, ont. <orbointitis lukt, Sole Agent for thie Dominion Sr l iét sraugbmint, arela 15, 1870. colora. lar. Willson li tovry 8secesaful In taking T Ed~TIMON IA L. (llldron's portraits. Tus Jc4u uî HALL MaciNa Woaxa, I M r selul ratet ta clergy'men.()Id Par- trUité lii.tly oopisd. .Boc, Ohawa, April 4, 1870, We shahIlho omont h4ppy t80 native visita At G. . lcs AQBaiWUOTIAX, - aay tîmo, (aveu, il ,on do net vant pîctureai.) DYAn Snt,-We Iave as we flater oursel vosthe viuIt viii Wei rcpay be usîng your Lnhricatitng t )i fer the paut yen for lte trouble. tour motito, aUd eau ta4ay wthont Ihexitatli i.l WILLSON. tuaI it o-lu.'tebeat ouvo irve everued It la NOV. lot, 1870. 44 ie oheep, ati leste l<tinr titan an> otier 0oh.------ W* have run our larue 14 fet l roni pleine r, triYTle,~ I day. aith euo iltig. itkeons the toolaA IJ.i eleanduj iluilt. Wp do flot vent aîything ei ON B USINSS botter As a lubrientor, g * 1 amn, vours trnly, sy. W. (ILEN, Presîdeiii. 1869. 16 TOW~'~ ituer lut TONOR COiIJTY, AT BEAe'JNABLE IIATE8. t-7»Arrauemntts-for sales cati ha nice situier et the Cariu»aîeLX Oice, or et Man>ov Oliolrock stroee, W lhiby. L. FAIR InA.N KS Iart, WIia.t ..i..j aa, osezzi - TME ROBSON HoUJSE, S DUNDAS STREEI', WJîJTIIy c.w GEORIGERO LON, Proprleor, HE g~seberîber Ibegata annon nec tilat lié T nuos Iar th le building rfortierî> ciovi ascirter's Motel,à wiliclî lias buti tenttvat.. edret¶ariauied ,tted It atltronghîouîit, ir tte bstof Style. The rreru ,es tre 1) eaetui:ly JO ~I N O iRT E Rd.ýojap6fte thltl'est Office. asud ln tIi LIE SDAUCTIONEER. Thi. wa 4nxl t lI the Tote,and ttc stages for lxhridge auied Botvertoli lkart coriTisorthe daar ever> oaorniig. Bonarei SIperdu y. GEORGE ROBSON. ONTARIO, YORK & PEEL. Q CarfulHfottîlvash ttoar ur unsDENE-LQt 8, BIh Cou, y vaSS hlarkbam.-ut-Oiit ce0-Unieevîîîe. ONT'ARIO O1E0' SALES atlcuiuied on irtle slortst notice, une ?L1 Von raisonniale termes. Tenus Kcenoiste motdoe n. i (laie C. Davcs'sâ.) blils pritted attlie Clarasuise ofiefor Mr Carter. ir WHITI3YON'.'ARIO A.- ALEXANDER - - Praprictar. ~ ~ r T11 Israhcrbr dsiroto raturn thaunlse.a Tua 'tw iia Aoawo ,0 uW pei-4 go ~L le filtee i (cii hrie ver>' libérsaltîtron- au u» uinG itaialttt. mue nitioi. t t aiae,ihe r 'atwt i i ie wlilîtproptielortet the ipetdnemeaitauezual eîeî Globe Iîtcl, ;Îl.ouklll,,, atd ut tiresauine tiens «ýh'r'W etue rto udiu. y#nu irtîs n erlî taka ac toi t iattce tîzat hte luiasleasar)d T, , i 'éts , ,, rms etd1ht1the aboie e ai inwaî liotel. Large iadditionsa a 15bt lîea-.e titi,'t 1totu iu Ici nee i ade to thé îrùtîasi esecesr- bugcite j fi. Ftlatitasîviates uui irte rdru etîl rdtt. tetoluunodiftioii ittiti ta tChîituttu1.tîîtts,9 tic eîîrceiig tluIt n îter nisictlurooma 1fil ~~îk 1Lairuruof r the at rifle b y oet- tl v tie tacfinore ttoitltriîery. A fir-t- attal u~w ~ ~ ~ hansddtiildrî 'irlonr ît tlîrie tîl)emsebitsalgo thi b lMieds, lotisltîa e uat iea tise tie»nntie. 'MAl enahlizgtireonodermigused ta Ad UAIKrt--~ vent, ii ari' 1- fer thflm ldFrietîdmi înd lite publie goto- aof'rett,îî,Ici-israt tirrvqs- tielttageu al-pueeti h> no utle otl1 tenAvleré ilect' &e, 'ltu'tIeil In telilac iJew ilial] citnte&slbe haappy te. &va., tanîrsstztîceil Ilituîilelo, hie;, f ricitti. <tîctr, a,.ici11011i hmaii ii imple uaeauxtu lty e 29,1858 nai s.Ill. ilM00 frite taeIll* fel- a i>, t 6*45..Iy r tatfrnr.Alis J. Il. TITigo 76 Naeser i., New Yurkc. S 0_110 UN N DERlTA KE R, Dendas tec, - Wlitby, Ont. Tb# oei.brat.d p.rfectd Speouselei sud Bye eSa§s.a, wancfaeluc.d by> LazAîtun & Moaasand (or wvhb ave Ibeo si. geoy,-are galuhug golden,- opinions (rom Su Iii... 'ho have lnod thoau. If 70evauütý t. proservo >'aer sigbît tosatreme n1d cge, us no otdaellera.1 * - JAS. I. GEREIE, AGSYT. À czoihie.leu flo, rarthliaT.d antd ocft Thultdrslgned tics aoceeisî nomIeO Us. Womers.,ltaut te abtie t ii- ateti on Lot Na. 22, lu tiîo M.t1, COcesio of tihs Towushîp of Uxbrldge, are slow ho .PULL WORKING -ORDIER, Anci 'ed Or ettlnir Lmbesr ln an>' qnsn(lty te ..t cuttonrers, gaid itb ponctuaîity auti deapitci. Lumber cut (rom 20 ta 30 feet 1l n gth. JOIIN WEIR. Septeaîhe29, 570.41 ]Produce and CDnB o DUYD4$ 8' R, WRB r, (1 doorZast etrtth. Boboon ansse.> Bos to Infothern Ipublie th)at b, tai aOn. Statî> aon ula siuperior qualit>' of FlOuFt. Ont aud Corna ealg Cackd plhfe a..Qrhamta.w.. . 1 Mlecters, Pocket Lanterns,ý rick Trays, &c. i1, QERRIE, o aiyYrgSoe z" c p APEIL AGIG Tho underisigneed hega sta infonni the pnblie tliet ho Ias on hend tAie largoât -andi bout, stock of Paper Hanginga, la town, 81Iloft he ' lich lie offers for sale, Voy lov, for cm,, 7Wr PaIetaug, VCrainiug, Glazln, sund Paper Higlnîg, execueol !il a werk mangliko unti eXpuditiona mianne?, as usuel. A. C. WILSON, Dnudas Street, wli, yb Whitby, April 21, 1870. 1- T H C 1ýA HUTS TO0N zasumi or KARtRIAGE LICEyrgàL? Street, threcdoura r.rth ofTown hell. Jan. 17,1870o.8 . 3MANUIACTURED11 AT THE Agrieultural Worke. LBEFFEL9'g CELEDUATED Donble TUBINE WA.TER WIIE EL. su oaEonotuW=ELzow vit s le wibeul4 tare nov, manntaetnring INtLiChaper titanlQU othar slîop 1r, the cane- :ry.anid vo ili gilve agaanovt iz 1tice] wetsrattitîg"themn te bc as veil matie, nil to pflm spgotilsatlateetlou as au>' menu- flictîired ini the I.)pmînholi - Puartiesa tesiring firrîher informnationenauho- tali It b>' addresing PAXTON, TATE & C0., -warc7. Ite, 111. oy.st., Port Per.>, ont. W UITBY plANO FACTORY JOSEPH RAINER .113 IR 1ETO0R1. The- srbscriber,, in rotrng h% galu cens thanks to the many friend& anti enatonuers et theIi, by PIANO) MANJFAGTRY »9s te létatO that b. ov0wcarrnes on theébhasnt. sas% salel>' Upon bis ov;îacuant; and ini50- alitirg tàtileorderi bo bogs te assure theui taIt iathing viii hé loft inudons an hl» Part ta gir. settefigtton, iu .uppl> io*k 8IusBlauaisgw il bl QTJALITY, AND LICLIIoItSO VCrockery,_'Glasswr, e,»o Tri cons nnc ff à cO tm1ed changein my business, 1 I yloffer, iunt1il the FIRST DiYOl? FEBRUÂRY 18172hewholo et.n'y Stock atm reduction 0ft frprn Ioto* 2ý5per cot. Casjh perathmsers e -n savo <elly . etso veydlar, bY baYling Lthir goods now (roin mie, at the Ofcqe Store, within tI'. abovo tunte. In oftering iny Stock at the roduio->n. named, parties mnay rest aaaured that it la flot for the pur à ofa cleariug ont an old stock of, rim4cu, bnt siMPlv to redace the <presetý stock on band b4 the f rat of Jenesary next, booroe ntkiing the chiangea I conteniplats, and with the view ta thé betterlirrangenent of iny basa,,e.. eii'aira. k'urchasers off Gods, fo cash, wyul find that oVery. article wiii b. redncoed as abave attflt ; qominettchig next Mestnrday llorning, ant] contillnine until thle fir*t of Februery. Thé,e entire attise prees.t stock wii I even ho dis;poaedi ai nt a sacàr ,illée, Mo as toeîetJe rme te carry ontL the ohject t have lu vie* of coutcntrating n:ly ansineàs, and doing busIness fl future on tihe PURELY CAHPRIN41PLE~ The only one I findt the b beat, safeat and cheapést to ail partiesq, in the end. The' ierms af this-notice wilI b. carricd out ta the letter. 1 have-been enabled to purchase, ait great advantage, the Iollowing, so much, 00, as taý Iz 10 .at, ( e xc îa L aye r L O.idui e t ew . loo. p ear- b V harr l Va. p ear l ., o r Or lb .* 50 FlerrOIS nId Currenlts, (»ouîîd sud gondc, Sbc, per l b.;, 500 bexoa b' e)Fia oox ail ki es bOf N t s and ot ier Fr it aý cq uaîly ow p rice ; il,]its. ng r $ . Fiq, 250. p r li8.-I lîtvesàu aud new po.chases of ie vor>' beet Fil,!' iuetludin 100 barrais White Herrit(Faîl cath0).bt irrols Tront ; 50 berrela Labredor if rriuga ; 50 liaf barrais Lebradâor H e r ng s; , ad lis eccived dai y . SALT.-Engliah,,'coarso aud fine, ln bag, for dair>' purposes and fanerera noral use ; Qed. E~ DON'T LOSE THIS CHANCE. .. TEEMS (in accordane with tho above niotice of redectien of price,) of uourso will he alrictly cuit. THOKAS LAWLIR, Tho Cheqne~ Store. Brook St. NEFjWT CLOTI-IS,-NEW TWEEDS, 0 NE W IATS-j NE TPRNTL , M 1NEW DLRESS GOOD89, -s ' .}Veu, Illtite-and'Grc1 Cttns CIothiiiig Made to Order in -the latest st yles. FAiMIIL Y G R O E Mrch, 22iffl, 1871. Wine#c$irit Merchant, BOOTSAND SIOES! NO@.li ON THiE CORNER Jl.ohf n Nau n de rs, Ilaving the vanta of bis nnmeroua custo[ners in view, -takes this oc.HA$RE caioion to announce that ho -bas juet -roceived a large andHA8REM0VED welI assorted stock~ of Groccries for the ltolidayu, viz: NEW CURRANTS,0 RAISINS, SPIOES, TÈAS & COFFEES, FOIfI L LC FBSNS OTEPEIE PREBIl OYSTERS, LOBSTERS,' SAlIDURS, FINNAN IfADDIES, -OPPOSITE R. & J. CAMPBELjL'S ISTO E SMOKED AND DRIED FiSH. RE I*'The bcat brandsao Wines, Brandieb, Gins and Whiskies, co~ntantly an hand. B ]rock Stree, wbere bc wiI1 be gfladti o recelvo a visdt. front hua JUST RECEIVED, & FRESH-CONSIGNiMENT OP PUREni u'tnrïi. 1le bege o inforn is urnerous pat-m rons, and the publie genorally, that, Loehas CÂNAIDIAN GRAPE WINEO A LARGE AND COMLET SOICK P.. RANCS, WholsalonndRetal G Oer0f Boots and Shoes of evcry deScription; for LadIcios' Gents" and Childreu's wear, and sîtiterd ho qll kinds ol 01weather. Thick heaviy Boots, suited for the înîîdy atu'eets, Liglut, neat aîtd easy fitting Bnotq suited for T o as u e isl S o dry siuwlk and for Spring tand suininer .wear. Ail of,- Removing Ioluis presont. pi-omises has enableidl ht to make Tory large ad. 3MANUFACTUREIS OF iin to bs stoek, ta whieu, and a liet af is"prics, ho invites the %attention ofcustoînors. Eà 120 9 L» Aarch 28, 1871. 1.3 XX CrE-AM A L E PÂ-LE ALE AND PORTER. ir Br iintrewery, I oronto, ont As the proprietor attends personally to the l3rewing, a regular Paitiea desirous of hariing.Aies of siper ior quaiityuand Porter eqcial ta any mportet, arca resp)etcfuiiy soliietho send their orders for a quuntity large or mail, aud hry fur theuiseives. With theanid of aur increused -facilities, we are enabled ta produce an arti. le (ail tho year round) secsacd ta none in the Dominion. N. B-Onders left with Mrfi. JAS. H. SAIIO, ta tbe'Furniture Wareîraoms, ýrock Street,- Whitby wiil receive pompt attention. TE E.OLD STAND! The un LhertO ezte .*asy- t'lu, [EST'ABLISHE.D. 1833.1 dersigned in retuI'ning thanks for the liberalpF enodtct the aidmetablishment, for oeariy a periot off fanty yen ha. 0basnowonbaud a Jargq asssarîment cf th. Moast Imodern X =# patronage earu, desi res andi elegant -W. Promi Cailian 1if*Iarini el qualit>' ai thle tuti, prvedt f u eaatlve P*Osmiis, lse Pc,- 21001 theo vent.s ot lof' public patronagi wI CCHÂRCE N. ]l.-COVéretj andi ladies. Proutp tt) ail orders. W hithy, Âprl 8, TEETUI - ]3Y Ti NITRoIJs 0111 OR 1 -DUNDAS i t att &J JL JLU .A. .Â..i-4AILUX<L.LL1 ----------.--- tO8oLEOUt TO Lý MANUFACTURED- By 1X id offore for isale or ti In!ge, situateà cn Ring su I. rapber'. residence, an( - R U b y 1 h a î i ra s C r o w t h r , , B t Ou N P ? 1O-,aere:fisad. Tru't -WIITBY, OINTAIR[o. - W E EFY C O PET T ~Wilithy, Nav, l, 1870 - -oc COMMERCLI Sixteen yeara pnîctical exprience in the Manufacture of Reapers and Mowens, satia s O1a-. fies ni that the taahinaton Self -Raking Reaper" tevcr fe ic avane ogTay"ahe Machinîe madti t tle present day. W aeji intraduced it iuta Canada, anti man-. Uptibgobucibereg, ufacîtsra alimifeti number the piest eeaeoai, antiJas Yet aie tho only manufacturera. Trien s ant heput Thbis seasan aur Machines viii cmbrace suèh small ipvm ensrisyers xpnin e dmetpomsetsionoOf lIre ln the manufacturé has auggeilcd. . . ably known lhotel, vi Strang>' and dutr'abiy bult. Tho best niaterial uset in its' construction_ Its ma- once for tfi'a roceptionl of clrinery the mnt cotupact anti durable. Tho Icestjiable ta got out- cf order, The vteiîigpublic. conraiittiaîncf vend andi ira n uthe finger lar, inekea it the toit perfect af Onger bars, ýj' Seat accommodai The scat of the driver, lacatee outzide of 1tho triving-mwhocl, s" balances atMeiee ]en, iquorýan in4egs the fiîîger bar, thatit la, leas liaale ta îeg Ci break then that of anyother machin. -wiy thl ardsnimC Our SeIf.J{ake la the t ost perfect over in.vented, anti consisite otfive Rakea revolving .x aracinti an axis close toit-he di iving-wheel,-sa placeti as te b.e etirely uoder th. counrol WIhtbv, jlin..iU, 1968, af theo driver Wîthotitstopping tho teani. 1h enta anti delivees tangleti crinlect, or Jotigeti grain repitily and in gooti shape. A S R N ' civts a six fret swath, vill aus, uttle draft as s light four feet Mower, and no aIde draft R T ON ' whatever. Lt entes eau>'y, vith-a commo e»tarh, trani dftoen ta twýenty acres per day, _ (L1a4. Plgtu anti has cnt one hunedt anti forhy acres ici soven ticys. Lt la anmnufacluret on Reaping oniy, becautte 1h bas been demanatrateti that a seps-. UXB RIl rate Reeper and Moyen viii st ta eut. mare grass anti grain, titan two Cambineti Ma-E. MTo ,- chines, anti osts buch'less ici the eggrcgate. Besities, a separate Machine is less'com. plicatid thran a combineti ane; lecas ijable toget out at arder, and is la says ready for HTJI E SR'RIBEEtlai wark vithout the trouble anti dolay off changing from one ta the ather. . .pletely renovated, lieg This Reaper bas beep lun succesful aperetian oniy Ove years, but its mny superlor oted f lisseo8ld a points of excellen 'ce hîave won -for ft turing that time a muilittideaotfrienda, and a co-barthlepnbhbtdhe bflou eition nover balayre attainatti ly an>' harveuter in sa short a tiîuè, For the arst tva or Aiog, &c. - three yeers 18 vas conparatively 11111e knovir; but durnog.the, piat tvo sUaao0s.rt va. - B. .riteiy ititroduceti thrôughout lthe principal vhýleat..groving sctiona othe-lad,_ad____________26,869 gBarnet a Papular.4y unprc de1nteti-in the hiamtm.v of.« iu...... Us-in, ni lbrdoJn.5îa eau at"dipister for sale, 1 1 1! ý W-bitbYAPr!4\12,1871. IAMILT( ýl

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