s *~ UPLBhNT ' f~;i~;~T.;~::. * ~ ~ ~ ~ 't ___ ; ~ ~O8U1NGiU~uION. * ~ lie thoigh~ ~ vol;. ' ~ ~ duili lied. dncatî~~ repoit~~ Tii Council wwt loto ~ oommiu~tj~,~00 ~ OoiniciIop~<j at 10.40. ~ ~ ~ Mie Goyenw~.us PSId4~ ~o~gîi C8TIî.d.~. OnIy~' Mè.r,. Wbit., ~ WiJila t 8EOOND DÂY. ~ bu. MoDecmo~ la ~hê ohafr~ - ~ ~ ~ i' Mv k hi, u.aî Ibis mczn '~'~"~~ ~ ieIiday tripen~ ep~t~ amoeded ~oeordhigIy.~. ~ MOENINU BElgiopr. I OOXMITTEE ~'airbas~k~ too ON EDUOÀTjON ~ ing. * Tod& and&igîtdj.~~~~ Report wau f . poe dsyfç,r pooko~one ~ ~ Oouo@iI adjournd.' Counoil recnnxed ai i i a. rn., tha War- ~ ~ COmmj~~C lied ~ ~ Prcini JQbII 8eath ~,, OO>UZTINZU4TIONI. ~' 8uiitI, usid tbat~ no tnp would don jo tho obair. ~ * OtiOOî of Momu, 8uhlivau; ~all.~d, Mo. for iho pocicion o ~ perdey, aid tii. VOl4otOOf .bo~1d uuuely MO~f1N~flSu~ON. ~3OMMUNIOATION8. Brien, l~1iIter und WîIh~, for th, ~ ~ ' ~ vork oo tii. fahn for lus *1~ià ioe dollar FOURTH DAY. From Rer. A. Currie, Brook * p r~~i~g ID'peoîorîhip of echools, sud a~.e gr.g~~j * Prom j. & ~. C4mb.~,and J RU aeIyea fow.u.. Wb~a iii. o~.iny wae o QOUDOil mot at11.~. ÂbueDt~ Meurs. to be oppoioted ounîy Seho<,1 ~~~arni~er. bd ~ geotleme~~ of~e~ high eê D~iag ~he Ooçzno jJ shonld r border, tbou~ w. WMO .~flougb. to O'Dnovaa sud MoPhe.~ Froîn G. Y. S i~b, to 'orne effeot. tain ment# pplioa~g,~ liens. to)ja~y ~ bave tbej rM1710e5. ~ ~ ~ ~ Prom Thos. Kirkland, M. A., to sarne ~ ~nd. h ap~ears £btat.~ ILere are abont ed uPo~i t!I~ir vehiolee. ~ , Mr. IIowIa~d wondered t~at~ lir. Gor- Tii. Warden read ibm re~or& of W. effet. public ~cbooIa in Lb. eoun~y a Frorn James MoBrien, 10 bo Bppoiated rçoo that ouiy ~kae inspeo>toi~d Lie7 PETZTIONB. ~ . don phould oppose ove~ytbigg for tlie vol- BOUltOfl, eDI2flibP1onerofN,~OW, Bridge. From iii. Oc. Treamurer, sending in bis *rd. Tii. oerîiboat.,~5~d t~aîi Truste fie hbouglit t~t tbo ilr.ill wae Itstatod a new guard bad boom ereoted, Sobool lospector. 3 i 'i b. a~ ~ Prom the Port P.rry High Sobool ae hard s~d~y'~ work as ~ man oould per. sud cîrtain. repaiTe bad been macle, of a, lDking that lb. Townsbîp e 0f fora, aod that U~deeer red aIl wepre. wbieb Lb. ~hare of thé eoat to thé Oounîy report, Auditors report on Non resident rnpsnying .11 thé DPPlieations moulais Itoanh sud &ngog 6e soc~ spart au their posed b give. ~ ~ ~ ~ of Outarlo is 8207. Land Fund, &~. bigb ns b r~nder5îdi~,0îî~<> diiorj * LTI~h S ohooldiag,.j0j~ Mr. Gibba said rnmn of tb~ Wenwero The Wardén~s~cl that t - between thea, but it bad beoa oousidered ~ ~ BY-LAWa. getring frorn 8LbO to S Balance o~ baud lat prudeot b lirnit Lb. ~ ~f ~ 1fr. Whit. introduecl a by.I.w to~ eon. borne. ~ per day $ Sirnooe bad tabou no aeîio ~ TREASURER'5 REPORT the oornmittee to tbos~genjje~~0 wbo were lira by]aw 304 ot Pickering. Referred 3fr. MoMillan suworte Oaptain 2May. Jonuary..88,620.34 had 10 Rosa sud rge omwILîee sud justified bis sellin in daoea~<. ~ ~ Lb. "Kariow~ reapeoîing Rçcoived aine..7,873.72 ~ of wbo morion, d tIe rnoUe~i, , s Bridge by - know ledge, and tbey roeornmeod tbq Dame Bi~keIi 5 flp. VOt.lng for thia Prom 1fr. Weld relative b Eormer.' 81U,494,06 ofJss. MeBri~n b. ioserced lu ~Le byl:mw Point tiVo nuditore b audit Lb. aooounîs don grant. The Velunteers bad bard work Payaient. afuce lit Jan..15,966.28 4tb. Tbey defer thereoommen.J~îion o~ ~ ch. adminibt*aîioD 0f juatice. ~ 10 do in the drill, sud wero Iosiug s large By Mr. Wiliis. Prom ifre. Gilmour, . ~ geurleme~ for ih. position of C~ur~y Ex. Cour.o,1 went huo commitre. there3n. sum in Wages b~going (o Ibo front. of Easî Wbiîby, asking that ber deaf énd B~luoce,..8527.78 Buiiper to ~ second re eoom MT. Wbfto asked for information conceru. Committe. ar~oo 51 12, l~3btd~:~ht~ mai b. sent b Ibe mati- port, but îhey r £atimatesfor (ke flar. ft3end Ibat four examinera besidos che 1D~ the ms'îer, as hé wss flot preseat Aw't for offleers' salarica, &o., 820,979.50 (/Ounty InsPeocor beappolnted. wben lb. ~ppointments hsd been mode b.. APTUNOON 8Esaio~~, To nxeeî whioh are- le. cIls1, on bond.27.78 TROMP8ON, . fore, and did not uuderstand tue Iaw gov. Council rea~med in commiîtee on thé À*sesément. , Referred b oommiuee on Finauce and From Goverumeot, fur erning tbem. reportgranîi,~.aid t, volunteerw Tii. oommittee on Eduostion broughî C'kairm<j3~. Mr. Biokoîl eXplsioed that lb. sîstute Mr. liai"bt thoughc the volunreers stood ~ their second report. cniujinsl justice.82,000.00 Mn. Wbiîe osked t~ have tii. lesti provides ubat tWo onditona b. Oppointed in tii. posi~jn of men wbo bad agreed to sECOND REPORT OP CORMITTES 02< EDtT- Liocnses and Fines,;. 600.~o * monislp of applicauts for Couucy Sohool annnaîîy It sbould bave been doue at do Certain ~'ork for a cens in amoun: of Non~1tes..t LoLd Puud, 450.00 Inaitectonsbip ned. thé Jonunn>~ se~aion, but d, money, and lie believed Lb. psy thcy ~yc ______ tjjte Mn B it Dos negîccre CÂTION. sud Iberefore muai b. don. now* was sumcic*,t. They had not to buy clorbes Tii. amounte ______ to b. rsieed by ______ thé counîy 5777 Mn. Ttompsoo said hbat would . iekle moved ru jugent the nam to erpenies. Tbey bsd no for eduestional punposea are as follows: ,. $3 until to-morno, moroing tiU7 Mn Gibbs said if tue pracîie w, of J. 11. Penry in the brai blsnk. stotute h~ to sanction their 5cr. borne Brook. e non mené .~ut Leaving ta b. povided for,.;. 817,401.72 be ~ thé Couneit would nover get of Mn White xnoved ro juRent thé naine narepayeni did not believe in wsr sud iL ~ Mars sud Rama.............306 ETITIONB. tlrrougb. Tii. 5PPOiutmeuî 0f a c J. *8. M. Wiieo~. Mr. BiekIVs mo. was no~ i'ighî to tex them for tus pun- Sépsnsîe Sebol do........... By N. D~îe., asJng ton thé oppoint... mittée was to avoid Ibis. . Lion WOU csrniod. Yeos 16~ nais 3: iose. lie tbonght tint thé offleena ought Pickening. nient ofj. MeBnien se Oounry Inapector. Mn, Gsllo~07 snck~fn. MeMillan ogr Mn Biekeil moved thst\ thé Dame of not to ~eî thé four dollai's aI ail éventa ~~seh. By Mn. Thompson, sundry poilions, #ith Mn. Gibbs, sud said Mn. Wbite T. 11. MeMilînu b. inaerted in second Mn. bleMil;an explained that thé of- Scott.................. ~îakiug for tire Oppoisîtîneut of W. III. Bal- ought to bave exsmined thé pspens. blank Thorsh 211 ficers oaght get thé nloney, for thoagh Seu~og...................34 8 lard as Inspeeton. Mn. 'Vhiîe, secondd by >In. ~ Mn White moved ta Insent nome their puy was ughen tuein expensca was By 3fr. WslIs, fnnm John Smith, El- moved that thé commîttée risc, suds8 ke~ iIf~ ib w a G bs. also mueh greater Uxbnidge don, aakrng compensation for bas through leave 10 ait Ogain. Lost....yes5 Gur ~Vjl n. Biekell's motios w,~ carnied unani Mr. Wbite did oot tbiuk any m4iber ~Vbitby Esat............ NOTIcE ~ MOTto~q~ . lis, ~Vhjte, Huighc, Holuuan, und Tlxo mousiy. of the council eould advanee a single argu. Wbicby Wesî............ con Inuet' aon,-6 ; noya, aIl thé reat-14. mp Council resamed sud by isw vas passed. ment in favor ot tb. grant. But h. did Mn. Whire, ofs By.Iaw b conflnm I3y~ Oti thé 3rd clause, 31r. Gardon mnoy Mn Wiilts sutrodueed a by-iaw ta con. ne: ltnow an instance in which nuonéy wss laW 304 ofPiekening. Mn. ]3iekéll, By.. Ihat thé namé of Jss. 3lcBnien b. stru firm b,-ls~ 391 of thé township of Whit. grauted to rolunteens upon reason. Peopl~ To wbich five per cent boa ususlîy been ekb Réf 34(j . uceounts of udministrs~ion of Justice...... Mn. Gibbs objccred that this was :d. 7iIfn. Tod d ta Road sud Bridge (Jom. scted lu thia malter from sentin~ent. But added (o caver defieieziciea. luw b appoint two a uditors for qui Ont, and that of Mn. Ballard be intnadueed n by-lsw b eau- this s'as like che volvurcer sy srem, whjch Thé faiiowing gentlemen havé *4,626 Mn. Wîîîis, te confirm By.l0~ No. 391 Ppr e. n to Road sud Uxbnîdge. Refcrréd ho vansidcned sbsurdiry. Three aunts f thé P~siîian 0f County Examiner ruember mig~t ,firm by.law 370 ai' cf the Township of Whiîby. Mn. Tadd gir. norj~e that if thé nauje recommênd Bridgé Commutée. afîhe monéy spént on thé voiun~rs was Rév. A. tJnrnie, M. A., Rev. A. MeLon. applied 10 confinm By liaw No. 375 of Uzbnidge. by thé cowmittee fail mo~éd ~, reseind ~ mii bit e valunteens Mr. Gardon moved ta introducé a by..lsw move anoîhen name. carry, hé wiIl On, seeonded by Mn. Ilaiman, rhnown sway. Morethan haif th n, 13. A., Mn. G. Y. Smiîh Mn. T. éd 31r Gond gat marc than they wonld gel at home inkland, Mn. John Thompso~, B. A., ta fepeal by Jour No. 207, wiiich oasIs off Mn. Golloway sgroed wiîh Mn. Gibb trou Oit by.law 207 paased at last session. Theré s'as a'good deal ofoonse lu what bncI Mn. J. Seaîh, B. A. A certibeaîe ai' thé omné af' thé Scugog Bridge from thé that thé voté ahould be taken on thé nu Mn. Whit~ abjeeted b thé use of the been said, tlaî il s'as a bolid sy tnp for (Juunty. réconunjended. . B~I tuontha hoist. J thcxi. They had valonreered n ~ Th D., bas also been héfore th8 comwiîîee. D Illifleatian ai' Rer. R. H. Thonutan' Mn. Gibbs asked for. thé ruling cf thé Mn. Whité objcetécl, sud ssid Mn. Go Mn. Gardon thoughu te Isuguage s'as tosenvé for thé fif'ty cents pen ay, sud éY rccommend lank, ta Wenden. The by.lsw 1usd reoeived the don's course wss thé propen one. that adopîed by cusîam. ~uîd expeet no mono. They wene no~ lion but wiIl b ~ * names for tb. tiasi- six manîbi hoist 1051 Jsn'uary. Mn. Gibbs shoréd that bis course wa Mn. GalIow5~ objeégéd that this motio.~ fonced loto thé service. Borne companies hé cd b, commiîtee of thé wiiale. ring a by.lsw in b . Mn. Gardon thoughî that motion ougbî thé oné pursued in thé élection aI îh W58 thé ssm ht ui~ yester- had ~'oné ta piecea, sud tus ~ a good ~hé pétition af thé l>anî Penny Sehool e as that btong ta Iuterfén~ with Ibis session, as éaeh ses Wsrden sud other afficér sian oughî b originaLe work fonitseîj objection ta Mi,. Garda:; but hé bad n day, sud was not therofare in onder. ~ argument againat thé sysîem. Was i~ wis. Trustées, to ereet Bosch sud Scuoog juta The Wardéu ruled it wss un arden. ,. dom fan this caunéil ta uphoîd a systenu a district, hes been befone thé oorXuiuee Mn. Whiîe ssid thé six nuontha motion course that would léad ta a décision. thoughî tho motion couIl that wss notten ? Tus vote would hé a~ ~ud the eammiuéé feél dispased ta bring on any r Mn. Gibbs until resciuded bld intérferé ta prévént Mn. Gardon's motion wss thon put aud not be eonsideréd now, aIthau~h hé ré. a prceedent, sud valuntéers in future tvauîd ID a by.Iaw ta camp thé motion fnom beiug bnoughî up this bat-yens 10, noya 11. gnétbéd it, as hé wanîéd thé question ta éxpeet a similar grant. Thé only ~ tifi y i Oe~'t lb' session. Mn. Gardon then moved that thé nana camé béfore thé Counen. , îhought in laver of bbc motion s'as that thé ut ~ thé set is ro~ scflieieutîy uuderatooj Reeves af thèse Ibis req Uiuuieijlalitiesdesire ~ .Thé Worden ruléd thet tho motion was 0~ John Millér b. inserî,d Înstead 0f Mn Thé motion was thén pu~ auJ bat- mén had valunîeered whéu thein services bhéy neeauîméud the divisions of the coun out of order. MeBnién. ~ Loat-yéaa 7, usys 13. yens S, usys 18. wére nequiréil, and wrre gcîîing out ès fsht ty be pOatpouéd. Mn. Gardon objéeîéd ogainsî thé ruling Thé motion ta adopî thé original clause ~ ~ Gardon movéd ta recousidénthe as tbey cauld. He beiievéd thé bé.t way Théy néeomruénd that thé sum of 82.ooo cf thé Wsndén. W55 carrîed......>eaa, Gibbs, Shier, Smirh, ' Mn. Uibbs rcad thé mie of ordor, sud Biekeil, Bates, Todd, MoRaeWaîî. Row. yesterda>. motion on thé ruling of theW'srdéo ptsaed fan thé eounîry would ho ro také thé mou. bé rsised h'n fligh Sohool purpases by the thoughc shat thé aix montha bojat was land, GalIoway, MeMillan sud Miller-12' Mn. White objeeted that no nati~é had J ~ thé Volunteers and gel u stand. eouuty. meréîy ta lhrow thé question aven from usys, Guy, Wili~5 Gond Whîbé Haîbht~~ been given. break out we ahould fiud many af aur vol. army. Asit now s'as, if' s wsr should ~' ~ THOMPSON Mn. Gardon asked la havé it sîa*d as s unteers whjezj we had traiued in aur eue. Council uveut into comunitrée thérean. oDe Session, sud tha: Mn. Uondon's motion Ilolinsu, Thomps~~u and~ notice of uuîe'a nanka. It was eousidéred a IVIité moved to bîniké anc thé i Ck<iirm~u. ,was lu order. Mr. Gibbs objectcd ta thé fonrn of thé Mn. Gibbs sskéd Mn. Wh Mn. Gordon offered 10 witbdrsw bis mo. lait clause, sud, aflér a discussion, it was dnstv bis objection. alry ta spésk apcak ugainat valunteér s'aide " néeamweud thatno action b. tal<~~ lion, but Mn. Gallouvay objeoîed. Sméndéd. Mn. Whiîe sgneed b do so, but Mn. alita, md wé acted froni sentiment und 10 dividé thé Couuty inta Hig~ Scijool Thé Wsrdcu laid that hé wauld rather Couneil nesuméd. Sexton nefuséd ta allow him soLo do. Thé do ubc but money by goin~z ta thé camp, have the point decidsd by the Counoil. Mn. ~~'hiîé moved, secaudécl by Mn. Gar. motion was aîîowed ta stand us a notice. but othéna were uuuaking :îîoncy by it It oppoaed Mn. Whiîe, thé motion waa bat. This s'as ual night. Sonie na districts." Afier a amuil discussion, in Mn. Gardon stlacked Mn. Whiîe fan at. don, thal îb. report be Dot reeéived, but Mn. MeMillan brougïut inîhe report ai' had béeti eouîpbined too, bhiat lb Yeas Whire ; noya, ail thé nest. tempting ta biirke thé bih by înjing 10 ~ réfernéd haékwlîh instruotiaus ta sîniké the spécial Committée On-g~su bing nid ta. granted in thé puat liud not t~oneintath~ Conuicit neeuuaed, iudopted thé report. influence thé membens pnîvatély an othen ouI thé name of' James MéBnién sud bu- wards dnili shéd in Tlîonah sud La valun.. mén's poekets, but soniehnw bai beén ré- sud adjounned uic twclvé. ~ w;, rêvent thé bilI beiug diaéuased. sent that of Mr. Bollard. hile defended himaelt',and oharged MeRs., Wihhis Gond Yeaa-Waîis, béera. Guy, Sextan, tainéd hy thé o~eers. Me inbeuded ta APTEIINOON éEssî~y~ Mn. Ijordon witii inlnoducing thé bibi ThanipsouWîîjté Holiu~n Thé final dansé necvmmendéd ébat ~ morion. Oauneiî ncsamcd ut tva o'eloek. wilhout final giviug any Tesson fan sa do- esys 11. Motion bat. ~ 21,10; $200 begranîéd baThonah for a dnill shed. Mn. Gallavay did uer wondén Ihat volun Mn. MoMillun brou~ht in thé répo af' ing, sud hé ~ thé factions menuben. Mn. White, aéeondéd by 3fr. Gardon, The second, that thé mm of 84 hé puid ber campénies diabanded n'hen aueb men as tho commicrée ou Pninîîng. éseh mon nov senviug i. annual dnihi aI 3léssrs G'ordon sud White bunued thé cald Thé report nceomuendéd thé plymént Mn. GaIloway abjeoîed La hhediscussion, movcd ra-inscrî thé nom. of John Millen. Niagana. shonîdénan thétu. Why, these luen wéré ai' certain aCeouuîb ta bbc amaunt of 838. muid thé oui>, quésî son, Wiiité Willis, Haighî, Mn Whité p3séd thé adapt thé aI t hé uty ta kéép thèse us pc. lb, Wardcn's déérsion éould bé dééisivé. Guy,'Gordotk.qj ; goya,' aIl tii. ncsl-13. clause. H. sat~l Thc~ah miçrh~ê havé thé tîemeî sat'eîy at home. Théné s'as uaL a Mn. MoRne braughî in a by.baw ta con. front doing d Thé Wandn put thé question ~i shah I Mn. Whîtc mavcd ta insént thé name Pichrenisg dnihi shed ilbhey liked. Volun. mou thut hé ssw in thé nsnks ta whom b. bru by hans 23, 24, 25 sud 26 of Mur,,. thé chair bé susîained ésa, 10 ; of Mn. Wilhis. Losî-7e5, 7, usys 12. téers aughut ta have sufficient sramîn~, La we~aJd not psy 75 cents pér day and their Referncd ta Road sud Bridgé Commiti'~îe uays,6. Thé report wos then odopîed on thé dnihi in thé open air. Thuéré s'as plenny rxîlon~, but it is aîabed jr, this Mn. Gordon wiîbdnéw bis notices néls- motion of Mn. Gibbs. f room in thé opes air with thé héavéns j~j e pen day s'as énouah f'on thém. E a Schaoh tive ta 1h19 appoinîmént of Counîy Ius~peo. Mn. movéd thai or a sud lu bhéy iisd thé Mot' s'as put~and cannied. Yéué. xaminers tors sud Examinera: MeMilhsn, sud thé. moyen, ~ a spécial lakés lu s'intér. Mén lu thé *auupani0 houka, Gibus, Thonupson, Suer Smith, On motion ta go mb commitrée Mn. Mn. MeDérmoît inbrodueed a by.lsw ta committée ta canarder thé question of wene chunging sud even campanies were Biekeil; Guy, lVilhjs McRaé, Wu'illa, Me- White, seeondecl by Mn. Guy, unovéd thèt éouflrm by'law No. 30 af Rama. Read granîing aid ta thé tos'usbip cf Thonsh co utînuahly gaing Lu pièces. Dernu s seéond tlm~ sud referrcd la Road snd for thé érection af s dnihi shéd lu or néon Mn. Gordon would support thé matian ~ Rowjaud, Gallawsy sud 3léMfî- thé mime of W. [J. Bollard hé iuserted Beaventon, sud granîing marne rémunén- Mn. Gahbawoy ssked Mn.,Whité uu.-14. Noya, lVtulîé, Gardon, tiolman, instead of' Jumes Mel3nîén. Mesna Gsi. Bridge Commutée. luntéérs nos' ou point a cénaus commissionen for thé vil. front. Mn. Séxton inbroduced o by.lss' ta ap. #taqu ta thé vo duîyaî thé s motion ta give thé Pipjt6ning dnihl shéd, ' nesuméd. odd.-6. hos'ay sud Gibhs objéeted ta Ibis nmend- tamaké Hsigh which be maya lu a nujoucé, ~o Thon ah meni au ual heing lu ondér. I'bé Wordéu hugéu of Port Penny sud Bonelis. Mn. Gordon gave noîle. of.moîion b sud grant s su~ 0f8200 for ils n Wahlu, aecondéd by Mn. MoDe,.- drés' it.' t, Bates ard T Thé motion s'as smeud.d ai thé sng. ncaéind thé motion psssed aI liai i.usm~, Mn. Holmas thou~hî thé monéy s'auld mati thé motion ta odopt.~. sa ruled und Mn. Whiîe Oecondiugly s'ibh. geution îJf 3h'. Whuîé, sud wss psssed. giving thé six moulus hoist ta Lb. by.law bé bettér sp,îtifpuî on rosdasod bridges. struok uuaved that 8200 lu finat élans. be Cauneil s'eut into eommibrb~é thienean. Counéil sdjonrued ta four p. w. Inéseinding by.law 2n7. ~ Va#~nnièd ont sud 825 hé itlsérted ina~ad. Thé légal mm of 85 perachool s'as e:annicd i. . , - Mn. W~ll~g explined uhat hua urus the but uuendîuenîa~ by Mn. Gahlaway uud AT J R. Il. JAMESON'S AT £. g. aa~ IJNDERTAK , À5 >1 CIIISIIOLM'S Dundas t~treot, ~ - Whltby, Ont. J~l7N1CRÂLe FLTLLY ~Ll'PLIED. F0' SALIt UN i~sr,- ' QIBSO' BLOOK, éOmmédîon. Rosa,, ban __ !ft~r. Stable, Orehar.t DA~... -- d"snd aoft N ~T1~~ les' Clovén Tfxnea'b~ and Euh 1? IL E M O VAL. mucb SUpénbor to any othon ber. trOdnce& . ~-~: o ;-~~ A 2iEW azr~ COltPLrps ILLtn CATALOuGE o, ALL 017E MAC! ~ lames JohnstO~, Watchanaker wiIl carry on his businesuin sari>' diaurîbutîon, "es ta 511 ~P ~béingub1tsb~.J~~ wIlh hé n Ail êuvNsohg,,~,,0 war Mr. Jas. Byrne's Drug Store, ~ ~ .atisiisou.n~ During the building of th~ New ?remisqg, n-n. ~ w-. . ' SUd BDlit~bef~ma..ausuw u r-: ~eapoj 4 la r w, con J tin .~Ifle On saud3 ses and ci~ ge bren~a~~ sl;ock~o s. 1W3 copliog; le ~tIgq Iso,~i1i~ CUttiflg 4 goôd fi outhue héatcast funnhahed Tablé grain, ~ ~ hngTab~~ The J Mos'er. Ualsed Witli M~ . j. Iii lois Tcuam. hmpxav,. lng thé. e Ariuu Dress 1~ as Rak~u s Léser Thé eut. Machi under AISO a f idhng hi. GENERÂL tited as ta D~nd1o . hie and ompacé o Mschln, i. Dnivlug . 1,aoe as'en n ésse sud e Grain ~1 o ailé of il t. Luxa S y Gear.. ai, tbere. ~ UflhIOro~ll . ioda lesu - . auud, aad thé Grain à tnang sud èds'ith L~j rALI. * umbezed nbe o~. . Théy! * tberwlso, naught ha aI' thé pane k dth&Ma.. nced bliat A. did fr055' neek ~Wing. Ail Sème béautiùd ~ né they an, avé 'been y u'endew. Mu. LAMBE çd strong' théy nus' afl'én md j COilutnnetéd A splendid assoî i. above FI4ESIf FA!i ho I O~Auuen ~ lie maclaI. We make s-No Ou,, né a lange t:~" Agente fa: hum shze Ion r a Mas'en Oshawa~ ~e é;ceptlon chines *are ____________ un No. 2 ~ebofoné un- '~ 'n thejur. Im"'E j machin,, suait dt. lu Mardi Iuteudtng ny oppar.. * ~ s ; sud s', adamo, W lomhl hé - luis 10 thé Agents. Unto thé public Is'< iiold ghvlug If théy would boit had an op b'onboataandahaéu achînes, a, Thén lot thénu eau IOrpasued b> i cOuttuent. :'~fy s'élI'stocked aLan an MachInes APtendancé courte r, lmpravsd You'Il tlnd mk gooda mootii sud No bétter can you du, , Hcsp.n. .lOkMSOflSa .YOhsi*om'o SE Beape, Apnil 19, 1871. G nu. ~ PABA. DRE8S GOODS, chîber ty, Dm31 brade s hér, ver>' toforé I~ t~'The Cheapesi ITEATE» REAL MA bINES sady for And a Ct, pihéants. ait rauut~ 'Suulty I pugi. I *wlug RAND RALLy ~LE Sîm u~ IrOOTS ÂNW SHOES, ju~t kit othing Dèpar.tnje~~ i~ v 8~8' and hoys' Clothing to auiL the' IakrngarniTaiIor~iig one to order. k uli Stock of Ne~v Teas,- Sugars, aiid GROCERIES LOWES & POWELI~, SPECIAL. Y GOODS, DREss GOons. TWEEDS, HO3ifly, PARASOLS, ARE NOIV EXB[BITjD IN GREAT YARIE1~y ÂT ~ A. SMITH'S. lave impartad thia seosan, besidès large quanîiîiea of . Fancy Dry C~ods,. tlssOrtment of ENGLISII & GERMAN CARPETS.' désigna lu FLOOR.& HALL CLOTHS. BRTJSSELS and.' . TAPES'rRY, ~nd ail WooI Canpsîing. RT stili Ovenaeea thé Tailoriug, and to iutéuding puno1~aaéra alcéménts and advsotages second ta noue lu thé Dominuon. rtmsnt af BOOTS sud SHOES nos' opened. [ILY GROCERIES cousîantîy on hand. ny cali sohouîéd. .4~ r thé Farmér's Osbonnne *R. & A. SMITH. ' Séwiug Machine. _ June, 5th 1871. ' 23 ATHER LUNES <s ~ 0f Boots T kéép s b éavy stock Ând ladies s'hen you otaqse Day, ~ sud , their moue7 psy, 3o ta nie. s ha on Bnack streét- oua, kind, Ypun prêtty punses to nr.hack, Can boy thé tiSsteat show,. indeed s méat K>' léather polished, fine srud good My pnicés bs' beside ~ At anc. wi1l suIt s dsuhiug groom Dnd. - To Formera, sud b lsngé If tbey'lh lake s tes' îu;nd smo1l~ Anound ihe loir,,, sud on me cal! They'li buydrom.... I WILLIAM BURNS, .tSoot k Shoe Store, Brock etréet. Whrtai&m "uauung onde.