Whitby Chronicle, 6 Jul 1871, p. 2

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e we, the ondersi n el i eb, ers er sonia Ontario, our friends at a dis. Odd Felloro, 1st ; Time 1 92 E Bi n Ist prize Mary evidences'of a T a o o .* wo. The States reportin Ador{w e in no b nen g e pledge ourselves to vote for him, and to in th ' dy rest assured, irill scarcely fall prise, 3rd., Time, 2.J2 y - Weasel was 1st form-1st prize dzo Thwaite, bankin 'inst tot•ranks with our lead:'ig Maryland two ar .Deleeare two i omlast Tunday eau af. She b,,, 87,000. Thi year's c r use our best endeavors to seenre his - e:r oly a secon'd time. disabled, and" wah Dreadnou f History-2nd form,-1st prize, William ente-edg :ons and appears to have area Mich' an six irgína foor ; Ohio visiting some friends previous tà the sad be aboat 130,000 hog triomphant feturn as representative for com letel BA was Huston, Spd Fred. Kent. on a career of -prosperity and M. : 'g ; Wisconsin six ; occurrence, and appeared quite and more than a a this ihding in the Dominion Parlia- Tas Pro no a Derras' Cassa.-The I i y out of the race. There- was a 1st form-1st priie M o Thwaite. "hsefeiness. For this the shareholders and M ta two; Illinois three; Iowa eigby in the, beist of spir:tst 'Strange to say, on goo averag e ment." Pio nie, in äid of the fa da arge conoonrse of interested spectators W'riting-2nd' form, at prize John i e public are indebted to the directors our i Kansas nine ; Nebraska her way home she Ment about 60 yards as on mata As will be perceind, the above is not Catholie Choreb, at Dnains' Cree e rou d thpier. The schooner Bdle went K owl ng d Hattie Ha oth i aban most vigila r eMd charg of Cal fo a no princ a w at g a a e nd hat and errt them on t the have aan t in ellig in the form of a regaisition to Mr. Brown, took place at eordon's grove, on Wedne, e course and had a large crowd Hu ton and E. Ardagh, e al. who has faithfully and 'abi rote Craken, State indicates a poor y¡eid of'wheat, an bank, and apparently waded out beyond Tösas is ther.objective po ter beme a eendidate for Booth Ontario. day last, was a very great snecess. The favoboard. The wind was light and . Johns on, eqÃ-amma Higgins and Delena interests of the proprietors, and a d am t f them give promisp of a prödoet ity r a e n d e local gines. The Apaches an d It is a pledge by the signers to vote for, day was delightfully Sne, and no less than who ••, and the performance on the 1st form-1,st prize Pred. Smith. the oonadence of the publie> MWegraph. Pacident to make good the lose open the shallow for some distance ouriver s uite left the:r reservations an and return him 'nolens solens. , Mr. twelve hundred people were on the ha d 16 excellent. The Judges were Dictation-2nd ferm, 1st Hattie Ham Esa or el ewher if and the tridang rednetion bour passing perceived the hat and aboe 'the Tezan•frontier e Brown's reinetance : i • a n - Messrs. G. Soothwell Blanshard 1st form--1st Frei. Smith a Savios IxosNDMay. mg no disasters are encountered and concluding that the young lad was Ee Sherman, who is o age a enter parlia- ome pleasufe grounds. Rev. Father Newton * * , and Composition-1st½rize ith Ardagh the wrotebes whom well merited death hereafter, the erop should fully equal that bathing paid no further-attention. as acM in the matter riik ntary hfe was well.kuown- to the sem Hayden was everywhere, and' doing his Ts • Pubha reading 1't Edit rdagh • must gause universal satisfaction. may be of last year. • turning the same route about' ari hour or naar ordering forward :-o , bers of the convention. They also knew atmost to promote the e - s Lacaossa Matou-best 3 in 5, Recitat:on-1st prty Wm. Nuston. 'eekoded the Citoyen Ng Ã¥ - "'--'0+--- more after, the article of -apparel èere savage bands, that an unqualided refusal would be the nomerous ' visitors,--amonn ymen of a tween the Whitby Club and Captain DENn T. sCo -.4 s of the avage this monster Ame ad es e anro mprovemen in in e e hipsrormp ly :n ti ( .lics of the old parit a 70sD i of any application to the gentleman 'rere pleased to note, many of his person- .h n ians, was commenced Agnes Mill, 3rd Geo. oss. ' be accomplished Thisons plan could country. The -Pebrians are re orted e for her in the surrounding woods. The ger :n the United States . himælf, if solicited to allow his name to al friends of the diffe d ortly after two o'cloeir, on the Agricul. 2nd class-1st Jo H. Wulis, 2nd Isa. other than to d , a plan war .no have díseovered excellent coal a llowing day the body was- recovered Hampsh:re legislatan. th ' be placed in nomination. of Protestants. Amos mentseo kitions gal grounds, in the presence of an im. be la C ul ard, 8rdahensnB irst arrondiseme n por na their eastern frontier. Härointiminecon graph ot'a y ung an e ad n e ineli For these reasons, the nousual course racing, dancing, sein s. cro d • mese cetteourse of spectators. Mr Maggie Ross, 3rd Chirles Stegoug i, 2nd he went about the stræt with uplifted salue in Bolaria and :n Guatemala, San 18 enveloped in tnystery. Mr. Chrries' Where then is thecount o has been taken of ensoring the fortainty splendid aire played by Win or Qu m eson i Whitby Club, faced. with ph n Ho n u ian Allin'and Ste. ne, hp b og and rih I bound accom. dissatisear is a p a t orde ly, but eing d a edeor nor o I t r tae a re el cousins; the glori r. rown's retorn, before he himself drille Band, adde-I zest to the scene and - r i • Indians, and got 2nd division, 1st class-Ist' Marshall muise. It was he wh g i em like a may be precipitated at any day cited than the above. The young lady should be officially communicated wie.. the aansements were les : 'th , away eleverly with the ball, in exactly Lawrie, 2nd Mary Wicks,) ard John library of the Louvre to thet fire to the As was to -h • was very preponsessing and attractive in i This time, the Reformers ofSonth Ontario until sundown. Prizes to a conside gor eight minutes the Indians succeeded in "MPcDn th An 10 Wilson,5th Archi- et*•. He was going to inci s Tichborne case ha got ato e tithe per a acqu n swas much be- TRAVELLeas intend placing Mr. Brown's enarn beyond amount were awarded by the ge, I p ing the ball through the goal, thus 2nd class-lat Alex. Wilaan, 2nd Al - an:ons to destrey the shops of the books. Opinion is about equally diided 02,74· T• Mway, lea the possibility of failure. Until it ¡s as- men, wito, in resentin h . gent e- scoring the first game. Costord, 4d Geo, Clark, 4th Lilly 81, biosodre, when he was seized by some of in England a to whether the claimant 8 AedEr scuoxs a "aance.-Paris, July Go:xa Eur-E:rpres..'l-M a.m a i nothere is-nded open stron and p ree a a sappe re trds o kind te nu es, he so k befromia es for A e e ' h ups , d m ir 4 e ao 17 eg e he b og e far n e a he ni fr t f a e c "i - nnited effort will be made to retrieve the more valued than the pr:ses themselves ei b C • game, Jameson facing again Good Conduct - W:llian Luko and terpria. A queer little incident attend- reade, It is said that an enormous book votes, ti e Imperial ts 000 and aman hary n.mtirne. past. The Reformers of South Ontario The rotal receipts, we understa d • : aptain Bill, and getting away the • Lo.wes. : g his death acts almost as a satire upon has already been made ia London, depen. lioyalists 19,000. Gen. aidherber and nra herose at he Whi:Nosto -very keenly feel the hnniliation of Mr, onnted so the handsome som of $354 ;m- ball, and after a sbort, but ezeiting con. 'Rickie, E th a o F orene e p icy of he a sches hwhose cause he dent apon the rtsuit of the trial. e et i n ti p licans. have been ooms : e-o a Brows's defeat in 'Gy ; -they h'ave ever out of which, of course all tb at a ree minntes, Bla:r succeeded in Burnham, Mary Cormack, Janet Aloir publican's breakfa t is austere re. . ogs in Illino:s are stated to be suffer- by a two-thirds vote. Tli ent u Nord, e n i crediedeil.h'oÊaî;' felt it since -as a burning shame. At had to be afd, E ,- e expenas putting the ball throngh for Whitby, nnie tobbs Mary E. Uoll s, Georgina and amounted to no Iwas found on him, :ng from a dinase which has swept away of Pas de Calais and Somm vem n rre cioinger h their earnest soljeitinn. and relying upon been left to make theen : owa e h midst land cheering. Both sides appear- o brane Fre Ly de I:(o france.-N. Y. Wo a ( .seye, r e nuo a bThe are teeked by cho en G ner i Fai herber, 11 d pa at 10 p. m. osea every T the good faith of a largely signed requis¡. of the funds of the Church, som up about hard are made up the:r minde for a "rie, harles Pringle, :nes Mason, Waotesats Por terminates fatally, the department of Seine Infedeure elects e a e av v ,wma (san d tion, then presented him, Mr. Brown was $250. tussle the next game ; the facing Good July 1 -Mrs No. et York, Buffalo is • moderate republicans. Only two man, ruu:ca toauperta,, "E se rd was closely watched d Conduct - Edith Samo, Jane • Lydia Sherman was arrest. go:ng to have a magnificent archists are chosen from Paris. A ry metantly :nduced to become a Rev. Father Hayden, for his seal and fore in J , , an resulted as be. B rnham, Mary Collins, Tily Cochrane, ed at New Brunswick, N. J., yesterday park one of these days, The grounds, proximate result of the elections Ína$ ' UK IME RV I candidate, His own setth d opinione gave spirit of pergeverance des I , ameson a getting away the ball, a les Pringle, Jane Mason, by officirs from Connectient, who eba , embracing an area of 500 acres, are now depart:nents, e:1@usive of that of the Seine Arr sains'causen. church or place to the importuoity of friends. Yei • for the i , erves al credit The struggle was a fierce one, each indi. Joux s•r. scHoot-ssNIoa MVIstoN. her with havigg pojsoned at different ti being rapidly got into order, a lake d6¾ 1s 50 republicans and 12 conser atives. p.m.-iter. . D. cayle the face of all this - ad while having the buildin f the new Cath lietakhurcnh the vidualhmanhof both sides looked and acted ti er o dho e, her Smith, 2: Mor ree nds nd two step children, the and alks a d a an aez vated, roads ed e r n that 80 or 90 o bnde ea e h a strength and the numbers to elect him, Duans' Creek, which is designed to be own effo t Thame, depended i:pon his tie Tye rrmd-L z e wggie Smith, 2nd Lot. marriage. She has been takeyn a prev o"' ing carried on. Already $80 have y are oderate erday to the Assem- an cuene. Fetr:e r they miserably failed to do their duty, and inferior to none othér in any countr down b th d ere were some knocks lace. atson, 4th Geo. Wal- Haven for examination. The statements been expended on improvements, and this support the administr on f hi r a Pawarraara caraca - allowed their weaker opponen.ts to defeat parish in the Dominion. The R 7 7 e a versaries running against 1st form-1st ,W. W. Woodhouse E of the ofEeers leave no doubt that the sum will be vastly larger before the park Gambetta has been returned to the As' war.aramermansc their ebampion- As we bare said th tiemen made a er, gen- one another, but after a struggie of 37 Blow, Thomas Willis. ' • Woman is guilty of one of the most starti. :s completely put in condition. sembly from Marseilles- Liberals have 6-n P-rn--Rev. Mr. codofo have felt the humiliation of the the proceedin speech at the conclusion of minutes, Captain Bill succeeled ia'putting t prize or mapping, Minnie Wallace. ing and sensational series of crimes'that The Saratoga Bun promises that a re- de artchós to the Assembly from the p. N Egge.:-A:It position ever since , and have been long their assistanc es ecía i apresent for the ball through amidst vociferons cheer- lace. prize or good conduct, Minnie Wal as e er been commatted in this part of gatta be held on Saratoga lake, the pre. Duvergier and MagneSe anre and 0 se, ing f or the opportunity to prove to Mr. friends, and assured them that the athol es hitb The fourth game was won by 1st el Juxton smsrox. erhaes she manifested surpr se, eitherthre i be rai or pr zethat the um of $5 000 essful nd t , ChRouher s defeaten Whitby Market I Brown how willing they are to redeem the in his mission, wöuld be found ever d y, wbu, by no means discouraged, Forsythass 1st L zie Smith. 2nd Mattis or y ry well assumed. She gave no ap- rissey will contribute 1,000 dollars to the~ The workmen all casar e r vot fo F CLa OFRCE, JU past, and by the only means that would be to reciprocate their rea y were determined that it should be.theirs, Snow. roudfoot, 4th B. pearance of being guilty, and beyond the fund. Gambetta and Victor Hugo. - St r n ••*. .---~.. anything like a vindication of themselves, and christian fellowesentiments of charity and was won in seven minutes. And now 2nd clags-1st Kste C.smeron, End Nel i o nee ad notd the assertion of her Atoont Eræerroir.-The nomination of Bor Dnownen. Bobe J e and the principles. they profess-the tris •• - came the tug of war for the fifth and Montnnon'm8rd Emma Wallece, 4th Mary ed. This woman ar eso be at all affect. candirlates to represent the District of Al. Wm. Lambert, a boy abaoy eon, uly 1 - -- nephant election of Mr. Broen. This Parzas rr HacLuo'rs Colmsos am final game. It had searcely commenced, Good' Con'duct-Wiltie Willis A nearly 10 years ago, and after li in wi n e t, as bel on ou e of Parlia. o , son of Thomas Lambert, of-Somer- Po t es - they solemnly pledge themselves to do, sr 87:00 ARea,-Of the prizes awarded. and outsiders began to get a little ezeited, Kellar', Donald Cameron, hury (Valinn him three years he died suddenly and on Friday the 80th alt., r. R.teCa nae vßucIle I a d hilehere to d y near såã whether Mr. Brown enters 'the Riding or in the Ladies' College, we ind, in the- when a fiuke from Williams put the ball 5,t ANDzusos 47. scuoog under circumstances which occasioned S e ff, acting as returning çfficer. Mr. body was recovered in about. a bour er..... not duri b list ublish d , thrängh the goal for the Indians II class-1st Kate Dow, 21:d liaggie considerable com:nent, The second hus. fe . Cumnerland, the presdnt member IIe was learning to swim and had n. Dn7kkeus, ng t e canvass. They feel the ' P e :n the London Free Press, The , olden, ard Isabella Anderson. band was married in Connectient and r Algoma m the Locrl Legislature or board out with him, but by 'some means Pork per Ã¥t weight of their o1:ligation te him ; and the name of Miss, Armstrong, (daughter greatest good feeling prevailed 2nd class--Ist Clara Howard, 2nd Wm. died under egnally suspicions circomet Ontario, was nominated, and no poli the board shot away from him, and he Entter.... - - are determined that, to the utmost of théir of J. R. Armstror.g, Esq,, of this towny throughout. To particularize names where 48ddroon, earLug on. ces ; but as nothing was there knoén of clared du y e ecte by e 1 i at onwas de sank. Fg power, it shall be repaid. , mentioned with much prominence M all played so well would he invidious. Dora Johnston, 3rd Win Ne arnet, 2nd the former anystery, no action was taken H If • BAn.wAr f¾rrios BUaWED.-0:Moy *****•••••• Mr. Brown has seul 1 Armstrong Seas awarded the firs . " The Whitby players were : 4th class-1st scetion,'Ist liarly in 1870, at Derby, Conn,, she mar the Cuba dozen mo're prominent 1paders of HoUsz. July 1.-At about three o'clock p iar e aimeupon the t prize in E. H Ja 2nd W m. Dolby. yers, ried Neilson Sherman, a widower with i al th e e ion are been captured this aftdrnoon the Erie A Niagara station DY RTISE great Reform constituency of South On- ,Music, and prizes and honorable mention Card, C. Cam bel AThos. Frazer, W. M 2nd section, ist Alice Lockhart, 2nd children, one 6 and the other 15 years o d ese pe from i e ant err endeavours to aate on e film thebClifton House, sit tar:o ;-as :ndeed, he has upon ever or a nging, and m other classes of studies, p , . amp ell, James ary A. Till, 3rd Jane Ayers. Within nine months these three died, all N< , was urnt to the ground Reforrn constituency in the Provisee. I Speaking of Miss Armstrong's musical Mitchell, Robert Gordon, Z. Blair, A. A 8 under these unaccountable circumstances. rivK ng etor R nmanuel has at last ar- Th tev ige of the stat on is to be seen DIAN Apart frors the recognition of their performances our contemporary says • Fothergill, D. Burke, Sylvester, H. anas Lessos.-The Newspaper After the death of the oldest child, wares enthusiastically rea eenn he was The hill was completelyerestau ded at f obligations to M B "Th . • Garrett. .Reporter and Ad'ertiser's Gazette, New occurred last, Mrs. Sherman went to New dors of the chief European powers a sa- guests. from the' Clifton House. The Ca nkannna meeting3 of South Ontario r, rown, the Reformers Clinton a p p a prom nent amongst Miss Arthur Richardson, Field Captain. York, published by Messrs, G. P. Rowell . Brunswick to visit, and went also to Phil. necessarily removed to-Rome. are track is in perfect runmngorder, in Tronto. on n , ta t e h a prudent course in als e ta en a wise and to this young lady the honormsQn , an After the match there was a race be.. A Co., has the following. We cannot, De y a d Immed ely hafter she left There are.several extensive fires in the i For years the peopte, of the Feejee Is- Esihe r : rel h standard.bearer, at the fortheo ing e e r ise was most deservedly awarded, in tween the two clubs for a subscription hver, now recall the circumstance child, the friends o Mr.e8dheeatman took th r y les ofCo nt o uce, i n more popu t n a no n to the wo for r ap oi 1 eretary. The Ch tions, for the Dominion Parliament H ezÂcut'r ormance she displayed such good purse of $10, was won by the whites but gave rise to the severe lesson.,' eteps to investigate the matter ; and to day afternoon that vilbge was in great as to the fertility of their soil and the sa- __ napo la the oni Ã¥ ble ion an refined expression remark- given by them to the Indians Th During the administration of Mr. John that end-had the body of Mr. Sherman danger of dest:uetion. A fortunate change lubrity of their climate, are grimly satir- The Dira-tor y man t at can thorough y unite :. In a young student," Whitby Brass- Ba d • • Sand8eld Macdonald, when Parliament and those of his two children exhamed of the wind, howevel/averted the impen<l ed by the news that the clans are fight, unnnal report fee nn this - and knit together the Reformers et the , -------•••-.-- n was on the ground sat at Quebec, an "honorable member" of The officers who came on to k h· ing disaster, but the fires still rage' mh®'agunst each other, cannibalism being able to constrattria e the sharZo Riding. Inthe contest between Mr. Fare. ensom. -- At the recent Normal during the day, and enlivened the pro- t o oppnsition, who was given occassion. arrest state that undeniable er nee : throughout the county. t err ch f oßensive, weapon. Thakamba 2 e ro rou condition of t well and Dr. McGill,(both old Reformers,) School examination, Miss Minnie Rowe, c'eedingt with some excellent selections. d mor ina as ce i n usually obtain- poison was found upon all three of the The Mansaeld sÃ¥leid says John Bally, It woull be morpunis the au bro epha :. tateme ' the Reform vote was a good deal split u ormerly a pupil or the Whitby Grammar in the evening the Indians gave a con- ports, had the floor and wa a er re- bodies, and it was plainly seen in the a0 vesbout twenty-five years, living near convicted Communists to Feejee than to Da. Ãœ as it would be aïain, we fear in the P i Sebool, obtained the highest grfde of cert which attracted a crowded hanse, at tacking the members of the govern ne t s omach of the last buried of the three. his neckr : tung by a ey i on New Caledonia. To balance for la statement....g of a local candidate But , case certi6eate (1st A,) awarded by the connell. the Mechanies' hall. And allogether we and all their measures. Referring to one "Gy also state that they have been able minutes after. ' ee" Through the municipal negligence of I'Ide" i . a at rate of a per et. . , Mr. Brown is a When it is re b should h • , particular act wherein he charged they to x upon the alleged tourderess the . the Councils of Lincoln and Wentworth DiviSend No. e""r'a't~ä's centre around which both McGill and a mem ered that Prof. Young, say, t at Captain Bill and his had trangressed beyond all bearing, he purchase of poison similar to that of which N It :s stated that the Irish Catholics•of the Twenty.Mile Creek bridge, between' ger annen...... .... per et. Farewell-men, and Reformers of an the two High School Inspeetors were companions were some $200 better by found it difficult to find any parallel for traces were found. Tite poison was we e ew York, and especially the 69th Regi- I',inbrook, Caistor, and Grinisby, had got 4 ----..-.....--.---.. stripe can rally, wilhout the fear o e the examiners, it will be readily conceded their visit to Whitby on Dominion Day. nig ty.%c i r comparing them table and of an unusual character, he proc ss on on t le 12tho a0tack theand i rob b beenrotte state that a life has Balance canted forward,..... eb~arge of incodsistency. And when Mr that the honor was not lightly won. That 8 A thief on the cross, and othernrepe tent o eers being unabie to give its name. feared the bloody scenes of last' year may of Mr. Ã"urkholder, while dr ving a 1 * Brown comes to understand th • Miss Rowe's ability to teach :s of the AD oCIDENT.--On Tgegds characters,,he raised his voice, and point Misslaa ENGLIMMAE -Arnprior June be repeated. The police Superintendent wood over it the other day, was precipi. CL him the what at, through bighest order is sheen by the fact that she en accident of a serious nature Jiappened wh his hand above him, cried out : 29.-A young Englishman by the name d stu b s hi abihty to scope with the cated - horses, waggon, and wood -- By oduction of capital stock 20 , e party can be re united, and received earl th to a young¯ man named Goslin hi b th y, sir, even the common reporters in of Morris. who had been staying at Rob" g orces without extra aid. through the bridge into the channel be- a er cent.......i............s made ne strong as it ever was in Mr 7 in e session the highest , , w e , . gallery could not have done worse.' son Lyons' hotel in th -11 '" A Havana report states that three more neath, and his recovery from the injury is et pro:it for years arter de- Mowat's time, there is little doubt abat b. mark g:ven for teaching in the Model .nearly proved fatal. He was engaged h um n nfi ble insult to a body of last six weeks, went out one age, for the Cuban rebel generals have made proposals very doubtful. ' u re t e on will throw all the weight of his influe Schools, a high and rarely merited.honor angling a very lofty barn belonging otainments to the spakererior in every at ing last leaving all his trunks and elomorn to lay down their arms. - It is supposed the law has efutched a %,cae an eserve to meet- noe to Mr. V. Scott, 8th con., Pickering given by those who h d i ver r- behind, and has not'been . K A movement is on foot to establish a p.trt of the gang of burglars who have ...-.--....... (regar ess, as he always~has bden, of per-- Cinous g MERGERIE..-Eailey & when he slipped and {¢¡[ go ige -' roun managed, in ¡Ee end, to balan e t sinGe- As he was ver eeefnær heard of great race meeting anna g]) p been operating of jate about Ancaster. A sonal considerations.) in the ace li h Co's great Cömbinat' C with him. F ecoun a d y d of fishing nix Park, Dubhn. A wealthy citizen short time ago the store of Messrs. Smith ment of so rest . omp a - ran ircus and Menag, abghting on his feet. He sustained a report wbich ti e ears afterwards tly only an swimming, and spent a great part of Sir John Arnott, has Droposed to advane of Anc-tster, was lightened of gonds to th From he above statement it wi g a party triumph. Other erie will exhibit an Whitby, on Monday, compound fracture of tlie left leg, and a ceived in the imem er in question re- his time about the river, fears are enter. £10,000 to meet tife preliminary ex- amount of $700, and a man named John that arter writing oft every had de b circumstances favor the nominee of the July 17th, 1871, afternoon and evening compound dislocation of th sides of politics wasing journals of both tained that he may have come to an penses. The consent of the Government Bartram has been committed on suspicion. h*irrvie ogra28,ooo ror a contingent Reform Convention, at the forthcoming We would advise parties to be earl . and sunred i e right ankle'. followi"E effeet: 'Mr. keto the untimely end. He came here from To- is sought to an appropriatio'n of a portion A man na-ned George Butler, of Ononda-- count byasreÃŽtin e "p"NÃ¥"ror election. At the contest of '67 fal attendanc nd a - y in severe y by the shoek. Dr. treatment, we have been told INad ass ronto and was doing business in stam e of the park for the purpose of erecting ga, was also arrested and committed for Pose. se issues e a itness the free exhibition Michael Hillary was the first medical gen most crushing effect and eb ' " for Bennet A Co., cf that eit P standhouses. having some of the goods in his house . The Directors, noting on the resol u were raised. A " fair trial" for the-Gov. by Mile. Josephine De Vernier, of walking tieman summoned, and recommended im in question, we h'ave no edouebttlemaas Port Rowan, June 29 Th ft The address from the Roman Catholic th 0bother Butlers are also implicatpd in 'edna ascan nr leappneo t ernment was demanded. And Mr. Gibbs, on a single wire, from the ground to the mediate amputation. Shor i ft nght a valuable lesson not tp be'inso the barn and drivin b .- a a ernoon youth of Great Britain to Pope Pius IX wh urglary. Mr. Urooks, of Ancaster, siihject to the provisions o the Ba while coquetting wiheir Reformers, and top of the centre pole. Dr, Tucker and Dr. Hillaryt y a er rds ent to mensbers of i e p , who had burn d Two ttle obf Portbe ongingw hnetpeor t te, haŸË0Ê)0 s gnat r sa • d d I or r ,. "'" a I ti re a votes, had the g, gee,, arrived, when the former set the b ' about six years tached to it, and the amount of offerings pronably broken a th 5 03, ine proved t la propriety of the eo whole power of both the Local and Do- wr.-An accident of a very . . ones Wild Cherry Balsam.--The memo of sons of Mitchell Pronx and Joseph to itis holiness was £3,500. p e gang. adopted. minion Governmehts- at his back, A painfai-character occurred a few days ago. w: some didiculty, having administered Dr. Wistar is embalmed in the heart of attleandwere n the barn playing at the Brockville, July 4.-The Northern ca AsH GT N TREATY. The ratin' an e de t si n of P rl a combinanon of minor o a young boy, son of our much esteemed . au rer. Hopes are thousands whom his Bal boys were burned. Mr. , Transport-ition steamer Maine' burst one which si d ty mgton, provutons of which eanie into force circumstancess fellow townsman Mr. B. • entertained that the young man ma re- sam of Wild Proux, when he heard of it, became on. of her boilers to.ni he about a mile fro gne by the United States of the ruonth . an linportant feata stareely possible to arise a fa d , Gibson, near his . 7 Cherry has cared of con h la conscious o h • th' O A - m and Britis Commissioners on the 8th of Jet beme that it will become the ch Mr Gibbs' • gain, vore residence, The lad happened to be stand cover without having to undergo amputa- som t' ' con- ver i e loss of has child It ia 18. ne man is missing and is supr May last, were exchanged at London on nearly ellthe banking institutions i . s eleetton. Matters now aré in too . . tion of either limb p son, or some other form of Pulmon. supposed that the children must have set posed td be drowned. Four others are the 17th uit., the anniversary of the battle """'o" diferent. The friends of Mr. Brown are a o mach:ne just about ary disease. h is now over forty ' years fire to the buildings through playing with dangerously injured. of Bunker Hill. The treaty will be pro- r i as aw te a ed necessa u united, and prepared. The know wkh to move, and was caught in the foot, which The age of railroads and the te since this preparation was bro ht matches. The building was inimred. Peterboro, ~July 4.-This morning claimed to-morrow, the antiiversary of Ã…rmation. . to yo at ey have to contend, and they have , expected give rise to fast living, and ineresse the e pu re, and yet the .demand for it is . .- e verular fort. Otonabee river between Peterbo d their last report nw to the future was severely injured but it is • legraph th bl. og before Divisrow CocaT Ih about two o'clock the bridge crossing the Anserican Indepeadence. 'the hope expressed by your Di also bef&e them the record of Mr. Gibbs's endodr the skit ultatreatment of Dr. East- desire for making rapid fortunes-some constantly ineressing. Tu a a in oront dgeert was helu i t Ashbu nham was totally destroy d y mes ing r e orted that the GermaQen at i rZrŸo'ero p parliamentary career. Th'ere can be no amenem will acerne. wishing to outstrip, anil others to b Fat Acorn x ing, but there was no eases' of • re. he loss y about $5,000, no msur- trying to get up a movement athong the t'Ovisions of ti'e new charter, and i k . Tbe occurrence wag the more to be i e at I•"" eterboro, eygng 2p, publie in- ance, The or:g:n of the Ã¥re is unknown jghgh:tants of Heli oland i fa f t n:Ure means gonidabe advantage o a sta ing the plain issue this time, nor is a- least equal with their neighbors. In rd Last night about eight o'cl terest. In pursuance of a judgment g n your o an- pl>yed, and also with the view o therø any rooni to e mented, as Mr. Gibson was absent at to kee ith o er named Alex. Bdmi ook, a man recently delivered, his Honor refas d A gentleman asked a lady, 'How did nexation to the Empire of Wilham 1., but strengthening.tneilnetitution, determi p eape it ;-Reform Ottawa at the t. p up e this eager and unequal th . son while aseendmg allo ~but b e to you get along when abroad, to make it did not succeed, an augmentanon of the capitet sto pünciples and econom!cal government, or contest, the brain is taxed - to its atmost geest doo to the telegraph of- him a advanarristers to ap ar fore ou elf un erstoo ' h, m dear sir,' Some Texas Indians attempted to get up a the1st oOannary last the para- ttawa placemes and coalitson extrava- EsDasTRIANIss, Ao.--Keraronwe and power, while hUmanity is tendered an eas top of the drat digh wards from the intore these gentlemen should at'tend , see had an' in errupt r h rench r, a menagerie of their own, and Commenced atood at g897,560, and by the ia gance. Reformers have now fairly their Scholes are'la active trainin g for their 'prey to disease. The Heart, Liver, Stom. skal~ Medical aíd an tured his profusional costume. m name lady,.having arrange someus.statues trave I g circus T e y c r ed i t and op is shead e yie Paa.2A nee oftbe e ing. Cheyen d-are musè ith hostileins lártlièd his usé ops y, , n dagg Jo the ere are now gible under f their relig ibe ve W by s, o wh ch . e a ale a .m a "'ja;3 masi, unday even a are exce e° CE y, . e eÃœge lag-a A:tt a. m ma.ma.:n.s a.m,, and s.s0 s. r-r5th, 18yL 31.20 @‡1 25 @ 45. 6 r b. 7 M.95 49e- a 6.50 @ W.50 e-1 r dos •-s0 to 38ets MEN BANK the Royal n in onse C a rma en their afdh am g he bank, nt r- isss 58 coo c 21s',eoe c 3,016 e sasass i * 224,398 a 157948 I n be t and fund, the tion pas- e arter nkin Act nrse thea - e , on the 1st re in this araeter of n the Bs. r by rectors-ia usiness si with4bs flading usly sole fferther, ned upos ok of the up espi- ne a man m feet upon the desir- mile race, for $500 and the championship ach, Langs, or Nervous System beeonies the spot, but fould do nothing for hi A prosperous Niagara Falls hackman, "Unt anommg room requested the same their village, where upon his arrival be tor ree nreenmi Ir ability of which many of-the party appear of Canada, which comes off on Saturda adlieted, and .sickness, in the form of He expired m about ten minutes. De- after geecing y¡sitors for a dozen years, ment and see her a ics.'the next apart assumed -command, scattering Indians among the shareholderaat pa pmrate to lay much stress---for it was arged-not the Sih instant, on the cricket~ groan Beart Diesse, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, eeei tedas o sete ye'as old, much 1 ap 0,0 0 Boston, and aets him.' The last Armstrong gun on t e Quebee a ndoned i e sh ne for th p e a a enreasonably-that while Mr. Gibba's Toronto. The Tqronto Ontariö Laerosse Bronchitis, Coásnaption, Par lysis or of this n'eighbourhood oldest residents he will enter the feet Že$ lik0 con iorts was shipped to England on Tuesday seat, - o to Pr i e friends were busy at work, and had their Club and the Whitby Club will i Mania, is the result. The use of elio,,, rest of the Bostonians and tell th last. The symbols of British soirerei ty. A boy in Lancaster; Pa., in slidin able to ostam suitabfe ces, found i man to canvass for, the Refore party match, we are informed, at the cone uno Compound Syrup of Bypophosphites will 06 surr o goEo*S TEAcusa. what he thiuþa about extortion. e world shoeeavn nch a th b rro ists of e dohÃŽsa ole, cau5ht akgold ring he had arykte e e a ui d a e th an labored under the disadrantage of negativ of the race. . en ble the mind to sustain a greater strain Sunday a a named McN9ineerille, "on The most remarkable recommeadation niture as'is unmovable or useless. skin, nail and al e ora d he wh a ng .ntag on Fro C d e ing the argoments at.d nudoing the M- Th 'Osb -.--............. , . a tere by- conflicting thonghts and ed to hang Miss yo amee attempt- of a watering place offered to the publie There has been a't item goin d fact. - go and substantial bank og house. By chievous work of Air. Gibbs's canvasure the best stite a e wing aeffine makes wearied by tmued study h imparts for penishing his i da e o tese that of an enthusiastie admirer of Sho., about a -hen in Boston layingg ue Horace Wh.ite deûees the Greet creed so ei t en e riif without having a ~eandidateisho'se clai un th sides. h seemed daßieel on, hat before ladyfastened a rope arooñd be ,- a quaker resors in Pen'asylvania smaH that twenty-one.of them were put as 'the right to-tax one man for th bene. make the investmens a protable on me cannot ravel out, will work on all kinds of t of alouan becomes com- dragged her to the h r neck, and 4% the foot of Bau Bill/ he says, there in a collar box at once. . That looked hke at of an other, that bo'th.may make mon ex that the buildin will be rea y 40 press, They kare now fabrie with coarm or due threads paratively easy, and the body is physisaHy was rescued bj twose col door, when she is a pfoi of ground covered with stones, pretty small business for an able-boiUed by the operation.' - "I in b • stronger under its use, men who were passa- wlmre Putie ma kiR'men na ben until thf author of-the story was dis' A desnateh to the Nnw Yet, w...a been recentiv inaneetwt 'rha kn7s... w s t neese ofthe sof e dy . nr CORN'ul on account- Whithy, fuly 5th 1r41. NSOLVENT ACT 0; In the matter of & day, Daniel Hollü Trusteell Harrisons as keing memberr i partnership carryin g tke name, style and and Harris2n, insoir Second Dividend sheets o a ta objection, nutti the , 1871, after which JA Dated at Whitby, this 29r U U T I O N ¯Ï o r A Superior Piano E The Subscriber has rces sell by Publie Ar TUEsDAY, 11th or; At.hia offlee, Brock Street perior 7 octave Piano Forte, ted naker. one Piano atoo all of w bieh will be nold wii Terms Cash. Sxie to con: L. FA1R BANS Whit'oy, July Sta. 187L COAFker . ~ oF TnE MAxUFAe' John Lowe Ã¥ nonze, scorr. AT- REAL

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