00 't 2pecI~t LnDOrich it a fumo i,, _-Anddsire le botter (lien afut îs breeverance by [ta cIiiy gaine, enriche ilrUD or brs ickadstrsetfr 'a -, A go 'd assortinent of-LadieIs and'Ch drn ýijnfipeulaton.Little olls are sweet i hlr n Every dey.a tlread,makes a skei tri .v TSaN S OiS, just to hand. yelIr Bticilybrc bouses are bulit. We sheuid ert3op before we waik, waaik balcsrti iveroi, -nd run before, wireride, fil gting richi, t more buste the worgle lpai. gse tnip. up ILIsown bes Dol't girela iî eali business els. 71t-'rhe Clothîng-D p r m rt elassortîad soc thî't Ialargeoane wiii pay you botter, ih esý nlb '- Cltii a sitewr ethr Even grrrjtbg ara brend. fBotter a1W ihM 'and oleyý )ohn osi h am wahr fllîîiitire than af' eripty btonne. In thtaso Wird lize, ,who cari mit on'&a stan. azt f~~dtîtîsai bd etter nlot moue. Frlon) bail tu owrsee apooir- irprovelltent. 'crst lk;itard farti, bu ort n t al ia Dress'±Iý ak,*rI2 and ,7i o n ,doue tn nrder. larder. Donr't juimp ont of the frying Imin ihfl thte fine. Retrrertther, wiany me ntcn hve datte weil in vet.ystrnai ahops. A Ijl t t e r d e w ih pî r f t l a b tte r th a n A l.s o a f u l S o k f e . T s u - r> , a d à great crrtcern ut a lüs;aa fuII Sir * twril yon la botter' tian a larg: e Nto k o Ne ea Su a fire Itut bannay o. A greae deai -,0,CZE ERArs, andES wrgaer cin lie got frout a- simtil ipe, If the 1bucketýit always tbeze to .caîch it. L W E Large tiares trnay bac aught In antali ji sII & P W r»' wrurie. A sheep htay get ftil nA a mi naio , rl arva 'In a great désert. ____________________________________________ lie. whi-gtuîdrtakas. ton -ranch, surccedsti brot îtie. Two chops are like W twoutos, a mrin ilCOltesta the grourd i ttaceer u _______________ thîî'rn. - Yôt: tray harst c agl;by, tryrng tutiltiiIt on, fuli -and ruin yourseif by grasleirtg et Lton mustîchi 1)4) fiat buabeovu yeun business. lHe wlrn tiris ip fies noce et workqUar- *reèls wiîliuhi e irraed and butter, lie Wtaa poer > ih l ulma frrid of fils own 14l'ar kta ; 'creome adiscornfort in -ili traiui c%,It chinisnay swaeprrtg If cailors give 111)goiuîg ta, son, bacuse of - the wat ; il birkurs lait nu haking bucause ci, ItL i <t wmrk ; If l iogirnen wnruld flot Ili mlit irarf, aithea coldï--and tarlors - waîJuilit ot irîki. onîr citthes fur faour of liirliling tirait lingera, whist a prise. we chioIri o(la1iNonsensa, tay fine wCo fellaw, ithrer's nuntaeaout an, bon,- u est aiii ng ; idnr't *ha afraid af sotliiig -yoni ils(I. therc's lianty cf enap to be o a itou].?MI trudeti are goud tlu gond traders.o XLurfar tmatchs efy. weil if you Bel ol(itih nof tirent You'cantint get; boney- 1- plisrlare frightenarl et bacsnoir e0w - conti if ynýu ara rîfiraid ni gctring mud on l plu r honte. When b:èrs nf iron mlt 1unt1lrr a sout i ird, when ynîî cen dig.- 0 thli ide 1switir tootlipicks, bhiow hipa * J U s rT 1-L EU E I V E D E aiorig taith farngiiiinur-e tige crops with laver den water, and ga'aw pluita cakes sri Pire Proof Chfihneys, Shades, 'Reflecters, Pooket Lanterna,. fower pios, tihan wliII h a finea-titge forr dandies ; lititijîtlige icliioniumn contas Spiring Braokets, Wick Trays,.&o. Wù chalh ahi have a deiii toefBut up with, ail find ir] eran eur aur prasent bardarîsJ M SH G R I than rrulrciîar.kt-Iter where: we shal . JAM ES 1Jn..1GERR870 finctatitrs, a denti wareo.--Plot. la thae hty an 2 80 Famiiy Drug Store. ivord. Evety aronet row witht such ____________________________________________ ouirs as ho fitns atid sas he can'those theo %viud, lie mutut i y srîch -ts God sanda The 'W011known blood Stallion IinhriPttrnce and attention a'$ilget ar1 fittOsloinig mn.IF tise cat sits long enonîigli at tfiohle, Ose wili cItch the rnnirsv. Aluways nas it gm-owc gond cshage Pnsd lattître whomne aLlers grnw thisties. 4& T1kinna as tpioi alitnrn, that it la up L IB E T 0 L fird own tLia fieidx, that piougha theZ = cmMC tîcres ; therce no gatting aven theground Will stand for Marcs attira Whithy Lîvery îs D E byaerutile et a tinte. lie who plods on. ftebieë. thins Seevat .liqr attir15 litarîdi; 2y,,W lrires fiiah.colon dlan. ciiesttiutt. auraneof tire c theo ia ori, r-ais on roa, ciii tuoï ffes1 aiILrt =r it ci-a r rteLurtt>it tieraa wiiii laincanoda. Mares s1tein mcm a dilterit wii be pravîded C*t ai t QAjtici.y nesi'S. with pastue u t reixabiîîeraies. Ail acc!-'Beu Nee.* dirty tide ternake oay. dttq tto ij o r ig w esi. thra.Aîu itonest tarin ul not toasea Wiitbr, MizY Sol; N. RAT. Ys CL; o a durg cf iiniseif for tire, sakéai gettrng a Qu7. 8- botte.Ilie natnil hava a lonigertoor, wha %vorild oiut out ni the sainie dieu wtb ijtiNeyer ru yssuor sul farthe aake Ç of paît ; it la like -drowniag )yourself lu a - _ _ "i Xi 7 weirto goL a drink ai water. Teke no- 1 thiiîg lu batnd tiret riaytiag yo epen- 5PE~IND WiBErr. A Locknat tayoiian sading. Nomtct. - MANUFACTURED AT TuIE ie PCr wiruî; contes in if usitenes o ut yau ~~.x x»C Mhix»Mc «Ll w il1it)i a u. phuenar. lTise art la Jiot in gistrlW re - rn;ikhiilott îey, [ut ir kecping it -' littieA relurlW rz axerelike silce il! a baitrru, wheta they Bi areu tîîîîruy. truaka great wasf e. liain by LEF-EL'8 CEL9-1tATED hurir tirc is gaelhutd. $traw h straw tise - tirtelu ruca if! tsa ctfxga, anti drap by. . liropju isroitauges irto the clirsnhar. A IVT' M E'EL w bairrai is Stîtrun artultsy If tire tep ieaks but ' ubeTR IN W TE WJEL Wh adii a taurriite. 'Tbere are Iuanttievea ra oT 51É?E<ONtrIasccÀ WUZEL 'New cNavos i uawîsthie ned 1ltt. 'Tieale jog Io a - --'t grccit wecîar, lu ail otiter thiiigs keep 1- whiuricatupae.In clotitas chos. suit. Uaimail lrsing stofi,1 and nat lawdry . * $5-__ _ _T filuuviva t'a hoabu warnur butire niain tii nover mmnd this fuoks. Noyer strotCÉ yogis- legiéftmilial ian thLe hianketa wilI reacci, or yuu iii selon be coid. Ji bal rîay tuika nuiey, but IL tucedà a wice "" titan-o se Idt. etrember il la ain TOO Ot.'CLS.Ws--ap-ct-de teranus etruning lis the cana net wvitu,;Lil-Ig"il imcclrlen4 .ivesn a-ra lorti enmd*41 ýplr- 11y itir.elletua four cf the A-mu)f othuie trabck witi, thma IULauceéitoîînsd sx are- adliiadai t diexaiîtini an>' satus 0 shat ai)fiuîwers ýWhft ic ley A- lady Wac about throwinoe 'aied pmnected Ibeen n wtne tor Inny yeai-.j your.selve. cash blia îr my xew premises, n.ex 3. R. I'HILP. 1187 Rlas removed from bis old premises to MoMillan's Block, Brook Street, and becs to infornm hisnuinerous par s a d the'public genrally, hbiststock em- qyietIemeln's Furnishiug GOOdsThe great favorite galne, enijoyed by al persons ,of ýail ages. A general assortinent of best selected Cloths. Ail Cloths made Croquet sets Wholesaleand Retaili cheap at JI to order.. NoSlopwork. NO- FIT, NO PAY. HATOII BROTER'ýS. GreqI Care and Attention paid Io .drtiâtic Culfzng. HI. & B. are now teceivin-g their,,stock of Hardware, Paints, 011e, A continuance of that liberal patronage. extend ed to him dur- ~ &. ietfo uoe ing- th'e past 30 years in Whitby,, respectf ully solicited. flouse building, Hardware direct from England. îL %W.*, of au9yWear ow p c l,-~~.to put up Patent lock seaun Ea'vetrou hs FAMJ Y GROCW' JobbiIng promptîy done at L Wine&Spirit MeroFuant, * JATCI1&IBROYIER'Is, I Whiby.Jno ~t, 181. Mnnfacturei Tin, Coppareri Sleet Iron Ware. NuO., 0-N ilE UOiiNEliR MiVÂ casion ta tanno ttrithab bas jnnet roeaived a large anxd NOi) 0 V L - wll assorted stock of Groceries for the holidays, viz: I'EW CURRANTS, RAISINrS, SPICES, TEA.S & COFFEES, ~-isn FRESE OYS1ERS, LOIIS-ERS. SARDINES, FINNAN HADDIES, James JohnCton, Watehmnaker, will ca~rry on his business in i S MOKED AND DRIED FISU.- ' quulScy WThe bcst bmande oWines, BrandiebGis n risiseosanlyo bnd -ti JtST RECEIVED, A FRESII CONSIGNMENT F PURED ug b C ANAIDIÂIN GRA PE WINE. ad lad! R. FRANCIS, Wltolosale and Retail.Gr-ocer. W e oosi em Rig, rc- teal SPJLNG sToI~ Flets, &c., &c.,-at very Io'% prices'. Whitby, April 12, 1871. --u - "..ecuto noe-in thean X Asplendlid nsaartmnest of BOOTS and SHOES naw opened. FRESII FAMIILY GROCERIES constantly on band. DJAuearly- eau solîcited. .Çg:- i - tai --R . OZ-Agents for thFarmer's Osboni'ne Sewing Machine.' j sw,r June t 187- IWATTHEW-;-COLLIN.S igs to announce to bis cuintoun--rs an h ulcta e has opened business on thé premises lately occupied by Mr. BandelI, on Brook Street, and' that lie is now in J'eceipt of a splendid Stock of the'- LIGHIT FIrT .AND MAKE, And of the best style of Boots and Shoes. Lso on hand a large stÃ"ck of HOME-MADE Boots and Shoes eh cantrt be srpassed fan .qtaiiy and pice. 1111 orders punctually attencled to. Ilepairs neatly done. Bi 3usiness9 alse carried on as usuial at the old stand , near the '-ai hotel. Lbyt !lay 10, 1871.M Â 1 1 E W O L N S -'lIE OLU- STAND!6 ' 1 01 [EST ÂBLISII1ED 1833 .] 1 teý undersignied in returning thanka for- the liberal patroni(ge La extended t he aid esaîr'î,nte't, for neaniy a pemiod o at'yas eie ythat hae has naw an hacai a lange assortitent of the oât toatdem and elegant ai I J. aiteatiu ru sts-by.proper attention and moderate pila o hithtei ta Say ?ÂRDOI V IIÂEN'CITS IARRIAGES & BTJGGLES, latest style and best iple ndidly Finishe' d.Cutters, -WHITBY, Nov. 22nd, 1870. e om,5Es. m 5ct-a. ulland exet hitby, Â-prih n E UNDEiSRSIGNED DESIES TC -11P his fr.;egsde and al.trons, th, Zns rO8nme busin]ess at the oud ' ITBY LIVflRY ST.A]B Y Of tiha stîta, an al io adjed ote a Ite, aoîaaa andl Viticl.cha c a.',, lie heOpU-a. y beittg il, a positi tie sgll tetiuf>w e aniant a1 CJIÂA"ES lIIODERATEI. j l.-Covmed cilieyallna fu fan a dica. -Preut ft tworjsaa he srett N.aAYena.i byL April iEs. TRA li TIUE US;E NiTIROUs OXID I#>JGIliNG. OR THE NEWV LOÇ)CALAN,,STH-Er AT DENTAL EcoOtS, D UN-DA S S TRE 1 - IInIITBYC. W. RO(>S...Ova M.IL.Cochne's Stol H YPO PHOS PHITI -Ame11g1191Lina1diacases o-, rconmaby Fe4oet' Cmpaît Srap 0fHçpp AinE J~bntan d e.es HMAS REMOYED - FROM Bis - OLD PLACE OP BUSINESS TO THE PREMISES PPOS1TE R. & J. (JÂMPBELLIS *S1'011 Brook Stree, where he will be glad to recaive a visit froni bis ,oId. cotornersa le bege to iaorm bh i umfero>pspt. -ron, and the publia generafly, tat hoh b LARGE AND COIMPLETB STOC Det iaw ire peered Suid col -door-carth o JAS. A. M*M.ILLA',N'S SLOCK, t 187t ý . .... ..... L c'Il .mm MGGIES &-SLEIG , H S. REPAIKS, AS USUALI 1 - , 0 il FIS 0 1 -ri CARRIAGES &i- CUTTER,$