Whitby Chronicle, 28 Sep 1871, p. 1

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sua m m, - wsu,,0] REVERE ROUSE, StAges toaud om Wiby cail daily 8%[ltoII paid %0 gnus. Creuxt: r" uTCU o lesa So, ho.l' DO K NIO DI E, rck Street, hîy Ue UUOrea t jl o 1 lIiil l Tu r d 7 "' - . FROPRIETORX. 3«%rT ~g~. Wathes, Clôokaor, Mumîsl iIstruments ,l'l btIl>ltfiybsktu, M g, Aesqy U~aSeaeg>I <Ilo., euBroolt., Whitb The subocrber, 'iu ratprung h1s'la- Te !4e l gh. , dsy- skitygl'e iniruddor . 1.Taylor, Altby, settrin7t - .a.ine- - clairethuik t , h'o , mny Ir1iisà' nrydJ34 innîn Aud ee,181.vrytli.g M1'eèhanl,'sl iteralrcd An ni u'lu;- a- -, 'aul l ':- -W &rl1 81 8 roural le suit ell.-at LuW Rates, sudutheO A L. 'Cl0 À aI C oA L W l- And vo urtai u iorof Cîo-aî Rôtie, U F/AAZT OiJ .*1Draukk car rst cp c sorrow. er CAMII Q1~ M AC DKEL , ___ ____ ____ ___ _____ ____ arr22ua o ra i s o7ptte bt e i i e W srrieos 0 'thse busi. -- - - Il; W h ît y ,M y 8 l, 187 . 2 A NT iseli F 'Q A r u n Ader n b a s m 'd e a rin e n sa s-sx* o lo iy u p o» is vi e n o n u ; ad tir so . 'T i sre -alii dro v e n at y u a l; wm y ]o r , ANDATi'ifNxa.Ar- g ÏVRPOL or irg Mpioftie dOae~hini t lelIn 1ttroat i b 'aaeturo thorn _ .Ttvmeiç d tty ay4eIIl, 'D Lw Sci i e cr, b tI i, îk (f imotjoii r HE'il, T O & tLO N Sl4 (4L>BR ndO swcti nuel t '-olf idn 1 pl a Prt '. b'de,' r dSswe lîar lb ouîî tioî > lro, L, Nb <.NC (MIIA NIone ôr-the otiw h xk tùgianî g.Y11 rýttram, te. &o. W i ltb, C' iv.primerou 01 phglxll llouatic Coq 1) JI luteauppallitonfation io st our1l Aboit hr tortli swii iiweug.g (j.CXXN .0. Il N O'E U D re ..t7fbÃ"odaclý.? nt u he du ea r.God blesa thon, ail, the , ovbcg baud k i~lll cJ%8ar.1, ~ 5 5LO o r delirr. 80' E E U'cal yet mother . iw">oiole oi pl i gonil oeeurty.'AI,. le D.ILY IIN1:t,>1Jioxeed...0,000 Pd. WILtoyut sueutpsdaanjoahud eutlths'Uîlloo ftliii di o, Couirt flouasi,- li I LFFPOLWîE5olre ilpgre îProtection JolliBLOW. (trSPB",igugt n altir gu 1W14988tr tise future. Whlîby, Augo, lc, 187f. QVAT ÀLIT Y Pltyi81(1PlOLCIE1, iianed n aI vYLaaswyiermyam rit aay es Il- COCIIRANE, L..D.- flans, sOurd ample plobuction td tse Merohnoat K 1 N SLE, 1N aIl TAdhros 1 lvew uA- te e ur or '~"WUNYC<îÀNA1TUIilîYO111ON, and tlousoiîeidor. 'JI , INS 1 I. SIIh. Wsn'r i rwu sy lrolrtsri, .breTît.aSo AIl fuir clsins PsoupnTPÀID, adteat h ýAe o aet androie srti Wbn audîcrcthke tise aVîosîthé l orl i ierNo y lbile, &o.- mont liersîlty rshlow» ulu the iodjllstweuî c01 -pl'h. olohreoà ue ate , u eo1.cahYor odiwreveoo KUtlosiareet, liait door toi Royal Jonone. , ashrtfr.qT lî our on r e Ii l fit HMdcl, Willy.. s r fieCndaDanh ntii . oot and shuoe >boe l ilorrsxecutodwlbProm"Pttide Ton on por tey fog l hI GEORGE £H. DA1TIL., -Q .C MTI sddsao» htkpou ~$tfossulg TUAIMIIEI, TTI<1IduNVYA'Chief Agent forDorniolor. -- JS.P F RIeR. 'gTii ate nyuraet oR, Do Ei a A T1îUtîrhî, sîus' ExtaoriLN BAKOJ. OTise auheeriber lies on shovs lar.ge aasoiT.. WityMaBut.Iy1'or mbb care ayon Siror oire - coDe> ty M8tBut o'iJaAaureer uy rs'-.youe tho n, hors mont aif boots ci cf fise ownu naut.îeture, of hTAIGEz LICENIS iTeclvrbir r1belig nary, ueSslîexsCîsîa~frlçon t 'Wiiitýby,.Out, AUl styl sasd tainesq, or vint-ar *oar. M l-YeTt lottirlent camle viileatilthîY broass 1.y ofdt Oitit i . l lrock-c4t., WhItby. Whltby, July 28th, Ilseïa. o io t Xuiiîloi ...Relalua bhe fond emo;-toia Warkltrmdeteorder lusa firt'olausmarneor THOM AS H.U ST ON Tiai r rýood mv arr» vison.rLv r J'tiqEtILEITH GRSIO, God fits gaiOur auy 0,10» lîfegdon-,ureau. Âîî~~ 1t'>fl Y.'r rwT H E F O IN TA IN -' * IaPmr0rdoeua B s lc t r l otinc r ,. Cr' . . e ta rnNa dBel rd P rl r , Q ha a, N ov. 29th , 1'tif,, 48 NA R R I A G B 'L IC E BN S E S,* - 4 r t te to ôfa.& . starat ndBillýrdjal <>Urlloe-l'ovu Hall. Roidsucoe-Byrou . 1>apbel, rotk d., Illy Ou. 6 Rig Sroo RiC, O-RNTO - HoeIXStroet, tbree doors north of Town bal.' WllhNoir. 1b, 1867. 4 Ç y4* Jan. 17, 2870. -TheA BmL MGL1w ir pliet l tia CnioloBrandi of1-a3 1 ~ElEiV'itIU~> ga. b>star so:ed FREC o .E EI5 ,IkessLove Serape. ToRS reb.lass iEYlgNsuELuacsHoANI)CHARIO CRSSV- N D E R T AXKE Ike Cirele la a veaîîby farusor cf soma' :-îî dursirîs ftIe 'ob Pfce îlscbd.Melu ai i iz n urn. h - LOEUOg5ifty joars or îbereaisbolIiving lu eue of 'Orta,#iî wLuVoct'orl loeir, opposite 51 J.LESLIE, MàwoN. iflB.TJEDiE18. o. hdo., h09o&a.the corners cf Duîmfries, veârs bis hoein- Tow lia.i U AE.-- GLS1E OFAThQ,,Aat fondastreet, -'Whitby; Ouf -an 6'aheep's grey,' 1. toîlasd grizzly, J.9 tkiALi. .MOUS C o SLGILSIEELLMR, anad o a. oFUNEAL sud a bacheor. Novr,buledit et le yon F Ct AV $ , anada. FUNE A S U L V iJUp L ED. - vouîd nt supposge that bis old >îart b d C TTIL EA Iw, SCuNLLOfR, I ie-1irbrcor o as eNri oerbeon. wsrmd by tise teader passion, A.d~lior,5nryaicr,-&.,anîlîg ifty Acres cf Lotb inombar toilty une- NSURAIICE g ainst LOBS :b IE are, T'REE WLIGJOlwST EiTadIoc bue emcbt4lve ong*,e .IniththisLrd concssîionîof l'ise - .1offocbod crise usostfavorale atermes, and At HAMBR'8 CORRERS Ilnot de- ho tbld me the foliowiug îtory of «a lots TOWNIIUIP 0F WIIITBY. tla London.,u'boBaffurble Rosideiiirea Rouderate. afarcbiyuhudovofetrog J. AThe-GEEWOD, 'lirainnd le ait chuireul, voli fsnced, alid lu s YEOMAN G0110E,' d kte-k oil oî>tl-YArA,8LCITORî IN goute ine a uros tlv-ianand lus s abrsa cfagent,Whiltby -JOHN RAMER, Euîq. 'Weiliyoa iseet'sas lie,' agoa, bsui AoaualryN Rotary I'ulille, COnou rorrFor ternma euply ta IL. J. Wison, Enq., pi9rd1 .wbîîby, My ,d, 1871. kuife sud beginaiag te Whittle th. bars b.e tir.,1 Wli,7 1. W. Onais, J»Yro Brraor hityc ts userisr__. vs ean agaipi I a i av ,ct soaithIr Pf oNtiOffice. 4j'aBrc iteW Ito o ie uociol cII T au hn iug'I9 vai laule oto oucte. - SÂMIJEL WLL ». - - n heIrrlorsp , FIcJur* ____ d BOJaroy Settiemect. I va youug tissa, jesî AlllSERAf ÂI$loio t élù. hih. AE 8S TORE. lTi.essadcrsiguod bas sernuved-isa bsginuuîg ï- sisave, sud cas as koon aftet Clary ('ioatte, &G., &a. LO>N A8SUlIANCE Ci bc1ÂiN OTADSOESOE ts girls slthat colt la for sélt. But there Au esS,-ilab40 L Flu£ ANtD LITS. I Y SI ?P RDt ise Tm NDeS - vsu catirs ultIle entIer Ivas partiieor sîrucit p am'sad ling tise Western Hotes, vith. Bernas wuLuctuda 'opis eni iciîitybisa luelîisassceooe taî triî r a execute ci ordera for "sud sheas «-jout about lise aicoat lijtie FouNinlunui .... £i,48 f, Il.7e4d. $tg. ts bsncsc ork.A large and select stock OUJ Vicluj a. . pie~~c f vumankin ud ee sc n -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i 0ibTi uCiÂC'iv IID - TEL..UE INYWlTnrRis onusd. -le:pairisig donc as pîcissarIesu 11, AGENT' MO)N aicaOE . ER WLE§,nl. [vaeua sg9od aniMy m ime. She CNEANiIl' AUÀENT ho. 1 'IES JOSEPH A. BiNDELL. dida'î play on tise planer, unir damo colored OriPtd1.-roer Arîi»ruliuga IIutel, Mais st., No. 56 lit. Francuile larior Street. B ROOK SREf*W IB lth,ýa ,17.1 anatoe ebtsecui aae Vzbiîle, ou 7114 16. I-il 'Whoseuho kIcepa booatatly au band, ber ovu f rocks ont of wyol, sud ai for ___________i 7h,180. t _8JOIIN AUNE I, Agent. Flour,,Osalon,, ri Of ~ DAILY LISE TO cookin'Iîis a at e ic a Rai.JO (iI1NN, DI, D. - Whlîby, Mlly stl, 1871. 19 Sort., qGrabpçm Fleur, h&ce isDwl IeeIe m.e bslp 'UG0yTO 1TUE OOUNTY GO Au&evcrytîii)susreb, edj he. R z iix mo mR sud saiffod wvusbisanose.) 'Daru it, it'oa( Wtutby UAX~JOIlN WDLFENDEN, iot0fFo, o 'auiy s.Eerytbbng too hsd I didu'î geltiosai gali 1 She v as p - IIMAssHrli AEur 451 aiBt ti oot le gur o anies.i àrrpâTsatbr le shmymîci siz risee .Puse-'prsîty, 100-ber eys ere au bioeeas seuo CEL SOOTTISHT calish mariaahritt.Pue-bang il I ca'îtitllyuu boy bio-bluerra mQWN 011111< ul 'rteAS3UICEIC IVIIITIIY C EBRATED - eTSE cutandrniuje quality sud prîte. "- -ta uv'Brbi s .1.Olice-Tovi hlall - ilourbuto ilselook. MH. SILEPP1AItD e- - - butto biu n a Hr hir o Wbltby, Fois., 1871. 7 TheoSuporis New Lake L'pper StateCaislu as sofi sud ailky as thbeIsasels on green r 0. N., VARS, - GRAN'L'1'I.E oanr, 0 -corn, carlin' ail rouand ber visite eck, sudjc P orisîs lb L i criastp of JONATEANl T Llabobia' op 'sd dovu vissa aise uge, ck I)ilýtilcogdieýtiopo.WAi Mrbe o2 o JNAHAC00M M RIALI E, NO RuS E NIAN, sud s@he coalit lsngl about tise ssarteat. aietsii~"le.lîtsu.On WOLFENDICI. Duiudap't..'itby. 17 OSH1A'WA. tryliUntdSitsadCndeMal1@ar satob Id gsttE, liffoiîm.,î lisrd uoenîîortil 0f tlîoOntario ers<tExlire-a. Leave@ Port Hope ovr' M0rn_ Bank. JAMES BLACK, - PoowiuuTO>. in rrvI IgaI.' Ei - ~MC'NEY r[0 L EN D) Ce u -0-- fleu prom frCaie radfraciates oiwa ruins loo &et and 11'Boyidid iL bappen su?' I asked. W I L lity lt()l N rI-I rOo ierWestb. îbiisriiuug, lorves Port o cf eote Wi otsi ie isaso' bty W l0U-, l AT-REDIjCED RATES, ciel travolers. Billiard» atbaciîed. (t'Iuiirldttuu) erary êeeiug et 9 o'elou. tocuser k'elnosaiIoitaasea -satîtrulsyoo, vsohe l b aves ut 2 o'ilika, PM' 1, uver liked toi tell, ih allers maea m ta~oeT oE , .i nm nov puepsrod teu len nul sy em uurt o pi -,17. for brs tu vr it o m rruss).'O eg n1 m g t as W i i ihii o e, A. WILSON, Jr,, - Propriotor, moiiey ou irbe c aru>J oud Purnisor proou -ti-a) la buletfvitesommer. rouThee fon "- fo atvsaItlkc t u sIbt ductlve 'f'6vîi lropcrty, ut lue Iowuut paiile TERRAPIN 1 E S T A U R A N T rétatan uiet oute r b p. o isetabsti.oruI gis as vid rel ikfilanis h Yen ne rFbHEIIYJJSCRI(îilàtbogre te anoin ce t urtee o îtso ,t ii ...aiuduMuiner bo sait .s.. Poit sdpe ockthe roune fruaiiluuste ai c f I vskno rs 1.tosd tsub l iliiîtmlisnuudtire ilîsutlue ho.-noves. rm. lptcrin lhorepuîd by y9arl A »Bîsilo o .~ Tire fa.vorite route te Avon au ws ighty avestiillotîeuly nueplPrtono.outseCusdT-cu.L oicsr Ivsa Lusmds, I buiadi', e basa optfi dish oe u vl otel Itirse Village ilatlrimettor r iuou-eSai. sudpiii & .nyrsi oti't e buti. 1br u of /es ubiirsu fo'tr tdue 5ecuiiiortitiitet tire ira- tereral liiculiraeed Parmaisd Lotis fofl Pscnrirs ond ireiglit; taloecamsalog Aide been te Uncle o pst teîa ivo or Ibre. vir tallluug psslic, iQ. iurt eiuuo w. land fur- vilj -I u Sae hep.B-11 I À AR sBm ROU~ Soallmer na RoheserL' aloug Pms, utop. I âhetie l i ncomstauiieluuu iut W ui Lors, sudotracitnmaeeritCobseuritnaiPotaHoe .ibreet wlîîs byon euacisor. 0(mniuus-lIl fiudl ursy 0c1ouiuiiioses nvos'meuuta smodellu Debiiiures, Mortgoges (8i h ai, KRingSt e set b ouata>. Royal MalLiu bieu otam Hamilton tIsin' wiî tise old man-shout tise cropu gel ausd Cigatraif ti etBioraui alvays koptuors liver ioid (Jrooitacks hbontlit cui suld, -THOsud tiseIsudabout-ab %Vsnd, Tuo-OMASd oCARLIcuitLE. _pMptIE'TOS. sud Motitreatl. an vteawtiser, adin4uiria'abua Goo e-d Slablilig uud otent ive Ostiers ilu Por lurtbor paticaliîîr, uppîy b -o- - usisR C ATR a!ier bewaumauin' off-aud tisen hi -~~~~~~Pr touauce JeES, an, paoouud Apil11 lal Themot le-' prl 1, 8,1.16tj ru mdgin'home again, îbiukiog ail îthe vay Aslshu, u, Miy let, Islé,îh tf 18 OfficiaI Agsîiee, IMoiuay liroker, J&e. - -- ouumiurtble j. !loHooismiig Imgîbiesi i F IC ,Block, Boo- uotLturtii aiN dUaý '~ ta Lucinita ifI1lsadntu, been a0 sisopiss. au --MMîlea l-oc irt,- sMehu. nppstA C I Â,',m. eto i Grana Trunk RailolAwLI HoItON Wlult«lsS.,'So, lisga n at bisoagh sammoriM GAnàTrunk R8lwA'î'îot. setemnbor2ili, 187). >go i.;3cor, uund Citera of tue fliisesbraist~. ifilsud til aiter seii'. Tison Dad sud Ms. Bo AT $'lllUtSTAIO. s] assu i s Ira lu ery atyle. îook a notiois ta go dcvu ta Stouy Creok, Tîiuuk-uuid ureiuiosIrivu us ia rOIJ LO E If O'12E9L» Parties visltlng Torciate(cor a dur7 viii 16. aitas aéon as tsey vernuet cf sigitsit W )'U tIa i liinku tan'irliie -t ~ ucc:ssoîoo ireserpe Grirmisai: r:b.rl s bo eiiacPets Mireoer's voods 1 0go., mb dev rlkIeiîus lÃŽt i 4 y tli:uion, i tir itrna ui - 6 180is,4 he ouas sud saya te simien Rachel,- Mo bau ltto t u tuuir u le sa lin i ei hteftuirut fo'te r ri ptrn 'Rach-sapposin' tvreget op a quiltia', a- chaa t ,lua b ioii tei lui li vîîua ot' JAMES POWELL, Proprietor P A. P E R A N G IN G 8S 'ieee0ft eloe Il caice tisat Iami bae t ocuncb Sales, sud a dance, vwhits lb. aId folk» la avay, 6 tire wliiuhforr' hîwlitiî blr îiabl'oingc e-' lu e h Il rlao aib huenrt s custInusenrsoh tiriol uitOu. FIRiT-CLASS ACCOMMOAIN TieudrlsdhgutfoaLsepbi M w1oiurtiuia toiuliug bthe trainiia oul i 'T'IN h nerile est nfratePbi O , i ua asRch tee ta t hanes i1iliane bliumter»vllaken cars oftif,¶Feis. 2dInh],1071. S tbu.t lie lien ou )tend thie ]argent sud [TOWNN-O-R CO NT - 'itohsafgin cuhe'o a scb, i aeme it thia iri . hoal stock cf Paper Ilesgingi -T -AIU ABcf.'ES CENTIIAL JfTEL, iofAmI wn ilrtref. 1jtJEL, 3IIiUOHM 1 tov, ai cflii.ff» Atrrageaeilfer sales ea» besc oe a'Noer yoa muni,' a e 1, 'Ah. sud I 'ROYAL QANAIÂN UEL -- .1ifidteclie n z h oe i e o ~~A~ESV ~~AI1 ~ VOfilce, Brook street, Wiib. ayouylf .PORT 'EItRY, ONIT. JOHN DAILEY, Proprieto.n ,teiliru eoffers'foot tale, very lov, for cuitî.L.FIANS dotooki'sdatsegs' 'rr Z ub$ ri Or eÂI & lo g fter diner a pel I eo, î e ou un supunlor su eî'eir rapect. -0 - oslaol h u n os, hy uy o ulali up b 15,05 sd brées.t Then laiu isT psgril tmraatsa ildacvoMill, shîald ou Lot ane ni rltare', otelviich ie asbeeIP4 ena.IaehsisîfLu ny' aay-bn T jowlyIse audersîguetrte1ea doasAtobsslualufornircaslie -of iissent ,reun Jin lu - ths estcftyiýe.- T inise a fa OIp t"i ae w t1Ise ea oron vls ile ho bed eheaner. nT Iali'q iier sv ~Iars, sdi h2ejrais>' aveed. Crolân. -.0aui'_ - l'a ~ PureR u*îa nteuo vsry 0mtisatto hithe4O,&ll- Izi lpr, suîsî e ndretaIli. tise qualîy cfrIbisfcrk 'Oaussipatmaenlal. takn h lie eokoitmetsmte isagesu Oasis Fric.dallovet. --JOSEPHI Au BANDELL. lW-Condvood sund Lasmlrsn ken lu ex- ci ,y 0,:1la. 1 bîy o.8. JAlmCLÂYToii.. knuesaso by hmt ofwhea thé suan vasi insI &a b b igii-of à ree aboyer jrns A- -forvard, sud Iaagbiag as loud as* auy, lb' born. I had nôottimeto tara, bu took aâ 1111n, lexp-rigbî nier ber, sud' never Slqpped titI 1 Us in the ha, movw-bn aeu ibeis 1could hear ber aqueaIing: wora. tIm git ont. 'Âfter a vbile îhiagi got quiet,, %nd brotber At,. came out vlîb My clothes, suüd vanted me t0 go iato the, bouse, but ,I;couldü't bave fâced Ibe, gaIs sud stood ailthe teiîUu', of tbe boys for th. bout farai in the sîeldient. So tbers I1 lay, aIl aigbt iatbo hay, close enugb te the; bouse to, heurtbs musi cand daneln', -vitb the avWeet tîbngh; Lba.t.red beaded -Jos Skimmiie vas making lovt bmy, Lucie- vi as à long lIme Ibefdre I conld fuua ter cuaetg o Unele Pop'$ agi;, but 1I4ddmanagé to go aIlest, though I felîmigbîy queer, as I. opeuedth. gate an&ook lin Wbere tbs gaIs vwers a miikiau baýo- hndoand ssid hO,. dsy do aIl round and Ibsu-esî dovo byLncindy, sud begans tsysoma pretty nice thiaga tu ber,'.bat pi!ebobsaeeuiod tub.oibinkià' of lorotifi' aide. I vaebed ,ber asah kept shem bIne oies of born lookïiD' avSay off Somevbere at nothib', vîîb a- mmii. ronulu' over ber face tike the rippies& ou a pool of vater vben 700 îbrow sàcmoue lu deeper sud deepter grew tbe rip>ples ou ber face, sud tbeu ahbs t ont jost like she did ' bsî.uighî aitlin' lun the patb. I kasu torywel vbat asevas îbiukiug of h n,ý sd I jumped kind of mad likè a d akeored ths old 0v ow te t abshojusuped and knocked Lucindy sud ber psu of ,ulk over on tbe grass, sud I put, for bomne, Dussing uMy Iuck. 'Lncindy married Jo. Skiaimia. usaI tater bartoit, sud as 1 notver tooli a notion tu aay gai elace, l'Man auold bachelur 701, and spect I allers wii ho.' forb.- aîson ooecieuat aseritl, uyýiioio lai 0koi$a Anecdoteth o0111111of te lsc #en Rofus Cbate and hief JusicetSviiiofexcite fao lesedsurprise i suprise ; of mssacouete, oten ndule inword 'loked t fteud ificaîboa by th omne.wMbo b e oae penëd-y bthaids. bQte ai nc an A U$.e, esimâte n' ast uitosurovia arguing a caue bffore ail, lisee couain et tise" Placee&Vods- (wb vu on o th boetestmonevee e oce terbe - Rleafua oto teChi ndot JustieSsviswa Ofne-ofpupe-b can d Ob rouet mrpo f00faco d200 tsesta ifge Masacisussotîs, flin tuig 1vs e -luvomt7 o os ittusut ilontcoaleus, 'ni.*iy lsrthe b.Com0e.M1Obri0a 8eiti by bath alites.bu ali Chrpai,. vasw onceo 'lagning ceuseebefono îiss ofhiot usic as u o niai etauhtéhbonilustraeandtnse 0 opls restofatoe Elno, epeieceth smefeli "Ie 1 ba ntAinenicea tc, is I oe; ise stl basvestdit tno on isa06, visevia caoof ise bomliei aea rer vsane- o heba d t g o t us. Ia m et 000 fr ancs o $6 b0. ut son b a ilbs. eteroo ons forntise o eded shieiflsemybsit.' Ion oui., y et o uite ui otutyfu a 1 isi b t inyiruig le sut1 u ea l ta t sY i r i a ia bs i s a ie c i u s s b s n e et ut ts a Hoba drw iilfo wt qie uai reun-tesba àlit pirl A fevbas ol 'la cing loat Cotipedoaco u m yn etk etgmrua'L ait tise balust rad s upresouhi1 [onor, I experieninceor îbe sause1 wWb afepbeuiiog tiseirg [iauit lte ish sbe orehidsit e l, bIvuhou avyIisbgo tise,. lau opilaI baoy iatppeari btphe bcms Fa h aw sa i rt at th e b t s commant sda etet, 'ofa eaieantot h aavge as gaget lu makiug ho, at suapn, t 'Ih t, îsugtaig - bis bruaua oivitis gnuloosatmny -en nAa idprbumia' basblosIvL-eaDoieave . eyss baveiebesty, sbaggy Ar Bey dp No oson rporîts 4a heu sidor Ssvenfira a nt is t iei vq a îe aistres ctof s sgiosud ere is bu greiîWRoman m'îrriag a Daprtcm n tewb ,setiîldoa f or orkeityen'sorDicti4o,000y it, inaiu iotsant fivo audet dsisot finutie,. Indaoi,wu'asharo oab 'reilio s girl, tpepld e oit, cae sat e$ut,- - lrtncho k ieabr tpry a aiia tise offacclspbrute. $COnu.ngun an visile hieheso clky eprsceandtis 'For Heaiiveu'a aswe av note, dou'î leleye, or4 Ciso.ator;for-A u tad oItet * s erdaut sasfortabout M asitist ceurlbusinssop, bt il ReP omaultoeia Churcsop erty a Nus U t ur ba Diir ot bi sat ate op cited eff .oi Yatra y o imsa e yitdab ut o fm o iy lassvo n .Ii s00OOr.f y , e mttaery oas.athes, hsd tDickPrc, hogoe ponmabsaois vas èuak- - osisBiiiugw tstissu-osî-peplt m e st ad, su hdg.mehi bat or abut.o, tis abe ;-shv etro. nute'emrs' atngt o At lise hegiaaiag of tbisjtesîuoeoty Dick mIne a.' uhdien& papen asserts, ilIum sarefcsiiy id tisI te iss ht vaa' itafk as tise uonitig public, opinioni, Ihat, thon ýmen, tiisudrsiiagiik ieeuhlii' -Eider Evanus bas isse ocîriug in viso esîcisfieas,; sut, aftun epFiviag tise Suttsuiy Mn. Choate aseit im Liverpool upun lise essentil peculiarlîlos poor tbiags.oýf their legs, teil them for 'Wa thons s moon tisI uigbî?P cf Sisakerisai, vsibi hsens to ho smsasitfliametd, mu4 stop- il, as "tbe'people tvoa' 'Yea, sir.' o p lutitres articles et heliet-cmmuuism, subisiub hagto auy longer. 'A u j, y o s 'i a wm u o - Y 's p im it a lis s s u d o e ii b a o y . T is e tv o f o - t h n p i d n e B e g u l s e a iYes, s fait moo.' mer are 50 populan mstal 51prenanutas ridelntdepeusZin dele pubisises ý tau 'Ni o seite ' sa mltai oue y ceane yï uttez-Empeors'Napoeon bas auei INO a mite.' tise Eideron aecr boy -ho, meitties ton tise capture cf Lise lesuisug rmembr>gcf 'Tissu, boy do yen kuo ovewuvas w it tise lutI doctrine, vhicb, îu the tise preseut Guvsrumunt by sidvauciug -ou Vopinion etfttho langer isalf oet-tise'popals- mouey tbu bribe a7rench negiment tb per. -The Nantical1 Almaulo sait se, sud P lieu, hý as sireaton00msuy àdbernît* in folrai tut darng deeri. Tise illustr - ous lotoe that mooner issan any lavyeu in Ragianit. lu bruts, theo uartmnoisists exile iyus, oîier asn more sensible purpus- la vorîcL' sbaye >a furmidable enemy lunM.,EBaau,.eîé uviic ho cian davotu whateven mieans VI a wusî tashesrincipal iumiusry that vWih el t usinvbîiap o .g. th nov puses>. uis res bui, air Il - Duss coali co..ezisî vit s ooibeaodeciarelefrd ergl ieIrn Ocusmr Binaci - u bar th eCal. tsat"us ba h it ot or' -. of LUnis Napoleon ut adttou s tweuîy. 6inlelamnp o or h a-ts ib a idfryýÏ8experusoce, elgist tisa at t isxty-three. ig.eanst-coueuiioclare fo i'owu obseryation 'Ais 'You ans groviag sharp,Mm. .,thattievas not on tbishau-b e a mtco m.IFaRk's Lh u'nd of the Efoloîavi uting.' ':otabis,-conît ait an-ppy a peoplea ic e ku ie renatut Lisae*îropain - IWiss ini the blazes have yen 1beeau0eShker pîpevr, isg aestpera: - W fscts, ads ess hisssmn-w 'ding me tissboum for-ta make me roseîoeiigetrhgbaobcdosaIstseuiet ilad - ib.o, ýj0«il, reser eicho'lf oid en socais to ailée Iighî'ly Ou Frnuce-,wvs Ur si.Ai- uImevstlt. vsea ho atenredthâibt 1'at.ugb not pur- iuenîloneit, Jules Fa.vre, not exactîy bursb. dcii, ocletin bsppiuýese, *tiey isslne affilen inglt as as befure, yet -appeared e- anit longitude you crosset lise Equa- ontniu^o,ansut haithétseaggregabo uttonly Bpeecbloesa vithS Summum. Wiseu la? 1,bohegrast t ant of enjopaeus f'anDy ho ýbat recovhred frorn bis paroxysus, ail tho'- ye'reajohing.' people.,, - le conît 57 as bai "Sts if euevere- ~~~~~~~~ ii sus.su ois A i g l ' to:coant moi» the lime utoisrsitLi ucnw, N o, ir,1 am in arn st. nd - dé irsonecoul tît m ans age to co u nt suci au moaswrre snüaramneal vas mateen012Anguse enormoust;-um." -Upou whicb -Bisoearck ahaul. ' - -20, a't'the Eiyaue, Montmartre. An mndi repliet vils a saile, *CDen:t l bat dis,- - Ah 1 you refusa, do yen?'V - ituai sligchilyoxciod 6bp drink -esilet eut -Inca, you. Iisbve tiiousght of that, andl Tsa- ca'l.i - o tise vpiîer, I"Bring ms s quart,- cf dismefuna brougisi tis gefslerhaun-point-s laout i YcU are the chiot mataetofa petnc>* eum ndittise ael de Ville.# A,1sug bumB.sie rôtds -Jomrsithue r.....n per asiîp, sundare nabie bu ansver,,meohumai of saugbîon trou ail vho vemep fte is' ld eouiet 1e ceto hoe s, question?' seul greuoid ttis a tuakonp4n ro f isbutl~ Cou, it is tise simpieutquestion I over saiteteetite viso bappenei tO be en thse A young masriin Mains, vbo bad mats' ssked mse. Wby,- ýI îboagit every spot senumd o t ii no lacgthing mat- iithe arrangements te msmytise dalugls. efta is,<Wy.r n ew tisaitiser. aîn't noeandt us vag vas îumeIiately anr,e tber Of a hoLýetl eepe.iu tisai State, a, ew ude at tseEqustor.' Jcitge cf >Lte surprie, oveter, cf the asugvsatuiio ya lm.c bat shot fSucrait-Ratas. police vbsu lt-vas ,4iacovseredt Iat - Iein iftet e in' ther for b ber ~trng-tie- - prisunor vas: un ruarlly aCumununisî lester - Wbledi1abot tour tri.-bailou en philosopher bath,-salid Be w -sa, rbwom 15 -.-- . sarbiggsudenI ' anearfor pors.-wTb y S fun__ Aw h c u 'î-h-y 1liait1 - - oM t, u. s r f r a i d n ; .-. . I . ., a . utither on. deuied il; on the oalra,y lookeid &asif it vas-ail rlght s Wuzoo Msal Vas 7oung, Qaasaroni en- tered .bis mnotber'a cotage Ons uighî for refuge sud -food.. M -ui aakod thesohief 10 ýlot hiai join big baud. .-you l' Baid Gasbaroui, suesriagly; lvby,you bàVs notîpluck eoughtto b. brgaad." 'BavaI nol' crsd lai; 9'1ilshow -YOD if!1bat,.' H. seized .his tmber stitbbed ber, eut lber ,opeu, tors ont berý harn sd -but 1 caunot give tb. conu., siol1i ta î oo horrible. And theas are thes mou beenîimeuîtaympathiaers vitb bu. mali liberty bave plIsoed on tbe list of the noble army obf martyrs I9 ,A gay or 5o ago, Gasbarocli ii ed the varioas remarkrabio buildings etid piaiai kW Rome', He was foiiovod by a crovd of i'àobetllUtas om~,ans el rsamnffus. Re viabed'to s* e. . Getto, snd express. ed surprise alita .fÃŽltbinësî.;"The 'pooi Java, td vhom, theDraIme of Gabaroni has ben na yronym- for aill tbatî vas bad, and îsd frih& enb-jhrea, viaserribly aiaruied 'abi appearsace amoag them. As tue Piazza Navonaho said i- -NMnmi piace' (1 doaI'lUt. 'this).-a5d sadded, with a brutal saile, ' 4hora ,are tno'tickets bore'; et vbicn the 'Iooelîi'ga'o a about ,sud laugb. Whou ho reauhed theo-Pantbéon piazzar ho atopped, took.,off bis bstiod- remained i ilont. Thea bl a. n I~ energeio oesuuer, eoxpreaaiug bisi faisfic - lion, naviug it mode hlm foot Youug airain,' ber osr sîrly -Iu Ji --. d _'h U&ad 5epgui ber v ickedoas -ver since. I tell *YOD, My dear aisteitel.detil figanIt lotYOD auyet-Stanrefoad toa mite Jobs vYife- boosuo Le knev ve u as "- of hie best aillas,' A flitte four-ysar.old, living juat out of Nov York; wv asyiflg -the Lord'sa prayor a;- bis tWotbsr'a - hes. .àftër Leh, fioisbodsho said.îo biai, nov Sandy, s 4Ad tomanýka YOu a good boy. The boy. besitated, greçv th *Onghtfuî suad after a fav mivtos, looked op' snd vbispered tell u s am m a.....B, ou'î -'duoiif, 1I tait Fou y.asked bituener go mauy Ma6rchants vould tbiuk they vereSwiam- dled il Lita Vsvspapor men cbarged tbem $200> or $300 per colama por aaunm for- s'dvertiz, ng.' but tbpY vilii-change their. mind probblY vbeu thP bear that a c'Olu,uof Iho Cbicago 7'WibUn0 ', vorth *22,000- TbheNov yrk SUn, *.3q000.- l'he 8. î.Louis Republim, $17,000, The Herald $50,000, sud the Toronto lobe, *1,000 porexat lu srrse.a gj - SOet ilau -jolis 1~ 1~ MANAGES.

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