=OFFICE.-NIc]UJLLANYS DL OC RANK, *soouUTEEe, u , PLANK - - Proprzetoi. emstagm bd -froui Whby oalI dally. KTary 6aeauotpald bogueaLu. Cà retuzi awd mien-u iVATCHMAULPi, &a. Brook streat, «- - WkItl swo, Sewtuuy mchuines. And overyttlmig Mcala a add prièveil o suit *Il. et I.OW Rates, snun o liboýtobt -1101.1e, -, Wbithy, May ai, 1871. ,- 'T IIE. LIVERP'OOL & VL'NDDN* 6L' I.INsUKA NCe(ouMÂN y liseloro muont prosparoum 01Enugikiz InaUrauice Con. Ite INVJIMTED FUNDS ar..' 817,006, lt. DAILY INC031 9oxcad.... *20,00 - lîs LI FE POLICIES are s gure Protact -- - lu FIRE PiOLIES, fissusut et Ciii I. COCHRIANE, LL4. D. - term,mufbrd ampeapioetleuuc heliarot YCII-bWN A't'Tt>NIY FOR ON- sud iuuselssiden. I l sulUî torneyat- La , oa Ail (aIr eisima Pa'uumr yPà u, and thue hhsIîceQry, Ne'ary- Publie, di.à .- Mos )rai hiuslshevu lu theasdjuîtmeout ici ts-et, muat ber te RoyalIcs. Itly. 81 HcaOnae,esnadsDBrincî, neutre, ORGE fi, DARLTNELL, G. P. C. 8MITH, ""Y" îATTO'RNriEY, CON VETAN Ctief Agent fuor Dumimio e»puty iegîstraes- tertur a-esdl L. FAIRBANKS, Ja., Aai, ieîurlo. lsîeBry fr t.,lstbyou i Wiiby, Ont, us-e.OtSe s-ek-t, Wltty. Wiulby, July 28tb, 1569. 80. tus- tucey Ceonvcyeîces- Nu- H F U Rettdunrto the stor, u il . J R taurant and Billiard Farlors, Brook $t', WIlitiyt Cuti, 69 I&iegStreet Erumi, TORONTO Nov, u8, 1867. 46 IIEîVELL &heGc<EE, The Bas- sunploi euit Cuolue Bs-suds 'KAr-r(,'KYÈ3,SsLICI Wiîuoultques-u sil cigr.Oeossr CsNVETNCERSAND» No:ut,. esintuyio. gr.Omtssmsv ~'lttAC. Fis-st-s-usas TUing muind Lunclh Roc 0ite lues- nos-ils or the Puo-et si4eted.» meula at i ul ionsm. Id hiu'seîs-' iiug, uppomite 61 J. LESLIE, blà Aor- llovînalivtia. â 'EL!.. R. MaGnES. L ONDUcN ÀAS$URANCE COIPRTO - CtXIAL& , KELEITR, eoek, C. W. J. 1UIER GILEENWOO», ATTOttNlt -ATr-LAw V SLICITORIN 1 Ahai aieas-, Notas-yP'utile, biuiivo-aitc:r, Bu1)Ifl Om'ffice. 49 LYMAN îUNiLISII, L L. B., nAbtRLSTEli t A W,'ttiftjbOan. im oo --Ithw -40 A liE 5.LAN 10N, ÃOVVNUlI, LANî,1)AGENTha. 'Jrrsc,-uve- A riu~tr-ugmhtu, MKILîI u pics AND Lir£. PmyAjiiUn u r ROYAL CuARImnc 79 FOND& lit HaN»D..£2,46,5uJ, 178 4d. Stâ IHEAD AGENT, bl(INTIEAL-.EOMEO I STII'IIENd. NO- 86St. Fs-suc.t XavierS-tseet, Jolis AGNE w, Agent.- Whlttuy, May8st, 1871. 1 -JOHN WOLFENDENO FON OiRTUa CELEBRATED SCOTTISHR GRANITIE W At hIcs-bice rs-kmof JO)NATHA14 WOLFENDEîN, Dusda-Si., Whiiby. 17 - Uahs-iîîg*, Juîîî7tigag1. f-28 ...lNMD. MCINEY TO LEND IUIiGFUN rcj- l'ly COUN7'V OAUL, A"KL'DUCEI>RATES. S rosi trect, Wlity . 1 hm Dow prspas-ci ce lenil any samuut of TiIOgAmie IIYNoN, moîîaY 011 ftise ss-usit> of coudi Fursmor-ps-e. TOWN Gkiiitti< 6£îAtUîilî,î. %%'IITBY ductiv Tuwîi s-upoiî-uy -ut lia eaien po*Kible ruteor iiteoi4 Ili». i ed nîanr te eusiu îuuîuîmîesîros- ilii atis-un ha id hy yeuri> 0. N VA 8' ;evrul eilcultivtai PFs-mm snd Luis uf P -IA011911A L )u.tlutt, Osilîam it-I Liii for- ualu, cieup. Doute oi>iu, dls-astl.ý uupes luvestmeîîtu mode lit Dentrs ogas hIioue 1 tropst'trd lt)os-îurtis tiîOarioîsne lves-anud Gs-oi,l)tîas-bubon! lianu uoid, Bank. For (usthes- Jîuis-iss-,pphy te1 w I S ) N I U - E, - - JAMES BOLDEN, W ILSON iciai 4Acaîgîselo, Muîîey lisoies-, &ao A.SuiEtl-i'iN, F FCEg-McMîîîuuj'uBlock, Bs-esk uts-set, A, WILSON, Jr-, - . pieô,Wlsiîy. -il- , ~~~septembes-2cî,-80 lBUisuiffli:î9114 .14-gmLnaiu ziîîuuî-tu his - ef u tîs-î,fu- ii, î; -iiiii jli, i t the iris- ii os t u i li t.-Wîm d u -t utlier slie s-tîiil ilîsîti- u, llvlîu)e AM S O L, Proprietor sd eîgars )f théze t Brm-llucîduis I&Wuyikepi 0-J ecusi. . FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMIODATION. W ad oStaliig îîd atitaîve Otîs-,ln Foie. 2lud, 1871.8 tendanice.8 & *uîn my W~It'iLSON, J , 's-opsitur. rAnd uTibo runk a86D ay fi-8 CENTRCAL 11(TE4 RIUOHAM Hrn rn RiwyIotel. -e AT WIIITUTY STATION. JORN BAILEY, Proprietor. U7IM,. uNXtL> îuviîîoir u,îîuu,.tia *si. 5..s Viîs aohn, iî hW-,1 t,,. 5... ... VVI -,là -' s- '.-sbt Moî ic linti Trssuk It 1bid, h lîy oscîîig cîu gstt., ilfert 1114 fril tul irq ie rîalcgputl ho à mc iraId up- hile limie al iii tulîlooq s ls -st- @,mgm tyie, iesui by litteitloir tu te' ie vs.îîtu tise, Whuo lisvor hlm tt*lit)tiroir- 'atresuugîe Is-u*tete eslt aeuîî-tiuincî tiieoftliu cutom. W. l'atis-s tokilîg tire triisud leui .heresu alî l buseiuuu uI Liaken s-ara of itl wliitiy, itell., 1hes. s i YAL -ct>',rOE L, POlRT PEinNY, ONT. IL FOY, . - Proprietor.- tunslus- Accommosudatlou. Goud stolng sas ru Pons, iil £tta,tive omtilr. SPort Pers-y, Nov. 8, 1869. 45 PQBT PERRCT'IlO0bl8Bt. FORIT FERRy, ONT: JAMES i 1 1- TIIIWSN, PKIOPIJTORI. Thie gburlenIî,us- îstînecuInfu-m Cie cou>- meuhit tuireiis-roimenaaesîuw ops-muuu tire plle, 'ler vises-obu .p-epu.sed culs-uîtaugood Seýpt, ut, 8 70# AsXÂSOxçj Proprietor. Th@ d'JOVOahu been tîuos-ugîîîy rentvatel, sudth ileil n veymlmd$o Md theurus-ytauctixunodaîîo 'Aprul uî,1870, . 1 WEjE1ULlN HOUSE, DUJNOAS IST., Waîs-ÂBy, trhei, nderulgîeî autidintimate te ttle fL'Pbie hts-a up sr.d plmigsa have 'Iwi nOIl ltte UP ndeuuvad t4 rouigis. owlllo tue tfeotuests. lieut lu an 1qie-v e iotre, attiîl cqaa-. reg"' etI (Cauuita '-aise Pus-a Ritue la1 aewlittieand uuretili. Bodn bke J,<SEPB A. BANDELL. Y# X&tY et 781871. vc i mini ansd fuisisuîed. w.- .- d." o is- Jleo s -lice()îni îîoduîîiou n ndiietiom. -, 0o0u -uuuuy ststluug and aicomtive ostiore. Jan. 26, 1870, 4 PROFESSOR J. POST, v m à a a z or PIANO-*FORTE,&o Tza.Ivoretiton Plano, sic. Tlîoes- of aimisel tOMIPsMiiiu, dia, $à : "r-Ms. Pnot iepm a gengas-m stock Of Mui-sd 13004,, fus-sale, sud vimbes a osîl ls-em bi. 1#&luîufrIs-nia. Whluuy, Matih 2, 1870, F MN ARh IeMPLEPs-NtTS, dia, The undarmigusut tige teo atai i.h contnueu te mnufacturea' Root, Seed & Manure Drile, As WELL As WiA G 0OBr, SCUFF LERSt , AUD AL KINDSOZ g -in FARMING IlPEJEN a -AYde fils-O M ANGLE &,WItINGEII, NoetaI s Ue OOfef l atic-isles cf the kuni nsuufuuurei lit s-beaunutry, sud hlm&u> -u- ai 8TKAW CUTTERS,m*o esusly rlke d memsupenlor lu every rasipsct. 'au - (tue0' Es-z lsn'u Celaîrataî aui Calorie 1>~inos aoj ti»hlmauu isa buh.big saI es-dore atvil i lieamg?-bu a exescuteaiil tité und vis-lu <sestes- e p edît ons- havurM dcheueasimtu te uascoca eens aiimsu an h tie, aJea elbatg, Nov.tse.I'luaallvel tiy. WHITBY BRAlqnCI. ONTARIO BANK. -WIIITIY BRANCII. K. F. LOCKIJART,ý OXINION BANK, deN.ibs taBîîtensem sdhu-li fsllepieucli h.vn daa'm 1bai!ee*1 a y, - qni ailiar, eus- Jolun 1Weil, 1 w fsi koind REN enisarises-tep ste eanuemioîeheJon t rinûbulafrtugay-aatonyns tcetl fs-Abay, c eo'aaio-giavr tiuginsuuau anuri b'Jb.istoai.- Beiue ' amlas, lelr-I atI rag nonua leaeldushebuilding fusnrkuovo aile tretofore btmbuvaupumen s ultelmurtieo insforecena hiuus loap ibat aie hI mot cake tilI hall pau quita large es-iccens ' - esah slYt ae, roas,ý i, s- us-ihad, sad llttailp up ala lter lu ain, bave I T Oh lest i abat miail I img, vîzon à senilshako fs-onu Brilget bornefo'r chunclteeplom out in eusaud oeves us sae fe wMpnge !oa ébuetei!.pt ple iaT he p ce s a ep e j n ly T O N O R c j N T- y do 1 . eff ec cal that desisabla v nt. >sd mt en t a il1-roepa -f the tail.'vb v r al c il t e se lo g me> - , Aé.0ot býotOse utnteT W R'Got et aithe mort statien,' ail lis-. 'Sture, Mensthe accomylasbhn's gulu lir@. Budd tau ta look lubieussd ioleihaen ube;edIs-gt b'h btaîvay Omlbnpaelaat the llotel,andl 'AT REABýVNABLE. RATES. ' e W . T inua hait lu bons-, su' ye'veoavcrseapjusutien Joe'seoye lit où a nom>es cf an abous tan dollars for-Iblilu inge, andIfor , ageosfos- Uîbs-dge sud Baaves-toîî lesaeI' Arrangement$ forsaes meau becmde 'Woremse---.uIare, ie dllar iaui- ' yensclfi' ubte bs-sklmc fa realy,f agriceuias-i ,papas- iyictg o n the fluor tuai 110PaY MY pasage fs-on Harîfotitto York, edaorevenios-ulug. Roarffl Iperday. atbes-tthe Caeerccm.îoffice, os-st ny.ovu Ain'sLytcegodfo oinc7' s.Dd andad ubdbrsmoe ddopdwr eedpi-ud1anIgtmrl te fi et- GEORGE KOBSON. Bok îe, Wity0-, #uy ibbugnt u- obitT' lig Dl yaad u ttIb ts- s ean disg racievbana sa sia-chl îbn I' g3ei'oneundbs-o .1 Harof, ~'Os-îm Suter îayînei.udseL. FAIR BAR Ks, ýs- ssIsinsMr: Doîl, viti e uimmaea4accant. eyes, aud yaauuel egain, n iint u-dcs-eadermsilarthg h 'sti daulsi~ on n'H, iMbvMa,.8*- ~-hîîy,,~>,8 ~ ~ 'utuu yn aa,' nevnelha,- ruuig avka te bat _the navpapers catila hane ilai a Ilft'rpon bc nlom tic cb in ie bega o quiver. hhty uy ,Iat is Bugar aloig che card, éood for tsi mom oferpI an atiin,' snd dre@mad ler-. lug is ina sPm*ieoarsam aut h. fimu.ludd on li n < 41I ltix & hWACD ,NL, .Jt -N ATTOttiEYA lieus-ru ite mBatik o ut egals- u,î-, Il, J. Mà ccccezm.a ,ce cf tisa fis-n, Cous-t flouat%,- Un IliliftA-gg;... v1 -la ut auy,)!eau112iy* à ,bout the gra1fin, st*r1a e - Chi'avec but on 1Jar bonnet '.stnyoudur! t tere4$IL ______________________ô____ ris t spll.do YOD1 c rit nue Toa V 1und fr hicopltu1Ofth Dw ýg bth ~sail. nnolokbaî il Il tAhé -IOAL Chuycb cf St Francisa#âcs uf iuawyWfiz, oîhmiuini-we oun gat noi gnosIdgen eun.njd.~edv L, COAL, COAL. t ta - SWorcester by a 'b hoslllo-éeae te -'i b;sd1sngottecn- ~%tgA;le," t a-e Clo.k. - a.. titilliez peutilyilrehe un't th a;to -old lady, Whofait seone does wIn, &fier and Bridges béat aiyrbrb wbc 0" a lubi e w l e, b . ta tn 14 ' lil1ho -V a st p p n g siz suy » ( r v e t w uk Th nmaoridbsmd. Urrarmsuba 'Illea fOlowlu, la the.liitcf -Porim-id >uu , i- r-uft ounus P a>Env r 'skin5 Out of Plie nigbimsr.breatilaus ber '>eumipllit, Obereon'7 Mm. Dodd for s larve 5'>ppIy of-Ithe differeut kiuids uf Prîze premanbod "y the osui 1er. J. Lynche, lWonare t 1 llcc 00it01 IoanUpresIbm h etith ' utinfora,.bu, slmlîug dn i soil- >Bthé sur6 sudlamiehcent (n vbusteaa elfuluasg o) h D.onrtalu shol ntrTorontth;r2dfane atanient beruira à r0io ?QhoraoHr&df eno, trrsud Do mciicom abic.9wvip ererveve orr ifspoinntsuddppit a. theii. ha'ty -awilii bu actif ut greatîlr r.-présantad by Very. &1v. F. P eRogné.i ru SG wieus a gIoa gen ftle entlemen U11 bel e .w OfIdo a' fiâthanis o ,yo rnd).. tail s.bmdor p&.basn "4b -uzi Li.; n odgruagiriug ta o mchscape.s...t se fr tsm lrosiab yr b.klst Hv'uî bo Ti.oareba mssnuterlgd ande uou, , h;b L a .e u d o ueb au-t.îî u f d b y V e ry l1 e t. J . . Ja rn o t. V . u d h t0 . y m . Soa Crtib a i u d tekiit s a0by .. a u r ul e d bo a a u f u a t be h ya ' i cife r s 'e r a a u i tnetu e , w a y w A u a n ,. M s- dual priomu, osher on bthe d rd lîî.. 615t. préeutail bav Vary 1ev. -Deau n ux,* ' A ittie htef lti iiriug!à Ë 'ion,'b hl oeOt asgnlmn.wy Pd. bJO N BL W. rhz m,naAed y n, r la ethr n rtbe A iiuogi ss.b te i irbeft e" eu Tecr a tinJOl BO. ,pr*ije-byrailier Aruiold ; a, presouisd Te Izel te meot vIL tAl.arydaIUri, wtlyA'u.801871.. - - el adte of :ruett ouenToronto * Tud: . 2ghea la lîl inaîtrii ltbdta aI iyarhi, lu .Dadd. Tb@ lady 'addresd fibet sema, aid ahopped peitts, anq fine Du<dlied Rrocured iergstca h 9,balLbyleRare,.I,80.me8t t lbtrr. ndeee, suds donllictao.t toneaverbot m inber llés, ad dlicaesudesmaibt pefeele k'nland anibblingl ni e-in ar rai 4nt a W Puuin the fulivbs, air suai-ait! @leesIt -. c~n rn mm ntsî *lutre a le. D a18u h rm utm i w e t , m ,' m i i, l ie.D d f le u e. du0ifu,.anr. pa e c u e s e b d b b for ntboyt 00 lntu on'" g pro, 1,-i S, eHouIlesa$ve,"fer l the sainieman WhoeWlied n go rue, vc tas demeried 'even by lMre. fe noîbiug bave in!nocedlir cafautitloplinte agilelsa.ud iea, aaW lgthýba ve heeltl wis1 a' - Dnn qiîicli berontauoeL t! b rie FIR - ÂSU A CEcotgu ftianle,,Boeta1% rkane; ava,"cf 0a"1tlenoie.""an anever '-' sbed Indyvntritsudeloe, or tpda L(>MBAEDSEEET&ritEING ' , 18, l ~ruhly fr,. md~4ar fspoeegoubina un cuuîiug ino the Camarsaimackereî, grasy -potatoeu. Cla.gibal Albauy.-d>rdyiio, noceusE> of 0t>er~ry en,, LMà sTt£&HRaCR0885, ithenav Chu rab, I19,-s plotura of Hilo >HulineSpriogli.ld ;.but lie Vms noitbagrul uerarDater grev ou n «-3apono rbinsi - usddnyi ccurred riber Pope Plus lx, 20, a âne Cngth Vaal, , sasorel, rAaiaslf-.e udui Irib 'oii Dea, 9,a ms c Ceri,~,brief la bis promeut queris . '-beili n ulosîiniry boned benue -aud couid getai aa,-rom the. groubjaome safi. lot. a svluabloq Cow.'24, a obhut cf;Tes, 25, a Boy ad s00oieb oï uNaMi otrebedcol aetspe bn nbý aeb oigt h te £82.dBLISBE» .ZN 1782, nuit, 29 Primasenatla t-JuseepbsCein- IbeleePoire a e sle, ean ea ber&Per' -Pbrs oid -adyvulav ttdofteset a oua adxDn ps-oser vl:ate by ,Se.acstyCno Ibiva I auva bai aW edtia iuod br, andelte, cor ad ed tudaer, w nd qf ba oreadt o dos tebadil r, um- korobtatsn-thsu oostcarorpble garnis andmo tu ni ba tr ao' . isca is-, antm wiles. hophot fce feeota, ed spntb at, wmieh la it L B S E S P i MP F A w th o T é f re r n s a t e Wi tm r 0 r u 'f t 8 b m , a ras p lî o rd a m e tdi O tto-e y ul ly . i + a i a iR l a y . i s o d i e e g s t h d s a e d b i n n a B c d i e u , p a e , ndr e r a s a k u k d d . JAM EOAViIN nagR s haaub48,os il, mWrifick 88 a sra i ba- e1 edme aatsa eTtbît ouile stabib huih. od appremirad ves ched tenrce f Agent Waidy lrge lbum 45,a b'I tbinkCi yen. atvaiibabavaegetei 1pyeud tia* d'pvimtodd bartinsudl"mieastherntodn îu B. idgaî,shoe nomoregraie.-.bbores.sud thsea ai esitheyanbai! e tca ad. of~R n g 4 , s'Barotc f m Fdler, 4 2, a *eainubWe ,, ciierdOpr(l, ooukieîî sad , poua br1inged l hep i bayilrintber knov el à ifI ge ce os-kn wh ev, I d is po h vsfrfs-nse an, rim e d var s ie a peruna ee i n ceoToa. FlwautO sbouxlu ~faCu.bn, avr-tî~»; s-ahasurvo - t he nanzo...addressed berseif kindiytat -'Sburp au' tioaein. lT e atwopeuuv net -adio ; but tiarewuomtig ai uther prizem viliibbe ddad, -freintireIna tmach force as tg leut in, and ber albiovquietntheupdeoine va e, - cm F I o Lt r - e fd imo, up ta fise dt of druwing. hti aktc pis bilfs î ue i our elil amaue appréhensions; irail roid ihet s-uns ica't, so' tien giva 'serionusumd uveet about hies-aesd a.MTOR .I¶TCKET4 FI> THlE GRAND DRAW br tm ha i, Wngrol* nI adhatiug gradunaiiy etracieil tia bis c-e tI'sitin us-rlirainmsaw d-iy citey bis dilsa 'etquiet sud servictabia. Joui S T O R . I G , 5 C E TS E %Ci « Mtes-y cf lis . D ou 'i ' audoringa. ailviuod ' lu b e -luevln', I do n'î ram um bar ahich .' as l ra D udd stoop el by bis eai te - lok Teevr oiwdes.ole o boT' 1 lor Tiseitveirph ws10 ergbertsmeoy nes-raitnIa 6e. n li iainte eces-eoi00 te ufrtnterâstsh pr ton tickets, s cumpliiieutsry fs-auticket-le muni fer eus- nsor. Dodd ite5h. vasorceste ouolreralalai si, andtentr'We1Ià thoudseago lP.e ar ue f er err ch adoufotterdta h. pas-er _11ENR Y. 1-1 Ej P pPsestal. ii vÀuiB nmbas lra rit. su ud ogryitial- a yn i aknl,,bi h etyodld ok 1-I A - puhltired l in tppl pseas--*taa uzlu 1 Wrcein 1c hea bretr becs i on a cta 'T J? e: fi go ailId bpcame Dealrem te Infus-m ti.herahatiti cf Wiîiby hepriaeswl cfrwr aprin r- b-aild o neradbt rougit Abn tekn di adVelt hatbuuiîe lait ncftad a Atin t ammdite.u , ruua tciug te est vitirias-nsd genre of -i. iilar-Dot upcoiug ecieck, Hem ; lbut 1nndtbestooil y, te OP a& binu vibl a g10w Oet uilfaclen. erdo W Alafatiguar espr voilnaasay e %tdtefrltrisu ad ubst'& m I,1tratyenvoI 5 ÃŽe 1 i çitteliVA of U - ai., oetumdran ued bu , Ra, moai s atiueaswl tanvxation dionmul*ber tienIboîl' lmlqnyWdan, Y. - t., eu ddîj.rd ak. te Ia spectacles as aIe trial te inspezt tha"On' thae Sceomyuabin ti.î'm a gce ont ba- 'un-apples du pestes- me I-esilly ~* BROK STdenA effic uîuta rado uie tînuni.1 0 il tiauk yen hinlly,' mail li. ùDui. yangnov., ueyrve kep' a-tonbling donleva avsinceI WIuora ho bseps contantly on band, Diulitu' Crek, ept. 12t>, 1871. 87mah0nsndtobefru lmyuin(rthav.adfiem tngy Pieus-, Osnuce--l, Cosnmentu, Brssu, Oais seil the concior, tis-d cf veitfmg. ' se unli pain siltrobfs s au ynduands-fiteypôt&millifmychimg ai e s papasn - u ar thnomkot;' Short-s.. Gsa-m lu, o-. AVALUABLE But Ciaecl ladly cancai bieard hin- 'cDareus- likomel sid he ady. 0;-'a I at1iletctti hmas trobeil,' and tien ro Jdtiba tne mai t he ocutil net sf thepaci a is ac unrt Yua- a- ecue'mi h ay lus t11 asseua i An-vryiig i heFo inoa. PROPERTY FOR SALE obbrtamwie le umstaxcIsaialmyseif smetie ust., 1ýý.a place&n li cm ffle 1gttr ialsOubesd h per oecýe e l et i ai ta îewam eeîîiurnily u. É r - - ionm te le-amdinluher slmplciy eolebelpe" dons, about lin o&cieck, su' see yualmse rÃŽ,ms et he owistxelin liicn. 1inasuber a-ofes mformel. le foluving t gtta b aisl soto î~- 'Weil, l'Il b. heninI yen'iigsit iî,' vas lu,' *&id Bridget, mnlîeriug as ie netsest. I élr ori,'sdoe i' ra Tcati unil qnelity sud pret. Pum viii uebl. pprs-.linitheTown o cf W-baoiietteldesICrn f ,-teerns epréeo r.Ddd ute a, naa at ioatoui ay nd ufcii Cai.tu Satin qaPtyAhD ic. by, viz --Ail excelleteîBrick Cottage vitb bail beau rudeia ui h. mos-ing ;sea h a-es opuec s-.Dquisib I maes -t lsn cilldmlse loig le0bute e'm fe t ad3 1 I quarer f suacr etlasul. ortu toi re icor. -sgarl ,f ber ubes te lilftci!bas-.tumel uiig H. SHPPAID qurterofes-acreemslnd.ppiest dlady rs-m e, aiiti, ite ber seau sud -lithe bume Aung Humeur liaguine-ube oln'e 1 Oaa ay. I neyer tught cf flthasmy- Wlîitby, poil., 1971. -7 saxr ut Green ad sudS.lPaes-r ôtreets, lunt eli e-ybilfl me s eaigo. ma4-.t ir ir f vu.o; ci.ait h e'îvenshaber bail tluilsdy i -ane pay mif-' SouhWes-d. sl iw ',Ie mt>md10nn o.sent lu frsouitatareil et ber- vit iasdidla'lite téanecier luin: hepol jsad w The gentlemen lmitai, sud rag COMMERCIAL MOTELP Aec hmf u mnsof ]and, Weil tencait, sud vas-i, tiruut lies-band ietveeu thae odroeoflcnbvn eonsd«ecrlii &itmieithtecdlay-psesosofèdbra COMMERCIA ~I OTEL i ittt fcuisivation. on bhe cGrntr of ladie, aud ekedinluperfect gend fatnhfitmîvug, 9uie ur urlkîymeî mb eue tiéial eîd lady' esaortenoes-elborar s -igtn AdGifadA.retiNurth -Was-d, 'Say, ma'em 1 can yen ussthe bols? bronuse pien s aButo ay oe.copii-faqate o ana 1 0 H A A .A q u a r t e s - o f u n a c r e u s i (C e m n r e S t r e e t ,. s e u t t ,t i n v i p s i i o îa d r o p u t a t i n i e t i a l e l I r h p y ; b - t he î l v e 1 ' i v s b e d JAMES 1BLA.CK, - n t tuieremsîdenu C. Dsuper, lbmq., i lauhe enaladly ou mhe rigit turueil round nenlbava gitan ail bes- lnxnriant embes - Un rsDoddti ber boars-ait!iarate cf ,mie bagan te tbink tviii cpbnio f -0-P90ItrTOt. Soute Warsd, sud Icocoil au Ms. Dadl iuh epair o ate n f brgen ysj hatbtl adgaij esM. ocbrs-mesh hroug lbnyappr ebie Comîueîsleîmîiyfibtoîl tirrgondfus- Conuemes- Aiye, ticnty epresîcu de mr isln cottieti t-I-a.Bitil urdeatt for d. nînnpumd ut puiat floi 18, imu thea hcres vu tal auebil-aesortdhfe ogdla h rin m co, a mlu fo nor e cbbndartundtepae it takad chr rvlrBlirsutco.eois (of: vî l ovîiîlp cf Murray, Couuty oraf e rcestenis-rai mal.uem, I bes r l a mofte canpmtith#; fomult nes-éiebe ariof eold Shraîeedn ou agserai thebuu-am 'l i! AprîlS, 1870. 14 Northumberlasnd. ail lunte ueetest voîca of ice sud smev, c glea h camI, et vWercamma e-cilhlaky ofi cetehetdy ti e einparies cf ii. ci rceedilwuackous-aged - t-cmlaiîio SA elees- sud Iudtspuîarbie itte will be liigling viii e fine uuggecion cf asuenimi. can s-e e imbout berie c cia mle ady terte stvtion ndiresai ef an n lcvclmnvaiwil-e n Zeo riAI Z STAU ANTeve;. te aihtinve psoî-rty. Purrlus-thes- meu.- bulr -us nuv fint in e e t i ttoedssalbrmfhmc ela ~J'RRPIN IlE ST U AN 1 prticnuerm appiathe wni ves-. - elsel èeber basket ef etuples; beggîmg in che geitleaue'A aiîings-ccm, nif tbm 'Yen hiaean.'îneyas- oon -te Albany, Tht Pe-t ak iu i u u- f ssp me-Selste 1ayen, Sis-.8P FRIANCJIS CLAPR. . brt t-e mal noIfes-graclouml irit oeailblunlaemmd ssssil r a Whitby. Jul 19.l171. - aimstaI lesberhrt. 'Wiuy, yen -eu e lcl ieuoghbc ie oiteoe, bhlvwu soeavbaîchagrinaI au mot Bndimg r a He inilel tain, eatuho inteupeiy Yaukee -a BL IR BO Sov oin5 ber apeito ftercigcar u oirmsdafi;b do.'hys au ramn B 6 ILIAR uR O~EU ISrote. VlilTBY- PIANO ACTORY stickad a pin 'nue my stait, sud pinesasya idef m ppehaîe n of isocig ii , bt ceipen euil er fs-m yilim. -'Oye,- my (67 et 89,King i5tr4 East Tornto). Fptlonnons, ubey Bay. Hectos- Smith'& WhoulMeas luteud fuât eref neion he rluea .fensme unet ier fottie.l i doy am; a ge evrass ebe -e- ilaagieas, ee os-it bail tea apin (acces-y, Wa is ei cmlhrefec uternsc utie is bel be oxei uynko tsRuaaJba THOMAS CARLIS-LE, - P»ICIEoruxrecJ OS8E PH R A 1 N E R abe get prucliel sud Iid't fte no eint; la m --o- - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~muee lofteaber 'eau dvicem in s étrange basket, sd nombselle. au a-ha site ie'TD mudae PROPRI d e elatievul ulmeealiln s sml emiu lsi eku sielqiul llcehas u-ch ri No ir71 nemulu cegmnc orat, 4paioo nd 0-awfcîily, gtm sufidad r l ied; c e r vîte about lues-,met te get long agaimu. mhoiî coma. As the tisa ils-e as, a uand s nainein Aibauy' - c-ms-îîrtabîe jen Ttc mubiscrihas-,n retinlu bhaatm- 1 ai vaya cars- ly in my pocîcet te put 'vie sed n a tiAtr aohrol enbgut aeioeair ' h ys-teeior.H ' ysn us-îusît i VCLi-ids. acs-m stilléîke te be muuy frieude weetegvr a. n sft s ntest odrd mobiywa u bi ete n te.PlraCuc, Mieut !picos et amud cntomesm Oc ire Wlilby ocm BsmcJump ; but I carte ea oi veil un thsy ats-n veda 'uAmI as (nu nileaothas- e" ie voufen wu m inghti noabatvas e'Limettie al i,PinluChscI îu.r culCium It il re %le AN thA~î;le cars mu n e Oapply lu rigiot. De you îuey tun-edseay ; sud meon bath seu, aisl the sou lookail au liars-e. Ps-e. But - chae fannoeunci chus-c in iuA- eis Caln tiys-tcs-uin oves-ytle sO .tN>la.R I hegre eeMan muse ihone"d luoballotlhesaton ?t, enl tosole baugyot"etre bn le" t>ustle, u-xtiing Tors--yufus- n dny willhi bsr,'toettte tîst lieuc 'suarsries on tbe huai 'b seu eeseu e-his- con- ovteman i «lefu tia muscl -on e a ly ve ilusnseuin yenti n the Svnne .'e ateed a and e-fs-y accommseodatioutaitihe Tasrapin, litas. cl-tupoisi aaucrteuccutnui iasdIie - froniel ber sesimu;andtul i n ae lims-in- forepu fer tCin aciuul abat0ie aew icle ofsbyvei vire ot ves u t, ia sma ubimaev -utm aciierel cthiae April 5 , 11470914 liloitisul lfuture os-des-m lie bout; te mucus- e urlîam gvoýe os-mas-ba, l, 'se a avasyîdisty feante-tansdbleu bsile, s-e.cfamvilu a-a fh muisî iîul'to ilfa is loklccim uthâmotliie wii.' le laft -usîdous ýo i himparitinsuntntae h teos nustv.ceatr rlintpatadbu bee u h wotdeca ain a et a ta gve atifacion lusupNovk tnae" cf spectacle om celoidiacoeas-hlm, lu Manseiilem, cverluuug vici us ganîle ils]lips; -c-u luluaniÉet Ji 1 ifU ow-Mis. obal a ba &idas-tclookibgis mtrait vas pous i-. Dedditef, cis-ol, most eisboraîeaslu, vliiaemssiemcule, 'Dear me i abat sitail1[lu f Weil, lo mtens;rbcbituan'ot ba er nctagloIumcy, thirety, hamgry, amuI pasplexel. ringsbig eennugi for tis-Bunges- cf Gog or yc n bueoee tihig-im Albany lu Iu- MI E A 1D ' 8 MI I1,L ,QÃŽTALITY, - sd pick np tas- plas, sud ib. lumubal aluern umuas es filralatput bosi u;w lisgobaiedblueui-is. stmup'Tte e l Albanoryos-k r V -'OisinNe N E AIR A S I[iltN , S TYrL Eh - itummimuaabla traces ou that pucbes-edIrqihgrlsud t'bcymont werfmeîoya s undrd eluie ' sv hedelim. offiTnsa" Ark isve' hra Nme *lalne large quunîity cf Lunîocr, wvilho FIp1 l S suad pias-cu mambes.-. But -Ms. DeII'm cionrss ndà rd oaw rfubfirIbi e mail ut relled'int fure a enitto. Tae1 ec0layl -Thoeclebraealne* pattant and crus-sca lebby vas leautimeam ; file vscruin. bheacameic ioeuo ftesain-it a ok hr l-el hti t xet;bi vq pattes-n oblitsm uvu Invention omuienufacured lolomy, religieuimu t îoaest o es- iel ueeb ro uer, aloiI Iseybodtuea Vi e i t, a s hi I ork.p A nd;buloe- 0 I OR S A IL E am uesetfure. aIfll m tie ts l-s nth eandltusolI ladly, datos-mimel te imuercapc Jouintus-rcet round, musuck au attitude, bl olnbvsl e.Alle- AT THEl i »'Aius-dess aecnted viib promptiudlîn uals ald e yciens n ues plante LaW ES T M ABRK ET A TES, n isao. JOSEPHFl . RAINER. aster cônl make ilu; sud bu bavea bs-emîislimug theaumbrella feeiiy, andl 'Big bice, huila box, bamîbox, bouille,' mus Il W~ Bill Lumb ail kundesavu ounte Wlulhy, M ay 8 , 1870. 1-18strauga vensu inca publiecoceveyance tell aCcneîeîBridgeshtelluMlsm.Del couidu'u bénir théior us- his u svsthe axis-aeoflins. Dudl' aliorteat noticI.leS y ea f u e, ab wer, tha bates-n sigit tuesbepcbave caben bes-seif ont uf ejeasiltion. ; Inuage renchet!ir lu iiteu AB.rcokinPB o 1jARRIAGE LICENSES 1 fier anetlur tm ibamu ibar te' as îigbuty is 1cheay cf tie namt manoeuvra,$auici jvuWaals-rinle it climax uf phrsecogy, Breeklu, Juel7tb, 1970. 26. ..,te fecillusie the o nuevre, aud lis-actel d a rata-mmc' uPe hsbg aaus-luigtil-tck 'ss sduabtmo es-ebga e so. u - T O A SH US T N ei ees-bon pqcsuîe suuluaol laceo, Mlin,' ail ste ; 'vhicuever s-iflutbemielteonee ou aeiaida cf hor, andI of blà s-pour od eli am. tSuns?îg about a saZsaR 1991129rucaorm'aelook cf slagtras-euefing kimul pacà ars-t a'lleaun?-ha<sacuosîo.hn otuh-Yeriuns'sa.uo à ~~Wl, I I te somuah, enyIlle gou 'L4eod-niosi-iugMïasm b' aId Je, hiai tie quici, Tte. itol on his bat vas fnt U 1. TA lENARRIAGE LICENSUB indignent eld ladies,' lu 'byasuekidr otonte ticiInlr pttawsroiroîbay sM.Ddd azib tleno i et.lvurise r hl Stract, ts-ma doosm muen of Town hall, commun te cie. ldragoniu.Bleinht luaveaîyercesubts'mt ebcines-iktl'un-'luigfilehlalosee-teb - &00cBeu, ha,, hcdo. -vardoée Ju. 17 1870. 8fous-ere the mholemu ermpc u irain' te Albïuy, and. I1aventea 'Weilbno1meIov'n't. 1 esiculate te asenld al -ent]al ce!, abo euliedât Dnnas trot, WkIby, - ts-plae te slmap, sud gesaieavicules, ps-mcuy ge:t lu the cars, sois I cau'î maie no beeu grey-iai-eilvriukied ,jaed lont,-of - dSStet WibOnt 1HREE DWELLING RoMTSEs TO xunw teci..Rust tiarroos-e aiM - am b -- *r y. -ui s.Iga i sybr uuu beu utyeey bhtue- PUNERIALS FULLY di1PPLIEDM At IRAAMKR'S CORRERS. AIl mnt eots. DoellM liaînean estillas-y vas ancei. 'Wal, an' if il eimu't a hig Hotu ai ye'te tironglu te Albany, Sis-?' lyiug baTêîf alti e-htia siaisbie Besideuces. Rani Modes-sto. -Siteagare ne fartber iceuse tc er as- teuguie inIon, beres. ism. Deuetsu'e , 'Lord, yas 1'esusses-ad Jini. #T».. fguaIba--reer-u-- aulu -as-g- JOHNS RODINSON98Apy u îut eisiqi.ds bsde.kess(s aebc-i ice icg oce BcyMntiu eun ntehu-sau essh.u i FA!I - tirrtuc-f Osehaa;asu lsv tial, - 1 TE fil ,d .Pli