2 the ville Oetobe, gae ffer aa tic, implemeule,' &.., o. lot y*, i he2siiI cou. of Pickeriung, on ganlday. Srd i., ithe property of Mr,. Go, .Botte, L. Fairbanks, jr., Asetionser. sale of ar,,eutsait. f lot 27, lotý dou. of Pickering, ou Satuaday. Nor. 4îi,. 1811, tii. property of James Sali.,.n esaleof form stock, i'nplementi.,-k., os: lot No. 3, la ithe Stb cou. cf Uà bridge,' on Thorsdiy, Ont. lôtii, 1871, the pro. perty cf Mr. - John Bail, J.0. PiIkey, .Amlcioueer. ONLY Si159 CENTS A TZAR Wi TbyThrsday,.October 19, 1871 The Chicago Pare. -loaeo deà patbea rceiled show that flore vai ne exsggeraîieu in thé saeonsis, published -in car lait lisu, of the. detrue- ticir cf Cbie.igo. la fact, tihe citent cf the l&se# wua ratiiur usdersataed than ex- aggeraied. And no, nt ibis lots date, It la aimeut -impossible to rosistheii.de. tractien -se grest, so fearful bas it been. Tb@. simple fact, that a large endIveaithy city being ssddeily overwheimed aud almost bloîted est cf Io face cf ths earit fi boyoud bom!n contemiplation, cr con- ception. The guddenness cf the comploe. Dr. Evans. sud viii b. c..pled by iias a office for the. prausi.s of bit proi'cssl, l'he upper- storoy, -It bai sot jet béen fioaily dstsru1..d ho. iùabali b.e t- rasged,- vietiier as a public bail or con- uverteid ictofiices, Meurs. Dccxey and Weetlske voesthe. coultraetors for the maies sud brlclr-wor t Mr. Grou for the. csrpenfsv vork, mesurs. 81.1gb à Caid- Veil forrthei. painîing, asd Mr. T. W. Robinson for the inside fithings. Tiie estima ted touta *8$1000., TùutzLUBlnLpnsos -Tii. property cf Mr. George Ysle, Jr., adjoins tics. cf lb. .Gerris, and are aie*ttrsatories in biiht, snd boit saiforn: viti the corner block. Tbey aie in exitnt 26 x 84. 'Tii. lover story se d*firned te b5 nosd solel for s Epr.ai office sud tii. office oelt. Montreal Teiegraph Company. -Tii. np- par stüries are a jet mu»utke, sud are deuigssd, 'e belifei o beL diiîided inoo and. lot aoffice». Mr. Yale'& building &ac exteuds <rom tie second oaorey, over as elgiî.fcot areh-vay, wiich gises firee ilgrenan sd egres;onm mBrook aires% te the rear bf Mr. Franciss store os Diludai* street. Tii. buildero, paintero, à Le, -are the uoBUS ai bos. for the Gerrio block. sud the. cot aiso $3,000. Ample collarage extends suder tie viiole sise cf botii buildings. WALLà çzIs Nis' BmIDiNG adj,)onsthe destruction of the clii ta alo appsllîsg. fabolie, sud olccpies a Ppa.. cf 55z 46 Teiifiecommenceti on Sanda, eveniet, v ireshhit scece 8&bhintant, su niée o'ciockt »andi by Mon- tan, the viole size cf building. 17h. day afîeruicen bâti censumoti isudredsoef opper store, in supponteti by moyen illions of dollars vortb cf prcpry ; tii. massive cout ion colonmes ef ezeel- dames ceveret iaimebree ibousanti-ares lent vorkmanuiiip, frnmthe Fountiry of land, soveredi viti buildings, a mascf Meuirs. Brovn k Patteunscu, of isi of uuhappl mnit. Nor la tÉia tho,>wrst ; lova. The groatti locr s baiug listti up thistoau cf f l esîjisateti at betveeu fer os e tie.ant iio Maige atones, - one ibree sud four iuntrie;, but fIeo nal o f viih bas aiready becs lot te Ma. John usmiier vIii, in ai! probability, uever be Andierson, for in Provision store, tiie 1mevw..- The anucoant cf preperly deotroy. éthers anes applieti for. Ou the uppen eti le.stimaed by experts toe b.*3lo,o, flguor, thsre is a Piionograpi Gallery, -fit- 0011k-eus- ihird more &o uha 'ipeviîous Y'- ted sp utier Ieo direction of one of etatuti. -tbsIý6t Photos in Osuadia, sud ocespieti by The cosnrbution%' <nom ail quartera tir. Wilmà os. This coeur i 28:15 tect, bas kssp pourng in. Ail the lange Citles in s aide ligit 17, 6z8 foet, and os skylight .the Union, the principal cities in Erope, of IeoBamn@ aise. A spieuditi receptiin anti many places in Canada have acteti gour- roem, anind educoet for <hsmieale, ln -rcnsly, suiii .usery cf nIeosufferens bui aiiucliet, maiing ose of lie but Photo- lu conseqaenue bean gretly ailevstedt i ra I rooms in Canada. tMr. Duncan Aurepectà e iInssranceCompanies, Mmte-joli, la teocecur, the noom sad- vite a numben cf this. vilîlbaie te, sus joiaiugtie gailenY., as Divisiun Couirt of pond, tho Efigliisi coaspasies are preparniu fi.., sud the éther apariments cf the te par@al risks, Tii companies ht iiil second sîerey viii b. fiteti up for offices. be cempeîîed te, suspend are usal ail The atone verk cf building vu aeeuteti Chica.go îutsat-compsuiss. bai.Dtii fB'muilanti the Tii. nevspmpets cf Chicago renineti brick vork mand pistering b, Meursa. ,-publication sionly ater the. fine, sud ose Dsnkley -k&Westlakpl theprncipal car- coussineti ne lesaikes tvenétyeae <dalmna ef - merctiuts' *tiseaments, viii su neancemesw of viore their sucres mal bs feunti. Amidut se mach cf the. gria hor-_ rer ve futd facetions item., like the foi loving i -A broken laaa saut, biili fan bit, hasu bs sigu on wich t. his camp sud océctpatiou, abier wiich neats 1 Alit gene but vif., ocidmena, sud euergy.'9 A samier cf Canadiens (nomIni, mecu' t, vers ila Chicago. Word ha. been hoard of Mn; Danfonti Ruche. cierk lus the exon. aire store cf Field#' Limer k Ce. Mr. R-ci., i .mediau.ly afuon ith. Brelimufe r Minesota, "bere@ieheubasrelatives. Mrr Thomas 5T. Scnptare, formel of< lus icwn, sud engageti lu Culcage, lest eîery. ting 'lis hati, oashbe eprouoed it, lobst bue withcua cent." M&is biens inl Wbiiitby,, pplied bim vii tanner. *asudlis .111 romain lu Chien,;&, the gentlemen w'l u hoe luengaged being aimosu ready te commence bsins.. Tii. strougesu effort@ are belug tie1 for. the nebaidiug o e- ii.niutpart ct the. city,,ant i ainathe s vrk gou e.. bngsîicaPI yforvrd ouniii. largoat .and mmut nespecteti sosIe. BAD SIDsviI.us -ÀA rstapier reqiteuts us g tes eauiiattention of the. Cisirman cthei Coaîmite ou stre, te tie bai oundit ion of ths itevailioding rom lie Ciinubite G'N@l'a hcilathe,-Iailvay -station.luTtIo ii a baimétase, khosle, liat, tangèesarriving b, th. cars, ail loto Maa.trsp-a anti almest break their necks andt&Iba o i.ces& tbiîgv. yuil bar et .111 b. as action sgaluui lie Corn. poratîcu for damans., P-erhtuiap. --RoyrAL IisttiAttO ColirAsu -As vilii b. ses by atverulemeat lu ether coismas.à the. provIncial portion et the nRoyal f in lu no s'57 affectea t hlire.- eau-Chtcago.m ubé Ccmpau, iavlsg sRO agent in uiat .ill.1 Mr. J. &gumr lte aîu hor, penter wans b, Mn. Ilicisel Marsalli andthue plan anti genenal superuision ot tic viole uadet Mr. Wailace The wcrk. maubaip tFroagboc aofhet i oat sab.. stautial krud. sud wvtîithe Ilad. ha, ceai aerly *7. 000. lu vus - cemmeaced'about uii,.. mentis ago, edantieuc Il but compleîtid. The rofiug of feut, pitcb sud graiel, vote laid b, Mn. Sisphea Gnose, Sho aise laid the roof of M surs., Osnrie sud Yul'. buildings, & tweie foot aide. v .alk bas beasa laid douiu frout ef the viole block, frnttthe corners ne tho Ou- tarie Bank. Ma. Muiai 's Sionsanast reidene,,-- Tbié i a ver, bantiome andi impoui.ng 2- store, brick sîraclare, silteten Daudas stret,-a uitile vesu cf Ail Saints' Chanci. J& lu of. le Composite entier of architiecture, anti at once embrases s niée aitone andi uiop front as voit m» a envsi. eut, vuhi laid cet,, roomy. lamil, dvellîug. Tii. estent ef th. building t. 30:52, bingiiî 30, exclussive ci basemenu, viieli couiaius a.eIl bili atoue celler. In the louer atery the stoe.emai »bop, ai au pruaeuu lasid poui, maures 32:20-- off ahi lieele partitiaîuetia haudnome panier. 16s14, bat 'hici ai any tîme, ai iscreas of buitîeissmay require, migit viuh verx lutile tchuble lie adtdtaîthe su largement tif theo tre. 0ff the hall, aiih t. 8j est vide,. %arien anusai panla>r là Jceut, sq-are, aagirt h&t &gain a upacicas bedrom. As the extremit, cf us ebaIl there if *au iy diuiag rnc. 18:14, as ti raof ihat- the kitcen. The upper sioes costains four bedrooms atte' fittiaop viti olches pregasa, ka.-asti à milliaer, anti show roca, 30:14, Tii. buuiding cest 83,00.0. Meurs. Dankle, anti Weauak eedisthesiraogrs ifer use brick vork std inlssusnlj Meusrs. Loch aud Jordnfu fr tue ompeuuen vork, -anud Meurs. Sieigb ed asidwsiieil forth. paint. in&, W. lti ucDOSomits tate th&i$ isto"my, conlaina is i.'bedrcon, sud a hendie..e front drawiug wocm .8Ixi, and ean b. reaciied rom a door- où tlb. ocntslde baill andisj ïs v.!! asi b, tiei., tsri@r stairafle. The. sore formiez tii. part.-cf the building tth ie anth la cf tii.ý same -dise sud, wiii the exception cf the spoeelties introspd fer Mr. Joiuaton's acommode.. dion, là simdlaril -aid ont. Tii. coat la esoimaied ut. *4 000. - Mr. Devsnili vai the couirefr for the,à muson - -fê brick' w ok, Mr. Grose for the. carpeuter s'on,î aud. Mr. Sieigli for tii. painting. Tiiere are'seseral*otiiur improismeuts wvhich ve luteuetee notice, bat frontîthe S1 Di t o . whici thei.aboie duerptions l~ave enceroached spcn our crovded spa., we are compelleil 10 defsr tiens fora, fa. sore occasion. Tus -mec'aoei s tesou,-là not a bai aigu cf the. progreai sud groviug prosperiîy cf the tova cf whitiiy. - BUEL Cuio. -As vilIl e aen -by atisertisement Iu other coîsmus, Mr, Alex auder, cf tiie Ontario betel, in thi. lovo. ie giiiug op business sud offerat à @ splendid liossehoitifurniture, sud stock.- in-trade or is establishmeut for sale. The. furuiiure is of the beat descriptio n of- ils kiud, sud the stock in ithe bar is ef <ho beot quality. Ti, herses, carniages, buggies, &o., cf the establishment; aud aIso abont thirt7 corda cf vood vili he diape.ed cf et the saine lime. The, msny frientie-cf tir. Alexeptier tiinagiouî tie ceunuly vii, vo bai" no dosit, regret.ibîis anueunc.upet. -As au attentive, icepliabi. hoit has'bea *1. ways found -teuseseoksevn ex00w epres. -&ion of bis own- .t A -Né. VI . Dnriag bis many yeats résidence in Wiiifbr, he gainea tic geo i yl cf al vWho knmv hi., (anti vho titinet,) as s gocti nsighbor, sieful citianu, and kind hea et frienti, suna vson ouiaesilutii. geuersl sentiment in expneaing Our ovu regret atIbis giving &.p business, asti hi, iotentica cf iessing the tovu. The sale viii b» eut cf tiie lsrgsst ef the. kindt at bas esrer lakes place insibis patof the country. - UlîîcaeriTr -x ueîou. thle Mocnt usaminaticu ait th. Toronto Uni- versi(y, tiiene vêeesbosut sixty- candidates for maîniculation, eigbt cf vie. vere pupila cf the Wbitb, High Seoc. The- Young gentlemen acquittodti temueives creditably, carryinog off a number cf hou cru. lu AnU-Mockle vas tenîh lu Il cîsamica, seseanh in f. m suhematies, siuîh lu IL Bugliab-anti Frenchi, santi fth in Bluîter,. Pieldi vas Isuti in II, ciise ffeentii la Mauhematies, thinti lu If. ng hish, firsu lu Hisier, ant ibird in Frenchi. lu tiedicines, she osnudin ugvs- Cians MeGitiivray lot ; Gardes Sud ; Ssutisons 3rti Misibemanics, Saudisen lot ; Gondon Sud ;McGilliiray 4h , Bugliai, tioGilli iray losi, Sandison Sud ; Gordon 41b; Histor,, ttcGiiiivnay lot ; Sandisos Std; Gordon 4tbi; French, Sandisca Brd ; Mc. Gillivray bSu. In Agriculture, Peîiiergiii siocti firsî in MUhbematies, Eugisb and* Agriculture, iade being second. Stade va. firut in Hisîot.y, Poiergii eccupyisg second place. Thos, Cahocee pataeud senior inatriculanien vit .henorea; anti Mockle obtained the foni - genral pro llcieocy priz'., salseti ai 40, Sylvejion, of the Wbitbl Bigli:Sohooi, aiseau Wetia creditabie esumination belorte tedieaî Couscil in Torno. GAD PLOs'lao Marcu. -A grard ploving match yuli lake place -ou Rager- man,& farm, nesr Belford, Manuham, ou Pridi,, 271bi mat. Pinsu cissu open te ail qornera. Liberai prises are effered, ai wiii buesen'by tiie postrs. commua ecaauot <ail tecAsl'engs ths aitis tics cf ot es eers. AiI-kiadii cf mucat i nstrument@ -<rom a firai cCima pisse te s ate-anti ail'by the beaumakes,eauaba louatis, bic s aod$Qmeatone, or prcvided b, bila as tua, bsordorei. île 'buasltos slarge Siec% cf books, lationy, 'sud lancy geodu cf &ail kindo, FEî.r.Wu' HYn.Popupnm -Ua...tr. Fel- Iowa vishes u teSa-se that be ha no auiorlsed agent, but tuai hi. BHypophoa. pbit es .57 be obtainet'i fail respectable Druggla seud bkpotbecuims t bis pnisos. prioosevnamsd Magnire, convicted lu £, fIne cf $100, sud oidersd t e b.kept in' pooil finle paid. Oaniwvboir or Panis ,oD gà cuo. -Tb@. large EngtlsibCieinre -a bi, to.., - vas -at.uded b, s'larger hbougregatios sban muaien iSsi, 8k i st., te vls.mothe oeremcny of admni«tiug several gentlemenu lothe order of Doacons sud Frisato.- Tii. Bisiiop oe-'tth.,Diaiese preseiied an. eloquent serimon 'rom -the; test "lFeed mi Iambe."1 The candidats for ordinaaiou vers, forDeacons-Thcs. WPatterson,- B. A..- Trinity oclege; Wm. Maey, Trfuity Colîdgel Prieses Tiie Ber. RObéît Gordon Suthesrland,- of Dufflua' Creek 4 The Bey. A. Bouiîbee, cf Mlio ; thi ei ThoânisBai, cf Neasave7a; the Be.,-George . rwis. Taylor, B. A., Triait7 Coilege, cf Peury- towa. Tiiey vete presenied b, Bei. Mr. Geddes, RisoJiordii's e xamiuiug Chap. lais ; sud ithe follo.ving Preshyters joiuod lu the. lyiuig on cf bandé ' ; Tii.Ber. J. D Cajil, M. A., Rector cf Wiuby ; ice Bey ..SJ. Bi, JL A. kector cf, ,Mre.ý; the 11ev. Wm. -Lgaol -M. A., Rector cf Cartvright. Tee Bel> Cm. masion vas admiuisîered te thre Clergy by ths Bishop, and t, te -s'.it1 hy dths »ýs. -Je. G, 'Ao4ddsandthe . J.D. Caj- ey, 'Of the Deacons .dr siued the Bey. Mn. Pausrson. is te take charge -of Penry- tovu from vhicii .the R..4 .Taylor fi>> i4 b.e9-rsniM'rled toe i iic~c Breh, Te ;des:iuatibn 'd tih, Bei. Mr. Massey hos net yet been Gfxed. Tii. suher ordaiued Pnieste coitinue in their preseut charge. GRANiD Biztaa-Our FrIer. are Te mindéd bi tha é drawing éOPprizes for the Grand b..zaar, ai Duilius' Creele, viii nake place ou the 24th, 25th and 26u1î inst. stauding, cunet b, te Svnp.- Si. John, N B., lit ALi#m, 1869.-Mn. James I. Peilovu. -Dean Sir - Iccusitier it my dut, te isfcrm Ien of the oge atbesefit 1 hase receiveti rom thei- use cf ,cun Ceunpoand Syrup of fBypopbosphiîeà s.t I haie been, fer tie lait ine jenre, a great suflerer fnca Brnucitit sud Asnhma, si fîmes so ili liaI for veko I calt seliter lie tievn or tlke amy nourlahmeuu cf con- sequesce, sadti tiniuthue time *uifiieing istenieîy. I hase bai, at-different limes. the ativice of tveaîy-îvo physiciens. Tie leait esposure teilher tiamp on tirsuitt vas aure te reanit lna asevene -aîuucek et .y disese.. indiug ne relief frnm ail the medicines 1 bail ton. I ceucludeta t try jour Compouaiti Syrap cf Hypopiiosphites, sud haie gresu ressea ta tbauk (lotifor thé resait. I have.-in ail, +taken twelie boties, anti ne. I fest ai eirong sud veli au evor 1 foula mycul11e, anti fer the lupt yesr have sot batiee moment'@saickoss,'andineitiier dees dampuesu or tinagit haie lis' ieai elect apca me. Were I ta vrite os the sai- jeot for hoans, I coult i sl yenongi in prais. cf your insalsabl, Comrpounti Syrup cf Bypopicapites, or giii an adeqat ides cf., siffeningo. ' - »- ' Yen are et liberty te malle what uà se lc plesue cf tus letter, because 1 hoe ls publicity mal b. the means of ben oefit isg outer suffeners a mach a. it bas Me. 1 romain, joers nespecufliy, tuBS. BIT' WELL, ibxmoati St. Imou in the blecti -Wiou ibà bleet il ieuh mnplled iith illeiros- siemeut, se fei viggoeaidsti l'of -unation. l 10 an lsufficiesof etib:4istai l.useeot the% mkesuo <fet seak anti iov.spinit.d ; in socb hei.Penuvin Syrup(a pncte. id. of- ilres)eanunsppiy tbua tlefleiey, adils& viwi lavl'ionatla m écdqrfnlli. 'No vonsder'tiat the ladies pnsfen 0 The Osborn" ooeraIliotheru, for lu là easy te lesta, vork anti keep Fiesu. -Micha' el hiâ, siwoo nusme ais bh Ii&rd playe-r l lmiliar vher.ier uth. Ectu liai tagas ilspckeu, tineti on Saiuta oigerone t is rsiteuce lin1New Yunk, - -- "- - M. Schirs, Ibo miniaten of justice ai wu Deller UV 00 00taoIgo5nV w 1W tir. PRay eaid lie nov unid.rutood, ! matter H.es' :.thecorporation g.! the. Mayor part cf the Street fie buildii iuateial te b. pla-ced on, but bc. didi kuow ibat bit verabip vas te magie man trop there. Ife also bues' that ti matter- could bai, been settled for $10 iý ti. 'Mayor, but ibhabe ,relused todo i TMr.,Wsiiace, sino vas alue buliling, hiA bis gratinga fixe&, but, the, May9rrliad no bhis. so hbought Lt.enisyci vas liail for4be dainages, irstead oci Lb.- corpers tien, a-lh. (Lb.mayor) hadl net t ke properpi ecations. lb, mayor anid, ihat the. otiiegratingi vere open as s'eu -a.bis.' He vas nesi told b.c culd setule it for $10, or b.cs'eu have doue se. 1 Mr. Bey- replied that Dr. Carson s'a bie snrhority for, uaying thai a settlemei couid baie been' mode for $10. '- Dr. Ourson esplained about the' $l( setilement, vbich va. ofiered betore Bay4 b,.came verse He, 'aus aîiufled thq>L the- matter vas n.ct aettled te.nigbt, ti coula s'ould be on the tovu. Mt.- MceMiliaû s.uid h. regrette« that Li corporation v... called upon tc pa.M tLii quin. snd esen if iL vAs net lhable, commer igatice ougbt te make ut; puy iL [Severn] inembers - 66Oh 1"] lie relerred t t es mun.îrapa in tovu, after whicbholi urged tiie p-touring of the. motion. -Mr Philp apoke in laver ci the moLioet au ne ene wns greatly te blarne. , ,Ilr- Raf Lbougiit thetperueru leaving gratinga open forpeeple- te fu11 in" verc -greatiy id blame. Mir. 'Gianke vus satisfied that tii. niyr vas iihe man te. puy d&a-:î.rges, and hc weuuid voti ng.iutîithe motion;. Dr. Carson, repeated that if the maLters s'eue fot etîrd to-night a 1-tvsuat voui be commcnced MIr. Aliît said tit it s'as rustotuary in the. couincil te Say uhat ifsaniatter vere flot seitied Cha.t very night, tioneibing er other dreaduîl vouid result. ie thoughi il bard for the. corpornion te pay tor the ing theirgratinga. Mar. Clarke-- Dr. Carason bau; jif toi. tue Lb-At il; vas net night goy, the coipora- tiog te piy the amt 1 Dr. Carticu atempted te rcply, but cries of question" drovned bis voice. A soie vustheti taken, viii thc folos' ing recuit - Yv-as-.Nessrit.leMillan, Vairâon, Pip and Allin-4. Naya M'essru. McGillivray, Ray snd Clark -3. Mir. Ailin voted yea '*underprotes," lbe said, stating thaL be stili tiiougbç, thei iiayor ws'eu able. OCIJOOL TAX. Mr. McMlilian intreduord a by-lav tc autueus tiho tovu and part of tb. townsipi ni Whuîhv, for $D592.8, for achool pur- poues. Bi las' pasued. UnELAT£ C1112V CONSTABLE, *on motion of tir. Ray, tie treasurci ras infitructed te puy the laie cliief cou.- table V;amerois u alrry in' ll for tuas car. T4e counicil tben adleurned. Nlana Correapouencc. vgA? -lau uneuew r c T1uM tCATUOt,10 LZE*OUZ." Mu. Euuîo.-Yosn leader cf lait week ha. createti qaite asesaionl; be- cause it ha. aîrack cI the root anti brancis cf an aniempîti erguizsîion, that I beel cessinceti jour aioving proies ibat lu vesiti evenusal, vcnk s deal cf miac if f, if the. seusible paru of the commuit, do Dot join le enui .it et ; but I hoe.il hus go: is quietau, sut uhere let it lie. Be. cas the country b. preuperous if the people be split u p jutoesections anti fac- tionu 1 Heai.n kuevu timeare &a I, pre. sént fan zee man socilise for uhe g<Cnet- al gondi, andthei more îbore are the. mere yull uiey fan te dam. cf sunie, antiai; ever snan esoke the de.oui cf duscorti regardiezs*1fthe vell belig cf ithe canot- r,, ant i imateiy. leadtitedestruction Sud non. Tii. mas, or mena viecao break dois tics. consentions societies, or say osly- one cf uhem routiers mono besefit ne isi ceunît, than -ay nombern cf agitalors can do b, a bavi te fera eue. Tii, veasulhebr. la bauiifally fine anti mani cf tieclsnd tue dry for ,pieugliiog, at-nigis i itte roésisd piecty- ;f il- lsminated bissisayet. '- Tiei.Rlîroat are pubiog - rapidly on, the. veather ia ver, -imuch inu - thein <aven, fer nie ovampi are ail dry. Paerets re14pli alime Seiiing ci ,th.ir cserpluisstock, aund be.f hide& are gattiug plentifai in Io market. lSth Qctober, 1571. - ÎîcusoîAKtUMA Loaoous-Tbres set patate atteuwpts ver. madie on -Frid&y nigit Isu,' te set' fire to tbe uqutb'mutetn pari on Lorndon, Ontincluilinj tic Grand i'rustk depot, Western and Londonansd, Port Staniley frigii:t dpetu, cii refiueries sud unoie factoties. A car loati of ûo amonte a train ef 17 carna- s'aiset w x fite. hal$, there vai-a fine- display of ladies' vork, <mît, grain k.4 viich for vaut 1Of spac. vo are unabie te refer to tht. v.ek. Mr., Lebmau exhibited a stémo ex- IL.g u.,..,r- w,,,.u aseeu5large stotop cn ad -ýiue groinds. Thé'. machines tîracted lot; considrabie attention.- Tii. toi nureober cf entries s'ai15010. The enu fcloisg la uS PRIZE LIST. Id Broed mutre, Hugii Gregg lut; Colin Philipe 2ud. 83 ',vTo year eld Fui7, George illcr lut nt Joseph Gregg.2ud. .- -fprlug fiil,, Ciaiksen Rôgers lut; Juc 10 Mi' ler 2rid. ys Ou. Year old entire ColtJames I. Day. if idacu lut ;-Daniel Barkey 2ud. 30 Spriug Colt, Joseph Grég g lçt ; Colin Philipu 2ud; Bîrrel .k Jobuston Brd. e Matched Team;, James Witson lut; ýC. i, Piikey 2ud. in -iLNon aoAnMUTE& "Il Brooti mare, Robert Stockd-ile lut-; 0. r Nigiatrader 2nd ; John L. B-rkey $rd. dTvO, year old Fiily. Alexander Browu let ; John -. Baricey 2ud ; John Haight ni Srd. Oue yesr old Filiy; John L. Burkev lut, g9 Alfred Ilichell 2îtd; Robent Stockdale reSid Spring Filiy, John L. I3arkey lot; W. )r Major 2,îd ; Ira Vl'ae rd. le Spriaîg Colt, John L. Barkey lot; D. L. B.rclay 2Qnd ; Wm. Grahami Srd. ra Matcbed 'Iesm, D. Foraytb lut; Aies Id cIuedrray 2ud ; Ambros Beon Sud,. 1- Single Heà rge in bairpesa, Robert Secker lu ici; _G. H. Hlopper2nd ; John Mitchell 'e Ord, r S-iddie tiers. John Haight lat-; D. M. tDecker 2ud ; Seth C. Wilson .lrd.- le FNEuIAL PunePOur. r Brond mare, George Skinîner lut; Wm. Mal-w 211d; Nelson Dlell ffl. ' l'wo year old Filly. liery T. Micheli lat; .Joseph Gregg 2nd ; Birrcl & John - s Wor, Srd. Oue ycar oid FuI7. 3vm. Graint, lut; -George Co")pcr 2nd; D. L. Barclay 3rd. 1, Sptiug Filly, John WVtight lut; James ?eters 2nd; Peter Neahit 8rd. Onue year cl Colt, iRobert, Seckcr lut; D 8 ýMcParlane 2ud, e Spring Colt, H. Fuller lai; Thomas Uuggau 2nil ; Atiidrew Be-as rd. Matphed 'leam, Peter Nea;bit lott;. Gee. Duviduen 2nd ; Iaùes.%alker Srd. Sviue- Larn.e Breeti-Aged Boar, Jas. Rusacl l ,Sisuon Beattîié2nd-. Aiged Ses', Si men Bettie'lst ; El»- Bar. clay 2sîd. 1Sos' 1811, Birrel Jolînston lut sud r 2nd. , Bosir 1871. Win. Miller, ir., lut ; Birrel &J. huston end. Sn.ali Breed-Aged Bear, Joseph Leipp lut;- George Biandon 2nuf; R. Fuller Srd. Aged Ses', John- Wilsou lot ; William T4ylaîr 2nd ; J. Madili Sud. Rois 1871, Jeseph Lnpp lst.and 2nd; A. D. M.-tthewil $rd.' Boar 1871, Sîguon Beattie lut ; Jacob Teel 2nd ; Joseph Garbut Srd. 7nEtouOtlBREll> TTLII. Ou. year eld Heifer, John iller lut, 2ud and Srd . î Bull caîf, Gieorge Miller lut; Dirrel& Jobusten 2nd; John M. Bell 8id. Ileifer calf, John Bell lot sud 2nd ; G. Millet Sud. Flerd, John Miller lut sud 2nd ; Birrel kJohuston Srd. cRADE CATTL. Ifilch cos'. John Russeilut; John Millet 2nd ; Jobn Thompuon Sud. Ono year old Heifer, John Ruisseilut; John ilaigit 2nd ; John Bull Srd. Ts'o rear old hent'er, Jamïes Whitsen ,u; John Pbiiipa 2nd; James Milne Srd., Heifer caîf, James Vhitson lot ; Bit- tel & .Jeltstou fitd ; John' Phillîpu Brd. Fat cov and armer, John tMiller lut; J. Whituou 2nd'; IHugh Gregg Brd. Tiioroogii bredentte-t;iich cos', John -Millet-,lut, 2nd and frd. - Tvoe er oid.Houfer, John Millet lot Birrt»l & Jeinsten 2nd ; Jamnes Wbiton 8rd, long s'ooled Siep, Leiceter-aged Rtam, George Miller lot; Peter Nesii 2nd;-.Joephii Wlson Srd. Siiearling rom, Thiomas Armstrong lui; veog.Miller ; Thomas Armstrong-Snd uem'Lamb, T. Atmi;trong lut; Gee, M i lei 92nd .Gmo. ickiuglietcm Srd. Tv. aged zves, George Millet lut. Ts' oaaling eve.James I Daiidson lut ; George Millet 2nd; Vriah Young aud. Ts'o eve IAmbe, lut Georget Mille; James Wiîtusou2ud. Cots'old uiieep -Aged rom, Birrelk Jotunston lut; Jchn Millet Sud:; George illher Srd. *nid Srii.- - lm Robert Fillier 2nd; Mrs & 1Bell 3rd 1Begu 12 1.11 ceokiug applea, G. Hickiug. boittoni lot; A.. Pursey 2ad; P. Birreil srd. - - - - Bout 12 winter table apples, 0. Y. Wil- sou It; Joseph fones-.gnud; A. ur Brd. - - Pre 1Beat 12 vinter eokiug apples. David Lavsoi .tst; Wm. Gener fihd ; Kmra.B. Dixon Srd., Berqt 6'ii p-ir. La;thin - Bentley lut. Mia ., .Stotis2nd; W...Alison,8rd.. - Be4 6' vinter péans, C. Rogera lit; J imes McCreight und. Wm. (lover.Sfrd. BucifraeRbert Stepiiensen rut; F. Greeà n. Variedy cf upples, 6 kindg, 6 ef escb, G. Hickingbottomfat ; Z .Green sud; ha. T. Richarduon Srd. Vantety of applea. 12 icinds. 6 eofmach, R. Dalelut ; o., RogersaL'ad; D. Gilebniat 3rd. il Crab appleg, Jameu Brander lut ; Na- than Bentiy 2ud. Beut 10 Ita strained honey, - trs. J. Wildou lut; 'irs Wm..Taylor 2hd;-tins' F. Bach Spd. fWýP Bout 10 lb. boney iu comb,trs. Boeh ltu; gis B. Dixon 2ad ;tiru <J. FAlOT orrAiTyp-NT. Faner knitting. S. Striekl-uI dlot;If. Siricklaud 2sid; Micia Somerville Srd. Crotchet s'rk , M.- Stricklsud lut ;,N. ýStrickland 2nd; Misa Ferrier grd. Eniblroidery. Mf. Stricklanid lit;- Miss Ferrier 2u0d;-Miss Birrel Srd. Fancy neitiug. N.- Strickîsu t ,lire Levi Nlieksy Bnd ; S. Stricland Sud. Fiat Betin s'ork, Xisa E. Thoipsn lot; Carrne tackcy ed; iM. Strickland 2rd. Raiged Berlin s'ork. Jemima Tran. Ornemental needie vnrk, S. A. Car.. peutr lut ; N. Strickland 2nd ; Miss E Allson. Articii BOvere, tira A. IMorgan lut lmagie Tran Sud ; M. -Semerville Srd. Cage stuîfied bird,,.John -0,ould lut ; N. Waodruff 2Sud. Fmuncy basgket, 1mu. A. Morgun lut; S. Strickland 2nd ; tueso Ferrier-Brd. Door mat,.tMisa If. Strickland lut ;- N. Strickield u; Mru. .J. Sleigh Snd. 11 Fancy picture'(rame, tutu Bobt Brett lut-.; tIrs ..usell Sud. . -P Kuit voolen hood, tira A. tiorgin lot,; Mme Wilson Sud. Frmers- s'reath, Maggie Tran. Tautitîg, M. Aliisen lut; N. Strickland 2ud, unair s'ronth, Jeima Tran. Funcy vork box, M. 8tnicliland -lut N. Sîrickland 2rd. Zephyr fower., IMisus ltrickland. Pancy table mat, Miss Alliacu lut; Mies Ferrier 2nd. Ladies' merniug dreas,,lMrs.- W. Major. Ciild's dresa, lira. Alex tiorgan lut; tira. G. Hopper 2nd. Led1ca Bonnet, Cr. k'J. W. Cùx lut. feancy, Leather vork, Jen inua Tran, lut, - tira. A Lipp 2nd. Spa-ieu braidiug, MisseC0tiackey lut, Msias Ferrier 2ud, Sofa pillobw, lira. A. Patteruon ; Sud Mien. LBell. Ladies' night dree, AMille B-irciay. Braideti tidy, M. Strickland lut; N. Stnickiand Sud. Bond s'ork, N. Stnickluud. Rustic vork, N. Striekîsuti. Pern ork, Muggie McLaren. GRAIN. Beut ivo bushpels Puil sheat, Abrahtnm l.ehmau lut; C0. Nigiavander 2ud; Jeu. Nighsaader Srd. Beat uvo bush Sprnug wheat Thomas Maârquis lut ; W. Fenrester 2nd ; John Pilkmy Srd. Ts'e bush -Bably, 6 ros'ed, John Joues lot ; 0. Pilkey Sud ; J. Walker 8rd. > Tvo bush hsrlcy, 2 res'ed. J. Walkmr. Tise bash smnéi Peu., Joseph Nigbu- s'rnder lut; Geo Laurence Sud. Tvo -bush large l'eua,R. Dalo lot ;.Geo Bettusu2d; . .Sornerville Srd. Ts'o buair black Oasu, Seth Wilson lot, J. Nigiissander 2dd ; W l'arrenter Brd.i Tise bush white Oas, G Davîdsen lut,1 -0. PiikeySud ; J Nighss'*nder Brd. ý- Barrel «Our, -1. Smith lot; D. Mo+ Donand.1 Barre! Ostuiesi, James Ruksse). 4 MACHINES AID rà laxt IPLaNgUT& PumpJames ,'Gerow, lot; BL Scoliayo Waahinig machine, W.. Peorguson lut;» Panel idoor, John tlockvenuth. lVindcsi' Saab, John Cocks'ertb. C ock wo ILblind ,"W oe B oth l t ; John- Churu, Jamnes Petyru. Plooriug sud rnouîdng, W. Bootb - Specimen cf Rasetreugba, J Bocks'onth- Pleugb, sny kind.; Johu Colvert lut Paxtoen, Taie & Cc. 2nd- Itou .hiarrovu, W. (over lut; John Melntosh 2nd, - -Fauniug miii, Patterson k& Brcuhmr lut; Brown & l'atteruon 2nd. Double Turnip drill, John Oalvert lut; Set hoes uoes, caiketi, John Walkey i let~ *.ILHopkinusu2d.- 8t'r&' cutter, Patterson k Bro. lot,;- L'.- kler 2nal,- - Pair men'a f ne Bootag. J. ». Bur tg Aaasortm.ent Sheemakens vork, J. leesvux, tirs Seth 0. Wiiaoa ut. 'Watr coîcreI painiua, N. Strickh Mis J. Lavorone. 2nd ; J-. Wý tCrd1 .011 eolorejpaInting, N. Sricshlaut M3trtelalu 2u0r Cryi-tal painting, Mf. Btnioklaqd Etrickiud 2ud. Crnyou drasiug, -M. litrickland1 stnickiand nd. - -Pau..hl travwlug, f. Siefklaiud - rbtrfekl-,ud Lnd ; MiAs J. Lawrence Zr£ Velvet paintinz, .J, W. Card l i. Phboegrapha%, J. P. eCirukion at. Out 10 Il. telS huit- r. M t#4Brown Yt, bflsr-2u Wrtn - m.Mufor Srd. Pent 25l5tsPackel butter, tirs lut;* lira tYitoch 2n'l MraS tOU Brui O'lbeelivee., Mnemu IStr ou l0ut; M31,1..;AImerville 2nA. Bcst 16 ils cleeuc, f..etorç, P.R.U Palir spnttiah foývla.. C. J. W*,laou lau. -Pair Dort<inzg, trqnotl rMeAg;Ljinate BrAt.,nn, Gt..re llt.rkinwkoutomlt. -utua, .jglll,Porkeér Lt. V.erlety eO Clîtckeua, C' j . J. Wi 16t, T,,unk-e,-,,Simon ,> -ite l1..i l.erea, fle, I. Lvixde i..5. - - - fmntif Gee, lrg "-v- B. MAJull faf. - Ducka, Johnttwilseu lis.. lr't,li>i' Ifiatie, o. FZ J. W. Ces, Tarent o LýI.4ier'ltai., G. 1& J. w.. ce:;- Braidle,,. 1".W CAe, leiM-.Aeln ecay ,t,. Xbitu QmIlt, let %fia. P. Bar-le ; Feues Qnili.,i lIra. George H. Itepper ; VWontl .fiirntl4: h, John Sleiffb 114t. ;Toiret net, î1-t Mitto. S. .4 Carpense;*bMer>- 9. MLrn.tcuîe, =mroidery out net, lut lis i irroli ; Pali Sltppere,, lai lir». L.esi Itekes;Oe 'imi Lace v..rk. la ientjE Alji*un; -Crotrhec tâ tiiîmse0asJlt Mn J. Parker r IIiring Bnîîcur luim i, il.ott; CroteLe'L Tidy, let %fagén Il kev ; Wbit- 1Spreadlai liSsa B.eti l.np n 'a, Qni~,l.i1-t ia. Yî.ag: 841e Frume.. 1h. IL.Bell; L RaphernVv ireeer, lit 9. Bell 14 ; Ilaple Syrtip, U. Tcuu 1,§t ; (h Robe, Rct.erç-ilreuî Ioti; Coanae. Hotte, uîs Val.-itnine l0t; (,Oton audl wooi Fîaîane I llth ny-rceo'nmén«ied and the judigee -voati recomn uetîd the offleera to ise. prise..in t ticlu..i G. & J.. W. Ccx hifflIv regouamnded fol moen'. ýand bIoy%. clotimi;tuï; Thte .Js'lga In examinif. ia. mg njrcarpet voulei recîniend thst there ba tise l on. e eefor Cotton vurf toud tie ether ior voulletis v.tp;' Pair Polaudu, F. issacla, necttineniqed . Larga Gees, John- aicu perle ltià llty recotumuneua. ulra.%rict Corn'asyr. - Ext tact Ire. the Nev York Tribne o e 1Sh .October, 1871 t The-North BritibsudMercantile, -et Rdiugboarh sud Londou, roagrhly catimaté their iosa aiaiont $2,000,000 ; tuis is haieti'ou e;a'rvtiu beiug a total loma The, hase t*1,300,000 usuets in tht. ceuni. ry. The totai assetu cf the. Coromy à " *15,000,000. Tii. imat effice in Londou bas determinedtoïtepsy' ail th. e us,sti no meaie the amsuebohre unteuiciet. Tbs folloving nelegra., by Cable,0 vai teceived (rom J. W. ester, lie -Chsirnsof - i1u Company in, Londion '-" Sotlde ail louae prciuptil.Drw nt lires tisyse sigkt Subenibe $5,006 for Chicago sanl.nmnsY Tii. direetora here have madie arrange- mieula viitheir bankers, Drexel k lCe, for hconenng ai tieir drafts lu accordaner viii ibis telegram, ant.i te lcs.s.vilI lie paiti immedasteiy. Tht. action on the part cf the. Noroh British anti Mercantile Company viii nelieve this moue, market# here te ube estent of $2,000,000. -- Mir. John Agnes' la the agent for Wiîby anti Oshava, Fiai tATMà al[Elx.-Mrkhan4 O0.1 16.-On sod., mornisg,- about hafpset siia destructive'fine broke out in 9116 large cage vorku cf B. B. Wsl0, vicii vre îetsly-conismed. Tva of ik vorkmen vire ihrough the chopas &bout s.., stids. no inacf fine. -Thenols sot besas, £ fre iu the . .vol sbop i dasy befons, A strcsg wind s' bloffViUt lovanils the front cf the. §hop, sd ' quaouity cf dry bsves hatigathered W.- neath the sidevalk andud ter the w0d5 .ahop. A spark is aupposedti tehave bicif frour a c.ighborng cbutsuq, igniled W ieaveu anti set fine gote i. op. Mr. Cosb'i laege pomp <acter, aud dvrelhing isSu sdoîisg, occupieti b, Mr. Commiegal&' vite1 wa aise consumeti. Tirouigà tW,. e Žrtos fthe -giltgersMueut of ýtl rug ls by M ed