Whitby Chronicle, 26 Oct 1871, p. 1

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Ordir;L isc~ deontlOO* dvertaenumjia ba in vriting. - ItYAL CANADIAN BÂNE9 WUITBY BRANCH. AUTHUJ RIMIAROSON,9 MNARIO 1B1ATiK *K. P. LOCKJKAJKT, Apru le, 1071.'.1 CAMERtON & MACDoK4JLL, BaitIsTsIRsI AND ArTo1liNFY..AT mdi t urporetiotsi ft Il 0Coli sti of' <Ontario, &ofttsC., Ios hlby, 0. 4W., outtutt1h*iOffice of tige l'sCossgt Monies,- ÇOUNtYIII<t)WN ATTORNESY FORt ON- tmroftertterani ttorssey-tst-Low, Go iseoitri a lssery, No'ssry Pusblic, d&a.- OMe.0-Bros.k trst, neit -100r to lItoymi 110t4i, WlitlhY. .1 UBORGE IlH. DARTNELJ5, Aj cr, Ueptity t<,i<htrstt, IMstisr Ktrsordi 15sf>, ssd examsssitit aClisicer> fur thte Counsi t1. ofsistrio. office BIrook-,t., WIith>'. UmvsOJc-s-1t door tn (ho Stor" cf 1U, daJ. Commyste, l rot.k st., Wlttey, voit, Wltsy, Nov.i, s 87 s FARiEWELL & McçGEE, tOciisc.-)Uil#dorit uurtis Of tise 1'014t tifil, Tuvelsituiu, fowssmsvlllî. J. Z VAEWELU R.MOE. ChRABLES C. KE1LEUPR TO.Ev-Ar. 1, i SIALCII<>R IN ko- Wilty W. Notry ntues,JI;yrols.otreet, boautis f puitOfice. 48 LYMAN Ks XGLINJIl, L'L. il.. 13Â1tis5roi<AT '.A,t4licitor Ilis Uiîmn- 40 - AESJîAMON, StILItITOsU IN C5iAt%Ctsy, - CONiVEYANCEII, LAND >A(.BNT &c. Urct.ise,-tjot kstrung'm Iiuttl, Misikit., -Uxbrisige, June ItIs, 1869. t f-23 IUROKiiN ru -rîîE COUINTT GAOL, i...yncsrStroût, wiîishy.4 20515I CHANCEET AND INSOLTE1IU, OIFFIýCC.-lfoCILLAN'8 B L 0> M ,B1*5 meaff, - wanTsrt Quit REVERE H]OUlE. KANrOKUITDI5 o. W. PLANK - - propretos. Stages tu and .± cci Witby colt dally. frVery. *misionpmd to gues. Carefual mad sln WATCHEAKER, &o. Brook trict, e - - Whltlsy. Watchent Cloekmi, iMuscali nAtrifieat fmwu, Sewîssg Xmacines# And everythn lslc Meuslca palrad and lià. proted si t suit %I. At ILuw Rates, and un tise oho.-temt istice Wiby, bmY8I, 1871. 22 IE IUR POOL & I,<ND<>Ni& 0G4m p Ct >1 i'N Y ocf the, miost preperoui o. Englleb lisurace Cuc It* DAIL.Y 1INCtIM E exsaed... 2,0 ha.LIFE POLWICIM are a Sera ilroteetlon torie future. iti YFlic vI'OLWY Es, ieiued At Cwimtxr Ri.rv», estard ensPie Plotectica ta the Merchut Andi llcuselsolder. Ail fgir daima Pacpxrrî.y ['i:. and tise ut- iuit liberliltyMlisows las tis a mjamtmtit.ot filadOfficetCamada Drsncis, montrent. (.F. C. Sb1 lr, C)Isf fAgen!frDollc L.FAIRBANKYS, Ja., AOeiST, ilt Wliltby, Oct, Wbtby, July 28thIseo8. 80. THE FOIINrAIN Retaurantand Blitard Parlors, 610 xiLiug utrBn£,loTORIONTO. The lsîr îsîopled weuh Cnici Brasids er lleiciloiqur si ci Cgtc. lyotarerast ved il tif# Ï t yle. Vm Pilrçt-elssmi Dining mend Lunchs BOOM sttaelied. Muslaet #il i iira. L ONDt>N A8SURANCE CORPORATION,- PIstE'ANDt'ire. >'ItAsLI5I 150IBTRoYrAL CIIAM'ER.1729. Fcasse ER AI4D...-*. £2,t8,m8, 17,4d. @tg. lIAA OAGEN, M<1NTtRZAL-.HoMEO H. STLPIIEN$. ' -NO. 5 St. Ftacsfe RXavier Sftreet. Joux AUNE W, Agit. WhithblY Ma' S, 1M. - 19 J OHN WOLFENDEN, AGOENI nom vTal CELED ILATED. SCOTrISi GRANITE. W At bMarbie TiU crks ofJ>frIA WOLFKY-DIII, DZUna-$t.,Whiitby. 17 MCNEY TO LRND AT REDEJCED 'RATES.'. . . ........ 1am nov preparodl to lacd an>' arontt TIIOMA$ HUSTON, mono>' ors tIse ,caanity cf1ceeS ua or pro. sinouivo '1'usvî Propes'ty, ut'Iîi loect peemuble 'IOllN ( IIACi<KshllEA6UIti. 'ýI.lTflY rate efîsitueset, ilis e.s i a i atiser te ,.it ..t> lDe-Tuwiu liaIt ' locr-Ueto koaoloek. ba.ronar. Principal eaa bu nopaid b>'yearîjé inteimet it rlis 01,o mcm. o. N. ARS, Severnh veil uitivoted Farise îsnd ots of 0. N- VlfAR6Uest- WOI Naa iiLansds for &&le cheap.4 p eitsloQurii, direct]) uppo. Ievesmtitta maSe ie Dobectrs, Mortgmgom sit tiel'm m>Itce-Estrmeeon ursd otlier Scurities, tissaîoStre.t thîrd Jocritorti piths Ontaric Silm'or asua Groecibaakoi boucslstand scisi, Bck. -'Fer funtlisî panticuuur, upiy tei JAMES BOLDEN, W I ÏO N Il- O0 U -s E, flilAiineMte rk o - SXtYKT, hlthy. - . WILSON, Jr., - Proprietor. wolîtombor 201hi, 1871). e aPitESUI8CiEtiegm 'buâte ausîscîsce te hlic L lîlosîd, atJ tlîe pulic geturi'nssuî>, tie h Isa lu( eaove siea' otel is tue Village GL O BE H OTE L of Ailburrss, fur the uccusîseslstiuîs ut tIre tra- vulillg tirlia, - Tfise Isore lu îev. -ecd fur- BLIOOK11IN. Dalsidîîia- smontLl iurc.sicIi ued coirIta,le sien. Gect viiI id ovr.v eqoriieceJAMES PO'WELLe Proprietor an Cgai fl thelient ig diansi - - on PIItST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION. Wteiîd a ad Oate ti ee linFeb. 22usd, 187i. 'S 4.WILSiJN,Jr.,Ptrpriîr AssbisaItmylit lti, -tf îa CENTRAL ]1JOTEL,' BR"uoHAM grand Trunk Railway otol, AT WVlITijY STATION. W s. lNI L i..aviig zpurohuuedthie liutte ».,d preiles ktowcu s tIse Ururi sîstlotel, W hlitby mittiî, hegchtuieoni Mis. triosiia asisiotuels IUlessî t lhse httesi hp it ir e .iîîî o crd uillîsiîî ii t clamety le, îîl is>' sttelitiistoe te aisoo ihoce vistueuvr 1hmuis iis thil sstroîssgt isctu rîisqyît a OLtult ftliietimtotc l Pirtise teig tise trait hi ssîd loiI f liorsiuxwvîl las-a tseitn weltakoe cari of tii their retîlrt.t Wisitlsy, Sept., l8i9. s 1-Y A L CdlNAI)IAN ilU T EL, PORT PERIUY, ONT. H. OY, - Proprietor. Sepeti1on Jpucomrtiolitieon. Osodsi atling mod-1ls-sil roouis, mi attentive o tiors.- 11.1t Pt'iy, Net', 8, 11f t. 45 POUT PERitY ilUE PORT P ERRY, ONT, JAMES TIIOMPS -,PitopÉicToa,. .- Tise $Sbeitior vîsues te lefurcitise ceci. muecty tisii ýlàuiet seiiom oe ro, pt te tii e puhlvislere he ie a esl etue fssrîîsaaa, gu 1011eomasi.steamemi s 2te coutty. -' WIITUY, - ONT. A. MA SO, *Proprietor. Thiadmisoa e e s. thuroagfii'recovatesi, sud tise publbo vilI fisîsievory maustemmedtice mi the pet st etijoe. April 18, 187o. WYEsTELRN 1hOU SE, - DUNDA8 ST, -Wili'rBY. T eulisitisi to mbcdItitie te t'le Mns iquoe, and I-itsra. Tisa (neci cf('Anmiall-io pure Ebînu lins, amz'o ee, vholecale ansi retili. NadrhkoiJOSEPIl A. DANDEI. hýdrm ltknb he i vek 'ci Sodenaf. Whilîi,My'8,î.811.e o' JOHEN BAILEY, Proprietor. The ahnve bsote] ha, heon irovly fitsid np, ands fuirîsicîsosi Onictîs wl imd coinîertsiblo accoîsîîndutîeîs and îtietiuei. (loue ruersy tabling cnd attenstive octiers. Jan, 26, 187t0. 4 p ROFESSO'R J. POST,' onM A àc'- PIANO-FORTE, &co. Trius-Iotrctioîsuton Pato $10. Tlioery mis efetablisbssd Cempasi, aresi te sccapt risks lu ail cises mt mrteg m on ns oa cf mu>' s ed (im pmDy 'icn. uA a,à. id~~ ~~ cnbmdepropsry u Mes Tiare ýor leas, mapesieI y iow tglr ('ip ftdiic e nt, Wit*A TU, h c undertm i ba male U angemer to su rae , I ( veiAsBohu ns et q utsliîy. sssd wili he moisi nt prestlvs r uclprias.,, siather ce tise dock or delivai JiOHN BLOW, Wbitby, Aug. $0, loti. 5 IRE, ASSURÂANCE Co. I/f)MB48DOTRItT& 0CiIAEIP4g CROSS, J AMEt§ DAVISI',N, Maca&ggr. prs tcfrin ise inhmh t fWhitbj edVfalslty, that hax Pni mceeesi î the buoil,..,.of 19znOCKl STREET, WHITBY Wbere ho keepi cetstantly-ee hand, lur, Oafmeel. Corsurneal, Dr.sm, Oef * shorts. Grab"sm rnt. &c And uvoryti;riz ig itise eu ]Ilse. Bsmst cf Fînur for tofuniiy aie. ltvorything bt tIslve #ellitI pieci. Tseh ie m to erly 5ihereslte. Plues oaili a"d axucile qisalit>' asîsi iice. IL. StEt'PAUD Wlsitb>', Feis., 187~. il COMMERCIAL '-OTELP OSHIAWA. JAMES BLACE, - PaoritsnTea. 0Convonietlytigtted l surôromi for Commer luii truvelers. Bilîiisrds sttuohod. - 'Apnil 8, 1870. I AID BILLIARU ROUI~S (87 & 89, King istroat Eat Toronte). THOMAS CARLISLE,-PI PrITÇ Tise mont oie- gant, s.pecieumusud cucifuntabie Itom -, taîrrasît Ki. jcda. - Moitm mupîslilîd ai I*tOpal Iours. W'lem L3nrs udC«ai otief etbraîs, Suel f4' Partie s'!itingPoTeritofer e di>' viii filssd ovary uccunîmudation at theo torrîspin. April 5,1870, 14 Tise undermigsed lis en band, et M E A D'SMIIL, N P.AR*]FLA 8Il BU iN , A largo qusantit>' et Luasuer, wviciho FCiR SALjK ILOWEST MARKET RATES, W~ Bii lumb ai kinsis savus on the shA.tB-aCAcotise. AB. AMP.0 Brookin, JneBrcekl190. P. ( 4rotl, JeIatIu, 57e M 28 U £NJ-)B RT AK ER,, Dundas 8Strect, - Whitby, ont Or3 L15miu 5omt5i.L.&', $5 s. FUNERALS PULLY i§4PPLIED. i' H. Psst keî elba rei stecbtofo ------ Memid Bois-hi, fer mâie, mnd vicihes a caail ONRBNO f rom hie Misieicaul frionds. Des ' ad Savn Wilitîiy, MustluL, 1570. flair rmn ad Shv g FÂRMINO ,IMPLEMENTS, d&o. SAJLOON, F ~BRWCK ST., WII1TBY. -e- SA"'S norn-ru£BANS or ON Mczsvt. ,,e - Tho unadeonecab-gi te itate tisai io Wiitliy Jan. 2, '88. ctîîîuem te inanefoetsre ROot, Seed & Manure Drile,GEORGE GURLEY, AS WELL AS MERCHlANT TAILOR l - WAGONrS, LoIUER AND DR&APER, SCUFF ERsGENTLEMEN'S GARMEN'rSso ia pIr. AND ALL LINOS et tha boit stylo sd lateat famîrson." A fine tcltk cf filetlis'from wvieist? lcake- PARKING ILUPLEBIENTS. as mlectloss for Guctioeeu*âmaceronatý. ALso aui- Osawaa, May' 12, 1869. .1 19 CLO THM - THE R OBSON HfOUsl, IAGE&WRIINGER, 'S JEE9WI tY . Notei as one cf tirsaiheinta rticeei cf tie kied GZOJiGE ItOlISON,Proprletor. inaeufatured il's tire ountrvi anu is l mpo cd $TICA W CUJrTlflbS, su eil>' wcske, mesd: E ubscnlbet boçu $te enneunco t be ho se epoio leovs'> rspet.Taen saeaod thse building fonnîerly kueve n Cmvl o pared u~aile55.f Ersoeon'm Celolrte id SSr tore'*Hotel vhIibhas beorîranevat. Calri igries t im wiiadtoty, Iho bagi e~outeiseo,asu amacpthouhoti, te sa&y thest lie i cola uo iluid teexeaut%,#jii tsietefutyle. Te .Ardera vltb vioe>ilie mss>lie àraelesiccpen sithiatesiopposite tht Pog Ornes, and le tise mnd ii graster expoulitsonliagbieehtî s u dcose tBeeTown,. te guarsuic eovor>'mailsîstuon te csutOm;,;. 1.Tise ltalisyOsuehbscallmabet he telanS tii qalit>'qftIre vrkmaessii smtinl. liith stages for Uxlidg. andi Beavttri ave W' COlrdwood ansi Lutibo takee lua ex- iiedoorevawynoretng. DOand$îperSa>'. ei' 'obsnge, sd ud ais Frics allowed. GORE01BO 1 rg- or- ,T re But Esigebuîl gomsip aliaSlth epaer tei PR9PERTrY FOR SALE. istZrb h t of the parisMaco u-. rrIl,,Eîuîiso prs>perty la&tîsorécss etflvf-re lieicg ai I uissi.ibe r offers fer aie ttisoeullcig mielsier'a m>'beig s lb. m tiisMro>' Sby, viz :-Ans excellenst Brick Cottungle vîisth ftii. coegrcgatîom...bat oibm urvivîS quartàe cre mtec laund. iitatut or. ise cor- open censure& sud secret imeedoee, anS lier 01 GreenondsASt.Peter Stnots, le the enjoyesibehonev fnîeuds lu cplh orf tii,. ,Y South Word. Aime, isif uacmre cf lacd, voit forncet, mcd At ber bandeaele met viti cympaîiy, sp- ln a higb itate et cultivation. on the carni.t cf preclatiosi, delicuesand ticagbuti hie. Wellington misa Giffurd Streetsi, North W i nod, isusecias«aeebaS ranciY received lie- A qnarteor cfsicacre ut) Centre Streett mentisfore.aud litleisDot easy gteestimai. the ofe the reessionse ef C. Draper, hsq.,*ale s Sente We.rsi, valuoetouahis biega le slitegsejbail cf Aim, Tety Acres f gond lond, eig cane mud privation as boer. ecemaily vu. ooetp*OmeIoftpart of lot i3, Iu tise lotit uices- Au fer Mre Leigiion, Ïsu laceitesi as ssiuof ile , 'loiîsip cf Murrsay, Ceuîîty u aha seofan oe iriseî> Northîumsberlandîcasel avadgJ, iitmrl f;i' A dontarSud icdit4patmble tille vWitb. teagratif>' Arthur, boucS mii. lied iccover- givosi to ai[thtie absve praieri>. For luttisr eS a source et perentiiel gratification for .psrtitulats sppli>te tie owner. beot i vsnhcaîlaSvr- WiityJlv ~. ~ FRtANCIS CLAII1C'. earteS, but ali is icrisicating anSd cean- > çbiby Jlv 0.181.29-tf beaded admirable feculîles ail et thett, -empecieilylau crnbinmîtiou ianS tating 1,lTITBY pIANO FCO Y tiseir-ouitd verdict snpcn Mn. MeMrre, WOSEPH R mIse Stiiused baSl ho6dneter h - 0 - I E R to v e t ti d't le f f iio n S n a o e s msu re J 0 E P H R A 1 ET EO R venti>'. Bencetorvard, '<rienSade ibe>' vote, in tii filest secs.et the -ternu. Tise mcbar!ber, i roterning hua upn- Tise emîvarti Semcntreîioec viie teil dore tisaniums tiste mmny frienssber ewc, of course. Etlvas impossible and contieuera of the Wtîrhy for Mr@. Marra>' te oere n ic h e b MMEs-vTmE ntRy drives in otk Lave canniages, the fiovons PIANO IIAALNUJAATOUXy trosu Oak Lavu gardons, the. fruit ansd bet. to titae thuit ho nov cordesi on tise bnsi garn ndl tben e achalaa totons tbat ntsc soly ppuon Ii, ovnatccutint; and ln io conotinuaI 1>'atteetesi Mrs.Liioà e iicitirg futitre ersors he best,,o tcaro tîîem oeiion'o filâteothsisgil! ICho loft uuîdonoen1h4m part memirnc, But tisero vote bouts of ta giro satisfaction, in euppli-IIs9 ynpashtit inlorcouae ini vbich -frre J & W Mg jâ a*ff J Leigiuee fdt'lvitli gaduees, anS actcevw- OF JALITY, R > '«tetiged Witt husuilit>', giletber trionS baS! QI CVTYalaiieS iuightc beyoud brove dlimhig anS that omitâet ailtas a beanner at ber * T Y E, & eet. Ver>' happy fiacrm. tisse vers te FIEI.bath, cieeing tiie oni in the -midst et Tise ct l ew ratent and arossi -ocîite tbîckeninz canes, mmd teeping fresb thse patternt cf iitown iuvo-atiuunsansfactured beaut cf the osier in cpite ef cousîorect. aa heretofure. [fl' Ail erderm exeoutosi itis promptitude log vorîdi>' lîflueuces. mcd diiapatsls. Little Roce baS the sifeot imne of ail. JOSEsPHEP. RAINEI. For ber ubere vas ceither temeinliance Whltby, Iday 3, 1870. iy'18 cf pamu .oi'rov non dread of ftutae changre ALAELICENSES1 to clouS the preceat je>'. Ber acquaint- AiILOIAGEaccu viîli ArthburLeighioe vw« the lie M c i g7 , i ni:g cf :a lo g holiday o f de ig it te T O AS H U ST O N ber. the opening of an entire nov range f IA RRIAGR LIC ENS ES about tuS vondenc visiais vealili mcd 14r' Oflie-Tuwu i ii. Recîdsnce-Byion tanîc devine actilie baS lie freedom et Street, tiret doou ta r Town hall. Oak Lavn ; anS be r mini!, seniive to alili Jati. 17, 1870.8 forma of.ieatiy, vas ecreptured vison mbe s ieieud tise vend>'y anS profusm o f befu- t4 T IRED ELN 111S- T0EN 'tirai objectm collecteS tiere. Sue vas ir At ITAIIER'S CORRERS, Al muet de- lite a hutîerfly lu a vaiea gardon, te sl sirall Rebideucec. tiest )heoderute. vioci ever>' flsieer ia a deligist, tiough ho ri Appiy to- ' bas ne ri ht cf pomseusion in ciue. It vaa t JtiIIN HAMER, Euq. @malmli;rqr e le clS d ut Dat Lava b, Whithy, May 2,,d it71. ' amd iuc lsiutiem veto nct bhron on, me long e s aocotilS'enju>' siscmai. m -BOOT & S11)E S'fOU E.howe~veathe:cehi:g in cornpani.tiAr. us Tise ansereigssd hum uemoeved bis - uar misS Mariananad Clani; tise firsi uvo IR BOOT AND SHOE STORE epsiaifrCas tiugi ym h te tise Pam icuesjainin> tise Western IHoe yoocges' sien ber broiler, preforred machihi DusiîaisSt., Wiilîy, visisro he ii tow 'idersouciety. Si. asoS ta laugi hies ttci ptepsred tri execuite ii otslisre for fer peding co*cmachltise vUibo ihveofa W osk. A larege and "lsesct stock lcl il u i i o fetayo con hani. iepairiisg t'me as liîsgta;ht'tdSne fctay u change in bim * habite. Roise sud Msenime p. JOSEPHl A. B îNDELL. vire pettectI luth e raiperc at bis aurine, gci Withy Mmay 8, 1871. u19 liesiegicg bisavith flatteriem mcd atue- lir - tiens ofe vor>'description. Tii>bey moa. lai Tr IlE ISOLATED RISK FluE polized i ii front fie tise hi enscred ive their prosence, vaiîing epon is, hmer- mci ,INSITRANCE C 0 9O' Y ing ailibis viism, appeïiimg te bisa for ai OF. ANADI. elp md advice icieveer>' abidicli plan pis Il 2A D0 F 10%-Kig Sreet oocer o'r uindertakieg, -mmd defenning taeisi. ili lt IiIEAD OFFICE-R n tree, o es cif li smo a ver>' eiu4ataohem both, m Cheri, otote.AuS Anthun lited itv Tioro is me fiatty no CAPITAL, -$ 500,000 ce deiicions as a ciiism. spousseosis si-ila Deposited viti, Goveremoent, $0000misatieaSd affectin ; and be, lu accepu. W. A. LAW, AeRNT.ý ing hie, troun Rose, unon begie te gnov vs Mssiilla6'c Blckt, Brook St., Wlh>'. teve>' fond ef ber, for bsn own sast.,u os i Whibybep. Ltis 181. elI se for ber devotice teubits. .Be ci migiiî ucer bave thcngiit etholien ea, tic AIUC TI ON BUSINESS aftmr îeir firit meeting, if it bad ml beesi fini bonrliér aticss ceceniîceoet iiiufonruB bin. Wbe etai aSled the aya>'b.pin. au 186. -1869. ceived hov lavable elemisa n u enît, mcd lh as ber cbàmeater-uutoîded more aud-orie, i - Soîpiuog cepacities 'for ail vesmenl> tes r ieg tus Ttursiltankefor the uihoral. patron Ipenfections, bo 4bom to- bave axee tho ageoroefde bemioved speusme snsitean- siresms ausdi fenes about ber, wbiclbhiu iouncst mi aprepeireci tea ceutsies, veud aid ae cîlledfortii Clara'amqst au- NO a i t h e r l nm e c i f u i i d i c u e i f ic h a c o t a I S h b a v i g t a e s e d b e r O'W 'N 'OR COUJNTY, 'tI. Be vas vise aucgi mýolt; o let ams AT BEASONABLE RATES. ber ; but bo thougltinl ertmi> e W Arnaime , ocumfer gale$ en bectmsde tima, vwitb 4s uilff fboyimis, , boùaul tiser At the o Cilssce Of15ce, or at M>'cirve.pleesset it woui4,,h.if elle .re s6 Muni Our Ni. Bmr.i1. Hollide>' là ne tenu rau Agent cf t1ii! Comipany'. WJstb,,p,, $L8 F OR SÂLZ. A. valuai,.Fm'e , shgsite oe ultiva- tle, mii cot Inss e ClaUisad:&, 4bTslg ot £5, 21]d con. Wmseit Wihssmgn, OC-nty .c Mid- dllepex, MOmenîciaearesi. ud anslel !5sGYid~ ['5004' fuioass .eef.ud , Butldlngl. , p4 a Anajý- voueg orohssril Cf-cisioe f(it; -sited wkit-s M1160 mi o f th ii. lrislîsgFillowo cf Park iii, sud cocttaislng 14Zmres. Fer partleslars apply te-< THOMAS RNIG4t, Pmrk Hill. Wblthy, Jul>' 2itb, 18l'. M2 DOMINION -BANK, OSHA M'A 1GÀlrO Y. NOTI1C E. Ti hboy gion tbit thse Doinion Bsýnk bsi opeccîlamss Agene>' fer tisa tringa(.tien or huai- nemi la tise-Domoinion Bick Biisine. n Oimoe ft (directs>' oypcsti Gubisiu' Block.) Ttestemtufoved on depositi. Draîtr, iîomussd cccilitepoi s1,Canada, the Ueitid stt.scd GreatBltsu J. -H. MoLELLA N, sfimoci Et. Oshawai, sept T, 1871. olc.8e T BOXAS NVXLSON, Leeed Aactsoteers for Liii Comaty e t Ontario. Al ordoirs e 1db t Ne. 1 Teil Gate, on tise 0 g~ ravil rondi, 4111 lien. Wh ithy, or et ts soycUrriv,sov wliii proisiptly et. feislesitO. Wntiyolly lgth, 1871. 2 9» incas Ooict luet êi ansî4r - >. -Yý, A nd l a th st otl t L e s;.: ÀfrOck for Jane, i.,,Me lace for Rate, A ktppinx roeo for $ne ; T vo on p t,- lo k a r r J o h n , m d e o g e Aindpapar cuta 1cr 7e, uGer, $ciai mumi for Ouer elser igirl., A Cheu-bord for tie oy ; A bialet for of . dNutio'ss vrk, *A gardon râle tsesîlp-le.- Two pltatreg fot the rutic frarm s l'uut ]l, it iees ismeee Tisen those are Nilitie pevdera, sieur, Asd lstit fasssloc l.sk; A dre'ss, fotmey a pîrmssu And #asc o5r thse Cool Ansi may otbtt riS ,loti, Tee1slnes.ou tb. moentioni Yot il iiOtOssim wa hspplisgILet, Andd il rqire attcsto. 80 site net. pintlssg tethe cdock, Yo"li ksl'.IIFIy bosu ot .hopplcg i A Relu>' Dc>'II, mad W bat- Cerne-j tot go one sgo ntic 'a eer me- toh b-un abruptandeosmplée .break!,1 from itil li. Her fa-ther vu' .gcimg al Troubleelu Uthe cbercb. msmappreheas mmd, prejadice, snd a méies cf petty per 'Cuîioulsriimg îierefrom,ver. broas teo a cieo.se iau>' bhia formai nesignat cf bistorm1ýniip oun Mr.IMurrmy's çpo li5re. UMrray iiadM- ncipsged litfor soia me Mn.. lsigbtom kahue,,ïbut Rose, basi kaevc utile or nosbimg acr ber <mlii troubles, vas, ccsplîttiy amtccimlseda cvervbmined viob h ioitelflgene.iE comid ahi iter lire sa>f roui Esgebi1l or ratier, (romi Oak Lav enmd, the Leil tons? ' Sb. eouid mot, u'suld motil Sbe chouisi neyer be bappy iiamie ifà iiad te ho separated from ber deur, frieuda 1 Thou- ver. tbe pamson tiiougbts v"ici: svept tbrougb >ber mi iu Ibe tirot nmbellioosness 'cf tbim 1ber di remi grief s sud aithongb thei didm gire ezupreasion ta aml abs% fait chas e euongiidt makre-ber sotber fief s do.p regret than Romsi epprecistedi in bet'soir wbat seis distreu. It vas bard tes an eisd te seohappy and geosi a 'periosi the cid'a iife -bard le gake ber swi fromi trieus md'influeucces ubt miffht1 sa mmcii te ber in thei future ; mndy -the tmber cem'd met beip s lutth jeai paeg iunsieiug ber daugbtsr grisevesOAs them, acd ferget, apparect>', bey mo' me rosei ceeS miii baS of ber, vbsu, a aîiii, f.ft to ber.. lit *il case to auneS endgo, beveer- the mutuel mtoniolbsent sud- imdiguati betveon tiie ycmmg. peopie, the. epokgen en aî.îpokeu regrets hetweeu the eiders, th piosiges cf mnfergetting. ucfmiiug afec tion ail round, anS tfiali rrovi parîiug. Mr. Murray ' ad aec'ceptîd a ce t0 a ftr dictant panimi, mcd oeryntin ii iiurried for the. eariiest pessible deparse The tgc bousehuldm yee aimosî îiircs icto oesfur s lime Ro-e epeut, et, minute fiat miii ceusib. spmred frot homne et Oak Laver, acd viien sue coou ueî b. there Merionevmsocre te, ho amit cottage. Mrm. Ltsigiiîee vent tsud <re acet!musU>'tbimkiug cf aea ëbng Il do for ber fniensi, and stuc Clara loini in tiie generali nterosit by hsrepssiogpre sauta giu'e at the pariing. Arthur ga« bisseif op te boiping. Mr. Murray, in iî packing cr books, etc., but ii vais chiaij .or tii cake ef heiug user R.,.. ail i tisse. 9.-hied no, ,cknow'ldged evem ic hiciseif bîfore iiov strong a boiS ah. bu epou bis huart, and ItLvwu oeiy ewicg nc Mras. Mutray's prudent vachfuinen liii ho va& kepî from îmyieg and Seing mas a foelish îbiug in tbat tisue cf exeisem.se mcd impulae. But ciii mev thi beyisE fac, and ahi Sid nccl veut "fooisinom Lieue put into Rose'& iieud." Soitb stîsel>' kept oguard eter houb, visioetleves suirericg tiies te ses that ahe did. oee reaiiy iuîetfenmg vsth ilisieGjoy-men$ cl eaci other'a socies>', but simp>' proeuet- ung cOnsens. She dfd tnet forbid Artbur'm perting gifi -a guiS iockeî ieelosing bis Segussrreo. type acd a cuti cf bis bair,-uor yet Rosees <tank tisa min netes'n fer the trea. sune wiicimaeober sayez brigiee anSher ebeekh flushi vii ucapealsable delist But she thougit viii a sigi as mie bote on, that Itie pattissg miu*git be a happy ting for the cbsld after ail], mcd mite ber, perbapa, fromu a fan greater mo±'rov in »ths id w BadS ay one taiS Ros-en ArtIhan- sev perfect anS hov long iibeir ceparmiion s'ouIS be, iievmac>' years vouId pase-be- fore 4isey met again, and iow uiieiî mecu ng- ai las't voelsl be the meeting ai etangers, bath vossld liave indigauiy efused te lielieve it. In the g'lov and waruuh oetbusm ;uyish affection Arthurn bel seveS ihat Rouse,» eveet, ciîdisibface rouIS lie tise ever-present image in bis siSd; ibat lime mcd Siatance-would sake noe hage, onl>' to briîîg his nean *er tv. ie future vhicii bis fency painted, vien Roe' aucouscioca ginhhood îiiould have bluosîciod iete be-autift l ouaninsas, and be himseif as a seau mhould be free te Iaimrn ofr bis vite. .-IBis heurt. bout la iiproud manS glaS antiipaios cf «ch a ise, anS b. rmade ienusmrmble macn anS rescionsaboot niîinu ein ring to uien ber in vacations, mund perbaps rimging ber hat nmeturne te ciake oug ticit at Oak Lavu. Boie'a dreass Fera more innoce~nt aSd' ucon- cions, but mie iad se ma>'as Arthur, id he vas the bistofet liml. fgo tbsy anteS oeum amer mereing -vitb mmes>' Barc aud regrets it is mrue, but visi e oasiaud iipefal aicipa*:iene as vei, and omuspicieon et chanige, lorgotteus, or idiffereuce in tlio future. For a tise flore vas ceillier. Rosi rrote long lutte'a te Arthur 'and Maani il cf mil tii dai>' trige fiocer onlife, mcod îerfloviug vitii ginliai, eonfidiug -afea. oe. Arthurn vnete, tee, Isat frosu - u it 1, discotered tuét vritieg lettita. se wu$ noscc si mli the mise tbing, or hall 'pioaant, a-u kiug to er., BemisseSl er lirglit face, bor lotimg eyi.a un cweet, mn>'y toice nipplimg iuua ogansd haugi- as nesily se ite speeeb, mcd the~ sesan«d viesome vaym visiclibaA charmeS, M f50 vbeieesl vasabout bis even> day. îibiugl et ail ibisz reacied ils ubroaghi er lettonrs,-mancvo'gerng tbosu vas mn satmfctc>'tiingalvj'. He hegae te. fleait lu y-auS.by, bis outrasue lt. loge making £ho'frh long break.in bis 'ceepondence ; and attenvard, iiea Dse's fetten gns fouet 'ahso, le *roea M anS leus friquent>'. - jie ov m&"e# f-me. ahunblglmtsi.s 61< là atliail b>', and B est, 8 t iisemiS ebsugCha i-,h--- - s-imi--g-- en tbir inierable vsY, tb be board oui>' rings noud et rare intervali. Artbur's coliege, bis op the. port tuton, bis tratils mbroad, Clava'. mamrimgel, s tory dii.e and, Mari.a'61"couiing eut.",9 jrs tiihe 'buldii fsîu Illmorbiug inteete ai Oakr Lave ; and aLtfratet Ai Rýýse Murray, 'far <va> te au ebseure sud eeu fre village. temchiug a litth sobeel tW belp outi imeii wheii tii. miniter's secaMty smaty,mund stcbing, latin. The ith d ' srrov Stee deep for tOas."lb.the omiS necog ber. i 'twva Biz Yamgrin sina ce i.>'had le ft sud Edtii b e yr> b.d lived ie tbreî Idiflerînt plass' 'iii tise.' Mi, Murray, i theagi a mon cf puot> sud ability, vos an tmeupopular. aicister everyviste.. Tiie pemopli over wiim o W dthe mîsfortnm '1---7---'. mIigi Iii.' 't puts teh. is ceud-nvers lea ba fr bisa tw- ,"t iirth.B» fr beo tisuein bis cludy,îand vu se indiSfent ta serbod' play.geoumd oet;» coid Edgeuii yit thi attractions cf tisir tis-dnmliugoansdd iatrict obhool bouse. Jt vas a humble oeu gecsipingco ee rsrtions. Sgoiho i.ft on>ltth lodbing, but it vms clemu sud reg- fer place ater Souiller, if uoi b>'thf xprssedpectabuei ansd cle-vau tbsutfrui ho bave ssiih n atst byt,s eimpiied, viibeoftiie parlitsii scmted s.: goos a eee-tiieugli vbsîbon rsanS vitb îach champ that h lsmm. blusallé eOIC!d fferd ta kiep if long wva venldu>'prospecta grev lmesasd lie s question cot yet decided ta lierrsatisfac- -brigbt. tien. For àa 'be. vek aieoba, bees ion The old story lied il&colS closeit ahit.î îrisg inu vain ta procure one *sip1oy- md Trimi, Sisappointmeuî, sud vsmtiug cotres, meut., Thon vwu ne tacana>', or prcnaet th euded fimali>' in a test sud peauce otonof ce., lu tii district scboil; mo epeuieg c- more teaiii dioaubed. <on a pivatf. ccouil-. mebod>' ln vaut of a tufi Roge mnd ber motiier iive I ou lu tbîit gorermemc; qo déenti eve for a dreps- ail iiereatvement,4enrovfmî, yeîîmkig cos. makeror onseammttemm; m9d utienI>' vitbout as fort ii sab cir, for a >'cmr, Tic littho fniemds ans i*ueleme s a mii.vas, t he Pics re. sonnei ecuported'sbetics, fmer a ihusblePeci vuscerisinjy dark eueugb, ansi bar- we fa.iiiou; and Rose vas content te - bu, hubant, if mumt -b. cenfeised, heaty' iu ir> vish pmtiencei m"d baekfuiuemc, ao long as Proportion. Nu one hsd lochedsilpon ber mi ber mether remaicod tea trengtbe ber vstb-a kindl>'face@l'nos Ohm Arritasi; abe id bande, and cicer ber biaan d bleuhas il bail met nid. mcquîimtemcea le tha. mincet. li ber fleitsviîh ber teudereut lovea'.; ut u h> a msdhyvîiu eouz o, the tise:, ame -by.-mul.yhy bu i.be;m mthee >e -ho baS be Io- sotber vua no longer',tiere-vbu he i idelSrsm'.riber fatuiign'c chi, anssitc vboos ed eoet ijis vers closeSd s im-wbe aho ma, applicationeDov for advice iri s- theio isa hbt bad si pukIee edu cf, bely .PrOCutng .empioymentt ester ceemod tsi te loe'ansd fervent faitib totii test ne nimesher ber came in concaice viii is leegun gave back Roe'» ciicging kisesc- thein forumrpester. fedeed, they treaseci fil vioc tie Young girl vas orphmeed' mcd ber mo eldly- ciimg item ta oIok Et e dSooime, amd liii seemesi e bardetee ber testimoniale mud lattens ofreo en 'o henr at>' h ieendurod, dation. "becaucee ii kuev cf no opGnicgr Id Bloy mii did endure il in tisat lirait for asplacheua; noce ati, "..titBss tu on>' of mter hereavsment elle comisi n Sddsot cheece îe mate a <cIam supon their ai tell. Ai firmî oves'>'faculty ceorneS pan- courtes>' b> oxplaiuinghen muiecedects, IY alysesi vitb e hleck dempair, mcd forgît Ae fer the Leigiteas, ciia baS iearcsSd nt ing ail iepe and trumt anS protise alite, <frouiber landlmdy, Mrs. Limbert, tiiet bh el le 'ypsmyed nIo silo. But elle- wmstise>'Were mil et Oak, Lea excepting. 0-Yeung, and fifoe anS oneri>' are ctcng in' Arthu r, vbe vas traveling abreadsbi le yeesh. Sho could cet die. mcd the noces. but vas expicted hoesai (Jiiatuma Br cit> fer actie eertioc- Mmost mîîcifmî Merian'. vedding.viii a genùiema<resu Br hecesslt>' te, ut-foceS ber te riseop 1lsev York heing.fixed fer.tiat lime, mc.. ftrosu hon osnai'r. Si. baS te lire, asid cending. l a village ruser. 1Clara baS -te vont, acd te fies votk te Sdo. s'r boom marrieS Yesam&go, but ev as ea aie muai gito up tîiu utile cciiooî cn,,_... idev nov, viith elitie ciludren, mcd ais could eut sta>' in tiai place le iio iad comte beci' te lire viii ber mother. r ided fbroyer ef ber sorrow eud ion Si. learned, ie addition1, tiat lier. vuas Yeung lady, by nom@, Mssà. Battis, t isit. - Whurîe gep, and vhat teaSe, vers, icg ai Oak Lavna mvert>' be-iutiful yomcg acxieem qqusitions pondeted over Wevolylady, tegâe t hegeeitiemme te vies vs hitout an>' iopsfuilesuit. Sie dreadjed .Mise Mariaitvas ongagesi,- anS even>' body' dte go miotesameug ecture tsangerm mekeut ixpecied ubat Mr. Artur *vouisi- <alile ying ernpîoyment, andsils o isi net go to loe w ilhi-ber vien'i. came borne, and an>'place viieree ilse>'baS liteS -biToe, an -malte a double u 'ssrrimgiiiifale. i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ornil.ratianian bm thevii s a nS vierberfaiher baS bee1illtt tdRus om. d i lïbe hiea thMani anS iii spoken of. One pies af-an msoier hminud elig5 e'chéamges in -her sugzgecîed uîseif oeuy tealie rejectesi again ; olS opeinas velias il eesef, anS day aften a' amui >'vtle nigI oeS e barder, ubsu evîr te nealize,, biee ieg her au>' nearer te a Socias. Ioh the ver>' ac.iusof iheir f<rensitintimssOy. Oce ayte miiackcg n eS oc.Leekiug dSevunfresu ber' viedcv epem thc Oe eypon ranpackiagecflettoeévii. ÎOYPresping cidren, piaylcg the casme ol gain«. in lie, aute nid'. plày.ground, f the Edirebili peut-mark eupon them. E aie cocisi mimost banc>' berseif a child PbaS been oui cf lier lonole et, dieariest .aan'egrfrteAn cotbugt 1S aym, wvioc- mie haS been tesuptod, over b. o r that cellemigit iisrry a af ransi ovin muain, to givi cp 0very effotspeed s holiday bout at Ok Laye,or go , ad psrpome in lito-v'see cosling but off os so mes seligilluà exc raion atier ,cociamai, paîciecat. spplications, ad 1vilS floven anS hernieg s viiMariaat muS tise ver>'Il grace -et GoS"e voucisafed in rm enaver, iimd-tept lier from cituer bopiless- ces& ianSd Iespair. Tie i.cgbt t oftbeme Tiievide Suffence I>tveen tiios'and astirno<rgotienlettons calîS up a bout mev ctruck a chili to ber huart vioc elie of lng- arid r colectono tan brca came b c k ho le iSlit>, euS mide ien bac wih sran ectiione, aen n dirsnk vitl aatrange ddmbt ,andi dread ovents ecîiougbt et for years. Litsa rono r>' ticegit of rnmkieg barsef pict rs e o up lio r fini m eti g ït% Sbk ovn to ubo.. 'Wb at mii oii e , i . Arthur Leighom-îiii raie>' dey., lth u ,sS>' bts uvloietrmd- meSS>' atream.sud thieteinS, îcyieî earm e ionfaiypanmd piesunos ? viichbaS lified bot cafol>' nvermnd len- Thef are icgyocasd viti luntejests iu vîich neuerableo' sorisios f lier happy chu.i cebaeceeiae ns icg ii> hod, made sse glaS mmd brigbt b>' the. love uigit spari seMa pit>' for ben, for olS mmd, kiedmescf tiose mev '<tionsd, folio,- tissa5 tare, still 1 aicuidhoa terp faut oee poe msoihe. *Hpv good ad mm d. id ernc. lNe IIt vas a dear the .Lieigbion's ite -viat 's'fair t>'. ranga bih>' for me te cerne ta bis plaet tacS cf deligit Oak îLsvm baS boom.- boy and.b et s't utud.is et mo er> m anderi-mi e e tics.old culS- &gain as aoo s apossible, and go back to slib ti ses 1tiihe rt whici GeS gave mre te do. . S ernaSthéti leo, crying vr èm lHe symlaîb, and mffection are -coi: assabe rendi, and ubsu mihebaS ftiusmid abmle' essentiels of existence, and I ber ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ UPB foecisvssa.teg at mpeeIcan survive viliont thes - lir esltia umde taimobadcis toaen- tAefe, viion>- tiimeicory'o ia Edïehiii. Et wu& iid, impulsive de is. b-at. bad and lest banuea ever>' vieS ien, and, Rose vas mnha blfsad,, liaibleus.' a4ý foolii.iione. For it vas ouI>' tao, ieor- theL@igiiiou'c ubatsm iie tat go, and SleOsat alt nl ber littlê- rout., oue aieé Sd cet etes tmov vletizur tie>'voteaftronuon, full offiilese saS suddiiopaleài lu tii villsge mtilf or mot. Th luît ef Lbcaghte, acd feeling more- ttan7 vaary bisr laiton vas datieS feur yean a&ge, viii anS -Sejected thas at amy titite beo re. A 'Arhur vas euh mi colboe. Wiat lied - tnock aithle door maSs lior naise ber beaS bicoule of hum laluce -viat changez baS < frnt thie viaov.mill viiere it liaS Srooped bappemosi in tith arnuy-vbeteîor tha " itl an md fistlecmmeUand 1 ) civisernIo homeccmîimmetl tu ho at Oak Lavne iiber prinsiduMinArs. Iimmbert enteraS the ii mclt beand.lEt wvsmoe n i ikel>' nqm -ber good-eatared, moteti 'fane Able saisi ta benoît, tiat beti Arturan md bmtimg s soinbat important ixpnassioc, ,V&"<&sainý wigh AI 1 -1

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