s00 coItoo WOODe Cel, foc al offI>' JOHN KI' Bock st. w hitbi, sept S, l1971. ,1ipoitTANT Tf> ?ABILES U EX~KMACIN% DIlL. - TitsMI 01 eeaalgMIoier ()11, bot? ai mal eud vogi«eht. aid w- are p-epared, to ahow tlà e cuporiorit>' of thle (ltitoaili other0itslcu<le $ho toute sseceeat! to procure a fir»t-eai asr chliner>', (rom sa icek orievlng-smtsno iloi, lsaveest ocf ilsata. 'rilsq, fpiowiniragré tise V intA l n wlîiclls It xelsother 011o - IT IL, Y UM~, 4e..mechnery cau b. Ycep i eanwith but 11111. troubla, cudi Ilviili ean eitt tiiîer tit i huebole lteed>tgiimid b>' oert<>Mo. It wilitnoScongeul sUr tliteken lu l,.colast c wetlte.Titis la a qcs.litv ofd tlise Ihirltet imoportancel, froin Mite fut an 4) 1 net lsavitïg tisie qutrit> wllI 'ltlubricateaa col eintmetao i ni w.- bui applieiluna hesteti %tte, butlte tmomenst touchesa eold isîssift it ila Congecalei allawilneot lubrlceta un - tiI îL tiorissi by fition acquIs-oc tisut tempes-- sture unourttrYasiedu. toa liqulsatéte ln aqirinit a bisqer tempratuire blloit. the ounaplleptl ifi tslth ouoxla lnJured, Il l laclîen iestiato ueo .il tht will chid isuà foIn silimit witiont tiitu recit,ace tIo lw10mils- ale (Mi with wuter. J. GStoek, w lii lu- 'bs-esit huacoldi niscisinery teinmenut l litNpîllied.si. Ille n l ow nù.' lis oves- teo hîturi cetetteinci and lA elvistl'lie t prorio'rotiof5. aniaait ukitesun ,se lngtlii>' ceVefr Itlu reatd i or purel Ive. Itise frac froin ib.oljectioIis urged ugalsat-ail other Oils, am It doom rotcunnu or freeze.* Now ce the publice eaae a lainan>' wortlisîee thinga rre peif.rd lotô- uutîricty, ..u oruter ta prove thit lio;le n humbue, atiito cecure onrcelveà a ai-int thse operiîtiout' ni unserui- loeailoite. (ittis:or fwhoiss*11ilinat Isesi. tale tu pdm nofftelisenn offid af 011 refluerlea a. op -bel llgirtintical astis Stock'a extra Meehilie 011,) w, prepune. taethto uwhlire lnlerealad lu tise trii af Iliox tstemnul. tb acdti t thos, on applicatiotn, isy mail or ç*bierwiie,. freas nt Charge litsenv way, a Oafle 1*16 011i, tisa Iti sai>' peuik lor itheif. Andi wiii aieiq anti? aitis it A Ira simple tet, Ace elYetivo on tiotu tntahy wrMISah goi e kion ri nn tise houer inetalhi, aid alt. icll ii saiie partiesi or. derinw qta ocicure thetnilveo agauel intpoai- îlots, b vctabiîistthiesuta teterisîne t oioce whietiius-theiit IIftarwardcd lasas. gond ce Alpridculitisglu Machinle 011%wilI uo Wel tc comiliniisittite xltil B11 . 1. TO(,Kf-Bs-ongiis.tî, Ont. 8lai.Agreût for lb. Dominion Broughiam, Mas-oli 15, 117Ã". T E Z5 TI M0 N 1 I Tisa toaspu I lÂu. Mesesa xWoaaa, 1O0*11wa, Apil 6,1870. G. B-8ooa, Essq,, BisçuaiiAx, PlAtesre,-We have becu timing your Lubirie sgtti for tire paxt f our notiism, ala nd rii 'ayitisout heuitetiriti thutit i i liebest (011WC les-e oves- useu it 1le sien eurnl, Anid li4mle lurgr tîsel isaty otirer ail. We have run cur lare 14 (Cet ron pleister, 7 tiays xith ntsc oilirrg. it keosOLse totl. eetsi ut;4 lolattWC du Dt xantnythieg botter- as a lubricater. 1 an. Vousetrul,. F. W. GLEN, Pregident. R E5T0OUE YOUR SIGIi"Tj -_-o-- IfOPCTAIILEatStuN»D e tîx . 0L13 EYES ?MADE NEW.- A hIl iteatieothlese y ested b>' Balti nex J'aienrt lvnry Eyu(uo e Xtiasi fons yauiseifuîsristuor-e josus-îll. F etie as utlit srgioai opes-tiolsa retudiesret unerauri. Tihteulraiîtlo BieecçitOruofliit la rede poîpetisailoythie Ume of filennex Jla- lent lixiproveul Ios->'Eyo <,'Up. Matfy nofîsur-st itsnirueut pisyoiciatia, nets. lirtlaui leirle sud rîtytucr. have iatrîtirl riiit tyrrni eutl s-etored tos-lirfe, aitd eared urhbeÇltnwltsigrllseansus. Ittliri-t(ld iiQî;2 Prsb>opia, as- for oiueucets rsst ,ai visiosI, ~SIonoiv pa-llit shus-sirsg, a ARthetîip, os- Wesk Oyais, t Etiipiura, itisiug ns- ailes->' evesi 1t iout- ryen-utpecsclly fsertogi, itis Miru ye>np- sute 9,sairtif ti; 6 Wersktnns. ofr e ti. ors OpîOu Bre-; 7 Optianiia?, oilans nnma- tots of toe ve andUnîil.appontdaexe. os- ippers dost vicliti dOts; thsce ocscni ltihuiîirs o A iliitobia, os r tiiorirceatf itlit ; 9 'tirs Wrrketi e>'e% If> 4yleasoapla-intovinir peckn os- lli.-tlttg boà tu l re te oyuea ; 11A mnr sui, or oairecrit>' cf visions 12 Catla-cta, l'sirt'ii Illtudore. t1ise lotis nînigilt. Assy anec cii snu e I[vis-y Ev. Cupgwi li - ct tliticnulof Dl)ror a-Moaline ce un t4i, s- ceivu irnenliainîbaeds.-frui recolla asdneyer va.ir iucemtaslon ; Pr, If umn iss ox, te a li tiseen sinde lforever. We cnes-nte. curins oves-y caneases-o etise iireetio-.-o are fliod, os- wo xlii refiind tVie usiiuey. 2300 (IERTIWICATES OF CURE. Frotns ionssitat ersc, It»eotucd -Mer caetis, nomeu of tiiesu Ilie simd sîssirsestt iadisrgz profeasionalsud silteinece suais andswaotti o caiiLiestlan sd Tell lirescu,Il ur ns- rsy, sua> b.c ieu ut ors alfice,. Vi)tr e tnutiiofMos-cii2), Bots. itorusce GrOse.>', oftLise Nea Yos-k Tribunen, as-ies.4 J. Rés11, ai onus-ey, la c conecientions. sisa] =itgeoiible iseutn, alto laincaipable cf Iltin tins loeptiauior Imnpostin. prof. W. ýMoricia, at»xiugloîs, K>., as-oIe April 24tb 18919: Wlthoru% fh5î> ' lent1 u tlutisit sre,ifter ucliu thse pitet as->' .tyêCa C srteedtsv, audtbie ios-salig pes- uctiîe itire contents of:% a dii>' nepopos-, asi? Iail tise sueitiewted ee.. Ts-t ini 1 grsteful to jonc stable Invontion. md n>'ivsi blett ais udps-unes-vo >ou Iihâve, been ulîsg apecîsclu. tacot>' yêie ; ci oevct-en yecse pd. Tonuse trisi>, PROF. W. MERItICK. Xe. Jéseph 8mIth, tltien, Mis., aus-dofc 'Partial blindiienao, of11 jeaa' sttndiug, la aseo muie,*3! tisel'atenut brsy F9.Cups. EZb0. Vil, laIe Mayor cf lDiyten, (tub, viole ne [<or. loth, 1869, I have taied.tise Priant Ivon,>' E>'.ipa. sca1tilmatustaied tbe> as-e good. Issm piecced i vth tîscia; tise>' cen tdise «instant Invlenioni tise âge. Ait parions whislg les- faitl pattfouls.ra, oorîtiteo of curea, priui,c&e , viii piuse mesi nti ou-acdreeecteusudIwe xilliin ntu trent"c on tise a) e. of fnsty-fonr page, frais, nirran mail. Writa il,3.Ià 3 C. 1P. C. Box, f«. Ne. 91 LIbal> et, ea.Yark. For tise vas-t ou"meof0<m>opla or FNir *Igitadnua,ueouens-nex Pastet MoplIo-t taûtmeuim, pplied locha Ivory JS>e (.pei, -lias lprocd a5 ctn aitalei0feôtLns. dleoce. @end foes-pmelwa sud oeetiuealen-lree. Waele iine mes-e austse>' b>' tijueti'oglitige Sîacneaou jonr noce er>' dsiare >'ur tace Em.spoyaent for 01. Agent»e actad for tilin ea Pistet Impraned rlyos-y jatops, îrodueed Iu tise askt. Tht cneeec b>' .0>' e hyiéy thes- as-ilai.,AU per- tena ont et etupionicent, or thoaa wlaluingta iusprove hei isal- runtaaeç,htiialnr goute- miuor ]bd§"# ,cati moka S.ruepteatablo living ntil islgit s is? easyemplojmunt. fRu4r"-e- of egas se t m nkng ron Wte$20a De>'. IJo lve egens$0fiOa vcek vilhîbu, gtsýrited f.....,sgealrni£ir'ss.s nas i 20ai o ta ttated bhaord .11 qusahiot, lmo tt.h atike on blfth si nouei aperior to puy cLu th pueblié, Porlwlde rang conrn, bins>' sund axcailne tablltiy, ifWotrb aud dur The O,»ara Scwns à rival. r Nus 0 mps-ovauiolbave iately been usade. euahli'ig tise fsuf'îlsorn lot ch it m titi xxgIt- vmace 8of eeisi etilachIna lisindredi of teeîtloritie are being seoived Jà il>' Iran pQis?-wf ce xiisîek aparetois r.ttiig iii Watt des-ful sital'ilitiea. 4111Idoiallcii htese: 4ietetle aowiig,rfru 1the fuit esuibrle ta tise oinseat overas-r eppas- leatlies'. S.,WARaaA*nrTXroisna TOUETZA. Tise Oclooru Outtit iti complets . Sredil>' camprenuded. 'la osai I uehuil-thse prie. fistisorto elarget for smaciso lng ae ikst rinugs of vns-k ch. mnssufaturercbelag de- terminas? b pliure l witlstise ros.eh of ave,>' 4V TLIAL aaionc i.roseAau iii ctivince cWI that aur msuwin. es-ero qurlled. The Guelph Reveruible 1li ne yIe-t tise sblic-s .igla lrvadiMe- enecuas. Willldi i srrta of dome*iot has? Ubolaisîu, wittsi ul utôl. $12; treedi do., $17- W Erseli Macliiti, gtsss-siuleii. f-W Aosanw.unmr vcrwosa. Splendid inuconielis»ta tomuke mois..AppI>' ta- OTVILIIO, CANADA. Lewia Aluln, Agrt ios- rWhishy; B. Jen tP'Ias-a, for Iirxneille eie (Qclek, for Nos-tii & santietaiosl. Ma>' Bîb, iti7i. - -1m TO TA .Jt'.CIC4uS- fc-w un 1 tiîaudj Profitable.-1rPeu e'ibrc vi~eeto e*s anreirwed a pro>rtieoal auto devothez ilieir wioietisoeoihe benr.I,.ogrernol »nuehommen. ThatatI wosoihv elemsnd adji:ele ad <roi thre bueino e.. e make thl% enp,,indilei offert 'ioucsrte mt Wrei ied.AIeVWiD un5d& 1tupey for the trobleiee<vriiop Full r..eteuhn.a viisbtepu- 7rel.LitrsrCsop.rdor,--re ofethlIe girg#in cil bewaksl r îlwp rrrh Peutrd- fieou If im IW4 rîV-1 n 0, t 1We., .Ut COC, MAT<UFACTURED AT TUIE Z'Cbmlff xM r w Vi Agricûltural Works.. ILEFFEL'S CIILIDRÂTED Double TURI3INE WATER ,WHEEL.- Ta MgNsaOhr. alua i oa-lvu r j. -fA el . W. bLxx ir, jE asaxa, Usto Pters Scescaro lInformation, ta build our es1ebratod- le Doubla Turbine Water WheaîItaventeti ly, iJams aleffel.asud kitownai tlte44Letoel Wboeeli 1 W@Iels.uaiio aligourrseives t ta <unsic 0 tbdttcmw foclitlens for usunfctulg te sns aillier parti4ýüCtio aneda. Wiîout, the, ufer- 0 iction eue bave wlsen.to Ukr. Ocam ne on est anaacuiybilti aur Whoels, anâ Vie ad;lee parties lun(*aîsadtla pi1réhAie ou r W biletsaof no othir usunutkeurar. Wi. Gszx'afaclitia. Aa unrro,aaed,dwae el auira tiaI ise l buiid à , ;1.0cicisat iii Rive perfect acta..o lion. We tharefdsrc einnsend hlm, l-u tisa i bgcure li x ail ' unfstre a WlteeJi lu i bearecia equal ta Our o1!F (84110d',) JAMES LEFFEL &£0X. WAERAIqTY. W. as-epreeas-ed téefurnlh Water Wboeal, îGearat. libsfîs4, 'iîlieard ailMisciiner>' ne coer>' la Wattiscistish eieeicta liste mectiiner>' lithure4ttdcd tu drive ; essi of, -atts- Ixo suontisa U141., tise>'are nual *iiiary, aré i ii taire aIl laé, pariorigist bath waye, sud rei- fend ssny paymculaaneata ne tises-eau W bere pastien are siot satiaficd wth tise Wlicee, ad uJ cus ske a change at tihelimte wiîhot tlaieta bise.luecen, -ttsy may rue the wheel rond imnuciisscry a ressibenuib e îsuexih. <Ont cisergô'Unt exeeding oua year, lr.as-des- that he lis,rsikee acîsaiga wItbaut Itijury> Below.aare given tIse namne-of partiea wfisc are o us§iag 'rom orse.te "don ich. etOur wheei:,i nd ve lssvite parties. Wiaoali tO purcîsi..ta corrspond aitis tisen. l... uI ................lwss ThosuaiArbeti .................ArLeli. Bheiher & Andierson .... .GcerglssA. Waicm Bau ............... Osawa, A. Huirin & Ca ..............Valeyfield, A. Basreau.................... L4. Devid., ri Biban .................. rososo, J. . Iticeil ................ ...Irookliss, Win. Sanies,.................. 8011901. A. J. Buc, . ................. orrd. wi. tiloosufeIri................ildeeetse. J. M. Itrce....................Husülbelite Pâlis Chrinusirler Ittiel ........s.uîlrtis, Jacoeb fttier ............ atrrlo J. Cerorth... . . . eosd C, .1 -.Caris.............. calilsslao55, a ea . loe ... .......Ntapassee, A.k 1 Crnsislere ......... Itiniper, A. Ctown ........ Klrsgcsn Jamsse Dye. ..........Ierrytovis, Jubsi sDyke .... .......... Ui idIlar, Discursd ik Diainonui........ ..ilrslle, leitunatl aviioeî........... Linssay, C. 9. jrwes-y..... lssran Vicw., Ml. Doges-s........., ...... Nosaen, Jaes r r-lirai.............port liste.. flscheali1gass ,........... rossessbis, Rtuus Evrs»............. Eversori. Roeri tForasyl ...........Molatua, FrasdsBs-on ............ Bre.kss,, Farradk Miles ........Cam)ptuelfsurd, S. J. Green............Greeuswe0d. Thossi Gbsoq......... Wroxeser Josephi Grînld............. xtriWce, Win, tealo............. Gauow. GiîbIrs kBro .. ........ ilchswa. B. & . Greenwood........ Ori#,s Gorsdon. Atet<ay k& Coc.....*. ripbi, inu. &k ter uhr isre ...... Wîti lVm. 1illir .. .........Essisîsilien, tiiitiardk Dixonu.......... am, G. 0. al .i .......t...... lie5r Humrier tBrothers........... Aicwile, Cellt.iReysses............. blotisucai, - Je Hîsaggart ............ertIr. Jîrbss Seliwell............Highland Cree. iwcatr à iloriu . . . lvle R. r. lderrerrr............... .bt lewin , ieyd. . ........r. i ope, John gisgee .......... Guelphb. 1). P. Jree& kCoe......... (iasieturque, Jams i I................. ue caalanIasL .....ut .. .... Newccoile, J, G. mac ......Ceighureî, A.J. ..' sar ........t. Hu ilrMeular ........ .C rrigsers, J.F. u«in- ... Ncwmrkti, John s Mcl)oegal.......... Mitreai. WVillam Miuerays.....-...... Mild Mas-. iubeis %Ie .............. Refrea. MeDaweli k lassat&. ........ Demnetrille SamelnMerser................toxbambus-,. lesa. Plorclaisd................Etrru li , seracIrnn.............Reutrea, John iclsii................. lbeerooke. IVu. Niou ....... ......... Bloomfield, A. W. <igseu'e k Co. ....... .... ossred, John Parub. . ................ Besîya. Wm.ptr ..................llewsesnvilie. Rtiiard Pirei...... ............Lýeaskosi. Pain ais dnsîtusrirsg Co ........ 1erbrooke, Willain Prres.............. .... Pckerings. JamsL. t.. Psl ...r.............(tedirsu' Crack, Penbertoei k Co......... ...... Qse»Ic. 8 L. Perd>'......... ...Brighton., Peek, eIllcses-kC.......,&sse JrhstPiiebis.................. bonts-nal, C. Parlisr ......-....... ..... Alek, Jaeox Rude)>......... ........ Uzbrldge. 'Thomas lluicktli ..............F.lPore, A, D. Iis .................ieasorivage, Bk W. Itemandi k Ce*"...Almorie, Jueba Russel ...................ÇiLt!rmoui, Edward Mmosti ............. ...UOshawa, iSowklira.................. Uowmsaotvolle. Nomea Sats .................Duffitse'Creek, Thomuas IV. Stephenon,.....Nurood, StiseS-ii stchsienberg ...... o51,gwsd, Ef. ik J. IL. itit.............Bess-gss, AIni. 9risalit............ Ontsee,u Thloms stes-teuson ...........trrfit,, JohnShw ,...... ........ Nortsaudaie, Georgre laS41ey ................ Monireat, Jsiprss$nsiflb,.................. Montrent, Peter siapum............ stuihetPals. Chartes. Esitb ....... ......Warkworns, RW..li pa................. Cerg es-Ieusosi k Esains..u-B mptsu, 's-nrs- ...........Muglt Abert, JonsTbssmposs ..............liseoiclln, , Wm. -Tuer,................. Baydes, David Town.................iiowmasivle,. Thoiriask Tewssend...... resse, Tboiern 5& uta ..... irsavie Geer e Vteler ............. xbrritge. P.V% ................ Montsrent, J. C.01 ue...............GCobourg, John Woui5baey........ .Ptrt, T. P. White~.,.... .......... Vauevaie, Wym. ....... ........... . Grsesville. W£ AtS0 MANUFACTURE Bmw- Mi i luers- et'aIt Kisis, mlisditsg Enelualu amsdAnsiesian lang. Sxurswuutltelit OeeWatcing Gang andas M ateBw- Bandetni andSolSelieug Cismalar Bmw Milieu csegle and &îcise Edgee. ~ 3bigie ai H«Rc ii"bbwchluiand Jaistffls ýâIqr a Lm m rulls. - Wqcd Wt»risg)itbiiery utali Kînds. tlersîgPlactis c liCttero.. tV;tnen Machines-y. Leiller t[<itlisg lochlîseaanS liijfe bitiiuer-& Pnsperculu.r.rEnRgisse Gr' eif.Adjsiig Baugera iii SeitcOlin, exc owrirng M ADE IN BRIAS ol lt>NI marie, ode. I iraS. *u ob-' Ail Mahinle r>'aeil t thelstsct.rs,- jiIaa Mtelc, u1 7 I -a the Faliof-1 'oronto, eoter to ýour customers for the coming ]larivest, tWO dsi Mahnes, wbich in stylLu auà d constructio ,bre Aelet and most useï fl 1iproiements éof' tbeday THE, R7G 0OPREAPERS"I The uni'versal sncess of this Mcinboth'in closely contestiLed- trica aud in Lise banda af Iholfars-a, warrant us le s aying thai a Self IRkiug Laspins ahnhI bsmsago piîuas euadfci, sud bac et viti mos-c -aucceai sud luseaidase, lisan heretofore ofes-es to tise public. - ayuga Juni ower, W were awarded the First Prize and Diplonia, at the Prtwiucial Kilsibilion,ebeld inl Toroanto, 1870, lu competition wihi ail thelctading Machinm mn- fcctu-ed ln tise Pr7ovince ; alsd aili aur mîeut irprovcnscnLa, xc ubesititingly challenge investigation sud casupasisan ails cornpclirg Machinues, ae as-e satisfled tisot scc investigation viii couvince ee-r>'unpIre j diced usitd,. that va oiter ltebesi Noxéso lahLe las-mer for 1871, buiu-tbe Dominion. L-W'f Sens? ls- descriptive W5~t.. T.... 1 -cty - BRQWIN & PATTERSON. *1ihv 5* . 14 sts aa il1 Co w -e e "*1 '4 ris.. i-i t-.' p CO) m Mi o. JUS-uT REujEIVED. Pire Proof Chimueys,'Shades, Refiecters, Pocket lanterne, Spring Brackets, Wick Trays, &o. JAMES H. GERRIEi Whitby, Jfan. 12, 1870. Famiiy Drug Store. SPEC IAL. MILINERY GOODS, DRES8 GOODSO TWEEDS, H0ZIERYo PARASOLS. ARE 110W EXIIIBITED IN1 GREAT YARTETY AT R. & -a SMITIISe They have imported this ceason, besidea largo quantiCles of Staple& Fan.cy Dry Coods, A~ splendid -asottmnt of ENGLISH &, GEEMÂN CARPETS. Samo beautilul deic in" luLOOR & HALL CLOTHS. BRUSSELS and TAPESTRV, and ail Wooi Cos-peting. MBz. LAMBERT ctliioversees thoe Taiiosing, aud -b intending purebacers bbc>' nov offer indiscernents and sdvantages second 10 noue in tise DominIon. À splendid amsorment 'of BOOTS snd SFIOES now operaed. FR-ESH FAMILY GlItOCERIES constatty on baud. 0:- Anu ariy eaff coicited. Çg t>a Agents for thef Farmerts Osibourne Sewing machine. - Os;hawa, .June, 5th 1871. f23. -ý 1 M~ ON-OVA N'S. CALIRIAGES& BUGGIES, latest style and beat Large- assortment of CLOTI ffl CLOTIIING MADE TO) New leas & i 0::> CHOICE WINES AND ~Wh»ty, Sept- 20, 1871. 1 t 1 e icer les.' 38 I <eriasior Wilby Brs-ndS? ttrinsg Bannda, attl liea, ljc sils, Excusahnq Qi pas1ie ec, &C., viii tieppi> thre Uate£ Unete, an s-es.enatj tes-ms. A&pplicatioi4 ne mu a e itua lie.pe os- b>' lette,'(poas.îpaide) 10 J. WOLFEJ go0 May 7, 870. LIV ER Y T IIE UNDElISIGNED DESIRES r fas-tu bic fs-etids. and patrons.,i is again re2umel buaiucen atthse aid WHITBY IVJERY ST.A] - tW.-liaving -e!ucseigecti theisa n qualil>' ot tise tus?, satiea added toa proved tise eos.veîse: an sd reisiclen peamie, se hnpe by boitsg in a pasl nicet tIse wvntr i ens.tonsata metit of public patr-onae. I~CHARGES JIODERÂTE. N. B.--Cove-ed conveyasreta foirJ aud ladies. 'Prompt sttenslasce, ae iiei o ail as-des. j a. - Unto tii. puliÃc I vouldBay>, If lise>' xotid look sud cee, For boots and soe tiseir mroey psy', TnnleL IliStu corne la me. My d ei ckod clos-c la on Brock ascet- Attcndsrsce, courtcos.kins?, Yasu'Il id4 my gootiu indeed a treuil Né betteresin an ffstd., 1April 19, 1871. 1871. si.flru Ansd Iadie iscu you choque Yosir ps-cIL>'pursea la utfiock, Cati buy the e uatoit t hoee. - My les- poliihed, flue sud good, Myýpric'eitlow bea ide, At once will soit a dasbing groom, Os- a axeet b1xIing bride. If lisey'li taea few tus-ns, As-ound- tise lowr.. aend on me cati WVILLIAM BU.RNS, BIoLt & son) Store, Brock stfreet, wiitby A &.1I L L A N 'S ALEXANDER PRI-NG.LE, Ras removed from bis old premises to McMillari'à Block, Brock Street, and begs to inform bis mimerons patroiis and- the public generally, that bis stock em- braces .every requisite in G cnt Ieme-n'-ls -Fo--roishi o; Go ods, JWbitby, Aprfi 8, 8s to order. No Slopwork. NO FIT, NO PAY. Great Care and .Aitentwn pazd to Artz8tw Gcutiing. A.Continuance of that liberal patronage exteuded to him dur- ing the pa.st 30 years in Whitby, res petfully solicited., MARZOLI 28, 1871. 13 SPLILNG STOCK 0F BOOTS &_SHQES.* MATTHEW COLLINfS Begs to anunounce to his culitomirs and the public ýthat lie has opened business on the premises lately occupied by -Mr. Bandeli, on Brock Street, and that leis now in receipt of a splendid Stock of the ItIGIIT FIT AND'-MKE Aud of the best style of Boots and Shoes. Also on baud a large stock of HOME-M ADE* Boots and Shoes which cannot be surpastsed for quality and price. Ail orders punctually attended to. Repairs neatly doue. Busibess also carried on as-usual at the 'old stand., near the Royal hotel. Whitby, May' 10, 1871. TEETI! EXTRA£ 8W7 WITHOUT PAIN,. BY TIIE USE OF NITROtJS OXID .LAUGITIG1 0.9TIlE NEW LOGALAMZESTHEUJ .AT _ eTAL ROUAiS, DUNDAS STRE] 1-WHITBY, C. W. BOOMS.-Ovee M. Il. Ccbranna'e atm PELOWs9 H Y POPH OS PHITý Afnonjpt th ise easoe-corne by lie se cot Fdfoks C«a'mpussd kSpup cf HjfppIe Debiit>' sesunigfs-anTypisisaus inw a es-, Dièlotses-tic Prciateiau, if> llvpciatsdr6, AtssenaorrioeusCilorucia, ms, etcor-isoau, Nes-vouskZxcals>] mns or Wuating ofttse Muagèen. , Ap Laou ai Veice, t.hnreu or St. Vita'a 1 giuglmhuer of tisa Li-ès-, Intes-t-b Feeble AcLioti ofîlsa nea-t usiiagE ccased b>' musobstr-uctiona afI Usa cnd Ai- Ptsaagoes ading titeseto, usd ie fs-cm vas-mua cauëeas tuat> osas oh Mid pais-ud? ispeleaa. SolS is>'Apahieca-Ic. - £a" Ps-dca, 91.50; Six for 07M50 JAhLi$ L FELLUWS, Cmna -15 St. John, JOHN CARTERa INI-A.VinIEW UOLLINS5I LIOENSED ÂUCTIC, TE -OLD ýSTAND! F EST.A The undersigned ii bulbes-b axtended ta tise aidq ta sa> tbat b. bacs ow on ctyles of- a retu uiug tbanks for tbe liberal patronage eabihuet,ý for near>' a pas-bs? of fart>' years, dis f baud a las-go assortusent of tise socmodern sud ciegaut, Iaax:ez oouiîà i ONTARIO, 'YORK& SALES sîtendedaoit tis lsrtéeet1 on -ecoubl4esma -Tertucan bi bille printed at the Cbrosuîcle a ,COMMERCIAL 14< BROOK-BST., IWRLTBI. B [<O C K. 18711 LA TH ER LI-N ES THE ;ý3EýST LAt.,ýP EVER USED aituys i une 1% 115.11 ý ý24 Il