Whitby Chronicle, 9 Nov 1871, p. 3

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îeimnJ-Ai ti,..m. -Att! a. mu., miii 'At 1OJO'm.,n. mlii 4 Arme Take > - 120 Dai ats e.nd' Potatoes Whitby Markeu. P1NCzI caumnoI, 'Nov. dth> 57 whéas ............1.8< ) Ing, Wint......1.15 O$1ll le............... 55 57. . :,'. ý7007 .8 «,,- ., e «D400. - .......$10 «12 'o id...........$4 75'lg .95 ... ... .... ..... 1 .~15e. t'a 20e. per .ioî fi. ...........40 840 ........... .........~ 8 r i.. .........' 5 F »DVETZ0EK-E TB. )f heiii tttrailoa vitIcli torsn i t im<lm tnl nê ntrition, a'îd-hy !l 1cationofnithe foni properties cof 1 grna, rFpi% ioprnvlddd -t whichlm imy mvi o. mn>' heavy bii1."-Oio' lri aGsu.Mode wth 13olIin vvwnîer or 3111k, Enct> Imhled-'l Axzo Era& -Co., Homo. 1 Vhnmimtp, Losdon.1 Allie, mettrm 1 Iilb' Coco& (Coco.and cottdeomed 0 REWARD! ove tivard viii h.pald by titi Mon- oft'hoThWNS4IIP 'F WITIîY, ralout or rsttawlto viliiginsIlloc an ms wl i end te thé npprelieomîoz elion of thei permet> or pnrot. wi> t' and Mallolouaiy, on the night of or 9iptembir at, ait Oro ta Ihe 1 otI 21 Oh Con. Townm'>ip of oiod i yàr, Chenlu xtot, anid b>' Mr. ciw Utydt>. JOHN WILLIS, Nov. Sth, 1871. 4o4 rB3Y MECIIANVWd' IN$TITUTS. eti o!' ch>e ml rm o lthet rport, elotiuli cf oieerg, s&o. 8- iW&nted, bighuat prices "sid in We expect in,&' few days ti rope, Cow.Ohains, Trace, Coi! C Thaunks to dur many patron tnuance of the mare, we arce fait Whit'by, N<n'ember 7, 1871 Bn eaj Lally Jvurs,- I ê HTOTEER .Watehe*s,, locks Jewellery ELE CTRO- PLAITI &C, &e.. In retw'îuing thanks for 1lhç very liberal pa- tronage bestowed on me during the Iast thirteen years, I rwould beg to st ate, that I bave now opened out in the NElW STORE, in addition to a general Stock of.- Watcbes,' Clocks, ýand Jewellery Alargie assortment-of Electro-Plat Writing Desks, Work I3oxes, Vases, Porte' Monnaies, andBags. Fancy Goods. and'Articles imitable forr- sentation, &C., &C. rpe Alil of which wvilI befound -weIl wortby of the attention of intending purciîeÉem. JAMES eJOBNSTON, whitby, oct. 25, 1871. 41E ADVEUTTSEMEIÇT5 -LANDiF OR SALEfY ?&ARA -8100 acréit, fret.<elaos lhnd ln on@n or)itMiditid-Raiitwoyte P<l' ïIlé>e Il. fchEn/eZ BeR, r. miad liiikokib U4tiway (rom Toronto te Wbatby, Nov. 7Ltb. 1M7. sdo Free gramt T'Jerritry. TIwo matil isrean iîîg, goud soit, Iisrwood limiter, s&e. RAMA -500 lu one. b lhock -,vithin 2 [E lIANI(CS. 'ifAI.i ýnlsrcfi>le Ntottck Ucvrinit roisd, anîd 8 niAJas cffl>iiin. 4éiday EVOIting, N v 2 TOW14 0F Wili>TJ- Oipccf mre,, >50w liiit1mIOsuic. ,ior. or Wiiauît lawece,-Nortît yard.* OBIIAT 1MUICAL '(SEAT COMING 1 1 ALSO. Thmîreo hiekaocf'8 arem neit, mmml tor bt Pap eanlra aPîrier to tlieir dtpaturi lte slsibrick nit. and dsneeîiy noni cf r Eturope, o ieAiittstas,(orgunîzt. ituiiywq rkimojs. - ed 24 yîmrs agn,) - ALSO, Twenty oite buiildinog lots, djoining 19 ont 9 ew ueta 9X w the Itaiiîî'y wonkKiîopa. t lons i ew flche New ALSO.Tinat vuensit loît on Brook tréet. h.. usnettesit Ne w Pir-e..on lt: îweit:Lowes. & i'owlitl'î n. I Matgh 6 hwlgs Dellaoi9lino., 87 feet f risnt. A ,rh'aitt vocait Lot., botwen MeMillan'. 13Iiek aund-Biîrt>', 22 fr.et front. ~ <I!IIA Il î Foronprice, trt ine, ull' ttupirtieuiars, appi>' AN D SlflSS BELL IUNiGEiS. .'I1e Alegitntan, v tostelaime eqbu come rnl't a l l a imo n d ftî înl'ci sy élav-x4-iied Mlati r ftit ivil1 ted !,ttil mappeir tL tb ' ev nintpanr- Wfhlthy, Nov,Ic, . 7, F SAL Y. o! Wîýidi y,'oit. l WhItîby, lo ti,1 E7~V rei4tg vol PUIYLOI A IÇ, LAND> FORt 'cres, L ot 1 For tenus, d&o., )t bis papen. ffbitby, Nor. thlî, '7y oeorgeo sb, m87e, ltalunita -EDWÀ li. i LUI oui lu Ch; Whiî Ma Paloi roume bât lyA by Ncve - .lIA?.!PERRY,- Whlthy. 4t, Nv, 1871. W hty K litMK. itie Roy. jomima lrner, of Monitremat. yu preacis JoSt. A11#irwl#4C1,,nlrch here, 1).V thicxtuudt'oiilow.ng$Sndu.y, (1211 i istii3P Afilu liteinmor cftheicongregation in pr. tioalariy ri.queoçted. WillthY. NOv. 8>1, 1Q7l. 45 *SlhNINT PNY&fOIANS E INNEW NaI NOt PI oR CUTLER 5808. tC, on sas SotdbvthiDnmaoeafrs rý lirie qîltrters o? i i te. atroc, la si O. tOGNQSMî'rJ3 B 8 5T Wm.iu, 110 IR SE M E DIC1N ES. Ail .lomèrlptltin mo!fthe et lorge, mdicinoqs ANS, M. B. au j tn in, n on suie aItisep '(ogs, Dublin.) No chargo finmAdie.. 1V OK C Wbltby, Nov, lit, 1871. 44N 71. am.45 N OTICE. Thé partIes vito totul>two .teec! Er m-- ff0 lroiery, (osto or -Net,.entisaotisen un Lice> front the Agieulbcrul finil, Bnoughaum, viii ni kirtd ottougi totrio the titi s«îno' t0he S A LE. Siereler>', and srftnv utiuîr trouble uand x- o.2,lîîCon. J .tMTI 1apply lit the office Broîtgltsmr, Oct. ý81, 1 sol. 87. 41n-45 F OS SALE OR To LET. Itoumisutendpnemîse. occupted fi> M. 4. Fuller, ituati opposite -retidenceocf J. Il., - Pfenny, EItsj.Aise,lthe Mos Dowoepid b, Mjor W.b lacé, corner cf Dandasasud Byrn reb>' esotneA aginef Sîneels. Appty t- ttog à certain noIe o1 I'iougittn in fArmutn Whitby, Oct, miat, 1871. DAPR un Payable 12 itooutm ----------- au the same hmn bien and nocvalue bu emben oider. .i LRD PLQUGiimAN.' a iby. or Canponten's vork, itinr. witlt toatirimili li, nth url 'lit andonm48eii alen, isid op e,,cntioacbou sand ippty ng Rose ONTN ithen r ,17.- 2o4 Ptg,1 vitltivo vith poao tItlO Iînip donu his facs. f OwDtlgIlte ar viii bc A.UIET11OUR, WatChmaker and Jeweller Brook Stret Ontario Bank md hast th EnlE m ii B.py mbic u t b.B> à, amnd kmhrnîîj o 2îd af.îr IbxDay, the B'IICST day oJDiWMBi,M,î)xt Theriti 1'amfor Soku wiII bc olo«i f rom thei "Sth to th@ B50ti Novoinher, both days lbob- Bi, order of thB, lrd. OnARîc BAW, i liowlmanvii., --t-------------f 4 No'vember 16 & l7th, 1871. EXTRNSIVE ci RE'DIT.SALE 44.-ISIEI ;08tutnOcltu, ait colore, fIiiged It mn d for suita ; Figttred Saten tc SHAWL: DEPAýRTMAeNT. - Lowes & Powell ýare offering a. nagnificént asoiment or' new ,rall and- Winter Sbawls. Striped Sbaa, ,in the Lornej Mârcbjoneug, Ducb. osa Reversible,, and flcvert;ible »Ottomans'; Paisloy ShaWliitélta e aigasj Tartan SaliteVcoi.Rob IOY, Shepherd, Frazer, YelIow* Fraze, Joron, au n ane>" Malcolm 1 Woci shawls.in plain-color' IjDIE'ý,UNI)ERGARMENTIS, Lowes& Powell have a.splendlid assortment of Ladies' Scotch L. W. Dresseg, Ladies, scotch L. W. Vests, H.: Neck iud L. Bleeves. La-. diee' Seoth'IL. W. Drawerls, white and soarlet. PLAi SIK DEPARTMENT. Lowes & Powell are offerirîg-a magnificent assortment -of rich Plain Silks, the bee~ vaine in the ýDominion ; Poulte de Loire 811kg, in green, blue, brown, whito, Marie antoinetto, brocaded, and oth er 'silIce, t'mn largest and choicest collc<ftion ever offcred in'this Town. iointe HOsTERY - DEPARTMENT, alLowes & Powell request attention to their very large stock of -flomiery, compriing the'lateat novelties. Rob R.oy, and-Shephérd's Plaid': a n-tmbecî's in Misses' Tarpsn, stripes ver>' fine; RLob Roy' and Shepherds Plaid 1 hose elamtic top)s, for cbildren ; Rob Rtoy and, Sheptierd'sa Plaid.hosc, r"'t a n"es ue r"UitO08, 111 OIsces ~hs1 aIl h a d e . p a i u e e n c lo tb o , a l POPLIN DEPARTMENT. Lowes& Powell have ope ned a ve ry large stock of Irishi 'Rochat's' celebratcd Kid Gloves în d. But tons. Lowes and Powell'bhave a magnificent dÉIaofalan Wintcr Hata and Bonnets, d&a.ofFal n AlIso a large variety of Flo wers,',feathers, wings, birds, &o. Ribbons, Millinery articles,.&c. LOIVE S& lP"O W EU(j4, Wbîtby. Oct. 4, '1891. NEW' FÂLLINPORrFÂTIONS! The subscriber begys leave to intorun hisfriends and the public in genenal, that ho bai; opened bis New Store on D NAS TETcoetngf Dry, Coeds and ýCroce-ries. The Dry Goods have been carefally selected from the Best sou unale>' Lustres,, Lustrines, Pana>' Drus Goodi, Black (hbOth's, DcekiDs, Hôtel ]?urnftura, BforSes, Tweeds, (Canmdian and British.-) Larriagesj, Bar Fixtures ',Ready,->ac2e Clothinq1, Iate, Caps, Gloves, Hosiery, Prints, OATORY COTIONS,.s&e., s&c. Wiùe, SPflt, .0WL .lte (rocery Department is replete 'with ail the beat r gars; &o. ti-cbe for faîttly a,>e, consisting of Teas, Sugar, Coite., Spices;. Rice, &o., ste. 99F* e would respectfally solicit a cal from those intending .i'tite Forniror i'thetFi 01,trlo il9otit o e sash speprdt et tpiesd -gcomeii p.emetit cctipled b> nI. 'A. Alexanîder, (utA .vlîot,îlemeits eus.xîîired) viih tprcamash l peardluso h rce eyn cas p ai dforn B diqso,.o'd o!fb>' PUBLI<T AU(,'- Farmers' Produce taken in exehangeadcs pi o utter. W1N, on titheoseeon 1611, and 17lth November, vwithtoulttie eigitteat nionve. IIl)-TII T ow il ofb s Flirniîre, % r Fix lreo,,& 0. vî u L i ' T * c.,lg lbo oî.îetîtg of STOV'ES lifiIwVLU . STOV'ES i t.n. I Di H 40 Beds and bedAinS, bilosinig mprnngand a ir b l i u t r s i . m , m e s o r a s . f u a h ,- r s u d i c o t o n - ~ - - . - smd'iîur gthedditl MBluî)toîe Ani qiitsç, pp18eounw II&tllr hddiig, lrfe a iet leitiug t leasure in showinff te the pbi.thissao.nwand Towing, Table cone, Notpkinte, I'illowm s&e. I lRV D ataed iso>am. et.>' rockliîg andtiA cîîn luiriA' cokn zisteo; ogtre, iAe..anà CoV~! fa 1-teareulo, cn gleios.of (Jzspo*s, Union Kiddenn)tmr adt"o'çry te. flav'ing nae my slti n omthe best m-anuracturers in Mon- Dininiitgr roem furnlure, Sidubohcrdoi, Talies, treai, Brckvjjc, oroto, and Hiamilton, would advis alWanting Stoves to Chaireq, C'a'udlinrs, <1iing, G<umw sre. SEnti,.. cal!and examnine. ilwee.ttlîr>t, piateid vone, Crout an, Fîtcherl, s&o.chie Iw ld . aryci n5o 10 H l Kittctn Foirnitoni, Stovme,:T*$,Ien, car*nul articlry c attento t new Hl Stove, by Clotho", borg, Wueitlog anti wingtnig -ma which tiîree tinseor the amotint cf heat et any other $tove can be obtained,. abits.Coptoardm. an amgormonet 0f eîiiî,t' with hait' the atnounî,.o±Wood. uteosilo,anocter ullartic 07namînous t mottait, Stble I rrd',1pair inateied chemînat A.nd as h mrct aiBre effeigCa t6e Vtelrt ,neettnugtxo n eeMrkt m,%Idolecutter m:td hulfsslo r mecsigle bnisJie teUne, fnac o! charge, liuruiaso, 1 iigliàmh riling süd r rpoved Agricnitural Fnrnt. orttttguiî. Ota., Ivîi bred cciv u'sd cI;s ~> "P nilt'o, àp t. qstatreofammormty bfr-mtm O> Stvepipes and Tinwaro unippliod to Pedllars, and Morcbsuts in the Moi kpt *q, lrg iwootiant ofjasCountyr visoeeibrrcw, pdes, hylira>,rksakit,, vusl talbn, à box, aod parler 'Stoves, ada gneatt L> Best Cotil Oil aiways on baud. mootmettcf pipa. &* A large morttntîw iJR A cf lampe, 4 exceilotit stable lontents.- 1 drot priz. 7 toctave PIANO), b>' Rainen. Wbitby, Septembir 20th. 1811. 1[eyacim. Carniagem, Cow, Cord-Woodeond I ml . 8-S ont Aoo Fo uiture.andi u portion of Iliding wiyli hi saulson lise droit diy. Fol, fare ~ rtieniars ae oulmiqgaea ofh bl rtl cn mppnovîd notea. OTS aLVNI) SImOtES. AUi untndin $20, mh Aotocn ?3 WbLbIo.lt,:7.The Largest Assortment ST. A"IDERWS' SOCIETY._ T-Cr .-Tyo Thé iunnuam iétIng of th. m.mabenm o! th. St- &onevi' 8o1.îy, of WiLtby m"d omaknt,.j lut#ril t*bol a&th.e hàgla 4 lua*, aven> adventifmed rusuted>',, oimpti moiai, cf ailfir, v ims. tO hi feilow mttff#nrm. [Jsjust rci fitting and eleigint,$oo A1 Hoitt's T he quies tion-nrturally arising among those wanting Pl grap e laviere srhAll o 90to get the tre t Liinoms, and the finit finebehid 17hphbe;ijudhgocf picturus vouidsay> go to IB>' ail means, as ho la graphîr mmud PortratFalotel iwarrants 1h. immirtion lba I tvirut yiarm <àjaainat mmg tilotto or wih beha tb lrggt gàý 4t »otU of lu te fConin the out for thon why ahouldaoct l Iozdra cf r, vh4deair e flt ia*onk, go to JIIT' PHOITOGRAPII .GALLERY 1 Dated at1 And Ieave their orders, whicliwl in future be as'promptiy at- uended to os at an>' other Gallery. Cali 11and 'examine, specimena of Phot o fAE bersin he un.a .871. TH11E B E-ST -PIANOS. 1 ou chicoke ri n g, U nion, Sttiney f lknha, AlI"the Iatest MILJazines. -Ste i nway, BradlBo bury mSoboolBooks MEWS ie Books. INmiAELT Bma OWnThisproprt7 -viiihiAdo mdventagioumtinme to the purohame. Pomma.. mica giron mt once. I iproperty la oct mcld or oth et- W9 eloeofbel ile 1->.L Of cNcvi, 1171, theti mreviii be cfonied for sale b>' Fnb: lie Aucîo, on the pnrmis ,oun Strsay, thei 4tb cf 'lyovember, 17, e 12 c'eicck. accu whitînlb.mne vili hi aold tt hi bighiat' bidder. Terolsanmd coditionos mamde koownon]thei day cf ame, or on opplbcatio to titi ondin- J. RAMER GKEENWO' D 13oiior, W'hitly. .JAS. SULLIVAN, proprietor, on thi prentiaim, WIt>.oct. 1Tth , 1871. . *42 p ORT ýwRITBY & PORT. PElL RAILWAY, y To wo0rk oG iateabove ESalva>". .ApP T o- WhlîbY, Sept. 6, 1871. M AR COTTON YAIRN, COTTON TAUNg COTTON BAGS COTTON BÂGSP A T Mc3ILAN& C 10 BALES BAQSt. 5 " COTTON TARN Best Canadian -and Ameri- eau maýkes, purchased prior -to the recent advance on this goods, which we offer at less than- preseut manufactures' prices, Terms-Strictly Cash. T. IM McMILLAN & CO. .GRBAND'RALLY Jim.ama clora ne, ME r a'lA,. ... -- - inàspto Whltby,oct. HENRY' D»RESS GOODS# TII DOUSLE WAXI fj'-The CheapeSt and Bezt ]REAL MALTIESE And a Complete ané and Best Sta] IMING, MOHAIRLUSTRES, ,P» PRENOH WILLED REVRSIBLE LUSTRES. prLicle or Ladies',wea, for the times. T.ACfRlicisziQîkirni LEnT TuE WOILLD KKOW 1Ti.A T WILsoPosNE-W 1'KOTOGRAPH GALLERYI wîu 're-hapy to annooincetitlw. buve coin- ntitcadnminess ln our nov room^, bails oxpinlisly for Pbotographing, witis &It the ilest impnovetc its ln bLight- lng.kinifr'tjtpjunb> tNothin gbut remll>' nat clama wonk alicvcd 1Jeave tue nmv nootuss Ail ktodeandahi ia. oplatune taken, aud E. lb. t- -'I n I liett 0firl) rtrisin Dova hltoîvit lïi Tueè latest Musjc. Whitby, October 4>1871, j osirAWA, May Ai ý 20 RprrT, and 1 W- Déalt 1'6ract the-plS-, 31ockg DOÜ tbe Ontario -h7ý DunhamJÇý

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