Whitby Chronicle, 7 Dec 1871, p. 4

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]w w1itever yeni do, doir resment.r, Thast tour b Isuatli Ir8 ossy a tesan. Thbe Ie'York 'Suno ays: -,If our publie uffàirit continu fer. Bru yera longer vpoa the sanie <lwnward courIs an hey b aie done for the lire years inice tbé cloue of the robllion, weshall no longer hariea euantry to be prod of ; and the great American epruaint, of 'self goveroment, la wich the Lapes of ail humaiy wore boud np, wili end ln rotiennesu and chante.. Twooe e big Iit lo an American Protesiani. H. was opposed in the latie New Yoric eleotions by 'Dbovan Bossa, for whoms the Iritàb Catholics of bis die. trict voted en masse. Thle Mayor, O*key Hallj the seconsd nirnber of due Intamoas ring le of îLe samo'irace and farih- Swee. soyl a native, Who nbandoned long yesra &go -the f4aiwhob:rcceived la bptism. Oounully, Slippory DicIt, io aujIrish apost. -Me. We mention îhebse facto, becanse the veserable ex.editor of ibe f'*zzete calis the doenet of the Ritrg a Proleataul vie- tory. »The fisg could not have beeni defleaied if the Uruiblica of New York, more Iba n oe.lalf the population, Lad not voîed aganit . G1er your mncuy reay d before getting Ont Of an oIJUli ainud -beforo going mb lmw. Thbis.la îLe way the Chicago Post cele- brates the marcb of ivilization lu that1 ely 1 e1cei ntlrietlnrrr'e to eg: Bt1i U1%pisilr orr p i ire; aîrrîi.rrshisslice the tire. In another place the Post umys s sThere bave been 417 babies- published in this paper ince îLte fire-311 of thein fe- maIes. haill 1te euew She-cargo lF People Who go about hiackiag and biaeltîng other people'o characters rrely have Guy of tbeir owu. A woua aed McCaug b bu been foud guilsy of poisoning îLe cbild of a merchant rosidinig ai Ceepuna, and sou- ieuced 10 b. bangesd. "THE ROYAL OAK" Tire suirihor tîikeK ccsmlnnto Inforro his figtide atgl. the pliilic, tiret lie hae opessoîl tire Imtrut ugigdor tire nirore d, ofsistrsret*rt lturyil iknti t Il iii ils (oriiersi, whiere Travolleri4ond uiîr g s en i ilways bc sup- plied wiîhelî c uilaii oM,1n. A grol rsrr.nmiii triÉio, ticly, wnrîn staiinq, and utte Iîvc oetlîîsê. 1'uruoLiqiier il i-i 0910. CAMERON, W1lrtby, Nov. 14, 1k7I. 46 HARD AND 8WFT WOOD, &a. r- JoIinKuitti 1te tri. ncupi nof -iOOÂL 1 WILr.iW IBANK, .%I)ilttl,9 XUN, LEIOII LUMP', SMALL IUJG, Wlhtch tus grute tnîrd itove cruri brie nuosîrpmsior. 1(0 TON8 1IILACKIt,-5 TII't COAL, 5001h COiLiS WOOD, Clreep, for Ci2Oit tiy. 'JOHiN KtITIT. Ilrocli lSt. WhIitbr>, loptt, 11471, 88 MI'JlrA l TI '.PAU'TLES UdIN (-'q LOCK-STITCI SEWING MÂLMINF IjPusands thronlont Qraol re 10w 1,T' no tliee i Ituis . Tijey have been nouncsdsguperior 10 suy otiser runclipse ffered lte public.-- For wlde rage if woîk. peî-tee tlots, be*nty end excellence of meclsasuinus il- aptability, rerengtb sud dtrnbîiy,_ t'he Obra Sewing Machine has no rival1. SIsnpreveminis havé ltely hem ade enabhiomg tlise c.îsfreî te laboiL siiinth iNErtUS sssnà s f Sawlug Machines: ITundrecla of tet§tinsoisîr". are, iseing. reecived daoly frein o14 au *cil as new operatois r.,e.ating is e <sý- dorta - si auiilitlss. -WiII do:ail 'kinds of atiussotie sowisig, froni the fluiert camtbrie te, the coarrest overoont or epper icather. OUA!SANTEUP TO B 138 ltmPB25EttTtJ, on 1<0 Tb"slbaru OssifiL là ompïlets ulen d uly comprebendeti. 14u oldaet One-hift tige puce biherto clsarged for macisince doing a lite range "f -work, tisesmasnfscturers beng rie- tursetneri te pincé I withla the reaeh ef every fomily lun<the cosntry. A TiJAL ssvOste PUacttUE V~wil CotuVinea a&Il ltai Our i sehtisere uncciei The Guelph Re'versible le prùr.nrinesily the bebt inlgieirûsd Ma- chiste oliprosi thée elue-h de lis morvollonst sueus. Wlii do ail varictuineofdomestio bewissg Prîtes greatiy 7ednco#., liasbd machlie, witîî fîsil ostitl,.$12; <maille do., $17.- W Bocus Machine gîsaranteati. rl-MAGsuN Owà?ilED zvzsrwssessiz. Splendid, isiducemeutâ e Lu tke rooney. Appiy to- <.UELPET IEWIÇG 5MACHINE CO# GUEKLPH, CANADA. Lewis Allia, Agen oni1r %WIstby;1,R. &tII 1 L'llnrit, fMr flovsîîesîs'il.l ; Lewis Quiok, for9 biny lii,1871. *12mn-19 'El. d a propotirna oflors w o e tihn.ta ""'ltu ioslle cwl efC i s forthnrs« , Iifti. , " rosictr.vubn - "'r th ""h"à à Is 'b., a fnlynnpisrs's sk st <on y or Th It'n.Ioss.otmwo5,'.iinwrkn4dn.y CLTLà..205 WOC.S0 t- EXTI8MACHINElt.CO Tilî 01 p xcolb il ritirni<>i, hoth animi lîlsul vuu(ith~iloi, err wuaurt, pneprsrüd trtus siuvwJ' thîe otlrs iorirtyOftii l to.uf ll , s li itmtîr i eude ; khot ui iiùo-nrilu to h urI l is ciry cao la til.it otisor She. t ll lo tenuti.rcnior tnekei ei ihuu r iisîn leric or 4nutiittC, fiS l iieint h ent ir ltri t nîruri.n1, I,wirtiof c t ige)1 enists lnurs is teu1s niv it i ut I4 lU si r inite n itrtiI., hNsti(r 1, hu it t ir e tnit .uein e can cu suinst lOuetr vtbistalflni li sînu tiutsrunte n il.lZ>~ gI ii th ,,iriS lins I tInit u ul1ué g Iý: gret i t iue s treusc011mrrIy tili ontcit aor tsuid oint e A rcltrlW rs In ltuhl olt ofiuueAtulthuo iunTis isjte IL ttla EFE' CLD6A ut m1c 1lhhe t fuo ii iut i tige fcuiolie so avinisg wuie th irse ruuiy wi pt ns il Is te ai--ltitAO cola ghu., i iujusi iil ulyto> héia.i'Ut h u ble TUBIN E WATR IIEEL honlturlrsrd,tul i h [itiarul t t ele rgs Ie t p< ,5rt tlniiiiitatl ii ti.t tb rui-ig lt>' it mOST EdOSONIO a iex ts i s attreil lie srlteor.l licsns o uril ivdse.i scltra ore afrstii frign bite r Wiogria srgsue iionh oise tu se h ds ,u ote x nsturedIt 1azu.E58 74evAE asus psiile tre ae u o01 tiueit u i' vo nhea îitiugsiie t ld itthie to nnst, l mtuSul-erder teN lepoveticLiTeisOU steioustaîsinsu oeirsoDul U13N AE H ouired auisrttsetiorlla l narlgerumsu Prlou e tioutit, angiy il ut Wiuontuiiiit !gt bI-e IEXB CNMCI JBLN wI i laifer to e til' e I)rltur ure U e à%enu tro fbutnintte o't iuok'n extaitilsg oi0111, -itrruee, rt ien vtore treretetio â l tise trutiu tLeikte aeisut usie. te murin t 11cm nggsoppreIcullod tts, >' stolIoragtheoie fniels et aig ltigan>' vati', set, usit1ruu, tînt01 lt-oit pee 1e tu fWsOI ifttnti tii alis sens! vlgitioti al ov atock'% baetr Mi ltie ns onel, esta>'rue'ittht eint re ntreo ted - baser otels, sof istlinIl atieon.t tieritsgntapplictinthteuttuctî' r usit lerissi tbon, e tiare lutsg threm t. siteirssse ë tse vhtIsaLisr l âen011 frvasiela asU&eil as 7 belçlwitÉt are sgnlta Maiti saffectiviiad vit o Asnb ilsttr ot klwit A' h brEmr m &ST ttd CK, l iroogauls ats or-- d«IIF to m Su M. Aolgn i-fovi% I D omin w1er the 0Mus1. 5,1870.laà&goaa AtomJ !uHlLInMunos»,es 1 1woama .-du s - Olss Apn$ll 4s, 1O70. T elEsîi1. , NmA L 'beau itetn8 yoBiîr LoblrCAtrog l0iifor taepagi JL ehesupere itra s>' tSrshop iathe ceun or iSa'gn9 cra viiiru hstaii t ir*ans'a ivyl glua -tguaiatu :with -stuc tilEi ig eurot oit va uve evereses.I l. heeli vnrrasuiig tieteto te l se vIl aine -als ola, anddats laiirgar thntay otiser oi. andt tekior e ngee ti aibafaiiA s amnt- WC Ihtur ttu onuirgo il l 4 est b'cîs inlatsssîr, feetsîcbd ls tLe Domnlion. 7oaa7t ireatiiig. fiIt keosta fin e ole PrteuasIgfurtteer inforuaiou oh.u e -eiu0suebs tt -We (to not weuî as1tytiig tain lt.-lry addrsmisu- iw sr ~ 1 ,itt in, youre truly, - peAX-TI, ot&Te &, )n IF. W. GLEN, Pruaiaunt. Marck SMst, 18U. Prt sirrO r . r. will b. sea yîe lwing e.rUetoý-2- W. truie plecanare lu-Inforulrig the publlc.of Carss.da, thai vo avte soitianti tnînisiet Mr. y. W. GLEW, of. Oshava, oularl Patteras, Foîucr. Devrige, anes, antri niole e- DoubleTerbine W'atr Wheeul invulti 17 Jaesse LeffTI. and i ksownatio"Loffel Wheeuit WelsIvualt4o o',Iigeteti ouritelvea Le <amtigh Is te iamue fàcu1ftie,à or nuastutaoirlsring b o n other partiottu innada. -Withonîtiste infor- matoti we bayé e l 3 o Mr. GULEN< no one eau ssseeestifuiy bol d oUr Wheuli, vu il vise parties a insîssola b àparoissoui Wheels o! no otisur manufticturei. Mr. Gxma's faoiliies min anonrpsrened, snd -vu Coul sure that ho viii buliti a Vî.scl dtisaI i-giv*. perfect satistieo. tien, Wu tIserefroie, csoueuhlm tu îhe p fte tCasaoia itls untiru cngdidce, foui- = lgsteise wiii mnsfnecture a Wbeel lu aIl respetiequni te oui ovu. (Signa,) JAMES ýLEFFEL &c.CO. WARRANTY. W. are prepared tla furnisit Waiui Whenin, Geais, $halls., Pl'niie, anti ail Mocbinory nu- ceresary te aîtneli the vWleseentO lthe machi'ner>' the>' eue isttessded ta drive ; and- if, aller ivo asoutis trini, tiey are lot saiiatory, va will toOU nbock, pssv-trnigist otit wayd, andtieu fund any payments susade to nihueon. LWhere parties are isot satisfiei wiih Lise Wiieel, sîudcannai snnakc a change ait the' iue wltt lfis te hureinese, they, milyrn îhe- wbnl ui d macloiner>' a rpsseonabl urnie witls- ont charge, not exed1ts# oua year, iu otder Liiet tisey nssay malte a oVtange without isijur>' te tiseir bunitscss.. Beov warn givîsu îLe aomes. of parties viso are nov uuIîtg Iroil u 5 0ts&kaecii of oui viseoire . nnd we invite parties Who viehteo prciatte tu, correspond wlit thesu. Davidi Arnold ..................mvn. Thsomas Arki.................. Arkelt. Btoeelscr &Aendixon.........'eorglna. Bnvinait &prssgle ............Avesg, WssiiamBeaun.................Oshsawa, A. Bississ & Ce... .........~Valey eld, A. Barbeau ..................l. LDas4inis, M J. iantl............... »... Treçslin, Win. Osymes ...........agr A. J. Buck ........l..... <erwed. WVin. 11inifiihii..............l' idystaos 0a. J. M. Bruce ................... .tesi' rafls Cbrisiopsefr renll......... 1 sisrMtsa, JaesBie............ Wate Ilo J. Carveth..................... Lescard. C. WV. Cerf ............. cannsingion, Jamesl A. CIO .n.........a1pallsas, A. & J. Chuseissers ............. leupser, A. Chows ................ ingnton. Joit.-# Dyer .................... Perrytews, Jiist Diykse........ » .......... Umicige, fuansonsi & tiamn............ Beevsil Saiel avi vdto..............Lisay, C. E. Drewsrry. ............. Aloesstatn View, Mi. tgeris .............. .-... .Nspna, James t)Iliot.......... ........ Puri Hopce. Nîctuetns Egan ................. Tssenhase, Refus lEven .................. Everten. RobtuenFors> lth............ensîceaij, Preecia Dit.............. rouktin Fasrarf & NMites. .-.............Cmpbelfsrl, S. J. Green....................resweod Thosas iibson ...............Wrcxeer Josseph itueif......»............ Uxbrifgn, Win. Gleroe.................i. Bgnw. Gtibib. & ire ................... Ohawa IL & G. tireeloissl ..............rftoll Gosrdon i, tcKay & CO ....*...Thrud, Win. & w~atter Utiicie...... Wsenot, %,Vin. lilier .. ............ .... Euststujilin, liiinri &[on,............... farketitiam, .B.e.................. Quetuc Eluiier tBrothers .. ............. Almontuse, CeIs. t»esr..................iesrcai, Jtî,toiwl.................Pehn. Ca brats e& Horion .........sreistville, S.. r B........hrnokbtin Irwin & lliiyd .................. 7 Uaflpe Jint Isiles.............. Guelph. L). P. 1Jsiaet &Co .....11.. . alasqnn, A. Laiss.............. .......lSerronoke Jase .igh .................. rona Calatt ei .s........ ........Newsssia, J, t. lesa, n ................. Cighurst, ,%. J. teoikisar ............... .Ornosn, tl le elre............ Csisigtn, J. %V. Aftidrs. ................Nrwarkes, John ..... ....u........ Mtirent. WVilliala In trriyý ....:...... Niild NMey Jishis icCcae.................. etfrev MDieweli & BtUt ........ teuaresivitn Sauel berier ............ Newhatlbrg mmc hiMoreisiss... .Elvi"*- Mrs Joit N ?IcEaehert ... t.....sstsiew joritNicl.............. theriilrnk. Win, .Naxoi ..... ....... Dlooliifletd, A. W. tîgtorie & Ce ........ ...Ntusan, Jsritsî Inil ............. olys. %Vin, Poutr............. itawinanviter Etictînîrull'ti............ Leaiufrle, Pîsiot hi............ Ca Sherrooke, WViii Pe. ........... Pckring. Jans .l'a imter......... .5esbssPCrack Fetinartus&etCe.......i......Qeliec. #3 L. Purdiy ...............Brightn, Peck. Ilrniuey & Ce ............ tiottrea, Jielein'irkie,................ti'sssreal. C. terigil.......-............ tic, Jnstnri udda>......... ....... Ubriige. 'lhomme t Qickfati ..............Iiai . A, fl .................. oileorivagn Mt&1V.ttsestid Ce Almontea Jut lRItueo..................Cnrunseot, Eulwaru thisi...... ........Oshanw, SautstIraà...................rwll&anvitta Moétea tismoth ............fuua'CrseiL, Thoasa,%V. Stepheniiçun,....Norwsod, i4tsple.o & Sthietestbeg ........ litgwoed, E. & J. Il. Ssnith..............np.r, Ali. S'siall.................. Iswa, Tto.tiis t etplietsemt ........ ratrs., Juin& 4hauw ....-..... umIriseaa, Geiits. Matcey,.................Mostreuil Joil itistitil.............iaistreel. Pester t3isit0........... Sinitus' Puils. Charues Stth ..........r ct.. R. $irsimii.....;..........nCoourg, Ei luid ttsepe.......... iraper, TisumeaiB. Basnmervitte....elfiast, Stephenson & Es.tess... 1trnptn, TrrcBrut........ ¶Ie,5Airit, Jaiss'L'h..mpsnn....... roktie, Win. 1Tueur..................nydis, Dtavid Tawis, ................ Bveatvita, ~Thomas &et T.wiàesd. G .... rasse, 't'iasupsss & <Suris..... . -. .Jtowmessvttne, Geue.et Vhraler. ............ xridge. T. 1.Whttn........ . ........ bneaLa hiigle auiiediuC¶%Maehines and Jjiftecs. sucres .ailis Merýuses. , Weod Work issgM3aebitscry e! ait Kînfu. Elsgine Latrbes 0 1sail ize, Piaer»se, Onttinsimea n tterng Machines. BMat Cssscrs.Woften Madhiner7. t.eutter ilpttetg Manetsttt nd midttîs.Oieas Waebimgson Motel Pnntssg ['ce Gardon Poawer Prsees. ,hettuec -Put-3. Sei.nttte.g ibaniers vii. &if.Oitingocxe*. CASTINGS 0F AL KINDS ng- MADEIN BILASS oit IloN, ýn IW- Nov Machinai>' cf au>' kioti matie lattorus ut ever>' tiest ptben matie vhect de- Ail Maeiis warreanti t tebuadeofflx.t. oalss Matetial, lin a th.0ogsi>' orknuanîik, Parüees deaiiegifuLer ieforpi.auatir eos utYW& GLETuI, Prsulîsa, Whi tby, n .4s,1871. - - ýI Viter4 NEW ARRIVALS. Re & A. SMITH Si 'MCOE ST., - OS'HA WA Are in receipt-of further arrivais of Winter goosàs, aund beg ta announco that tIeir stock is now complote in every departinant. Dress Goods in grcat varicty. Clan Tartan, Plain andl Tartan, Winceys, Englisb,> Scotch sud Ganadian Tweeds. TUE NILLINIERY DEPARTM¶ENT. will- be found, replete, with ail îhe lateai attractions ha styles of Bats, Rtibbons, Fiovers, Manties, Dress-irisu Seoe fsplendid Fuis -very cheap, Tii. Tailoring Depaitmînu, sas hterto, under the skiliful superiatendance of a lirst- ciass cuiter. Besl and mont faruionable suits in the Dominiôn matie Lu or FRESH GROCERTES & NEW FRUIT- !W' BOOTS &r SIOES-aîyliahly matie anti of the hast qnality, at very low Prpes. Whitby Nov. 28, 1871. R.~ & A. 4 GOOD, HId - ANID WAR C LOTIH-NG The unde*rsigned»(Iesirps to inform bis numerous customners that with the roomy facilities afforded him 'in the new premises into which lhe lias removed, he is enabled to keep on hand a large stock of cloths of everyr kind, well selected by himself, and of the best quality. 1Gentlemen's Gwarments made ^to Qrder, and a perfect fit guaranteed. Gentlemen's, Furn,*sliing goods, including' Shirts, Tics, Braces, newest styles of Collars, &c., JOHIN PERGUSON, Dnndas St. Whitby. (P'romisecs laieiy occilpieti b> Mr Gerrie, as a Drug Store.) Whitby, Nov. 29, 1871. tf-48 CARRIAGES & CIJITERS Me 0.' DONOVAN'S. CARRIAGES & I3UGdIES ,ljatest style and Manufacture. best1 Splondidly Finished OCutters, 0.F VERY ISUPERIÃ"R W0RKZffNS HI.. BUGGIES & SLEIGHS. REPAIRS AS USUAL.l WHITB Nov. 22nd, 1870. SELF-RAKLING IIEAPER, AWARDED FIR$T PRUZE A t Provincial Exhibition, beld at Toronto, in the Fail of11870. We offer to ont custoniers for the coming llarvest, two distinct Machines, yrhich in style and construction,' embrace the latest and most useful improvemehits of the day. JOIfiNSTON 'S SINGLE- SELF-IAKING REAPE:RI THE " RG 0F REÂPýERS." The universal success- of this Machine, both in. clodsëly contested trials and ln the ba'nda of the fanmera, warrantta in saying that; sa t1 f-Raking Reaping Machine, iL bau more good points rilaadefeots, awnd bas met with more, suceu andi legsafailure, than beelofrfert tthUblc Cyuga Junior Mwr we were awarded the First Prize and Diploia, £at the Prcvincié 1 Exhibition, haid ini Toronto, 1870, in competition wilh ail the Ieadiàg Machines manu- factUrud. in Lb. Pr4vlne ; and witi 'osur recent improvdmeutu, *e unneà1tatingly challenge lnvestigatiln anti cocparison vith',competirg Mchinéj aresa e'ta ýuch investigation 'will convince every- unireJszdiced mind, . thainve ôiffecý th& best- Mnower to tb. Fariner for 1871, :ilt n a Dominion. EU- Sen.d for descriptive Wluitbyç June 14,18714 wîtn nalf the âaonu; of weooa- And also the' Ârmètcali$Bas- Burne the newest and bemtst tovîPin the Market. trj Stovea sent ly the Whitby & Port Pi the liae;fiee cf, charge. - g> .flImproved Agricr4nral Fnrnaces. -4: .Stovepipés 'andi Tluware snpplied to P (lonnt>y, Dr-Best Coal OUl always on hand. Wbitby, Septembor 20th. 1871. mad Morchants -n the Wx. BRYAN. LE AT HER LI1NES8 'Unto the public I Wanditiey, If tha>' vossd look andi ee, For boots&and shoost udr moiey pay, Thon lut tint coma to me Ny -weli- etocliet store la on Brock sîreet- Atiefidance, couieosa, kinti, Yns'Il Bortdin>gootsiindeeti a treuiL No boiter oaa you fSud. April 19, 1871. 1871. 0f Boots I keep a"beavy'stock; Anti laies vbco yon cboosey Your pueti>' puises to unlock, Can bu>' Lb. neatesî shoos. Ny, leathen polisheti, fine andi gooti,, My prlces 1ev besitie, -At once viii euit a dsubing groom,, Or a seet blasbing bride. To Farmners, andti t large anti smili, If they'hi take a 1ev turne, Arounti the tovi., and on me cali They'il buy froin- WILIJAM BUftNS,. Boot & Sho. Store, Brock street, Wbutby IWMI-LLAN'S BLOCK. 1 871 ALEXANDER PRING!LE, lias removed from bis old -premnises to McMilan's B3lock, Brook Street, and begs to inform lis numerons patrons and the public generally, that his stock em- braces every requisite in Geotleen's Furoishiog Goods, A general assortment of best selected Cloths. -AUl Clotho made to order. No Slopwork. NO FIT, NO PAY. Great Uare and Àttentzon pazd fto Ârtz8ttw utting. A continuance of that liberal patronuage extended to him dur- ing the past 30 years in Whitby, respectfu.lly solicited. MARCE 28, 1871. 13 SPRLNG STOCK 0F BO0OTS &SHOES., iMymATTHEWCLLN Begys to announce to lis custom-irs and the public that he opened business on-the premises lately occupied-by Mr. Bandeli, on Brock Street, and that le la now iu receipt of a splendid Stock of the RIGIIT FIT AND -MAKE, And of the best style of -Boots and Shoes. Also on hand- a large stock of HOME-MADE Boots and Shoes wliich caunot be surpâssgd for quaiity and price. AUl orders punctually attended to. Repairs neatly donc. Business also carried on as usual at thec old stand,- near 'thc Royal hotel-ar*à pil"iie<».i - - &-É 1Whitby, Nay' 10, 1871. XVi~&IitUf~W UVLLIN~. THE-OLD STAND!'I [ESTÂBLLSHIED 18-33.]1 The U'ndersigried lu returning thanks for1 bltherto exieutied to ibm olti establisbhment, for ueariy a pet to *y>' hat- ho bas nov on baud a larga, assortmnt of i stylos of - (I d& Eeg to fii stand:t Anti ânythtng su îLe IFe i iis adali vered c îhe sbonaag tnoticge hicilheu ifi essii obus foremalh. Sali and Piaster for maieý. Novembur 23, 1870. 47- WHIITBY.- -_ ].P. CLARK, - -Proprietor E. P. Clark begas 10 inforni Lis oit! frin& andi customera h ihehaierelffttet! anti resuo vratedtiiholti hotel Inona theL6 Fanmers Ilna, Brook si.5 where he wslhnlt ap uy lo Te ceiv1 elum, on giviag hma e,. (;Ue tabling, box-stalislati encloseti yard. Maode R. P. CLARIC Jlan 5, 1870. - uI Whlîby Bisgs mnd stinz Bauids. miaplet! fm Sciues, PI ie is, -Exenrsieus QeQadrille parties-, &e., &c., wii ssnpply the hast anti latere Musie, on reareensblo terme. Applications musi Le matie eiiheipersonalii or b>' latter, (poli paiti,) te .L-WOLFENDE, LIVER Y T FIEUNDERSIGNED DESIRES To 1IX T fouai Lisfrensaanti patrons, titalhb Lan *gain rasmetaibusiness et thaolti WHITBY LIVE1W STABLFA or llavlng soerosie th ie iliber msl qusility oCtishe iti, ant i slso acideil te ntiilin proe eLu.cosveysces santi hicios an 1hi p-omisess,lise bopes b>' leing in a position t ineet te wvantàoCfestosuirs Lutu euri a slsr of oueblie Patronage. W Ci*ARte-Es MODERÂTE. -M0 N. B.-Covee conveyances fer Ismili. andi ladies. 'P'rompt attendaîsce, set herelelait to aIl or-dais. M. RA Y, PFroprlier Whitly, Apel 8, 1868. 14 TEETH EXTRACTED ga .WITHOUT PAIN, JEi BY TRE USE 0F NITROUS OXID LAJJGIING GIS' ORt TUE 1NEW LOOALAN./ESTHE AT he.s IW5. 33. cý.&A. DENTAL lX00318, DUNDAS STRE E ~i1iiiTBY, C. W. ROOMs.-Oyae M. Il. CoclsranelasStore. Whiio>y, Jui 26, 1867.- FELLOWSY,' HYPOPH-OSP-H TEi Arnrongst tise disenees$ orercoeub>' tie se oe FslZoos,'ompouesesd menp of HypepArsa>I AUE aswitstifoa, Aegec hna mpfcrur, Lw' .Nareeo, -Dduilitg,Ljppu-,hra' i Delill i>attug kfrosa Typheiti anti01 icv fern, Dihriinitic i'rcrstion, Hysîs ilrpocitentris,'Asneniftiea, Chloroais, M misa, LocrrhoaNurons dxcstahlii$y, go muser W"ViCng etftisa Muntles Aglbeau los of Vcics, Choress or St. - utns. Due Siugishnexss.ottise Livýer, Interràpteti Fteele Action othie Heurt, SufestsFa esused, b y mcous obstrecticuns et the Lui sud AiPasangea eding thereto. enti Dai rcra rnoua caeau*, mac>'canae o viclu peared hopels.- SoId b>' Apetitearims SPuice, $1.50 Six for $7.50. j JAMES 1. FELL0WS,-Cns 15 st. John,I JOHN CARTER?- LICENSED kUCTIONEEI jrRoiex ocrîtwIsl ONTARIO, YORKC & PEIR mag2e 1 IL -1

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