Whitby Chronicle, 14 Dec 1871, p. 2

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vawr~ye;~J/~. * ' fi'i brigade. - r thile ' inlihledSi1TOInI'- 'tais*l: I~uu Mube,. t.inuth"-aa ' ' 116. loattereje th vi vt. Tbat~' ~ *"W.Dil. I .UOION SALES. 8eemetig ibould bc *le ta oprotut e JUlDGes' J cluses. __ .- . lev eobviens j..ý-sadgt la eqWily car- Hia y, uo ai îiî chaie vasth Of Paniti-Stock IMpiaeals, ý&c., the tain thit aven, dajy's talay atdé te the Ju on îR e W niff oe 'uui po ert Mnf. James Armtng; lot 17. daporriont on-by onTeurday 141 f a clii i hii. -2ndcon Eu Whtby onThurida, 1th AngrOu infeuiY i whch e ive. ti, ba$ e leih.vîd.lî vas'net th De.-L. Fairalnks. Jr, Auctioeur. Mr. Ra'& movemani la ib&nefor ne n l elOtion ta hava thieee caeeoe& hie ffl thi nîgît doreeails. If the tevn je tu V4ocrtý% but ta poulpe n natiI ihe sizas. rhe oeuevas (or 'tanstans . - .~:iÏb~ Qtrcnie.bave a.Eni angine metIl, cîviceusle Tîana migît in, ha sait!, othe pe Q;ýr'nt*ct# stans ngine tht ona le aaily vwonked, oui apen bail, viose cauas voold, andreunire Htle mannal liber iluaato. hifere iblm. 'Ho retrred to'e lb b ONLT $150 CENTS A YEAR gethan the Meut désirable. TIe groattancetof gand jurorseuant beiri dialcult, loi ln view ethle preaent burdenantrad- iboaîuh viee wuyabeut WhiLby, Tlmrsday,'Deeembér [ÃŽ,1871 oet axaîcio byte provide tIenectary f ,e rn d jury 'ogitardoas n vlayeanmd Mai. Ih eauuqt .bedonc outiclii le vua pleasi tu He uthéin pro, ?onempiery Notice. oet m ny eyanc4diret taxation ; AorjHieItihlaçd ablelhing thum. vuas iven iflith eenid, wenld hit ain te do c@.'1in h rn rciiya tpaa We encloeeila hein piper& IYS4E veok a ~I nn iaîe;m lpa STIhe nly fessible plan lu a rusent ta"the' miel poer iwîthe IbaiIIs ef one pe cmebr of adioünnus tea ohenitbens, an tehTedto -iliCronvýttorney. He onnd îmm~îaîî siof Tmwnt e,î chileir extaquasted. - instnutting then teaitipeetthîeoc Ailaeeunî nîaiing uvuîlu ater i a peied of yeîrc, and oet v hlelleraie- buildings. TIi jury tIen naîired, Bret of Jmnaary viii le placed in ceunt for iyted ct cme e ' - y h i qnay >b0ne' WsÀ collîe, etsyl betionltd iiiis e odavl bv e Tie-appuet ofRobent Foy,coeavi Paue d' cou il bhaîrreîdy otineteO areae f courea, 6fteliag li'quer, v*îîouîlee Partes omwour ccout4bavealradyin the punhIsaiet fan angine, tIare vili suiev on, Lake Sougeg, ws u stined, be@ et viii plence make inote oetb111. h uîuraiumilopeee- h e ticonviction qîsoshed, wït ceaie. Lalt beone ne amind liai jZl ubcrip, oto 0,ne. tpaét epi- Tii appa et Wm. CaillentWvu Pl aie a abl n anace. Wîe acasce ta ovaetpia ehpi-poed.utilWîdo'eadsy. tenîmuetrnev subsaniburs on no e I laigaan eîo la v aiou Thê'grand ,jay brengit ila re formes, TI< intention is ta-cut off u1 tbut ereadvocîîted in lieee oiunn-îlu againaî Edvard sud Wm. Breheur, il nautactîl ubunibrs mmm ~icibuilding et a fireman'u hall. We do hope éd ithiislaep auealing. Zo0and aîkî iméiatîe colection o e t m la sol by lawoýbe puued a provis- COUNTY COURT., ion oet his kinîti viiialice le made and amannt due bult ila alla opîloual viit -$v, Paxzten . -Verdit' tIl puîîiseetanîodîcenîince the piper on ilat whble the Tovn Couneil 'aabshout plaîoîiff for $550.6D. 8S . LCeehirne aeland~ fi aurein le emnlmeenllDO à& penny vbuî-and-ponnd.foohish" plan plaiuîiff. ýâa ii iciTh aithe meatpedouasl ill le adeptad, but tlitai l ueni6iî Alli'sonm tc ai, - Verdict for pl àfaîtlent panem muery bcas cnetined sprecouions vii be timbu te gine oie t- 7 yconaînitfor $106. P. A. Hui I oîua tb n g le c u c, a s lu m e d o h tu nhe n p y e n c e em é th ic g nliab le ta s e u re h ir p lf.l d m - 1Z- V r i î o danong notices. -pnopety &gainsthe destruaive éléeant tor $229. 41 ly consent. John Bll An Immediate enlargemen o et r l re'in.For ibis.neone130 iving an- in- for plîfi'. CEsicLe (vlicl'ejrcuMetanes prevented tercet inîte toco Onugbt teognudge &train- P. If, *-P. P. R. R . Co, va. -Md tabrug place betene,) le ceniemplated, and ing 6 Point- -Verdict fer plolitiff tor $120 by ce cent. -J. Billinge fer plûr. ilhi eeca monay, usaîthtiese wb-eally Nncîî letosa'wler va. St. JeAtn. - Verdict wieu go sire us afi rîeuuyilt dili i int. ode. - We hold in- poer estimation Ibe Patronage et Ibos@ vie requin constant dînning, and e-houe aceoantlu ce ai a mach trouble and- xpenseaas îhay ire vorute îeolhecî. The Prlîc titVorWagon Litoit oshle deepaîches informé e ne lI thé condliin oethîe Prince -bu more hope. fait but cli ivuny proaoiu. Oîîntro i.egliîuîtunî. TIé disaussien on the îddrue binîply te the ipeeofthîe Lieuî.-Goveroron cli ceuopes île IeOuse ; and freinthe tactias ofth tiOpposition it ibu-evidont lIaitîey lave deiermmlnd frontthee oulcat te Isire tle Goverument no quarter. Tii' princi- pal portion ofthîe speech, it ciii bu ucen, makes meut graiitying retunence le tle inanemsiug proapenity oethlie gountry, and iintainly one could tuik eIuld le ne. colved wcul Ieîniy eaistaation. Mr. dotkit catch etnay votb, !for tIene ara sesveiil minIers tiercgea friundiy teaIo Covmment cie are neî saliified ciLi thein RaiIci7 policy. Bal ut ene. tenth tthe] en&tiluenée enrepreaeaoîed, IÃŽT. Sandfieid McDonald, inucae oreta cloue adverse vote, vontd scaacely fiel audapea te oilgu. We give -a tull eurmany oet tIiproceedinge la othercol- lautos. Townu III,,iiittigiie. .% A moeten t-tle-pîrtiaulaof et ch oiut prove gralityiitg te ofconimen- fi nov onotofor thietahbshmnent et additboual manufactures in Whitly, They tae@ te direction et à chein griot nitl- Mlave end bartel manuuatîory, &oe. Wu baie.ouly bien cnppliud wcul hie Inter- mtlon aet he mjentofgoing in prise, butciitiithedetailed ponîlculana wchai v vilii hi enabiud îo turniel nexi week, va hope te la abla e oshow 1ev viy the ' ut*rpriue fe etal possible encourage. mntand assitance. AWb'a provhsionuj,,lisiihemunicial . Lauw. Aeaerding n te lJfuuipip,,l Code et thé Province ô( t Quela-'$Every mle Briiib cebjeat oethîe oagi et mjeniîy, close naine appaie on the valuation rot-I ofet l Mnitipahity se preprieton la pos- session durnug îhe precedidg six menthe et naestatciiiof the vaineetf i leut $600, or si fessas, or occupant oet niaI ccliii bfý île sonnuaivalue eo $2, lsqualidied te JvOie ai île munlelpul elaeîioue prorided <ie hmaapaid as ll h unicipal and sechel tleiedue by lim uai ced peried." This le a ciie provisioù. And, cure it idtnoduceut lo thîe Municipal lav of On- tario wold amye a wvend etexpanea and ' tneble-besldee ddiog ndride eto- lare, chbol areémunnoly lest, tg mmny C orpenmuloni, by persbting in the pressai plsaof eelleellng the taxe. Mîuo GROoîc-Chrunies èram grocerias eud'iev truit or the fresîsmi ad îhe beut lite mdvenleud by il Framie. Boomsi in gnuat vîniety ~frCilma ad New Yeuct'e proimantd uL hln Tevir r Oi WaTvev; - Mn. Gnîenveod pulliehes a manly iddreassin othe ol. umun d le nov fairly bin hefieId, h is unlikeiy tust hoa yul e opposed, Hie tnieude loveven ébullbc ion the ahînt, for tIare are alvayu grovlere cho deight in gbving trouble, Oppeulîlea le epokan efto te leReiviand Depuîy, but ce de net ppeIend tht il cl àMount te îny tling. Mn Oonden's exponiee of Council matturs are net et a vory flatter- bng chamacer, andi ho lbuassured as thýt il le net hie intention te le agabo a candi. date. Hiaeixample miguht le teilocud hy othoe sw ltbes@ue tg. te e uunetl. .Toviasoîn or Worns.-Jeho Wiliic for fleuve and John Tcesdiî for Deuny Reine ; or J. Tvuîdiî and B. F. Camp- bell for the came positions-s pposed te J- B. & H. Biakel are the hateci changes ou the tapu*. _EsT WtxTsY. -Ail île eld mitnIers are likely te ho ne.elîoted, noîciîbsîmnding John Sithl. OâuuÂv.-Ne changes arie poken et -Mr. Win. Gibs, andi Mn. Covan geing ta the Ceuniy Counol, 94 Reeve and De- puir Reuve. Picicînî;a.-TIî ocames spokeiaoetaro -for Reve-T. P. White, Jan. Haighi, Jan. Mller ; ton Dapuîy Rueve, J. Haigit, John Miller, 8. J . Grain, S. KX Brovn, and «X.- Clopinî i Cuunciilorc, S. J. Gresu, S. K. Broya, W. Burk, Arthur Jo nînin, and Samuel Joues' ESSOR-Mr. Major-opposes -Mn. Ger- d on for the Reavesiip. Suvenal candidatesj are named as likuiy ta effer fer the Depnîy PORT PERaa.-Mr. Bigelev cilinbu8ai 'probîhiliîy la îieced tle-.rstree ova. Thie amas et cuverîl gentlemen are. munlionad plaintiti' for $10P.12. W. H. Bîllinge1 Biigi. eattsoit-Vendieî for pli for $172 te ha nuducad on taxation ly i imter., J. ' Billibgu fon pîte. ; S. Cochrano erondaî. Thei CourtBajourned umi l o-imr . SECOND DAY, ceuni openeti ai 10 o'cloek. Bigelon'a. IMaeo.-Vaediet for pli for 878.77, S. H. Cochrae ifor pltf P. A. liird for defi. Tii appaîl et Win. Cuihbaniagaio convicion for susants on Jehn- Ceunti on 29uh De. lut, niar Duflfine' f Ctac eecupied tha attention et (h Conrt neit -aI it tbe miitTIe conviction w, eueîalned, sud tie apel dismueed ci coule. H. J. Madonli & G. Y. Stil fer appallant ~S. H. Cochrane for dei A YLIÂE5 8.àaaLoT.-Whilî Port Penny % tev da>'s ago ce cure asbou tvo Eune pileas et manufataand tombe centaining illogeilun abountwivemilic fe, the preperty et Meure. Sazien ai bon. "Weuld Ien ha very muai curpnibe tale hum," uid young Mr. Sexten, tat e fits s ugui off 80 acres et land en,iL Island, <Scugog,)and ilat il is oniy psi et coi.utetnemillion fuit madi frai tvcniy.tirue tionnaud loge cnt on il cime 80 acres 7" We cane fartihir inforu id liai eon« ilousînd corde et cood, mu 300 corde et taitbark hîd aise beau takc off the lot ; timi le the ft îîluout th loge anid manufatueaîemounîed le $4,50C mnd timi afier dîdueîing salas tlIma ci QnI- the émial item et $130 tle le dî et the twe million tait on bandi, Most t the losierin hat ii callad tinee-quanîaî cear, and ait, ce lennned, lad Âin cofi Io Mn: Gien, the Manager efthîe Jeeepl H.11I Wunke, Oshawa, et $14,5A' pin lieu, and fiai. Tbis is only cna iemfan oteeco in the growing trade et Port Penny. Tue lLtreTEZÂTZge PSaBtoLOoîCAI JouRiNAL, bu in every respect a firoteiî "r---- - .. . ' I MgasneIls articles araetrîte higsies 'xaDà.N change te anticptd Inn (.. .. L - ... 1inat er eet lil, It hache chat ce art 1 a tan as regaruse om nibiil 10ttie 1 contyCona Tuoitin.-Mr. C.Robibnion'u eloetion te the CeOntY Ceencil 111e yuar-bus pelen et cili somte digne.e o cintaihty. SCOTT.-If Menura. GalecWay and Riew- la nd stand lu lu uuikaly ulat any change wili la sougbitforbil.th Lave or Depaîy. reîvuship. If île formeur retire, lera is ltl doulî îlot Mr. Rovland cii le elaaîîd te the firel Position. BîîeCIî.-WO have neoeuertain informa-. tien. MÂSÂt.-The preseint Reevi and Dîpuîy RANA.-Ti. prisant Raoru. SCtYOO-Ditto..-ifutMn. Sîxten &grus IaauAseu~M.Charte$ Noursa, te chose azperiencç -and îhiliîy, as an Ineur.. moce ageul,' ce bave seean lidtmonials et the ighet miaracier frein bigeamployene in the UTnited State, and Whoiele ceil know.n in iiie. aemmuaiîy, bas opanud business lu Whilîy. fRe bu e mîneas c- earadth îe General dguey for th&t oxel- lent Company, the Equiabte Lite Assar. sce Soîiaty of New Yenk, andti bualte actiing forotier fLret.lsue Couipeies. lMt. Moirae i lhl e foaod a ralimbiha- rosi iva, Iard.corklng agent. Fuseîuae.Mr, aute(fige ef the gremt.noiking eher,).ofos a piendid le- daioents to'sil puoaaer rin tIi in uit theirerot Jana*ty. It i le eîls mîa destlnmg te, boy thi e bst fintion.ma .dh.ap- prileeebealt net fait tuembnra". £vuryihicg in îho.'le~irting lieu# , [84 and 1ev to e te l mci t enraîlvas. Tie information it cenîmins on the lacs ef Liteanad Healîl, b e euhWorth tht priaieofthîe Magazine te eviny Family. It le publiîld at $3 00 a year. By a speibl arrangement ce are anal-ld lu offer île "Phnenelegical Journal" as i Pnambuin for Tee necw snbucrilare tteI CHR.osioîLE, or vilii tumusithe ilPîrnne logicoil Journal" and CHROIcLE togahiet ft $4. Wî command the, 4"Joontis 11to &Hi cie vînt a goed bMagezine. -The CzarowIteh makes a Prnni Au. sauition the Gîmmaàýn Ambasadar 1 'yte lMandard frein 8u. Peterabungl elatea îlot Yeterdy thu Caieolex.h andin, hecaute iuvved lu a privati dispute yl Prncue Darcu, lioltur oethîe Gir. man Empire 10 Rous.aTii passions ef buth vine mousd, and the Carovitel se tfer oget limuai to't maie a persooml -usi on the arabassadr. Pniende intar. fened &anthîe Part" e.ra sepoaued - mach eîestemant ie amed by incident. Gurse -Rateihà Brother bave a fresh suppilo e icelebraîsîl Engiieh double- bannled hîlot guet. FsCLOee' HrPornOePJuTssIMr TFel- Iowa wbules u s tcaIe lIai ha ha$ ne aullorixa1 d agelbu~ i ti ttHypepbeef. pitts mnay bc ebtainîd oftaIlnrepecale Druggiswanmd Apoihmcanluasaihi& prieis. RUAxvL Misé Zîcba lUs nmem 1er DteasMahlag SantMeMaile nooms te apartmente overin Mnlan'e store. RARa HOLIOÂT PaESUSaSt iMn. Gar- delàm MWcalote. ýi mon tie. ob*lstke. édcton - O wli t tiileiourà meii~ T"Ial( adJ& h.ana diger orto"nrs- -n té aidu e, p eIdy n d â eti bïàd aaee-flc bailft ewbihg'ld aant- -_uwi do'th-lat co nm ss n f thé ChLain M r. OVfli l t ,a d M ; lie q o e ru tchiog Dv , feU o reatub at nay, UN. - o aby. m f -e'O'à ry 'Obrny-lu led totp eio n j é .o .llces ok , tat___sabih ensae mrrgalu H o dýts, 841Afivor o joe n; eepk tué h Olflion, Ç. 1Ji. OB=ter. th. decinif o d r cc al tr ednati on f b. siBesa Pro,9nc fl~ i2-T ig Keb 's Haco-J. Daw en. - ' ittio -oanro .0 OT titingob Se. y 0-» OU& aren tnd nhe fmtwo o nduas ct eaevat n d h rp lin ~-tba-speech ) Oain delp. e d aOfth mP udm O ,a , Boprne cf tah oe w i t ua otec v eu SI ~ otheK.GA@ni. Imprf t ant oe to na, be an t hua li-wde lopem o b , n o M i O 1 m i . ~ 'i h B f' fd a t " T sernakN -) tlrJb m rrdJi I N j~ xr:f ji the r t c om issi',,crn : -aýdQp as - ,a tiS;yiX e ~ '~ ~ ' ghtile hro ving u atohngnie, af. rdae âi ' -11. L M rl. andgovmmn pwrde n anet ta pdasM; bn : a. E- LennoL J. T Grangey progctrev pepleil, frt oeing, f r BciplQtai eg!: eIctd, n* .tSo s aie e elig o t' a d eba -gulba b tahe LIurnol n-J .E kr . tt . y r mo th d b a k p y invlo1 d I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h sioèfi i * Jodn o.J.Crhg PY > nan pta ad te eeltope o nihR fiesiae veo "S~on ande1 . r: Mne~~ n xr~ n tado.arad ofM Ddl a N.fme a od R-J. vs adth epe9. Smitf-hba. oa y -f?ü,PrPsé s naredm Kinnf-n -W Robison. mpoat aperat7ôn ey-xand hsdeo 40 h aP e ndmb eCnt È six ta t fr aIas Oe.tent* « loton, Som ofthe' nCh a f h Middàl iSeXrW-T. . a ozi e 'th eolatoentod hemeaurpe a re a-tostofhIe mi der8 , an f-rtih ofumbiotG v' y thie onstitY ces re OOr wilVbe bld:on NeYeara b'e , Mo ok-L MoVolom. t * o 0f r nd in theih Lnr-NR-. Rbrst. otfv.dln. 1 Ne MaximibldC Of civil thRf ~ ùi * !rblak ix edÉh bei, crohe Dgit relianul uoe lpot- Cnorok . E-S M('odei. peia ere h ieexedtr a e ther of talih rvin c tb eshna olial: , t Oe'm ute ÃŽ~usot d Onal f ehed nttbig. OnalN.R T axo. goven aeur s odatrge sand tdîsir abl e s. - r ugt<do n to ar n i her on duet'W 1 e benl M acaonat ona ~ onOntarl&tn*.oed, ii. R-A. MParicl. . t -ridutil ouato tà~ i hron f. Te Sehool Bha d not7 ichn' ' dJS!blLa oaadooubmee- Oxfort8 R- . Muoli . "" gcou nt ha ve OmB faorastpossiblecîaid 4,fo or t H s W no terîd t neye a d embswthed sitio a. the til h e via igere ar e t o f Bý 'o as- Lap, o- . ,T G aneCoyt o n c t r nd. ' d f , fo r eland, proncp o reup en at poposai W oatbi gebtl eangh teob bl. b Cosd 18o o fahe b t P îl b n t e r bln o r o', .13 . R a a .t î a e t e b tt r ' d i p e o m t h o e p u l c a h o l . O l t e v wa l d i ne nk n o stop et E2OUTdneasa h mi Pfh -To.. OClnéi. rcqnIreof t o f oua grct ri, and th oirlp fceor the ermera h saln gt o Ibd asedd ith sc Ion enuled , & for ue u p mra ion M ir , R a a, xoto Br ' W. R - R T M. e ir r. p b i o k M a d o h r In d st ie ,a un d b uHe th Norm a l h e S pboo w e ra d eo di s on n t e q es on f j ur m , n d Tbrah fr, rm h.Onty, f or he I>rîeliô%, . BW . S mi t . qee n ale- te fur nis a good ds fta hn ' T o r e îe p ain.Hfl P oay 5,iin Isnrteagaýnm u rn e l w 'd G 8tan. e Lir f r ouDac r nt m f -i i ssnet a -rth e'warantalft pay tviqttpîs s ~ e e be te een the f fe e t a, d y t Pu r s o n k i f o m n gd - c i e r m u i R o r o . .) R - . I ! a r i m i,s - e d t e sf o. p r Q s s i a r O t a i m i n i ' ae-A s t t eàop s d i f e o u s e t a h d j u n e t h cipalia es the prpoand tee tact et. RGaveront; Ora Ligr efo w, N. B-T. a on . Pofbe ',ulery xr in astibetofr. ' e ~ tl dann, h s th , 1ihe p aind carc.B ae itsd hep nt f d Le1 tii loohiu irThe.R Arah.md t inucfren thedhmitra i - lia se huld bu g noi férncbiLe. h -îxpr sud hePropeake ecddthti b ded fo sN aeae tThuh invi img,8RT IlFurguson.W gob prtient Savli sewt , oirga n he aiti ai bis inn. spec. o Iini laid uceta te frsta Graîn ntf. Bike The extsemincol metin of the Nruout,.ý--w8 Co liun fretho umpeymntews et h u r m a ents he erablishmetou, .îndvi olo t At er saine _ tds propoued. Torento, E-M. (J anduro. fo hveslay~ ren om tia ~ t ieor0lk., N. for tiheu promoion theImmirri aio - basu pomssmdila esinb iaMna h o rid cptý eai a rr i Ahin Grand diniinna Bons>olarge no erac nitieof er0nteI, W-. Pao . mbaqunt setimet of anh hoay tr s ate'abr i lgl d o mu rinhvefor tho Ontaiooàitaho blliin, .tbCdgWo:ed.indesiui uoure« Flreand ra Le ne sposaieft he sutarpls rae tasthe bîdut De G belMadoald fu t w i. i. un pc ud t h a co bi aio t p t p Wserno N -M Spie. sina o u fend r lu thpat ionrandm ants thu suf.Thln ef the wBilr lie an et' g su 'd is limty f Il uimchu in fo thi i ouftufrle, S R-I <JPartny. a re sarvepreportionfrthu usaliofshutethe sneisfctin wite roes , îd>ieanhoftet ate PruiOfte on a nd tat hi. the prico et tnrkîyu-, Wel n -lI, . n ive . u t4 soh ve grcamultu ere. u al b t . i net th npht t re fua i ed ta oiarg e Inr îdwiblea sp i . Tghe vlagestware airt of Wullluglaimn.foN i-R.e MaKiTh À brglry ..îî eae, n. Wuliugon C.R-I. Cark i te of- rietlg Bl0tacren 'ea nd e t h D mnon G vrn e edcieu e ae it discnss e n t e igb e. Mnt$ er inter, a ï f ev lnkc et Pardgi,-N . - . Gevit. d,é oi d esy epcus etu h r d an pohe deiîy t ue esarylis o btic h cir lus d a nihi «iR i Petot, . R- . Chrle. pbibcbo uchai dn î u mor u bsns li choower, et t e lheti--er ed Rai a e n o eri ha The t Eveppew r taen!#@eai a te msore. Wuntweraofou tb, ltu8i. ndofwh-W.ter tteqln ngtd adn.- -ientongngthe sép.ratonget8Mîh. & Y- Peorkl, E. -Il . Jrey. puIble s nd bring in utiesorantd orcenofte ta uue er icy cf the ppe ivson don the coet b te îm. ma Ytor W. -T . Mteto. Ieai bt eertin buîbotes thcou trey oral .ro l wee n HOf ni. I unet,. aer Th new E glish hisuro y beop te ' "O b. . alton. . eo u y ta e durie te f oli grcl Aof te r fu T srte ureatey rp rke on ctBe 3,D 8Ythat It wa a mond r it n n for ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Pic fe mt Ddi eviir nna ,-, Th E StfEAUr. sturleprsfo uits Fiée 'Gtain tu e ducten eoicet 1 h. eernmut moa d .te Dgee .r reen te differeaitioc inmte aCieesal HoIPS ffTigwtht@atatmn-R n: r. KR-ihalrs tagtîd ha h laspecillyadapud e thir anof îthedd byMr.Pareu hattheeeiadjn toe. lnnienc the pl oCh.r.h e ant r eceln y w ouN.d give his nuios einiin hihghybeeicanralt era n t eadd es t fra thepragph :- &id car i7 d. ou. eth rpnruuad ul higlypoalrsu'F iiaîînedot e Houi tgter temerrw attre ele (ucoertion s etofrain et tl drains e utwîfu le sd t Cak the pardon- h meig wbc etetk laen Oig uPti aeriut e h e tsis her e'iec . Pe. -DAt-gen. Mcoîd mdetreu ctîl edam lanef er eporu i e-----n--urEculec W*-may I a -* -h otgm bai etppe . ~ tneed, md lIe Mr Oîlin seonud bic a ibéal pprpratin wa m du hater e h ul g ne orir tke bp tes Blar le atImeahen t Ofthesm thrtpyro b aj, toÏývl ie nominalT tio o rg . W cot i- ythe Lugs wilato rmptnite rnm. Lgsitv Asmle at eson ner Smer m taorhae a idenaud Thfr e prite unina? îpodîîo e b vllge orothe cit o ttaa, er hecpuk- o teemlyeu enidt o n the im pigran-t hu guOidnce t y Teurpeet Mitr pogrammnlaidtut7 Gn t.n aIh eir h a a v a e e t a h i h g u e a n e g Th i r o ni to , hB c h .w a sc am r n e , t o u i s e t y e t p r e v i d i n m u a a r w h i o h i n d v i u .h e fw u a ru c u e t l r g e e v u r s i v e n ted A e -- 1. amid g-Auatn appiaulargerombbetof oitisseorantomW-Aroow meuksta e rt e pr.Eocuises ad te is esin etthe Rinis- The rioialdopchag iaf or vai po avs traoyea rm b u ti taré t Houa. R M OU. B esfee t u b u, t e e et Liosf' tu r Aieunn m e th Ca isureateiMayi &llw, m uup t n - qeston as t, anailte avethu etor raiing ep~~ t he, ropoind et t u G eovrmnth a r pevurode fs t oetin-vtthe Towî al, D. nd-151. ih ler, 8 biB-4. 0 epood, d t e t eire i pn theFropurat ands.ffuc ' et a th se 8blay, se ase i, stehe îucnteSnte iet C onnl8etale amb ati rasent. Reine aten nel.Ral, orngte r oud hî I m neet ionmeti tuîio rrandjngemctents tlarge asutpas î, oooo ai tu di- a. ch 2 fer the l It the prchaoi r. ik e s e lW ateter id l o , rk w e ly e e pe fenare e iet t ve r C o rt e stablishd m eu t p siet thu Ez cuf. veanuexcuusetpe n c . h e b i f r ici.pr~ or PetWofoLMohel elnaggrîend ieac-t r evide vo r uiuain Ii roviceforithethe viey et ascer- this Flouse, epmrfpnheting the samn te pin À e r î i rotngbàLiéeai ie, vouhre. et ut m 0.mber 'whila bvreke cci sgteining w hhuran00 wac hangeof and fticu omnioar werksa-" aecid p rt cles ar îwpeacnmn:, a n c reerM" Wrs li p erg o, m 8. t er v s eta ou . imprev oei n d eu y cf av n cc us li n.a. Gtha er n the h n. ge . hu Su e ep ri i l i gh u tla gOi &i e ot o wm m itt e Au n e in ksd r 'of preen ly o nsti utud- K te rei the n p r e5 S e p o u e fe u o evl m n iertdh u l ng l the sae nd tnîcs a I i ld upu» e s uan h c aras t h l u l o . , a r e , o r ~ î i a e e ~ k a d ~ v e d i t s u f u b e a n e d u s u n î pa u b ie t , b a c u n m l cha ed i oi m f a n d & o y d wtc e h d b e g t f e w r , l w h v .vin g v a n ug b s i ft h e dp e i s e an '- audipin le lde- or t lio va, hm at * . 0 w ust r. e ke w r hw aS .' B -p.oin ted ; n . cl rk pa h e t t i g bdu inas eo w t ra s i p ler tan t he res unt esi n w îs ît e gosu manked e teH yîd v R ad ica n ana orhav e la m p a n g i g a nd G e o rg e Sm 4 el eith -Y o r , W in -4 acc o n î n w th t us cwa e h é m a i c te ,p é ra tio na; e ta c h e s as to fuc uptrc.din g e nt a a nt o n i:, e d te gr be ct b y th D m for forianeasrviocLeon toi 10, lot L l Ot, the AteneeyGunonî. A a suete fer bain the emc in h on. genfteanbadern e t h e d to hti ie oe oncea ni ttuoot. lB on, MLt n.,od ch q e do i us d or. ic ad s a t ten t m i sta xte e it ea es a iterd ta he i a l t cia to .îoc n ga whichM thpar e e us t egisllation he. oo râd-e ngr a in a o n i Inty eede$c;yAn uslMeDovldbissressorttdsfour cal n aIshewihl b u me d i a ea l y pceaneta <ihuceuryho ad nadhe fizet' acts; md i ardYad ÃŽl-le orb posed b Os sl 88 o ul er d affy, 5 attended lo d elc . o . Pty nida MaD cdonai. ld a ed iaug ,chr ti w imp orlan tds, hfcoirwa0idtatedrlewîplacewis tins X.5 TioioSî mrvoppaportun.tO ta il nae er îtîte,.1 ad w ih fi w ul hae i en ho ughî a 4th. SWedn asa.Ieg hoUurper Min go erye Attwinet t e eo vnme ot 1tt ondmpt Ted Liand IGovnekr. Camlingdeconte bu miy a ir l approprationhty ma e asi egre h e curspe ty weud he Bprc ting the ' tOminOantpesien aaier huatg o w,, b as aipd on10 &H W uR.ldings, tnomna t iock of Mr. R .actt een ith yuthe Léiavur eprompie t a re pbcm chogisathmivafsne ciylatsson. uder. iSune pland af r hme mai id ~ ~ ~ e froreOiti,$.f~utrac w xr ththyefOtaa usuaspa- medt yu niéaion etnhse deivnî te oo, ie-tealluidaed tefb.muur ert MScetiTer s upprt'fd'rta id Thei esf oftoa ylvespasslathero lg eihu r tlllip ii auch wu clried Aitt di s vsn t hu ofreorta g etio.T s uphon h o nd u- hon. gentlm nha on a i nevius 5î pr aiin t e proi ithe n Aenle sov rt t sag s1 viz F r utitm~ oan an es ver h 'ge t ov ntc e ec ien w nî nid by uh ti er e ecjon i ha tathe i spoim t o f t dh e ss m d co goiv ing le f r y o a i tii t-w ehootth Bouge.î Mr. Brlakea ibelotionthe ontor, tipon e tet i trne y Gner a hih i d u ienud t te taihusti u r oftetraina fadusraino F o r iz u g tu pî c~ er h ldi g L . t q u e s t i o n p e kw u a tdp u t m 6ne o t a h a v e g t h e o tM a c d n d i t sn o sig .e i s e W i e l d î e u f c n l t o n î y v t i w s i e B * e î a e t l s i e o l or no m iuuaiieaof candidua nds t servi lathee J u..4uu mn I ave le i ti e a p t eî în o r th e c e u o in in e . p ur p os n aiath io en n tha p ee a n lftOw O rs 'in t tc î t Gn enah t n efltet IgeaDrpa Roneil anr' egrn sudt nyrila tol b uwattmli nbîpiû of-i th e ti i n x ci p i u u t o loii d lu e i ij ~ y int o nîte t l e i nicans es cres siens id t e ,i e S uuîh B u e and nequeuuted n ieo iuîfo rn ea ic ero ugi r re e ti onm c ith i T h al lé ation e t heuquin -,e o l o o a i Ta o a l l , t o p ; t a i a g re. -1 c a th e C l a k , i o u n u c e r e e t a y O n u e t aM n e i u r n t e o s u . na n e î e u c -o f L i u eo l se ma b le c s ai t w lmu vr e t a i.s l e n . b îl6î et1n e f u n. I h el r k v a l a tr a t d t p o e n s o a e t t o n d iti n e o te u rit v i t h a ~ L; ire en e n a rte e pti n e sa n d rtie s t D r. o ti H tie n . 1n tFmI) s p e ecu hu fi tb : t t o moSa Do the dufne ut smo t e o l lanc t il au nese d d i al p ro c ha o a m at o e y- h m f r wh c eu t u a a s ie l en uru n spp ,or ,000 8otibo On M athra m Hayîii la and t a re a linue f a rioth oued g eetxhibiic d eii voirv ie mdil n e ftui r ovince, lois.then ade urofedcar- bo idofthn et cd e , it out àoe of H uruTh ebugle ,cnnfotaIa it i suli cof b, pnaaraoy l ta ti tmt h e eouasnm gutp sn e EàEO iEÀb)ti.kwtha ltse oapporiamnthela i ng tn ations t re Co sî putb o f n lae o.oitemiebyt-lw en ulu yom eu whon ce avorb l a g !iin hte ad a hnges an d o thi l , m th ilwasimpope a i les Unipe Sac, hetond he bedyq for #i .onKrnd a th u teta1 bll o r,, 7w lid s pe akteurru, r 'a snanbdî e pah etM tiAt c. l h i ho l b în b ne i e, a d e, tîl wui u î' oennolsiu eys e 0 1) f te tlu r p r o t ' t i î th o i m - m t n i ai v c m ntM r D e c mvedb . a d'Ysin ru i oid n . t . 0 . cc ea o n l a d tla d o n .îl e fr et th e su v e are a o t ieil arrai g hl m. nia ilîeugu he ltit inga tnua re . i r egrey tit a ed tanreoi ce te r youte ytmad e 8 s peeh fom îe frtî o ne H c sin hin er dt ma n. T e 15h lu i :J .at i n tu k r a i e c o s f r lad' erc tns uquenc et i r te a i by île a d ape d iticu noi l -te ptnd o, d l n e t e a a t e rc e r d t h 1th e undaîb n yBzWà ýt the 11apby ilhtsudrportvinoseai folle,,:- Gospeakrmunt eot ebie, î e Demir.o ladchft h eorinlae np r sce mai n tîatieert Smanteabt ai ad1ofeRy viewtOts stcueo h Rut,, it dafsretteadtandccituctiAKal, dCinetd cin es te gce ie effo itewaîfle wîscai mc us ,vr o s hl od n ti gt o y l o r rp eetîe. U rla l u v s nîig i o dtf $24,10 tin esrtaxeon ot l 10 , ltt , b h anese-ssatepeedn $1, 6O liv~ju era, 7 dsya stn dîai g re1 ay a, th t~ t r n id e tit m ter et îl di is on r u ui e t pc ioî t ry. h co aidcnd t liTho n.ge tlem n h(îl ertr e y.ea ce u saîo nalofc ng e in $14.u; W.lot 0 l t o Deputy chque e - flous adj ou e t t e detem cnedist a f le aness prvend lIahe. tr elc icy - aguu agin t il htheen, dvo t e gsaini jnfa tono h ' o iicuc catîtucit, $O it ne Mite -o ontid, 2aud builig haiiiasm see Uprad fLur.- aet , î le bov umnt eud ntbne i l e tre h LInof(thesnrys). lmae i l ile ct anud evTo o DsaÂLeMi wnb ycna1 d ays, *83. A.eterD fyai, a ttuîIu~c nd a, nti a ducîsuion w th regad a heitdien lre uîl e ui- ra o man d- ttt ?ldutme t cuî ta i ens'. . isuîbinmeî Egatid bC otoi$t ,83;don as e mmile om c. ,0, ie aidl stil b gv a y îl u- i g l c nid e tilu p upe et t s t i ec IL et ii tr e a l it e rsu ei Er !td r w al $ ;J h oora nd$ ;iJoh. en ci. I v eu e n Ii h m u a t iqus ton t wanbuena ge on b ir atn Que a nber iu ht i l; eel, wer' ife e i e tng b le Can on Sîuet Hoe 1, s ia r y n s a e r k Sit 0, s i e c î u g j n o r s y e a , v i h o u a d m tîi n t h t î l e j u d g c e d O c t a t e , l e n t e r n d t e î l e i m phtvn c b il w o t d h v e b a n b d . ,i h n . g n . L n d e , o n M o n d yi ntti 0 1 h e tsov. $4, neltrr e trc nt ieinti od , arte, Tment et.e Artn at m o w l n tet edu al onstta questlin, ty atlng lt luita la of t clsan toerutack ld a vehing M n. Mi hi, MP., iîlechaéir.ent aan 02 $10 , peAghe i , $ je75 , B. tr p )ilia sbmitdteil mla raizd l gn- î emi a f r île tprai g e theulie s hoht b imin pîetdl l peh wn aa m e tN nefre. iltr sd M cul'bîi ng o i h lt e roud c ada. ex r f o vine , nuvelo nîh he a te e r ess île it a a i ît e n at i p o e u î ad b s s a d o i t pa ymn e nî uryta w înesest ai u va eop te the eor n [i te e ma n i r E*b ln 5 . th-e stî ciion vhl i e n dsut ia t tr d at he in ef cc , c t m gh e l a le w lhlue secta dte cou sder o a ladtt hin . e psined r t e delu sal e E ta l a im uer l s age l eci e ncFo r av is e e v e nîul d l m e , a d g e t t " e g r d d i l a s f n a e r e i ldt i hns e ee nY t e A ik le c ti o t w he q u i n i e d w iî h î l e a u b e c i C h o r a T efr e i ng a pu , tan mu i lIai ilicilnciy mad msin aedseio n danconcmusionofdof Attorned Gsrabrilh-hestubie halllentscedeensthtt HtusrucLiocikizeneandneat ccd gnievous an injustice ho 'Orfixtixthepiles or oldng he nee i d eter andsbienet lee publ tic do t i mlMardonal t a n o e ta issue ri. bhal l te ciminal thconte r nwh i d aavîd p tBezîlo siudaut eCaie abut f o e p u d b î l e s y e î e f red i n e ' b s r n j ln t h e v b l a t P r v n e a o u d t a - H b l c î d s c x n A i e i l aAb u I I nge n l m n t d n e a e p s d h o î g c o d h a sî d s l n Ir bo od, T i aof e ,D !u. e e o aned town ysuhi ,s iefe r p ri n etîe g n or te yle enr eiial sfeeling etcot- i ieiniadon ILtalqutesîe a aiS g th t leypro te ud en iî t ost he t Chnnel, Conev piil , sndr hela t egyar. F phlinon i rai s into eiddin eth exor livul tcs sunt npr gard te titr- Blak leplt Refît-ring te e saexpund ILr ete a o icy n tme tles. e iL se fi tes dtm une ipu lal imin theb fricornes n- our o N ormrepn tian satsactionsI cd Scaoait o lno ogBruce, ca n id ered srluts e muidwlIai by oughont itu tin veyn vvnn. itl eew ecrt mn siopp ibu adloed viii is botre- ntss em b c tI nd lec s essi o f aini oed of Mr Spe ke fr tîise au rp or heetp lin e ndîti u 6 oiImeney is neof the onigin te ho eînt0 m 56le On tthee vbalilconurrnc.ofe ethevîalwih arse te lefngnatiompnsdoni inrila wlhîibe(ieeruueî,andthtilis et s l vs Sue Cnnl lcr ilg possibl er i eine iecr tlte iretera utcnditin tQ îlse lunes etIbe oiinatofi tmbor as hprucntWtic u r-di'Wtiiîl ee tLeHoa ed Sî vs estt'frîl isneu M. haClrkurdls positoprcpeones f mee(tesioungntemn)kcw ntionfiis f at telemniaten the diferentiehool ectiuià a»rovsed; ad ut at apprach tht;unlesamose eeccemmundoîd, butcouyeilieehifOngo eL. Shranwuyn suppotersoftoelevadnmea ai 110t hun Capa ii tlinoofr n uvyeXii n lad r enîmentedetintis Pro inet nd si l etrnd îTes po e r in cijor. TIi.-whud îlet Hoan de l teyu ttbrak e- l"ù anG s alam d n esent en o ele ait en lte gthcl, rprtr teentstae b lish m d aste e afProvinc e largn ea suetios ba c i mmat ON HEADI)XeElU. c n 1113. the c oieinm et hale couhnîyta fne aons uan d .e C nttto n a of cthegsained by he ne o Jocens yngauîd oon seacfavmoal n altes. e mntond hosue lt nai he oveniehind t i asig lUsexcutl teUiedSaa-t oaitebd AnodMyE-ne nim'setit albrfo 80 wa nd b f ung fintsi, e a m t heur v h ofue agsatn, eiîelatr ahdn unc st ld b expnituee t le en e : Of the on odayekle fecs t he ailres o Ie i rep, n ioo rsed e u n'rn o 1 î ca s g c rati u p o nî u t, i a m u hsotfh c on t tibusis i m g n t enkt l e v r m u t a h h v l e h;9e s ie n iqtheeB iv e î egPi e fi1pOmphln4 vîai i hm le % ortria ai m a icr i y td an e gr u d , s aon sid Mr- .a gi oit cn e o vsu thls populat in te-e vhlal wthe s e sii h uir hall s an t irsti C aiee t moalr e d yo u l oya et tiem allen litaislotI thabtlaneifieonds1 egrtetfeae ling et rereta beliîve tati spve rmateth ron ce H tocusionh et î e elt.i leagward vanoabySaaencarhve rieC oui nloras:civi wuos l tietin a ong intirvai roes b te al et icictieyta pefri, ndho lin.getlmalledaieenarrd a heasr lit toir srvice, an allowq.- overnont o Quebc, th Domrion ad taperfoin itin th preence-f Menr............ifbManttbaitet bat da aie s e King.makerb afood viul T- certain teareate. lIe peple et Ontario, athities le promotie-g ,titis .dî.nab.. adina cw war thyeigbalaed a j . auo::s nen sd dugenenatben teilov the negsrding île award ne vundured teom d. 0f the proposaI te establisit a mach lgersbire etftite debi t oftheum ltae oî i th od . exessie neofthe scenses, cillent due no mono ilan lare justice in relation te Sabeol of Agriculture ho sud tht suait country ibrevc nuponthem. Ih muet net eeeld hole nuoe lsion e, re gaihanif f inturvalu f et ifor repair. la order te tthe maliers in dispute, lad bopud ihal an establishehntiwould leoeoflte greaiesl bu fergoe.t at it vas-lein agrst ex- ID oneeofthîe fineci collections in Enrepoi 'mainiabn the voîed anargy, the *feoeé ait questions bulymun tlem and the abter valua e te fermera efthé c ountry, and font te tite opposition efthîe Ion memher and nos, one oethar Jli. 1 îiPonud, chihetofbody or mm'dg munet Pý'vince ef Québec ada& ei daSnitely believed it vduld le a populsr maune.- ferSoîthi' Bruce tbey vwere indebîed for Afie r ait bis tineais te nesigu bis pot- be hinsîorud. When the expendigrofetAdjusted ; and 1 apprehund lIai they nit The naît clause, itstming tottti aid thei ditficulii eltai lad arisen * thtueop.flo ertyOi a ohr r brinmate admute eTog lée ts n î il e ucae yul iedftersn t u~proresud le ho given for titi purpose :et penenis oethtitisetlement itsvicg'bheneu- flo onîrrFs in ea tee bu aonîboued ly oearvork, theun, * e- lIaI îîey wiî net fai to e eeeil tWell measure îlge sam îs litaraatmlh,enza rgd b l iusupesdb ltudndlediriain n ted~ tinebenet itebîslf ay h lekrdton~ gouned aee alrinles ni tg th utity o ui bc on., gentleman. New lte Govîremeat uia in Président Grant's cabinet. tileio rec it etscel dml e loen dor Diiepinin et îleauseoarcventve l îe mugît lyin usuiese Whicb * might bjy a itad vielated ce pludges ChitI hey ladt, A despatc freinBombay statusa IJthe thegruet- ofmsnoge ollo Te' Cnnd rirathe qbuevosiv lee peitealig e utiay ho nendured meist vîluible, mide. Witîn tite Geverment askîd tîle choléra bu aginç among thenatiles of ingédentsHvpephgn ehiîoc, Crepciel aed sutiec abl eive hiah e eapier l tt is proposaI cÃ"ulnc-nt fai te lehoneprésetatives oet helpeople on .the fleerLckowand vieinity. Sym ofHypphophiesar snb m aý setioal trteswhih fr yarsprir productive et gréât good. Wite eeoif ltai houa. tà apprepriste a millon ieflctitnte hoalîhy bleod, qallîeî ceund 10 Confedération haît endangened titimeîbod et spplyicg tit. motiiy te ýtht 'mcd. a- litfor rnilvay 'purpesus, ucd -A charger wl h i ed for nit thenest nervis and et s adwiipeace acd.quiel et our common country. purpoe e as te à certain exieci cevîl, ttie wien lt thbon. member ton Sauth Bruce eionb0ofetParliameet le eoastruit-at4 nuL- sudyu enuenuîl hls ainotier et hisîory ltait tegin- ides luelut was nest, leone leva- prepesed .lIai île wbele oethîe surplus vwyfrein Winnipeg to Pembiis. Thecota- Dot only preveot ibis exhanslon, but i n eal acquiescoee by Upper Canada lenlte aiip Wîit whicit-,ho vas aa uiintednost moni7-in teTroasures hlids aboulé! pany nsirlikîvise a laud grant i oiw en. 'eut euse$ rasson u snob le slois. sahemietfConfédération WAc in àa geai lestitan 20,000 acres of land àd' n h isp d et as once by linping ih ovin Another veteran tavoured wyu lita L(gr Mn Gerdea Brava, ef iii Toronto &%' masue breugîl about in tle b itbthu enbled te hobreugîl 4 dr la in . ,he disos tmniaite ftebondlaltdaa, upse w limdot podth ha sîites vould ho iherîby allayad and Tation, Thte alausuiehîngl îeate culp l eennnt aaid, not heing jac Hiller, vie died on Mfonda>'t nîgret telaien liai hic the tt 5 euh la thei i ceunis1et la reget o ftrtbt' isbobibla tsy* Ï or ovin suttled. If la lisras t îtél'feet corui ofJi ad equlty,and tiibmle toe aitin'a pole lnaioIr o P h at vluw oethîe stbjeat .'ilat Ernegtovo, is said to lave lien born,,Oo - ny ondiîoa. peope etOctan are deomepaymnî twitnesses in crimtinel canes Ilw*uId bi surrnedonn i bpae- othe Mohtawk Plats, New York, la 17M, 01 0disappointet, i it i le owin eno ag dîtvi i tn&iattrs on whlit legislatien eë l eéanfn..~ dce Itl lEve bl dmoeadl tgstht lie oth f~tliP, lut -the- nusonsibiîity, o et iiwa grntly neuded. P&Wi'ng by tewîl y te éter .- si tiGtbntUn e eGoverninnt te iCue înîkîog 07 r t éotgenHand fli "d 0881riil von ever ujoyed cOo0quncu hIlkaly te rienoî the clamse e nleting te ficancil questions, and demt ithuthe surplus unîliil hequostîin th 'townshipo retw vomal ien njoadihif aong vivîl etftté,oîd sî1ti aleesos ad tateprsing te trust titi il Divine of aanar ttr îe uvlutonoad lwsB 'erl e'beriouit t e hus b oî e'psiu uc nl.a e uilng inight reintupen tiair labers, titi danhed litbo heGovernminnt hlad vielited. . ' pe ret neerieneebe a r ba oosb eIle ho lbe. on. gentleman conalèîded by ersicg scy plediua ýer faillaoit eîdeem ' lIe eOn -&atrday mereiî, ai Bahmmsina a . . lemîeadooil"Tiihe iéa mairswbcthie Le&id.0he conviction &t th. rasat i,' m..de bv *Kisisii. &K. 9.11PuLa O fS A s. ]like' îmndu.n bucd usinudle- 'n - urierso. ennui 'gruwuîîug tnu, enjeu ainaes e Gen is ell diid is tluis time dinacted more eupeciaily embrras te Gvermen, ed wll o &aint tj q r.llat,----'.-.1n~. fl... %f '1. 't OF 0F k 1 1 m

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