W»ilTISYBRAN0U1 . F.LO4CUART, KXINION BANKjr 'H, LcDeTÃyloro Aegie. 'ru 1, 1871. 1 DItMERO4ý & MACDOKNELL, ULISTEIIS AND AT'TORýNET».AT. sw, $0lieitorm te thé Batik oet Meittreel, .dujrperétiois cf the Countv of Otitarie,ý lep, (te., &q,., Wliltby, C. W oCaisauo,q. C. il. .J. mowrita. lioney toîea4 sipen goed ourity. Ap-7 ho Olulee of the fira, colurL lt e .il. COCTIRANE, LIL. ) (NTYCJILWN KU~OLNEY FOR ON- to,llarrluter and Atterler.et-Law, go la (Ihlancer>', NoIary P ublie,et.- -Bteak otret, unae deer Le oy"al Whitby. 8 r, epat' RgltrrMaster Extriserdl uid aeii a lîancory for tacCoun- Ontarie. Ofilce Court llouceWhtby, ollotior ln Chuier>',_Çouvûyauceri, Ne- d...ioorta the StoI Uf I.et. Dsipbeil, Etoul St., W luth>', <Ji. VbIhalila Nov. 18, 1807. 4d1 FAREWELL & ScGEE, B AUISVES ArITS RN IiYsS LICI- 'Vî,It"4luk<IU14 YCit3, mAN» N. AlIES L'l.C Qvilea:-()>lie doors t it rl O tsLioL 5>(ffiee, elaîv; imid- moillter'mBlock, etipoaiteO aulu ll, lcaivlé E . F.iaUZaxx.. R. MeAXI. C IlAULPdgC . KELLER, ~ TOitlCYAT-LAW SLICIT1ORIN lissaut-, oiivyauev,&0.,t'niliig Blrecia, C. . -J., IIAIIIR GILEENWOOII, T'riIIN EY-A'r-LA 1" , -tOlIC'lT(îI I11N L 1lJaieéry Notar>' i'ublic, Ji"yuerI iWitiiy I. W.- OSa, l3YI-011etreait,j aIth IflPomt Ofice, 48 LYJiAN 1,'iGLIS8ll, L L. B., lAtlSEiAT l.AWnialicitoir Is Clans- ;.Uemy (,IotvljyaLqCr. . s Il 1' PLAN& - - Pe~e StaKes sudeat i orWlîby oeil dally-. to aflotie» Psi beg>aestea. Çsrefal sosi WATCIIM4KEia, &o. -Brock Street, - a Wb%. Watcheos, Cisce, DMusicailu I ascuufs #aws,à ýwmk- Machines. Aad.vertlilq Iuebelca llpalrad austI lia proveit te imît au. iL Loew Rates, anuthe b ghote*t nadio.. WhlLby. May8u2172 Tts DMLY :;W PINS ara.D....817,005,086 lteDAIY: NCOE aeaedoi. .. 8 '00 It IEPOLICIES are a $ar, Prottatlue fortlIte futurs. TLU PIRE POLICR S, icsuesi et C-ýRMsum «*ayaiifr ml protection tc the-Merchsist ansi Honseholder.- Ail fuî aircams Paoigm'ayPmDs, andtihtea nt-~ mont lJeaL> lu the b. djuetmesut cf hfem! Ormoe,(CanaudaBranch, Koutrquaj. -G. P. C. SMITH, Cllef Agent for Dominior. L. FAIRBANKS, Ju.', Aéîssv, at WhlLhy, ont, Whltbp, Jaily 28th, 1SÉ9.S. L ONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION PIRE AND LIPS. Fuiei».liq nAIS» ........ ,17e4d. Sig. -HEAD AGENI',MONTREAL-ROMZEO,Ë. Ne, 586St. Prussen.l Xaver Street. JOHNAONEW, Agent. WhiLhy, Ma>' 8th; 1?71. 10' ONTARIO HOTE L. . BROOK et. s WIIITB3y. C. DAWES, Proprietor, Tii. aheve olsierabicin litel hbheen Jubtliewy dïéd P nid reo:vatealthrouughontf 'iuannderslicaied wiii leuve isiotlithig uudoîîe 11, prvliiag for the coiîlit of lls ii a ,ie. anal th-P yrel ioaahe est tof pure liquors airict luttéitiosa piad Io 0tise cnaing, ans ian holuîaig aller the aîviiity ofi luere. *C. Daw-es, Proprietcr. Wilithy, Nov,.fInal, 1871 - 4 JOHIN WOLPENJEN, 40 - AGEN? PrOU TUE IL ANiO0N, CELEBRA4TED SCOTTISH VEYANCULl, LAND AGENTire, ~~~-vcrArnatrug'cjiota i i)lasi,, GRANITE1.- gWý At Marbie Vborkc cf JONATIIAN Jxhtlalg, Jaetit, 568 if-25 WOLF DENl~, Dtiliia-st.iitWhy, 17 91MONTO VIS cUN ( AOL, MEY rIo L E N D IlyruaSreatWlitby AT REDIJCID RATES. TiIOIIAM IIUiTON, ana non- lrapareal. tsiIccd m ueant cf a c itthecmida eenrity ui coosi Fermi or pro- 10WN (M tR t 'rtJPAdUltEfL, WIITTBY j nuvTi'on-ai PropuAy, let -lie ion-et pcssible Oihaec-i>wmi ihuil - Illcrme Lte lo'clock. raue cf ileroît, lue.m n iî a uaaaîîr tu -st .- boïsre-rs. Principislcama bclepulîitib>' pear!y 01,rN. VA RS, itutlmente or fl ioie asao. monmK pu%("rrýAIL)uitiot w everuai ni uhivegesi Parmi ansi Lotis cf D ihirJA ht>aBnstOhwa nIl-I Lais f ot sale ehîe.p. 1mn » 0iit:6;lînouns, diu-catitopî,c. 41 i*te 010['an&() t m.- iace on lusves'-meiiemidle lu Debcntiite, Mcrtgages loe tret tirdJooneorh otheOntrioand cther Soeurities. osira.L cîîri lorsorts c li, Ostuic itveramîs U-ieibcki bon-lIt analei 1, Fer furtiier particuhiars apl>'te 1118 0N IO0US8E, -Offleial JAIES BOL'EiN, At4sigrceé, Monéy Wroler, &c. - OFICEsiîîîlaiie Blok, ]Brook etréet, WILSON1,Jr., - Proprietor.. Whichy. lusueul the liote ien- îîoteî 11th VnaeCOMMERCIAL HO TEL lad ti aict tiiôrciagh andi ce.îtottble PrI'7 eabl5lb ei oanmnce t bI uitr, Gae: yl Sdile'vet>' caventenot J. friandn amje Cér pîhe tiinne t .lse s aIovo itiiillsimeit,. l -e, Liners enasi esisincd I shhulieenale is fa- 1'iare ')ft010 beat Breudu. ainAY lePt on vorsîl>' üielaunu ntojwlieteh n-iie i non- Sclted .p P (oiSStallîg ils aLentveOctersluian aluperier amîair, n-ilaeverv colayeni- r Oad tabifi âxà ateniveOstcr lusuenéefor tb. tecePtien cOf gasnsta ucithIe tru. A. 'W ILSON, J r., Proprhetcr. val ,i Bpat comoatoané.pre 'nl'it, $0,,18 l* ias. eocaucdaiong ,o bur, myle 1wlissehq nerx ami d elguro, Good isahig wiLla cuicbocei yards, saisi eltntve Otlergal. ind. Trunk Rallway Hotel. n-ayen lte preaîilles Chargea Mode rato. AT WIIITB'K STATION* B. N. CALDIELL. ~M.O'ICI.lsvl~gpnVîueei héhoel Whilv, .Jan. 44, 1968. ,2-15 suîd 'îereiile sj ion us Lii, Graund l Ihoeil 'W llibyxitatîci, hepatu ilafcruii G L 0 B E HO TIE L Irlaîîaic mnidLthe lrayîltiiwuilc, ihat 1lis _ i.f 1)flts e lj ul0tiii f e a ileali tirt- lisyle , atîi t'y iîteuitioii to tlue WagstK 0 ha-sei wlîteor hi wlîlitlîelr îatroubge raslto C tin iiit a coctlnu ncs 0t<il iéltéithii. W" 1'tte stokuîîg te train and li'iîf étais yil liis uthés» wllteken cire cfrt 0 YAl, raînri,,TEL WilhS., 18. la PORT FERRY, OfIT* 1. OY, ,- n_,Proprietor. éprlarsae mnsodthtilu, ood itabling hbîîîit, tiîd attentive estier»., Part l'erry, Xl' ,8 86, ou84 0URT Pz IaUici PORT FERRY, ONT, ÂMES TIIOMPSON, Paop,itea. 110110,11,rlber WIlîheî to Inform thé corn- f t gii iim ré tê11w 'pontihoti 2',y' er bu lo propared te i'urnaitoingoud )[1ILgO4îiîn lyi n til cumty. pi. i~ ~u T VIAS lnw ral" 'd:l ici -J. - &II DO0014 t g 5 t e- q&se4 p .,')IthOy on the. dock or didiver- od. WhltbY, Ang. 80, 1871. OHN 8LO. FIRE -ASSURIANCE O. L'OMBAED)STREE-T& CAtz~CO~ ~e924BIsllp~j f 1.:17821 GILI.,SPîE, moFFATT&C ',Agents for JAMES DAVIS(,NiManager. 4,1»,AC aalit LOSS by FIE arc LOÈ efActIton thé lllei$tavOrable terme and lSE»P iDWthoegreecetLe î. YEOMA Lenden. .".tm dg c i Aprîl lSid,1868. Agent, wih IIENRY SIJEPPÂRD Desirea le Inform thie inhuabitante eor Wlîtby ans i Vcinitv, tht ea liéseencecoal te the batqinegescf HIENRY WALTslF,8, ]BROOKE STREET, WHlIBY Where lie kceecnstuntiy enbaunsi, Fleur, Ousmeal, Cerameal, Braba, Oit. .îrîs, te.Graban, Flouer, &o. Andi everythlng iii Lhe Féos iiîe. Baît of Flour for farnil>' miee. itvetything et Lise lovent celliîîgz prîcea§. Tue cash ,svoetun etricî,lyailierei to. Plues cal, and exaiiine quait>- and price. Il. tEPPAliD Wlilthy, Fel,, 1871, -7 COMMERCIAL '-OTEL, JAMES BLACK, - PaOPRICTOP, Coleneiltly fltteil Ur roomî for Commer ciel travsiers. Bllhiard a ttaclîcd. TERRAPIN REsTAuRANI AND» 'BILLIARD) ROOMS1 (87 & 89, Kinsg ftreetZEst Tornnto). T CMA ARLISLE, - PROPItIETMB Tile mont élé- gant, spucions and Colrtubc1te Mutppiied at 11ral lieure. Willes & an a OYxteru in cvery style. V-tr Partis, visiting Tor',uto for a cday willl Sund every écentilluodatioli et the Terrapin. A pîli 5, 1870, 14 UL D.,,.R rA KE R Dundas l8trecte, -- Whltby, ont j 0 î17<rî BINS0 Ç' flair Dresing and Shaving ~r ~~v evnu BIIOCE ST, W[IITBY* Wliitby Jan. 22t tôe. BiRooK.iN, ORE UVLE Y, JAMES POWELL, ]Proprietor1I9 ERCHANT T AIJL OR PIILST-CLASS ACCOMMJODAT1oNq., CLOTIIER AN»D RAPERs, Pcob. 8 2nd, 1* GENTLEMEN'S G P.MENrs nmade tiir. ENTI&ÀLA L , ' BIUCI[AM thé hait sitylo ssîîd lateit failoîn. c HAB fine îti>ck cf Ciotts roîn wlilîte make N olectiln fur Gentlenens asKummer #nits.. JOHN DAILEY, Proprietor. Oîliawa, M y 12, !silo. and ftisi&iid.Gnieisawili lafd cmtrtblÂÀLIC T.1ON 'B SN S odcsonmondatiqîl sud attenion, OGoui roons>' taling anti attentive oeilets. J-, 26 870. 16. 169 F ALMING MLMNTec -e- boeotaris tbanksfor tthe liberal patron Theunudorîsîgned bcgs toe tate tlîaL ho .eg irsrtoforc bestowed iPOnine, sud teaui- oontlnnes Io> 'uuaiisfstae none>titIanm prépafad te ceunut sles, Roo t, Seed * YKanuro Drilla TO N ltiier ln As 1TOWNOR C(OUNTY, W A C .o Ifs, AT REAS'9NABLE MATES. U A jEt a 0 w , g'Arrýasgemettiqfor pales cans be mide elittier ettlih uewîa oice raut iyown ICUFFEJIS0200e, Brook Atret, W Lby. Aie» ALL uINS1Or l,FAIRB3ANKS, Jr., PAKIG ifI'Paa"s. Whltbv.uui.,. n AUCIcviazi. it th* îîihlio wilIgIiîd *Vary aouoinmodatiuu CLO TIES iidliiLittfl1,n.~MANGLE & WRINGER, seNon .e o f tho'heoit 'ii o f the kind oE reitN ioî nonfaritiéd loi the -o é n o is -rev- ST,, WIII00Y. a.rnzeorl10 @Vary respet. 14 nnhderigloe ilil tld 1O'Mato tae 8, lâvil ~proparad nin ft o*on', eielrgt.@ pubelia, 14tiii the )V4 ptetmlftis lisore calonsIe îîgluct nt hfié flaOlt*otoryt lie boa» ncwIY fitIhtî op sî4 renevaîeod tLirogi. Lîy thasliso le »u o lernnldte beao aTji fo té OCIII,<,JIor cf unt., ugotorderoi with wliloh lism< e m r tfvord éli.p@ Ilior*and iiiVýà r*. andit iî gr.it.r .xpu.çl n hlo, b ltllrgoatïà of li <(#sui-da -sParoi, hinp a *se gr ae«.Y estlafon te co'çormîb 40 we,il J'loger, wutieialo lil ratai. 6h. 404119Y of the. workmuiumihp sud, g ma. , JU1lfI'i A. BÂKDICLL. 0W Cordwrood amd Lamber laka la. lA4 ors talinl by th e oo h m*d otehau&Igsud4 Oudh Prie$ CLATT4, e~,l a;8I D WIuIv.4o THE ROD8ON HOIJIE, OVUA TREET, WZIzTBaYo C.W GEOIG Z 'U, rpreo, auribs rib. gtAo ana$UlO tht1 jig furoierJy kiwij lois hm. b,,u r.ngv Lad qp tbrouia.4, . P1IFANCIS CI, Wbltby, Jnîv 9p,18s71.i A DIrNSTIATOUI NOTOZ.0 'AIIJioreons iilhtdte théefsttê s c latitaon etiiare tequuated te lImmeilo séttiament. Ansi ail pereen* ug élaidias ganît Lb. as e te, are'reî ed te canal thea t e andersigootilf -MARGARE7T WAT»I K. Y. LOCIRRART. N. G, REYN4)LD8, Adminetri Dae.! ut W itby, ti Misdy 8apt. 7. D -H OLLIDAY BROKLI, - -ONT. ýAGemnTOit TUB ISLTDBISK PIRE INSURANO! OP CANADAt, TOlIONTO. -41,1 Agent mnd Appraier for Canaa mainent Building and f8îving Secieîy, forr cf money nt iOW ratee cf intureest. Wlslthy, Aiignst th, 1871. iy R CA R D SN( Begi te lnform hic frian-de asud the vu thiit ho ha. re-télcen hic oi promise lately nuceîîphed hy bit, Armal, wlier. ol suiwe'Prpared Ltuî,pply éverythîng la the CONFECIONER.Y LIN JuiL reciivesi, eaverai caeseoc EAhJE cTOMAtTOES, ver>'superlo CIJOICE A±'PLE» d& PEA FRUIT 0F AL&, KIND Képt cangtantiy on baandin lu eseeon. ORANOE», LEMINS, SARDIN LOBSTERS, RAISINS, PitUNU, *TOIIACO. N. B.-5)yatte jcas le hasi b> ch. pl conled ot rian-, flieii d al'eiireai dnii>'te enitnmers, and OtIiet îarevieone a'nd goosssilivetési as s 'ir 59 Co lmui ARS, i U-ao.ee JBrand% or Cigare. Wuithby, sept. 19, 1871, 87 O NTiARIO F PAU1MERSo MTfUAL INSTJRANCE Co. Llead 1&e - Brook st, Wbitby. rlhah CîîuanY mntes Ferm allniiduga, ConinttyeChureliai, Seliaicl Honiai, and their cteitet, et Iiie a ss L')W as thlasI.f au>' Wael lgetahisuîed 3omaiiîy iii Canaeda. JUST LUSSES PAID P'iOMi'TLY. L. FAIRBANKS, Jn., J. B. I3ICKELL, Ss.-Crstury. 'reient. N. B.-Mr. D,. iboiiiday lu no longer an Agent oIllais Company. Wît-,sept. 6, -1971. wHIITBY PIANO FACTORY -o- JOSEPH RAINER TR OiRIETOR. Thc sibîcriber, tn retnrising hu& clu. cere Liinla te Lhe man>' friands aussintoaosà emert ftise Wwhy PIANO AIANIJFACTORY, bers te itatc tht lise nov carrhee oas tIe bi. néci aa10Yoleh pon hic owîm eccunt; asd laso- Ilitil*at future ortierot ho legs toemmuscithena tlaat naitiigwjll he o naîldone eoithie part tc gie satisactin, in eapphyIuk QITALITY e ViTe celchrateil néw patonr, end crno . cale patterniut ]lis. own Inveation hiîenafaenrcd ashcrctofore. W. Ai rderi oxecutesi wth promptitude aujd diapéthil. Whiby MaaJOSEPII F. RAINER, Wih,393,1870. ly-18 fABLlAGE LICENBES 1 T 410 H ST issUsa Op IA RRIAGE LIC ENsEs Mr Ofliee-Tocwn Hall. Reild.e..yren Street, tbree doQrýý forth cfr Town bull, Jen. 17, 1870,..3 D WELLING jIOTSFa TO E»T aAt RAMER,$ CORNER. AU mont de- irâble Reaidencée. itent Moderate:. Apphy te-- JOHN R& BAME31%e. Whltby, liM ad, 1871. BOOT & SIOE STORE. Te nudeeiIn, s I M îed hie BOOT AND SHOE STORE; toe tiemlaeajelnlng'the Western Hetel Dunss 8kEWL 7, where ho ln iiew I)rfpareite sue«cute ail enter. fer Werk, A large and select stock Ou 1hantI lpalring densesj Wbft JOSEOS PH A . BINDELL T IE ISOLATE» 1178K rias.. INSURANCE O O'Y 1O07CANADA. Charté, Toironto,. MPITAL, .,, - -. . ooo DepS 6 ik evrsrpt $m'o.o j M o v c 1 g Liquors. 'w A fine assortment of Port'andi Sherryin French, pure Grape,*redl Wine, SparnihWine, Pale Sherry, Sweet Wines, indraft, in caue or, iJettle-. BRANDI On draft,- Otard, Di Puyis, Uennessey & Co's. In boutie,-MarteliL llennessey, Meaustreau, &ç I u a 3OTTLED ÀALE, tf tha Cie )S- Io. 3r- ms le, S, -aie-u Iîoice London. Lay- er Raiiins, 3lue Crown,> Black Basket, Musca- tell, &C. Currants, new Fig, "R.4NBER«RIES, choice lot to arrive shortly. nnn addies, Oysterz BORNESa GRANULATED VHEATi <Pat'd.,),OAT- NEAL-boot 'qualfty. CONFECýlTJON S,w Of Scotelhand other' anfa.1 ture,. will be shortly on handL s x 'J.AMBION. <w 1WhIl i "-rM er at and.ihoeaI vs d ud-e For .i,t u ichuiti lirl .da Prber heurt md hs fomber It was der For iny uor lîttla AlicogseIli. Oil, hfoi. u l itiltal and trsi Dear huuebantd.yen've beau b>' my 7 er cond»ct >0 cruel iii. isr(AlYwcnld rt And baiiisilier angor andi pridfe," Herà llVeriag fcrm thiongh themitnlglibti WII, Sa"adoy-like, sea tae ve She wculd .flot.,have c.arcd if fA4r hla 1been iwarmi Whom à genèiy cho folded in love. Unbonding and steru as thé force cf fate, Rer liard mether icpurnéd lieu prai' The- danghtcer, hIeartbrckea, was turnei - tige gble, And lifeleas eieadrepp'd in deapair. Prom a trounhit droam Alîce wol.aa, &a 8 Of atarsin lier hedveisly oyes; "lo, fatiier, l'y. aeon b>'the. moon,'i pale E 1ly motier dear pesa te the skiee. lt waa clly adram-tiabre'sanow cii ber t And the. tweifth oblinie lisnga in tIse I hope 1 idiahi liv, Liii my tmether cornaibbs Let me eit in bler easiy-chair. If! Jia en anaLuscigy J've poie te play 111ittie gardes, ci Gosie, hove, Ante Liemadewscf lieuvei,whoise do ara gacy Witi the ladeleca glory of love, De.*r father, oild liclit, for My faintiag c! Isecloesing on earthly tîsliga; I cahatwake Ugahin in a home of liglit, Andi rutura agaîn with an angoeswl "One Mae, brother deîr-yon muet sed tear ; Sweet eisterllng, gire me yonr bnd hMy mothier, air own loving niother, i»lier( Andi a béiiutif'nl wbita-robed lundi" No fane'Yenrip-mL Llîat clîildih iîî;st, te hluoiuiing with glorifielsurma;i Faiteas a ficwet, ontapent ansd faiîit,: S8he diod iii lier dear fathet'î arme. Oine, two, tht.o, for-, the chnreh dock ti . 7,8Ree plite ros'd nier the Lido; The lifelemie motiier wes brought tsi the do Tiihelliter tell deasi b>'lier aide, Mien Jet ne lorgîve that in peuce w.' majx 1iv *Tlhe bét f s err unit ma>' ail- A.nd (Chrimtmuas auhiildbritig, like> feaeti Goodwiii ansi tejoichug te al, Vsat tlte Chrisummes Relis Saisi1 à ITMAw Edn. 1 neyer bear Lb, blm on Chriagmos El witheîît thinkirig cf niy 'fiiensi Mlaths Eden, batristér at. law asnd bancher of ti Inner Temphe. That ruitie littie CeLtte résidence just beforé yen corne te t church behengs te him ; but le isla wî soméwhere ons the Continent now, goeq curunot havi. hlm amjong ne this Christ ma$. Ile wes about the cleverest ungler ever canie acres, and ulways expatiats in ghcwing term upon the agrar.ge or mysterienis attractiona Ilcf the art et flii iiig."f Aller hiuving workcd bard ut bism'pro fe.qsion for a périosi cf- twenty-flve o thryycars, and aaaid e ccnriderab fetue, ha retired teoOur village cf FP-cm leigh, bringirig with hlm hm heoumekeepe Betty, a faithinl andi devotesi aid servent rerkabhe chiefiy, to tIcs. whc wer, unacquainted with ber real mérite, ferj ver' fîocked. nome and a -pointed. in upon whirh there -wea more t1ian t. 11gb eprinkling of gray' bair, looking, verj uuelliks stubblc. TIcs. two quiet beingo, foîl 0f ndulg once for one anther. rempectesi ehels mnutuel <ciings, Betty teck care cf bhy mastcr'm choihes, waghbd andi ironed his linen, liept hlm anuilf box wehl fillesi, and wad extremohy partikuler about tbe quailit>' cf lis tobacce ; while she lu ber lurn wes frea Lo attend te -ber clat, feét ber birds, and go to church three times on Sundays. T ie Ceunsellor, us ha lira callesi in the village, was now neuirly riîxty yoate of age, woe a wig, and had ne other aimusements thue cultivaLing a few floweti ansi tcadi9ig Lb."Times" eOr ,morniing at bréaikfast,Y -The' 6slit Lime that ha bad the ld.. cf going ont fiehing, provîdesi with hie ted, g-fT enormous Panama bat, a Bamb basket, and other accossories, it au rall a eïtate stl'eir. Tcw va lr>a fà rtnigbt belote Betty coîsîsiaccuisten, heëriel ,f c the uligbt cf lhcee new objecta,, ansi grum- bledi uchâ t thoirMntii>'appeurance In lhe bll. 41_ But -thossoa eo!jects -b.d opeuied s sew existence Ã0 the olsi l.awyer; tlmbing îecamo a passifon writh hIm, ainch to the diogust cf him beusekeeper, wbe hjiked te ee a wýitb bis lippsra on reading is nevapaper, and, never atltring. out but fe tkt avatk.round bi# gardon beds. The gocd veman, hoqever, scmetimes- did violence.te ber ewn Çgelings, and i ae- Ig hlm, eittfig gaziag nop siAthelieky vith amehînbhely ai,..site wold softly put ouà ber knitSing sud fetcbhlm rnthe Pan iatan sd the Boishnetackle, st 'blch biis wbole face would brlgbten op 'What an excellentidso urBt yrioew, If you b.d ilot proposed lt. 1 âould neyer ha.ve thougbt cf Ih. Y 1l baive a diys tflblung-what in exceli-' t Ides 1 ý !Yet air ; but you'l Oi..a be bek, *t soven dclock, th. ev.nlings are slow go- a i t d Il à f3ass, Yotinger, Da- RESH FISII Il 019 ILI ST V,&.q vias1 o', ndg 'e D ie'rs Do'and O'Keefe 1 ;l 1 'l oùr iii ICO, through-,Wind ind or 1 the wife ; -'and 1111 Ul, r,, bi r glittil know 01 Our want and woe. 1 1 --_i ?ottied PORTER, Guinness's and Blood's, in pints and quarts. îew I .15 - - clarwsIZ ueuuaywoou î aeat. , Anti, lastLY, figure te yborsèlves )rendj; -thehuinming, hooming Sounsi oftIse the wortly Counsellor huxaceif, hançjing e ut myriad insecta frcm corn -fielI, meuslow thle mraw orties nnsi tbè -cresuT 'te' the ndriver, the. soIt, tr- off cooing of the yonng, girl, wb& Caits ber eye ow ul te -tbicic branches bsieof iiebiw teaY made sudh an infinité larà ieny that Lhe chai gentlemen. Sceul- et'Le4Gounueêllor meltei, asait wcre, TIsa honeat - gimelceeper> looeksquite ambi, in thé universul. concert. He yaurnas, prounlt tlese presses of bis little wenah$ 0 . hait opene si bis eyes, -saw a jay flashi ng an i' Dame Foster s u>'. appo lgà ttiy- ' ti. hbrough Lb. Iéaves-then turaafng over on 'Ob, sir, you are toc gosilYou- dÃ"res4 bs -is aide, the Conaelîar, after one prclcng- know how r much aniet>' LIat i tie;'one esi yuvn, cômumencési à véry unrtemenîic gives us. - She is sc quick-tempsrec and trm smore, vhiLlathe iamense orchestra of Na- se obstinaté when shée bas set h bei'hbart ture centinuied around bimt ot trnal mu- upen anythîng. Dear, dear4 as obsutinate a had oic, ands o the summéer day glidesi on. ai a iittle pig; ansi now- Yoý. *are A million cf animaLe thinga basi livesi gcing te spol bar Ivitb se man>' p retty ont their ittie hives of an bout, vlan the yards.' o , C oùnsell er as a aiiene si b >' the. piping T o hi el lM t, E den_ gr uvoy ansveae caof a bird, vIoe note he lad neyer heard esd-- belote in tlat place. 'Dama Aoser, yen pcsess a treauuté He rubbesi h» eyes ands et np. Con - bise Mfa>' merits al the coarnenihtlons 1 leant ceive hi surprise! The abs>eeentioned, -bave' axpressi,'- bird vesoa young girl of about sevanen -AiLIten the delhghteti futher, rising bcan, or éigbtéén peurs cf aga ; Ircsh as.a rose, bis glass, criési ot- ivitI briglit binaepes andi criason lips; ifere's to .tite health andIoln~ raqcl, with, waving chesutut hait andi a cJarming ife of ont kind ansi respactesi Cenuellor.. toit- uitie nose tîat gave a 'piquant expression Ansi thon tIey all fihlesi their glasseffi Le ber ithole face. Her gray' dreas vas Figure te poursell, aise, tIe uncient raisesi en ga»ier over a short ted petticout,' dcock Standing rigidly upright ilit lIa ukes îhowving two neat little feet that were case, ansi, witl a voica bOurse wîth uget ,er, meking tbe greatest~ hast in the venld chaniidg tbee bure, ike soe brovit. down tmc dusLy pull thaL led frous Feto.- frôcked Iriar ; tIe hounsis ptovling-abénî leigh She carried a ÃŽuaiket.basket upo nundar tbe table, srapping- at thé bones, Iglt 1r t, nhich vas juit a liLtIa rési frea ansi LIroni-n their quaint shaden-. on epsrbut round ansi dimplesi et the the foot,. Ansi vitlout, the moléafi ug.elbovsi riî silencp cf the veod, broken ut intervalo M~athewi Eden ?bIt quite toucbed ut this 1v LIe chirping of Lb. graeshepper, ansi no sight. -A rushi et narmbloosi, sucli us the vague înursinuring ,of the river. made lis pulse beat se quickl>' wlen ho What bappinatie, te ]ive hère with 9 e, as tvanty, causasi han absohutel>' ta poung andi pretty companion-suire cof blush as le rose from bis semen-lat un- c ne'a dail>' bréasi, leading a cala, 'tran, dignitiesi pos»ture, and amootlas i s ruffleti quil éxistence-obeying Lb. sîightest vig w-h bis bansis. wyul of the briglut ansi gentié creature 'Good evening, a>' ebuls,' le euid, beside you, a conpanion capriciina unt The peung girl stoppesi, openesi vide imes perhapp, ansi thoughtleas, but ai- >11'd ber large oyes, then recognisca i bi-wle vays smiling ans i lght-heurtçd,- a few . didn't know, gocai olsi Counîsellor Eden for steps froun Lhe river, n-lare itnghîng Ceatis cor, miles round Pernlegl ? 'be carriei onad libitnim-Under the aha- 'AbII a' saisi satling,'h's Gounseilor dow of île cla trees, w1t'e fatlier in law re- Eden.' P oster sports wi th lus dogsansd 1lus gu nf val Theols ma aduncd t met ber, cea. vakes thé éches arouni.' Whist a hep-, mencesi spedkiiug, but onh>' stammeresi a pines I Whut;a lire. fen- unintelligibla nords, jtst like a boy Sncb n-s Matiaets- Edén'e drea. At un bis, teOns, se aucî se indeesi LIat the lùst learing Reven o'clock strikae, ards Sgirl seeaed quit. embatrassesi. At luit feeling the chili cf the night air, ho rose, ha saisi- Lon-youiîg h it. ML on light learted, -'To n-bat part of Férnleigh Wood' are vitI n-bat ardeur, n-be veulsi have. liss- pou geing ut se laté an hou, a>'ser ? si thé littlé diaplcd hand, et 3ia>'. But -o tShe raisesi lier ara, ansi shon-es lin, no i Me must net lepe for that-privilège fat in LIe distance, ut Lhe enad of thé val- pet I A littieIter Fethapis! te le>',tLebosat] gamekeepér' adsge. 15 'Come, coma, ' <gonsi Poster il ho *1 aun retpi.iing coîné taa>' father'i saisi, I Lhi-ik iLs. ime n-e break up. Goosi bouge,' sise saisi:'the keeper's-Willasi uight, ansi thanlis, a Lheusansi tlanlas for Poster, n-boa perbups yotà ukno-, sit?' . ourt hespit;Iiitp.' ' W h t, are o u tli . d a u g te r et b eisen t A t w - at im e sh a l I1 w a e pet, s ir ?Il 've William Pester ? Kitn- liaI1 1 sheulsi ta- asked Dame Poster. un- tler Llink 1 sud, ansi I amprousi Le know 'Ob !' saisi le, glanclng ut Zay, 'sie ai'e 1e limaia; a brave, 11usd- heertesi man. Andi early rimera. l'm netLsce olsi but 1 can geL ga50jou're Lhe little May' hé spolieteué petfe 'lc' - ai abnnhnIudrek bis cage ut tIe 'That's hike me, sir,' criesi the game- a>' Courut>' ASsizea?' r keeper. I aIn-ys rime vith the lark, but ta 'Yaîi, sir-t'vejust relturned fItIown, I fins itiLver>' fatîiii,ail hLe sanie. AI t t- Vts marketL ay, mr-aussil'a geing home.' ve're nt ai pûung as n-e téra, usi; net 6%ie lut a pretty1 bouquet pou lave there as yocrtnxus vo -are.' I of wid strawberrp Iuy u.'c'Balt Il saisi- the 0 ounsellet, huutily, id Shse teok the bouquet Item hef vaiut- 'I've neyer felt any oît tIc iufiîmsitie-i cf id band, andi curlsoved aus ae landes it tLe age ai pot, tnp friandl,. infi -et1 lavé h- lafina,*If pou like it, air, viii pou accept nevci. laIt better inmn i>'hie, or igîmer iL,?' learfesi.' i. Mathew Edien n-asosetenesi, 'Yes,' he Ansisaavhé vent, mouriting thé itair- r îaid, *i1 iilaccept iL nitlt great plensure, case tito stepsaeta ime. Ansi trul>', thé ,le andi f vili uccoalian>' pou home. I shoult olsi Ian-par hardI>' seaeedtLe havL pa'used i- hIk eosepour futier agriin. -I remember bis Lnentieth pear ; but, tlas ibis Liaent>' r lii percectly weli lie smuet be getting olsi pears onli>' l'ated for about a quarter et t, ccv.,' an leur, ansi once sunkl uxuriantly in the 'e 'Fie', about pour age, uir,' saisi9 May, leatiier bcd, wiîi he e cçuiaterpine, pullesi a itînocetitly' 'bctwentiftty ansi sixt>'2 rightop la luis nlie, ansid ulkpoket- a, Titis situple ur.smer recatisedut goosi bandkétrchief lied round hie bond, ho- t; friand tb biisoI4 sad liaevîtlkesion pen- cauglît biasahf anurauring vearil>' ~' sîvél>'.'Sleep, Matlen-, a>' olsi friand, sleep, Olybat vas lie thinkingf Who Shali -pu'te'very tireS, .ansi require a- long say 1? But hîew allen-hlon - oten luas iLtesat.' ir hnppeneai thut a goosi kindbeerted, -ands, Ansi he comprosesi lilatielî * te) meep,- !r Ionel>' mac, n-ho tisendeavouresi ansi n-len epening his ees agîin, ansi Link- i9 thiaks ha liait fulflllesi Lhe dutiés of ti iuîg ofl lae>,liîe n-euhd ciack hifuseli as d hIeé, ids ont inthîe end thaut lie las îîeg- foliova:- e lece esiL greatest or thetlaie l- tise bell 'No, I am net tiresi may lee lsiii r est ansi tIenient leanilful- LIaL of love. yesars, but I aun youing in heart. OuI>' d Ansi lien-sasi it lian-len Lhls tbougît F'n tiresi cf. poriiug sver dril'books, and- 9 cemen Le us tee Iste in 111e. dry haws. insteasiofai lhlowaing thl' nrsxse Belore long LIe Counsehior ansi Ma>' bâti Ian-soI Nature i1 Yes, I, vili lave. ausila i gtined a v.inding in the, falie', n-haro the hovesi.'- ýf pull is cstriesi ever a littIe wooden-bridge, Ansi go ut lai thLe vorthy In-pot fe rwbitb less ta Lhe game-keeper's bouse. intcu îprofondi sleep, ansi neyer vola FTIe> sun- Item afar Wii Poster, vitI bis aguitiunîtil rinae -,clocIcneit -mcrninig. rlarg e latnt, lis clear e>'., lus brenn le was an-akène, ln Iac, b>' thcgame. chiecks, ansi lis gray' lait clusering keeper himsef, whô, rctîsrning Item Il,, - fercunibis temples, seatesi upon the atone morning dutiai eof inspécing tb.he ooi- bencl siceur lis acr - two-fine sette r doge and tracs, tint required cutt.ing ansi felI- streLchesi ut lis tcet-ansiLIe laîl vine bc. ing, tIc note in tine river, andi-the susareo lindS hlm IaL reacbedti L the suamit of in ths covertm, felt uncas>' ut net saeing the gebIocnt!s. - imandestering hlb, ooitished limi SNîglît wn-slI>'I créeping on Irea the geesi day as hie openesi thé iattice.yinsiew, héights iepansi, ai-tair-sinking 5an ansilet in LIe norning ait. Then séeing upreissi hie purpre fringas everthe tirpeecs, h uhg ntelete n h cf P.ernloigh Wood. b, Ie su-ÉnLigl iniLs evns us h OSHAWA. L Mr . 1 -0'.0-