5ryg v tr cutiIonal Cofl rnoybcnyese- Wlry sanction, iterrepelingor . t N gotaig hsaid At.. - I1 Si Wd) %. PR OWLAK'D U N ~ye4 ;Mr. Blak, aeconed by Mr dlbà enhumb~le addresa bo, <reent.d ,tTatch k, Prether have received a f~rsh iup'plyfon1 tobliEzt».llency lthe Lieutenant Gror tbO~ O e leebrated slîîgle and doublej>ar',oueYshet <iun . Eà oladidrereec ,sg.tiok that Ibis flouse lias receivçd eli e given insidu the Cor-porioý , tee in e U eti t ng reet.es. bTrec.llencey'â gricious repi ttb-d 1o nlMîHgkuc~rdPw e 'laylcs.8o thep&wder, &o.; cfths Ioao ao o Frid AlleH i1,g <ii, Houa. wu invited by hiCepra. L I H , L I H 141endy'a IMititers te. consider the heà er LI atch'a than eiLher Pw.essrs. Walkey<, or O'Donovan 's. p4ùiotà lb spe ech of bis Ercellecicy. del'*- Little tolkiseftll and see, from 30c. upwvards. im At the. openin; aoflbthession sud ta proe.d with tbe wrk ofthr~i Assembîy, b$otsgà ndfrg ltsat$onofthe conti- E G I H P A ED-G 0 J attur ire usiepresethug ddciered to H.L&B -have reCeiVed irat ,quality Silver plated, te& and, tablie 4 ti fartwsan .s coisipetenl i gpoons.. dinner and desser-tt6rka, &o. Péhons requiicugthe genuine,,article, Ii presont state ta deal withail questions Wili please note the faut$ Oz:Al1, articles warrant<(ii as rep1aente4. nlb ight b. brngbt beforeil ý,Th-itthe. discussion af tbe peurosec ilm. -OUNTRY MERCHAN'S lie anrel Ibis Excellency's ruciaus qee.ebJnvlvd the questions of tî1e sp - Can be supplicd with Ceai u eldRwo,4~cjees pMa rconrnderation ai tbre p olicy aoi Stock'. oU, &o &o. - iBie a iýMcieol biistr,' and uhey themselves iluthé equto the debate cballengtd an exrs R GG S S A I lb. f h feeling of tihe bouge tawards T0 rUG IT A I A1NJjEjýKçy tbem, Élit Ministers lhave beon defeated r Un inlstestynbres se IF @Ach of the four divisions wîich bave Turnenolie n t Osi 0,freîni one to tenbres lo l~nnace, and have nover hadl contrai E .311si 18s nd genuine leads, in 25 and tWOjfb legs. Parties requiring piti Itu.. tb~t (o >lnitrs paiicy on stock8 Wi[ icasecalinsIo uotatidns wiileI iven far I'ound lots. thé wod-t iusportai4t queshion bi-ias benatn ViîIppned sand csnvicted by s décisive Armfstrorig's Stoves and stevepopes, atntDurb Stôve. ; (j iot O ci çhl fle whoic bau declared -ils ait thu uated Chcap 1 [anse aif Vra of conttdence In ÀVMinistero ihaugt theHATH & RO H . Povincial Treasurer ha,,lit cansequeuco 'Wiîby,.Decembor 13, 1871.RORER etthe hogtile attitude ai the Hou,..,871- iltned bfis ornie..l1le Cunuinusuce ct the tmainlng Mini4ters, là undi~r existing N WA V R IE E~ S JWA V R IE E I iraînc t variance wglh tie cot-__N______________________________ tItutioo, thaî the sulipliéý voled by cial.r'~clE tC ' tous: wili 1uplse oit li31R da<joretD'o e- 01 W A-N T YD. :mtbr magt. This Iou Woul ti want 'ele îliarfrteaCri e its Pdut>' if il sihould not before'îtl anted, nlec rliito. , g aîta jth . 'lfiente, for U secîiolo LORAib Wi meas ascloe ude lia ircunisîann. A&ILr TO- F> 82 (alst Yer,- ike provisiion for lhe ex. FORC.I1872. rend, ture under MiniatuespOQsessilrg ilsL.CIl& , orlace th , ,ennie"ncesar' a aTrotes. T!ToRnrdTo. Monies necesary tW Ob[iUa, Il. 0 Tie flrsgt Ediion ci w f nIrdVet OaliWa,1'. .amd copies jc,,t publiehod.- Jt!Ale Iegçutly oLe LII publie service unlili the final Decen-ber loth. 1871. 51 Priùtedoufetltdper itwcor, te for, hpe eriuilgyeelr cliu be %,l.0, IGtieapprgntwcors J.WbasîUuis Houie grets ig, th4tîthe u rl a cd iîahîtrated "Il OOF r uîe fIuudred Engrvuog cfFlowers Faîîd' Veetah)lpx, aula imainig Ministers shoujjd Ilitvaadvi,,ed A.ti. . ALEtruollctile (aaI1cla,dl)llt btde ilii i ks iliency ta contiuîîe Otheto i nffcie, ) F sordcti v e a fiu lla cIudiicîora .1 b gatftllype;Re t obir B LA CK S'31 1 T Il S flOP ottlinigg nis ,i e represeu tation conts4ned lliai,41 lad.th0 sas." ~~ENGN Be lLEU, TOOLS,' ~ Crsne rserfrnyceoes NGINLbïtatlardeti tir un), wila uppIl,'hv mail, for AttY- ten. MInfOnaid again rcforred la Toit Ceitis, ongý iydoe-qtllrtrîe tle eo;t. s exceptioal positionno i Ile- Mîntisîry, Tkerô will 1l0e soit! by Puilc Anlon 01 io. Addrena JSF IK Ilouse not bing s ful one. IL would <precils;es, aet Acluuri, by Levi F:îrb.ta c, JAMItO C , E absurd t0 resign until -thé elections Jr-, E q., Auctionucri nDcmIe Oh1871. 51Y lwpsnding wueocnelded,, as bc f'RIDAY, 22ad DECEJIBERZ, 1871., sluh tit 4ute probable' .thnt if h T1O'LOI u liNot 5MwlOLIDAV 8tr -the c&T 10 iuVSu1, mcd It oBraiNi, uollAc'u isr'resîgned, and the opposition Thoite-nll hpaipnmsKi ing R E S A' :se4 power, sa isoaîî ae tbhcue lections laîtly owicd 'iî,,sWlesc! o re c n c i d e d , i i . > ' ( t i g e O p o s i t i o n ) 2 , il c ii W it y , u u a l o e e c lé d i a me s T o 111have ta resigu, sud lie (Atty..Ge> *alicer Ttîa eiigiieaiid boiltur, plows, t orse, liid have la form s& Ministry saiîbiargy. fîerce.u, blackstitnil's toulei, Iront coud, wolli Male ýtht fven ths il uî,"'d other article,% la sud about the. saine woiid ov tht henthi Iou anp. Terisoinal înkcuiut ligneofailsle. 'Rare gnd elégnt lartilisafor HOLIDAY ýourns it stands sdJaurned util Ottb ninacinîe peelim1oli ivtin. For furtiier eteresNwSoecte i., 1872. ~,rîeelliart %pply wi .Bon s.14FSou erel e tro h fess onCunhberland, i[.T. ç WhItby, or l rw, steone fBo~O<&DNA idepsld, Sextonl, auîu ethrsa foliaweuiU OHZAN, Cre fBRJK&DNÀ IMr. Richards adriiitted the embtarr- B* H COitsAer, &-. Srects. IDg pesiLion af the Govcrumnent, but IVliltby, Ditee'ciber gotil, 1871. 5 JAMES H. GEEHiIE, i3ti itspnoIîcy. Wiiitby, Dec. 18tlh,<1871. 8ie.GO ir arewe 1 reteirred ta the terru idcatI lpiecgi","whie ia had beon..made us u T Mr y y iu.speolier, sd on.n ~ I ~ ~ { ibers ke ichtilexpression bâtd been h~ t le uise ai with Ispeciareicrence ta ue 2Anh, im. r- W hie couid nualsou -that i f REClIOO LEARîy e toi. an ho. .Membher ta piedgo birn> lo support it. Mr. Fsrewrelt weuî oun <te C-POII'CY ai the Governument respect ta the recognition. Of te T G Ut 1tution aitlilamilton ; nd argued chat GMB6 <NTEWRD institution had beeo - claaed sud 151ST[Y W L. ber site seiected lu arder ta gain- a -ySIY ) )Orter for Ile Governnent, fie meFA IDEMSlN n ROIuu ed the condut fairte. Reformer, aOfCN 0 hOlilual' in lu ectnuas cucndidat-e New YOrk"Orne,27 BEEMUÂJ BT 4 beund imacî to to ta e.levery s- __________ ._____________ alOccasiôii taopposie tb. Gaveril- 11) O)ppiitn tar a candidate wilo LUBE___________________ riook ho support th. Gavýerinent. rF A IRM -ri nE k;A L E O 0T I C E. olughl that if thi Gafverunmçnt had - . * heOn detestéd od thoir riiway paiÃŽCY The Iloinestead cf thé lâte Jolhn ClBail#! Llu[F b>' gir. notice tea iîl Parties ooneernea wolld'heve deserved ta b.ýditestod Es cire, ut Virgil, tlirea nes frein the Town4 Ihat 01 lotes of bnlxiaven to fie b>' pur- t devoîlng luore attention totahie c e«rcoo,înfa»ig luis 118 and 19in?, lu ltere et inîce tt ii lste, fhave heeu de- ilio ot nîîngroîo.,tii otti1 f ~uu Cuî a'11,lu pited lîttio 1e 'flrio B flgiîk.yorLii Whcre thîe> Dow Pâ1t u on opoed b. alwmy200:r Oies ru reclaiti 4cli ý'r collectioni. of tlhe Gelvernutieut for tireolest four ilh' ou il Cek,( srît cc'k COLLINS, - J Anld opposecl itittili, uatwilhstsudiug wiluihrocs titruiigla bot h la, Th~e olifLoN. ,tuo.PJkccg h lie ccnâ*tiîuec oudrcie xelt, wel stdttpýrted ta "Il kindselcigrainu Jýeemberl . 1871. lit t eî. ltoteos.;tesar uldns nItti ,8 iNat fn.fe cutdd h t î. 1; wiîl e oid tu selutarute lots or togüt!îer. il W15 Stepigl ng ici power vo r hiiither harticctiiaypy ta PNter C.i -0 i f the i b people. orhlSie. John Ct. Bail# et tue .residence aitlMs.,- MENOCO 5yTHE MoiT aSdtidconî ai the 'hon. Att'. (len. Peter Il. itlu, Tiior.lti.. TEN HmIIN ah ~ ~ r aotefosado divilifon Tor tic )e. 15, 1871.j i. _ TESILT45YLtRe. mbersl appeared ho b.uyeas 20, nays, ' osT JtecOtausdWiih, .--CTEDO.S O ............. Zi6 wilti hi beld oa WEDINE$DAT, tulî a L44 . o8jNUA ,À D.Iî7S.i h hov0o'efek , I .... ..... ..co 0 le. 10W.P' TM Y ..Ibo. (o 200. mUr d o Ilnoorpenatljug the aid eicimc r lb>' h ie »* vê#d inth e ke r~ ~ ~7" ~J5 a f - nés ~~aa1A, 4D4 W . ALA W otheb r w r~ ivise ô q .Ide - . Mi ,4é ur5o$ ý,srpct*f c *'b tbeD . i,181 51 ,--01 , , 1 Ilj Milliuiery and Mantlsp, j Flannels, J Blankets, ,In order to rnake#i our ILEADY-MÂDE CLOT1H jff be offered. FRESR_ CONSISTING L [ha y " ,veds,'B C av( Coatings, Wiitney s SergesF Drawers, Cardig-an Jackets, Empey's -Cloths, Me, Shawlg; Fancry Opera Oloakil- Cap-es, Cloudà Fringe r*FaDcyý Cloakings, LE tiemen's Furs. alsc Millinery C'00 Seasoi _2> 31i1inery, Dressrna DON E rO1 zaý TIw «Grocer, well îtocked with chioice new Tee Figs, Spices, anud Fruits for Chri! Smoking Tbacco. Good -4LUES e à îtby, December 6, 1871. NbýEW AND CHOICi luIAS ANDÀv5- N, -r1 in the ino : "xq u 2t Pur s, ~horogb claralnce 'of [INGSTOIC,...great bargains - .- ... '.auu uume mi aiket price wii b paf& lisckt g f uinm - " ai -m ifete& -. i *. .~~~ , i i ~~ ' o h i, reb eet - le î er e éc e l a -t c i ~ . 'JL.OVNI fcChier magstrate, an fa thece i priatctzen1-nij bt at ft$nta Deceteber 6,18ri.OLD No. 1.sahaays ee directed, and in endcoeriag ta promctethâif shall i t lecte&i'k 1ow eto - Mat) Or Part>' luethé coaseiefk' icag - IRI8T,11 AS PILE8ETi~~?j.fIrel CIP J SWiby ir: E Ng that lie. eleegUhnildd-lartoad .4Dthe txeaimay ,nedti a I have a larg AND ~ persoa interent in desiica tof P ro7 h T h ç lhe co rporati o f nd , a d t a ie the largeot Thq Sbscrpossible mcai' o 'm vlue obtineced for-tihe o>t lI î r ~ ffe mra asto ck n su rp ased in th e ut. > nmhi h e fe ni o ey exp cded. In a c tng 1'th f Ii ,th u I ~ r~y ~ Contyand wichh.fes>cofident,. repect 1 serve mn iuitetests best in weht wiIl be feund. ta compote 'faverabiy,, bath'in 'qneuîty and prie, svyour»s sud your ictere;t,i canitdegle with$ity sores. iiiijurinag nmself, Iu Iis concection 1 with City stors. hoald exercime e.>' p WIVige ta itjefutileat FOR £HRIRSTN A NDimpopitc frh? rove3tseoxpenuled A ND NEW YEARS FRESENTS aex týeledefriuvcsta uie iemcie' [le w ould cali attention te bis Gold and Silver Waeh s, Ge d, intefn nce W Pso f ur it~ c ism . Siivert and Plated Choies,. Colored and bright GoId "Soe, i glish ,and lu eaeclusion, 1, Wuil 01I1Y bniefi>' aed t11s4 if /~ ~~~"< American plated s-tts, Gemà Rings and Bracelets, Gent's Pis1oces ebum> ie n ea dersat o0- 55îII~.Stnds,&o &.Eletro P oted Cake and Card Baskes Oe taes po c tcilea5 i ets 5, .,ru i rae&cSp on. t o.ffice; tiatI saali uwmys hor secme3d 'A ýERO 0iýs ~~~Napkin -nadgs, Tea and Cafte. pots, .Vasesanud writfug deska, Work boxesp, t te tneos fitujlemoite b' o ucd udva cee Ladies' Canpanions, tPortmonnaies, and tancy a.tticîes in great varety, pratcctta thé beat cf ci>' biiý e(alest 'NPR Fsuitable folr the Holiday seas9n. cf the Tcwie of- Whitiy. P A R T O~ W eddi g R4ug , S pectacles, C Jeo iks, & 0,,,& C Tour c e iiu, at f tse v n t -Anearly cali solicited. J. ur o (' u u ervantOD Mrs eitons,1 Fancy JAMES J019NST ON, wiliby, Der. loth, 171. 5 anels Shirtig, Shirts&o. Riohard sons Block, Brook St., Whiîby. IN CI .N I ~ Fac rpes c,&. Whi tby, Nov. 29tb), 1871. 8BUN vsBRX. S'it~ ~ îs - -IT puruecce of a Deeree of the Court of r 1 1-1 e g s t i - ci o atiiery, m a de.n t luh e a a u se,, w itli.t ie , Chest Protectors, .ÀT CLEARING SALE Miero hi outw libu Toldy1 iblýf S, Fancy T fim miuîgs, ' at I l oit l clok ithue forecucu, o- adies' and Gen- A .'Tuesay, the 9llh day of January, l182. some ehoice ly ILevi Fm!nlumenkm, Jr., Auetianeer, the C-oith ,ds for the 1 11c M L L ÀAN & <Jo ., itf f t n ati h cf fLot NlIa.0-71 in tle I . e x c e t e r c i t , t h e S o t ht i W e s t t e e) n r c o f 0 p le iul cciouth îf, 'ýcoaluig by sdmmsne..Ue muemî,l, ort>' acres, hblte .anme niai or les,- tburt> 'of whiiei re cicareti sud feuiceul. sud -B- zuffalo, Robes, Railwây Rugs, Ulion lhe propert- tiere tie a fitem dwel- White and Gmrey Canadiaix I3lankets, itJg home,ë aboutî 20 focl b>' 80 feel; sa, a Ranse blankets, Cal-pets and Feut. - Ittetrdnnd camu ei, uu 'e f O veroats, C oth'ilig, & o., Ca n dian The a ut o lnd, wor e of a i a>' - Ikcig fl 'ai1ér l' bnci, eautiste li n fine, Agricnluur.1 district, ~ udn1aiorngTweeds aud Flanuels. Cottori Yarn, distantfroni tlie villéage of Jrookliti, eboDut and Bago, Fuir (I.aps, in S. S. S@al, mile, aind frein lhe Touut Wluitb>', about OR11DE R[. -flair scmi, Puked Ottcr, Plcked 7T1«,oprieefatp>'dvet hein i J3euceu',Ermin, Mik, &, * sluata te enud,rnhie lliitor, lethe W e a l e r p e c i i i n u i c e n e e t ~ p r o p o r t io n f $ 1 0 , f o r e v e r > ' $ '0 o f t h e We ffe sp cia in uce ent inpirchnse niaite>', ndtd hue balunce lin eue- the aboya fines. rnoutth1ceraêwtjout icter et, touil cri The pcrèbeessh lo t bic culitiedti o pog- T. HR. MCIMILLAN &Ca.posadasici tliiilte lit daocf jNoemben, 1872, 011laisBlock, Brook St. * ertuove bis lâant iv otieltctye 1t I. e p a rtoie n t c l'a' f Decmbr, luct 1efe. ->. -i t i ln ali céther respectslte conditionsa of 61è are l the nicg colthtionsofa leoti Court. - cfau etbi s , C o ff e e s , C u r r a n ts , R a is i n s , i - V.Pi uje ,n d i. u u e s g i e ait r (Cordon iitor .a ut tlaer Keiti i s t l f l l , F i n e I B r ig l t N a v y T /t il lar7 " T , I y ' r ' i .ëw o d E i -, dt t e c a : s g c l M a t r e 1Tea for 50 eûits. luisCoc-tai Vlutby Veîîdar's Solieltur, lmaster PO IVELL O i1S N O0w S LLIN G bb>,e.îusy ,Sugsr, --uc.yeri - Vinï,C OC» The highest prie paid for Poultry, Rc Doni't forget the place or naine, - WANTEi5 IMMEDIATELY .A 11600 Goôd]Dres8ed-Hogs, 500 Ti MUNIE STORE Th nJ.!isfl M isiým ree uZiJJl Ç'U t B lan kets, DessC ods, PREOECDENTEtD,ý GOOI)sFOR YIURPH y t 1ýnew store Ã"ou TE ds. sulitable for the season c, bc oftehest qualityr a ýBy al ianneis, &Cll n, U &c. c, AT UN Wtu'tbjy,Nv.2'2, 1871. 47~ il' oitt's Photograph daiery 'r.ef y service OSE[ÂWA, May 3rdy 1871. en PO«"" ý