Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jan 1872, p. 4

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I l- ing -t ti ëolete. Ladies underelothing. [,éiie complete. New fruit, and New Year's, JAMES t3ý-- MURPHY. -. 40 #va xxw lATKNT GÀAIE on UOO M .EJOSEPH HALL PntOPRITO * ANUFACTURE IlatO#ï a1TEi8 LefTeI Patent »O.ýé<'Turblne; .Water'.Whoé.L, aliis the gatinini di a~IuOîada *Ill bissou b> tlise eloviug ouIlJ e.0 IW .luepiefAste iii nfernltîg tiksepblilo of - *Caad, t~a w hvemokiutan tfi r»Mised Mr. 'FoerentDriiwint, G aî,res, and iAler4 e' esse>'futrnauîon, I li ad aur blbiA Dobe urtigne MWarer Wfiaeiý li' - -"hy' Jatmes Leif). îund k tiewn mt1W Lé-' hiIRW Cep? We ht've Aloiteliguted oenraulVes MPfrish thi ie fe-i'iifur nim;iti taetifîlt te ne aL lier parties lu Canadt. W ithoutthlna naîotwIai cintolémr. (is.L~x uaecau * .noeopfu ilîulid aoit!Wlieoim, eut Wjýdv@ee priin Oulittiiîla Le pirîiiiamea ir Wlïels pi- dao oho i~îuîneo.E.GLaNIe. JA>iition îar u siitîui, a t losure tlîai4îswii figol, We Llerofeont ca»,Peritu, thfe. libn1e of Cjiriiiiawir?'t o1tùe ifie u! isl t ltîg acre-linwili iin-îufteur, à, Wis lù &ai lsspotaeqîtl tEaur Vii nie preparesi te) furtisitaWater W ieoiL Quart', lufs, Viffo,il i-.d-tnlI Miteiluîît a csssstry te uttiscliî tIbpytlicotu 1<, ift nbm * they lirn Iitanoîdd to:yIlvO iîJl,nîater, 1*v îtiltiît trial, tiSeY'ars, tint la:tisautorv, , WWll taire al hibrik, paisýruliçisc hou waysandufa. fond llyIPII,>' Jttyt lîts mote lis tiereonr W Il rauptsrtieli are tlot itiafirsi Witi, jif W1.mel Anîscti îuî, note nalia lige nt the time wltilotit lois to euittaseKs,. tiley tltay rail 'tit whutiîl uîîd îniinery aeil oêatsbie ltte wiîim ett iîorst exoeedstg cite year, ln orier tiî.t the), inay ttîiko ILaechange witisout Ijq!ry tesî rc RTtî,:.te uines et ofpsrtià i- e are nw uti4iîg r',,» oaa toten acis atMI Our Wi iituuwo lîite i iurta wlîvio wikste * purcits u correspond lwltit litiss., Thomîans Arkelii ...............rsi <tir & Aîîderatt ...... -Uoriaa.- e ntiwuîam & l'rîtife......... ..Atnîîg, Mliin lif au,.............. .tlawa. A. lili, k& Cu.......... ... V aIIyli, A.iarlenuu..............iî uia 1 IckItUtbs.... ............tto luili ilieiî* ...........îsaî A. J. Dutil..........orwod. %Vin. itîonnîlchl .+.itdiniîttà- J. bl. lirus. .........î.î, tIt .tt J#)Citî'îieJrr......... 1. Carvtili.................. * C. W. tard ...... ....t...... Jamnes A. 014 .... *......N..fipatîee, & 4k . cObusîîîîre.......... ..iepier, A.Ciîîlt î.................lî<tn msauti U>t..................... îrrîow, ....t........ Uxbrlsfi Dî,ootd 4UlI$sîîtod..........liuyle' atnuaiijvso...........JI . ri reuîy.............. uîin.Vev * M. Utsj .............. ...... ane * Jamnes àsiJnî1 .......... ........ i. titis,. 11<cltolis Kîrasit........*...... .,tenhàm, Butas S *»s.. .............yWqflo.7 Ro er ilorsrd g la ...... . . Furacis llî)oîî...... .., ,....... riaeîer Faî,(lelu,...... ........îiie ..........-..... 0w logeIlk utr . rîio..........(tafîin« <Jsdoi, icli<,t éCo .......... %iik Witer (<ulîrie..... %V11191011: Wm. lMille.r. ................îtsen liliiiiardk Uoi............. .Ilarkeib.un, U. 1D. U11. 1.............. .. Qcirc. aît. lyw................loitrenl,,i Jotbttlie âelwcli ........ ighland Crues Kaaîbk& ilort.n ............. fe»lvle .lt.iitrpi... ....;. rakhti Irwin & lJîsyd.'.................. e lor ope Jiîitn Iltgi,..0 ................Geph. Jf, F. Jues k Co. i.............îîsiiellte, A.L otuai,................... :erbrooke Jamnes.igiî...... ,............ Urojs Celxinll ... ... Nwcasîle, J,5.Latinat....... ....Craigurst, a .i.ssîa.......................OC - UIl M IIuro. 0..............uiîigom . . arçiirît ...... Newmuorisc, JonIULoUÃœPII ... .. . .Atinsii .Willia, m iny................. fils May Subt Mecro..................fe Mroweii k - 4*otiq ........i.. 00oireiii 8iosl httriier. ............. .iitti Nri'ieîert.... .......~ Jouîgtvw & Ca ...........s ti.sle joVii.n K1à.::. ...... vInd Wns. t',ittir.. ,ttowotarP5 ichsaru i Pi 0,;......... ud Futeit histserîctuuîngw. .4 broe % Jantes L. taumier........îlté ~e Putnbarteîî kO .. .... ....iec C., hnparaint....ilu hoaeQuilesS ......... ,Fierta, A, V . ito...anivage ...k...t.enacjk u.... lmtine - .............i -...' Th f' a". W. ib.. n ....... hwu peouci, llfn g. ... wtsw i. IL es $ sit ...........Di ts rik Thistauh inMiliqeusn N r od il 1 l iii..... ......t F *itomna Sepiina.. 0.........t... peDoun h Da.r..._........... miidy aits. Chore s cy..........nrai Joint sniiîls .......... ......ri îlpaer.........la.......... anitha' pilla ilR Brupn ...............Albesw rta RoiIlsaiii..................,lrokirg, Ohupe........... ...spe, Tomas> Tbinaui t.....*.otit AlLea, . %Vm. uer.. ............. rdgen ...i.....wn .............lo Mînîtreili' T bisin B.. ....-o.... Cobourg;il John Wriodbury ....à.... .erl W.11.in Virie....... ... .. ...... îiviie.e M*..eiConigrhi,... ......... d inCentre W£ ALRQ MAXUPACTUtit ï PORTA3LE anti 'VT1oNERy SemEflgiuos sird4 oi1ers I1 Mev s Uw.i I li' li 1- e, AmsIPAILUaîîp. - Çiz» -utien OusOcila lot al andi Molay Saw bup~adatsntis Cîrir l, aw Moisi. six! î. gr..,1 li ~ ansih Hea in Mies adSi SVuri<iug Malcner cf al i<ina hne 'Upltstng àlachiateaaudKIr,.G rInder&'> tynder Proses. Su.,inena ovamnoréýý- Pullea, tsUg ana~st15oef4iuBox.s lie lpest qi ity. GBEAT CLEARING SALE & Buffalo Robes, Railway lThgs, white and Grey Çanadian I3lankets, Horse blankete,4 Carpets and Feit. Overcoats, Clothiuîg,&c., C'nadian Trweeds aud Flannels.0Cotton Varn and B3aga, Par C('pý, in S. S. Seal, Iliair seal, 1-luclced Otter, Plucked -13eavler,.Erinine Mink, &c, *We oler spooiat inducements in t1bc abovo Iinoe. -T. IL. McMiLA Ce,. Memiilian'a 13100~k, Brock St. Hoitt's -Photograph,,Oallery. I OSIIAWA, May Srd, 1871. ,,Zhe queestion nlrturally arising among- tbose wanting Plotc grpho, la wheru sisal! ne -io to Cet tbe trtîest LikoeuM, and the finest fiisished work 'lie beatjedges of pietures wou1d ay> go to o- k? GO" I X> ami"9E" Biail inni..ma lie is far il advanof et ai tiiers in -the Count>ý. s a Photo- * grapher alini I'rtrii,*t Pointer. Ilismîîtîral qutuiufeatlori for, nus! lon exptirienee In thîe blnatsîeui Waîrrants tha nîsortien L'ut lue Is the bestl Iittis iîtion of tise eoniry ; utat lotL li a, lfr xeveral yesr4 <naiiuttttrr'iig nppnîsitieîî) tiken tIis ilrst prize dmllltitogriuplts sîsl Pdiitriigs ut 1h.e Cnty and Tewnîsipip irs. ,lie lias the bemt; f î,rijtiid Oullru- ; lie lau-es 114hue heitilcs lin tassi ipliusre in ptitig out well-otiied verk ; tuIsiAitever ansacis W au it l uitCUtotis, lie la dutertîtiîied ltoeluacp alieîi, andit nOi n i ury brs'iîoflilaIisblnossu; lie hî,a lately a- àpellt oviuu of's otoof tlitenot ailîle isisitaîtta lruîm t1ite it> ; liea lt L l hut of every. thlîjt crc wer itio ; blin»Iitte lirgesit pud t tiuit urLi'ist o citare ranisiglut tise Coutît>'. lijet vit>' iliulîdailiiluxera of art, whe deouce teLit îuhork, go <1e IIVI' 8 PHOTOGRAPII GALLERY 1 leave tlieir orders, which willin future be, as pron1ptly 'at- ed to as at any cther Gallery. or Qali and examine speciment of Photographg ,tirPaintingeby IJOITT, TuEE ARn'xO'. TEROYAL * O£ Théiuoi'nterlber taira, ocuA ion :t Ir frktts de Ù1tleýiblie, Llalic liasOe liutel aidr ite alcvedeslgnatlcn 4psyal qir ut Hae'inrs cosir Trisvallers J/id gueeistt anlwasu ý su t t L.î lV iti er . P are L qu r * - - ego. CAMI %y ltby, N9s 14, 1671. ÏL0.- -~ c ~ '-1- lL Cli LRD ASl roxrn Kbîta i' Ltow BAkri Uii LUmp,, 6PT C WOUD9 lnfarin bis >posetti(tt s, -whuo 's be 04up. itaitîoint IRON, - 46 Mflhner & FnoyGools.. biave 'tlion-»Ile preeisqea Jutei>' areapied b>' M». KeLLE, Brook Steet, <Itear LIme ROYAl Bote1,> visr. Lite>. iow * carrm on 'thée Mllllnuny a.ld lu »11Il s brmai r LATBT:TXLEsÂAN soiq». - - Jevuir>' ef alil muta;Br"Oelei%'Bromoéisu )ings14peelSs, Uent'is sean pins, shirt 81sd, &e., A Faîte>' weeolo, Chiugutna, sWias, (nw styles), I£evera» eeanbs5* ruali- AI'AOhtsfor Bosuanti irls, -DR wx$ Mals. KilO W.NkMlIAUS 'HENRY WARRE. .D Gg N F ONR. - apecflor. li inMd 0f the -MoryIoptl ia PoDC.OBÀsIaso a 8u5,IEB CVu ir us T0 YARiMERiS AND O IBRS. VTlîe Thornugt. bred Il ERKit 0i1R P, 1lO RJr, by Mnr. Joli» bliller, yl lie prenioeoicf titi o Mbir, Lxit Nu. 28. Broktn Tiisi'rlionrbasa *rmk.eîsgsapedigree ;, in fi) ergmIn huiprted o4 ste ,1Alitniather andl Lir ala*tera oka ia piely,'l. land, for a peot oe Pigi, Ili is170 in ,ni thon teck frsît prizent tige J'ro VIneiai, s' u ; Lheir bru. tuer and Ove#"f ile1 ,iioo ,te$a00 aprîze nt Chien 0, tIti ,411ll; 1.01nok1:2t: trcghtem, iltd àm4Fcweilaîrîeinis; iintin es ig, I nther Wes solsi for $800 t IObae 1 naliti i te ogi.tileniiaLîthlo-d iber , lier alater and Mix f ir orpiga nere iid 1er $do00, tu go ttes United States, TEiISE.- $2 00, payable aI. the ime of sur. *i JACOe H. TOOL, Picktering, Noveinlaer 15, 1871.-6 in. o. o. t, r, ~ ,!9 >.Z~<1)iltiRtJ~OcLAai....W.a e .a. p EITH. îSTL et R A I.flr s Ira. O hiokernng a S in nay' non .Bràdbdry. Dunhame $TATrIONERIY 0F «ALL «K1NDS!I * SCHOOL -BOOKS, &c,&ce. RIOOMpaper lof the very -Iates't'.p)atterns,- receive& direct fîm ticEnglish .manufacturers.-at pricels cf from 5cents te 1$.50 perýr&LI I'ncluding best GoId' and SilverW'hs Gold and-plated chlins, Rings, BraceletS. Gent's studs, vings and pins,. életroplated ware, vascs, writing desks,. work'boes PortmonIùiés; -and fancy -articles lu great v-ariety,: suitabie for thé lloliday season. Whitby, Nov 4, 1871. 48 LE~WIS ALLIN.,. WInter NEW ARRIVALS. -- h Re &SMO'T9-'8,A A A. SMI TH, [Are in reocipt et further arrivaiseof Winter goods, and beg te announce that theîr stock la now. coenpleto 'in every department. Dresu (oods iut great variuty. Clain Tartan, Plain and Tartan, Winceys, Englisb* Scotch nuitGanndian Tws'reis. TUE MILLINERY DEPARTM'E&T. will be founda repicte, witl ail the Inteut sttractionun styles of Buts, Ritîbons, Flairera, IMandes, Dresa trim mingW, &c, Sett>t ot'splondlid 1Fers - very cheape The Tuilor-ing 1)epartmctnt, as litierto, nndnir thut akillftiii Superintendance of a first-elastg cuite. Best ansi most fashionabie auits ini the Dominion muade to, or der.' -FRESHQROOe RYE. & NEW FRU r IW' BÃ"OOS &SIOES- stylishi>. made sund of the best quality, at ver>. Ion Prices. GOOD, 2Hd R. A.SMITH. A NM 1 ' -'yLO C &1 7 I1AI~iCLOTIIING 81 MLA' LC. 17 ALEXANDER PIiNG:L.El)- Ti-ic un( rîgî d esiirfs to isifoirrn bis ~ ~ numerous custoi, ors that with the roomy facilitios3 afforde4 hiro Fias remo'ved from lis old promnises to NMcI.ilIaji Block; Brock in the îîew promtrises into wyhich ho lias removod, he is enabled 'Street, and bcig's to inforin his nitmero)us patrons and to keep on band a large stock of cloths of every kind, well the public generally; tlât his, stock em- - selected by himself -and of tho best qiIality. bracos every. requisito i 1- .Geiitlemvn'sý Garrnienté made -to, order, (m~ten n ~ I~riIi~ GOO()dS, and pefec fitguaated.A. general assortment of best seiected Clotis. Al Cloths-niadeý ýGentIvmen's; rFuirnsIiingi gonds, including t order. No Slopwork.. NO FIT OPY VAn e uay etsn ~5,Spetaces *,Watcbmalcer, &-Jeweller. ttiohardsouus Block, Brook St., Wlih B-0.Tby Nov. 29th,8Ho8EsII BTh agS AD IIeS! * 12 IN THE 'CO0U N T'Y. JoAu n adinrs. flas jusi received a Iargfi st-uck ,of perfe fitting and elegan t Boots and' Shoos, for LadesMisses, Gent mon, boys and Chiflren. TVhe largest assortment c iework town or county. -- Many new stylesi foît Ladies, never introdus before. Orders: promptly filiod and repairs Éecutedau herel forea Pbease eall and extimine. Wbitby, September 18, 1871. JOH-N SAUNDERS., LEAT-HE-R LU!NES U oe~ Utth e Publie i Would gay, If Lhey voild look and see, Por boots and shoes their munuy pa>., If. y ell stockct store la; on Brock atreet- My leatiier poiiuhed], fne and good, Atterydînce, cierteoiis, kinri, My prices loir boside, -- Yo ,'ii in t m y go d . ideed a re st A t once nul asuit a dashing groom , No butter cisc you find. Or n sweet blushing bridt. To Fermera, uandtotalarge andsi maîl, iIf bey'll taku a fe u trn,t Around -the Loi,, ansi on me cal Tbey'l beyItrons- 0f Bootu 1 kuep a heavy stock ; Andi ladies whun you cifo',ae WILLIAM Aprill9, 1671. 13ot& oeStreUrockstr, Wit k in ced ffET. kliîrts, Ties, Jiracesi, n0west styles of Coilars, &c., JOHN PERGUSON, Dnndas St. Whitby. <1'rernises lately oecupitd by Mr-Gerrio, as a Drug Store.) Whtb,.ý-ový 9,181. tb4 Whitby, ~Nov. 29, 1871.. :f.48 CAIIIÂGS &UtATER M.foI~~VN CA~[pE ~BUkE 'laète-st style and best, Spedidly -Finished Outterée 0Fr 10, BY ,UPER 0B WO K M.ÂiNS HIP. tIGIE &SLEIGHS.l REPAIRS A U$AL PVBITB l~ov 22nd, 1870. ,;A.WARDED FI-RST ,iPRIZE PI'ovincial Exhi.bition), held at Toronto, Wë)&ffr to our customîers for the coming Ilarvèst, two distinct- Machinès,.'I which in styhs and construetion, embrace the latest aud most useful improvements of -the day. JO1[NSTON's-, EAER. REAPER, TJhe universal snicces o Mchine both in ckwsely, contestedb îyri'ba and in uthe bands of tbe<f nr'eiswarrntus in saaying-tluat, -a aSelf RLking k Re4ýpint. Machine,i t busmo,>- oo pinutand leias,defects, andi bas met, with more t succmàdesa tai lure,,thi , c îe offereâto.the pûàîlo.ie f Great C'ase and -Attention pazd Io àArlmt'w C uftng. A continuance-oftînht liberal p;ttroneJe extendod.to hini dw ing the past 30.years in Whitby, respecfflly .solicited. MAICLI 28, 187L, B SPRING S1OCI< 0F r Begs te, anniounièé te his cubtom'rs an*1 :the ýPiblic that lie has open.ed business on the pretMiges lately ccpie'cl y- Mr BandolI, 9on lrockStreet, and that lie is now~ in receîpt of a splendid. Stock of the. PIGIIT FITAND »AKD, *Also on band a 'are-stock o f -HOMiL--MADE, BootèandSos Ullo ano ho esuua0 y aty ude pue. Business also carried on a usual at the :Ã"ol&,stand1, near the WIiby, Ny, 10, 1871. TE MA17'riE-W C OLLINS. I-SHED .1833.] ing thanks for the liberal patronFge ment, for nearly a period of forty years, dsireis' arge asisortmoent of thé maost nod#andeepnt 2nrcipi xlnt Né 8. 2s¶ C ' > F due and Commission (i door Éasat cfth,,ibto los. Beg t'Ointers tlid publie tiat ho itia dou- * atetyandtîa su perior, quality or Fleur, oas, nd'-Cor ]en,-cracked 1"heit, (.rab i le lUr- Oas., - Bran and Shortg,o tAnti nnyt-hiut in tihe Feeui lins e 01ee 2 a be sanrest noti'ee sihlevIel y crottho ii.se. cheap Nerember 2s, 1,970. 47 BOW a.. P.CAR, Proprietor andl cîhî rth.: te i afel tt< a ad reo- V:tcui(li îîd lot l i ll 3 lgte Lt bt, lnli twur iv l ha al.r rlte ittirtt btard.med and.5,18 triiAIL Wsljtu, Pri, n nd -e fo terrlgBuii. sfptî e astt ute x it, ie, mad eusiai or 4ems oiltv 4 ltiertd ittpeoeî120 >laylt, 870.*rN>f Lhi W'HITBy STABX ~ liîgeuerensè esi ite 111mb Ijtiy efthLie i01,1îi, nnd iion ddîesi toat roees te cosvoya ) ans o nd'o P"Mmiseslie IInPPîA b>.-helig in a poiue îeet the wiîntA OfCtitoteqt., te erit a.8 )r publie Patronage. ff~ClI u<~ >.ODEATE. _M N. otIveyàieè foran 0 AUarde»- ,l'ce hm ern.oi t ail erder~ - TEE TU B.V T'rus E oj NITROUS OXID LAIJGI OU TifE NEW, LoO3ALANJLEST DEXTALMRouli" DUNDAS STI WVhitny, Jane 28, iUL - H V POâd sQrip 1 Ae;iny eat itatiluefraoin erym IOWreerm Iièltletie use oti Onr j, A 53 -jrlc$4 Omê,nieUon. itfb, nîji mnaro %rutW,, jr 'Pthe iir stiutgO eLier.uscles Looe ele chevets or 5h. >Vht etuseil liv matons oh airuset.P sud Air t>uwa"n es JHM LICENSÈ] Sstore.' r r If t. Aüd.of'thë b ëst stylé of B wHin ?Y 22n.d 1870. Repairs neatly, dolle. 1 u0odmé OPESNI&VG -OP 1 WILLIAM CUTTE S Whitby, Not ' 1 29tbt, 1871. 1 . 1 1 ýl 1 1 ,lý 1 ý 1 qi Pl Po m or an ON R i Whitbyi',,Nov Whitby, September la, 1871. Whitby Nov. 28, 18îl. BUTRNSt 1 A pril'1'9, 1671. J.-waf.vlp%71 lé

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