1 BA K. F. LOCK<U43T! D 'INIONBÂ~ 4416, 18711. ICA2li1RN & MAeD4NE 5ARIitirYS &ND, -ÂAT'P BLDW Law11illctonivto the Bank of ?U4putreall p ud tbe CorporatIOn Of tlWeCunlty of Ontario, totârlcs1 &uÃœ.t&q., Wltby. 0. W. 5~tey loloantupongooedseeurity Ap- * ye leOflue et the Sim, Court lieube- 's. il. OCRRA.NE, JLL. D. C O1NTY CjhO-WN ATTORNEY FOR ON- icitorîn (1letacery, No'ary Public, &c.- -Oec~4ril treet, next door .-0id oyal, Htel, Wliltby. .si GIZORGL(.E HR.DARLTNEIL,- X)RRIMTR, ATTORNEY*, CONVEYAN- 3I~cor, DeptityReglslrar, Ma~ traordi sry,î nd exaîiîueîn CI.rfitheCopnu !Y ofVnitario. _O1100ce <iMUBE4~u, Wbitl>y. JABiES KEITE <.'IDON, -)selîit or in Chanuery, Con voyancor, No- ary Polel le. &c. oxFlel-Next 'door to the Store of B. a J. Camapbell, Brook rSt, Whitby, Ont. WiyNov. 18, 1867. *FAREWELL & XcGEE, BARiil%'rMltAl'TGRNZYS, SolICI- r(,t', QVEYANLCEi*4-, AIuiD NO- 'imitt :-w(Jiie door no(rtli of thie Potie Office, Oaiawa&; mtn li tc"icoppoïite oWuî l11,,Bowîutuîuville. . R, b'AEEWELL. . R. MtOax. X"u' C[IAIILSc. KELLER$ ePTrO[tNilY-AT- L kW%, SOL1CI1OR IN tLI euîî-ry, itojiv-uyatluer, &c.,Cauunug on Broek, ë. W. .6 J. JIAMERa GRE1nNWOOD'y 'ATTORN-eY-AT-1,AW. SIELICITOR IN Ci hancory, Notary Pubhlic, Cauveyancer, I c.,.Wliitiiyty X. .Oiryioic,5lyron istreet, South 'i 1'cu Offi ce.' - 48 LYMAN 1 XGLISIl, L L. B.. BA-ITE AT TAVS lu t nChan- 40 CT JME S L AMO0N, t]OLICiTOit IN 0llANCEIZY, CONVEYANCExlt, LA5'I DAGENT&c. t8aTîct-tNcur Arüiýtruj1tg'â -titel, Mida s&., lxrgeJiic7tiu, 1869. tf-28 R. ja. (;qINN, 11. D. si BRGý1W\ O Vi L .COUNTI <4AOL, 4 THJOMAS HUSTON, T O NC %VK. -1EAUIII.WHITBY 01lfco-Tîîwii lell ll'ourîutlto lieclock. _1_-.N. VARS, 3l.i l-& 1. lutî,t, Oshs'ws PDlc 'iîja ooms, directlS <ippo- dite *fe0Èl)osetlce.-ËEut5sce ou beioe1treet tlîîril 1luor'ierth oftlIce Ontarlo Bank.. 'WILSON IIOUSE,) - A. WILSON,_Jr., ýÈ!roprîetor. T Rit SUI5CRI LIL L us 0aunouiîco to hie -T fpiotidelLîud hue ptîllie cieueriiliy, thuit lic hwso pecuill te uhovae luoteliii the Village ôt Ã"Aelihuri, for tleacmcutotlte tria- ýiélling pubtlie. lie house i. uucv. stud fur- uimhed etu sii.o4t turouegli"- tend coouuuerta-ule muîeuuer. Gatrcsts wil iii Sd ovory couvcîiîouce ut the ah-ove estuutl hitutî5lit, W i Os, Liquors, sud Cigars i)f the ho-n Bru edi. alwaym kept ou SOaod Stallig uod atteu)tive Ostiers lu eDauce. Aahbu,, Mey let, 1889,. tf-18 Grtud, Trunk Railway Hqtel. AT 1 VIIITIIV STATION. TXM. tYNJIL lteviuig -purchauied thie fotel W! ud ,rtirc)ime uo u se liunthe (ratud Trtaik IHotol, Vi'lihby attiin, h4pgatu inuférai hîs frieuls auud tiiti tavelibglîilic lfat lue ha. ftted upthlîfi tuteil ud#,utbles lu fit t- o lnasa syle, sud lîy ttetulioti betue .wahntà ot thome Who itvor* huit i wit, Ileoir patronuage .rus5tm toniartn s ou:tiuumeof t tliir custom. * gr Parties takiuug, the traeinu e4 lea'.iuug horses wilil have thluuiowoltakeu care of tifl *. thleir rebturtu. ROAL ÇANADLAN H1OIEL,l SPORT FERRY, OINT. ~ ~"5 n_: Proprietor. qrior acecollitntîoui. Good stablii roui0l, anti eîîeuuîuve ottiers. Port Ferry, Nov, 8, 1869. 45, TN6IECTO.R 0F PUBLIC eC11OOLS ÉOR Alle CountY of Oturto. i ÀDiENas-Roglau l'oest ofico, Ont. -f jujy l8th, 1171. 59 rI1Meuderalicted woeaid intinat.e te îh. JL publie, Iliut tlie hove pteises have, out, for the 9spoomniodetion 0of 1ueatâ.0est -W meIsud ltquiars, unitl ieîrR. 46qIhe Creatu of caneda' -aleac P-une Rhlne AýWine, Wiz'o Lager, 'wholooole atnd reaai. JOSEPtiI A. BANDELL. Bôar4dors talien by th. wook oh inoderat# w1ib, MeYB6, liai. 19 - 85' ptoved teoniuit ail. at Low Rtatemi, sd ou thbe shote>et notice. iiby.*May 8i, 1871. '.22 >'ONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION Eiaaex TRoyAL CnAIrTEi. 1729. Furcsi w BAND ....£2,468,588, ira 4d. Stg. HEAD AeEN'rMONTREÂL-ROMEO n. JOHN ÂGNE ÇIAgent. Whitby, May 811, 1871. 19 s0 HO0 The undersifned tikeas occasion toinforni cusa- tctuers, that the ahove bMii1s, sitniatod on Lot No. 22, in the 7th concession. of the TJownship of Uxbridge, are now lu FULL WORING ORDER, And roady for ',utting Lumborin any qnantity te soit ousitomers, aid vith punctuality and despateli., Lumber cnl from 10Oto 80 feet ilu louglh. JOHN -WEIR. - Septenibe 29, 1676. 41 ONTARIO lHO(TEL. BROCJ< St, -WHITBYV. CDAWE:SProprietor. The abova old eitaiilisbed Hotol .hats lutn .fneî newly fitted np suad renovateui tlrouiont lsy the proprietor, «I lte Iaprtnîentiiiibeing tonuîshed with nov antd iiiirtabie fornituro. The nndersigned wili l ave uothittg 'uudoio lit providuîîgz fo rthue cornfort of iis gnest8. and thoy' may reiy .-Tonu the hast of pare liquorts beLiIî sipplieà dsit h. BAr 8trict îuuenîtion pald te0 il"stabliugi, and in ltnkiîug Lifter theo civility ut homtiers. C. Dawes, ?ruprietor. Wlitby, Nov. 22nul, 1871. 47 JOhN iXWOLFENDEN, AGEN1' FOR TUE CEL'EI3RATED SCOTTÈISII GRANITE. SAt Mirblelo orks oe- JONATHAN Mý('NEY TO LEND AI' REDIJCED RATES. ~ 1 amrnuow prepeireul te lend anv aneuunt of rnotIuty 0Iltie scturity oi eood Fertu or. pro- duictive Tow,î lroperty, iet ho iowest Possible rate of iuterest, lit *..in*a sud mati,îcr toe sit bi..rowariq. Priiîipue Pan u b repuid by yoarli ins4telmcits or in Oie son. - Severai.wl.il culi&t ieïlFaeansd Lotis of wii1 Lanîds for sale cheu.p. luv 1esttmonts mode in Debentîtros, Mortgageis aud ollier Sectarities. Silver anîd Grecublacks bon ht sud aold, For furîther particnlsirï.uupply te JAMES BOLDEN4, Offliil Am8signeo, Motioy Broitor, &c. OFFICE-Mchlillau'a Block, Brook istreet, Wliiîby. September 26;b, 187e1. 9 COMMERCIAL HOTEL *BUIQCK ST., WHIT.Y T [IEanliscriber hege te aunounée te liii frieudi sud lte puiblic, thaI ho lhas re- isuniod posiseselon of tle a;.ove velil and fa- vorably kiiosu hotel, vluich le nov flttodiup ILIi a siperior auaiîiîor, vith every couveni- ailce for lie receptioiu of, guestg and thie Ira- viii jblic. g~Beet accommodation, sud stiperior winets, liquormanatd cigarie. Goad stabuiug, wiîlî eicloied yaîrds, and attetilve Ofleritai- ways on the ç,emimet3. Clieerges Moderato. E. M. CALDWELL, *Wlitbv, Jan. '14, 1868. GLOBE 1HO0TE L- JAMES POWELL, Proprietor FIRSiT.OLASS ACCOMMODATION. Feb. 22adl 1871. . cENTRAL J{OTEL,' BR(JuOHAm, Noted as oue of the beat articoles Of the kiud enaiîulrctured ilithe nr adh00 rnrv cdSTLA Cu-T IS, snd iuiiuurand g0 auperior lu every respect. Raving prearad aiteaof EruiosnCeiobrated calorie ltîiîes a Idiii.-Man.ueaoary,lib t8 sa Dht oi 11w euatiîed toe exouels Ordere witb whicbh iay ho efavored cebsa er eud ville greater exPedluuap thaiQitîiel«b ,,&nl tO gusi'autee every sstilaottion Wlu Cletomlers lu the quality of the Workmashipdne atorial, w- Cordwood andi Lumbîer tpkeu in ex- t change, Sud Oasb Price aIllowcd. JAME6 CLAMETO. -wlîby1~o.2218r,é71 In811 primsotber 'ou 11ýe' Wlitbyt Ang. $0, 1871. JOHN BLOW. 85. PLANK - Proprietor. stages toantýt Oui. Witby cal daily. Every Attention paid togesets. Carefnl aod attén- FIRE Â$SURAeCE CO, LOMBA BD STtEE4T & OHAI6ING ROSS, £8 IBLISBED IN 1782. QIL11ESPUlE MOFFATT & Co., Agents for 1 ,,anada. JAMIES DAVISYN, Manager. IXSURANCE ýagana L0S8 by FIRE arc I ffected on the nostavorable tormaf, and LOSSE8 PAID ithontrbferenoo te thé Board la London. YEOMAN GIBRON, ,Aprl Bd,1116. agent, Vhitby Flou r.&Fee ST OIRE. IIENR1Y SIIEPPARID Deaircato inform the.Inlpbitantot of Whitby and Vicihity, tlar. lie lias sneeed îl l the btisiness of' HENRY WALTERS, BROCE STREET, WHITBY Where ho kceps4 constantiy on band, Flour, Oatmeal. CiarnmeaBraiu, Oeis Shorts. Grahsim Flour,,&c. And oecrytlhitiLp inthe Feed Hue. Beât of Flour for famiiy use. Éverytlîing nt the lowest seilitig priées. The cai, v8toin -trictly adhered to.- Plicee ocl and examine qiîality anid îiriee. Il. SIIEPPARD Whîtby, Feb, 1871. 7 CO MM ERCI-AL L1XYE LZ OSHIAWA. JAMES BLACK, P PoRutTOR. Cgnvénieiitiy fitted"tlp morne for Gommer ciel travaiers. Billijards ettachied. April 8, 1970. 14 'TEFRPIN R1ESTAURANT BILLIARD ROUMS '(87 & 89, King mtreet East Toi-onto). THIOMAS 'OARLISLE, - PaoPRY1tTOI. -o- Tho most -ele- gant, éspacioni. snd « îimt'foçtbelies1 taitranti Canitda :Meuts eupplied at imral thoursl. Wjues, Lhqnor. 'id Cigarm of thL line4t bracîds. Sheil Iud <-euysters in every @qle. :g Partieg visitingrlorjpto for a day viii Slud eVery scorno[UU.liton sti the Terrapiru. A pril 5, 1870, 14 JURHN ROBINSON'S IIair -Dressing and Shaving SAILOON, B1IOCK ST.,.WHITBY. 10 SOUTH 0F THIE BANX OF MOrITIYEAL. .I Whitby Jan. 22, '88. GTEORGE GURLEY, ME1UCHANT TAILU-R CLOTRER AND DRCAPER, OSHAWA.- GEN'PLEIIEN'S GAIIMENTS made np lu the beet style sud latest faiehion. A fiue ftockof Cotiîs froin vicýh tonimake a a§electioofor Gîntiemuo u somer suite. Oshawa, May 12,1869. 19 AUCTION BUSINESS 1869. 1869.* Tbgloq returuthankafor the liberal patron lage lertofore boatowed npon nie, %ndto an- nounce that 1 arn prepiirgd to couduct isales, .eittier in TnOW.N OR COUNTY, HZ s ubsorlber beFé to annollfce that be TJ asleased thie building fornierly kuowu alcipe r' Htlwhlch haë,beeu renovat. ed, refuruiahedaael fitlu p tlroughbout,in theabestoà f style. Thee premià eo-aà re pi easantly aituated, Dppdoite lb..Post 0006c. sud in the ceutreiot t he Town. The llsilway O n nbasc allatthe Hotel,sud the stageR ftir xbridgo and Beavertort 1leave thedooreverynieoring. DoardOl perditY. QEOGEROBON - ls~~weuty AO5ee0 f. good land,, h4s.iug oopcd, t ott18, lintlie 1 lOtve aiônothnerlofd A cloar sud ilîdispnthable titi.e will I;s givec to aIl the aboireproperty. FIor turther pirtitulars apply fo-the owuef. - AUl persôoq sitdebted to' the eutate of lhe lale, itutsob Wsiton,;are 'requesied 1teniake imimediat, seleînoSlh Asud 8P-pér&ocuý bey 112gcluintsainst theosaid eetate, are raqueat - ed te aeud thena 1t ih eiudersigeed'for ad- SM AlI1GARET WATr1ON, K.F. LOJKHART. N. O ENL$ Datd n W iity, te27te day Sept. 171. 40 D. HOLLUDAY. BR31OOKLINI, j.ONT. - AOENIT FOR TulE jSOLA¶ED -RI-SK PIRE INOtIRANCEtCO. 0F CANAD&,, TORONTO.- A Puauy.*cijimAr IxSTiTnT cO Alto Azent and Apprai-ier for Canada Per- manent Building altenu Suvinir Society, far lbans qf monoy et lbs rates of interest. WhiLîby, Augusî 71h, 1871. Iy 32 R ICRARD SNOW- Begg ta iuform nis fnicrds anidIthe ruîblic, t1iliIe hpqestLkn lis aid Promises, littelv occupied hy Nir, Artiail, wheo ielaDow prquuureul ta stpply everytltug lunte tONFEtCTIONERY UNE: -Juet recefived, several cuies of PEAtiIÂES & TO MATO ES, very supanior. CFl(IIE AIPLES& PEALIS, 1R'UIT '0FP AL.L K IN Dti Kept coiutattly on bîand, lu s5eeson. - ORANGES, LEBtîNS, SARDINES,- LOBSTERS, RAISINS; PXUtIES, CilIRESE, TO-1SACCO. N~'B7-yptrs-catrbe 41d- by thite cooked or ru w. Bread deliversd daiiy t tetoturs, aud al allier oroviesois and goode delivered as n'ay tpe nrdered. Clice Branda of Cigare. RSNOW. Wuitby, Sept. 18, 1871. 37 T litrI SOLÂTED 1115K 111E INSIWRANCE CO'Y . O.01?CANADA. If E A D-O F F I C E-King Street, corner of Cîtunclu, Turouto. CAPITAL, $-5 800,000 Dcposited with Govemument, $ 50,000 1 W. A. LAW, AGENT.' McNlillai's Block', Brook St., Whithy. W1laîsy, be Pt. 2 ah, 187 1. 88 D WELLING HO1'TSES Th( RENT, At RAMERI'$ CORNERS. AI! moât de- sirabie ReLdeucce. Rotut Moderato. Apply ta- JOHN RHAMER, Eîuq. Whitb.Y, May 2îud 1871. BO)T & SHOE STORE The uudersigued hae toneoveul hie BOOT AND SHOE STORE tW fie P tamises îudjoiuiug the Western Haotel, DuIndua St., Wlithy, where ho is uaw 1trgjared tut execute all order8 for Wr.A large sud select stock - onlbaud. lRepairi tg ,doneas usuel. JOSEPH A. Bà èDELL. Wiithy May 8, 1871. 19 W. u1,TITBY P[ANO F ACTORY- JOSEPH RA NE R The subsoriber, inu, reluriueg h;&sain- core thauka to the mnay frionda, sud customerof thle Wlulîhy PIAINO MANUFACTtJRY, belriqto stato thet ho now carnes aon the huai usas solely upon hi. ovu sconint; sud in se- liciting future orders ho hegs tb assure themn that nothiug vil he loft undous otu hie part Tue Round Reop The f4eieraL asor; île. hoarze Lsd- borne ies lded to-tLe country ,graveyard nelIghblirs lW' kind[y' gallieredaround the grave. Th îe cofflu bat beau lovereti, the yellew eirii,. sýbovelled>"upebn il% the iro gahe I0acf~ s . e oains -left te Len cousumeti d- dfeýrgotten'. The teceéascd <vas su agot man, sund bat been 9bi sole occupant ef, agrauti oIt mausien, nusar t4Lïplace vbere 1 vas et 1ay' ing He vas a partoneti ceoùct ; the great. or portion cf Lis-life Lad' b eipasseti iu- site the va(llsof a prison. - Hie trial t leat nînseîy eUed the -dem muuiîy aet the lime, as't'bAugbf toligbî muob îbt aî samystenlous as velI as crim- inel. Thora vas soneehhiug' pmtematural aboutthIe place. were ho reaidet - s0 the- neiglibons asserteti - sud, .a, superstitions ave cropi erer me, as., retuning (rom the uevly.fillod grave, I appro4ched- the -ton- anticas bouse. - Tiiere ii stoot, soiemnu andti time-votu, lu the sprnu'twiligLt. 'The milti vinda teatihed Ilerougle the dank* pine trees; the f roge pipet lun the ootieu pasînres sudin île. tara, ond the mouruful cadence cf the wbip-poor vili bruire tLe stilîness cf ibe far.pfi' voodlautia. The roices of ohiltiren at pis, on the green- sarti about ibe farne bousei, the chone boy'a vleislbel the ituant loy of catbe, the gur éle cf svollen streane by ibe vayalde, îLe melIlov air, vwere at once ploasent sud-ssI. I étsi 'I4 sehîltid .saduess vbeu the sotîl faisteho rasp tLe hope of the Chrie- tieu, an t Ã& .couscînusihat ail besitie thime' o - utuO re, pu maroh of tieoverceats tefueh. antthe viii strles bla liatily againai -tîe inovitable. AsI Ipassedth îe broati w "n~~t cf tLe docaying mnsion. aelong ~yPastuare, lu whicle vas su olti veilI a welsweep, broegbt te mmnd a sîrauge stony wbicb the nei.gbboreasasociatedti ih tLe spot. A voman vas said te have leesu seen e nuieber cf limes at uiglitfall, sud, o oe occasien, atet arly norning, sittiug on the cumbtone, but, on approacleiug ber, ale abe ladt becnee lest te viev. WiId atonies sud ndone spéculations about the suppos cd phautone bati for jeans beeu the staple eof a vide circle cf geasips, sudthIe feeling bat bocome setlld ihat thora Led been. fouI 'pIsay out the pmcmisos, aud that un- commuon sigbts might startle the penson vbui froqueuted --the place ar cà ark. ThJsfamily's Dame vas Ennelin. The deceandt, Martin -Heneliti, vas the lest cf the family. Hils(ailier, 'Abel Hamlu, oh. taiued coutrol cf the esase by lis marriago te hiss secondti vie, a vealthy Spauish girl. She became insane, sud committed suicide -by dnovuing benself lu tLe Pasture velI. [t tas hem vrailh that theo uciebora sup- poaed haunîsd tice place. 511. left oeschilti, 'Edgar, tovbone, befone ber -isaduesa, ale ad fiîlet the groaten portion eof ber voalîli. The bouse, Wl aBs sud, contaluet e rouud roone, caushîncteti by Éin olti toctor, vhicL vas capable of dsîleromnig the ros- eau cftheo occupant. There Ablo Hanelin confineti bis youug vife, toicd ber miud, obtainet coe trol cf ber pnapenty, One tight, as the stomy rua, a nov toneesîic, - earng a soaunt a of a liu'nn beiug lu diatreas, left hcr bcd sud gropodti irotegb île silcut reoma, sud, descstndiu g a amal staircrs, came houîthe door' cf the noone trone vhicb tLe soanti procecded. The ltey batl been left libe oor, andi she on- teredth ie maGne; it vas round sudonufur- niabsti, sud seemet vacant. ,Suddeutj a figure ldoti out I' vîîlelctricel auvifluess ; the o4c*iug morniîug-,1Jtnet befone break cf dey, a ehiet va heard in the direction of the Pasture velil, sud the body cf the vretcbed wife vas soon after fouipt, droucicet sud lifelosa, - -on the cunhatoues. Hov neucletruele tbere lêsa iu these cur- rent atonies, I vas not propaneti tu judtgo. 1 vas a mtanger lun, the, comnenity ;, but as I vantiereti' by.the shedovy anti nya- tenion nsbtng ni... th.* igtfl Ifelt -My latIor, Abel,.-Hanelin, -was iviee marnieti By bes finit vife lie lid ivo. obudre, Ieth Ansd Eenl.,-m I fluu mysoîf again on the sefa, yield- ýiiag ge my nervens systen e .mssteringof reaseu. I W_ Blk u dt udeveresh ;"an un- uétumai bei:soeémed censuoeing my -brain-. Iý feI that môme aluister deity infiueùced myý lf.- I dwelî en -thbe vrda oe? 'q governeas, aud-th. opinion becaine ssîîladj in my mmùnd that m brotber5e surveillancej erer--me .hati somb, mysterioas. design. ý 1 reebered .-bis col d,, cuIeinlg, Way ;j I loathod bine, Md, with Iow, rev.ueg.. ieooud-slory of the mansion, *hicb, ýI had1 beau tlId,'- vas 1h. room of-tumy 1m he r.- Rer'portrait was thére,.rigid auddeaihly, but lUghtiug up with. bumnsulike.4suiAes, i S dielait raya of'tbe - su abat trouIgb the gothie windpw. lu oeecornerI stod ber pîauô, a beavy, -carvetb;atiument, from whose peaily bauk,-A trembling music responded- -oathe slightest i îeuch.1 hepicturés -the.'; lWdohea, 'tles LaW Squpýer, the Last Jadgmadse, the Sainiet1 -tbe -arced aloovos, glittering wjf b bookteansd gracod "t'-eauay, ad the1 grand, etaiaed-gÉls windows, 'Cstling- senbaued, visioary liglet ov4r ail, lent sa chnrých.like'appearanuce te the placé.: I recsived instruclions trom:&a faitbful govorneas, anti learned rjýpidiy-. I W'as fof oreading. 1 nead the alqsy Iriound novels sud romances lu the à lcoves of ne rooe, ~t ail the eneotions of ýa syn p!thetionature, -sud liied'a .îbousaud tires ofi pleasuro and .pain, with asneauy beroos sud'heroinos. My feelings a bbýed and ftoa'd, sud subaided --to- a pleasurable caine, et thse biddlug of each aubtle anthor 1. bedame ènamoro4 - witb pc.îry, sund Meeneed to.liva, lu the superb hy'perbâFè ihast eùgaded my -fancy liko a pêrpctnai dranea. - I devou1red hiatory aied biography wiýtheaeagorness cf e negleoted asud restleas mind. My aiTter hook lestoos du: the pieno lu theý parlor. I always'ý linÉer od noar, aud, wheu the leacher wieî, -ne- tnrned to my «roone, cloà od the heavy door, sud éÃactiaed . he lesoasi on my uaotber's instrumntn. 1 loired ta protince 1(>'W'sym- phonies, dulcet airains, Ihat' breathed the seul.of senimnth bird 1 ike varblîuga, in napid anti delleibful'- succossion, fond hosannas, lhuudering beavijy on the son- orous base of the harp,. peeling haflelujaha on vhoes tremeudo'us vaves My spirit aeemod te mounit up to the choral. melodioa that echo (rom walla of jasper a'u gales of peani. I mado the gereai -seul ýof. Beeîhoven Seikr ta me- f1om the keys, 'te i~siite~zr-'-et~ un mf« sar the language of syiupetby and lovre, th e grand gettiis of fisydn piral forth a diapason, like the rdsh of ny'-waters, or the fer oSf, anîhoese -of chenubie'bhats., I would grow weary cf inexhaustible mel- odios, sud would aiuk ho sleep willi my fingera atili on the keys. Only once diti my brother bear me play ;,it vas a prieat's march, from Moz. art. As I' awept steadily l)arough the multitudinous notes, somoîhiug like ad- ministian kindled 1i hi, face. - Wben 1. lied finisheff, I veul to bie knee ; ho7 shoopoti sud kissati me. 'Twas hbes fret sud lest kisa e il made me- unkappy. I hati îsstd someîbitig pi affectioi ; -I grew hungry for more. Mly roadiug,, my music, my seclusion, fllled me witle unutierable longiugs for hunean friendebip. sud love. I trieti, bY ammplicity. by art, by amia#ïity, by uog- lect, te wrîîîg front my brother, anoîber expression of affection, but ail in valu. I lored my governesa, ansd felt that ahe vas my only synapatleotie fri end. I dis. iiked minu7of the practical sîndica ebe -gave me, sud ueglected teb, bot loveti the lauguagres. I soon acquired bath Frenchi sud German nuder lier satilîful training, My brother "oue day leeand me.converse with lhèr lu Frenchi. I1ass tsinoti' uy part admý.rably, endtinidulged in nepartoe, efl'ecting Frenchy manuers. He looked a urpri"aed ; bis tnfîed eyebrows lowered, sud a lurking jealousy vas evi. dent in his colti bIse eye. T 'ià irIl very fine,' ho *eiaaibul the chideducation i15to00 superficiel- I muet haro a nov leeber,' ho added, as saoou as uny govemnes ieft the rot. MIy passion ied up within me. I yul neyer oeonemy llps 1a a nev toacheri? said Ii sutditie ansd deflauîly. 6You have uoglected me, you have shut me ont of the aocioîy of the vorld. You vonîd meeke my life still more unsocial, by roinoviug my kinul heari goveruoss. [l is Do (suIt of bers, if neMy edUcation la supenficial.- You ôed sway ygveea, sud 1 anm tiunb Yoae canuot malte tms apsak. Superficiel, ludeati 1 I doulti eclipse you nov lu auy society, sud.make you appear the dup)e sud doit that 7011 elIsert s fniepd -0o1f nebrottdV.e 5Martin telle, me ne n 0Gare iil,'she sald, lhroving hersel&Wn the "sofa. I a ouldu't help tim - fyen, sudf in Ibis ghostly clssuies d s.ti-4ýtOle away, te beguile e few mmeula of our lime. , OP tb. Party h -maguifiçeul. sli q -ue~ eculd be - re. 'ilw avare (bore v" anüqu rad face. iR vas tue oà étor. - -Tifiaî niglet Ivas botter - ' he- next Sruing 1 raise ëI, he windew, ýadgà zed Moodtly out ou the, Iwuà ý ->Myi conscience tre9bled upc. 'I had, read inu 'tise Hoiy -Bôek bat heovbehoPaietibis brother vas s murderer, Why 'noit? 'he pesseà sed lh mnerdèreras spirit I vas- thon a spiritual s vel7as a natural, or- phan. But My brother v,.s se c9ld, se eltered.- I foît', instiuptiýçvcly that lue re-L garded' mmeLnliciouly ;-bis spirit lied frozere mine. Tbé. prediction> of thé dec- 'ton- tbat 1 leould i bome insane,-- tî 1 dbi 1ed u. 1 kne'w 1he resulta thà tfollow,- likeî a dreadfnijdgel oturt f passion like mine. Besidos,, I fencieti I elready bail pré eiuititons of'în 0it fîu, as i vas falliugS aleep, or vas vaking thé> nost cnmnpaetheuglet wonid fît' witb a sîarîling palpableneas ýacross my mnd. *,The'refiootion thai 1 muet ho bunieti in the gront, _that the alaorme evould beet above me, sud the nigbit braud orer mX rotîiug remeins, wonld e- ,Wbelm. me iihbonror,-sud malte exist- once se a corse. ]iestîuy -voulti rise, flie a colossal deémon before mo., Dreaes, to, I bcd, whenne7spirit seemeti disen. boiieti, sud- tu roane loito the peet' sud future, sud ta probe tho heiglits sud deeps of space. ' 1 -as roueed fnom those - refiections, whicb maed my 1f. seem a adistuel Lert- ege, by th% appearauce of two (o.rneslu the avenue-,below.. One, vas Martin, the other a girl, a atraugcd'te me, who avept aleug wiîb a meabured stop, as thou'gl markeotiby musila. Fer :rapid. clippeti words, vhich ahi seeed, ta- ding loto my brathen's face by s nervoiRa tuscf the beadi,-vireblrntilike sud charmiug, sud fber ligIsI lattai, ninging ont onu*hepulseless air, beà poke a vanne, happy. beari. ' TIsey -disappeared a'mond the' ballies, antd 1*1-m- lowad t oson f - thein voices t4~ the arbor at-lice brook. - dbféed by a Cf'offoIngieetnet o yards ni, brother, sud by tics desiro lu, worm out of bim n asecrete Ibat' conld be usoti te bisdcisadventage? 1I vent imb the lavu, sud cautiously approacbed the1 arbon. -I entered e circle cf firs, vithin heariug, snd, for e short ime, waa emuseti et tue girleà good huinoncd wit atno per. tee. The conversation vas trifliug, but led te a jlie that starîlet itie. 'If ponr wities- .brother,' suad lb. girl, ishould snddeuly becotue vise, ha voult heir the whole of bis mothen's fortune, sot condîug to.ber will. Nva half as mind to tny toeuegage hie affections. I coulti be brama for bine, hîjèb voulti amoutta the samo as thnugh bce Lad thene hinelof, snd vo ahould i eoir tle estse-'eh? Yoo remember the provision, if ho marrie&- youuIg-this banco andi these plese groutis, aud al' the back country for s fane I Some people su, ho alint sevitless alter aIl, 'as y9u vaulti bave bina appear. Shoulti ho sotdeuly discovar-canemosausos the beeh portion cf jour propenty, you '-Dow, is gone. -The secret fleshed upou me lu su in- stant. 1 val a beckwsnd, stupid child ere my moîber dîed, I w as 13 beir tLe for- tune, if capable of the charge ; - if incape- able, il iras te ho coutralleti, after tLe, 4e- cesse of my futher. by my brother. The bouse gronada, anti valuable tracts >of rand belougeti to my mot-ber. Tbey svwre Mine lu fulu, if 1 nearrieti youuig. othervise my brother Lad cdaims upon then, It vas Lis objeol la represeut me as su -imbecile, sud le prevent me frone mannying. I sîcie btsck te the bouse, hitterly.' My soul vas- laid liane by the scuso of my -vrangs. That -day thore wus an unusual bustle about the preufisea ; - preparraiione vone evîdently, makiug for the recephion, of guets. "#Eveuing came, sud the grounds vore illuminaît ituLcolored liglita. The feeble moonbeane stéeameti over îthe trea- .îois, anti feil un ne, moîhcr's'picturc. I feucieti Isâava laok cf sorrov there-s prophetie expression, that spoke o£ cone- iug cvii. T-hoetionehniglit vur .e aun-nea- nificaut oquipa, .es wleeed oi p the avenue, gaily.attined peopie alighlcd tLerefrom, aud a ses of life seemed surging lu tle palosbeav lant o-tefrmoo ý- -k h - ir ei1 "'1' iog, blending music, anadl ler - flilolite voice. ippled 'deliýbtfnlly, mi'e Mltino notas of îLe acc0monument. 8h. Ibhen p ay eplaintive 'Germaut fleg. aq-asked me te sing lice contralo..Our voices hlendoti as cue, -and the mus ofet u0" piano drop>ped, as il weie, mIe tlia undilatiens -AuniéEïHler Ilion bid ume play-' Hardly knowing vhat 1 dia., but'awv yéd. by ILo impulse of a new bora -love, I toi eny pl'ace ai lic. instrument,, sud found myselt drapping, as frcm aimy fingera, a nedatr- piece ocf îhe patniarchal Fisydu. h t osed inasnisc melaing melodiesj C.lîng fortb al ibte latent poetry' of huesu nature, anti, at the eni- of the performance a' murneur -fet af'a tion bro ke 'the silence of thc eonea. ' I lid-foùufda place lunlice beants ef al proieni buttvo-; îbey vers my lercîher anti ney alster. ,As. 1 srveyed île covd- et rooins, r cauglil Ma&as eye ; there vas malice in-il ; I sll7uddcned, eut, as. I- met theelectriialselle cf Anni<e Eilor, aemethiieg vlispere4 forabodingli of cuil. - . Annie Eiler anti j ming4ed ê;i-iclice canapauyl, vbo receiv'éd me vith ,uncere- mnens fontineas. It seenet like a nov lîfe te me-,D lite in vicich 'il vultbh cxquisit happiucess la live perPctuiclly.- My hear-t throbbed once vitle tIte kleani of the vomit. AIes 1 Thsy vere pnepamiug fer dancing. Au. nie dit not viih.ta job in ïLe amusement, anti I cou*ltnot; so va loft thc.-lieuse, anti trippel up the. avenue, Tbe ïnghL vas dleangeil. TIse eky vas eudnky, île air vet, the Iighw%eezémI-Theelleiii dnev us closely tocgother, "~d, area in anîfr vo sîood by e smoking. lorecb thati Sacet in the nigh.t vint,. Thon sud 'leore wma e breatheti, srtleitsly sud leuteriy in my, oar, tha' aveeosi reds t ho vehI over liateueti- 'foue ou / P * There vas a' rustle uear ns; a fi-ure shoot lu the duuek. - I fei& inaîincîively it vas Martin. We turud, bacin, antich at-~ ted lu the hall.- The anealihours of.4hý oighît rev neà r, sU-d theo p-Ptî ~a î dispersa: 1 0ouglet u.y rouei, vith air castles filling niy miad.- The silence cf t-ho place vas oppressive, a'nd bnrou*,hî- lack feerful trains cf îleau_,rX Whai .qnuld rmy broileer do nov ? cmîglit- 'ack' , noon wiih-reveuigefui intentioni that night. A -ýpa1pabilo - resbadewing !o soeeching dreeiful- alflued me. _I Ieft île roomnd t vnt again ie lthe yard. Thc wet cdents avneisd qpemed, heavini. suoug the Incas. Tire leeves fuppedi in the moving-vintis, tIse,.lighls ývere out, cvcnyîhingr was cheenless., I .pecet np anti dovu the aeeinue. At lest I hoentd a leeavy tri-at upon tle stacirs ; a light flaret np lu nny rootu ;-it wv-as 500 out, aud 1 heardthe aîcp .descetiding. I kuev il vas Martiu'a. LIe flung hiuuaelf eut aI the door, 'sud pacet up anti dovu, the dank avenue, - se neer meJ couit bave touched lina. Ity oxcitomeut vas lu- heuse. I detsnmiued ni 0 asûr, buttËrst iu tle friendly dankunesa. Ho passed me sevenail, ime,anti'l- vasundiscovereti. lie drevw near me agnin ; bis heaB vas urmcd tovanda mei he stoppeti soddcniy anti firnely. KIy heamî thai lhad becu. beaîing rapidly,, nuv 1 boreti 'vitl long, letivy ilincea. A siiukiugfe eling scizeti me;- the ivorît seenetiwhinliîtg gittdily aboat mc, aud 1fkuew ab more'. The next I nemember, I.as Iyiug on îles floor of a t'anp, 'round roone, loto vhich the liglet entered by. a .circuler wiudov tecar tihe ceiliug. -I (cli tunsettlcd bath in ninti sud Lady. I leuglet cf My- c ruel destiuy ; teins tiptîcti dovunemy check ; my breinvwas hbotr, sud weeping dulledti he pain. At lasi a ambeith, semii-oylindnlcal doar openet, sud Martin, ' acà eeu vickoëd look, entede, sud placet foot-asud 'vine on a anesîl round table in the centre cf tLe roone, Theme' vua saotden vetnu about Lis cycas Le turà ,ed thaans me ;- a momeuîary penlîecco as evit in lebis fiecciti cleeek sut. broad, linoil frdheail 1 "' , -