Whitby Chronicle, 8 Feb 1872, p. 3

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'jie TfiUbTI'rieetiois-Brber I Oranges.1in>~ os ~ ~ ape iun ladsal_ le-emn )yl c enlod, it re. ey Of w Of I tihe ~cm- l re-r t e rer ceuuby Objeat cf low no sud bce upon for ceun-.. provision on the~ oit iii.o aL view, eoutive ;1i1 net lec ien e follge rs who s wilo eieuaL lût aIbo oujie în n lise Prest- e paid for-_ erna, and lake, ware ýp for con - ont te uns. edatt ethie reported; Ab ôti, "vcanc- brimeri hi levrn- inter- but lice aun urP' Cg MO. Crown le ne- îisarac. resîpect Yai lot loense ,(ýrown Kew Yorkr. Feb. B.0'ri l ~on Ieb. lcan Giferai (oninitee tttnighl adept. c d as resoltloil pregiieid tbb% provient e4etlgthe*-Commcex Concil le laI'c ete'ps for mpeshiug MyrVI * & ï ,elullon wsls aloc ndcetedby ube cm. mitee eqestngthO1-g1sRtre a;abro., ~thfie of 5 I.ay'orun ilbterise' * provideti by 4b.:aw,. and te' de'voiàethe dotles on sounie db> autiority the reto con- ebiubonasidcompetent. There are ail sorts of etories. afloat - ~ ~ T .aie cri menaeecfln. bp-resent grand jurY. TJ5 tbe a .brroonas and public places tia n oer tw*eîve'i6f th. lurors have beeu bribed te prevent the lu. î1îlcimenrof cerbiilpar fes ; lth oee mdi. vidual whoa xpeçted to encape paid cut large aLmounns, and wae neverîhelesu in- dirted..lie, it is shid, is Indigukut, sud hbrestens te mahe atounding revelatirus. t ie aise staied thtintdnst cf the grand .-jurors are lobbied with,-atid -dined and tvudevery iliglt iy partieis vho are try. I nf te' prevent certain lndividuaks Irons bo'ngA'ndicbed. Tiougi mauy'rurnors are afloat regard. ngteIndicments preciented bv the grandjury fc-dày, ibis not yei nown who aeee r4ens indicted. It ile sud liat cf the -tweii"ty-, tbreo bills- returned, slix were against Tweed. and others 'against Oanal, ilugh Smith, Davideon, Peter B. and James M.* Swee'ney' At a ÃŽ abe hour (hie afiernoon bie sier i wae cf. fered warrants for the arrait cf tie parties igiinstliîom ltidicîmentis wero feund, but hodeclined t toke theim. ie said ho vouli! net act upon (hem beloeono-. day, es (te use bis own words) it %îbuld be b.cruelty te draà men,jWho Ccjiud-readiiY glvi>bail If îhay iccian. opportunity'frein their familles ibis evenîug. * C"1cà;o-Ne Msonz LABoit8as WANTEO. -Ea slc ts frtîcî4produced by 'tia buriug et ChicQago hmdpassed çff and. thle people cfi atIIIi fated aity, or snch ef them asewere aile te de s0, comrncnced lie work of rebuiiding, tiare bas beenra i'usi .1 workingmen te thcuî place, expect- ing, cf coturse, te gel ready eniploymeriî it geod wages. 'Ilcat -tiero wticld be a dîînaid fer Icîbôr wac, a naali reiiuýt cf lIce disaster whici prostriuîed ua large rer- lion of tic. cil7 ln ciaher, ; but that ilie1 very *circumstance vhich crented bis domani! would threW n large anceunt of laber'luto tic market secîne to baye bain pietty gencraiiy overieeked, se nîuch so1 tintthle eupîciy i. new largeiy l excecîs orc tie deuxard, sudantichepresent lime liie Jleliefcommlttoc hi belng appcuicd to by otimierd of people wico have goeo lere oxpacting te tind plonty cof woric and higlu - aes buh aeset l hf ii Tics LeNeeP ictece ON liaisC GieNP.ruA CON' rgeitl.-Tie onudon lournais cnincue te diseus (ho Aticericaca ise le bc si1- * înlted tochebueGriicva Conft'rence, 'Thiey urge bise British Gomtmient te insist up- enuthe excluscion cf &clcli cîis fer aiffirect daragce, aud itlslestateil iy lice 'elegrajui and Observer thai comncî ications te that end havis beau had with thes Wcmcchciîgîcu gevernent. Thes latter joucrnaul tsserts thaI li'o IUnitled Staies. Gerrnîerit has becu lnforuiccl in a tî'ieuclly spirit tint Enginnd wilh witlcdrýacvfrocintlesConter- ance ilthie clamis for Indirect dainiagts is toft an open question. An 1- affairof houeora occtcrnid e few xlays ogo aItishe village of Ws'tcrford, IlIa ton, betwean. a medical eIudcict ancd a Eriîiter, oti frein Jcrcule. 'Fiey lied sewouet a penty, andt on tise way hsomeî ijuarreiied over tilcoiecor of etici'rtitig a certain youîng lady isoane. -Nccl -dut-rciircg violence befure fier pricîcî, lccwever, tlcey agread te uneet ounliie ice riext iicrniiîg tamut" have aL out." 'd'liatypo appeareil Reccerdiug te aîcpuiuîîceîct rilla 'eccuni eud an OiiN rurty gîci. l. 11eangciîînnry fée kopi atoot, icud titis tie duel dcd ut isueoff. If oee letri oredit Vice tetemnant of the Tode#?aph, Mn. E. 1I,. Woý!i,4 hi cibe seit *b Encglen d, oic thie plict etOntacrio, ic oesiet ~ ii te cim'e coinig-tseu'e tics lrivy Council, grewing ot t eîLie Arliairo botveeu îcis Provincce eîcd Qcebeo 'rhcu çhicc le a happîjy one. Mr. Wod rmas- tereelthie case un a ciriiideeorcnier, 'ai by thse force et lii irncont, cand tise voikicIfcfilis ascii arrliigw e s 0( itse cfs, Conviuced', tic Court <f A rbItrution lie 91 thue Justice of cicr case. 'ltit lie wil produce a situicler effect bdiere thse l>ivy C'oulèil we have litle fdubî cof. Mixico.-Tiie poriition in.Mexicc secmig te be as myiifylbg ofu ever., One day m e are bold.thai tise Jiiarezclcs are lu tise ascendant:btue -nexî icerlicals tie uews <JoMlele bisethble evoiiitionts hcuvcî gaille(p lriportant adIvanticges. Enchu îcirty ecys thi.mtones V bld h ie tier ai-e uictruc, and soe ise iitter stands i t prusorci. -About bia.cntytiliug îchat eau bLcdepeud- tac or lmtata, itrevolcilion is lu proes but ne te wlich party is tipcsi s«accecsficl "7cr likcly te wln, liie disjiaiicles recc.ived furuisis ne reliatu grouidie upen whicli to base an Opinîion. *It lsle ew genersily adciiîied by boeasi physiciens, tint whcu once-'thce ceuisumi.. tien le fairly asetencti upoui the lungleliq * uman power cau gava thbe patient froum * death. They aie ssy thet abouet tfty pein cent ef ihose who die tram ti is iasse Ca -r trece the cause to a negiectect cough oý colti, which'might have beau- cureti by a amsll boule of Liquiti Opedeldoa, or ea le the same îbiug, Johnocuis Auodyhe Linù. Cet; (hie notice eut anti briug it eîiîh 'yen. W. are nuthonizedti terefond lie cash te nny persea or parions wbo siccil bu> and use Panson' u' Iergative P'ilsaanti yl'al cf relief and satslfaction.' On gaturday lait, Mn. John bIcPariand 'iatle denIer, of ?neaot, wasattîempinig #luth bis men te drive ac hock ofslcaep uver the river bc Qgderisbung etice ice. Mr.- MoParland lad iviî him btirbg outailiug lwolthonsand iv. bandit dollars lu goît, lntended for paymntîof duties, &e. The * tbeecp heiug van> troublesoone to drive Mn, J-KoParland gob cat of the iighinluwbich fié vas ridiug te router mure effective asi. itaance, ancd-ln d.iug selefi the bag; cf geld ln the. vehicle. The ici gave'-wuuy and tle tesm anek. The hunes anud ieigi *awre remcanet, but bice goli! vas net. ELCCrTO14 R1CT,-A fcioius net ocurred -' n Galway, Ineaid, ou Friday, after as * iow <of bauds isatibeau given ic laver of Ur. 196tan, a Il Home Rule" candidate for UM Bt ouse cf Contoucs. Sevenià perseus were injureti. RzviNec AND U ErsITURE-Tîia nov- çnue oi tic Dcuniiiioic for Jauuary w - s 010817,,070 ; 'Uxieidilure, $24,7,Ou} Tb. pnymaul of ftue eubsid's Ici helPro-- vinces and tie interest on thiepiublie debt, whicb îe ruadoe t tue iegiuîîiig of lice year, no daubi nccc>itas for tid-lilarge ex. éose cf expenditure aven revenue. Obn (leéiltiDec. a largo 'sbeatu dredge, butfor-ti. Canadian Goveruuert, rasa Iaunoedale Renfrew, Scotlaud. lbt coul- bina ttie preperbies cf i powerftc-ldretiger à8ateam hopper barge, arcd-a ecrew 1tui; steamer, Anpd WJi carry 200 tons cf soit itlaisesbutodtn 1 ie eets on ZakiErL'ie durircg lie secsen o11571; la oni Lake Ontario; 22 --mn Lacke Huron; Ioun Lake Simce; cndtenc million dollars Worth oft pncperty. ÀÂyoung lady' rcacotly claimeti te b Ontled to tihe redùction mcdo te minis- ~tegb i lie vendorg cf sowiug machines, bcs,uashe bhiugyexclaiined, ahco saq opga1gedboa i&= ogCal studan t.L la co<nequeceof heayy importa ofo 1h. western and'the Sicil7 Islands.Th oranges frct Fayal are amail but 8W est. and have beene soli! at lest' Iban a dollar a box, o, for About a cent apiece b> Ibe * roi l.-À -despateh froça Ri~h. mondp ]Ki,, gas a on Friday. lai - part>; of 25 or 30niaaked meant, to the gaiwbere8Stong'b,who mnrdoiréd bis wîfe, Wul ôecbi6ned overpowered the sheriff t'oý thte keys cf ihe« gaol andl proceeded to Stuhsce ,à amnorcbed bio ashaort' distancei er.the> 'hànged i. 10 a trée, ThO .nob theti quiei> ditiper.d. Springfield, Ohio, Feb. Stb, gays that five powder iii belongiug to abe Miami ?owder Cc., locat.d belvesu Xens. and Yiliow Sp riugs@, cn the Littli Mmm. Railroad, èXploded, about 10 c'clock that morniug. i. men vere kill.d and atwhem, Who ismiseing is supoueellte hae perisbed. The grcncis strevu with timber* and debris for balf'* a mile. nround At YeUlow Springs and h,àdreds cf Windows are de- mciisbed, The city vas conaideràbly ehaken; eendlng 'tho Inhabitnnt&'into the treets in grenaaarm. The trains on, tii Pacifia Raiiway are 'il und" ed up. 8cm. paseengere have nov beeu about tweuîy days on the route, nnd provisions wiîh then are gntting scarce. The mutin> iu the porth cf India le be. ing put do*n with a' heavy band. The comugnder bas ordered fift y cf the mutin- eere te bt blown from the menthe cf the canon-a terrible sentence, es lb iuvolves according te their ides eternal as Weil ns temporary puuisbment, flIRTI. TOMLINSON..-.ln Toronto, on Satur. day, 3rd mt, the wife of Mr. R. 1»Tom- linson cf a daughîer. DIED. CR1GHT0lq-0n the lot int, at his lato zeeiderLce ' in Ashburn, David Crightou, Me robant, late cf Dundee, Scotiaud, iu the 63Ad ycnr of bis age, TJLVELIIIS'GUIDE. crrelicce. nsxU. T. ltaiiway, bave Whltcy Sialion icilîcutcalos cM ilsca CÀT-loal, 4.8 ai. Localpresi, .b a.'n ti.; xpres, 1ai63 p. ;ixeti, 5.55 p. nu. 'i'îse craicc. rcîcc b, Mccireal tuse. wimieh ca 22 mun .les inger lthcc i cî11c1Y Lise. P. -W. & P. P'. 1R. 1.-Leaves l'orit-Pôr ry At 7:30, e. ru., Amci, cuîccrciccg, Iciaveis Wilithy cit Mlcssce ai the iVhuiîlcy NiceOffice, as i't4iow, c- ~N'iuiiy i cccc"Aflciccc acstri. ~mccicd '7.18 p. in. GoiicgW 'c. 15*1cci.. acnd 't1lt ccd. itiecccg Nsm'iii. 8 ais: Iu lievei c.irs elcoc iil heci'iivurcd ai tice wiî'kefliiii citcci'. otrc' sitiiig of'mallei. Eic'i;ii mcil cuIse4 every 'tleciamueV.sciiît rit 7.151)1. ic., Icer (aicachi4i'ii' staeiiresoery Scii ctaY. 1.11 ca. ic., icer Cucctrd iteuciic. Theaiuture is MWblc iy Iiiic(. Scctcssienvecrvery mcrrcccccg iscmatiays cceed.l ai ià c,'iaek. forcireusNcrci. muîkccg ciuiectisuerais i route# a le urcdc.')ithe ccuy. DIVINE SERVICE. AL qAi,,Two Cuiut. (Cicurcii cciF.njriatc]-AL Il sm. ccii'7 . u-ii'.J.1). Cayley. tcai.lc it cigit cccid iticlf.p'i u. iei naller c -ltee. J. J..4$itsa reecsi-.. i>IîIcIv. Mi-, micucwa cen. ri'rtc'acyc.triaccj-At il, acc. i"aCAiA c staCsc- Iil a.U. ,, eccd i3f) p. ccs. leu'. Nir. Iiiicyice. %V iccycv N cciir 'icicu-A 1c.0ai m. accu 6.301.iic rc-Iev. NMr. ('o-ford. CcOaOyRK ccVNAt CiM'uILIIi-M Il sicnd0.30 IWliiiby Markets. '.IiiONiCLFÇ Oicts, Fm.î7th, 1872. FaIT l 11it.................fl@ 11 ............20 21 ilcrir................Gi «465 ...................... . 67 « 70 iiye........................ 40, 48. lifiým ................Sic «4 45c. iy ................... î 4 Ir, lover sec-1..............i5 4 65 .o~....... _..........50. to 1-00. pur doz Bei, i iicl r ..............ir)4ai6 " icervqi .............. . 4 4 .10 ]iiils .............. Pe. 55 f.. ......<'ccw...........1î5 1 $o a 1 a nd Cienlori Iiig. -"lly a tiîîroucl'igh kow- lsi t th iLiiiiiiiîril liv,. wiîi, cri,)ecrî i h Once aiiîs i ige. tliand i tutritio,, c"sdy a citt> ni îîplivcîîiî,îî ithe flticsiriptrtie4 of weil-s lvii vina Mr., ps 1licepreîvide'c <.lrt b1eltclt tables WLlII atc cljcaicijY tiavcured licvr'tL c w i'lt cie , mtv soa us 111ytiiiL ea'y fIceire' ra" -c;cil'evice Gazette. iMade siccîiy îcli li oiljîcfr i"'>1eror 1111 c nli liIi'iet 'vis : i-J.cîta iL s k 2&vC. Illcno- AIlilh,> 88r NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. C Il A N CE4IY IN OT ICE TO CRE Il OlIS OF WILrIAM 8SMYTI,' icrsucîit fi) ait orler of tue ourit otCIhar.- ce-r>, macle !inî cli natîr '1'tite s cicttc cf W il- hate Sîllthi,-»1141 incit Caeouc' Silcytlil aait K0eiîicfly. thu ceditrs cf' Wijllacîî cnyth, lette of'l tOiîsil1>1 Sc, lite Ccciiy et 01ictric, fitrmcîtr, wh ice c il ii or areouti thi morale t' ci iv>, 1871, icre, Couor usionsthe ii Ici cc (t*Mare>,, 1872, to tcoud hy pest, ire- paid, b o t-rs. liizczerald andArcîccidî. cilice city of of thu oiccîrsciie Plaicititf, Eiiî lliIYiIlchccîîjîctrc rxfcithe o cea>e'ltheir (.icritaicî and Scrmunces, îcddrceco, ccd a d (ls criîtioi, tIlît t ;II partceularà of tiîsfcâresiii', a mtattciîtrctie ciifaec'c>ics.and tie naiure Of tlic (eirtsIi tah) i>cel cy Illic, or in de ' faltE %rîc.i.vi l li poremptîorily exeltid- iýd iroiie itiilit i' lie maid or or. Eery crtcuîrltocU1i1icgait)y sectirity i ci rodîcce lthe mainsic cici icimoi te antisrmimjiid bMeecr in ordincryetci [fis ai Court, ut îcîy cbanibèrs lu Ocgocd's nulle lie the City ut Torocito, ou tise Twenty-third of March, 1872, AT TiiN e'tLOC I N TUEO FOciENOON, lieloîzi Lits tirume iuilctd fur adjcudicationi cu tics elmicîm. 11ated Lhe laity.llcird day otfJîmncmîy, 1872. J. A. I3OVD. Fai riiry hc 52. BOAR1)IN'G. MRSi.GEI)21(--IWALLACE e prepse t t reccive 'L lew IloocrdacTa. licesidence asat of' C. D)rcîcer'ic, Eir. Wiitiy, t'eb. 7, 1872.8 Enigibh îc4d. 0 e l t-oc "'Ulwe SIoe, ME1V ?JIS JA LLi 'ONL10 ONL YI SATURDA , FB'Ry lOth. Lt9'NDD CHESSE. BO1maEng1iehop 'a Troupe if<ss salifo H ol n. rnsCANAIIAN PRIMA flaN Mlies Jua colmuacc, Miss ilarr . 1tctruu aud a fu OpenaLie iTcoupe etflrLeaariî Aj)M1SS1ON, 50 sud 25 ce Lils. Whilby, Fa). 7, 1871]. 'EuW' TREASWq Wii WITHit'~C'OR. Sterling SiIver Watcb.-f îards, Cilcctro-Plated Goods of the Best QUality, DESKS, WORK-13OX ES, YAtISEq AND FANOY GOODS IN GREAT YARJETY, [laving, f trust, established a name for reliable doods, 1 arn deterrnined to eai a reputation for selling cheape Buying and selling for cash oui>", enabling me to do so. .JAMES JOHNSTON, Practical Watch and Clock Maker. 'rock-st Whitby, Jan. 17,-~1872. 3 FURNITUJIE! fiJRNJTURE AT TEE SIGIN 01? THE GREAT IIOCKING CUIi Furnliture for Nothing! Parties making purchases at the establish- .ment of the undersigned tYp to the Iirst uay of- January next, ine cest quality otutxouts lor uress buits always on flanc- Will receive presents according to the arnount boîîght by them, as follows : Up te $25 $2 50 ; $50 te $75-ý$5; up te $100-$10 ; and for ienger purchases, iu proportion. Now is the time to embrace the opportunity of selecting fromn tha targeat stock lu tise ounty, of siiel>n)ard.i, beres, centre tables, sofas, chairs, bedrooru sets, &c., sai alofthtie bacit qualiiy andi manufactura. Whitby, Dec. l2th, 1871. JAMES H. SAXO. The only first-class establishment in the Coanty, where Faner,- ais are fulty supplicd. GREAT CLEARING SALE!le mo* -le YEOMAN GII3SON in rcturniug thauks te hie ol fliends custo erusudn tie public lu general, uow ieg te icform inhis at luintirer te redicce hie stock ci Dry Gouda as muchc ar possible, before Chnistînas, cOflert i e whole cf bis st ck, con. sisting of Canadien andi Euglislc lweedse tlcavOrs, Do0esking, Broadi ciotis, 8 ,hirtinge, Ninceys. Faucy Dresa goode. Cobourgs, Reveisibto Black Lustres, Mernos, Pninîs, white anti grey Cètterus, Ieucy Dres '1'immings anti Ribbous, lu endiese variaI> Heaiery, Gioves. Nubias, Iloods, and ail kintis of Fauuy woot goods, suitable for the seeson ; whiute Bienkats, herse Biaukaîs, B'uflalo robas, Carpats, &c, and ae ful stock et Miuk Purs. Thse whôle of thse utove wiil ho seld cheaper (han *the cheapcstilutTeivn. Ladies cati anti examine for ycursetvas, before purchasing elsswiara. Jui arnived at cl NO. I, a chOice and fUli assortinent cf aIl kindd cf Christmcas Fruits, V'alencia sud Layer- Raisins, Currauts, choice Tenu, GtJfell, Fige,, Sugar, &c. 6:- Tise« higieut pnice peid for Petitry, fIlBltîtcr and Eggsq. Do'l forget thse place or nardce, Y. GIBSON,' OLD) NO. I WA14TED IMMEIATI1LY AT OLD NO. 1. 1,000 Good Dressed Hogs, 500 Tubs Good Butter, 5,000 bushels FaIl Wheat, 10,000 bushals Spring Whoat, 5,000 bushele Peus 1,000 bu8hella lover Seed. For which th. higheet Market pnice will ho paid. - Y. GIB$ON, OLD Ne. 1. THE FLOIIENCrE SEWING MACHINE. Cccli AtaJoicnPoéts Mugie store un liehe tw or Whtby, aeue! sc Iis beastîiul machince 'whiai m'kes fenrdiffereuî kinda of mciches anti sawi both wayq. lions sonylght sud elil. Thfoiubonding te bey a manceua If thoy xi] anS uer dlreus Io John ,S. M. Wiltx, Wbilby,eJ r eceive a fuît description of the Macisines, wîlt prie. liaI, &io. . 1 1 1NS. M. WILLC'O.X, WVbltby, Jan. altet, 1872. Agent. O-RATION OP' 61 Iuy RECEIPTS. DIB RèIN . To balahco trom 1870 .................. 2 40 By appropriaions ou Boads apn4 Bridges ... ié.. 4484 12 To bAlano. of Taxes 1870........... .1.4 By relief cf Indi gent Per sono, -ào.i du....... 853é58 To arrears of Taxes, 1869............ B> salaries of Municipal'Officers ................877'19 To Tavere Licenses...... ...........5 00 By Non-Bosident SohoolTx............. 61 27, To Mqunicipalities Fond................. 309 25 SýBy Seool Trustees. Rates .................... ý808; 35 To Tazes,1871 ............................ . .10543 20 aprpito MncpaltlsFend.. ....... »64.09 To Non-Resident Land Tas ...........i301 ycet ae......... .......37 Ï5191 -00 To Unappropriated Fands,.......... . ......... 81 22 By8 veing ............ ................54 O0 To~~~~~~~ Snre....... . . .II BSekiled by Dogeý...... .........46 58 By losur ce on Town Hl.........1259 Byndrie........... . 17 g y Printing, vertising, Peo4oËb; tationery, &o. 101 27 To Balance .. ..... e...... ............ 2681 88 ) S1 5 5 92O5 We certif» th'at the aboire is a correct UA.stract of the Recei '_and Expenditures of the Corporation7yithe Township of Pickering, for the year 1871. JOSEPH MONkHOU JOHN r.MACNAB, Auditors. NEW -AJ>VIETISEMENT8. Auu"îION SALE 0F REAL ESTATE. TIrcrs ili o euln et lin oal fiotet, Ic thle Townc of' Wliiby, on Wednesday, the 2lst day of Feb., 1872 AT TWO e'Ci.Cca, P. uN, Tlîe fllîswlig Landsls sad îreinises, pcînauaut 10 8 Pccc'rcui'SaI le octîcmuaclic in nIîcdeîtire ef Mîrggu, wIiclii wiIi ba prodebvc t u ne et 1. Theýics ioiîcirter eofLet No. 14, lic the vtii concession ofile 'rowicailp of Lue'. Whit ixy.llo Acres, clore or legsi. Tiilchvicte à val <clitie Farcu Lot, siluaiad lu il gond scution ofet-cly. lu cr picrticuîlucruu, apily te LEYIS & UMNURRICII, Soliitrs fucr lllotgogecs, i'Chrclî St., Toroscto. Uorici, Ilsc ulccir 82 Ilic Jacîccry, 1970, ng-aimct George Reusciic, cirawlci in laver ec' Joseîci F'leury, for Lau dol lare, pc) <bicou Felruary thce lirait, 1871. V. -JENKINS, Februtr>' 5ûi, 1872.Agent. t!!AKES'THE WEAK StRONG .CAUTI ON.-Jý11i ennlne masthce nace "If'VI&O 'YruP," 'i i7 '0* crevîsu Bark, blir uteglisg.i A 82-page pa7Ucihiot e tes 1.P )iîEMugic, 1'rcpnir, pro Dey st., Nu e.k uld 1r al D)rugglat». F~~~~ REUG~DN LOWEII, TREE, and Sliiub, fEvergreen, Fruit and ffenb Seadic, Prapaid isy Mail. A cern - plete cnd judicietîs asceenimeut, 25 sorts cf aitiior class, $1. Tise six classes, (50 pnectic) for $5. Aise. an immense stock oi' eue year grafted Fruit Treas, Smisii Fruits. Fruit Stock%, Young Fruit, 'Orna- mnetal and Evergreen Seedliigs, Bulbs, -Roses, Vines, lIeuse and Border Plants, &e:, &c., tise most comîplete assorimant lu Amenica. ir-paid by ucail. Pniced claicigues te iuuy address,.aise rade lis, gratis. Seedson ou)mmnission. Agents watcled. B. M. WA'TSON, Oh CVotony Nureer- les and Seed WVarcisotcse, Plymouth, Mass. Establiised 18412. ]GUN FOR SXLE i A Pier Preec-iadcine Deubls-barrsied 'lice est cccid Iccrest pticusc£!titi iun ticsworld. Barîcr l 'el sitia i'cîcrccîl ire, ruccllie certecdges, wiccoheubcreioaded sud u8ed cuy citmer or tivipitlcrirsd. WiiIl bs eold cesp. Apply ciL tit CIlRON~ICLF OFFICE. ARU R' New York Oficoel 27 13EEMAN ST. c ASII FOR1 WIIEAT, PEAS & BARLEY. Mieh 11îclersigocvl wil! pay the li igisoat cash e rie icr iciy qciitity of Wiceat, Pei, aud 13r ey, delivered et Port Wiîitiy. C. LOEAPER & CO. Wliby, Jeu. 25, 1872. 4in 5 N. B. Fer Sale-c>aîe, Sat, Piauuler & Coe]. C. D, & CO). T IIE Toui Volumcae ofWOODnA1s HOici. MAA INC biCiWili c tJaccuary '72., h mciiteci 1Y G-ail lic.uiltOl, 8. S. Wood, sud Il. V. Osberue, simd inclueles auiostg lIe neuir coitrihcîors Ic)racce Grcalsy, (Jul 1tai tou, Tis. K. B3neccr, Dir. Dilo Lewis, Dr. W. W. Hiai], James t'ariecrcece. -learrieit feechen Slows, 'Brick Pocusroy, John G. Saxe, Iiaj. Gent), Kipccik PetolIrcium.i Nmabv, etc, cre giveu, uor Iicsprive od'eus <ci tiucmc. Thec mont liberaI Icrecuiuccu Litct ver pulisee. No loeriocicaliii. mcocre requvicly or lavorcc'lyI Y enliocied by tice pc.. Il,ood's Hoieeicold, Ilagoclue us ui une ti cieic ofcecis i iiici eclurprico îviîilicmacrk ilice oeg."-Ifel7odieif iiiproviiluu oer bilice wue kcccw its-a gue.] oniteriomi for tiche tie.-ocie New Miàr- ket, CsLlktiJS. c.tl i§a cîarvul cifcecpsies cind firil.eeaquality cmtniime." - lVetr Yrk linm. Sîceeiweu cupy sent frac te au) cddress. 8.u. %WOOD & Co, -Ncwburgh,. N. Y. NEW AD VER TI SEM ENT S. Wili be, and oompelet lb laI Og4bi eanuy Ph (hho ll - 1ii tint ho viii pool ifripri 'b uathnce gUW a uruapruzeý gbëiktit netlo so brag or boa ]il on ( he. houesty cof 1b J >riWs, âd the opÃ"a'iolen d- *lz-a1at MoitLs NLjUg L'rizePbotograph Gallery. Oshawa, Ja. 2d- 1872. Croceries, Wines &c Liquors, O F THEBEST BRANDS. - Fentr pa rliulrasd-contitiena of sale liscuits, Frelsh Oysters, Ltubsters,,Sardins, n ppiicalienIoiiclteraied AI' I'IINGLES Partl'es requiring Odd Fellows' Regalia eau get what th-ey want by leaving their ordere - *A RN L~ January 22nd, 1872. , ATs *Whitby, Yý Head Omeice ýBroek St. Wlltby. ibis Conipany imurs arm Building, Cenutry Charuilcs, .8ohool IRouet. andi their cntonus, at listes' s L9 W',asbote of an> Wéil estshl'cshed JomPai.y le Canada.i JUST LossERP PBMPTLmpy. L. FAIRBANKS, JE., J. R. BICKELL, Secretary. rsiot 1< .M.D. HRohidy lano longe!*a Agenit atbis Comay. . MKORRIS va HAKILOWet al, DPU>istYAiT te e' dearce and fincal ordor for .Lsale eft thQ Court lit banoer; ter Outarie inite in (eb.sove accuse.-ttcere'wii b. moiti by - Pabhia Anation, by Mr. Lau Fairbanks;- Jr, Anetieneer eatlice Royal Rote]1 on BreakÏ etreet, WLItby, wltb the. ap obation af George.-15. Dartnell, Esq. the c1ercf the. Mondaythe 19t1i day61 -P rùr Éiiot AT TWELVE igoc4 k, o; BOOT AND 81H.OE8T6!ORýEe WALLAC'8 BILOOXWHiTDY. - R. B., B*RELER - Has much PleiLsdir in acquinting the inhabîtants o6f Whitby and surrounding couutry, tht ho bas opened eu.t a iargo.and superior Stock cf Boots and uicea of èýel'ir description, whieh wiI be soid at Montreai priées. Parties reqniiring Gdddi ilu bis liae will do weil ta examine hia Stock pre- vione te purchasiug elieeÉéièe. lis large experience and thc favorable terma on whici ho le eüaIbled te purciase give uim every facility. for giv- Iug Bargane heretofore unkdôwil iii Whitby. MR. X~EELER also manufacitif68 ail kinds of stitched, sewed and peg work, We order, on reuosnable ternaMs Repaire donc on short notice. t:O~ Sign of the Mammoth Boot, Ëràéit si. GROOERIES & CR OOKER' y R; B. B. KEELER. G enine(?oore & î~igt Gld ewIeryJ'fA large stock of the very best of ail kinds 41 e oWNe o -h l'*lag vHial laI-Bts.' lu thce CanSIci ci Ontario, vîz: Loti ier Thiry-thrae as marked.aponlice plan ot'Towua sua i Villa lots, laid eut on tha' ,narti -Tventy soréb ih iaoth haif ef Lot Nnrnber Iwenty six, lui tié firet conostslen cif the Tcwnuhip'cf Whitby, by John Sfilr,1P.L.S -.Tbe.above tand in situstsd elniet htf-*ay belween thé centre ett(he To*rn cf Whiitby and thé grand Truk UiIay sy tation, puS que- tiiins nearîv l4v.e ree et laud ti.111e srroàii4- e b hýqadsby sîreetA, anti la well aciapt- edtrbidng sites. Tha'condiiouà ofisumie are the sansding cou ditieuca of tha.Cotirt-cf Clineeryfor Ontario, witthofoltowitig iriatidnà i Tli pdtràqcer ihell,atet ie tiiue of'eali pb.ý-dbwip tatha, Vaudùr or luis Solicitor, m.a;melt et bue-leutu cf hi* puroitase mauey, aij ahtilîl pay lb. bal - ance lîsereai witbin 0ou. uluhlu roi the a sy of sae, wheu hae wii bie eutild toca onveo'aueo and boelet cule possession. -Tha e edor will it ha e bumd c pr te LLT-_, Urockery -n great variety.<Z]] Whitby, 3an. 22ndc, 1872. Dundas St., Whitby. Go T'o PRINGLE ý' For Dress Shirta of the Newest Style- For White and Lavender Tis- GO TO PRINGLES. GO rro PRING;LESP For newest styles ini Linen and Paper (Jollars, Fronts and (Juifs, GO TO PRINGLE'S. For Gentlemen's Vurnishing Goods of avery kind-and of the Bet- GO TO PRINGLES GO T'O PRINGL]?S.1 LYMIY EN(#l.[Si1 Muster. Veudores Solcitor. 4 earsold; Ib s Tlcoineaii; for tu.AoHih Grade Bîil-calf. j,Jan. 22rid, 1872, - 4 8iC~ N icPLUS LTH&Ae A ?isw GLrZ Eooir, WiTs I ?iAze ofpiNiMEI(T. Price $1 50 eneh, $19. per dozen. 'Wherever the "Ne Plus Ultra Gise' Bock" bas been lntrôoudfit bei. been prouounced superi<jr 10 ail other ýworks cf its kinct. It la saruple copies tuaiied, post-paîd, for $1i 50i 59Bo dway, New ïQrs. Jaiiiary 22nd, 1872. 4 tf pý OUT WHITBY & PORL PERRy RAILWAY6- -'b A train wil, outil fürther not1ce, leavo Port Perry' ataiion very iewiul eoortiug ent 7:2-0 b'cloek, sud W hitby nt 1:00 p. m., atoppiiîg et intcrmnedinte stations. Wbitby, Jan.Sth, 1872. 2 McMiIlan's Bloekç, Irock St, -Whitby.. HENRY WA RREN,' M. Da- 4l> BROOKLIN, - ONT. AN ,NUAL OLiEARIIyXG SAL] -0F- DR'Y NOW GOING CHEAP ON AT TIE, j OifHN SKINNER., in returning thanks for the past year's pi t renage of his 'nunserous frianIlds and custemers, offers tié balancei his laîrge stock atunuprecedehted lew pious, in Qrder te prepare for St«" îakiog. AUthetiGooeds are marketd dewn te tie vary lowest wholesate Coi Pice. Thce stock ià, for tise seasen, veî'y complete -co«tsisting cf Clotl *Sheetings, W'ootens, Tweeds, Blaxîketu, Flannels, ati kinde et Drees Goc and Fancy -Woolen Geods, Ilse, Gioves, Yarndj Shirts, Ileuisekeeper Goodu, Jackets, Siawis, Coaits, PaIs, Vests, LJuderclcuhjug.'Tieà, Scarf Collions and Faîicy Geodu iu great ?Pariety. Cati and examine tha goe- and _pnices. Brook St., Wbftby' Juan. 22nd, IMPORTANT JOHN SICINNER, -NEWS BOOTS '&SHOES9 The un dei Q Boots and Shoes nmade- to- * der.-~j ----o-----a l 1rsignedeasnead Co F AltM FOÉ S.&LE. - n Tihc Suutlichali'oi' Lot No. 25sSid coun. of PiTO6WNS HI1P 0F0 PkCÈPRINOl Conlsiing 100 Acres, 55 cidaeo. There are e)tchle tarinT. good atnli iotiàe, francs haro, an tui les,andl e eueS tichard; Un-aa.]a ucelf umiles frein Frcnclinien'a Bàv steticiu G.T. R., sic.]0Iimoles t nW itiby, 'Terme iussty. Apply (if by letter pre'psid) te - --TlliMAS, PIIS, Ou thael'rezuiscs, btîmbariou P.O. Ja uîary 22 ud, 1872. - 4 f N WMILLINERY & ENCY GODS -RHYMES 1PGR THE 3ýA»IES* ru apte.neartb. Reyt, 'anti Street the> catI a- "Yv a nî-ellttils store ani a Veny good Stock Ancf o# î~earest ldies, 1 beg ~Our satteno .ofwhie afewof ygods tireic e 0mon- 1u bav bc ats, 1 bave bonnets, if mauy a diffon- as, And Vve rtbbens anti laces juil suite.] teO ronr da s m in .; c ru'r a nre fetlrtiandloweris of'evory asimde, fo, - niad, Inu et.iguoit, I hava a vcltyiely1m mure, d They ara fit for 'a taty,or sa'l.saIidon tlmeor ",1 I hânve alippera an beautiful-beti ralseti andt Plain- IL yen wean Iheru theyll save yen sa greattis<li ly eft-pain. And JewelI.ry-yos, 1 lied neanly forget, - Altlccgh in th.ecasaïyou witl flmcd seuaati,. 0f pear nd ud sbke iowu I ocu'i bes, aBut hiope in iod&îimabueaoeil tseuiths.lowalO.. SThero are j t anàltime jeweilac vsygedtasts- yAnduiieeLLacût îfor ltae pronenrdntlice chaste- *Andi now. doarei ladies, praygive ine a clli An uf d î'onuug low ora for Qte O tail On foot, un on coruebscký, alsigh oir cenniage,. coin. rolliig, - 1 N. B.-The pantunsrluip h;eretefore'ezistiaig' belis'on Mn.. lcuowliug ani! lins. laiheva. haviucc been disusolvai! by inutael cousent, liC bueluese xvii]lunfuture ha oarried on hyhiUrs KuoWlig on ber ovo mucoaut, Wi4îby, Jeu. 22ud, 1872. FRM. FOR SALE! Witl b. offersi! fan sale unt i'itSof Mam.b, 112 aeras, slegitae n lt îNo.8, t concesetei Ptak,"nlg ; about 90'éleaneti, àsu nir a gooci stab ocf cultiva tion. Neccny 40 aaroa fait plauigdoe. Dwelling, fraune. -bauctuni stable.i LIv finsrng ct waier;gei 'â d welI sicekediwit i taltree. About&f-ses-- fron tic onnly towp et Whitby, an~d Sfrom ltce Brooklin station,an'tise -Wiby mild Porti Penny Raiiway. For ternýét, &c., apy pu lb, premiai to MES. BIDEZS, Orw 0 JAMES IIOLDEN, »1tc. Townc ef Wtitby. Janeary Blet, 1975. ' u4. arge -stock of -Oversboes Iined warnj ana conafortable. Siippers, &. C Ig' Repaipng'. ueatly done. -WILLIAM,-BUR.NS9 Botk Shoeý Store, Brock strect, hibjcy Jatc'y 22, 1872. India Rubbers,1 * * - ~ __ e- 'i---'~ ---'i-,' RINQ,. hfi e sRail- Imeuf cf thco foi- il .sisai ' d Bruce 1unît cf GOLDSMIT1198 HAILLe. Reliabie Watches and Cloclçs, 1Wiitby, December 6, 1871. Photography., R. H. Willson, Photographer. Pictures of ait iciedsanset eaken lu lb. huaI style. 1L1te bige portraits, aither plaiu or enioredin 011, Watar or Indus tek. ('id pie- lunes neatiy copieti. Thse eeaVignetie lPentrait, g a ckeîc by Ic UrmncfToron to, tsaisn cclWillsoU'a INew Galiery, Wellacee'a Ileck, NVlitiy. --4' îimýý 1. w 1 1 Whitby, J7an. ignd, 1872.- 1 For White and Lavender Gl>ovés-- 1 January 22nd, 1872. CORON-FIRil PLD No. 1. 1 1 PRESH siroiqE CASH

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